The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 03, 1909, Image 1
Historical Society The Falls City Tribune Vol. VI FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1909. Number 35 THE WEEK'S SOCIAL EVENTS AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals, Lodges. Clubs. Churches, Etc. Mrs. Edwin Falloon entertained a number of friends at dinner last Fri day, complimentary to her former classmate, Mrs. Kenneth McLane, md her sons, of Denver, Miss Evans and Miss McNeill, cousins of the Misses Keim. Covers were layed for sixteen and a sumptuous dinner was served. Games of various sorts, in cluding tennis, were played during the afternoon,and later ice cream and cake were served. Mrs. Falloon is Uiosi hospitable and spares no effort in preparing for the pleasure of her guests, and the occasion was one of pioasu'.e to all. The members of the Presbyterian Sunday school enjoyed a splendid picnic last Thursday, at the Henry Kruze grove, about three miles east of town. About one-hundred went out in autos, carriages and hacks, tak baskets bulging with all thg good things that go to make up a picnic dinner. Lemonade in abundance was on hand and with games, swings and a story telling circle, the time passed all too quickly. Supper was served before the return to town and closed a jolly good day’s outing. The tea given by the Willing Work ers of the Christian church, at the home of Mrs. Peter Resterer, was a success socially and financially. It was well attended and about $20 was realized. Mrs. H. C. Barton and Miss Jose phine Graves entertained about thirty friends last Thursday, at the home of Mrs. Barton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Morgan. For the first form of entertainment, cards with numbers were passed, and each number drawn entitled the holder to a picture of iter “affinity.” The verse accompany ing the picture was witty and appro priate, and were the source of great merriment. Miss Graves then read a number of quotations and staiizas of poetry, the guests writing the cor rect author upon the cards. Miss Wlnnifred Taylor won the prize, a piece of hand-painted china. De lightful refreshments,in two cohrses, were served, after which Miss Graves gave a number of enjoyable readings, and music was contributed by Miss Graham, Miss Cornford and Mrs. Tom Davies. A letter from Miss McDon ald, who is visiting in Minnesota, was read and souvenir cards which she sent to the Friends in Council were presented. This was the last of an enjoyable series of parties given by ladies for the Friends in Council. Miss Floy Grinstead entertained a few friends Friday evening with a som’r set party. Two tables played and the game was enjoyed until late. Dainty refreshments were served. Miss Helen Resterer entertained a few friends, informally, last Friday evening. Games were enjoyed for quite awhile and ices, cake and water melon were served. The evening was a jolly one and the last the friends will have with Miss Helen for some time, as she will make an extended visit in Dakota. James Falloon entertained the class of 1912, of which he is a member, last Saturday evening, at the spacious Falloon home. A royal good time was enjoyed, play ing games of all sorts. Lovely refreshments were served by Mrs. Falloon, assisted by Misses Kate and Fern. The evening was one of the jolliest of all class gatherings. A number of ladies were delight fully entertained by Mrs. John Crook last Wednesday evening. Whist was the entertainment of the evening and four tables were placed for the game. Six games were played, the honors falling to Mrs. W. L. White and Mrs. J. B. Ramsey. At eleven o’clock Mrs. Crook served a lovely supper, assisted by May Schmelzel. The Royal Neighbors gave an ice cream social at the home of Mrs. I. M. Houston lust Tuesday evening, which was well patronized. The evening was a success socially as well as financially. Music was fur nished at intervals during the even [ ing and no effort was spared to make the evening an enjoyable one. The flook Worm club spent a de lightful day at the home of Frank Shaffer, north of town, Wednesday. Mr. Shaffer met the girls at the Li brary and gave them a long hay rack ride. Miss Lois Spencer acted in the capacity of chaperon and a day of unalloyed pleasure was enjoyed. Surely a liviler crowd of girls would be hard to find. All took well filled lunch baskets, a feature so neces sary to a day’s outing. Mr. Shaf fer brought them back on the hay rack in the evening. Miss Frances Ramsey is enter taining a dinner party of young ladies (his evening. Miss Lucile Mettz 'had a house party of girl friends with her while her mother was at the Missouri Lakes. They had a jolly good time, too. * Misses May and Helen Gagnon en tertained at “hearts,” at their home o Tuesday evening, in honor of their guest, Miss Rivarde Smith. The ev ening was passed very pleasantly, six tables being used at hearts, and delightful refreshments were served. The M. K. Kensington met at a business session with Mrs. Harry Custer Wednesday afternoon. BASE BALL NOTES. The Falls City Team Lost Two and Won Two. At the Stella picnic Thursday the Falls City colts defeated Sabetha’s nine in a good game—score 6 to 2. Friday’s game was stolen from the Colts by an incompetent, unfair umpire from Verdon, who had waged money on the game. It ended up in a “row,” in the ninth inning. The local team went down to At chison Sunday and lost a game to the Atchison boys. Score 6 to 1. The Falls City boys defeated Sa betha's “crack” team at Morrill on Wednesday. The score was C to 1. Connell, the Indian pitcher, of Pres ton pitched and Tom Poteet did the back stop act. They went over in autos. Iloton will send her team over here Monday, where they will meet the Falls City “bunch” at Poteet’s park. A good game is predicted. The Lietzke Pantorium. Charles Lietzke was buried in work when a Tribune representative drop ped in upon him this week. He opened his new place of business last week and ever since has had all the work he could handle. Mr. Lietzke is a good workman, having spent years at the business here with Jno. Wilson, and elsewhere, and deserves the patronage he is sure to get. He is located over Wahl & Parch ed's store. Mission Day. Next Sunday, September 5th, the Evangelical Lutheran St. Pauls’ congregation, Ohio Township, five miles north of town, will celebrate its annual mission festival. Ser vices at ten a. m. and two p. m. in German. The speakers for the day are Rev. Tlieo Hoemaim, Hiawatha, Kas., R. Ludwig, So. Auburn and Wm. Bartz and F. W. Schulze of this city. Everybody welcome. Campers Returned. The camping party, composed of Misses Louise Rule, Maude Davis, Le la Powell and Helen Kanaly and Messrs Blaine Yoder, Frank Bucholz, Frank Kanaly and Alvin Porr of Humboldt, returned Saturday from Missouri Lakes, after enjoying a splendid ouling. Mrs. James Powell and Mrs. Will Schmelzel returned with them. Drove Overland. Dr. aud Mrs. Fast came up from St. Joseph Tuesday afternoon, having driven across country. They drove out of St. Joseph Monday afternoon, and although they found part of the country pretty dusty, most of the drive was very enjoyable. Goes Into Business at Superior, Neb. Miss Elizabeth Sanford left Tues day for Superior were she will open up a millinery parlor. Miss Sanford has acted in the capacity of a trim mer for'several years and we are sure she will be successful. THE COMERS AND GOERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. Elinor Fisher was down from Bara da Saturday. Henry Class of Reserve was trading here Saturday. II. C. Smith returned Tuesday af ternoon from Omaha. \V. S. McGowan of Barnda was* a Saturday visitor here. Charles Marlon and family were Morrill visitors this week. Miss Stella Schoek went to Verdon Tuesday, to visit friends. Prof. T. J. Oliver held services in the Christian church fit Hamlin, last Sunday. Myrtle and Robert Wyatt visited at the home of II. It. Willard during the week. •lohn Gleason and daughters, May and Mina were dawn from Fargo last Saturday. Mrs. Switzer of Waterloo, Iowa vis ited her sister, Mrs. Samuel Richly, this week. Mrs. Allan D. May and son re turned to their home in Auburn on Friday. Misses Fay and Hazel Ritchie of Omaha, visited the family of Rev. Day over Sunday. Miss Zola Decker of Lawton, Okl., arrived Wednesday to visit her aunt, Mrs. B. F. Morgan. Bert Baker’s friends are glad to know he is able to be out again, after his tussle with typhoid. Mrs. Margery Grant is spending this week in Preston with her daugh ter, Mrs. James Sinclair. Mrs. Spangler and children of Mor rill, visited her sister, Mrs. Claude Phillippl, the first of the week. Mrs. Emmert and Mrs. Coons of Salem were shopping here Monday, coming down in the Emmert car. Mrs. George Holland left last Friday for a visit with relatives in Belleville, Ohio, her girlhood home. Robert Wills, who has been visiting the family of B. F. Morgan, return ed to his home in Lincoln Monday. Miss Maude Wixon, who lias been visiting Mrs. Bush, left Monday for her home in Clay Center, Kansas. Mr. A. Harris and son, Jesse, of Shubert, came down the first of the week, the latter lo enter upon a course at the Falls City Business Col lege. Jesse graduated at the Peru Normal last year, and will now strive to master the intricacies of steno graphy, and it is safe to say he will attain that end. Miss Goldie Musselman, who has been visiting Florence Bowers, re turned to her home in Clay Center, Kas., Monday. Miss Mamie Palmer returned Sat urday from Mitchell, Neb., where she visited her sister, Mrs. Charles Baldwin. Misses I’linma Mcrsiein ana Mauae Evans, who have been visiting A. R. Keirn and sisters, left Monday for Onawa, Iowa. N. B. Judd returned Sunday from a visit to his old home at Wenona, 111., where he attended the reunion of the Judd family. Mrs. G. Nicholson entertained her brother and his family from Misso uri Tuesday. They made the trip in their touring car. * Miss Louise Horn, who has been living on her claim neat' Agnes, S. D., for the past year, came home last Saturday for a visit. Lorine Zachman and John Hast ings of Mound City, Mo., are in the city visiting their cousin, Mrs. Her bert Hedges and family. Mrs. Josie Gilroy returned to her work at the Hermes Produce office Monday morning. She has enjoyed a seven weeks’ vacation. Fred Scliaible and family were over from Fairview, Kansas, in their car Tuesday. Mr. Scliaible is a cousin to the Schaibles of this city. Mrs. James Stew'art came over from Sabetha Sunday, to spend a few days with her father, Coon Brecht. Her brother, Allie, went home with her Wednesday. Miss Jessie Agnew will reach this city today from her home in Rockford, Ills., and will again take up her work as teat her of music and drawing in' our public schools. Miss Clara Tanner returned Tues day afternoon from Salt Lake City, and Colorado, where she had spent her month's vacation. She is much improved by her rest. 6 LAYSON-KUMA. Married Wednesday Evening Even ing September First. Mr. Henry I.ayson and Miss Laura Klima were quietly married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Klima. Wednesday evening September 1st. by liev. Haldeman. Only a few close relatives and friends were present for the ceremony. Miss Klima was a teacher for two years in the Dawson schools and is loved and appreciated by all who know her for her many lovely ways and attributes of character. Mr. i.ayson is a prosperous young farmer and stands high among his friends and associates for liis fine many qualities and sterling worth. On liis farm, south of Dawson, he lias Imili a thoroughly modern house, and here lie and liis wife will take up their new life. Kvery wish for prosperity and hap piness is extended by their friends. MICHAEL QUINLAN DEAD. One of Dawson’s Respected Citizens For Years. Mlcbad Quinlan, one of Dawson’s oldest and most, respected citizens, passed away Monday. Mr. Quinlan was an old soldier and ltad not been in good health for some time, asthma having given him much trouble for years. He was buried at the Dawson cem etery, Wednesday. ^ Besides a wife he leaves three sons, Garrett, Patrick and Will, and a daughter, Maggie, to mourn the loss of a loVing husband and fnther. Library Board Resolutions. The following resolutions were adopted by the Library board, Aug. 27, 1909. Whereas, Miss Lois Spencer has been librarian of our City Library for the past three years, and during tuat time has been faithful in her work, satisfactory to the public, en thusiastic for the future success and good influences of our library, and lias advanced the standard of the library to a high degree, and Whereas, She now desires to still further prepare herself for more thorough and successful library work, by attending a Uuiversity where she can receive special Instruction along that line, and has therefore present ed her resignation as our librarian, therefore be it, Resolved, That we accept the same and bespeak for her the best wishes and respect of those with whom she may hereafter become as sociated. Gets The Banner. Rev. F. Ellsworth Day of the Chris tian church attended the State con vention, held at Bethany last week, where he was one of the principal speakers, and brings home with him the state banner which was awarded the Sunday school of Palls City, because of the largest growth, best attendance and largest collections for the year. This is quite an honor for the Bible school and they are proud of the work done, that has won this honor for them. Mrs. Martha Weaver Returned. Mrs. Martha Weaver returned on Wednesday evening to her old home in this city, after a lengthy sojourn in San Diego, Cal. On her way from the coast she paid an extended visit to her son, Lawrence, in Spokane, Wash. Later her daughter, Mrs. Dennis, may join her in the old home, l’aul Weaver met his mother Wednesday in Tecumseh. Return From Northwest. Misses May Maddox and Allie Keeling returned Tuesday night from their vacation trip to the northwest, whicli Included a trip to Shagwa, Alaska. They have had some very pleasant and unusual experiences, and enjoyed every minute of the time. In Seattle and Tacoma they visited relatives and friends and attended the exposition. Preparing Club Rooms. The largi room on the second floor of the library building lias been in the hands of tli«■ d eorators this week, and lias also received some artistic touch s from the ladies of the City Federation, and will be used as a club room. The first meeting held will be that of the Federation Friday afternoon. • ,4 LOOKS LIKE AN AWAKENING ALL SIGNS POINT TOWARD AN ACTIVE REALTY MARKET. Improvements the Order of the Day and a Healthy Advance in Prices Perceptible. Recorder Kd wards reports that Ills office force is kept busy recording transfers of Kails City property. A lot that was on the market a year ago for $1150 with no buyer was sold for $i>7r> lust Saturday. The new home of Albert Maust Is nearing completion and Is one of the most pretentious residences in the city. Squire Redwood’s new home will he a dandy when completed. II will cost a good many thousand dollars, but it looks to be worth the price. Not a vacant house in town nor an idle working man who wants work. At least thirty new house's will have to be erected within the next few months to accomodate the constantly increasing population. The new Vinegar factory is pro gressing rapidly. This company Is laying out a good many thousand dol lars in these Improvements as an evi dence of its faith in Kails City’s splendid future. We are glad to note that a sewer system is being seriously proposed by the administration, and that the citizens are so favorably disposed. This Is an Improvement that should be constructed without unnecessary delay. The new brick building being erect ed next to the Kails City Auto com pany's new garage will add greatly to the block that has been in frame buildings so many years, and has been built up in new brick struct ures this spring. The Gilligan addition and the new addition opened on the Prank place, are going to add many beautiful build ing sites to the already beautiful north end. If there is any sure thing in business, the fact' that the pur chasers of these lots will make mon ey, is that sure thing. Every merchant in Kails City is feeling the effects of the renewed activity in our business life. With labor employed at good wages und the many new families who have come to share in this general pros perity, the merchant is reaping his share of the reward. The Putnam cement block factory will be a big improvement. Falls City has been backward on this pro position ami seems not to have awak ened to the fact that cement is the future building material. The Put nam factory should have a ready market at home for all of its pro duct, and should be kept constantly busy by the local demand. If you think that the division is of little consequence just go down to headquarters and see t lie steam plows, the teams, scrapers and wag ons all as busy as bees. A new steam plow will be put on next week and about thirty additional teams in order that the work may be hurried to completion. It is now estimated that the grading will be finished in about four months. The material for paving Stone street is being put on the ground. Several cars of crushed stone has been dumped on the street in front of ihe court house, and we may ex pect Contractor Ilqlneman to slart the dirt to flying within a week or so. This will furnish employment to many men and will make Stone street one of the most beautiful streets in tlie state. The opportunity doesn’t often come to a city to become great, and when ! it does come, the city doesn’t always embrace it. It was written that some place in this vicinity should I grow, for the location demands it. | We are far enough removed from | Kansas City, Omaha, Lincoln and ! St. Joseph, to justify a substantial growth. At times it looked like ' Auburn or Hiawatha might l>c the growing place, but the signs of the limes are all pointing towards Falls j City. This is the opportunity. This ' is the physiological moment. A united citizenship bent on the city’s 1 progress will accomplish wore within jibe next year, than it could in any ten years past. Push a little, push at least until we get up a little mom entum and perhaps by that tlmo you will have gotten the habit. If you can't push—shove. NEW LIBRARIAN. Miss Nan Hutchings Was Appoint ed Friday Night. Miss Nan Hutchings was appoint ed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss l.ois Spencer as librarian. Miss Hutchings will un doubledly handle the work well as sho Is qualified for the work In every way, and has had experience at dif ferent times In the library here, dur ing the absence of the librarian. “Human Hearts.” “Human Hearts” is a notable ex pression and fully illustrates how much Interesting dramatic material may lie gathered by an author, based on the actual happenings of life. The story of "Human Hearts” is almost true In every detail. The Incidents thnt form the plot are well known, and still food for gos sip In the community where they happened. The author of tho play met the original Torn Logan several years ago, and heard the story from his own lips. Becoming doeply"lnter Grace [cg,an. •m - | N - ” Human H?arts.** ested, lje' Journeyed to the home of Logan, where he met most of the other characters who round out the cast of the play. When he asked per mission to dramatize the story, it was readily granted on condition that he would change the names of the characetrs so that they would not be recognized by anyone not familiar with the story. Ho readily agreed to this, and the result lias been a play that lias had a vivid interest for more lovers of all tliut is good and true in melodrama, than any other dramatic composition of the last decade. “Human Hearts" will be shown at the tlebllng Theater, Thursday even ing September 9th. _«*d Christian Church Notes. A large crowd greeted the pastor last Sunday morning and evening. The music by the orchestra was enjoyed by all present. Special music next Lord’s day both morning and evening. Bible school interest is growing. At the morning service the report of the monthly board meeting will be read; you want to hear it—be present and encourage your minister. Bible School—9:45 a. m. Sermon Subject, “The Christians Source of Confidence.’’—11:00 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E.—‘7:00 p. m. Sermon, “God’s voice.’’—8 p. m. You are cordially Invited. p. B. DAY, Minister. A Spry Old Gehtleman. Comrade, J. A. McCormack cele brated his seventy-eighth birthday an niversary Friday of last week. His relatives and friends sent almost that many post cards to remind him of the event. He is hale and hearty and one of the active members of the G. A. It. post of this city. Attending Family Reunion. Quite a party left last Sunday for Elkhart, lud., including Mr. and Mrs;. Isaac Loueks, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Culp. Mrs. Grant Windle, Miss Grace Bucher of this city and Mrs. Kessler of Hamlin, Kas. They go to attend a general reunion of the Culp family. A Rape Case. Sheriff Fenton went up to Stella Wednesday and brought LeRoy Grif fith down here where he was arran ged before Judge Spragins on the charge of statutory rape. The girl's step-father made the complaint. Griffith was released on bond. Mrs. Frank Werner went to Iva» sas City Thursday, for a few days.