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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1909)
The Point in Question THE KINDLY CRITIC Have you had au outing yet? It' not, take one; it will do you good. If you can't afford a trip to Colorado. California or Sun-set-by-the-sea, take a frying pan, a loaf of bread, fish hook and line, some thin slices of bacon—dont forget the bacon— pepper and salt, and wend your way to the Nemaha early in the morning. There’s health and enjoyment there. There may be a few mosquitos, but they have those pests at all the fash ionable resorts. You can fish to your hearts content,and when hunger knocks at the door, you throw a newly-caught bass or channel cat in the frying pan along with some bacon, and then eat, and eat, and eat. And ir. the cool of the evening you saunter home, and the little old back porch looks mighty inviting as you hove in sight and they have apple sauce and cottage cheese for supper, and hot biscuit, and in spite of the fish diet of tlie day, you fall to and just eat, and eat. and eat. There is no one so blind as to the faults of youth as a fond, indulgent mother; that is, the youth of her own family. This was aptly illus trated one day recently in my pres ence, when a mother, who by the way is pretty wise as to the short comings of those outside of her im mediate family, was debating upon the sins of youth. Tobacco was the topic of conversation, and she de clared emphatically that her hoy just abhored the weed. Now the truth of the matter is, sad as it may seent, her boy is an adept at rolling a cigarette and his very finger-tips are yellow from handling of “coffin nails.” But mother can’t see these things in her own boy—its that dread ful hoy next door in whom she sees the very personification of evil. F. D. Coburn, the eminent agricul turist of Kansas, is a great “scrap book” man, and makes the doors leading into his office serve as a scrap-book, the same being plastered over with the bits of philosophy he likes best. Here is one of the pieces that is accorded a consplcious place: “I shall pass through the world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neg lect it, for 1 shall not pass this way again.” Soon our friends will be coming home from the mountains of the west from the Seattle exposition, from the great lakes and the small lakes, from points where ocean breezes blow, and we home-guards will be glad to see them, and will give them a warm greeting, but we hope, we sincerely hope, they will cease talking about the “lovely” time they had and try ing to describe the scenery, before Thanksgiving. } - Public attention hereabouts is about evenly divided between the grading work on the Missouri Pacific railway company and the work of the dredge boats, particularly the small dredge boat, which is now right at the city’s door cutting a lateral ditch through the rich bottom lands that are to be reclaimed and made safe for tilling. This scheme of straightening out a great water course and connecting thereto a network of lateral ditches did not appeal to the masses at first, and many good men deemed it an impossible attempt to harness waters that nature had meant to spread out over rich bottom lands; but today there is a very small per cent of tax payers on the doubting side. As The work progresses, as the scheme j unfolds, new adherents are gained and confidence inspired and it is dawning upon the people that the New Nemaha will prove to be the greatest boon that has yet been ac quired to bless and enrich an already highly-favored section of the state. If you don’t know your bible, go slow in an argument that has to do with bibical characters; take the safe side—look wise and say little; let your opponents do the talking; you pick up the crumbs he drops and out of the whole you may possibly hold your own. There are times when silence is golden, and this is one of the times. At a social gathering re cently the characters and dramatic incidents surrounding the story of the beheading of John the Baptist came up for discussion—not through the relig ious bent of those present, but, on account of the prominence given that great incident in bible history the past few years by drama, dance and song. “What was the. name of that wicked hussy who caused all the trou ble?” asked one good brother. “Si loam,” answered a young sister. And then they simply crushed her. “You mean ‘Salome,’ ” suggested a good friend. "Show me,’ said “Sister Si loam,” and up to a late hour the usual program was still suspended and a bunch of positive, perspiring people were busy turning the leaves of three bibles trying to show “Sister Slloam” the error of her way, ami up to the latest accounts they hadn't convinced her yet of her error. Its a good thing to know your bible. If you don’t know it, go slow in an argument. “If my daughter ever graduates in the high school of any city, 1 pro pose to see to it that no deception is practiced; I propose to see to it that she be not a victim of some aspiring pedagogue whose fame and success depends upon the number of finish ed (?) students lie grinds out each year; iu fact, 1 propose to see to it that if she graduates, her diploma lie no framed lit' staring hi r in the face as long as she has the nerve to let it hang in a conspicuous place.” U was a fond mother talking and it was easily seen that she meant ev ery word she said. "I possess a high school diploma myself, but I long since laid ii away, tenderly for on its face, it was a lie—I did not know vvliat it said I knew; I was not pro ficient in the measure it said 1 was pro ficient, and what was true in my ease was true of the whole class— we were victims of a silly incompe tent (he's a real estate agent now, 1 understand in Texas), whose sole aim was to have a large graduating class. If one really is proficient in alt that the average high school teaches, he has a fund of knowledge that one may bo well proud of, but it is a burning shame how little many high school graduates really know; in fact it is startling.” DAME FORTUNE WAS SULLEN. Man Had Grateful Remembrance of Service, but Was Unable to Repay It. "When 1 was a farmer in Illinois,” says a representative in congress, “there came to me one day an inter esting looking individual, whose face, though lie was a stranger in those parts, seemed oddly familiar to me. “The man had slopped to water horse. As he waited, be said: ‘About ten years ago a ] oor boy came this way and you took him in.' “I gazed at the speaker, puzzled. “‘Your kindness to that poor boy was most exceptional,’ continued the stranger. ‘You fed him, encouraged him, gave him clothes and two dollars and sent him on his way feeling pret ty fine. He observed at the time he would never forget your generosity. Do you remember?’ “ ‘Not precisely,’ I replied, but I had a vague remembrance of the occur rence. “‘lie said,’ went on the stranger, ‘that if he prospered, he would see that you would never have occasion to regret your kindness to a struggling boy.’ “‘Well, well!’ I exclaimed, as the full remembrance of the incident came to me in a flash. 'It's like a story, isn’t it? You of course, were that boy?’ “‘Yes,’said the stranger, 'and as long as I am here, I might as well tell you that I am still poor.”—Pittsburg Dis patch. Wit Often an Affliction. Wit is an affliction unless used with discretion and good sense. The habit of being invariably amusing will bring you into great di vor. The sharp tongued woman whi will have her lit tle laugh at the expense of her neigh bors usually pays dearly lor her, tun It Is as much an art to be quiet and self-possessed as to be. vivacious and entertaining, and the woman who can adjust her moods to the occasion is the one who finds herself usually the most popular member of her com munity. Own a. Denver Suburban Home I am dividing 640 acres into 40 and 80 acre tracts, to sell on easy payments. This is two miles from Brighton depot eighteen miles north of Denver, thirty minute ride. Fine land, level, good soil. Lands joining improved, are very high In price. No water rights at the price, estimated cost of pumping plant $400.00, suffi cient to irrigate 40 acres. Several tracts already spoken for. This is your opportunity. This land should more than double in short time. Price $32.50 per Acre 2720 acre ranch northeast of Mon ta Vista,San Luis Valley,Colo. Three sets buildings, fenced and cross fen ced, all irrigated. 80 acres, cut hun dreds of tons of hay. Over 150 acres alfalfa. Best hay, grain and stock ranch in the state, and the best bar gain At $30.00 per Acre Would accept part in Eastern Nebras ka land. H. E. DON CARLOS 307 Ideal Bldjf., Denver, Colo. Legal Notice. In tit" Richardson County District I court. Siatc of Nebra«ka. Walter M. Baker vs. Nicholas V. Bilby To Nicholas V. liilby, non-resident 1 defendant: Yon are hereby notified that Wal-■ | ter M. Baker, the plaintiff above nam i'd. did on August 2nd, 1909, file his petition in the district court of Rich ardson county, State of Nebraska, against you. the object and prayer of which is to obtain a judgment against j you for the amount of a certain check: by you drawn on the American Na tional Bank of Holdenville, Oklaho ma, for the sum of $3112.20, dated I November 10th, 1905, but payment of same was refused by said Na- : tional Bank, for the reason that you had no funds in the Bank for the | purpose; and to recover Interest on said amount from November 10th, 1905, and a further and second cause of action, said plaintiff prays jiulg- j raent against you on account for work and labor, material furnished and money laid out and expended to your use in the further sum of $50.51. which several sums, with interest ad ded on the amount of the unpaid : check for $362.26, amounts to the sum of $501.75. And you are further notified that ; on the same day, towit, the 2nd day of August. 1909, said plaintiff sued oat of said court in said cause, an order of attachment directed to the j sheriff of Richardson County, Ne braska,commanding him to attach suf ficient property belonging to you in ! Richardson county, to satisfy plain ! tiff's demand and the costs of said action. And on the same day towit, Aug ust 2nd. 1909, the sheriff levied said order of attachment on the following described property belonging to you towit: The undivided one-half of the frac tional part of the southwest quarter of Section one (1) Tpwnship two (2) Range Seventeen (17), east, in Rich ardson county State of Nebraska, containing eighty acres, more or less. You are further notified that unless you plead, answer or demur to said petition of plaintiff on or before the 13th day of September,1909, the same will be taken as true and judgment entered against you accordingly. REAVIS & REAVIS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. First publication Aug, ti, .1909-4 times. Legal Notice. IN THE RICHARDSON COUNTY HIS TRICT COURT, STATE OK NEBR ASKA. Peter Frederick. Sr., Plaintiff, vs. Anna M. Hoffman and Fred B. Hoffman, Defendants. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. The above named Anna M. Hoff man and Fred B. Hoffman, non-resi dents of the State of Nebraska will take notice, that the plaintiff, Peter Frederick, Sr., did on the 17th day of August, 1909, file his petition in the District Court of Richardson County, against you, the object and prayer of which is to ob tain a judgment against you Jointly and severally on a certain promis ory note executed by you to John W. Powell on the 21st day of July, 1904, and by said Powell transferred to this plaintiff who is now the owner and holder of the same. And you are further notified that at the same time said plaintiff, pur suant to the statute in such case made and provided, sued out an order of attachment against you in said case on the ground that you are about to dispose of your property within the Jurisdiction of said court for the purpose of defrauding your creditors, and that said order of at atchment was directed and delivered to the sheriff of Richardson County and by him levied upon the following real property, belonging to you, sit uated in the city of Falls City, Co unty of Richardson and State of Ne braska, to-wit: Lots nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11) and twelve (12), in block one hundred and thirty (130) according to the original plat and sur vey of said city, together with all the buildings and improvements sit uated thereon. And you are further notified that unless you plead, answer or de mur to the petition of plaintiff filed in this said cause on or before the 4th day of October, 1909, the same will be taken as true and judgment render ed against you according to the pray er of said petition and an order by said court that said attached prop erty be sold on a vendi to satisfy what ever amount the court shall find due from you to said plaintiff, and to pay the costs of said action and proceed ings in attachment. REAVIS & REAVIS, Att’ys for Plaintiff. First. Publication August 20, 4 times. I C. H. MARION I AUCTIONEER. I -.-. ! X A I Sales conducted in f f scientific and busi- I nesslike manner " = ? |C. H. MARION | \% Falls City, Nebraska \ l * ! Wanted!! r T }. $ »*« **« j; Horse and Cow Hides, * | Wool and Pelts j: J: % * Highest Market Price * | v | Porter Randolph J | Falls City, Phone 422 | •J. %- *1* •!* *i* *»* -I- »I- •*' -I- *1* *1* *1* »I- *J~I' -5* *!• *»**S* GREAT PUBLIC SALE Town Lots Falls City, Nebraska Thursday Sept 2 WE ARE HAVING SURVEYED and plotted into lots the John Cilligan tract of land, adjoining the city of Falls City, Neb. on the west, and will on Thursday, Sept. 2, 1909, at 1:30 o’clock p. m., offer for sale to the highest bidder ninety choice lots. These lots are all well located and will be an ideal place for a home. We will also offer for sale the John Gilligan elegant 12-room modern home situated on six lots, the same being a part of the above tract. Will also sell 7 head high-grade, standard-bred horses. Don't Make a Mistake Come to Falls City Mr. Retiring Farmer, if you are contemplating leaving the farm, don’t make a mistake by going to some little village and putting your money into the kind of a home you deserve. If you should make this kind of a mistake, when you want to sell you could not sell it for as much as the lumber cost, and you have no advantages in the village. Come to Falls City, as it is not only a city of 4,000 people, but it is the county seat of one of the best counties in the state, where all the county’s business must be transacted. With line schools of high est grade, and churches of most all denominations, where there are high-class lectures and entertainments, and where property of all kinds is advancing. There is not a farmer who came to this city and bought property, who has not made money by so doing, and you can do the same by buying from us. For those desiring to retire from active farming or business life there can be No Better Location Obtainable Young man, and young woman, you had better invest a few spare dollars in good lots in Falls City and reap for yourself a handsome profit. 1 he Mis souri Pacific Division is now assured, work on same having already com menced, and the sooner you buy property in this city the greater will be your profit, for as soon as this division is located here property will greatly advance. Property will never be as cheap in Falls City as it is right now. Falls City, Neb. is one of the liveliest towns on the map. balls City has: Electric Lights, owned by the city; city Water Works, owned by the city; Public Library; City Hall; four Public Schools; Catholic Convent; Business College; City Park and Auditorium, owned by the city; ten churches—three church buildings now un der course of erection; ioo business firms; 12 fraternal organizations. I? ■!> f d> Iyi Kg f that this sale will take place on the tract of l\CITlwinP8r lantl to be s0 you will see just what you are buying. Free hacks will be run from the city to the sale grounds. For further information phone 168-216-131-449. Terms of Sale LOTS : One half cash, balance one and two years on secured notes at 6 per cent. On residence and six lots, one-half cash ; balance car ried on the property five years at 6 per cent. On horses, usual terms. Whitaker Bros. J. O. Whitaker, Auct. H. B. Willard, Clerk