The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 27, 1909, Image 5
THE COMERS AND GOERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. Ralph Jenne is spending the week in Lincoln., —For the Best Ice Cream go to D. W. Sowles. —The taste tells—try our ice cream—Sowles. Milt Bohrer spent a few days in our midst the past week. See Clarence Heck for your coal this fall, Phone 101. Mrs. Schlayer returned to her home in Kansas City Wednesday. Mrs. C. A. Boyle is recovering from an illness of two weeks’ duration. Mrs. John Carrco went to Biller, Saturday to visit her son, William. —Remember the Fast-Haeffele sale on Monday. September <1, 1909. 34-2 Mrs. Spencer and daughter were visitors at Sycamore Springs Friday. Babe Jones'and John Evans of Re-! serve visited with friends here last Sunday. Miss Maude Bobbitt of Tecumseh visited with Miss May Maddox the last of the week. r rank Francis of Riverside, Cal., visited at the home of R. H. Stone and family last week. Mrs. G. D. Jones returned Friday to her home in Kansas City after vis iting Mrs. D. M. Davies. Miss Nelle Lewis of Hiawatha at tended the funeral of Miss Mae Gos sett in "this city Thursday. Mrs. Peter Brecht and sister, Miss Uhlig, returned Sunday from a visit to relatives in Rockport, Mo. Will Schock, who has been visiting his parents in this city, left Monday morning for his Colorado home. Miss Cinderilla Houston is visiting at the home of her uncle,James Hous ton and family in Nebraska City. Miss Mary Haver came over from Hiawatha with Lola Powell Saturday night and remained over Sunday. Mrs. V. S. Seal's and daughter, Grace, went to Hiawatha Saturday to visit over Sunday with Mrs. Bently. Mr. and Mrs. John Crook and dau ghter, Constance, returned Sunday from a visit with relatives in Coin, Iowa. Miss Flora Shuck, who has been spending a month with relatives in Kansas, returned home the last of th week. Farnum Oviatt of Villisca, Iowa, a cousin of the Sharts family, spent a few days in our city for a brief visit with relatives. Frank Gossett and wife of Horton attended the funeral of the former’s sister, Miss Mae Gossett, in this city Thursday last. Mrs. Joe Wyatt, who has been visiting relatives in and near here returned to her home in Efringham, Kansas, Tuesday. • Mrs. J. F. Sehnme entertained her sister, and nephew, Mrs. J. Hilgen feld and son of Freemont, Neb., the first of the week. Mrs. W. H. Crook and daughter, Miss Edna, went to Kansas City the latter part of the w'eek for a week's visit with friends. Mrs. S. J. Davison of Broken Bow came in on Thursday for a few' days’ visit with her brother, Dr. Bailey, and family From here Mr. and Mrs. Davison will go to Omaha to visit their son for a short time. —Dont forget this is the right time ! to put in your concrete walks. Plenty of rock, sand and cement on hand to do your work on short notice. Don’t forget we build concrete stock’ tanks of all kinds on short notice. Phone 111, 119, 337—or a postal card will do the business.—Charles Heineman. DAVIES & OWENS Reliable Jewelers and Opticians Five Minutes ; Behind Time Some historians say the re sult of the Battle of Waterloo hinged on the fact that one of Napoleon's officers was five minutes late in arriving with re-lnforcements. With A Good Watch the result might have oeen otherwise. There is no ex cuse for being 5 minutes be hind time-ON TIME is the order of the day. It is easily possible With a watch we sell you. it is GUARANTEED to lose no battles or trains for you. They will put you where you belong ON TIME. DAVIES a OWENS Jake Tanner and wife returned on Sunday from their trip to Missoula, ! Mont,, and Seattle. They seem to have liked the country they saw.but not to the extent that they will ad mit it equals Richardson county. They say the Falls City families at The Rulo Register says: "Locally I the election was quiet, some sixty two voters out of about two liundred 1 seventy going to the polls to register their preferences. Of these the dem ocrats had about six more titan the [republicans, although the count var ied on different officers.” Frank Clegg returned Monday to Kx I celsior Springs, after a few days visit in our midst. Mrs. Clegg will re main a short time for a more pro tracted visit. They were called In re the latter part of the week by the death of Mrs.Clegg's sister,Miss Mae Gossett. Charles Albright and Bert Bloom, bot.ii old Richardson county boy;; of a quarter century ago, spent a few days in our midst the past week. Charles Albright is a brother of G o. Albright of this city and the two had not met for nine years until this visit, Mrs. J. A. Kirkpatri- k and her daughter, Florence, visited the Van Winkle and Kirkpatrick families the first of the week. They were on their way from Kansas City to their home in Pawnee City. .Miss Helen Brebeck returned from St. Louis Sunday where she had spent several weeks in tin wholesale houses. She brings many new ideas and a fine line of millinery home vvitl her. Mr. and Mrs. August Osterhohn of Essex, la., visited Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Wilson over Sunday. Mr. OstOr liohn returned home Monday but his wife will remain for a longer visit. —Dont’ forget this is the right time to put in your cement walks. Plenty of rock, sand and cement on hand to do your work on short notice.—Chas. Heineman.—Phones 111, 119 337. Rev. G. P. Reiehel and wife leave Falls City Friday morning for Auburn to attend the Nemaha Baptist As sociation, to be held there Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Wm. Dorrington and daughter, Mrs. Maude Wigton drove to Hia watha Sunday to attend the fune ral of Mrs. Stone, grandmother of Mrs. Wigton. —Miss Anita M.Wilson has returned from the school of music connected with the Valparaiso University anil is prepared for pupils in voice and violin. 34-tf Dr. R. R. Teeter left Thursday to attend the Brethren Assembly at Union Lake, Ind. He will be absent about two weeks. Mr. Edgar Peckenpaugh and sister Blanche, of Ottawa. Kansas return ed Sunday to the home of Mrs. Wy lie, after a visit with Pawnee City relatives. Mrs. Charles Hargraves and son, Tom, and Mrs. Jane Bolirer and fam ily spent Friday at Sycamore Springs, where they enjoyed an old fashioned picnic. Virgil Grinstead brought Misses No la McCool and Ardie Smith down from Salem Sunday evening for a short visit with Miss Louise Rule. Rev. Day will return from Lincoln Saturday evening,, where he has been attending the state convention of the Christian churches of Nebraska. George Wertz, formerly a resident of this city, but now of St. Joseph, was in the city the last of the week, renewing old acquaintances. Misses Lcla Powell and Celia Dit mar went to Hiawatha Saturday after noon to attend Campbell Bros', circus and returned on the plug. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mosiman ien Sunday for Dos Moines, Iowa where they will remain until after the state fair closes at that place. Miss Cynthia Jones, a nurse, was called from Salem last Friday to at tend Bert Baker, who is quite ill at the home of J. W. Holt. John Barry and family of Atchison spent a few days the last of the week with the families of Morris Sheehan find John Startzel. G. W. Stone and wife, who have been visiting his parents, R. H.Stone and wife, returned to their home in Topeka, Sunday. J. F. Martin came down from Lin coln Friday for a few days’ visit with his wife at the home of M. Giannini. Mutt Kaiser came home Monday from Omaha, where he has beep, vis iting relative^ tUf a month. Miss Helen Spence of Hanover, Las., is visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. F. E. Day. Dr. DeLaney of Salem visited his friend, Dr. H. D. Burehard, the first of the week. Ross Goolsby shipped a car of butcher stuff to the St. Joseph mar ket Tuesday. J. J. Berger and family of Kan ' sas were shopping here last Tues day. Mi's. Ed Witfwer of Humboldt was ! in this city Wednesday. —Dr. TVumpore—Massuer tu'd fact Massage, Phone 267. 31tf. R. C. James went to Kansas Citj j Monday morning. ! —For the Best Ice Cream go to D ; VV. Sowles. , —Eat Sowle’s Candy. yi —l>r. Wilson, Wahl's building. —The Dost lee .cream at Sowles. See Clarence Heck for your coal this fall. Phone 101. —The taste tolls—try our Ice cream—Sowles. Miss Louise Nfettlebcek was sick the first of the week. Kwlng Herbert's auto was out of , commission last Sunday. Bert Baker is slowly improving, bat is still unable to sit up. Miss Lnvina Jobe attended the picnic at Bnwson Wednesday. Wallace Saylor and wife visited relatives in Morrill last Sunday. Mrs. Cuss Mead lias been number ed among our sick people the past j week. D W. Davis and family were Mor rill visitors to this city last Satur i day. Misses Lotii Putnam and Kather ine Seibel were Salem visitors last Tuesday. Miss Beulah Fry went to St. Joe Saturday for a weeks visit witli Mrs. w. s 'Fast. James P. l'avis vvas down from Humboldt Wednesday looking after business matters.' II. D. Wilson of Wagner. Okln., vis ited liis sister, Mrs. D. T. Burchard during the week. Miss Bdith Bobbins of Lincoln,who visited the Misses Lyford returned home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Marr and dau ghter, Marie spent Thursday of last week in Verdon. Misses Frankie and Stella Shields and Edna Jobe spent Wednesday in Dawson attending the picnic. Miss Pearl Slieely spent a few dais in Salem this week, the guost of her uncle, George Slieely and fam ily. E. E. James took Ralph Simpson. | Jule Ruegge and Dr. Kerr to Hia ! watha in his car Sunday to see the ; ball game. Clinton Meyers and wife of Abe | line, Has., are visiting the family of ] Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sandrock, Mrs. | Meyers’ parents. Mrs. M. E. Kentner and granddau ghter, Helen, are back from Kansas City, where they have been visiting for several weeks. Mrs. James Ramsey went to St. Joe Monday to visit the family of her son Claude. Her daughter Bes sie accompanied her. Rev. F. E. Day went to Lincoln Monday to attend the state Christian i Church convention, which has been in session there this week. Mrs. Sedelmeyer of Kansas City | is spending a few days with friends, here. She is on her way to Denver. ■ I Missoula are well and prospering. Mr. and Mrs. Quimby Beaver re j turned Monday night from their trip ! to Minnesota, where they went in the interest of Mrs. Beaver's health. Miss Emma Evans of Rockwood, Pa., and Miss Maude McNeill of j Onana, Iowa, are guests of A. R. : Keim and his sisters of whom they are cousins. r Mrs. George Prater, and two dau 1 ghters, Chloe and Hazel, returned Saturday from Lincoln, where they ! visited friends for the past three or four weeks. j H. C. Smith took Misses Floy Mc Millan and Alice Jaquet and James Jaquet up to his farm in Nemalm county Wednesday. They made t lie trip in an auto. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Slocum, H. M. Jenne and wife and dames Hutch ings went to Stella in the Slocum auto Sunday and spent the day at the home of Geo. Slocum. Mrs. James Cornell of this city,ac companied by her little granddaugh ter of Omaha, spent a few days in Dawson this week visiting relatives and attending the picnic. Misses Frances and Anna Rubey, who spent the past seven weeks here with their cousin, Mrs. E. E. Marr, returned to their home in Chicago the latter part of the week, Mrs. Addie Bode and two daugh ters, Eunice and Mary, will visit rel atives and friends in Omaha next I week. A specialist will treat Miss 1 Eunice’s eyes while she is there. The W. C. T. U. will convene in ; regular session at the Brethren church next Wednesday at three p. m. The members of the union, and all friends of temperance are invited to attend. A little son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Landrigan was very ill Monday even | lug. Dr. Boose was called and I f ,uud the child suffering frOiii poison of the stomach, caused from eating warm musk melon. 1 Mrs H. L. Redwood and daughter, Ellen, Mr. and Mrs. Redwood and children left Saturday for a month’s sightseeing In Denver and Colo-1 rado Springs and various places of interest in the west. Carl Buthman and wife sold their farm northwest, of town to Frank Houtz; and their residence near the High school building to T. .1 Harris ■ of north of Salem, who will ’move into the house October 1st 3 Mrs, Allan It. M«j and little son i of Auburn are the guests of her moth ’ 1 er, Mrs. Katherine Wylie this week. * They came the last of the week and i. remained for the wedding of tier sis | ter, Florence, to Everett Pecking* paugh, on Wednesday. Maker! Weil Pflaum & Co. Chicago 1 Mothers Your boy doesn't have to wear the X most expensive J clothes in order to well dressed. We are showing ' the * season’s latest styles, made by the best tailors, in serv iceable fabrics and the newest patterns, for a reasonable price. You should not think of buying your son a suit without first inspecting our large assortment. We are always pleased to show. You won’t be urged to buy. We get the boy ready for school—lie's a finished product when he leaves our hands. School Suits, School Waists, School Shoes Wahl & Parchen A GREAT BIG EVENT EVERYBODY INVITED Annual Picnic At Stella Thursday and Friday August 26 and 27 Base Ball both days-Falls City vs. some good team the first day. Falls City vs. Auburn the second day. This will be a cracker-jack game. Music by the Humboldt Band. Dance in the opera house each evening. Automobile Parade at 1:00 P. IT. Friday after noon. Fifty owners have already promised to take part with their cars. A Great Carnival at night. Free Attractions of all kinds both days. Two Days of Enjoyment \