The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 27, 1909, Image 4

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Entered as second-class matter at
Fall* City. Nebraska, post office, Janu
ary 12. 1904, under the Act of Congress
on March 3,1879.
Published every Friday at Falls City.
Nebraska, by
The Tribune Publishing Company
E. F. SHARTS. M«n«*er
One year SI.SO
Si* months . 7o
Three months . .40
Fade away, Miss Chautauqua;
you've had the center of the stage
about long enough. Your high notes
lack that resonant quality you pos
sessed some weeks ago.
No more can the pawnbroker of
Missouri display revolvers In their
windows; while "gun-toting’’ is made
a felony, punishable by two years In
prison or* fines from $10(’ to $1,000,
It Is estimated that every vote cast
at the last primary cost $ 1.7.0 and the
tax payer pays the bill. Under the
old convention system It cost the tax
payers nothing to voice his choice for
public officials.
The summer Is past, but the har
vest has not ended yet, The crops
Of Nebraska are too diversified to
admit of going further In that beau
tiful old bibical quotation until along
in November, when the last "pump
kin" Is safely housed.
Hiawatha,which accords scant fav
ors to a Chautauqua, slobbered all
over Campbell Itros. Circus, and the
"rubes" had to tie actually clubbed
bnck from the elephants, to whom
they persisted in over-feeding with
nuts, apple-cores, and pop corn.
It is now up to the republican par
ty in this county to win this fall. The
Individual support of every republi
can will give every candidate on
that ticket a splendid majority. Are
you ready to work to that end or are
you willing to fill (lie court house
with third and fourth term demo
crats? U is up to the voter, take
your choice.
The government has gone into the
moving picture business,to tlio extent
that modern and improved methods
of farming will be demonstrated (o
tillers of the soil through (lie medi
um of moving pictures. A good
scheme. A few pictures will tell
more nud impress one in a greater
"’bole volumes of div'
measure tnan -•
reading matter.
After a rigid test by government ex
perts at the Kansas City stock yards,
It has been clearly demonstrated that
hog cholera can he cured and entire
ly eliminated. This great cure is
brought about by the use of a serum
—no knife being used nor a single
"innard" removed. You save the wliol
hog, and at eight cents per pound
this Is quite an item.
If Emperor N’ero, Into of Rome,
could have been present at the auto
mobile races at. Indianapolis last
week, how delighted ho would have
been to view the blood and carnage
that strewed the path of the contest
ants. The average Spanish bull
fighter would have been shocked at
the spectacle presented, but old Ne
ro would have gloated over the
Great minds do not differ so much
after all. In speaking of the re
duced duties of the new tariff, Pres
ident Taft says: "They are low enou
gh in case of abnormal increase of
demand and raising of prices, to
permit the possibility of the importa
tion of the foreign articles, and thus
to prevent excessive prices.” This
has long been the. demand of Mr.
Bryan, that foreign competing com
modities should be allowed easier ac
cess to our markets, by which more
domestic prices would lie reduced.
What is worth more to a man
than the pure, lojal uplift of a neigh
bor and friend? Even under adverse
circumstances his kindly word and ten
der sympathy i ml assistance places
you once more on your feet and helps
you on to success
Is not this sentiment just as true
with a community or town as with an
individual? We certainly think it is,
ami if anyone can cite us to a town
that is a glowing success without uni
son of spirit among her business men
we would liko a photograph. Many
places there are in the state that are
growing steadily and the well kept
lawns and streets, denote a fine class
of people to dwell among and call home
Ask any citizen of such a communi
ty about the future prospects and
general surroundings of that locality,
and they paint you a picture of par
Has Falls City ever been blessed
with an overflow of such citizenship?
No, but the Lord blessed her when
placing the townsite in the best part
of the best county in the state of N£
biaska, and what she is today is larg
ly due to this fact. There has nev
er been a concentrated effort toward
public improvement—every move of
that nature has been with more or
less siriff, and yet we have grown.
Had we been blessed with a few loy
al home boosters that were willing to
give the glad hand to the stranger
that entered our gate and tell him
this is a good town to locate in, we
would certainly have seen a different
town than the Kails City of today.
How many have ever made an hon
est effort toward getting a little fac
tory to locate in our midst? is there
any Just reason why a half dozen dif
ferent industries we might, mention
would not do well In our midst—and
at the same time find employment
for all who were willing to work?
Kalis City today has the best op
portunity ever presented to make her
self felt in the commercial world. No
town on tin* globe is surrounded by
a better farming community; our ship
ping facilities are good, we have a
sightly location and plenty of wealth
to accomplish any desired end in a
public way. As was said to the young
man of old,“one tiling thou lackest."
lit this instance we feel Hint it is sim
ply loyal citizenship, which is a howl
ing success wherever found. IT* a
booster from this time on, and then
Watch for a great-r Kalis City.
The democratic' voice in its lust
issue says that Judge Gagnon made
tto effort to secure the nomination for
his continuance in office.
There.' are times when it becomes
nt'cessai; for the chronic office seek
er to "lay down" and permit the
machine to do the work. The vote
from both i’.aradas would show that
the democratic machine was put in ex
cellent shape and well oiled.
Mr. James, n clean young democrat
ic attorney, who has seen hard ser
vice in the Philippines, carrying
wounds that will shorten his years,
did not receive a vote, while his op
ponent, who is asking for a fiftli
term as county judge, received li is
nomination in lieu of tills splendid
showing in these precincts.
Tlio principles of the democratic
platform declare against a third term,
yet tin- "gang” plow of the machine
is kept in the same furrow each year
regardless of term so long as the can
didates will heed the dictation of tlie
We certainly agree with tin- demo
cratic voice, and further assert that
it will lie unnecessary for tlie worthy
candidate to make a personal effort to
secure the democratic vote as the
bosses have already pledged to y,,.
fiver tlie goods.
—Don't forget this is the right time
to put in your concrete walks. Plenty
of rock, sand and cement on hand to
do your work on short notice. Don't
forget we build concrete stock tanks
of all kinds on short notice. Phones
111, 119, 337—or a postal card will do
the business.—Charles Heineman.
Subscribe for The Falls City Trib
une. $1.50 per year.
Worth Thinking
"Every dollar put by today comes
to you as a gift tomorrow.”
"Those who save soon cease to
'“Get' is a good servant, but
‘Keep’ is a better one.”
“Of all glad words of pen or
tongue, the gladdest are these
— I saved when young."
“The greatest pay streak is the
saving streak."
"A dollar in the bank does you
more good than a hundred
Get one of those^Vest Pocket
Savings Banks at
Falls City State
And commence the saving habit now
Summer Oxfords
Tans and Blacks
What Your Friends ancf Their
Friends Have Been Doing the
Past Week.
—The Best Ice Cream at Sowles.
Mix. ChI Wilson went to Hiawatha
Monday to \isit relatives.
Earl Cnrothers of Teeumsi !i spent
Sunday with Miss Leah Poteet. •
Mrs. Ada'Wells had a new well
drilled on her place this week.
Will Reiger is back from his west
ern trip,-having arrived Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Davies were in
Stella between trains Tii^irsday.
Prof E. K. Hurst spent a few days
at ills home in Dunbar, Neb., this
.1. E." Leyda and wife left Tuesday
fo? a trip to Seattle and the north
west .
Mrs. Frank Chesley and son Arth
ur are visiting friends in Rulo this
Miss Edna Parsons of Verdon was
the guest of Miss Vera Lord the first
of tin’ week.
Pred McMillan and wife of Gran
ger, Ohio are visiting Mr, and Mrs.
W, S. Leyda.
Miss Ella And rson went to Oma
ha Saturday wIct" sin- has secur
ed a clerkship.
Ben Lilly and sister, Miss Lulu, of
Hiawatha attended the Wylie-Peckin
paugh wedding.
Mrs. Win. Spragins and son, Giv
ens, went to Hiawatha Saturday to
spend a few days.
Miss Ramona Wilcox returned
Saturday from a visit to her parents
at Burlington, Colo.
Mrs. Eva IJavison is entertaining
her mother, Mrs. Harding of Orleans,
Nebraska tills week.
W. L. White started Monday and
is traveling over his northern Kan
sas territory this week.
Blaine Evans went to Kansas City
the first of the week to visit his un
cle for a week or ten days.
L. E. Evans went to Syracuse the
first of Hie week to superintend some
work for C. H. Heineman.
Miss Emma Spaeth went to Au
burn Monday to spend a few days
with her cousin, Airs. Ed May.
Miss Verda Sage went to Lincoln
Friday to visit relatives. She will
remain until after the state fair.
■J. J. Burk, who came from Omaha
to attend the funeral of Miss May Go
«ett returned to that city Friday,
.Miss Agnes Moran left Sunday
her home at Kansas City, after at
tending the teachers’ institute here.
Mrs. Clem Firebaugli and Mrs. H.
Henston attended the funeral of their
sister, Mrs. Ray in Omaha this week.
Mrs. Charles Marion and daughter,
Amtra, returned Saturday from their
visit to Kansas City and Independ
ence. Mo.
Miss Ethel Seliatz, after a week’s
visit with her brother, Clarence, and
wife, returned the first of the week
to her home h! Chita MO.
Mis. U. A. Dittmar and daughter,
Miss Celia, went to Nebraska City
Tuesday for a few days visit with
friends and to attend the Chautauqua.
Allan D. May came down from Au
burn Tuesday evening for the mar
riage of liis sister-in-law, Miss Wy
lie. He returned Thursday morn
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Will accompan
ied by their nieces, Misses Pearl and
Myrtle Will and Mrs. Elliott attended
the Verdon picnic Thursday after
Mrs. Fred Brecht ana two mue
daughters returned home Saturday
from Hiawatha, where they had stop
ped for a visit on their way home
from Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Linsacum re
turned home from Verdon Thursday,
where they had been attending the
picnic. They were accompanied by
t ho former's mother.
Mrs. D. M. Davies and two little
sons returned the first of the week
from Verdon, where they had been
attending the Pioneer picnic and vis
iting at the home of her parents, .1.
D. Griffith and wife.
Mrs. Crawford and daughter of
Forest City, Mo., were the guests of
Mrs. Katherine Wylie this week.
They remained until after the Peck
inpaugh-Wylie wedding.
Miss Luzern Dixon of Horton, Kas.,
arrived in the city the last of the
week for a visit with her brother,
Stanley, and sisters, Mrs. Emory
Fry and Mrs. A1 Durchard.
Miss Lillian Moran, who has been
visiting relatives in this section for
a few days, left Monday for Kansas
City to purchase goods for her mil
linery store at Bellview, Kas.
Josh Lord purchased a fine 120
acre farm south of Salem of E. E.
Dorr. It joins his other land in that
section and makes one of the finest
holdings in Richardson county.
Miss Dorothy White left Thurs
day to spend a few days with Lin
coln friends, after which she goes
to rilger. Neb., where she will teach
the seventh and eighth grades in the
public schools.
F. W. Cleveland Interested In New
Auburn Firm.
F. W. Cleveland, formerly owner
of the It. A. Dittmar store here, has
Interested himself in the general mer
chandise business at Auburn. Of
the deal the Auburn Herald has this
to say;
‘‘■On Wednesday of this week a d< al
was closed through the agency of C.
M. Derr by which the general mer
chandise stock owned by Hogan Bros.,
and located at the Anderson & Mc
Naughton old stand, was sold to F.
W. Cleveland and M. Siclil, of Ne
braska City.
The firm will be known as Cleve
land <£ Siclil. both being experienced
business men, well known In this sec
tion of tiie state. The active man
agement will be in charge of Mr.
Sichl. as Mr. Cleveland will remain
ia Nebraska City where he lias a
profitable and long established busi
The new firm plans to make sever
al changes in the store, among
\\ hlch will be the complete closing out
t the chinaware department and an
enlargement of the grocery and dry
goods departments. The stock of
hard rare will also be closed out.
Special inducements will be given
all who call while the stocjjs above
mentioned are being closed out.
With the doubling in the size of the
grocery and dry goods departments,
the country produce trade will be
given special attention.”
Mr Bert Dodd Has Chosen The
Brethren Church.
Mr. Bert Dodd has chosen the
preaching of the Gospel ns his life
work, and the Brethren congregation
in this city unanimously extended
him a call to the ministry Sunday
He hopes to preach his initial ser
mon at Silver Creek- church Sunday
forenoon, and Monday will leave for
conference in Indiana. The next few
years lie will spend at the Theolog
ical Seminary, Ashland, Ohio.
The good wishes of all will follow
Mr. Dodd. He has always been an
exemplary youth, and the last few
years a successful teacher in our
schools. He was sick with chills and
fever the first of the week, but lias
now recovered so lie is on the street
1 A Communication. >
To The Tribune:—The 'Journal ed
itor, who confessedly was not in the
i "sheep shed,” (but out among the
! goats likely) when Evangelist Sunday
delivered his powerful address in the
j Chautauqua tabernacle, and evidently
j lias not a very Intimate acquaintance
j with the life and character of the Apos
| tie Paul, undertakes to criticize the
j “Wayfarer" of The Tribune for men
! tioning those two vang ii.- : in the
same category.
The Wayfarer was right in two al
lusions to Paul by way of compari
son. Both men could testify to the
power of the Gospel in what it had
accomplished in transforming their
own lives as well as to what it was
doing for others through their in
Notice what the Evangelist Sun
day's critics say about his lack of
polish in the language he uses. Of
Paul they said, “his bodily presence
is weak and his speech contempt
ible;” and Paul himself confessed.
‘T came not to you with excellency
of speech.” Further the critics and
maligners and persecutors of both
the Apostle and Evangelist belonged
(o the same class of worldlings who
were fearful that the influence of
their preaching would tend towards
[depriving them of gains made
Ithrougli following an unholy occupa
ftion, and the same class of hypo
I critical reprobates who have ever re
I fused to yield to Gospel influences, no
■ matter by whom it is preached, are
! now finding fault with Sunday, Oliver
and other evangelists just the same
as they maligned and persecuted the
Apostles in their day.
Last Call.
! Anyone having fruit, vegetables or
grain for the county display at the
' state fair, will please leave the same
I at this office op or before Wednes
day, Sept. 1st, 1909. 1 would be
glad to make as good a showing as
Substantial Improvements.
New steel shelving and cases ar
rived this week for the vaults of the
Richardson County bank, and will re
place the old frame fixtures, thus
removing the last bit of wood from
the bank vaults and insuring further
safety to the bank and its patrons.
Baptist Church.
On account of the pastor being
away there will be no preaching ser
vices at the Baptist church next Sun
day. The Sunday school, however,
will continue as usual.
Shubert Bank Progressive.
Owing to an increased business.
Cashier Evans of the Farmers’ State
bank, has been compelled to put in
an adding machine, which will add
up a column much' quicker than a
person can do it and be absolutely
correct. The bank has also received
one thousand of the new Lincoln pen
nies of July 1909 mint, another evi
dence tiiat the Farmers’ State bank
is always up to date.—Shubert Citi
Card of Thanks.
We desire to thank those who so
kindly assisted us in our recent trials
after the death and burial of our
daughter and sister, Mae Gossett.
yft. and Mrs. Wm. Gossett,
Miss Gertrude Gossett,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Clegg,
Mr. and Mrs. George Holt.
Card of Thanks.
We employ this method of express
ing the gratitude of our hearts to
our many friends who so kindly as
sisted us duriijg the illness and death
of our doughter, Emma,
Charles BIrmeley and Family.
Skagway, Alaska.
A post card, dated August 16th,
from Skagwav. Alaska, was received
by this office from Misses Alice Keel
ing and May Maddox. In pait they
say they are having a fine time.
Keith McMillan returned home from
Washington, Iowa, where he spent. hJs
Miss Nellie Jennings returned on
Tuesday from a visit of several
weeks in Biglow, Mo.
J. J. Wetzel of Independence, Kas.,
joined his wife who had been visit
ing relatives here, and will take a
trip to the Pacific coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Marts re
ceived an invitation to the wedding
of Miss Elsa Florence Beaver to Mr.
Arthur Sidney Jarvis, at St. Joseph,
Wednesday, September 1st. They
will not be able to attend on account
of a serious accident that befel Mrs.
Marts last week when she fell on a
sidewalk near her home, receiving
painful injuries. Mr. and Mrs. Bea
ver were former residents of this
city and Miss Elsa is the youngest
Copyright 1009, by C. E. Zimmerman Co.—No. 50
lVT O ladies’out
* ^ fit is quite
complete with
out a Silver Purse.
There is that same dis
tinction in the kind that
comes from our store as
there is in every article rve sell. I lungs of this kind
must be of the right kind or they become vulgar, and
there is no lasting satisfaction in possessing them.
The Old Reliable Jeweler A p I A A| IPT
Opposite Posteffice tt I
The Weekly Kansas City Star
The Weekly Star, in addition to printing the
entire news of the week in concise form, lias
Absolutely Accurate Market Quotations
So valuable are these that such are copyrighted by The
Star and appear only in this newspaper.
The Weekly Star has also the famous Chaperon
Feature which furnishes free, advice and help on many
perplexing problems. Also “Answers," which takes care
of all questions the readers care to ask.
It has a practical, successful Kansas farmer in
charge of its Farm Department, which is of great value
to all farmers and stockmen.
The Weekly Kansas City Star isn't for any lim
ited set of people; it’s for every member of every family.
If you don't find something of interest in a particular
issue, well, the office looks on that issue as a failure.
25c pays for one year.
-♦ ---~-------*- -'--■^5
The G. A. R. and W. R. C.
Grand Basket Picnic
Thursday, September 2d
C. F. Reavis will addrees them in the morn
ing and Tom Majors in the afternoon. A free
Pork and Bean Dinner for all.
Camp Fire in the Evening