The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 27, 1909, Image 3
The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. SHUBERT. John Whittle of Barada was in the city Friday. Miss Cora Hill was a Stella visit or this week. Joe Higgins was a Barada visitor on Thursday. J.R.Cain of Stella was in town one day last week. Deputy Sheriff McFarland was in town Saturday. Win. Fehmer of St. Deroiu was in town Saturday. Carey Bronson of Verdon was in town Thursday. L. L. Jones spent several days in Omaha last week. C. A. laird spent several days in Falls City this week. Gus Scliueth spent the greater part of last week in Omaha. Mis. I. M. Kinton spent several days in Verdon last week. James Brisby and wife of Stella were in the city Saturday. Morgan Jones spent several days in South Dakota this week. Warren Hutchings of Falls City was hero looking after business. Miss Effie Spickler was the guest of Verdon friends last week. Miss Pearl Jones of Fairfax, Mo., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Tuttle. Mrs. Terrell and children visited in Falls City a few days last week. Miss Pearl Shubert left for Ord on Monday for a visit with relatives. Jake Griffiths of Stella was in this city Tuesday looking after business. Col. J. L. Speece of Ord, Nebr., came down a few days to look after his apple crop. T. J. Golfer and family of Atchi son are now visiting with Dan and Martin Kelly southeast of town. J. M. Evans and wife accompanied by .T. N. Colgla7,ier and Levi Bright were Falls City visitors Monday. The Misses Ethel and Beulah Spic kler wer6 the guests of Floy Stotts at her country home several days of last week. Frank Schulenberg and wife came up from near F’alls City and visited relatives. Before returning they pur chased an Overland touring car. Theodore Hill now has charge of the city restaurant during the ab sence of J. C.Schulenberg and wife, who are enjoying a vacation in Colo rado. BAEADA. Wilson Wamsley was in Shubert Sat unity A. Gaines and wife of St. Deroin were ia Barada Saturday. Jolin Peterson and wife moved to Brownville last week. ..'allies Lemon and wife of St. Der oin were in Barada Monday. W. S. McGowen went to Tccum seli the first of the week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kuker of Verdon visited relatives here last week. Galen Elder and wife visited rel atives in Salem several days last week. Jas. Tillman of Falls City is visit ing at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. A. Guthard. Misses Zella and Pearl McClain of Shubert were guests at the home of E. E. Butler on Sunday. Miss Hannah Cox of Elk Creek spent several days last week at the home of her uncle, W. A. Cox. Leon Vassar moved onto the D.E. Hpickler farm and will work for Mr. Spickler the remainder of the sea son. Arthur Surmau and family of Ar mour are visiting at the home of their i arents, Joseph Surman and wife. Misses Mary and Agatha McMann of Beattie Kansas visited last week with their uncle W. Wamsley and family. Mrs. A. C. Steinbrlnk and children of Republic, Kas., visited her mother, Mrs. H. Siemering, Sr„ and . other relatives. The ice cream social held on the lawn at the home of Mr. Dunn was wi ll attended and the ladies realized about 118.00. Ed Meredith and sister Lily and John Meraditli and wife of Illinois are visiting at the home of their uncle, George Burgess. Rev. Jefferson Zike will preach at Big Bethel next Sunday evening for his father who goes for a couple of weeks’ visit to Iowa. Mrs. L. H. Martin entertained her Sunday School' c lass of girls at her home Wednesday afternoon. The afternoon was spent in working on aprons, to be sold to swell the church building fund. The. hostess served ice cream and cake. For indigestion and all stomach trouble take Foley’s Orino Laxative as it stimulates the stomach and liver and regulates the bowels and will positively cure habitual constipation. Kerr’s Pharmacy. HUMBOLDT. Florence Hummel Is visiting in Lin coin this week. Levi Cheney of Stella was in Hum boldt this week. Mrs. R. Watseke is quite sick at her home this week. Rose Hnlzda was in Table Rock the last of the week. Mrs. Joe McKie left the last of the week for a Kansas City visit. Mable Davis will leave this week for a visit to Colorado points. Harry Boyd is now clerking In Martin & Sherman’s grocery store. Mrs C. Hummel is receiving medi cal treatment in Lincoln this week. Miss Mary Petrashek of Table Rock visited friends in Humboldt this week Mrs. M. Revelle went to Dawson to attend the funeral of Joe McGin nis. James It. Smith is seriously sick at his home in the north part of the city. Dale Parsons has accepted a cleri cal position in Low Marburger's shoe store. Mrs. George Segrist of Dallas, S. D., is visiting Humboldt relatives this week. A baby bey came Sunday evening to brighten the home of Roy Philpot and wife. Mrs. Will Lydick and children are visiting relatives in Mooresville, Mo., this week. Mildred Shirley, after an extended visit in Dallas, S. D., returned home this week. Aline Devenney of Omaha is visit ing her sister, Mrs. Roscoe Ander son this week. George King and wife, Joy Mey ers and Carrie Boss returned Tuesday from Colorado. Eleanor Williamson left Friday for Burchard, where she will visit J. K. Liggett and wife. Henry Seely, who has been employ ed in Lincoln, was in Humboldt a few days this week. Mrs. Henry Hollingworth, formerly Miss Golda Turner, of Lincoln was in Humboldt this week. A postal shower was given to Mrs. Charles Goddard Saturday in honor of her birthday anniversary. Mrs. Charles Goodale of Louiston visited at the home of her mother, Mrs. Crawford this week. Mrs. E. Whitney and son Irvin of Omaha are visiting her daughter, Mrs. Will Johnson at this place. An unusually large crowd of people were in town Saturday, the Elstun show being the attraction. Charles Albright and wife of Port land, Oregon are visiting W. B. Al bright and family this week. M.vlo Turner came down from Lin coln this week to visit his grandpar ents, John Turner and wife. Frank Hynek was a genial sales man in Marburger’s shoe store din ing tlie proprietor’s absence. Contractor Reid has commenced the erection of a cottage for Dr. E. A. Litchfield in the south part of the city. Geneva Lockard, who has been at tending a conservatory of music In Lincoln, has returned to her home in this city. Mrs. Frank Krasny went to Omaha Sunday to visit her son, Charles, who is receiving medical treatment at that place. Levi Cheney of Stella was in Hum boldt Saturday advertising the picnic that is scheduled for that place today and tomorrow. Misses Belle and Catherine Gillan and Lorena and Kathleen Goddard of this place left Monday for a few days’ visit with Auburn relatives. Lew Segrist recently bought from Dr. E. A. Litchfield the house known as the Unland property and has mov ed it to his lots on Nemaha street. Lew Marburger and Carl Mann re turned Saturday from a trip to Dako ta. They were well pleased with conditions as they found them,but we hope they will not locate there. Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold. A. S. Nusbaum, Batesville, Indiana, writes:“Last year I suffered for three months with a summer cold so dis tressing that it interfered with my business. I had many of the symp toms of hay fever, and a doctor’s prescription did not reach my case, and I took several medicines only to aggravate it. Fortunately I insisted upon having Foley’s Honey and Tar. It quickly cured me. My wife has since used Foley’s Honey and Tar with the same success. Kerr’s Phar macy. Be sure and take a bottle of Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrh oea Remedy with you when starting on your trip this summer. It can not be obtained on board the trains or steamers. Changes of water and climate often cause sudden attacks of diarrhoea, and it is best to be pre pared. Sold by all druggists. STELLA. Harvey Walker visited part of last week with his mother in Lincoln. Horn, a daughter to Mr. ami Mrs. A. .1. Helmick on Saturday, Aug. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffith present ed their daughters with u new piano. Evan Thomas of San Diego, Cal., visited Stella friends several days last week. s D. Freed has had a cement side walk laid in front of his south lot on main street. Alf Sehulenberger has quit work at Brock and is at home, to fix his cider mill for fall work. Mrs. 1.. N. Mills and Miss Ada Coe came in from Douglas Monday even ing to visit Stella relatives. Miss lone Hinds of Kansas City is spending a couple of weeks with her cousin, Dan Hinds and wife. Max Keefer and wife visited Sun day and Monday at Lincoln with Mrs. Keefer’s mother, Mrs. Walker. Mrs. George Weaver and Miss Wil la Henderson returned Saturday from visit with relatives at Red Cloud. Mrs. Ossa Jenkins of. Council I Huffs has been the guest of her grandmother Mrs. Pugh for the past ten days. John Jenkins left last week for Central City, Neb., vvhree lie lias been employed to teach in the High school. Mrs. N. .1, Stinecyphor has bad a cement walk put down in front of her residence property on Main street. Postmaster Eastwood has had his residence reshingled and electric lights installed and is making other needed improvements. Mr. and Mrs. McBride and son, Greg, returned Saturday from the west, where they had been spending their summer vacation. Miss Bessie Jameson of Broken Arrow, Okla., arrived hist week to visit old Stella friends and attend the “Mid-Summer Festival.” "Sid” Timmerman decided to lo cate in Colorado instead of South Da kota, and left last week for Fort Mor gan to secure a location. Mrs. Cora Wilson from Memphis, Tenn., arrived last week to visit her mother and sisters, Mesdames. Thom as, Overman and Reynolds. Henry Gentry and wife are re joicing over the arrival of a baby boy who came to make his home with them Monday, August 23, 1909. Rev. Carey of Diller filled the pul pit at the Christian church last Sun day. Rev. Young was detained at his home on the account of the arrival of a son. I. S. Vader, D. G. Palmer, John Wixon and Romano Timmerman, re turned last week from Salt Lake, where they had been attending the old soldiers reunion. Roe Messier and family came up from Verdon Friday afternoon and took supper with Mrs. McCullough, they returned that evening and Satur day afternoon left for their home in Caldwell, Idaho. Misses Fairy Thomas of Lincoln, lone Hind of Kansas City, and Helen Baldwin went to the country and “stayed all night” vvitli Mrs. George Slocum last Friday night and were treated to a hay-rack ride by Mr. Slocuin, the next day. Miss Bessie James, who had been visiting her father'at Rupert, Idaho, and brother at Salt Lake City, stop ped in Stella and visited old friends a few days last week. She then went to Ohio to visit her sister Clara. Take Notice. All persons are recommended to take Foley’s Kidney Remedy for back ache, rhenmatism, and kidney and bladder trouble. It will quickly cor rect urinary irregularities, which, if neglected, may develop into a seri ous illness. It will restore health and strength. Donot neglect signs of kidney and bladder trouble and risk liright’s disease or diabetes. Kerr’s Pharmacy. OHIO. Charles MeWain is on the sick list. Mrs. Walton was a Kansas City vis itor one day last week. Charlie Shouse was the guest of Clarence Peck Sunday. George Prichard spent Sunday at 10d Arxier’s near Verdon. O. A. Burk and family ar'e enter taining relatives from Rulo. Win. MeWain and wife are enter taining relatives from Rulo. 11. A. Burk and family visited with Mrs. Burk's parents, Sunday. Alfred Brecht spent'a few days re cently with hiss brother Frank. Adolph Brackhahn and wife spent Monday with H. Rook and wife. Lola Willard of Falls City was a guest of Lydia Dowty last week. Vesta Lively was a guest of Miss Anna Franklin one .day last week. Holla Franklin and wife spent a few days leeently with his parents. II. .). Prichard and family spent one day recently with Coon Prichard and wife. Ftank Jlnuu. and wife spent Sun day with .Mr. and Mrs. Stums in Sfraussville. Cleon Peek and wife are home af ter a few days spent with relatives at Carlton, Iowa. Mable Auxicr and Ktliel Cook were guests of Lola Stunt* a few days t tie last of the wetk. Mrs. Lloyd Knisely enjoyed a \ isit from lu r mother and brothers a few da>s the past week. .1.lines GiUnore and son went to Highland, Kansas to visit relatives and intend a picnic. .Mr. and Mrs. Prater went to Au burn Sunday to \ isit a sister of the former for a few days. Mr. Kimmel of Iowa visited last week wdh 1 is cousin . Ed Kimmel and .Mrs. II. .1. Prchard. Karl Shat for and wife returned to their home Friday. They spent a few days with relatives in Council Bluffs. Delos Spleklcr and wife and Guy Liclity and wife went to Kansas City Thursday and returned home Satur day. .Miss Minnie Allison accompanied her aunt, Mrs. Kale Burrlss to Peru Tuesday to visit with Ed Burrlss and wife. Mrs. N. Peck and daughter re turned home Sunday from Mo., where they went to see an aunt of the form er, who is very ill. Mrs. Charles Stump and baby wore guests of Mrs. Chester Stump last wci k. 'I’liis week she is visiting at Me' home of Guy Liclity. Dan Liclity and wife of Waterloo, lowa and Samuel Kimmel and wife of Falls City visited with 11. J. Prich ard and family Wednesday Aaron Peek and wife, Mrs. Dan Li dity and daughters, Mrs. Ella Dair mid Miss Lulu Liclity, all of Morrill spent a few days visiting in ibis vicin ity. llev. Zikegind wife started for lowa Tuesday to visit, relatives. While there Mr. ?.lke is to perform the mar riage ceremony of his youngest sis ter. Fred Whitrock and wife entertain ed a numbs r of young people Wed nesday evening. Nice refreshments were served and a good time report ed by nil. Frames Slump and wife entertain ed a number of relatives at their home Sunday in honor of their daughter and family of Kansas who are visiting here. If your liver is sluggish and out of tone, and you feel dull, bilious, con stipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight before retiring and you will feel all right in the morning. Sold by all druggists. RULO. Essie Marsh was a Falls City x is itor Tuesday. dames Smith visited with friends at Craig last Sunday. Edith Kermode is visiting friends in Auburn ibis week. John Evans was a Wymore visitor j tlu* first of the week. Jack Neltzel of Hurelmrd was a ltulo visitor lust week. Mat Williams visited with friends at Fortescue Sunday. Mary llolme will teach the Y. school tile coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simon went to Excelsior Springs Saturday. J. A. Oshurn spent Sunday with Ills wife and baby at Lincoln. Cecil and Maytne Kanaly were vis itors in Falls City last week. James Tangney came home from Lincoln the first of the week. Roy Daniels left last week for West bom. Mo., to visit his parents. Tommy Asher of White Cloud was a business visitor hero this week. Miss Olive Hetrusliek of Humboldt visited recently with Rulo friends. Blnlne Anderson went to Hiawatha Wednesday morning for a short visit. Bessie Anderson returned from n visit with Mound City friends Tues day. Henry Hurtling of Nebraska City was a Halo visitor the first of the week. Zell (’luttendon of Lincoln visited with her aunt. Mrs. Ilosford last | weok. Clarence Hintons and wife of Chll licothe, Mo., visited Rulo relatives re cently. Mrs. tins Koobrtnk and children of Vtchlson visited relatives here last week. Mrs. Effie Cramer and two children went to Hiawatha Saturday to visit relatives. Frank Allen and son made a trip from Craig to Rulo In their auto last Tuesday. Alta Gilbert went to Falls City on Saturday to take the teachers’ ex amination. Mr. Davis, our night operator, was seat to Dawson to take charge of the work there. Cecil Kanaly left Wednesday for Salem. Her school will begin there next Monday. Mrs. Cunningham and daughter of Qal., and Mrs. W. U. Cunningham of ltulo, went to Excelsior Springs the last of the week for a few days recreation. George Davis, Samuel Kill and B. Elliott were business visitors to Wy moro Monday. Miss Emma Clark of Linneus, Mo., has rented rooms and will put in a stock of millinery. Hattie Hart returned to her work in St. Joseph, after a three weeks’ visit with home folks. Mrs, Bessie Brlnegar and two chil dren spent the past week with rel atives in Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Rinehart returned to their home In Smith Centei, Kas., the latter part of the week. J. M, Pope and family returned the first of the week from a visit with relatives at Spokane, Wash. Dave Zeigler has traded his place for John Caverzagie's old place, ami moved into the same last week. Mrs. Kay Hart and baby returned home lln> last of the week after a two weeks’ visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Robbins who were visiting with Frank Jarrett and wife, returned to their home in Iowa last week. A good many are coming in, getting ready for the Holiness camp meeting, which will commence in the park on the 26th, and continue ten days. All are cordially invited. Little True Daniels met with an ac cident last Week that might have been serious. He fell, holding a pen knife, the point striking him in the eye, but a physician’s investigation proved that live sight was not injured. He is almost entirely recovered. Quite an excitement was raised on Tuesday afternoon when It. was dis covered that the depot was on fire. It caught from the enguine of the dit ching train. Although It was getting a pretty good start, when noticed, the fire was extinguished without any great loss. For Sale. Good smooth 80-acre farm, two and one-half miles from good railroad market, in Richardson county. Good eight room house, good barn, other outbuildings, orchard, etc. Price $8,000.00 if sold at once. WHITAKER BROS. People with chronic bronchitis, as thma and lung trouble, will find great relief and comfort in Foley’s Honey and Tar, and can avoid suffering by commencing to take it at once. Kerr’s Pharmacy. We Are Leaders! WE SET THE PACE! To you we give the benefit of our 25 years expe rience in the mercantile business. While we make no pretense that we are in business for your service alone, we do claim that it is our constant endeavor to bring to your door the most desirable wares, at the lowest possible cost. We confidently assert that those who put their trust in and supply their needs as far as they can do so of us will at the end of the year be quite as well off as though they had spent much valuable time running about after so called bargains. Try us out for a year. Keep close account of your purchases and see if you would gain by putting your judgment of goods against ours. Ready-to-Wear Garments Again we have gone more extensively into Women’s Ready-to-Wear Garments. ; The almost universal realization that, such garments are now made not only to j ! fit, but also to wear, in a freshness and novelty of design not possible to any I except expert dressmakers, puts upon the modern dry goods merchant the neces sity of bringing to his trade a complete stock of garments, for infant, miss and woman. \\ e have now such a stock, bought in the only market that furnishes a full opportunity to meet this demand. You are invited to'look these garments over. We are confident that at some time during the season you will buy some I of these from us. New Goods Every Day Purchases made in market are arriving daily. Ladies wishing Suits, Rain Coats. '■ -- .. Waists, Waist Patterns Dress Patterns. Dresses, are urged to make their purchases early. The values are just as good ; the choice is much better. — V. C. LYFORD