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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1909)
t , i i.r -i v’ - ' ^ ; * Vol. VI FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1909. Number 33 SOME TIMELYJUGGESTIONS WITH REGARD TO THE UPLIFT OF YOUR HOME TOWN What to Be and What Not to Be —Be a Booster At All Times - Never a Knocker. A town whose citizens have no pub lic spirit is on the way to the ceme tery. The citizen who will do nothing to help his own town is helping to dig its grave. The citizen who growls about his town being “The worst ever” is assisting in its burial. The business men who w ill not ad vertise is driving the hearse. The citizen who is a chronic grum bler and always pulling back in ev ery public enterprise is throwing bo quets on the grave. The citizen who“knocks” and howls “hard times" preaches the funeral sc inon. Point to a town whose citizens count every dollar gotten from their neighbor iis gain; and every dollar given to a school or college or church or library or Chautauqua or lecture course as loss, and you point to a town on which there rests a business and social blight, which will be known throughout your state as “A good town to move from.” Do your part, then, as citizens! Count for something In the affairs of your town or city. Pledge your word and honor that so long as you reside in a com munity it shall be your constant aim to “boost” it in every way you can. That you will not “knock,” but will do all you can for every public en terprise that has for its object the best interests of the community. That you will submit to the majority rule, and not growl if things are not al ways as you think they should be. That you will keep in mind that if a town is good enough for you to make your money in, it is the legitimate place for you to spend it,and will buy everything you can of your home-town merchants. That you will always say something good of your town and people or keep silent, except in case of a public nuisance. That you will not encourage nor contribute to in jurious reports about your neighbors or business competitors, but will use the scales of charity in weighing the shortcomings of your fellows. Prac tice this teaching and your town will be one into which the best families will come as the children gather round the fire on a winter's night. Take a big dose of cheerfulness and feel that the best is yet to come. Be an Optimist. ‘‘I admire the man who is always bal ing hay; Who is smiling through his galways every day; Not the cheap, shoggy grin of the fellow who’s all in, But the smile of those who win in the fray. There’s too much of vain repining in the land; And I weary of the whining, grunting band; And I love the cherry chap who en counters any hap With the smiles that overlap, who has sand. And I don’t believe your growling, or your yelps, Or your kicking or your growl ing ever helps; For the thoroughbreds are still, when the fight is going ill, And the howls that split the air come from whelps.” Don't Be a Pessimist. A pessimist is one who has an in growing grudge against humanity In general, and himself in particular. He sees failures hopelessly. An optimist is one who has suc ceeded in associating with humanity for some time without becoming- a cynic. He sees the failures but never loses faith in the manhood and woman hood of America. Wanted in Illinois. Chief of Police Marts and Sheriff Fenton picked up a fellow Satujday, who claims Iowa Point as his home and that his name is Ray Titus. His description tallies with that of a man who broke jail at Monmouth, 111 . while confined there under the name of Scott. The sheriff of that town, upon being notified of his arrest, tel egraphed instructions to hold him and that they would be here and get him. THE PRIMARIES. | Hot Weather and Indifference Kept Many From Voting. Tuesday was primary election day. but an old fashioned county conven tion* would have created more enthu siasm than it did. Aside from a few candidates, who had competition in their own party, being a little active, one could have easily forgotten it was primary day. The vote in the county Was light, extremely light, and encourages dis satisfaction with the new law. The returns have not been official ly counted, and some precincts have not been estimated, but the following nominations for county officials are practically certain. Republican. For Treasurer—George lieieherH For Clerk—R. W. Daggett For Judge—A. R. Scott For Sheriff—W. 1\ Fergus For Register of Deeds—F. M. Boss For Superintendent—A. D. Sargent For Coroner—Geo. \V. Reneker For Surveyor—R. E. Grftistead For Supervisor Dist. No. C—John Min ton. Democratic For Treasurer—John .1. Hutchings For Clerk—Geo. W. Morris For Judge—John Gagnon For Sheriff—AV. T. Fenton For Register of Deeds—E. C. Edward For Superintendent—T. J. Oliver For Coroner—Dr. M. L. Wilson For Supervisor Dist. No. 6—Warren Hutchins. A HOUSE ON STILTS. House Fell—“And Great Was The Fall Thereof.” Workmen had raised George Dits’ house preparatory to putting a foundation under same, with the aid of jacks. In digging the earth to find a solid place some of the jacks had become undermined and in the evening, after the workmen had left Monday, the house fell, going into the cellar. There was one occupant in the house at the time of the accident, Mary Murphy. She was frightened, but not Injured. -The house was con siderably wrecked, but can be repair ed very easily. The household goods, dishes and bric-abracs were all heaped together, and but very little damage was suffered by them. WANDERING CHLID FOUND. Searchers Discovered Little One By Hedge With Faithful Dog. Many of the residents of this com munity joined a searching party Sat urday, endeavoring to find a three year old child who had wandered home Fridav evening. The search was continued until two o’clock Sun day morning when it was found about four miles from home, asleep by a hedge, a faithful dog watching watching beside it. The child was a daughter of Gus Beck, who is incompetent to. care for his children, and they %ill be put into other homes. Mr. Beck was brought to Falls City Wednesday and arrainged before the insanity board who decided to send him to an institution for treat ment. The children will be placed in good homes. Elderly Man Prostrated. Sunday afternoon Philip old gentleman from Illinois, 'fe broth er-in-law of Mrs. Shouse, who lives east of the Central school, was over come by the intense heat. A physi cian was called, who administered to his needs, and after the cool of the evening he was restored to conscious ness. Married at National. Rev. F. E. Day united in marriage Mr. Wpi. Smith of Douglas, Neb., and Miss Pearl Hollowman of Colby, Neb., at the National Hotel, Wed nesday evening. They left for Kansas City 1o spend a day and will then go to Illinois. Chautauqua Report. An itemized statement of the re ceipts and expenditures of the Falls City Chautauqua Association for 1900 is on file at the State Bank and may be inspected by any member of the Chautauqua association. More Walks. The State Bank this week treated itself to some new cement sidewalks to take the place of some of the old crumbling blocks. THE WEEK'S SOCIAL EVENTS AS ’TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR | _ Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals, Lodges, Clubs, Churches. Etc. A sufficient number of guests to play three tables of whist were enter tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Uhlig on last Thursday ev ening. Mr. David Graham, of Ore gon, being the guest of honor. The game was enjoyed on the porch and punch was served. Mrs. Bert Iteavis and Simon Davies were the most skillful at the game, having the best score to their credit at the end. Mrs. Katherine Wylie assisted with the serving of the delighful refresh ments. Miss Helen Jackson of £?t. Joseph, Mo., was ihe guest of lionor at a beautiful reception given at the home of Miss Louise Rule on 'Thursday ev ening. The evening's entertainment consisted of games and music, and dainty refreshments were served. rile home of Miss Ruth Schock was the scene of a happy crowd of young ladies Friday afternoon. The affair was a linen shower in honor of Miss Florence Wylie, who is to wed Mr. Kverett Peckinpaugh of Ot tawa Kas., August 20th. A number RULO STREET FAIR. Humboldt Band Made Many Friends— A General Good Time. Special from lUilo. The three days’ picnic closed Sat urday night at midnight. A good crowd from all the neighboring towns attended as well as large crowds from the country. The weather, if it had only been a little cooler, would have been perfect. A number of refreshment stands took care of the wants of the people. A balloon ascention was made each evening. The Humboldt, band furnished mu sic and made many friends among our people. It was a place where* many friends met, who had not met for some time before, but owing to the excessive heat and the length of timov which the picnic was held a very tired crowd was glad to see the close. A NEW FIRM. Jean Cain and Blaine Yoder Will Sell Vacuum Cleaners Jean (Jain and Blaine Yoder have r< nled the office room formerly used by Cleaver & Sebold, ill the .lessen building and will open up a Vacuum Cleaner business. They have contracted for several counties in Southeastern Nebraska and Brown county, Kas., as their territory, and expect to reap a big harvest front the largo field. The Vacuum Cleaning business is _l___ FINANCIAL report of Falls City Chautauqua Association RECEIPTS Season and Single Ticket Sale.$3.0 19 15 Tents, Concessions. Advertising, etc. ... 435 76 Bal. from last year... 3 12 92 Int. on last years's de deposit . 4 70 Totat . $3,772 53 EXPENDITURES Talent.$2,780 00 Printing and Adver tising . 25 I 85 Auditorium Rent_ 202 87 Labor. 323 8 I Tents. 89 00 Postage, Express, Draylng, Sundries 49 15 Total .$3,696 68 Balance . 75 85 $3,772 53 Respectfully submitted, R. R. TEETER, Secretary. of beautiful pieces of linen was giv en Miss Wylie as a memento of the occasion, among them being a hand some table cloth, which the young ladies hemmed for her during the afternoon. An elaborate luncheon was served, heart-shaped place cards be ing used. The refreshments were also heart-shaped. Miss Lela Powell entertained a number of young lady friends at. six o’clock dinner Friday after which they enjoyed the evening at the Elec tric theater. The guests of honor were Misses Helen Jackson of St. Joe, Mo., and Miss Ora Fishback of Kentucky. The Friends In Council are to be entertained at the Barton residence August 26t.h, Mrs. Barton and Miss Josephine Graves to be hostesses. In the neighborhood of a hundred friends gathered at the German hall Monday evening to celebrate the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Mary Buchholz. The evening was spent in games, dancing and a general good time. Those present were members of the German Society. Refresh ments consisting of cake and ice cream were served, and after stay ing until a late hour and wishing Mrs. Buchholz many returns of the occa sion, the gathering departed for their several homes. _ I The Daughters of Isabella gave a j lawn social at the home of Father Bex on Wednesday evening. Re freshments were served at 15 cents and the proceeds will be 'used for charitable purposes. The Presbyterian Junior C. E. had , a picnic Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Jake Marmot. Everyone had a most enjoyable time and, because I of tin? large numbi present, games i were all played on tue park grounds. Bert Baker has been on Ihe sick list for a fewd ays. comparatively a new thing, having only been used In the larger cities for a few years, but with great success. If it’s a good thing in a largo city, it should be a good thing in a smaller one—so we predict an enormpus bus iness for these young men. Another new firm—now watch Falls City grow. A MIX-UP. Careless Auto Drivers Caused Costly Accident at Salem. Special from Salem. While out driving Sunday evening Walter Carlisle and Miss Crook were badly shaken up, as a result of their team being frightened a* an auto They were unaware of it being near them, as the driver had neglected to light his lamps. Mr. Carlisle’s shoul der was dislocated and the young lady was badly bruised. The buggy was entirely destroyed. Such drivers ought to be fined be cause of their neglect to attend to signals and keeping both front and back lights lighted after dark. ESTABLISHED NEW GRADE. The Old Grade Was Established In The Year of 1832. H. C. Gardner of Lincoln, a civil engineer, was in the city the firs^t of the week, and with the assistance of Hlaine Yoder of this city surveyed Stone street to establish a grade,from the 'school house to its lower ter minus. , The only grade that was ever es tablished was In IS82, and conditions are different now—paving and sewer age are to hi' taken into consideration —thus the old grade is worthless and a new one is necessary before the paving, etc, is resumed. Another One. Falls City is the latest place to get. into paving business. No city lias ever been known to regr t such a step in the long run.- Nebraska State Capital. ^ V COUNTY MORTUARY RECORD NUMEROUS DEATHS RECORDED FOR THE WEEK Joseph G. McGinnis of Near Nims City Passes Away Was In jured In a Runaway. McGinnis. Special from Nims City. Joseph G. Me Ginnis dicu at his home near here Sunday afternoon at. about five o’clock. Some few weeks ago he sustained a broken limb, the result of being thrown from a haul of hay in a runaway. At the time his friends- every one who knew him hoped for a speedy recovery, but it was not to be. Ulood pois oning from the Injured member cans ed his death. All Uiat was possible to (to was iione lo save him Dr. Geiger of St. Joseph was sent for, with hopes that an am putation of the limb would save him — hut all to no avail, lie that doeth all tilings well, called him home. If people in this community had been asked to name one person who could be spared, it would certainly not have been Joseph (!. McGinnis, lint man proposes and God disposes, and when hi* was summoned he obey ed in the same way that he did all his duties—cheerfully and without a question. Mr. McGinnis was born In Adair county, Kentucky, February 4, 1850 and came to Nebraska at the age of fifteen years. During his young man hood he spent about one year In Utah, hut all the rest of his llfo had been spent In this section. In 1874 he was united In marriage to Miss Hose Neilson and shortly after their mar riage he purchased a farm on Rat tlesnake Creek, which has been their home ever since. To them were born six children, Edgar, the oldest dying six years ago. Of those remaining Mesdamos Editli Smith and Luella Wise live in this section; Mrs. Grace Swisegood in Wallace county, Kas., and Mrs. Mag gie Beutler and Hugh McGinnis near Nokomis, Canada. Mr. McGinnis was well known throughout the county, having been prominent in politics and always steadfast in upholding what lie believ ed to be right. He has served the school district in which lie lived as director for thirty-three years and at the time of his dead) was holding the responsible position of president of the Dawson. Nebraska Telephone Company. Gossett. Relatives and friends of Miss Mae Gossett were grieved to hear of her sudden deatli at Omaha, Tuesday, August 17th, where she had been vis iting with Mends by the name of Burke since last Friday. When she left Falls City she had intended to go to Omaha and spend a few days, then go to Lincoln and visit. Owing to the heat on Monday, and not being very strong, she was taken sick and grew gradually weaker until a physi cian was called, who sent her immedi ately to a hospital, where for a time she seemed to be gaining strength, but suddenly began to fail and without any suffering succumbed. The physician pronounced her ail ment as gastritis. George Holt, a brother-in-law, went to Omaha Tuesday ami brought the body to Falls City Wednesday. Fune ral services were held at. the resi dence at 4 o’clock on Thursday after noon. She was born in Falls City and was twenty-seven years, eleven months and one day old. Burns. Special from Verdon. Robert Bryan, the little son of Clint Burns and wife died at their home west of Verdon Friday after an ill ness of four months. He was one year and eleven months old. * I" une ral services were conducted by Rev. Garries, at the Evangelical church, Saturday at ten o'clock, and the re mains were tenderly laid to rest in the Verdon cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Burns have the sym pathy of the entire community in their great sorrow. Ulrich. Special from Barada. George Ulrich was born in Prussia, Germany, August 17, 1SB8 and depart ed this life at the home of li. J. Ku ker, near Bar&da, August 15, 190!), aged seventy years, eleven mouths, and twenty-eight days. He leaves to mourn his loss a daughter. one I sister and numerous friends. Ho Was laid to rest lu Harris cemetery. Rev. Zike had charge of the servi ce's, which were conducted from the house. Uncle George Ulrich had been a familiar figure in our midst for a number of years and it is with great sorrow and regret that tho entire com munity mourns Ills loss. Brunk. A baby girl, five months old, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry lltunk, who live one and a half miles northwest of Falls City, was called away Monday night, aftor a two weeks’ illness. The little one had suffered from complications and had not the strength to recover. Funeral services were held from the homo, Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Uelehel of (lie Baptist church of tills city officiating, after which the little one was taken to Fairfax, Mo., for interment. Schuyler Mears and wife, neigh bors of the family, accompanied them lo Fairfax. McNeely. Special from Humboldt. John McNeely, who for fifty years has been a resident of this commu nity, died suddenly at his home north east o' town. Funeral services were conducted at the M. E. church la this city Thursday morning. He was fifty-five years of age and Is sur vived by n widow and twelve child ren. Esteb. Special from Verdon. Mrs. Itlnda Esteb of this city, who had been taken to a hospital In Lin coln, three weeks ago, suffering from tuberculosis, died last NVodnesday ev ening at that place. She was fifty years, one month and twelve days old,and has been In poor health for some time. The remains were brought hero Thursday. Funeral services were hold Friday at the Christian church Rev. Rate Ilf fe officiating, and the In terment was at the Verdon cemetery. Mrs. Esteb leaves one daughter, besides other relatives and a host of friends who mourn her loss. Burch. Mrs. Margaret Burch died at her homo in this city,at the age of fifty nine years, two months and fifteen days, Monday, August IGtli. She was born in Andrew county. Mo., in 1850. She was an old settler In Falls City, having been married to Richard Burch here In 1808, to whom seven children were horn. Three sons, Jos eph, Marion and Haley, and two dau ghters, Mrs. Minnie Alexander and Mrs. Mattie Whitney survive her. Her husband preceded her in death two years ago. The funeral services were held at the home oil North Harlan street on Tuesday morning at nine o’clock, Rev. C. A. Mastin officiating. Interment at Steele cemetery. Bean. Friends of Wm. Bean, formerly of this city, received word Saturday of his death at Leavenworth, Kas. Mr. Bean moved from here to Morrill about a year ago, after his invalid w*fc died from the effects of the burns she had received when their house was in flames. About three weeks ago he went to the Soldiers’ Home at Leavenworth, where on Sat urday, about three o'clock, lie was found dead on the pavement near there. He was taken to Morrill, where funeral services were held in the Progressive church, and interment was at that cemetery. Mr. Bean was seventy-nine_years of age, had been married three times, four sons and three daughters being born of this union. He was well known in this county, having years ago lived on'a farm on Pennsylvania Ave., south of Salem, and in this city several veal’s. Putnam & Sons to Build. Putnam & Sons have selected a building spot, near where the now vinegar factory is to be, and will build thereon to accomodate both their bottling works and their new industry, cement block and tile mak ing. District Court. An attachment case, Peter Freder ick, Sr., vs. 'Anna Hoffman and Fred B. Hoffman was filed. Georgia A. Sehweinfurth asks for a divorce and alimony from Jacob Sehweinfurth.