Historical Society * The Falls City Tribune Vol. VI FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1909. Number 32 WATER UNDOUBTEDLY GOOD “IT'S THE PIPES," SEEMS TO BE THE GENERAL VERDICT The Question Discussed, But the Street Corner “Kicker" Was Not In Evidence. The call for a mass meeting to talk over the water question, issued by Mayor Keeling was rewarded by a fair sized crowd at the er.r’t house Tuesday evening. Harry Pence was appointed chair man of the meeting by the mayor, and A. E. Gantt was elected secre tary by acclamation. Mr. fence de clared the meeting open for popular discussion and the following account is a synopsis of the result: That the water, as it comes from tho well,is good,pure and wholesome there is no doubt, as was proven by the testimony of several who were present, armed with their personal experiments with it. Louie Wirth said that liis experi ence, as a plummer, proved to him conclusively that the trouble lay in the pipes and not in the water. He declared that in his opinion the pres ent water was far superior to that of the bid wells. His reason for that belief is that in their work as plum mers they have been called upon to repair meters, time and again, and that invariably the brass cogs had been corroded and eaten up by the effects of the hard water of the old well3. He said further, that after re placing old and rusty surface pipes with new ones, at his residence, that the present water, which was before very bad, has now become excellent. He told of getting a sample of water from other new pipes in the north part of the city, and of Ward Knight testing the same with a developing powder, the result being that the water could be used in Mr. Knight’s work as a photographer without fear of bad results in developing. The water from the faucets in the gallery is not fit' for the same use. On a whole, Mr. M irth's opinion was, that the trouble now being experienced is caused by the action of the new water upon the rust and accumulation left in the pipes and mains by the old water. Dr. Burchard was present, prepar ed to give a test. He had with him a sample of the water taken from the well, a sample from the faucet in his office and a sample from the Mr. C. T. U. fountain, at the court house. His test was with tannic acid, the ac tion of which, on water containing iron, is to turn it almost black. He added some of the acid to the water taken from the wells and the result was that it remained as clear as a crystal. He did the same thing with the water taken from .the faucet in his office, the result being that it turned dark, very dark. The same test was made with the water from the W.C.T.U. fountain on the Stone street main, and still the water re mained clear. Dr. Bureluird’s test proves without a doubt, that the trou ble is in the pipes, not with the wat er, and that in this case it was in the surface pipes leading from the main to his office. Martin Gohling s.-iid that he had sent a sample of the water, taken from the faucet at the brewery, to a brewery chemist in Chicago and that the chemist analyzed it for organic substances, saying that*it was free from those and that it was in his opinion, a first-class water. Mr. Gehllug said further, that his (exper ience with the old water was that it was hard and left a crust upon his boilers at the brewery, causing him to clean them very often; that since using the water from the new well Its action upon the pipes was to clear off the accumulation, and that it is not necessary for him to give the boiler as much attention as before. W. H. Putnam, of the bottling works, said that when the water trou ble first made its appearance, he sent a jug of the water to the bottler’s as sociation chemist in Chicago. The chemist reported to him that the wat er was good and that he would run no risk in using it in the making of his pops, etc. The bottling business requires an extra good water and the fact that the present water meets the requirements of that business, proves that the water is alt right—the trouble is in the pipes. Water Commissioner Van Winkle was called to the floor and plied with a few questions. Some present had the opinion that drainage conditions at the wells were of such a nature as to allow the surface water to run into the well. This, Mr. Van Winkle ex plained, is absolutely impossible. Mr. Van Winkle said that he had superin tended the flushing of the mains sev eral times, and that the mass of filth and sediment that came from the pipes was beyond description. He thinks that, without a doubt, the trouble is exclusively in the pipes, not with the water. That the w'ater is good in some places and bad in other localities in the city is a fact. The water from the Stone street mains, from all re ports, seems to be of a good quality, but the water in the east and south parts of the city is the worst. No one present had a decided opin ion ns to a remedy for the unfortu nate condition. Nearly everyone who ventured an opinion thought that, by a systematic flushing of the mains by the city and a continuous running of the water through the surface pipes by individuals, the water would in time become wholesome and satisfac tory to all consumers. In the absence of no positive rem edy a motion was put asking the chairman to appoint a committe of five, with Dr. Burchard to act as chairman, to devise ways and means, if possible, to correct the present conditions of the water system; the committee to report either at a fu ture meeting, in the press of the city, or both. The chair appointed the following to act on the committee with Dr. Burchard: Dr. H. R. Miner, Louie Wlrth, War Hutchins and W. L. White. SHAKESPEARE YEAR BOOK. The 1909 and 1910 Edition is Now Printed. The Tribune has just issued the Shakespeare club year book for 1909 1910. The book is a very neat one. The inserts are of the finest deckel edged white paper, printed with pur ple ink to match the cover of the came color which is printed in white ink. It is tied with a white silk cord and tassel. The club meets every alternate Friday at 2:30 p. m. with one of the members. The first meeting will be on September 10, 1909, with Mrs. P. S. Heacock. Purple is the club color and the violet is the club's flower. The officers of the club are: Mrs. John Gilligan, president; Mrs. G. W. Holland, vice-president; Mrs. W. W. Abbey, secretary-treasurer. The membership: Mesdames W. W. Abbey, Charles Banks, Harry Cus ter, John Gilligan, T. J. Gist, A. Gra ham, Charles Hargrave, P. S. Hea cock, T. L. Himmelreich, G. W. Hol land, P. H. Jussen, V. G. Lyford, H. R. Miner, C.' F. Reavis, Isham Reavis, D. D. Reavis, R. R. Rule, E. H. Towle, A. G. Wanner and J. C. Yutzy. The plays for this year’s study will be King Lear and The Winter Tale. The text book used is, “What is Shakespeare?’’ Too Much is a Plenty. There were plenty of “knockers” while Noah was building the ark, but he finished the work according to the plans and met with success. The crop of “knockers” were scarce im mediately after the flood, but has increased rapidly since that time. Falls City has her share—yes, and some one else’s share, too—but if a certain fellow, whose liver must have surely turned to gall, don’t de sist from continually “knocking” on everything that happens in Falls City, or is going to happen, we are going to take him to task. Will Wherry III. Mrs. W. E. Dorrington received word Tuesday of the serious illness of her brother, J. W. Wherry, form erly a resident of Falls City, but now of Modesta, Cal. His nervous system has been in such a serious condition as to demand his removal to a hospit al at Byron Springs, Cal., where he is at present. His friends here will be sorry to hear of his condition. Report in Due Time. The Tribune is authorized to an nounce that as soon as all bills have been presented to the Chautauqua as sociation, and paid, a report in full will be furnished the weekly papers of this city for publication. Christian People Busy. Hev. Day went to Lincoln Tuesday to get plans and specifications for the new church and work will begin in a short time. Watch for the account of the sale of the old building. OUTCOME OF CHAUTAUOOA l _ MANAGEMENT MAKES SETTLE MENT WITH BOARD A Neat Sum Turned Over to Park Board Elaborate Plans for Improving the Park. The park board and the manage ment of the Chautauqua association met this morning and finished check ink up the ticket sales and other business of the association, which amounted to $3,019.15, of which the park board received 5 per cent of tiie first $2,500.00 and 15 per cent of all over Unit amount, which netted the park board $202.87, all of which lias been turned over to the city treasurer for park improvements. The report that was circulated, to tiie effect that there would bo differ ences between the two managements, did not show up, as everything was harmonious. The only thing to mar the happiness of the meeting was that some one reported that a certain newspaper of this city had said that the action that paper had taken in regard to the city water had cost the Chautauqua association the sale of 1,000 single admission tickets, which the board deprecates. How ever we do not think it becomes any good citizen to brag on tHe amount of injury that they may be able to do any enterprise that may be started in this city. This Chautauqua does not belong to any set of individuals, but to the city and surrounding coun try, and was never started or main tained for the benefit of any individ uals or company, but for the good of the whole community, and we feel sorry that anybody tries to make peo ple believe that this is a money-mak ing institution or a scheme to make money. All that is asked from year to year is simply the expenses. We have put in our time on the park property and did all we could to make ttie grounds comfortable for our citizens and their friends, and we hope next year to do still better. We have under contemplation a lake for bathing purposes in the sum mer time and skating in the winter. We want to lay out a ball park and have it in goodworking order for next year’s games. Now all we ask is for the citizens to furnish the means and we will give you our tune and we .will try and turn over to you a park that in a few years ;ou will all feel proud tq own. And further, we will render an accounting of every cent of money you may place in the hands of tin <;ity treasurer for us to use. Now, from the optimist, we ask your advice and suggestions; front the “knocker” and pessimist, we ask nothing. Yours for a larger Falls City, H. T. HAHN. D. D. REAVIS. W. S. LEYDA. Falls City, Aug. 11. Park Hoard. Still Grinding Old Wheat. The Falls City Roller Mills are still grinding old wheat, which speaks for the quality of the flour. The price is, of course, a "little higher than if they were grinding new wheat, but the quality makes up for the differ ence. Most all mills are grinding all new wheat, because they were unable to get enough old wheat to carry them through until new wheat, is fit to grind. This speaks well for the man agement here, who are always trying to keep their flour up to the best possible standard. Horse and Buggy Stolen. Wednesday evening about seven o’clock Ray Schaible tied his fine driving horse to the court house hit ching rack and at nine o’clock, when he went for it, it was gone. The ani mal was hitched to a fine buggy. The entire outfit is easily worth $250.00. Sheriff Fenton has offered a $50.00 reward. S. A. Little Improved.. S. A. Little is expected home today (Thursday) from Excelsior Springs, where he has been spending a couple of weeks, trying to recup erate his health, which has been very bad for some time. He is re ported to have been much improved by the vacation and recreation. Horton to Come. The Horton ball team will come to Falls City, Friday, August 13th, and play a game with the Falls City team. A good game is guaranteed. t A COMMUNICATION. A Citizen, Thinking Himself Injured, Has Something to Say. To The Tribune: We wish to in form the public, through your valu able paper, that the only ice cream sold by us during the Chautauqua was furnished to us by the Candy Kitchen, and was up to the standard of the pure food law. In an article published by the Kalis City Journal recently the editor says that he had eaten of this ice cream and that it had made him sick, and in this way he connected 11s with the fraudulent ice cream of which he had so much to say. Now if tile Journal editor got sick eating our ice cream it must have been because he lias a dyspeptic stomach, of which his editorials fur nish additional proof. v When we called upon the editor and complained of the damage done to our reputation by his misrepresent ations, and asked him to do what any gentleman would have been willing to do—say for us that we had not been guilty of violating the pure food law lie bluntly refused to do so, unless we would pay him his price. This we refused to do, as it looked to us like acceding to the demands of a black mailer. Since the above* was handed The Tribune for publication, 1 have read the item about me in Tuesday’s Jour nal. Aside from that part of the item which is entirely meaningless, It is a confession by the editor that when he connected me with the sell ing of bad ice cream, he was Igno rant of the facts about the ice cream condemned by the pure food law inspector. The Journal will have no trouble in convincing its readers that it Is wholly unreliable in about all it prints—a distinguished feature of all saffron colored journals. it has become plain to others, be sides ourselves, that we have an editor in the person of K. K., who is pursuing the methods of the disrepu table yellow journals, by publishing i»*»en things about various enterpris es for the purpose of compelling pat ronage and securing hush money. BLAINE YODER.' ARTHUR UNLAND DEAD. A Former Resident of Humboldt Pas sed Away in Canada. Special from Humboldt. A sad message was received Sat urday night from Nakoinis, Canada, slating that Arthur Unland, son of C. C. Unland and wife, of this city, had died the previous day at his home from spinal meningitis an*d that the body would arrive in Humboldt, Tues day for interment. Deceased was thirty-one years of age, and with the except ion of a few'years has resided in Humboldt, the past five years hav ing been spent on his Canadian claim. In December 1909 he was mar ried to Miss Maggie Boss, who de parted this life four years later, a little daughter, Lucile, being born of the union. In March 1908 he married Miss Mable Carnes at Humboldt, who with her little babe accompanied the remains here. Funeral services were held from the Methodist church on Wednesday morning. DROWNED BOY FOUND. The Body of Leslie Cronin Has Been Recovered. Special from Rulo. The body of Leslie Cronin, who was drowned over two weeks ago in the Missouri river at Rulo, was found Monday at Iowa Point. The body was badly decomposed and identification was difficult. The body was brought to Rulo late Monday night and buried in the Catholic cemetery. The relatives, and more especially the parents have the heartfelt sympa thy of the whole community. Mrs. A. Powell Fell. During a sick spell this week. Grandma Powell, mother of John and James, was stricken with a sick spell and fell. While she suffered no serious injury,it jarred her up a great deal. New Side Walk. Win. Ruegge was treated to a fine new granitoid side walk, by his land lord, in front of his implement houses this week. Presbyterian Church Pews. The pews for the new Presbyterian church have arrived. They have beer stored untfl the church is completed ; THE WEEK'S SOCIAL EVENTS AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals. Lodges, Clubs, Churches, Etc. Mrs. Katherine Wylie announced to those assembled at the kouslugtou at her home, last Wednesday after noon, that on August 25, her daugh ter, Miss Florence, would wed Mr. Everett Peckinpuugh of Ottawa, Kas. The ltoyal Neighbors will serve ice cream and cake at the M.*W. A. hall Friday evening. The proceeds will go toward buying a piano. A few of their neighbors were in vited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Musselnmn Friday night to enjoy a musical treat. Instrumental and vocal, by the gifted Miss Edna Wentworth. Refreshments were ser ved. The Sunny Slope keuslngton met with Mrs. Ross Will Wednesday af ternoon. Seventeen ladies were pres ent. and all had a good time. Ice cream and cake were served. The next meeting will be with Mrs Win, Ruhr, Wednesday, August 18th. T. J. Gist's homo wuw a scene of a very novel party on Tuesday. About thirty little girls and boys were invit