The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 06, 1909, Image 4

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Entered as second-class matter at
Falls City, Nebraska, post office, Janu
ary 12. l‘io4, under the Act of Congress
on Ma ch 2, 187*).
Published every Friday at Kails City,
Nebraska, bv
The Tribune Publishing Company
E. r. SMARTS. Manager
One year __.fl.'rf)
Six months . ... _ .75
Three months .40
Falls City is now partaking of Its
first taste of street paving. It Is a
foregone conclusion that the habit will
grow and fasten upon the community.
Harry Thaw may bo crazy, hut in
answering the questions put by Coun
sellor Jerome, he shows conclusively
Hint he is an adroit hml talented
"bug-house" inmate.
The Wright aeroplane is now the
property of tin* Flitted Stales" The
Wrights, who were “cranks" at the
start, are considered scientists today,
and the fact that our‘government lias
Just paid them non for thoir ma
chine goes to prove it,
Bishop Qitayle nays you can ti ll a
genuine Christian by his street car
manners. livery village and hamlet
ought to have a street car line, hut
In the absence of one how are we to
separate the sheep from the goats.
Bishops are not so bright after nil.
W ltat any single Individual nr pub
lication might say id our Chautauqua
wouldn't really affect the rate re
ceipts- that all important cog in
Chautauqua machinery. Jupiter, the
eldest member of the 1‘luvlus fam
ily. is tiie only successful "knocker."
With America, Uorinany and Fiance
■training every point to outdo each
other in n< rial achievements, Japan
now enters the field, and hacked hj
tile government, Japanese aeronauts
will try their hand at solving tin
problem. Just watch the wily and
ingenious Jap from now on.
Nebraska is not to lose Mr. .1. \v.
Bryan as was reported. The Mon
sounded "fishy" from the first.
Why should a suy es. ful man move
from Nebraska tq Texas? Why should
a man move to TV^as in any case?
If a man Ik so constituted he can
he miserable right here in Nebras
Our sister city of Salem, whose
people are noted for their genuine
hospitality and good cheer, hold theii
first annual assembly next Kmw >y,
August 8th. It Is needh ss to say
that the crtunty neat will be well
represent'd. A tbl m Sunday dinner
has a drawing ; r nt-r s: eond to
C ' *-ll “|b (1 V " A‘ i .
# »
It was a pretty good Chautauqua
after all, and toe • na • iI, and
hts assistants, !• vo r- ; to be
JJfOUd of the •• ell., b Kir l a
few days, of had weather an u»- |
avoidable am! d I a rou iutyner
enco that till ciw.iiauqn.-ii; ate n.t to1
email! 1 -c- -it '• ■> . one of the most
successful < lniutauqunb in point of
interest and hlgh-elai end : Uilnnt at,
Tills week, the first In August, 1
bees the close of a suet. ful chau s
tauqiuv i.! l'alls < ': , t a
Incut of struct paving, the Ml-, otui
Pacific company busily on ■ I In!
limiting an important t nee i! point .
here !i ,d the dredge bouts cutting |
Hear way, i rough the l i -h bottom
lands i the Nw In ' ' to t
straight .ped water < on rue and a re- 1 ■■ In.*1*1 .... AVliat
li-.-'l- a . i-; !• .. • A ■
The automobile 111 the hands of a
reckless driver, who jurists in speed -:
ing beyond the . e.f >y limit up and
down the streets of a town. i>. n
inenanco to society and should he
suppress d. Even a common wheel
barrow, iu the hand.- of a fool is
dangerous. It is net ;u or the
automobile that legislation i; 1 ing
enacted all o\i: ’ t ■ country -it is
against the choc rful idiot that per
sists in endangering tire lives of
Frame your mind to mirth and mer
riment, which bar a thousand harms/
and lengthen life.—Shakespeare.
There is nothing like fun, is there?
If you havn't any yourself, don't you
like to see it in others? We need all
the counterweights we can muster to
balance the’ sad relation of life. God
made sunny spots in the heart; why
should we exclude the light from
them ?
Gaiety and a light heart, in all vir
tue and decorum, are the best med
icines for the young, or rather for all.
Solitude and melancholy are poison; j
they are deadly to all, and above all
to the young.
It came to the« ears of the writer
recently that a young man—very (
young, of course—had threatened to
do something desperate, all on ac
count of wlwu he considered love.
Think of getting desperate or commit
ting ft rash act over one love, when
there is so very, very much In this
beautiful world to love. Such thought
; re brought about by melancholy; by
nourishing the “grumpy."
Nothing so covers the .nerves, so
tempers passion and anger, so cures
disappointment and discontent, as
getting out In the sunlight and walk
ing ii off. It Is the nursing of one's
unpleasant thoughts that too often
make for grief In the end.
And it if too often Indulged in by
others not so young; by those who
should have the wisdom and a con*
del over themselves for the better,
vjuick temper is excusable. While it
is a curse, generally hereditary, there
may he some excuse for it, hut fora
"grumpy" disposition there i i none,
mm. tm
Something of late has affected our
friend Herbert's liver. The World‘‘do
move," but of late1 It has bei n over
loaded with bile. .1 list who has
offended the astute colonel we are
unable to learn, but we see no sane
reason why tho whole city and all
tributary thereto should share his
wrath. W<> had a Chautauqua; bo did
Hiawatha. Both had good features;
both had attractions that were not so
good. Who cares which was the most
attractive and made or lost the most
money? Those tiling# should be,
beneath a man of Col. Herbert’s!
standing. Wo are surprised that 1km
feels that Ills mission just now is to
engender a feeling between neighbor-1
ing towns aliiug these lines that
can certainly result in no good and
may create a spirit of bitterness
that would be lasting. The colonel is j
a frequent visitor to our midst, and
if he will steal enough time to look,
about him during his visits we are
sure be will find many good tilings
to say about Kails City and her peo
ple. It is the part of a school hoy
to eternally walk about with a chip |
mi the shoulder in order to convince j
the public what a power you are In
a scrap. Colonel Herbert is too big
for the school hoy act and too far |
away from his school boy days to
get back into the dirty journalism of1
twenty year:-', ago. Wo all know yon
ai i pper, bright as a
u ■w dollar and an all-round good 1
fellow when not crossed, hu^ do not
.how the elements of a spoiled boy !
which forces itself to the mirfaue at i
limes. While you undlspuudly own
lie* World, there at place# on the |
map fiat you cannot control Kails'
City is one of them, with till her1
good and bad features, and Herbert
knows wo have both na bis t'iv
([(..lit viwii.i would imply that wo have,
the former, while column alter col
man of bis paper of late has been 1
a yon picture of the latter, tint light1
old boy; get right. It is just as easy
to make friends u# enemies if you’d
rather have them.
l d hi announcy through The
Tribune Unit I am n candidate for the
nomination on the democratic ticket,
la tit ■ office of county judge. If liom ;
i iiited and dieted to this oftic I
promise to the people a faithful «x
- etlon of every official duty d-volv
i ig upon me. 1 ask the eonsldem
lion of the volets at the coining pri
laat'J. and the support of those who1
it Hu ;u> worth.' will be appreciated.
J’. . ure hud take a bottle of Cham
; '■ i's Cob \ ('hole:a and 1 hirrh
j, ■! Kennedy with you when starting
Ion your trip this auuuner. It can
... t .. . ... in d on board the C . 'i s
|, .u.uuern. Changes of water and
• i :..i i ■ o a, and it Is best to be pre
pared. Sold by all druggists.
Worth Thinking I
About j
‘ Every dollar put by today comes
to you as a gift tomorrow."
• Those who save soon c.ea:,e to
••‘Get’ Is a good servant, but
•Keep' is a better one.”
“Of all glad words of pen or
tongue, the gladdest are these
— I saved when young."
"The greatest pay streak is the
saving streak."
"A dollar in the bank does you
more good than a hundred
Get one of those' Vest Pocket
Savings Banks at
Falls City State
And comm«nc« the sa\ing habit now
My friends having filed a petition
asking that my name be placed on the
primary ballot for sheriff on tin j
democratic ticket, I have decided to'
grant their wishes. I promise that
Tf successful at the polls I will give
my entire time and attention to the
office. Thanking the voters of the
county for past favors, I remain,
yours very truly,
I hereby announce myself a demo
cratic candidate for nomination to
the office of County Clerk, at the
primary election, which will be held
on August the 17th, 1909. If nomi
nated and elected I promise to give
to the office my entire time and at
tention; to all courteous and fait
treatment, together with ail the ac
curacy my ability warrants.
County Superintendent.
Having filed for the office of
county superintendent, 1 wish to an
nounce my candidacy, eubjcct to the
action of the republican voters tit the
primary, August IT. if nominated and
subsequently elected, I shall endeavor
to serve the school interests of the
county to the best of m.v ability.
County Recorder.
1 wish to take this method of tell
ing tho voters of Richardson county
that I am a candidate for tho office
of county recorder, subject to 1 lie dic
tate of the primary election, August
If nominated and subsequently
elected to the office to which I aspire
1 pledge myself !o give all it square
deal and the office my entire time
and attention. FRANK M. ROSS.
I hereby announce to the voter: of
Richardson county, I am a candidate
for the Republican nomination for
county treasurer at the primary elec
tion. Having had long experience in
the clerical work, both public and
private, having lived in the count}
n arly all of my life, do assure ill
the people ii' nominal- d August !"th,
100!', and cl' tted at the November
let lion in 1900, will serve all the
people to the best of my ability.
Yours respectfully,
County Superintendent.
1 wish to announce through Tie
Tiibune my candidacy for the off!.
of county superintendent on the dem
ocratic ticket, to be voted for at Un
coming election. 1 ran truthfully cay
that this office to me will be stricti}'
non-partisan iu the fullest sense, and
if I am elected I will fill the office
lo the best of my ability.
I hereby announce myself as . !
candidate i'of tho office of ah rilf. j
subject to tho choice of Republican
voters of Richardson county.
Announcement. ,
1 hereby announce myself a cum.:
date on the d- iiiocratle ticket fur tin
office of Recorder of Deeds, subject I
to tho primary election which will lw |
held on August 17th, 1909. If cue
cessful in the nomination and if 1 I
am ■ i eted I promise to give my uu
dlvld- d attention to the office t\" 1 j
transact tho duties of tho office -
-the best of my ability.
An Announcement.
I desire to announce to the Vv
of Richardson county that 1 am a cm* j
didato lor the Democratic nominal!* j
for County Treasurer at the prims
election. It has been ray plenr.ur • u
serve the public in a county oil*
for a few years and this expo: i
and acquaintance with the county at
fairs will enable me to administer th*
affairs of the office more efficiently I
If 1 am given the nomination i
earnestly ask the support of all voi i
ers, at the November election, irro. I
sportive of party and I pledge mys* !i
to serve the tax pavers of this county j
In a faithful and accomodating man j
ner. Yours respectfully,
County Clerk.
My friends having persuaded me to
allow my name to be placed on the
primary ballot tvs a candidate for tin
office of County Clerk on tlio repub
lican ticket, I take this method of in
troducing myself to those in the conn
ty who are not already acquainted
with me.
In case I am elected to the office,
l promise to do mV very best
to please the public and to do the
office justice. ROY \V. DAGGETT.
Private money to loan onReal Es
tate. Mortgages bought and sold.
A Modern Tragedy of Upper Cloudland
"Well, I've got a new aero car;“
said Gans, boyishly, to his wife when
he came home one evening.
"No!” said Mrs. Gans under her
breath. "You really haven't, Edgar!”
"I really have. Traded my motor
car in on the deal, too. The aero car
cost me |20,00(i altogether. The best
the Aerial Navigation Company would
allow me on the motor car was $200.
Think of it! And I’ve*Been the time
a motor car like that was worth
"But,” ventured Mrs. Gans, “aero
motoring, or whatever you may rail it,
is dangerous, I don’t care what they
say to the contrary. Your auto was
perfectly beautiful and we had such
splendid times in it.”
"Well,” replied Gans in defense, ”!
hope you didn’t* want me to continue
in the ranks of the ancient? Why,
every time I took that auto out I
couldn't help feeling embarrassed. No
matter if it was the very last thing in
auto making, 1 was a back number
nevertheless. If 1 dared to speed a
little l was continually dodging men,
women, children, dogs, chickens, po
licemen and constables. With an aero
car I can scorch around in the
empyrean blue with nothing but clouds
in the way. And running through
towering piles of cumulus is all the
crave in aero clubs now.”
i* mm a motor car to an aero car
was a transition as abrupt as it was
far, and Mrs. Cans was apprehensive,
’ a \ itiistunding this glowing picture.
She was apprehensive because she
Ian ,v Cans much more intimately
titan he knew himself. She khew him
well .enough to know about what he
would do under any given circum
Cans had been ihe automobile fiend
of bis set. lie had spent more time
in and tinder automobiles titan any
other man he knew. Motoring had
been meat and drink to him.
For his aero car Cans had a tent
creeled on (he best part of his lawn,
lie took daily lo suns from the agent
of the Aerial Navigation Company.
That genial genius, whose tongue
would have been worth about $10 a
initiate in a presidential campaign,
too’. Cans on short, low trips at first;
then gradually extended them to
greater heipiits and distances, until
the new owner had his nerve and a
knowledge of the machinery of his
The day Cans took his first trip
alone was the first day he really lived,
lie sped up to a dizzy height, then
< ireled about, Hovering, birdltke, above
(he h.iulseape, while Mrs. Cans, below,
gazed at him in op a mouthed wonder.
“This is tiie long-lost source of
youth!” declared Curs when he alight
ed from itia car. ’“It’s simply great to
scorch up and down the environs of
heaven. Remember v hat 1 ray, the
aviator will take the place of tiie doc
tor'. Why, 1 feel ten years younger!
V ou mi st go with me ( > m< r
"ihiit,” m id Carrie. “I’ve never set
fr. I in t! e air in i . life and I would
be horribly ; fund."
“Pooh! Not a bit of danger,’’ Cans
assured her. 'Tact is t!i*u M not as '
much danger tip there in that aero car ,
R's thfi'e is down hero in an old-fogy
inito. Anyhow, you’d be s; fe with me.
You'd be safe anywhere with me!”
After the first shock ot dizzy nerv
ousness Mrs. Cans began to take an
interest. She was feeling that after
a few more ascensions she really
could look forward*to a daily spin.
Then she glanced downward over the
edge of the car and almost fainted,
They cruised close to a little round
sBvoi r cloud—so clot o (hat ’Mrs. Cans
put out her bund and let her Ungers
ripple through surface. Then Cans
swerved gracefully around a massive
heap of cumulus and sifiiarcd off from
- <
“Nov.” he exclaimed gleefully, “hold
| ” ■ I : 1
that cloud!”
He turned the power on full, hut the
aero car never budged. He reversed
and tried it again. Not a wheel turned.
The ear lay there, almost motionless.
“\Yl;:it on earth can be the matter
with it?" Gaits ashed, in a vexed
tone, of Carrie, the < r, and the air
“But you re not on earth, inter
posed Mrs. Bans, nervously.
Bans laughed light henrtedly at
what Mrs. Clans meant seriously.
“Something wrong with the gear
ing," ho said. “Fix it in a moment.”
Before Mrs. Bans realized what was
taking place Bans' monkey wrench in
hand, slipped over the side of the car.
“Edgar! ” slic screamed in abject ter
ror, and then fainted.
Bans shot down straight for a few
hundred feet, then his limbs spread,
and he whirled horribly.
It was a mangled, unrecognizable
mass that was pried out of a wheat
field n few miles out of the suburban
town in which Bans lived.
When his aero car stopped the situ
ation to Bans, was analoguov.s to
many he had been in before.! He
forgot that he was something like
2,000 feet in the air. He forgot every
thing except that his car was stuck,
and, through force of habit, he got out
to see what was wrong underneath.
Mrs. Bans was rescued from her
perilous position by the first aero car
that came along. She was still uncon
scious. Her rescuer happened to be a
handsome young man, who, later, at
the proper time, took a deep and sus
taining interest in her.
“It was just like Edgar," Mrs. ,Gans
was wont to say, over her smelling
salts. "‘Poor, dear Edgar!”
By the Greatest
American Humorists
\_-_ _J
"Impossible! How did it happen?”
Mr. Catnappe had just come In. He
gazed at Ills wife in the utmost con
sternation and astonishment. In the
course of a long and successful mar
ried life such a situation had never
arisen. He simply couldn't believe it.
The Catnappes were New Yorkers.
They had never lived anywhere else.
Even in the summer, when they went
to Europe, or in the winter, when they
went to Bermuda, Palm Beach or other
similar places, (hey were still in New
York. For did they not associate with
the same people?
"Do you meant to-say,” went on Cat
nappe, “that we have absolutely no
engagement for this evening? Never
heard of such a thing!”
“We had, of course,” replied .Mrs.!
Catnappe. “We were, ns you remem
ber, invited—”
“Don't ask me to remember any
thing. You have charge of the en
gagement list. 1 rely upon you for
“Well, we were going out to the
Puffers' to dinner, and I got a telephone
message,not half an hour ago saying
that Mrs. Puffer had been suddenly j
taken ill, and was to be operated
"But what are we to do?" asked Cat-1
nappe, ignoring the situation of poor
Mrs. Puffer. "Great heavens! It's too
late to get theater tickets anywhere.
You know we never sit any farther
away than tin- fourth row. Besides
we’ve seen everything that's good.”
"I know it,” mused Mrs. Catnappe.
"This isn’t our opera night either. \Ye
can’t ask anyone in to dinner at this
late hour. I don’t see but what wo
will have to stay home.”
"Stay home!” repeated her husband.
“Never! We simply couldn’t! Why,
there’s no telling what would happen.
Let's see. From eight to twelve—four
hours to fill in! This is a pretty
"We could go (o bed early. That
might cut off—”
“Karly. Never heard of su«h a
proposition. Why, I haven’t been to
bed before midnight for 15 years. I
don't believe I ever did it. It would
upset me completely. Wouldn't get
over it for a week.”
“Well, I suppose the time will pass."
Catnappe was momentarily growing
more ‘Tatiled.”
”Po you realize,” he almost shouted
-—just as if lie were once more calling
off orders on the stock exchange r (
’pen In
Why, it didn’t take Washington any
“We'll Have a Night cf It,”
longer (him timi to cross. the Dela
ware, The l: :U1.9 cf Waterloo was lost
lu less time. Vi.-a ’ :' 1 -• of Saiamis—
or was it ? n?— I'm a little
rusty on Or k- w>s.,lnst In l«::s time.
I tell you somotlilug has got to bo
J ue. Why, if wo i' ouM stay here ail
. ■ O - •(.!:« i', ■ ::,l r lllj Wo do? W'■
certainly couldn’t talk to each
mher. We couldn’t sit and look at the
family album. JV; 'd got into a fight
i.i no tit.!'. . o , i‘p!o with or. *
on ortgc you kuo v wli-rt that means,
CuSnapiie lu; ’.od at DIs wife with
some show of i.iddo, shining through
his intense anxiety.
•’You know «vo have never had a
quarrel—never !v 1 lime. No, my dear,
it would be falal. It might break up
our whole married life. I wouldn’t
risk it.”
“Why can'l we go out somewhere
; alone?”
1 “I had thought of that. But where
can I go? Everyone else is busy. Of
course, if worse conies to worse—”
At this moment the telephone rang.
; Catnappe answered it.
it was from Skipperly.
“That you, old man? Yes. Well
you were going to the Puffer dinner
weren't you? Yes. So were we.
Leaves me high and dry. Wife almost
crazy at the prospect of our staying
home alone. Thought you might be in
same box. Shall we ioin forces? All
right. Meet me at the club in hall' an
hour. We’ll have a night of it. Good
Catnappe came back rubbing his
“It’s all right," he exclaimed gleeful
ly. Skipperly was going also. W’ants
me to join him. That saves the night,
He looked with polite concern at
his wife
"Not at all,” smiled Mrs. Catnappe.
“Any port in a storm. Besides, the
main point was that we should not
be home together.”
tCopyright, 1909, by W. G. Chapman.)
Deacon Abner Smith was a philoso
pher, a lover of wisdom; he loved to
explain the reason for things and to
make Investigations into phenomena
both of mind and matter. The particu
lar department of knowledge on which
he loved to discourse was theology.
Mrs. Deacon Smith, looking from
the sitting-room window, beheld Ab
ner close in discussion with Deacon
Hubbel at the front gate. She knew
..the general collection of laws and
principles which governed their lines
of argument, but was curious to know
what subject gave them new and par
ticular interest.
Up went tlie window.
“Abner! 1 should think it was too
hot to stand in the broiling sun at
midday. I wish you’d bring in that
bushel box of tomatoes you were pick
ing to be canned.”
Abner and the deacon drew apart,
came together, alternately retreated
and advanced, continuing the discus
sion, and finally parted. As Deacon
Hubbell passed up the road Abner
came slowly up the walk and, lifting
the box of tomatoes, bore it to the
back room. Mrs. Smith arranged the
ripe, red fruit in a shining pan, pour
ing scalding water over them to loosen
the skins.
Abner stood thoughtfully by.
"Well, I guess it’s about decided to
have Mr. Playwright for the new or
ganist," he began. “He's got style in
advance of most—”
“Yes,” sniffed Airs. Smith, “and ex
pects a salary in advance of wist. He
can play hymns like popular airs, and
as to voluntary—why. Deacon Turn
pike trotted down the church aisle
something scandalous because the vol
untary started just as he came in to
the meeting, and he's used to keeping
step with'h. sort of dignified way.”
Abner listened meekly.
“Now, if it was that young fellow
we heard two Sundays' ago, he can
play devotional music ns if he liked
it. He can play hymns as if he felt
’em, and as to the voluntary, why,
you could see angels gliding up and
down the aisles, it was so holy."
When his wife saw visions Abner
became helpless. She was silent so
long alter this that he thought she
had finished and turned to move away.
She called him back.
"What our church ought toplo is to
engage that boy. He needs encourag
ing and we need to save. Why, he’d
sav’e us half the interest on the church
mortgage for ha’f a •nr!”
Mrs. Smith began peeling potatoes
with a businesH-like air. J>u-on Smith,
tin1 boy organist on his mind, moved
away to the hayfleld and pit hed hay
as though he saw silver dollars saved
toward the mortgage.
Never had Mrs. Smith seen her hus
band start for church meeting more
complacently than that night. And
never had Deacon Smith had more
business on hand before the meeting,
talking to tills one and that., and draw
ing about him Silas Turnpike, Mr.
Huber and Deacon Hu d 1. .
When the meeting was open he was
the first to his l'uet and unburden his
■ “brethren/' lie' began, “when the
question of the new organist was first
raised in this c :mnunity I was of the'
opinion that 11 .* best thing wo could
do was to engage Mr. Playwright, but
I stand bore to night holding a differ-,
ent opinion.
“We are a small community. Not
one of us hen. but -has put his hand
down into his pocket and found less
there than he nee ted to provide for
his family and give to the church and
the poor. We're ca the point of
pled • : > me ; ■ for i: ■ than
we can afford, and I for one held the
opinion, tthat it would be better to
hire the boy organist at a simpler
price and see something sa -l p.vurd
the In'* fed on the mold.
He sat down. How wot d ti ■ chair
man of the music committee .<* this
statement, lie who appro*. J Mr. Play
wright. ; ■ i had been rminiiv I t for
the past fh?
Silas Turnpike rose with an u, olo
getic coi yh.
“Brother.;. I may not urn! r mndttm
philosophy of the thing," said ■, ’lit
I /lo know that what Brother Smith
has said is true. We put dwr hands in
our pocket: and find not enough for
our families and outside wants. 1 hold
the opinion that that boy can play as
well for ns as we can well pay tor.”
Gazing into space, the chairman of
the aims; aunt committee remained
A silence ensued anil a pause broken
by his rising. “Brethren,” he began,
“when I was a boy I loved music bet
ter than anything in the world. I
liked the study of it and the practice
of it. I meant to play the Lord's music
In the Lord’s house, but I had to take
the fourth sou's share of work on a
humble farm and my dream of becom
ing a musician faded. Since then I
have been instrumental in obtaining
the best music that the church could
afford, but I have listened to your line
of argument and my conclusion is this:
Here is this young fellow, he needs en
couragement and all that has been
said is true. I cast my vote in favor
of the boy organist.”
Won without debate! The good men
could hardly believe their ears; but
they saw visions of dollars saved for
the church mortgage, and the music
he produced every Sunday was of such
a character that even Mrs. Deacon
Smith says she always saw visions of
angels walking up and down the
aisles when he played the organ. /