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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1909)
The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. HUMCOLDT. L n Grid! y was in rails City on Month-. . Ida Cri ed is a Pawnee City visitor this week. Oriu Shraugor spent Sunday in Humboldt. Will Cooper was a Falls City vis itor Saturday. Prof. R. L. Hoff was a Falls City visitor Monday. Rook Williamson came home Sat urday front Omaha. Dr. Stevens of Pawnee City was on our streets Thursday. Henry Kist returned Saturday from a short visit to Seattle. The Komenius club met with Fan Klosner Friday evening. Dor na Goddard attended the Falls City Chautauqua Friday. Mrs. Will Clift of Havelock visited here the last of the week. Miss Minnie Unkefer returned this week from a visit in Lincoln. Ben King and wife returned from a two weeks’ visit in the east. Sam Bobst and wife spent Sunday with Will Bobst and wife in Lincoln. L. E. Cooper and family of St.Joe are visiting relatives at this place. Foster Brown of Pawnee City was a business visitor here Saturday. New desks have been placed in the school room in the Bohemian hall. Otis Unkerfer and Newt. Campbell came home Friday from a trip to the west. Tlie band boys left Friday for Falls City, to furnish music for the Chau tauqua. Clema Rosek is this week camping in the Ozark mountains with Dawson friends. Mrs. Will Johnson returned Satur day from a visit to her parents in Omaha. George Sclieidigger and wife are the parents of a baby boy, born last Thursday. Mrs. Claude Linn and sons came home Sunday from a trip to points in Colorado. Rose Oberly came home Thursday from a visit with her sister in Bell ville, Kansas. Mrs. H. Schwass and children re turned this week from an extended visit to Elmwood. Mrs. Gus Fellers entertained the ladies’ kensington at her home Wed nesday afternoon. Frank Carpenter, who has been in Texas, for some time is visiting rel atives in this city. B. Hnizda, who is now living at Marshal County, Kansas, was here the last of the week. Sarah Edie, who visited relatives in Pawnee the first of the week came home Saturday. Will Maupin and wife of Lincoln stopped off a short time with friends in Humboldt Saturday. Mrs. Ben strammer returned Sun day from St. Joe where she has been taking medical treatment. Mrs. Martin Paulson returned Sat urday to her home in Omaha, after a visit with relatives in this city. Mildred Shirley left Saturday for Dallas, S. Dak., where she will visit her uncle, George Segrist and wife. George Segrist, after visiting a short time with Humboldt friends left Saturday for his home in Dakota. R. Hunzeker’s large barn south of town was recently burned to the ground, the loss being consider able. Sam Philpot and wife and Will Philpot and Mrs. Cope returned Sun day after spending some time in St. Joe. Sam Beutler, Sr., and Mrs. Sam Beutler, Jr., were called to Stella on account of the illness of Mrs. A1 Beutler. The Humboldt young people who have been taking summer work at the Peru Normal returned to their homes Friday. Henry Seely, who has for som time been working as miller in the Cooper mill, has accepted a like position in Lincoln. Mrs. Clyde Lynch and children re turned Sunday from Lincoln where they have been spending some time with “Bob” Travers and wife. Miss Clara Small, daughter of Mrs. R. K. Davis of this city, was quietly married at Hiawatha Wednesday. We are unable to learn the name of the groom. Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold. A. S. Nusbaum, Batesville, Indiana, writes:“Last year I suffered for three months with a summer cold so dis tressing that it interfered with my business. I had many of the symp toms of hay fever, and a doctor's prescription did not reach my case, and I took several medicines only to aggravate it. Fortunately I insisted upon having Foley’s Honey and Tar. It quickly cured me. My wife has since used Foley’s Honey and Tar with the same success. Kerr’s Phar macy. RULO. Uliotlii Boerner spent last week ip ’ Humboldt. Cecil Kaital.v visited with Falls City | friends last week. Alice Gilbert came borne from Pe j i'U Thursday morning. . Herman Kloeyfel left Tuesday for j a trip through Colorado. S. Goolsby of Missouri visited lu re Saturday and Sunday. Sam and Ewing Ward returned last week from their western trip. Mrs. Robert Dunn and children of Missouri visited here Monday. < harlie Maze and Fred Ball drove up to the Chautauqua Thursday. Hattie Hart arrived from St. Joe Saturday, for a three weeks’ visit. H.L.Klopfel and family spent Sun day with his parents in Falls City. J. A. Pope left Friday for a months visit with relatives at Spokane, Wash. Mrs. John Chaney of Missouri vis ited relatives in this city this week. Jake Fickle, who is working at Su perior spent Sunday with home folks. Dr. Coleman of Dorchester spent a few days in Hulo the guest of friends Vincent Caverzagie went to Atchi son Tuesday to work on a fruit farm. John Ityan and wife of Effingham, Kas., came ior a visit with friends here. Charles Belpier and Tolbut Hinkle spent one day last week at the Chau tauqua. A merry crowd from Falls City Passed through Rulo Monday for the lakes. Si Bunker left for Seattle one day last week, where he will spend a month. C. Fletcher of Chicago is doing some work on the piers of the river bridge. Mr. Zeigler went up to the Chautau qua to march with the old soldiers on Friday. Sherman Alexander and children of Axtel, Kas., are visiting with Rulo relatives. Howard Maze and Bessie Anderson attended Chautauqua in Falls City on Sunday. Ella Carpenter came up from St. .Joe Sunday for a visit with Rulo friends. Mrs. Worth Anderson and children of Hiawatha spent a few days with Rulo friends. Alta Gilbert returned Sunday night from a visit with friends in Uawson and Table Rock. Mrs.Mary Plumb of I^ee’s Summit came Saturday afternoon for a visit with Rulo friends. Mrs. Wm. Carico of Diller, Nebr., came down Friday morning for a vis it With dd friends. George Boerner came in from Su perior, Saturday to spend a short time with home folks. .James Ratekin and family drove up to the Chautauqua and spent the day one day during the week. Mrs. Hoy Hart and two children of st. Joseph arrived -the first of the week for a months visit with rela tives. Lenore Gilbert, who has spent the some time with friends at Lee’s Sum mit, returned home the last of the week. Ella Shepherd left for Kansas City the first of the week, where she will spend some time in a wholesale millinery house. Mrs. Belpier and daughter, Eva re turned last week from Teeumseh, where they attended the funeral of G. Watyeen’s baby. Clara Aikinan, Hope Ward, Maggie Pierce, Grace Duncan and Mary Boe hmer returned from Peru last week where they attended the summer nor mal. Mr.and Mrs.Rinehart,Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rinehart of Smith Center,Kas., and Frank Vanvaulkinburg of Den ver are visiting with D. Vanvaulkin burg and wife. Tom Poteet drove down from Falls City Sunday morning in his auto and took Mrs. Boles, Mrs. Tilton, Prof. Witrnan, wife and son home with him to spend the day. Mrs. Boles is Ben Poteet’s sister. Mrs. T. J. McKiever and Mrs. Less Leeds returned last week to their homes in Falls City. The search is still kept up for their brother's body, but so far without success. It was reported once,that the body had been found, but the story soon proved to be untrue. Take Notice. All persons are recommended to take Foley’s Kidney Remedy for back ache, rhenmatism, and kidney and bladder trouble. It will quickly cor rect urinary irregularities, which, if neglected, may develop into a seri ous illness. It will restore health and strength. Donot neglect sign.' of kidney and bladder trouble and risk Bright’s disease or diabetes. Kerr’s Pharmacy. Subscribe for The Falls City Trib | une. ? 1.50 per year. SALEM. George • Slater spent Sunday in Sal iu. Mrs. C. 1). Baker left for Oklaho ma Monday. W. A. Kelly of Lincoln sp* lit Sun day in Salem. Guy Slieely was in Dawson between trains Tuesday. A. II. Johnson of Hiawatha was in Salem Thursday. Miss Lin y Gregory was down from Peru over Sunday. Miss Wright returned from a visit in Ohio Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt are Hie par ents of a baby girl. Dr. Henderson of Rulo was in Sa 1 mi betwei n trains Monday. Mr. and Mrs Robert Rule of Falls City were in Salem Monday. Miss Alta Weddle visited relatives in Salem Friday and Saturday. Kd Weeks of Horton, Kansas, was visiting friends in Salem Tuesday. Ira McCool returned home from his school work in Chicago Monday. Mrs. J. A. Tyner went to Lincoln Tuesday to visit and attend the as sembly. Misses Lucy Gregory and Celia Pearson attended eliautauqua at Falls City Sunday. A large number of our people ex pect to attend the assembly at Lin coln this week. M. L. Dowell and II. Stitzer went to Verdon Wednesday morning in their new auto. A. .1. Weaver and Russel Kehn of Falls City were in Salem Monday on drainage business. Miss Claire McDermet returned to her home from IVru, where site has been attending summer school. \V. A. Greenwald and wife were up from Falls City Sunday morning. Mrs. S. 1*. Gist accompanied them home. Mrs. Boyd Woods and children re turned from Auburn Tuesday. They have been visiting Mrs. Wood's mother. H.Vandervort returned to Salem last week. Mr. Vandervort will visit here some time a ml then go to S. Dak., for a visit. Joe Windle, Virgil Grinstead, John McCool, Willie Carlisle and Charles Gregory were in Falls City attending Chautauqua Sunday. W. C. McCool, who was hurt quite badly some time ago by falling from a ladder is again able to be at his place of business. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rantsma and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sheely spent Monday and Tuesday in Falls City at the home of Charles Sheely. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCool re turned from their vacation Wednes day morning. They spent some time in Montana, Salt Lake and Idaho. Mrs. T. Jennings entertained sev eral friends at six o'clock dinner Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Trous dale and Mr. and Mrs. Rantsma. Mrs. Carrie Felt of Denver, who has been visiting in Salem for the past few weeks left Monday for Falls City, where she will visit friends a few days before returning to her home. The Christian church is planning an assembly to be held on the Chau tauqua grounds in Salem,Sunday,Aug. 8. All are invited to come and spend the day. Bring your lunches and all have a good time. Miss Ferol Barker and Ray Sand rock were married in Falls City on Wednesday. Both parties are well known in Salem and will be missed by the young folks when they leave for their new home in Kansas. BARADA. Jesse Cox is visiting relatives at Bancroft. Neb. W. C. Bridgman of Verdon was in Barada Friday. Hoy Williamson made a trip to Ver don the first of the week. J. M. Larimore went to Salem Mon day, looking for a location. A Ilian Kelly and lady attended the Chautauqua in Falls City Sunday. W. E. Slagle and family spent Sun day at Falls City at the Chautauqua. C. H. and J. A. Martin attended the Chautauqua in Falls City Sunday. Louis Schulenberg and wife spent Sunday with Henry Wagner and wife. Mr. Gushard of Lincoln spent a few days with his son Albert at this place this week. R. M. Williamson spent several days with his brother In Kansas City last week who is very ill with palsy. Mrs. Philip Markt who has been visiting her parents for several days returned to her home in Oregon, Mo. Harry Hendricks, who haB been vis iting relatives at Odell, Neb., for several weeks returned home a few days ago. The ice cream supper given Satur day night by the Ladies Aid society for the benefit of the new church was a complete success and a large crowd attended. Mrs. Rockwell of Farmington, la., spent a few days visiting relatives in this vicinity. She returned home on Tuesday accompanied by her son, Bud Rockwell, who has been visit ing here a couple of weeks. SHUBERT. Miss Herns of Nemaha is In our oily visiting friends. ' .Miss Ida Zentner was visiting friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Davis were shop piiv in town Saturday. Miss Nellie Hannan is an out of tow n visitor tills week. Miss Edith Cowles of Cnndiln is the guest of Mrs. Roy Edwards. Miss Florence Hums is here en joying a \isit with home folks and friends. Clyde Hill, who is employed at Falls City visited home folks here Sunday. • Miss Hessie Ahern entertained the Misses Armbruster from Verdon on Sunday. .1. N. Colglazier and wife are now entertaining company from Orleans. Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Colglazier were business visitors at Arago one day last week. Mrs. M. II. Taylor and daughter. Glndysvare the guests of relatives at Oregon, Mo. Charles Sehulenberg and wife were the guests of friends at Verdon one day last week. \ number of our people me mak ing preparations to attend the picnic at Nemaha Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Sehulenberg were the guests of their daughter m ar Falls City Sunday. The Woman’s Literary club met at the home of Mrs. John Evans Sat urday evening. Nice refreshments were served and all report a good time. Charles Sehulenberg and wife en terlained a number of their friends at their country homo last Sunday. A Jolly good time is re ported by those present. STELLA. . * , I Mrs. Shiley lias a neyhew from Illinois visiting lior. Mrs. Cora Andrews went to Cincin nati. Ohio, last Saturday. Mrs. Charles Shafer is entertaining two nieces from Missouri. J. M. Goodloe and family visited relatives at Verdon Sunday. Miss Edith Clark of Kansas City iH in town looking after her harvest. William McCray of Falls City was transacting business in Stella Mon day. Miss Olive Tilden of Salem visit ed relatives in Stella and vicinity this week. M. H. Vandeventer is having a fine porch built on the front of his res idence. Miss Lissa Colglazier is entertain ing her sister and family from Sa lem, Ind. Mr. Veal’s two little daughters of Verdon spent Sunday with him at the Overman. Mrs. Michael Shafer lias been very sick for the past week with neural gia of the heart. George Morris of Falls City was in Stella Tuesday, looking after some work at the cemetery. Charles Thomas and wife of Lin coln spent Sunday at the Overman with their daughter, Fairy. Mrs. Perry Ailor and children of Auburn visited the first of the week with G. F. Ailor and family. Ella Wallace returned from her visit to Kentucky last week and is now cooking at the Florence. Mr. and Mrs. Roe Messier and two daughters of Idaho are visiting Mrs. Messier’s mother, Mrs. McCullough. Mark Goolsby and wife of Falls City are visiting this week with their dau ghter, Mrs. Grant Smith, south of town. L. M. Swan shipped his housenoia goods to Peru Monday. They ex pect to run a rooming house at that place. Prof.East wood arrived Mandoy from Peru with his household goods and will soon be settled in his home on Elm street. Frank Wolf went to Willis, Kansas, Monday to get his family and house hold goods and move them to this place, where they will occupy the residence of Dick Walker. Mrs. Amanda Moore and daughter, Goldie of Logan, Iowa are visiting friends in Stella and vicinity. The family will move back in the spring and live on a farm near Verdon. Mrs. Hush and son Teddy came up from Kansas City last week to visit at the home of L. G. Cipher and wife. Mrs. Hush returned home on Monday, but Teddy will visit until lime for school. Mose Veach and wife of Verdon an Mrs. Veach's sister, Mrs. Holly of Ord spent Monday at The Florence with the latters’ brother, Lafe Gilbert. Mrs. Jennie Griffith spent the after noon. with them. Mrs.Veach has been in very poor health for several mon ths but was able to walk from the depot to the hotel when they came up. For indigestion and all stomach trouble take FCdey's Orino Laxative as it stimulates the stomach and liver and regulates the bowels and will positively cure habitual constipation. Kerr’s Pharmacy. In the Workshop That's where the real value of an article is determined. The way a jewel or a piece of jewelry is handled in the workshop determines its value in finish as well as uuality. It is for this reason that we buy jewelry that is made by reliable manufacturers and we feel that we are pivinp the best poods possible for your money. EVERY ARTICLE IS SOLD WITH A GUARANTEE TO GIVE PERFECT SATISFACTION A. E. JAQUET The Old Reliable Jeweler and Optican Opposite Post Office FARGO. Fred Oberst Is on the sick list. •Mr. Christian was In town Mon thly. Clmrlcs Santo was In our town on Tuesday. Adolph Sual was a visitor here Tuesday. Ilert (illiniums was In the vicinity Saturday. .lot" Haumon and son were In town Tuesday. Sam Nolle was a county seat vis itor Saturday. Melvin Randolph was a county seat visitor Saturday, Henry Voegle was a comity seat visitor Saturday. Will Buckminlstor was in town on business Monday. R. I). Waggoner was a county scat \ isltor Wednesday. Maggie Mandevllle returned home from Sunny Valley. Simon Miiudcville was a visitor at Cargo Wednesday. Kd Durfee and wife at tended Chau tauqua Wednesday. George Koenig was the guest of his parents Sunday. Tom Ford of Craig, Mo., was a visitor here Wednesday. Mrs. M. J. Durfee is the guest of her mother in Ohio precinct. John Michel and daughter, Hosa were in Falls City Tuesday. Conrad Prichard and wife and L. Wheeler and wife were business vis itors here Saturday. Wren Whitehead was a business visitor here Monday. Ethel Jackson and Mary Randolph were in Falls City Saturday. Joe Schulenberg spent Friday with Thomas Mandeville and family. Mrs. Philip Becker and son William were Falls City visitors Saturday. Ruby Waggoner returned from Pe ru after attending summer school. Fred Ncitsche and wife attended the Falls City chautauqua Saturday. G. R. Koenig and sister, Minnie made a business trip to Falls City Tuesday. Ed Durfee, Mr., and Sam Oberst attended the Falls City chautauqua Saturday. Albert Randolph and family, Ed Durfee and family, George Vaughn and Dora Speers spent Sunday with R. D. Waggoner and family. Henry Scholl, Dan Waggoner, Hen ry Gerlt, John Mandeville and Jas. and Sam Gleason attended the Hart man dance Saturday evening. Maggie, Mary and Morris Mande ville, Henry Gerlt and lady,Dan Wag goner, Bradley Vaughn and Albert Zimmerman attended the Falls City chautauqua Saturday. People with chronic bronchitis, as thma and lung trouble, will find great relief and comfort in Foley’s Honey and Tar, and can avoid suffering by commencing to take it at once. Kerr’s Pharmacy. VERDON, Florence Hull was on the sick list i last week. Frank Hargus was a county seat visitor Monday. Rev. Garriss returned home last week from Omaha. Jessie Griffith was a county seat visitor Wednesday evening. Mr. Stoffer of Falls City was a business visitor here Saturday. Mrs. 13. F. Veach has been very ill but is better at this writing. Walter Veach and John Hall left Saturday afternoon for Lincoln. George Knapp moved into his new drug store the first of the week. . Messrs Brunson left last week for Seattle to attend the exposition. Lloyd Dietrich is assisting Bert Waggoner with his work at present. Sherm Byerly's new’ barber shop is complete and is one to be proud of. Julia and Anna Frauenfelder have i charge of the central office at pres ent. Jessie Moran and w ife arrived last week for an extended visit with V . A. Moran. George Fogle, wife and Mrs. Bauer and son Harry were Dawson visitors Thursday. Miss Elsie Corwell of Fnadilla is visiting the Misses 1 utUa and Mable N'tissbaum. 1 Mrs. John Dillon and children and Mesdauies Sin’ll and Weddle were In Stella Friday. Misses Bessie and Jennie Stump have resigned their positions in the central office. Wiltse Wainsley and Will Brigmau of Barada were on our streets one day last week, Misses Hazel and Irene Veal of Lincoln were the guests of Helen Con over last week. Mrs. Mose Veach Is enjoying a visit from her slslter of Iowa, who ar rived last week. Millard Goodloe and family of Stel la were the guests of Robert Goolsby and wife Sunday. K. E. Juntos of Falls City was In Verdon Friday and purchased John Hall's automobile. Mrs. Joe Smith and daughter,Opal, lift Tuesday morning for Nemaha to visit with relatives. Roy Swisegood and wife left the first of tile week for Seattle to at tend Hie exposition. Miss Eleanor Reese was assisting in John Leefers store while lie was in Omaha Iasi week. Henry Corn and Janies Ayers took a large crowd to Falls City Sunday to attend the Chautauqua. Dr, Houston rt turned to Ills home in Nebraska City Tuesday after visit ing ids sister, Mrs.W.A.Moran. George Arnold and sister arrived last week for a visit with their un cle, Vincent Arnold and family. If you are all run down Foley’s Kidney Remedy will* help you. It strengthens the kidneys so they will t eliminate the Impurities from the nerves, and cause exhaustion, and urinary irregularities, which sap the vitality. Do not delay. Take Foley’s Kidney Remedy at once. Kerr's Phar macy. NIMS CITY. Mrs. E. C. Wittwer of Humboldt spent diimlav at the (1 Wittwer home. J. (!. Fricht and John Hanshahn attended Hu* Falls City Chautauqua a part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet and family were up from Sabetha Sunday visiting her mother, Mrs. Larabee. 'J. (J. McGinnis, who was so badly Injured from being thrown from a load of hay is getting along fine. Dewey Sims is spending part of his vacation at the home of his grandparents, John Sims and wife. Mrs. Charles Fricht and daughter, Ethel and Rosella came over from DuBois last week and spent a few days with the McGinnis and Fred Bacon families. Word has been received by rela tives of the marriage of Mrs. Carrie McGinnis to a gentleman named War ner of Montana. They are expected here soon to make a visit to her son. Master Joe, who makes his home with his grandparents. No matter how long you have suf fered, Foley's Kidney Remedy will help you. Mrs. S. L. Bowen, of Wayne, W. Va., writes: "I was a sufferer from kidney' disease, so that, at times I could not get out of bed, and when 1 did I could not stand straight, 1 took Foley's Kidney Rem edy. One bottle and part of the sec ond cured me entirely.” It will cure you. Kerr's Pharmacy. Summer Oxfords T&ns a.rvd Blocks iTHE H. M. JENNE SHOE STORE