[ WAHL’S , TWENTY-SIXTH -STARTS ==— Thursday, July 22d Saturday, Aug. 14th /%! QfifU A nnu/ofcofi/ Colo the magnitude of which has never been approached in this part of Nebraska, opens on vUi Colli YI5l odiy Odlv Thursday, July 22 with stupendous opportunities for savings. Once each year this store invites you to a feast of bargains. These events have always been phenomenally successful, but this sale we now welcome you to will set a new record. We bought heavy in all departments this spring. We did a big business, but not as big as we expected—the weather was against us. The result is that at the end of the season our stock is larger than we care to have it; we must face a loss, even welcome it, to make a thorough clearing. . \ Copyrigkt 1909 by Hart Scfiaftoer & Mar* pp^ B LJ S ^B ijp ^B IB m 6&&SB H B ^B _ ■ ■ ■ R ■ rea^H ■ R^^ftR R w ^B H VL JB H ■ B| ■ ^B :■ ^B ^B H IB Mm H — ml M ^B IB: HRRRR RgMMr ^R ^R ^R ^R R JRSmBP ^||pr XR JE9L JRL XR. JRL XHL _ _____ L I This Sale Suggests the Wisdom of Buying to Every j I Han in Falls City and Vicinity j I, The man who wants the finest clothes produced, regardless of cost, won’t find fault with this sensa= |:\ 3 tionai price reduction. The man who must put his price limit away=down=Iow will find this event \ P an opportunity of a life time; in fact this sale appeals to men in all walks of life. It’s not alone the tj ^ sensational reductions that are interesting==it’s the quality of clothing that we we will have on sale that we lay particular stress upon. The goods which we are offering were MADE EXPRESSLY FOR US America’s greatest manufacturers, HART SC ER & MARX j - « m 'j Other stores may offer a few good suits to give flavor, but this store features good clothes. That’s the only kind we have room for. ENTIRE MEN’S SUIT STOCK DIVIDED INTO TEN LOTS. We quote below the original and the reduced price. The regular prices do not fairly indicate the worth of the clothing unless you understand the acknowledged fact that values here are always lower by 10 per cent than other houses in this part of Nebraska, j LOT I $20.00 For choice of any of our Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits that formerly sold at $25.00 LOT 2 $18.00 For choice of any of our Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits that formerly sold at $23 and $22 LOT 3 $16.50 For choice of .any of our Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits that formerly sold at $21 and $20 i LOT 4 $14.50 For choice of any new Spring Suit that formerly sold at $18 & $18.50 LOT S $12.00 For choice of any Suit that formerly sold at $15.00 All Young Men s Suits in Four Lots No. 1. All Suits that formerly sold at $12.50 to $14.50, f A No. 2. All Suits that formerly sold at $10 to $12, for this £ A | sale. 90ajU 1 No. 3. All buits that formerly sold at $7.00 to $9-50, this £ A sale-. tPOajU No. 4. All Suits that formerly sold at $4.00 to $6.50, this A sale. $J«jU Boys Knee Pants Suits One lot of Boys’ Knee Pants Suits, splendid values, priced ^ | iO for this sale . ■ 0 One lot of Boys’ Knee Pants Suits, splendid values, priced ^ | QO for this sale. .. V t *00 Every Mother of Boys Within Fifty Miles of Falls City Should Attend this Sale. LOT 6 $9.50 For choice of any Suit that formerly sold at $12.00 LOT 7 $8.00 For choice of any Suit that formerly sold at $11.00 LOT 8 $15.50 For choice of odds and ends of broken lines of Suits. Only one or two sizes left. They formerly sold for $22.00 LOT 9 $10.60 For choice of broken line of suits that formerly sold at $15.00 LOT 10 $5.80 For choice of Suits from a big line of odds and ends that formerly sold at $10.50 Men’s Two-Piece Suits $1.00 and $1.25 The Best Possible Clothes at the Least Possible Cost at the Great Anniversary Sale. Bargains in Men’s Furnishings Men’s regular §2.50 Trousers, we have marked down for ^ f 7*8 this sale to . -*• • / O Men’s regular S3.75 Trousers, we have reduced for Anni- QQ versary Sale to.. . ^ J. ,0(5 Men’s regular 50c Work Shirts, Anniversary Sale price is Q only.JOC Men’s regular 35c Balbriggan Vests and Pants, marked down to, each.. Summer Wash Goods | One lot of 12 and 15c Wash Goods, in all colors for this sale, 7 c per yard One lot of 20c to 30c goods in Lawns, Organdies, Fancy Swisses, for this sale, 10c per yard One lot of all our regular 35c, 40c and 45c goods all in one pile and all at one price, for this sale I8c per yard White Wash Waists 25 Per Cent Off on all White Wash Waists during this sale. White India Linon Skirt 89c each Skirts that sold regularly at from $1.50 to $2.25. White Wash Suits $2.49 These Suits are two-piece, lace- trimmed Suits that sold regularly at from $4.50 to $7.00; all at one price for your pick. Muslin Underwear 35c Corset Covers, lace trimmed around neck and arm band, for this sale 18c each t 21-inch Embroidery Flounced Skirt with trimmed dust ruffle; worth $1.75; this sale $1.15 each $1.50 and Si.75 Lace and Embroidery 'brimmed Night Robe, in high or low neck stvle. A rare 1 bargain for this sale at $1.18 each Startling Hosiery Prices A big line of odds and ends of Children's Hose, in white, tan and black. Some of these hose sold as high as 30c: all at one price for this sale !0c a pair Women’s regular 15c Fast Black, Light Weight Hose, 9c a pair Misses’ Fancy Ribbed Hose, sell at 25c; this sale !3c a pair 75c Lace and Embroidery Trimmed Drawers, for this sale we price them at THE LOW PRICE 3^ Every Friday is REMNANT DAY at this Store SoJSJEffEic. Shoes Odds and ends of our regular $3.00 and $3* 5° Women’s Vici Shoes ^ $1.00 per pair $2.75 a pair $2.50 and $2.75 Women’s Patent Oxfords this sale $2.00 $2.50 and $2.75 Women’s Tan Oxfords, this sale $2.00. $4.00 Women's Patent Oxfords, this sale $3.50. Boyp’ $2.25 Shoes, this sale $1.75. Children’s regular $1.15 Kid and Patent, welt sole, 85c. Children’s regular $2.25 Tan Slippers, this sale $1.85. Misses’ $2.50 Tan Pumps, this sale $2.00. All our $5.00 Skirts, in black, brown and blue, old rose, grey and green, for this sals $3.48 All of our $6.00 and $9.00 Wool Skirts, in all colors, this sale $4.35 Wash Skirt in black, blue and tan striped $1.00 $1.50 and $2.00 25 per cent off on all of our Wool Dress Goods during Anniversary Sale. Noticeable Reductions Wash Belts, for this sale only. 9c All Linen Handkerchiefs, this sale. 5c 12 l-2c Gauze Vest. 8c , Creton Parasols. 78c Children’s Sun Bonnets.15c Zion City Laces 5c, 8c, 10c and 12^c THE BEST WASHING LACES MADE Corsets §*le"rsary During this sale we are going to put on sale our entire line of odd Corsets. These are Corsets that we have only a few sizes left, hence thev go at greatlv reduced prices. Regular $1.50 R. G. Corset, in bro ken sizes, for this sale we & | 1 g* ^ place them at .i • 1 D > Regular $1.00 American Beautv and j Warner’s Corsets, in broken JZ [ Our Si.00 C. B. Corset, in long hip and low busted styles, a few sizes Oft left, this sale.OVC down dlCS’ Wkh H°Se Supporters’ lor the Anniversary Sale marked