The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 09, 1909, Image 6

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Ho, soft of foot tnul smv of foot she
tread* tlie hill* and hollows -
The trees wave* b'ai'y banners giving
welcome as she comes.
For well they know that nil the
laughing troop of summer fol
With lurks that pipe upon their
pipes and crickets with their
The locust blossom pours Its wine, the
drowsy air perfuming;
The tlehls have all forgotten winter's
dry and shriveled husk;
And heating t»> on biasings a beetle
comes a-booming
To thread an aimless arabesque
a down the ways of dusk.
Ho, swift of font and sure of foot »he
comes to wake the roses,
Slio comes to rouse the brooklet till
Its bubbles n tv a gleam;
She comes to wenvo^her spells at noon
until the forest dozes
And all the golden miles of day are
wrapt within a dream.
The average cigar will burn for
thirty minutes. While a man in smok
ing it he can walk two miles at top
speed. If a man started to walk to
the moon, and smoked cigars all the
way, he would use 90,000,000 boxes of
matcher to light them. The stubs he
would cast aside would make a heap
9,000 miles in height and 16,000 miles
in diameter. Tills proves that if you
would stop smoking you could pay the
dressmaker's bills and never notice
the absence of the money.
Light travels at the rate of several
thousand miles per minute. If a mes
senger boy traveled as rapidly ns light
does he could deliver the message,
bring back the reply and have spare
time enough to read n library of 40,
000,000 dime novels during his nntural
A horse fourteen hands high can lift
a weight of 6,000 pounds two feet in
one hour. If the horse were 14,000
hands high it could lift the world
forty feet per minute, and. If attached
to rope wrapped about the earth, could
pull It westward so rapidly that one
side of the earth would have perpet
ual light. A liveryman charging two
dollars per hour for the use of the
horse would wear out a pencil a mile
long every month figuring up the
One pound of quinine Is $1.20, If a
druggist does not want to charge you
any more. If a druggist had 200 tons
of quinine and wore to put It up In
two-grain capsules at a nickel a piece,
he would work a thousand years and
•would clear $6,673,299.
The farthest fixed star gives off
two cubic feet of heat per day. If
you had the farthest fixed star In your
furnace, and had to pay eight dollars
a ton for it, you would owe the coal
man $60 at the end of the winter.
The cords of a larnyx vibrate 900
times per second when the voice is
pitched at It flat. When six
women are talking about their
absent friends the cords vibrate 92,000
• times per second, and if the vibra
tions could lie confined they would
create power sufficient to raise the
Washington monument eighty feet
into the atmosphere.
The Limit.
"And you really, truly tliiuk that 1
am beautiful?” she asks, while he
holds her soft white hand In his man
ly clasp.
“Beautiful?” he answers, ecstatical
ly. "Beautiful! Yes, you are the
most beautifully beautiful of all beau
“But you only imagine so,” she per
sists for liis lino of argument is
naturally interesting to her, if not
convincing. "You could not prove
that 1 am beautiful."
"Couldn't I. though? My darling, if
you doubt my word, go to all the mar
ried business men in town and apply
for a position as stenographer. If
any of them has the courage to em
ploy you I will be willing to acknowl
edge that I do not know what beauty
The little herrings go In schools
And sport .about like l'rlsky elves—
Sea serpents, though, observe no rules—
They’re In a class all by themselves.
To brighten the eyes, mix whiting
and ammonia; apply with a soft cloth
and rub off when dry. This will give
the eyes a superlative luster and
make them look good as new. This
applies only to glass eyes.
L].- ■ " "Q
By William Hamilton Osborne
■ □
(.Copyright, by J. 15. blpplncott Co.)
It was a local; therefore I strolled
Into the last car. There was no ono
there, except, of course, the girl. The
instant I saw her, I swung along with
that shoulder stride that usually does
the business. Then I started.
"Great Scott!" I ventured, taking off
my hat; "I didn't know It was you,
or I wouldn’t have ... It didn't
look like you. It looked like somebody
pleasing, and gentle, and kind, and—”
Sylvia—-for it was she eyed me
coldly. "I came In here," she contin
ued, stiffly, "to avoM a railroad collis
ion. Here I am Involved In a social
one.” She reflected for an Instant.
"I didn’t know you, either,” Hho went
on; "your head was turned so that I
couldp’t see your face, and under
those circumstances you seemed so
sort of—handsome. 1 thought,” sho
added, "that you wore Maj. Walcott.
“Maj. Walcott!” I snorted, for It
must ho understood that at one time
8ylvla and I—but that's another story.
I stopped. I was plainly, visibly ein
barrassod. This was fiendish, this
showing off another man under my
"Maj. Walcott and I were saying
Just last Wednosday evening,” she
continued, "hut—no. We didn’t talk
nhout that Wednesday night. Wednes
day night we talked about something
else. It was Tuesday night that
we "
"How many nights,” I interrupted
politely, and without curiosity, "how
v* ' v- 31
"Look There—Look There,” She Said.
many nights a week does Maj. Wnl
£ott come?”
"Well," she answered, "he never
comes Friday nights."
"What night was it that 1 used to
stay away?" I queried.
She interrupted me with a quick
"I know a girl on Ninety-sixth," I re
pealed. You see, 1 \.as whizzing hack
on the other track.
“So do T," she returned, "on the
west side."
"The one I know lives on the west
side," I responded.
“The one I know,” she continued,
"is Grace Van Auten.”
"Will wonders never cease?" 1 mur
mured; "that’s the very girl I know;
her house is the very place where I
am wont to call and spend a pleasant,
very pleasant, hour—or two.”
“I didn't know,” she returned, "that
you over called there." 1 saw that
now the track was clear.
"I've called there lots of times," I
answered, "since last July." After that
we were quits—almost. Neither said
a word for a long, long while.
Finally the guard put his head In
the door. "Ono Hundred and Thirty
seventh street,” he ejaculated.
It appeared that she wanted to
alight just at that place, and I—well,
1 alighted too.
e asccuuea iu me sireei aoove.
“I’ll see you home,” I told her; “it
shall never he suid of me that 1 ever
shirked n duty—never.”
It was just six when she reached
home. ”1 can't go In," 1 suggested, to
forestall the possibility of a cordial
invitation. But she didn't bother to
ask; she saw, doubtless, that I had
anticipated her.
”1 must go home myself," I said,
still gently refusing that invitation
which she had not extended; "I am
due at Grace Van Auten's at eight
o’clock. 1 must be on time. I was a
trifle late last night—”
“Bast night!" returned she. "Do you
go there every night?”
I shook my head with a determined
air. “I never go on Thursdays," I re
It was n day or two later that I
stepped into another rear car upon the
There sat Sylvia. “You seem to be
long in this rear car,” she ventured.
I took my place beside her. “Now,”
I assured her, "I am just where I be
long.” She did not respond.
I determined that the conversation
this time should be strictly general
and therefore intellectual.
“The third rail,” I began, scientific
ally, “is tho thing that the world de
mands—the thing that the world must
have. Two rails alone will never an
swer; the third rail is the spice of
life. It makes things go—it Insures
results. You take those two rails and
they run side by side, and yet they
never accomplish anything; they nre
lifeless, dead—woefully monontonous.
Along comes the third rail and—wake^
them up. Gives ’em something to
think about for instance. The third
rail principle may lit applied to every
thing In life Now. Grace Van An
“MaJ. Walcott," she returned, meet
ing me half way,
"We were talking of the third rail,"
I interrupted; "now, Grace—”
"Major—she reiterated. But I
shook my head.
"The third rail," I insisted, “Grace
“Well,” retorted Sylvia, in the kind
of a murmur which is just unintelligi
ble enough to be just intelligible, "she's
just about as thin as one, anyway. If
that's what you mean."
That settled it. M.v attempt to force
the conversation Into the broad chan
nel of generalities was futile. I gave
it up. I looked out of thp window. We
were at the Ninety-sixth station. I
"Oh," she exclaimed, “do you get
out here?” She knew as well as I
that it was Grace Van Auten’s sta
I hastily sat down again. “Mere
force of habit," I returned, blandly.
The train pulled out. I was still
within it, still sitting In the seat that
was next to Sylvia. Suddenly Sylvia
uttered an exclamation of alarm.
I looked. Upon the platform there
stood two people. They were together.
They were engrossed In conversation.
One of thpse was Grace Van Auten;
the other MaJ. Walcott.
Within our car there was a silence
too eloquent for words. Sylvia was
still gazing out of tho window.
“Allow me," I suggested, dolefully,
"to offer my sympathy to one Who has
She laughed, but her laugh was
forced a ldt, 1 thought. ‘‘I was think
ing," she answered, "of you—”
"Ah,” I gasped, with an attempt at
a rapturous sigh, "of—me!"
"And of—your plight,” she went on,
Again we relapsed Into silence. The
guard broke In upon us with a shout.
He was once more calling out a sta
tion. I heard It. I knew what he had
"What was that?" I remarked to
Sylvia; “what station may this be? I
didn't hear."
She had been gazing absently at the
floor. She no longer prodded it with
her unpitylng umbrella. At iny ques
tion she turned to me, still with an ab
sent-minded expression upon her face.
"This time,” she answered, "why,
this time I think it's—Yes."
Hut that was not what the guard
had said. Far from it. He had said
“One Hundred and Thirty-seventh
street,” as plainly as it is written
"This,” I told her, “is the real sub
way language. It’s strange too," I
went on, as we passed down the aisle,
"that for once both you and the guard
said just the thing you meant.”
She looked at me in a dazed sort
of way.
“What—what did I say?” she stam
I shook my head. “You have—said
it," I replied. Once more we alighted
and ascended to the ether above.
It so happened late that afternoon
that T stood, for the first time since
last July, within the precincts of her
"I'm coming In," I had told her. And
I wrent. Once I was there I didn't
know what to say. Generalities, per
sonalities, intellectualities—they all
deserted me. Finally Sylvia came to
the rescue.
"That reminds me," she ventured,
without saying what reminded her,
“that Grace Van Auten's reception is
to-night." Stie stopped. Then she
went on. "Would you like to take
me?” she inquired.
"Would I?” 1 exclaimed. I was only
too delighted.
"What time shall I—?” I added final
"Oh." she replied, "not in a hansom.
Let us take the—the subway. It's so
much more fun, you know."
I understood and acqulesed.
I thought for a moment, and then,
like a flash. I saw my opportunity.
“In that case, since it is your sug
gestion," I remarked recklessly, "you
must pay the fares. 1 shall take the
toll," I added. And then I—up and
kissed her.
“That's one." I said.—"your fare,”
I explained. She seemed to compre
hend at once.
"And that," I added, kissing her
again, "is mine.” We stood there for
a little while. I was wishing that we
might pay over again.
"But, oh.” she exclaimed suddenly,
"how stupid! We need transfers, of
course. Don’t forget that.”
I forthwith paid for and had trans
fers issued. On our road—our sub
way, Sylvia’s and mine—that after
noon, we Issued ten transfers to each
single fare. This took some time.
That night, as we came back, Syl
via looked at me.
“How long,” she inquired, “have you
known that Grace Van Auten and Maj.
Walcott were engaged?”
1 grinned. "Just as long as you have
Sylvia,” I replied; "for about six
months, I guess.”
"How many times," she persisted,
“have you been inside Grace Van Au
ten’s house?”
“Counting to-night,” I confessed,
“just twice In the last three years.
I’m an awful bad man to call.”
“But look here,” I suddenly de
manded, “how' often did Maj. Walcott
come to call on you?"
“Maj. Walcott!” she exclaimed,
holding down her head. “I—I never
met him before to-night,” she said.
When we reached her home, I turn
ed to Sylvia. "I’m coming in," I
said, “it’s very late, b,ut—I must come
Sylvia looked up Into my fate and I
looked down Into Sylvia's. And Syl
via smiled.
The heart may be weak
just the same as the eyes,
stomach or other organs.
It often happens that a
person is born with a weak ;
heart. Then again dis
ease, fevers, over-exertion,
anxiety, nervousness,
rheumatism, etc. weaken
the heart. The result is
shortness of hreatli, pal
pitation, pain in the heart,
or in some of the nerves
of the eliest or abdomen.
The heart should be
strengthened with a tonic,
and for this nothing equals
Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure.
"I had LaGrlppe last fall as I
thought in a mild form. I was weak,
tired feeling, and short of breath:
could hardly go about, and a good
deal of the time sort of an asthmatic
breathing and extremely nervous. I
began taking Dr. Miles’ Heart Cura
and Nervine and now I feel so much
better in every way. I am so thank
ful that 1 began taking this medicine,
and shall not hesitate to tell others
how much good it has done me.”
Freevllle, New York.
Your druggist sells Dr. Miles’ Heart
Cure, and we authorize him to return
price of first bottle (only) If it falls
to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Sheriff s Sale
Peter Frederick, Sr., Plaintiff, i
•Jacob (lebhart. The Uncle
Sam Oil Co., Peter H. Goebel,
Trustee in Bankruptcy of the
I Tide Sam Oil Co., Samuel
Tidily, Fred Parc lien, and I
Martha C. Gray. Defendants, J
Notice is hereby given that on Saturday the
i 31st day of July, 1909, I will offer for sale at the
west door of the court house, in Falls City,
Richardson County, State of Nebraska, at the
j hour of one o'clock on said day, the following
described real estate:
Commencing at the southeast corner of the
land deeded by Towle and Crook to J. H, Ramel
in tin* southeast quarter of the northwest
quarter of section 15, township 1, range 16, re
corded in book 7, page 28*1, Richardson County,
Nebraska Deed Records. Thence running
| south 75 feet, thence west 125 feet, thence north
I 75 feet, thence east 125 feet to the place of be
ginning, except that part heretofore sold to the
j Unde Sam Oil Company, also lots 20-21-22-23
and 24, in block 881, in the City of Falls City.
Also a tract of land situated in Falls £ity, Ne
braska, commencing at a point 75 feet south of
the southeast corner of the land deeded by
j Crook and Towle to J. W. Ramel, in the south
i east quarter of the northwest quarter of section
15, townsnip 1, north of range 16 east, thence
running south from that point 37 feet, thence
running due west to Ben Poteet’s corner, thence
north 112 feet to J. W. Hamel's corner, thence
due east about 145 feet, thence south 75 feet,
thence east 120 feet to place of begilining, be
longing to defendant. Jacob Gebhart, and seized
by me as sheriff of Richardson County on an
order of sale issued out of the district court of
Richardson County, State of Nebraska, and un
der theaeal thereof, and which will be sold in
pursuance of said order to satisfy a decree of
foreclosure entered in said cause in favor of the
plaintiff. Peter Frederick, Sr., and other claim
ants named as defendants therein. Terms of
sale cash. W. T. Fenton, Sheriff. :
Reavis it Rea vis. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Legal Notice
To Hannah !M. Bright, non-resident defend
You are hereby notified that on the 14th day
of June, A. D., 1909, Edward J. Bright, as
plaintiff, filed a petition against you in the dis
trict court of Richardson county, Nebraska, the
object and prayer of which are to obtain a di
vorce from you on the ground that you have
wilfully abandoned the plaintiff, without good
cause, for the term of two years last past.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday, the 2nd day of August, A. D.
1909. Edwakd J. Bright,
By John Wii.tse, Plaintiff.
His Attorney. 25-4t
*1**1* *1**1* *1* *t* *3* *$**?**!* *}*»}•»*• *$**$* *1* *1* *S* *S* *2* *1*4*
I Wanted! I
V -j
* Horse and Cow Hides, £
k. Wool and Pelts f
V 7
*♦* »!•
;j: Highest Market Price *
k k
| Porter Randolph |
X Falls City, Phone 422 X
v *
I C. 11. MARION j
£ Sales conducted in I
scientitic and busi- f
t; nesslike manner f
... |
♦' I
> Falls City,* Nebraska :•
s> «
Excursion Rates
It is impossible to orcsert a detailed list of the attractive e.\cur
tursion rates now in effect
YOU Call GO Cast on daily low rates to Atlantic cities and re
sorts; every day rates to Wisconsin, Michigan and Canadian resorts,
and for the celebrated tour of the lakes
You Can Go West Tii ere are very attractive r. tes every day
to Colorado, Yellowstone Park, Seattle. California. Black liiils, Hot
Springs; homesgekers' rates every first and third Tuesdays every
where west- Inquire about the personally contacted camping tours
from Cody into the Yellowstone Park
See Your Own Country. Between America’s prosperity and
low railroad rates there is every reason why you should join the
great summer travel throng.
□ E. G. Whitfobd, Ticket Agent,
L. \V. Wakeley, Ct. P. A, Omaha.
Don't wait until l
you get $1,000 ;
before you open a bank account. We would *
rather have ten men with one hundred dollars *
than one with one thousand dollars. +
We offer you— *
Security—Our Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits *
and Personal Liabilitv guarantees it.
* - «
Accuracy—Ask any customer of this bank. «
Courtesy—Let us show you.
We are insured against robbery day and night «
The Farmers’ State 5ank«
in dental work if you have need of our
services ajjd avail yourself of our skill,
experience and facilities. We don’t do
half way work—it’s all or nothing with
us, as many people know to their own
great gratification. Note, please, that
we make no charge for expert examin
BERT WINDER, D. O. S„ Aaslutant
Falls City, ' Nebraska
Magnetic Healing
Miss Lizzie Heitland, a gradu
ate of the Weltmer School of
Magnetic Healing, of Nevada,
Mo. I am prepared to treat dis
eases of all kinds. Phone 279.
Located at Mrs. Burris’ residence
south of the convent. 4t
♦4-MI I I I4H I » M II I I I I I I I ;
: D. S. flcCarthy :i
: okay a no ::
| Prompt attention given | ,
| to the remo\ a.1 of hou»e
hold goods. ||
11 I II I I I I I I I I ♦♦♦Ml I K4-M
ID El M 'T1S 'F
Phones: Nos. 177, 217
Sam'l. Wahl Building
re re. roibb.rts
Office over Kerr’s Pharmacy
Office Phone 200 Residence Phone 271
’John Wietse
Practice in Various Courts
Collections Attended To.
Notary Public. FALLS CITY
Phone 24S Over Richardson County
Passenger Trains
South Bound
Tr. 104—St. Louis Mail and Ex
press ... 1:23 p. m.
Tr. 106—Kansas City- Exp., 3:41 a. m.
Tr. 132 x—K. C.local leaves..7:30 a. m.
Tr. 138 x—Falls City arrives *3:00 p. in.
x—Daily except Sunday
North Bound
Tr. 103—Nebraska Mail and Ex
press.1:52 p. m.
Tr. 105—Omaha Express... .2:23 a. m.
Tr. 137 x—Omaha local leaves 0:15
Tr. 13hx—Falls City local ar
rives.8:45 p rn.
■ x—Daily exceut Sunday
Local Frt. Trains Carrying Passengers
North Bound
Tr. 192x—To Atchison.11:10 a. m.
South Bound
Tr. 191x—To Auburn.1:23 p m.
J. B. VARNER. Agent
Burlington Route
. ■* * •
West Bound
No. 13—Denver Exp.1:10 a. tn.
No 15—Denver Exp. (Local). 1:41! p. m.
No- 43—Portland Exp.10:17 p. m.
No. 41—Portland Exp.2:29 p. m.
No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne
braska City.5:00 a. m.
East Bound
^o> St. J., K. C. & St. L.. 1 a. m.
No. 44—St. J., K.C.& St. L-.
(Local). 4:11 a. m.
No. 10-St. .T., K. C'. & St. L. .4:27 p. m.
N°- 42-St. J., K. C. & St. L. .7:00 p. m.
No 122—From Lincoln, via
Nebraska City. 8:45 p. m.
E. G. Whitfof.d, Agent.