THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Entered as second-class matter a Falls City, Nebraska, post .tt ce,,!aitu ary 12, l'NU. umlcr ’ - Act i t nigres on March „J, lsT", Published even Frii'.av at Fall* City Nebraska, by The Tribune Publishing Company E F SMARTS Minjgcr One veat *1 ' Six m ,mhs Three months ,4li TELEPHONE 226. --: POLITICAL ADVERTISING County Superintendent. 1 wish to Hitnouaee through Tin Tribute- my candidacy for tin* office of county superintendent on ih«* non partisan tbket, to be voted for at tlit coining e|e< tion I ran truthfully say that this office to me «111 be strictly non-partisan in the fullest sense, and if ! ttlll elected 1 will till the office to thi- best of my ability MISS COR \ It IIIU. Announcement. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of sheriff, subject to the choice of Republican voters of Richardson county \V, I\ rKRC.CS Annou ncement, 1 hereby annottnci myself a eaudl date on ihi' democrat r tiekit for tin Offle. ef Recorder of l»--e,is, subjeet to tie p: Injury ■ . 1 ion « hl< h will In held on August iTtlt. laop If sue cessful In the nomination and if I ant elected 1 promise to give my un divided attention to the office and transact the duties of the offle to the best of my ability I,, C EDW ARDS Announcement. My friends having filed a petition asking that tuy name be placed on tin primary ballot for sheriff on Un democratic ticket. 1 have decided to grant their wishes. I promise that if Successful at the polls l will give lay entire time and attention to the office. Thanking the voters of tin county for past favors. I r* main yours very truly, \Y. T. F KN'TOX Announcement, I hereby announce myself a dt mo cratic candidate tMr nomination to the office of County Clerk, at the primary election, which will be held on August the 17th. I!" If nomt nated and elected 1 promise to giv< to the office my entire time and at tention; to all courteous and fair treatment, together with all the at curacy my ability warrants GKo \v, m on ms. An Announcement. I desire to announce t«.« the voters of Richardson county that 1 am a « aii didate for the IKuiocratie nomination for County Treasurer at the primary election It has been my pleasure to serve the public in a county office for a few years and this experience and acquaintance with tin- county at' fairs will enable me to administer tin affairs of the office more efficiently If l atu given the nomination 1 earnestly ask the support of all vot ers, at the November election, irre spective of party ami 1 pledge myself to aerve tie- tax payers of tins county In a faithful and accomodating man ner. Yours respectfully, JOHN H. HUTCHINGS County Clerk. My friends having persuaded me to allow my name to be placed on the primary ballot as a candidate for the office of County Clerk on tin repub lic&n ticket, 1 take this method of in troducing myself to those in the coun ty who are not already acquainted with me. In ease 1 am elected to the office, I promise to do my very best to please the public and to do the off’ o justice. KOY W. 1UGGKTT. Announcement. I wish to take this means of letting tlie voters of Richardson county know that 1 will be a candi date for i < ntv superintendent at th coming election. My only pledg. shall be absolute fairness to all Your support will be appreciated. Albert D. Sargent. County Recorder. 1 wish to take this method of tell ins the voters of Richardson county that 1 am a candidal, for the office of county recorder, subject to the di. tate of the primary election. August 17th. It nominated and subsequently elected to the office to which 1 aspire I pledge myself to give ail a squar. deal and the office my entire time and attention. FRANK M ROSS Oh, Patriotism how many foolis! stunts are committed in thy name The glorious Fourth has come and .gone- now for tlie statistics of cas unities. (ieorge Holland, chairman of the county «. i;ti iI . ■ ha - called a meeting of tte committee for Sat urday. Jul> 1 tit It. K M 1 loss lias nnnnnneef! himself ■ H i amihlaii fiir the nomination to iii «ittit e (.I reeot'dcr of deeds on the republican thket. Of the brlRht slurs lit the t’lmu tnuqtin flrmntBent. Kalis t’itv lertHin ly has secnred Its share for tills year's entertainment. FORBIDDEN FRUIT President Taft and party left a Washington thutlre recently on ae count of the vulgarity and suggestive, ness of tlie play, and now the man agement of tlie play is hanging out tlie S. It. O sign every night. Tlie president simply advertised tlie play by Ids action; at least that is tlie re suit so far. It may lie. however, that his sea) of disapproval upon a play of this nature, will have a wholesome effect in tlie long run, and serve to help manicure, scour and disinfect tlie stage of today. This recalls to mind tile “stunt'' of .John Wunnamaker, when he was post master general. Mr. Wunnamaker read Tolstoy's "Krentze.r Sonata " written in tlie noonday of the great Russian author's life; long before lie had met out- W d. Bryan, now his sponsor in tills country Tin "Kreut *er Sonata" was rank, in spots, even from it Russian standpoint, and out Puritan-like postmaster-general pro hibited its transmission through tlie mails. • Tile i diet to this effect hut) not any more titan gone forth than it became difficult to supply the de mand for the book. Small boys > earned for it, women fought for it, and tlie question on everyone's lips was, "Have you read tlie iCreut/.er Sonata?" Tlie pulpit took it up -a little more advertising; public libra ries spurned it still more advertising fond mothers read it, careful fathers "looked it over," and warned their offspring against It you see, in order to condem a hook, one must needs to read it. Were the truth known, it is possible that Tolstoy's fortune for h*' is not poor, even though he affects the blouse and rough grub is largely due to John Wannamaker's idea of .prohibition against literature not of his liking. SOME INVENTIONS. Chnrgem I.otts. the well-known ice man, has perfected his Ice ' ox and re frigerator on which lie has been work ing for several years. The invention is not only ingenious, but remarkable in its way. lieneath the ice chamber is placed a tint tire box, which has a smokestack running up the back of the refrigerator In the lire box may be burned coal or wood, or if desired a gas burner may be connected. Mr, I.otts figures that l" its use a hun dred-pound cake of ice may be melted tn two hours. Mr W'hizznn Humpp, the renowned auto manufacturer, has completed liis new phonograph attachment for his 1907 model. The phonograph is con cealed iu the body of the machine, and is so regulated that whenever a break-down occurs it will begin by saying Isn't this aggravating?" and will then go light along from "Can't you find out what is wrong?" to "Will we ever get home?" A concealed switch, known only to the chauffeur, makes it possible to turn on a cylin der of sotto voce profanity. A Strapp Hanger announces that he has devised a means of Insuring com fort for those who have to ride on crowded trolleys. The invention con sists of two full-stxe dummies, made of rubber, which are to be inflated and carried by the passenger. On boarding the car he will place one dummy in front and the other behind him, hooking them to the straps. N. O Cuddy has applied for a pat eut on Ills ‘‘Model After-Dinner Speech " His claims for this speech are that it does not begin with "When the toastmaster advised me that I was to speak upon this topic 1 was tilled with trepidations." nor does it contain the phrases. "With so many brilliant speakers on the list," “In my own weak way," "1 am re minded of the story," or "Thanking you kindly ." Descriptive. You saw the men who picked up the purse?" they ask of the matinee girl. "Yes." she replies. "Could you describe him?" "1 think so. I observed him close ly. He had hair like Harry Wood ruff's and a nose like Edward Soth edn's, and a chin like Nat Good win's, and eyes like James K. Hack ett's, and he wore a coat like Georg Cohau s. And—O, yes. When he ran away he ran like Francis Wilson does." The Banquet in Bamboola. The Ancient aud Honorable Order of Cannibals, in Bamboola. Central Africa, having given its annual dinner in honor of the new missionary, the toastmaster arose with his customary grace and ease, and, rapping for or der. and gating at the vacant seat of the erstwhile guest of honor, re marked: "Gentlemen, we have in our midst to-night," etc -CA Ly (be Greatest Puzzle Letter: l ind John Oy j. w. rour’ ^*■■1 ■ i .. i . in i —— Dear Aunt: 1 promised to let you know as soon as I was comfortably si (tied and bad steady work and I am now permitted to write you to that effect, i ''ive a place with one of tlio big. public Institutions in the west ami unless something unforseen hap pens, I shall sta> hero for two years at least. The position I have now came to me unsought hioI I am under n sort of contract with the state to stay my two years, if I see a good opening I inav leave before my time is up and get into something else, but nothing lias offered itself so far. The people here are anxious for tne to stay ,md while there are, of course, some features of my present situation that I do not altogether care for, I presume that is true of almost any place, and 1 slinll not complain. There are several hundred of us here, nil engaged for various periods. Many of the men here have been with r' i ,V T- l “The People Here Are Anxious for Me to Stay." the same institution for years nnd show no signs of leaving so you must Know that a position here is, in a measure, permanent. I got inv new fall suit the day 1 went to work for my present employ ers It is a stripe and I fear you would think It a little too loud, but is the pre vailing style where I am and they in sist upon your being dressed in the style here. It lPnds the employes of the Institution a certain distinction that is at times highly valuable to our employers, i am, as you cautioned me to be when I left the old home, careful of my clothes and I shall prob ably not have another suit this win ter. It Is not expensive living here. The institution operates « boarding house and our meals, while plain, are sufficient and do not cost much. Our laundry is done here also, so that alto get her I shall probably live as cheaply as I could anywhere Nothing has been said to me yet about salary but I suppose I will get that in time. I know you will be pleased to know that 1 am keeping good hours. The nature of our engagements here is such that we must be in lied early an 1 rise early. I am In bed at nine o'clock every night and rise at six o'clock every morning. I have left off drink ing entirely as it would not be toler ated for a minute by the management, and they discourage the use of to bacco as far as possible. I intended to come and see you about Thanksgiving but I do not see how I shall be able to get away. The management will not hear of me go ing a: this time so I will have to give up my Intended visit. I shall think of you. and at my Thanksgiving din ner I know I shall wish devoutly that I were back with you again. 1 do not rememner to have told you how I came Into my present situation. You know, my funds were at low ebb when i came here and 1 resolved to take anything that offered. In doing a little moving of household goods early on- ! slipped while car rying some stuff out of a back win dow and the lady in whose house i was doing the moving, finding me with a broken leg under the window, in sisted upon my coming here, where I could have steady employment ar. i the treatment that I needed. I have become so attached to the place an! they look after us so carefully that It is hard to break away from the sur roundings. 'Indeed, several who have left before their terms of service ex pire!, have come back to finish out their terms and in every case have taken another term of service. You spoke of sending me some clothes, but as I told you, I think I have all 1 shall be able to wear this winter. My room is small and there Is no clothes-press, so they would only be in the way. The suit I have was made for me by our tailor here. His s:otk of goods was limited, so I took the best pattern I could get, but 1 am sure 1 look as well dressed as any one here. About my work: I haTe gone In for architecture a little and new I am making plans for an exit from our mala dormitory. If I am successful In getting these plans matured I shall prcbably not finish my work here, as it will give me the opportunity l have sought to go elsewhere and begin werk for myself again. Address me when you write. No 333, Overtheroad My number is 333, and be sure to address me so. in order that the letter does not miscarry As ever. Jack Howse Breaker. (Copyright iSS by W. (i. Cta*MMSL) I CC■ I right, by J. H. Llpptneutt Co.) Lisa, mla bonita, bring thy guitar ami niiig to U)t>. ] am weary, my child, and would have they voice to soothe ll>e." The little village of San Gabriel w as ; drowsy with the feeling of a perpetual -yammer afternoon. Long shadows and a golden summer atmosphere were over all. There was a faint droning ' as of bees, There was nothing doing. There are few things worth striving tor In this world. Peace alone Is worth the struggle. The peace which, to some degree, may be in this life is nearer idealization in these old Fran ciscan missions among the olive lands of California than anywhere else. The peace there cannot be put into words. It is in the air, and it is like the hta ath of a sainted nun. The dust lies thick in the crooked paths, the solemn old mission overlooks all, and one al most expects to find the print of san dals and to hear the chant of the "Te Oeuin." The voice of the natives, inherited from their Spanish ancestors, is soft and musical. Bright scarfs cover raven tresses. There are glimpses of to, t in high-heeled slippers, tawdry lace and cheap jewelry, the love of ornament Inherited from mother Spain. There was no wind and no noise un til evening came on, bringing the cool breeze that stirred the beautiful palm and pepper trees that all through the hot day had remained motionless. Tito rambling and roofless adobe with its brown walls crumbling with age was near the mission. The padre's dwelling, a litter better than the oth ers, was on the hank of the murmur ing river. "Sing to tne, caro mio.” This from a swarthy ranehero, bent and old, with Little 'Lisa, His Only Treasure. hard, drawn features which soften only when his eyes turn to the beauti ful child near him. Little Lisa, his only treasure. The child of his Marie, the laughing child : of Spain, his briuc-, who had died in ! his arms IS years ngo, leaving little ! Lisa, a babe with no dower save her peerless beauty, and a voice like that of the song birds. Oldest and poorest of the poor in the old Spanish village, Spicca had for eight years spent bis earnings on Lisa—'Lisa with roses in her hair and cheeks—’Lisa, who danced, laughed, prayed, and cried with an inconsistency that was be witching. The tinkle of the guitar and a silvery voice ring out. Old Spicca listens and dreams and is content. 'Lisa must marry. Some handsome j cabaliero would come along and take ' this Cower—this gem of his old life— j to a happy home. She would be a wife—a mother: but now. this little i one must cheer his old days. Her sweet voice must sing to him and drown the voice of misery that would come up in his old hardened heart. Her bright face must be before him to j shut out the dark scenes that age, j poverty, and sickness bring before his | eyes. He would not be here long. He | would work for her, work with his old, j rough hands to buy the laces, the flow ers. the little trinkets that she loves, j He would— The song dies away on the soft even- i ing breeze. Spicca sleep peacefully j with a smile on his face. The birds : are still, the echo of the vesper bell is heard in the distance. The fierce sun pours down again; j the old man drags his weary limbs about to prepare the breakfast of fruit I and milk He steps softly towards Lisa's bed. “ -L!sa, Lisa, sweet one, the birds are calling thee. ’Lisa, ’Lisa, where art thou?” The bed has not been touched. ’Lisa 1 cannot be found No one has seen her. Only the little red dress and a comb ! thrown carelessly near the door and —what is that? A glistening object, a bright gold piece, the kind the tall, insinuating American yesterday of fered Spicca for a draught of native wine Poor Spicca is alone. A fever seizes him. Death loiters around the adobe door, and Spicca rises a mere shadow of the man he once was. His firs! cry Is' " 'Lisa. Lisa, my little one, let me find thee.” The way Is long and rough to the great city, but old Spicca starts out, An Acre Profit per yI'ar on land costing originally S40. Can you beat it? Our alfalfa, sugar beet, potato and farm lands in the Denver and Greeley districts will produce a net profit of $50 the acre annually, on land for our folders. Local agents wanted. The Hayes Land Co. §'e5n'vdIarl begging and working as best he can. For five years we hear of his wander ing about the great city, living—God knows how. A poor, bent cripple, haunting the cafes and the plazas, searching vainly for the dear, lost face. lie kneels upon the stone floor of the great churches, hoping to hear the sweet familiar voice. “Mother of Christ! Holy Virgin! guide me to my ’Lisa.” It is night. Bowed by grief and other weariness, he creeps past the gay plaza, where, coquetting and laughing, are women clad in rich satin of bright colors, sparkling with gems, their white shoulders peeping above the lace; and rich Caballeros with fiery eyes looking out beneath their black sombreros. Dragging his limbs along, he crouch es in the shadows of the walls of a palatial house in the rich American quarter of the city. A ray of light from the window falls upon liis drawn face as he sleeps on the hard, cold stones. Hark! Can it be—the beloved voice —the rich, deep tones? Madre de Dios, look! Staggering to his feet, with wild eyes he gazes in at tlie open window. He sees a brilliantly lighted room filled with luxurious works of oriental art. a table with luscious wines, and roses, weary with the artificial heat of tlie room, crowded upon it. Half a dozen men, their faces showing the wine they have drunk and the lives they have led, are sitting about. Be fore them is a woman, once beautiful, hot now hollow-eyed and hardened, whose rouged cheeks and blackened eyes and tinselled dress tell their own story. She sings—holding her wine-glass high—a seductive love song of old Spain. The men cheer and drink again. Tlie old man totters against the wall. “ Lisa, 'Lisa, Mother of Christ! why did I find thee?” In the cold gray dawn the wine sleepy revellers reel from the house. They stumble over an old man near the gate—dead, his hands clasping liia beads, his eyes fixed as though in prayer. In lay in taking Foley’s Kidney Hem edy if you have backache, kidney or bladder trouble, fastens the disease upon you and makes a cure roost difficult. Commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy today and. you will soon be well. Why risk a serious malady'.’ Kerr's Pharmacy. The buyers’ •— Guide The firms whose names are repre sented in our advertising columns are worthy ot the confidence of every person in the community who has money to spend. The fact that they advertise stamps them as enterpris ing, progressive men of business, a credit to our town, and deserving of support. Our advertising columns comprise a 8uyers’ Guide to fair dealing, good goods, honest prices. ^ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, Sealed bids for the erection of the superstructure of a new Catholic church at Falls City, Neb., will be re ceived by the building committee of the Catholic church up to THE EIGHTH OF JULY at eight o’clock p. m. Plans and specifications may be seen at the hardware store of Wirth & Winterbottom, and at the Catholic parsonage. The building committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. See Catholic Church committee. FATHER BEX, Pastor. I Oxfords for Everyone We Have Your Size THE H. M. J E IN IN E SHOE STORE Worth Thinking About “Every doilar put by today^ccmes to you as a giftltcmorrow “Those whoysave soon cease to starve' * • Got is a good servant, but • Keep ;is a better one. “Of all glad words of pen or tongue, the gladdest arc these I saved when young." "The greatest'Jpay streak is the saving streak." A dollar in the', bank docs you more -good^than a hundred spent." Get one of those JVest Pocket g|,Savings Banks at i-1 the;, i-1 Falls.City State Bank SJS^icncc the sa,lng habit now Spring and Summer Suits Our line is still com plete and we can fit any form Hats. Caps Cloves Shirts Ties Trunks Valises, etc. Free Chautauqua Tickets Wo will Mivc a Chau tauqua ticket TREE to every CASH PUR CHASER of $2.00 worth of mcrchahdiso. from July 17th to 24th inclusive. Wahl & Parchen WE KEEP OPEN UNTIL NINE O CLOCK