The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 09, 1909, Image 3

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    The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
Earl Bmkett of Omaha is a guest
of Mr. and Mrs, Hays.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Edwards last week.
Miss Irene Troxel of Atchison, Kas.
is visiting Miss Hazel Hogrefe.
Mrs. E. Withee and little sou are
affjieted with the whooping cough.
Miss Vera Gould came home from
Peru Friday to spend, the Fourth with
her parents.
I. VV. Harris left for Canada, Tues
day, where he will look after some
land interests.
Byral Baldwin went to Auburn Sun
day to spend the w'eek with her friend
Blanch Lippold.
Quite a number of our people cele
brated at Dawson Saturday and all re
port having had a fine time.
.1 M. Goodloe drove to Salem last
week with his sister and nieces, who
had been here from Kansas.
Mrs. Fred Stringfleld and son Ken
neth of Verdon spent the Fourth with
her moll.' r, Mrs. McCullough at this
Dr. and Mrs. Milroy and daughter,
Katherine of Oniaha visited their
daughter, Mrs. H. M. Hays over the
Fourth. .
.Miss Verda Timmerman has been
quite sick with pleurisy for several
days. Mrs. Palmer is filling her place
at “Central.”
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Y\’ood have
their daughter and her two little girls
from near Ottawa, Kansas, visiting
them this week.
Miss Eunice Haskins and her nioth
■r, who have been visiting in Oklaho
ma with the Shrader families for the
past two weeks returned home Sun
I he new steel flag pole arrived Sat
urday and Tuesday afternoon the sol
dier boys raised it, and at five o'clock
raised the flag with their services and
flag salute.
.Mrs. J. L. Hays and daughter, Ne
vada left last Saturday for Seattle.
They will go from there to Los An
geles, California, and will perhaps be
gone a year.
Rev. Wright of Long Beach, Calif.,
#as visiting old Stella friends sever
al days last week. He was pastor of
the Christian church at this place
eight years ago.
The body of Frank Furrow was
brought here Saturday from Hum
boldt, for burial. His wife died about
three years ago and was buried at
Prairie Union.
Mr. Walker and son Troy return
ed from their trip in the northwest
Monday. They visited at Billings,
Portland and Seattle and many other
points of interest.
Frank Wolf came up from Willis,
Kansas Sunday and begun work in
Hogrefe’s store Monday. He will
move bis family here as soon as a
suitable bouse can be secured.
Joseph Cullen of Verdon visited
Mr. Vandeventer, Wednesday. He
is making arrangements to go to
Caldwell. Idaho, the 13th of July and
wants Mr. Vandeventer and family to
accompany him.
.1. M, Goodloe and family took din
ner with relatives at Verdon Sunday
and in the afternoon witnessed the
unveiling of the monument of Mrs.
Goodloe’s father, Mr. Goolsby, at
Mayle Grove.
Joseph Curtis of Lincoln came down
Saturday evening to celebrate with
his wife and baby at the home of
her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. M. Shafer,
where she had been visiting for a
couple of weeks.
C. H. Thomas, wire and daughter
are here from Lincoln visiting rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas wiii stay
bat a few days but Miss Fairy will re
main all summer and take elocution
of Mrs. A. \V. Montgomery.
Mi's. Josie Ulmer Tusuley of Gal
veston. Texas visited Stella relatives
and friends several days the first of
the week. She had beeu in Omaha
for a month with her mother, who has
bean in very poor health suffering
with rheumatism. She returned to
her home Wednesday.
The “soldier boys" of Ft. Omaha
arrived in town about four o’clock
Monday evening, and the ladies of
the town and surrounding country had
prepared a supper for them in the
building belonging to Mrs. Andrews,
After slipper they gave a drill rehear
sal on Main street but on account of
so small space, could not use their
horses. The drill was exceptionally
fine and very much enjoyed by every
one. On account of the heavy rain
they were obliged to camp here for
several days and were housed in the
opera house.
Many people with chronic throat
and lung trouble have found comfort
and relief in Foley's Iloney and Tar
as it cures stubborn coughs after
other treatment lias failed. L. M.
Ruggles, Reasnor, Iowa, writes: “The
doctors said I had consumption, and
I got no better until I took Foley’s
Honey and Tar. It stopped the hem
orrhages and pain in my lungs and
they'are now as sound as a bullet."
Ollie Thompson was a Kulo visitor
Charles Scott of Kansas was a
Kulo visitor last week.
Lesley Inks was a Falls City v isit
or one 'day last week.
Grant Ocainb was a St. Joseph vis
itor one day last week.
Airs. Wells went to .Missouri hist
week to visit"relatives.
Grauaina Anderson spent Friday
with ftiendt at Re.-vrve.
Joint Caverzagie was a St...k>seph
visitor one day last week.
Airs. Will Love and sister drove
to Falls City last Thursday.
Airs. Alary Plumb of Lee Summit
is visiting relatives at Kulo.
Ruth Harris returned from a vis
it with relatives in St. Joe.
Ella Carpenter went to Kansas hist
Thursday for a few days visit.
Lemmon Butrick went to Preston
J. A. Osburn was a business v isitor
in St. Joe the last of the week,
last week to work for bis uncle.
Harry Huber and Eva Belpier were
St. Joseph visitors last Sunday.
Airs. Dykes of Preston is visiting
with Airs. Addle Boker this week.
Howard Maze came down from Daw
son Saturday to visit Rulo friends.
Alice Gilbert came home from Peru
to spend a few days with home folks.
Leonard Simons of Preston v isited
with his parents the last of the week.
Lenora Gilbert accompanied Airs.
Plumb home to spend a week or so.
Bertha Robison of Soldier, Kansas
is visiting her brother Frank and wife
George Deitz and wife of Hastings
visited with Rulo relatives last week.
Alac Vastine came the last of the
week to spenil the Fourth with home
ciareace t icons urn wire cbtc
over from Missouri and visited rel
Cecil Kanaly left Saturday for a
visit with friends in Auburn and other
F. E. Kulp of W'ymore was a busi
ness visitor here the first of the
Mrs. John Pierson and family of
Salem are visiting relatives here this
,C. J. Majors and Jamesf Tangney
were Falls City visitors one day last
Mrs. J. M. Pope departed Tuesday
for Spokane, Washington to visit rel
.Tim Lord and Miss Pope were quiet
ly married in Falls City one day last
Mrs. Arthur Darveau and children
visited her mother near Salem last
Clayton Reynolds of Dawson came
down Sunday evening to visit with
Al Kent and Si Bunker of Miss
ouri were Rulo visitors the last of
the week.
Stella Butrick of Fortescue came
the last of the week to visit her grand
Anna Mahon left the first of the
week to visit her,sister at Billings,
Frank Chaney and two daughters
of Missouri were Rulo visitors one
day last week.
Mrs. Less Leeds and children of
Falls City visited her parents in this
city recently.
Clyde Hart went to Kansas the
last of tlie week to work for Charles
Scott a few days.
Helen and Lydia Murphy left for
Denver the last of the week to spend
the summer.
.\lr. and .Mi's, iMoeprei ana uuugu
ti'i- Kate of Falls City were Hulo vis
itors Sunday.
Mamie Kanaly and Emma Danneck
er started for Denver Thursday for a
few weeks visit.
Miss Louise Drage of DuBoise was
the guest of Misses Alice and. Alta
Gilbert Sunday.
Mrs. Robert Dunn and two children
of Missouri spent Sunday with her
mother in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Pike of Dradysville,
Iowa, is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Zeigler.
James Lagnev returned to his work
at Lincoln Saturday night, after a vis-'
it with his family here.
J, M. Gustafson of Wymore spent J
Friday here in the interests of the'
B. & M. water service.
Hope Ward and Maggie I’ieree re-,
turned, to Peru Sunday afternoon, af
ter a short visit at Itulo.
Mr. Murray of Chicago came last
week to oversee some masonry on
the piers of the river bridge.
Mrs. Chaney returned to her home
in Missouri last week, after visiting
Itulo relatives for several days.
Garnett Wilson, Ella Carpenter and
Anna Mahan spent Sunday witli Pete
Mahan and family in the country.
Miss Sarah Wilson and James Rob
ison of Corning are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Oss Daniels this week.
Jeff Gilbert drove to Falls City Fri
day night to meet ids daughter, Alta
who came home to spend the Fourth.
Adam Bickle and wife and Lewis
Thomas and wife spent Sunday with
the family of Coon Thomas in tills
Henry Brinegar and wife returned
to Kansas City the first of tin* week
where Henry will lie in the hospital
for another month.
The M. E. church was dedicated
Sunday night, enough money being
.raised Sunday morning and afternoon
to pay the indebtedness.
Ella Zeigler arrived from Blooming
ton Sunday evening. She has been
very sick and hopes the home-com
ing will be it benefit to her health.
Mary, Anna and Raymond Thayer
of Leavenworth caftfe Iasi week to
spend tlie rest of the summer with
their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.Win
Band concert and carnival .Satur
day evening was Ruin’s celebration
this year. ‘However, there was plenty
of noise from the fire-works for sev
eral days.
Mrs. Whalen took her daughter,
Helen to St. Joseph to the hospital
Saturday morning. Site lias been sick
for a long time and it is hoped that
an operation will bring relief.
A family reunion was held for
Grandpa Foutz at the home of Lewis
Jones Sunday. Those from a dis.
tanee were:.A. F. Wayne and family
of St. Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pac
ley. Papilion, Neb., Tony Tretsehlon
and family and Herman Kloepfel and
family of Rulo.
Dolph Pierce lost one of his fin
gers at Atchison last, week in a very
peculiar manner. He started to jump
off of a car, and a ring he was wear
ing caught on a door latch, leaving
his finger hanging from the second
joint by a small piece of skin. A
physician dressed tin* injured member
and he was sent home.
Mrs. Caverzagtes’ children and the
neighbors dropped in on her Tues
day to remind her that it was her
60th birthday. A bounteous dinner
was provided. She received several
useful and valuable presents. All
departed in the evening feeling that
such a gathering make all who attend
feel years younger and that life is
worth much more.
A crowd of jolly young folks char
tered a farm wagon Monday night
and went out to Will Stone's, where
they proceeded to spend a pleasant
evening. They were delayed by the
storm, having to stop on their way
out, and although they arrived late
they made up in good times for the
lost hours on the roadside. Dancing
and'cards were the amusements. A
dainty lunch was served. At a late
hour they departed for home.
Rev. R. R. Teeter of Falls City
visited here Wednesday.
Elmer Else and wife visited Falls
City the first of last week.
Guy Hutchings visited at his home
in Falls City the first of the week.
Miss Maud Herns of Nemaha is in
our city visiting relatives and friends.
Mr. Ahern and daughter were shop
ping in Falls City the first of the week
H. -E. Williams and wife entertain
ed friends from Nemaha over Sun
Charles Gaston and family visit
ed relatives in the country quite re
Supt. T. .1. Oliver of Falls City
was a pleasant caller at this place
Fred Boatman and wife entertained
relatives from Barada one day during
the week.
Mrs. E. D. King, who has been in
poor health for some time is slowly
Mr. Herman returned home .Mon
day from 1)is visit with home- folks
at Carroll, Iowa.
Charles Schulenberg and wife were
the guests of relatives at the county
seat Wednesday.
Grandma Evans enjoyed the greater
part of last week with her son and
ids family at Auburn.
LawrCnce Smith of Omaha is here
enjoying a visit with his grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Graham.
Tlte Misses Effie Spiekjer, Clara
Ruch, and McClain went to Lincoln
Tuesday, where they were sent by
the Epworth League of this place to
act as delegates at the convention.
The Womans' Literary club met at
the home of Mrs. Roy King Saturday
afternoon. A splendid time was en
joyed by all present and nice refresh
ments were served.
Several members of the W. O. W.
lodge lure joined the Verdon camp
last Sunday for t lie purpose of un
veiling a monument at Maple Grove,
there the first of the week.
Rev. Sapp and wife were the guests
of friends here Saturday night, re
turning home at Nemaha on Sunday.
While here Mr. Sapp preached two
\ erv interesting sermons at tlie Chris
tian church.
Mrs. P. M. Kinton was entertain
ed at dinner on Tuesday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. I). McDaniels.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Colglazhr were
tin' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman
Colglazier near Verdon Sunday.
Mrs. Daugherty was on the siek list
last week.
John Dillan is working on a fit rut
near Slmbert.
Mr. MeMannas of Falls City was
in town Sat unlay.
George Fallsteail of the county seat
was in town Friday,
Will Cook was a Falls City visit
or Saturday and Sunday.
Mike Meliza and family were shop
ping in Falls City Friday.
Lloyd Dietrich returned Tuesday
froom a short.visit in Auburn.
Kuinierson Bowers shipped six ears
of rattle the first of the week.
V large crowd was in Verdon Sat
urday night to see the fire works.
George Hall attended tlie meeting
of tlie* I. O. O. F. at Falls City last
Mrs. Kliza Goolsby and little, grand
son, Orville McDermet left Friday
for Salem.
Mrs, B. F. Veach left Tuesday 'for
Falls City to visit her niece, Mrs. Ar
thur Harris.
Grandma Patterson who has been
very ill is Improving very nicely at
this writing.
The Misses Swortz of Lewisville,
Nebraska are visiting George Stump
and family.
Martha King returned home from
Falls City Sunday. She had been
visiting friends.
Mable Auxier returned home from
Strnussville Saturday after a few days
visit, with relatives.
Charles Smith left Saturday morn
ing for Nemaha City to visit his sis
ter for a few days.
Several from here attended the tm
veiling of Mr. Goolsby’s monument at
Maple Grove Sunday.
itev, Garriss returned home last
week from Omaha iitpl reports his
son Ralph slowly improving.
Mrs. Grace Saylor and son Her
ald returned from Falls City, where
they have been visiting relatives.
Mrs. Garriss and son Russel left
Wednesday morning for Omaha to
be at Hie bod side of Ralph Russell.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Daugherty was quite ill last
week but is some better at this writ
C. M. Helnzelman’s new house is
almost complete. When it is finished
ed it will be one of the finest in
Millard Goodloe and wife of Stella
attended the unveiling of the monu
ment of Ap Goolsby at Maple Grove
Sunday afternoon.
Miss Pearl Cunningham left Wed
nesday for St. Joseph, where she will
take her position as nurse, after a
two weeks' visit with relatives at
this place.
Walter Veacli, John Hall and Jas.
Ayers went to Falls City last week
and brought home their automobiles
they had been obliged to leave there
on account of the heavy rain.
Duard Corn, Walter Veaeh, Jas.
Ayers and their wives and John Hall,
Mrs. B. F. Veaeh, and the Misses
Susie Hart and Verna Wilkinson at
tended the celebration at Dawson Sat
Wes Stump sold liis buggy shop to
Will Otto and his interest in the hard
ware store to Nelson Timmerman.
For many years the hardware firm
has been under the name of Stump
& Timmerman, and the business peo
ple of Verdon are sorry to lose him
from their circle.
Everyone would,be benefitted by
taking Foley’s Orino Laxative for
stomach and liver trouble and habit
ual constipation. It Sweetens the
stomach and breath, gently stimulates
the liver and regulates tho bowels an
is mush superior to pills and ordinary
laxatives. Why not try Foley’s Orino
Laxatives today? Kerr’s Pharmacy.
Mason Shertleff is again able to
be about the streets.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bash visited
in Pawnee City this week.
Frank Hol land act onipanied his wifi
and son to their home in Peru.
\V. J, Bean of Lincoln was on our
streets several days this week.
Mrs. John Powers and mother, Mrs.
Reid were Beatrice visitors this week.
Mrs. Roscoe Anderson and baby
are visiting in Tecumsoli this week.
M. \Y. Truxan of Riverside, Iowa
was in the city several days this
Mr. and Mrs. Homor Beaver and
children of Stella were in Humboldt
Minnie Vanover is a pleasant guest
at the home of her friend, Mias Horn
Several of our girls who are going
to school in Pent were hone for the
Quit a number of Humboldt people
attended the celebration in Pawnee
The Humboldt band furnished tin
music for the Johnson celebration
Dr. Mary Bowers of Pawnee City
made a professional trip to Humboldt
this week.
Eleanor Williamson and Bessie
Little visited over Sunday with Paw
nee friends.
The small son of Hays Smith was
badly burned Friday by a sky-rocket
exploding in his baud.
Mrs. S. M. I’hilpot left Saturday to
! visit her husband, who is employed in
a hospital in St. Joseph.
A reunion of the Boss and Chaffin
families was held at the home of
I Frank Boss and family Sunday.
II B. Folhapp from Tecumseh was
the guest of ills son E, (' Folhapp
and family a few days this week.
Mary Gaudy and I!. Seely visited
at the home of the former’s sister,
.Mrs. Noble in Lincoln this week.
Miss Daisy Morris returned Sat
urday from Dawson, where she had
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Alex
The hull game between the To
peka giants and Humboldt resulted
with a score of l to 12 in favor of the
A fourteen pound son was born to
Jim MoDougnl and wife, who are now
living in Canada, but formerly liv
ing in Humboldt.
The families of Charles Goddard
and John Youugninn aeeompanh’Tl by
Gladys Boyd and Hazel Suet lien drove
to Hawson Friday.
Horace Chapman, one of the pros
perous farmers near Humboldt, re
cently bought a 240-acre piece of land
In Oklahoma ami expects to move
there next spring.
The annual overflow of the Ne
maha has again taken place, causing
great distraction to growing crops,
and other property, and mm li dis
comfort to those residing on the low
Bob Traverse came down to Hum
boldt Thursday from Lincoln and after
remaining a few days accompanied
his wife and son, who have been vis
iting for some time at the home of
Mm. Cooper, to Lincoln.
The world's most successful med
icine for bowel complaints Is Cham
berlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea
Beniedy. It has relieved more pain
and suffering, and saved more lives
than any other medicine In use. In
valuable for children and adults. Sold
by all druggists.
- i
Wash Sailors was a Shubert visit
or Saturday.
Fred Stotts of Shubert was In Bar
ada Saturday.
W. S. MeGowen of Stella was vis
Jessie B. Cox attended the cele
bration at Peru Monday,
iting relatives here Sunday.
Mr. Finton and Mr. Gerdes of Falls
City was in Barada Friday.
Miss Bertha Bethel was tin- guest
of Louise Mongold Sunday.
Rev. Zike Jr., will preach Sunday
morning tit the Bethel church.
George Fogle of Verdon was in
this section one day last week.
Miss Rose Slagle of liubbell. Neb.,
is visiting relatives in this vicinity.
Grandma Orr had the misfortune
to lose her fine $200.01) driving horse.
Leon Vasser and wife were guests
of R. N. Williamson and wife Sun
day. »
Harry Merideth of Colum, 111., is
visiting his uncles, George and I).
10. Burgess.
Mr. and Mrs. I). 10. Spickler and
Miss Vera Shafer celebrated tit. Sun
Springs Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Martin and son,
Melvin were guests of 10. K. But
ler and family Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Spickler, Gus
and Myrthie Elam and J. A. Martin
spent Sunday at W. E. Slagles.
A crowd of Barada young people
went down to Barber lake Saturday
and spent the day boating. They re
port a fine time.
Byron Dunn, who lias been work
ing In a bank at Bethany, came down
to spend several days with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Ira Dunn.
A. W. Nixon and family and Oilier
Sailors, Otis Spickler and Neil Bier
sol attended tin* auto races at Daw
son Saturday,
The Misses Timmons, who have
been visiting relatives in tills vicinity
for some time returned to tlielr home
at Versailes, 111., the latter part of
last week. Mrs. Ollie Kuker and
children accompanied them as far as
Hannibal, Mo., where they will visit
friends for a few days.
When the stomach fails to perform
its functions, the bowels become de
ranged, the liver and the kidneys con
gested causing numerous diseases.
The stomach and livei must he re
stored to a healthy condition and
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver tali
lets can lie depended upon to do it
ldasy to take anu most effective Sold
by nil druggists.
* i
your I’ruiTffint for CTIT*CIIES TKR'S A.
O mi UJft.TliM b Scale-l vith B!lie\y/ I
Ki! n Take no other. Huy oF v.ur V/
Druiri’Nt nml for < II I-C’II K*** I I It *
|» f V MON |» || i: \ M) |»| I J>, t r tw« nty five* regarded as Best,Safest, Always Reliable. I
John Stit/er was in Salem Monday.
Mr. Boyd was a Humboldt visitor
Monday. '
Stanley Crook went to Lincoln Wed
nesday morning.
J. F. Richardson of Lincoln was in
Salem Wednesday .
Miss CeelS Sheeley was in Falls
City between trains Tuesday.
Jesse Arington went to Oneida,
Kansas to spend the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. Web Tyree and Jessie
were down from Dawson Thursday.
Deck Wade of Scdam, Kansas was
visiting friends in Salem last week.
Mrs. Clarence Miller and soil John
a re spending several days in St. Joe.
Mrs. L. Barnes and Jits. L. Q.
Stnvcr were in Falls City Friday.
Harry Wills purchased a fine new
carriage of W. C, McCool & Son last
week. *
Mrs. Mary Kershaw is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lon .Mobley
this week.
W. A. Kelly of Lincoln spent Sun
day and Monday at the home of (}.
W. Sheely.
Lee MeDermet of Hot Springs Ark.,
is at home for a visit with his father
and family.
Virgil (irhiBtend was in Lincoln
Wednesday taking a cream testers
Joint Liehty of Falls City was in
Salem Thursday looking after ciiau
tatifpm interests.
.1. t). Horton and sons are unload
ing a new engine and separator pre
paratory to threshing.
Mrs. John Pearson and children
went to llulo Saturday to spend a
week with relatives.
Mrs. J. M. Pollard returned home
Friday from nil extended visit with
relatives at Nehnwkn.
One of Joe Windle'B driving horses
was badly cut Thursday by falling
over a cycle in the hay field.
Mrs. D. C. Simmons and son went
to Peru on Monday to spend the day
and to attend tile big celebration,
Heorge Russell, formerly of Salem
was In town Monday. lie reports
crops fine in his section of the coun
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Shiidneck left
Monday night for Seattle. They ex
pect to spend some time in and about
The big traction gasoline engine
lias arrived. It will be used to haul
coal in four big wagons to the big
dredge boats.
The big dredge boat is expected to ,
begin work some time this week.
They are Just now putting the dipper
crane in working order.
Will Gentry purchased a gasoline
engine to have it connected with his
hinder. This will shorten the time
in which it takes to cut ids wheat
uml oats.
W. T. Kenton and L. C. Edwards
were up from Falls City Thursday,
shaking hands with old friends and
making new ones, looking toward the
fall election.
Mrs. H. Q. Slaver and daughter.
Miss Lena left Sunday for Seattle,
They will spend some time at the
exposition and visiting Mrs. Staver's
daughter, Mrs. Vincent.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Emmert, Hazel
Grinstead and Ruby Stouffer drove to
Humboldt in the former’s auto on
Thursday evening. Clyde Lynn re
turned home with them.
If people with symptoms of kid
ney mid bladder trouble could realize
their danger they would without loss
of time commence taking Foley's Rem
edy. This great remedy stops the
pain and irregularities, strengthens
and builds up these organs and there
is no danger of Bright’s disease or
other serious disorder. Do not dis
regard the early symptoms. Kerr’s
Don't forget
the little folks
4th of July
They have two days
to celebrate this year.
We’ve g'ot thing’s thev
WANT at our store.
Call and look them
over am] make your
selections early.
Opposite Postoffice Falls City, Neb.