Reminiscences of a Wayfarei mmmmtm «u» - * >■ m-im. un w*iw»'iin ■ — s»« seiiwn imuhk«bu» j«,.'—»«n Some of the Important Client# of the Pioneer Day# of Rlchifidson County and Southeast Nebraska, a# remembered by the writer, who has spent fitly, one years here "Writ win thr Star >f Empli* r.tUft Its Coins* It Int . il tin. . Imiuli ii vi’iiim In eomph i. lit. ,i||. ui. hi uf Hi. Until li.'i ii lutll nf III. North \nieii. mi «'oiittm>lil How l.iiii It will till.. In l lHl|.|* t. til. III. til. lit ill the Hill I ll nil Irnlf is 11| • > i; 1 tin I pt Ill'll lllllt h it I If hill* ■! It I I I W ill lie Tittle W IP when II Will thought the region nl Ain l a was nn unliihahltRlih' .nip towt the illseni.iy nf gold depuslla In 1 ilnilnu » .piiintlths Ip thill hi relnfm . I. Bartini hint! n| i ienml winter, hm thousands ni advent at ntr 1'enple tn li who ronhl Itan bnn In si lit .1 In brn\t> (lie rigors of t ti nl in hint pi tab In . lintnte In nn other eon aldnratloit tn Infill, in e l.ntnl (hat man tim use for his In, im maitev till what part nf the ulnhe it I imp he nt tutted, w ill be n. . upietl uni made ui yield the tin nun nf ‘.listen ant e for (ho raee In tin- tlmo In t nun \\ him111 win i ttiisnh tin map nr the world In i timn-t lion with bistort will tils, oi. t tints ,tf ‘Ini.uliir Im port First, that nil hlstori has b. . n wade within and along w hat Is Known as the north temperate .tine, that I* In way, (h prtll of the earth s sin face that lies bet ween lip. :!rt(h illltl C'Uh ti at e, .. ,n north btiUmi- \\ uli in that spin all tin a re at titles pi the world We tv built, and whom the mlKht' ruins til Hit .lend t Sties of art tl«pu<> ate tn tie found Statesmen. phlluMiphet s warriors putts, law Itivers add divines win, hit' in tils lory, legem) or sons wire born In that same belt that sees round the earth within th.- Sint. , om ,t Huh east and mWI) of the Caspian bi n wo* the hculti of « people front with It spi am it’d nation* but so retnob in the pasi (hat Hftlo besides tho Ian gnag, they spok" remains of then , history Tiny are known to u- of this afii as tho Vtyans What ts i rtaiub known of thorn. mi d ad that is ndlahh i> dorin d from th«tr lauRwas.. tho only thing a ua" ^ pi.HS* ss.'a and of whieit it .an pot ho deprived Tin nib", rail oil ot the in, 'ous wostwnoi vomr.i. r. • d with that poop! a'.I along the on that has furnished tho theatre >'t World history tin on, tn w'.i. h tV. » original, d a d h».-d for tor . o is.i years a.. erdittr to tho philosophical guess, s of philo'o is s and learned a',iti„uan«rv C tin i; is that one ■ oi . . , > oi th past oontuty is ti tt whie’ trw. esi the kiltshlp ''' bi S. , Vi. of a ! hide 1 01 With ! e Vi. aits They wore tho first to go west, not to grew up with tho . ounti y i it to a.ak' th . o.n.ti i grow tip w them and their d. • ttdems hav. with th. slow flight oi th, oeitUirh > been pursuing tho same w es; ward course till, within tho memory of lear.\ row .unit they hare a, ■ or. fdtseied the . ironit of tho > snh This hasty glance at tho unixerwti tendency of tho race to "esie n mi gration Is of e.v, m\,u, e only a> w d Ulastjau tho nnifortum of mov, r.u nt peculiar to tho dominant branch , | of a type o: the moo ai toil in the time to conic .awttr.d the world Its steady man h from tho table lands in central Vsta westward ltd It has reached the eastern short' of th* same continent shows with w : as irrvs • ■ has ho ■ hearing dow absorbing or destroy tan ad other type s and supplanting thorn with us own Mood and brain and brawn r Or ir.OJx \ i;ji; ^ iu'M i a ; •' •ft** . m - ■ \ { - "o Sv'ft.l i V; ;\ Vift S v. > '■ J&TUl th*’ ' lh 'Wlt.i P« ' ' \ M *»»*<:>. $*■■;;$ Ra> toutti w. . >. f;Vs O* S^'is' V!- c*5,-*rvf to th< * '''»• oflttfc* yoke fh*t fc*« **v'rtr;"< irk^wit *v;.i 6< •'• v • •-■ ' ttMK. The War of i’ f RovoJuuoj folteWAi *Jl£ I ■ ' V'-v 'A *.'• xhe-tr M^evu-c v »r p-' *"• o»o*. ati4 our i»t*< *«••»; rsvat r< fwMx »•» Bi*flt a f i:t? >»« v th«’ Inn. r ijtiti i f «*r uf ih" I Mil ", nturj mnl He iirii hied mini h (u ili" urn wbh l' uiiiii d H.v Hi" end uf Hie century lie- eve advancing thl" uf Im Unit Ion had im - oil over the Allegheny* In III"- Xorfl mill the nine Kldge In III" south down tli" wish hi hIoii" nf i lios might,v range* Into Kouluekv. jv-n 11• ’hh"i' uiiln Indiana and Illinois n lie1 banks of the Mississippi, lay Im (In* fntiiidatIon fur i!io;" futni*i• great stilt" . all uf whb h were iidmltted in to tli" t'liloli, together with one he yotiil (hut river. Missouri, within thirty ‘" feu VeurM lifter tile , lorn ut the war uf the revolution. in tin till (lliMme we had foURht (Hiothur wm with lb" j>n i "it i government, mnl was attain ton i i ssful, hut the onwiml ’Milfell to III" West whs never Hto|i|i"i| for a moment, It li 11 to im lot to lie horn In one uf die newest parts uf one ut those new state*, hilt so rapid was the set tli'iui’iit going on In nil parts of the nation. Unit that hou-om spot nag old before my maturity, mid when li "mil" time for me to face the world in the stand nit fight with Its trim Ides, I too fell ill Hll" with the never "easing western pivn esaimi which cm rbd me m t th,- great rivi is and io the plains of S'l hiaskn where l fmitiil n narrow' strip of country lying nlun; the course of Hie Missouri cohiainliit. a scattered population of probably ten llunisand people, which 1 ha\" Hicd to see mi, || into a mighty host of a million and a half, and there is room for million* more that are (raveling towards us out of the shadow) hind of tinhorn time In the earl) day* in the last con tuty and before the advent of rail roads, the journey cast was usually made l" stage coach \t ,i roji,’ on ike crest of the Allegheny nuniu mins a view wns afforded for many miles around, and it was the habit of the coachiunu to hall their i caches there ti' give the passengers the hen , ,it of the beautiful prespi *A mid to stretch their ler.s with a brief walk about On one or. aslon Henry s -e , in. si. as western niaior was a passe uo ’ and alighted from the eoaoh with the test jo enjoy th sr< ne of mountain p. ak sailer and ssoodlrtUd spr.'.le out in splendid ivanotamie view or every hand. The great man in thoughtful turn'd withdrew from thi s and steed s[| tlji lookti g pul Upon in " id 'pt • a,; oo.intrj Ivir.i; •-••..■' ay;, in .he snnligh a though . Sts , tails faeir.ftled by tin ' >I. i of kit ; Iksw pass g n approached and remarked. Mr Olay sou se. in b, part ieui,. ids absorb >i with the beauts of the surround ■•it s, ei. rv. tell its your o n...ts Tr.v; . fi oa. his and with one of tbos. flashes of th# bora master of th. iiuman emotions «. 1 >• net the prospect or m fa.' looking at it, but was to t i tramp ei th. coming millions. Thor# wore at that time firohablj tw< uts t ;s e millions peopl. in th* states and territories of the Vmen while row, within the spare of si ordinary human life, the number htu inn-eased to not h-ss than nlnedj mil I i Mi V l< w years later th. Oail «•»; ' *r. «■ The population then was a boa thirty tut icons, while .it t,h;s dab years after the pc. pm sect of the country has grow n to b, * Ittatety three times that number \t that rate what will it be at fi end of the present cetttnrj " beyond(the food supply there r practically no 'limitations or. hit mat production, and the pcsss. bill ties - thi matter of ir.»mia of popular..-* are absolutely bewildering when eon sidere-d in • os • . ..on with t V Know’ capa» ■ ty of the country to produo thi moans uivs ssary to healthfu life. U is not improbable that th . v v' > .. a some doa of th. possible effect c an oveergTiwn population, wh. n s. ly :.c mi the mountain, t what, in expressn« and b. amifv metaphor he denominated th tramp of tht coming rmtlrona .. , using bnt to use an et P"> SSHW. (Original of rosrs. -• - s . i ■ tbs - ' ' , h nisi' i >• The Iasi tht-i-c \ e-ars of ; he do, mlt , S l > mate life and future fate were dete and perms-., Btly fix - . . . s h> the great -fiat rhet I .- • i ■ - rough hew them as we v n. an that wha t ’ e: > .to-, though b'.r... ;s after all a part of an infinite p« po*e. corceved by an -ntedl.g- nc National Because they’re the Nation’s Choice National Because Baking Perfection approved by the whole Nation made The National Soda Cracker ... Tioisturt 2 r oof d I j C U ! T Packages COMPANY i human ken can {possible oo; tpreheusioii? I ! ; th.'" three years there happen ’ > it j . the i lings ihtti farsi in■, ! iv.ouieug would have decreed to, th J that \\er<* 1o on nr in years succeed-! i iliai (he nHtmaic good might lie ‘ tiUireil that actually grew out of : w.,?ring and discordant conditions ini bo»i> politic of our great na on. toss, i and torn by internal si rib uni 1 i"' fish nit:-, st as it had been tor !w.p years and then to be purified I tn th. fires of war. tin- i ,:al ; of w h h has not he. n know n in the N ska *. > n it was on the so l of th. : jfonac- That thv first blood of she .S.C was shed and — a (..'use. n nee her population outgrew :' U. of she latter by many hu: rod ; folds, and her induction into the ■ - : > as a fro. stale anted*:. i on ' ■ \ ofassa • - st it I .tl y. ars. ’.'he year JS.'.fi saw her pe; ! «t arly doubled, hut the drouth par ■ of S stopped flow . Uon into it. and the war fo'.i. ug , jthc year after had the effect to old , - h. o: .... ter the next four ars , | and till the war e Post'd Th.: ®. r. cod the real building of the ' . star ‘ a J . - ' s .. . w - 1 bvaska bad with::-, her borders ore . an o: . hundred .bonsai d poop',, and s .-id' for statehood . art s I ml* .stration then in control .. ;he i ;■■■■- rrno -:.t. '. hr ' t s ufl ■ r ..... r :calamities as a poopl. from t' day of t' * old revolution to the . ■ . of rsv .ins: nation of our »s* . . p ■ e , our try. but among the erst -,i : . s”: r ' . i - r,.. s f,-ton of Franklin Pier He . - . . ■ & cabal o* strat on and : was h • ..> ' .jsas hj It was a mere riot, and a Grover and . - president word -■ suppress:.. a month 7: '• : -i.-t san • s-'-erctat y - ". s ; ' shown :r. the ay-pc. -vi d j of : r a1 offje-ers—nearly , :\ - ' • s - i shewn -very measure . d . % policy hat had the approval of that administration. _ It is now apparent thil a vua not so much tito purpose, of the power behind the throne tg sprtad the disturbing institution of slavery into the western territories— though that was the pretense—as it w;,s to furnish an excuse and the op portunity to dissolve tile union of the states and d< stray the government. Subsequent events nialm this a- clear as any fact in our history. It was partly the effect of precedent. butt mostly the result of the desire of j ambitious men to control, to govern’ others, ami to have an establishment ; of their own for the purpose Our peoplo like to govern, to hold office; and w. id authority, power and what . ally t lress pt variety. Kuan the mayor of a coun try town all the way up to the v of the United Stares—from! petty.nil ■ - ■ \ . ■ ■ • ■.\ - ■ is a . — ■ . . iha: mighty host of brave office hold • r> that r.o man . an number, ear h with a mod . urn of off . al authority and yearly salary, till by the joint] $ of the whoh combined we have! on to l - . - .. I and the worst governed peepb on the earth. C - 8 .md liver V... - - stimulate tht liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter. . • - onstip and v k . - Feld by all CLEAVER A SEBOLD INSURANCE real estate and loans SC**5': S OFF CC esce 4c. ATT1T>P •’ ’.C * '• - y ■ - - Tt , , C-t L.w v t bi * -o»: • —w « -t- w.i ■ r T.:. ■ • ,/ - - -4.’ .i»< - ■.«- ♦ w l *’'**• *w wifT ! * ‘u. • H . * . ri* ** • ; IK/*-. Sckkiific fluid -an. kbm&iwn'p'* 'vrt«*^K-ac ci wit *»••**? LtM } -L-iih.. . -p c ( fc ,-Fh- * -a? r.< i. 1; ml • • • - •! - -«. MUPM £ Sr* Tort • • •*-«. sra. Wtmciis- a. x. Chautauqua Tickets The following merchants of Tails Citv will'give, a sin gle admission ticket to the opening- session of the Chautauqua, tree with each two dollar cash purchase made at their stores, from July 17th to ’4th. Samuel Wahl ' L. C. Maugcr V. C. Lyford Matthews-Little Co. R. A. Dittmar Wahl &. Parchen Saturday, July 24th, is Coburn Day Announcement M e are pleased to announce that our Spring campaign of the biggest values in Farm Ma chinery for, iqoq is now on. You are invited to call and inspect our lines. A complete line of John Deere Farm Machin ery . Hay Loaders and Stackers. McCormick Binders and Mow ers. Avery Cultivators and Planters. Sharpies Tubular and DeLaval Cream Sep arators. Litchfield Spreaders. Gasoline Engines. Old Hickory and Avery W agons. keys Bros', and \ ehlie Buggies. No trouble to show our goods. Loucks & Jones FALLS Cm NEBRASKA Try The Tribune for Job Work!