The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 02, 1909, Image 5

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    MH* * « ■*»»■»■» » » « * » »■» * «H» » » » KHfc »■* »-**»»« « « « » »«»»
What's Your Name? \
1* Send it to us with the names of ten of your friends *
who are thinking of attending school and we will send *
„ *
you one dozen of the finest pen-written calling cards. *
; DO IT NOW ’ *
T *
\ Falls City Business College :
* Falls City, Nebraska I
► *
M'-** **** *»** *■»*■***■**»»* ** * ■* *. * *-■*« . ««*••»*»*»*
Vi/hat Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing the
Past Week.
—Eat Sowle’s Candy.
—Dr. Wilson, Wahl’s building.
Prank Simons came up from Rulo
Saturday on business.
—FOR SALE—My farm home ad
joining Falls City. George A. Abbott
Miss Minnie Albright will spend
the Fourth with relatives in Lincoln, j
G. L. Jones of near Sahiu. was a
business visitor at tltis place Mon
Frank Snethen of Humboldt was a
business visitor at tliis place Sun
F. W. Samuelson came down from
Lincoln Sunday and spent the day
with his family.
Miss Hazel Prater spent this week
In Hiawatha at the home of her uncle,
Adolph Bentley and family.
Will Boyd and family came up
from Hiawatha Sunday and
spent the day with relatives in this
Frank Werner is spending this j
week with his mother at Greenleaf.
Kansas. He is enjoying his sum
mer vacation.
Misses Grace Harlan and Olive
Tildeh of Salem came to this citty
Saturday to attend the services at
I he auditorium.
Miss Gladys Vance returned to her
bom' in Peru Saturday after a two
weeks visit with Misses Margaret and
Louise Peterson.
Harry Custer returned tin1 first of
the week from Kansas, where lit was
investing in land.
Mrs. Pierson of St.Joseph arrived
in tin city this week for an extend
. ed visit with her daughter, Mrs. F.
A. Keller and family.
Frank Horn of Auburn was a gmst
of his cousin, Judge Wilhite and wife
Monday. He was here in the inter
est of the Auburn races.
Miss Vera Houston, who ha v been
visiting her uncle, Will Hoppe and
family at Stella lor the past two
weeks returned to her home in this
city Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Werner came
down from Nebraska City Sunday
and visited at the home of the form
ers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wer
ner. They returned home Monday
Miss Anna Younkin of Meyersdale,
Pa., who has been visiting her
cousins. Misses Carrie and Jennie
Keim, left the first of the week for
points in Kansas, where she will vis
it relatives.
Chamberlain’s Stomach and liver
Tablets gently stimulate the liver and
bowels to expel poisonous matter,
cleanse the system, cure constipation
ami sick headache. Sold by all drug
Delay in taking Foley’s Kitlnev Rem
edy ;f you have baekaelio, kidney or
bladder trouble, fastens the disease
upon you and makes a cure most
difficult. Commence taking Foley’s
Kidney Remedy today and you will
soon be well. Why risk a serious
malady? Kerr's Pharmacy.
Mr. and Mrs. John Oswald left
Friday for it trip through the west.
Mr. Oswald has gone to look after
some land interests at I^ike View,
Oregon and Mrs. Oswald will go on
to California and visit relatives. They
will be gone several weeks.
Rev. F. Ellsworth Day, and Judge
James K. Wilhite went to Pawnee
yesterday to attend a meeting of the
Christian church at that place. Rev.
Wilhite, a relative of Judge Wilhite,
is the evangelist who has charge of
the meetings at that place.
Mrs. F. W. Samuelson and daugh
ter, Mrs. Lulu Alspaugh returned to
this city, after spending the winter
at San Antonio, Texas. They will
make their home at this place.
Joe Graves of Humboldt was in
Falls City Monday. He lias contract
ed with the M cGu ire-Sc h mel zel Co.
to erect a fine new garage just north
of the Onion House.
Mrs. C. G. Stumbo and daughter,
Jennie Pearl, came down .from Lin
coln Saturday and are visiting the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
uel Prater.
James Bascom, who lias be- n em
ployed on the Falls City Journal for
some time,left this week for his home
in Pawnee City.
Jessie Paxton came down from
Nebraska City Sunday and spent a
few days with relatives and friends
at this place.
Mrs. Ira Iloutz of Verdon was a
visitor at this place Saturday. She
came to attend the meetings at. the
auUitoi i urn.
Mrs. F, E. Un ♦enfield and cl.'l.
i;en of Nelson slept a few days this
week with Mr and Mrs. F. I- 11s
worth Day.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pierson return
ed Monday night from their wed
ding trip through the western part of
the state.
Mrs. Leyda Butler of Table Rock
returned the latter part of the week
after a visit to her sister, Mrs. E. F.
—FOR SALE: Ten good milk
cows mostly fresh. Inquire of Chas.
Pribbeno, Preston. Nebr. 5-3
Karl Rauch came down from Stella
Friday and was looking after busi
ness matters.
Mrs. M. Elwell has been entertain
ing her daughter, Mrs. A. J,. Stetler
of Salem.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Heaston Sunday,'June
the 27th.
Scott Saylor returned from a three
weeks stay at Excelsior Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Crook of Salem
spent Sunday at this place.
Mark Bradley of Shubert spent last
Sunday in this city.
Arthur Hyatt was up from Reserve
nmM****** **** *■**-»* DHfc <♦♦♦# *+* ** ** »***♦*-* * ** **
c #
» Just received six cartons of exceptionally fine Im- £
£ ported Ribbons goods that are actually worth from *
£ 75c to $1.00. on sale Saturday at per •
yard. |
£ See these goods Friday in window. J
j *
a . * **^**~^-*4i-*****HK-a^* ****** *' ** **•*-*-■*-*♦*# * * *
iFarms to Tradc
40 acres upland ail in cultiva
tion—4 mfles to town.
80-acre upland farm 60 acres
in cultixation, balance pasture:
small house; 3 miles from
Here are two bargains that will
consider trading for town prop
erty. See us at once about these
Cleaver ® Sebold
Phone 387
Vlex Leo spent Stlnday wltli friends
ill Atchison.
(' V Davis of the Kalis City News
was a St. Joseph visitor Saturday.
J. (J. Kelly came down from Peru
Sunday and spent a few days at
(his place,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lord of Sa
lem were guests of Josh Lord and
returned home Monday.
Don’t fail to get some of those
$1.00 per yard ribbons for 43 cents.
Saturday at R. A. Dittmars.
Miss Medn lleinemau ot Verdon
spent a few days in the city visiting
her aunt, .Miss Myrtle Powers.
Miss Charlotte Lyle of (Hen Elder,
Kas., spent, the week in this city, the
guest of her friend, Miss Nellie Cain.
Mr. and Mrs, Karl Morris came in
from LlKeno, Oklahoma, to spend
some time with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. Kred Chesley left I lie
first of (lie week for a visit with rela
tives and friends in Kansas City. They
expert to be gone several days.
Mrs. El/.a Crook returned this week
from Sheldon, Neb., where she was
called several days ago by the death
of her mother, Mrs. II. It. Linton.
Mrs. John Hossack and little grand
son, Neal Mulligan, spent a few days
this week in Wytnore with the for
mer's sister, Mrs. G. W. Livengood.
Miss Elizabeth Kaehelries, who has]
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Will,
( rook, l'or some time is in Sabothn j
this week, the guest of Miss Gladys
Mrs. E. (). Wolf and little son re
turned from a few days visit to her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Norton at
Mutton Prater, who has been vis
iting ills cousin, Miss Jennie Prater
for several days, returned Saturday
morning to his home in St. Joseph.
Rt. Rev. Arthur Williams was in
the city a few days the latter part of
the week. He was a guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hargrave
Our old friend and drayman, Billy
Moss is in very poor health, and has
gone to Omaha and has entered a
hospital, where he will receive treat
Airs, r ranK rarriim anu two mm
sons of Shubert were in tile city over
Suncliiy. The were visiting the form
ers parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. \V.
Steve Sloan of Noreattir, Kansas,
is in the city visiting at the home of
Arthur Harris and family. He lias
been visiting relatives in Vordon for
several days.
Mr;.. ('. I,. Marts and son, (lien,
who have pent the past two weeks
in litis city with Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Marts, 1 (turned to their home in
Wymore, Sunday.
Mrs. (loorge Dietseh and daughter,
Margaret of Hastings arrived in the
city Saturday to spend some time at
the home of the former's mother, Mrs
Margaret Maddox.
Mrs. O. H. Maddox and two sons.
Wilson and Fred rr.tinned to the1
houu lit Missoula, Montana Wednes
day from it three weeks’ visit with
relatives at this place.
ike Beaulieu, who lias been visit
ing iiis met her. Mrs. John Bowers,
and other relath eg at this place for
the past two weeks left Tuesday for
iiis home at Missoula, Montana.
Miss Margaret Steele, who was
called to San Antonio, Texas, a few
weeks ago by the illness of a rela
tive, returned to her home in this
city tho latter part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Miles and lit
tle son left this week for LosAngeles.
California, where they will spend a
greater part of the summer. They
were accompanied by Mrs. C. It. El
Mrs. C. V. Stunt bo and daughter,
Jennie Pearl, and Mrs. Samuel Prat
er went to St. .Joseph Wednesday to
spend a few days with the latter's
daughter,Mrs. C. E. Peabody and hus
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sargent and chil
dren of Canton, Illinois, who have
been visiting Mrs. Sargeifs sister,
Mrs. David Ransom and family, left
Monday for Nelson, Nebraska on a
visit to relatives.
Cleaver & Sebold will occupy the
rooms recently vacated by Dr. Caw
re nee. They have been nicely paper
ed and painted and when these gentle
men get moved and settled they will
have as nice office rooms as there are
in town.
Mrs. J. C. Tanner and daughter,
Helen left Tuesday for Missoula.
Montana to spend some time with her
sister, Mrs. Ike Beaulieu. Mr. Tan
ner will join them there in a few
weeks and they will visit the Seattle
Mrs. P. W. Jones and Mr. and Mrs.
John Parlier returned Saturday morn
ing from Sligo, Colo. Mr. Parlier lias
been very ill for the past five weeks
and it was deemed advisable to bring
him to his home in this city. At
this writing lie is improving.
Teething children have more or
less diarrhoea, which can be con
trolled by giving Chamberlain’s Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All
that is necessary is to give the pre
scribed dose after each operation of
the bowels more than natural and the
castor oil to cleanse the system. It
is safe and sure. Sold by all drug
Parties snowing themselves in
debted to me on account are request
ed to call at the City Meat Market
and settle the same at once. All
accounts not paid by July 1st will
be placed in the hands of a col
lector for immediate settlement
Save costs by giving this your im
mediate attention. 23-3t
Tim Lincoln base ball i lub will
haw a long string of games at home
beginning with Monday Inly 5th.
They are as follows: July 5th, mont
h's and afternoon, Topeka, July 7,
8, 9, 1m Denver: July 12. 1!. 14, 15,
Pueblo: July 10 17. Wichita; July 20
and 21. Topeka. The Lincoln team
which has been playing good ball but
hanging around the last hole, ought
to Improve its position during the
long stay at home.
Missis Verna Story and tirnce
Hoppe are enjoying a vacation from
their work at the telephone office.
Till b ft Monday for St. Joseph and
from there they go to Kansas City,
"’her, they will visit at the home
of Samuel Johnson. a number of
J«ars ago Mr. Johnson was u resi
dent of Stella.
Our preacher says "A-nien” when
he preaches and prays, hut our choir
pronounces it. "Ah-Min" when they
sing it in the hymns and anthems.
Which is right?—Hiawatha World.
They tell us up here at Falls City
that yom mils down al Hiawatha suv
“Oh. Man!”
Charles Smith, who lias spent sev
eral years in the Holy Land, arrived
in the city Tuesday morning and wifi
spend some time with his brother,
Henry C.Smith in this city. He spe nt
a few days with relatives In Illinois
on his way to this place.
Rev. J. W. Lockhart, who has had
charge of the evangelistic campaign
that was held at the auditorium, left
Tuesday night for DesMolnes, Iowa,
where he will spend the month of
July with his family.
James C. Ayers and wife, D. F.
Veach and wife, W.F. Veach and wife.
I. 11 Hall, Charles Wear, Frank Fish
er, rieta Morae and Jennie Wear all
of V> idem v.i p- visitors at this place
U. C. Simmons of Salqni was shak
ing hands with now and old acquain
tances in tiiis city Tuesday. Jlo took
occasion to push his credit on The
Tribune in advance, as is ills usual
i ustoia,
T~ M. PoEE of th" rid of the
county was in oar city Tuesday. Mr.
Post lias halt a mind to let his name
appear on tlm ballot for county rec
order on the republican ticket.
Mrs. Allan IJ. May and son, Edgar
Wylie came down from Auburn the
first of the week and are visiting at.
the home of her mother. Mrs. Kather
ine Wylie and other relatives.
It. It. McNutt and wife of Salem
were very pleasant callers at this
office Tuesday. They inspected the
linotype and before leaving renewed
their subscription.
Mrs. H. (i. Smith and little son
who have been visiting the former’s
sister, Mrs. .1. \ Shields, returned to
her home 'ii Omaha the latter part
of the week.
Mrs. Albert Zimber and daughter,
Mrs. Will King and her little daugh
ter returned Tuesday from a short
visit with Albert Zimber Jr., in Kan
sas City. Mo.
Mrs. Will Mulligan and three little
daughters returned the latter part of
the week from a visit from her sister,
Mrs. Laura Peiper at Oxford, Ne
George Knapp ot hlk Horn, Mis.,
was in the city this week the guest
at tlie home of Mrs. Katherine Wylie
and Mr. and Mrs. Will t'hlig.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bentley and
family came up from Hiawatha and
spent Sunday at the home of George
Albright aiid George Prater.
Miss Dora Itichaids will leave Sun
day for Wisconsin to visit her mother
and other relatives. She expects to
be gone about two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Snell of Pres
ton were in the city Saturday. They
were gu* sis of the former’s sister
Mrs. Katherine Keiger.
Mrs. George Wahl and little son
George Samuel returned from at
extended visit with her sister in Kan
sas City.
Harry Hall came down from Hum
boldt Wednesday to look aftei
some business matters at this place.
Be sure and go to R. A. Dittmars
Saturday—THE BEST EVER—$1.0C
per yard ribbon for 43 cents per yard
Fred Mosiraan left Tuesday night
for Dal«as. where he will spend a few
days with his lunch counter.
Fred Nettlebeck is enjoying a va
cation front his duties at V. G. Ly
ford’s store this week.
Frank Dietrich came down from
Verdon Saturday. He was a pleasant
caller at this office
Boscoe Anderson was one of tin
Humboldt people w ho visited this city
George H Holt is assisting with tin
hook -keeping at Heck A- Harlows'
D. A. McDowell of Stella was a
business visitor at this place Mon
Celebrate the ‘ Fourth" with Fireworks for the
But Celebrate for
by buying a piece of Tableware. Brooch, Collarpin or other small
article she wants and see how much pleasure it will bring to
YOU Try it THIS "Fourth." It will cost you only a trifle, if you
get it at
The ‘Old Reliable" Jeweler and Optician
Say, Mr. Farmer
Our line of Deering Bind
ers anti Mowers awaits your
we should say so, and the
price is right, too.
Come in and see our Cream
The Blind Made to See
$5.00 Duplex Lenses, $1.00
Important Announcement
The Standard Duplex Optical Company
wishes to announce that one of their specialises and his
assistant will visit our town every sixty days. They will he
at the Union Hotel
Friday and Saturday
July 9th and 10th
The services of our specialist and his assistant are free
to all those wishing to consult him or have their eyes ex
ainined. .
Our specialists are all scientific men. with years ot ex
perience. If your eyesight is failing from years of usage,
you should not fail to take advantage of this rare oppor
tunity. f
For all complicated cases, due to any' irregulant\ ol tne
anatomy, our specialist will prescribe the proper glasses at
half the original price for this visit only. Our company is
responsible for the work of their specialists, .arnl positively
guarantee you the highest class of refractional work ob
tainable in the United States today. If you have tailed to
get relief and comfort from others do not leel discouraged.
We fit such cases with satisfaction every day.
A remarkable introductory offer $5.00 Eve Glasses at
:?i.oo a pair for this visit only. Standard Duplex Lenses
Positively Relieve Headache, aching of the eyeball, water
ing of the eyes, squinting of the eyes, itching and burning
eyes, inflamed eyes, feeling of sand in the eyes, floating
spots before the eyes. With our Special Ground Duplex
we guarantee to straighten every case of cross eyes we
Our Instruments For the DeaJ
Are constructed on strictly scientific principles, and not
only to give you immediate hearing, but very much benefit
the natural conditions. See them.
Consultation and Examination Free
Standard Duplex Optical
Omaha Nebraska_