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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1909)
TIE COIRS AND COERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. — Eat So wit's Candy. —Dr. Wilson. Wahls building, *. 0. Bnsher was up fr«un Hia watha .Monday. LA. Hiatt of Salem spent Sun day m Falls City. «J. ( . Ayers was down from Verdon Saturday. 1 . H. .Sailors of Stella was a business visitor here Sunday. —Ett, Amy Lyons, osteopath. 01 fin in Wahl building, phone 44b. —FOR SALK—My farm home ad joining Falls City. George A. Abbott i. \N . Halstead of Hiawatha was Monday visitor at Falls City. —Dr. W. E. Lyons, Osteopath. Of fice in Wahl building. 'Phone 44C. F. E. French of Humboldt was a business visitor at this plaei Sunday. , -B.M. Dorland of Humboldt was a business visitor at this place Saturday. J. B. Davis and Cldye Harper of Peru were visitors at this I place Friday. Miss Gertrude Lum of Verdon spent a few days with Mrs. A. Cameron this week. i. M. Culp and C. V. Paul were among the Verdon boys who vis ited our city Sunday, James Goldstein came down from Dawson Friday looking after business matters. John Martin came down from Lincoln and spent a short time at tbi home of M. Giannini. George Sperry is enjoying a week's vacation from his duties at Lyford s department store. Miss Vera Brannura went to Fremont this week to spend a few weeks with her grandparents. J. Hendricks anil wife. LeRoy Judd came down from Lincoln the first of the week and visited his brother. N. !>. Judd and family. " alter ,Uclviever returned .Mon day from a visit to liis brother flames MeKiever, who is employ ed in Nebraska City. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Sherdeman of Lincoln are the parents of a b i by boy, born Monday. The mother was formerly Miss Hazel Jellison of this city. L. M. Weddle returned to his home fit Shubert Saturday, after spending several days in the city acting on the county board. Herman Minnielc and wife of! Atcddson spent Sunday in this city with the former's mother. Mrs. Minnick, who has been very ill for several days. JKev. K. H. Teeter is busy this week with ehautauqua work. He is doing considerable advertising and has made business trips to several neighboring towns. Mrs. .1. I>. Stitzer arnl children left this week for Lincoln where they will make their future home. Mr. Stitzer has a good position traveling for a hide and fur house at that place. Mr. and Mrs. E. <•'. Whitford let: Monday night for Washing ton for a four weeks' visit with relatives. They will also take in I'( "big show" at Seattle be fore returning home. Now, we're not going to men tion any names, but the fellows] who did the every-otlier-word ‘ cussing’’ while fit work down by the Central school house Mon day, ought to he ashamed. Earl Frakes went to Marys \ ilh.. Mo., lfist Week, where lie | secured a position in a hardware] store. This week Mrs. Frakes and little daughter went to that [dace, where they will remain permanently. iVllSS JJOrii ' «I UK'S ITIUNH'U limin' t};is week. She has just closed a a iccessful season as trimmer in a millinery store at Jlolton, Kas. Mrs. ('. E. Peabody returned to I • home in St. Joseph the first of the week after a visit to her parents. Samuel Prater and wife. Mrs. Frank Norris and three, children came down from Lincoln and spent a few days at the home o£ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. i. Ciintt. <>n Monday Mrs. Nor ris took her little daughter to Lincoln to have an operation per formed. Mrs. • iantt is earing for the other two while Mrs. Nor ris is away. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sage and Mr. and Mrs. Adams and two children returned Monday night 1 tt their home in Lincoln, after a short visit at the home of the for mer s uncle. (\ L. Kreger and family. Harry's many friends are glad to see him able to walk about on crutches. A few weeks ago he was seriously injured in a railroad accident and his foot was so badly crushed that it necessary to amputate it. ~yv * x.\\i ■! :ii\ Copyright 1909 by Hart bcbaffnrr & Mar* | YOU deliver your declaration of independence of cheap, slip shod, commonplace tailoring, of doubtful quality in fabrics, of uncertainty in style, and of unsatisfactory fit, the minute you enter the doors of our store. You're on your own ground here; you're in a place where the thing your want is the thing we want; you are where you can absolutely count on getting the best value that your money can procure. You know, without needing anybody to tell you, that these fine, high grade Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes are right: you know they're made of all-wool fabrics, that the linings, trimmings, insides of every garment, are as good as can be made; that the styles and models are correctly designed by the most expert talent in the country; that the clothes fit. If you don’t know these things, look around you; we’ve put clothes on the best dressed men in town; Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes; they speak for themselves, and for us; and they speak for the men who wear them We offer you absolute security in clothes buying; certainty that you’ll get what you want. You can’t get it in the same way anywhere else; and you don't want to get any less. Suits $18.00 to $25.00 Young Men's Styles We've perfected Young Men s Clothes—college and high school styles—brought out the muscular lines, the high chest and broad shoulders, well shaped hips, concaved back: peg trousers, tapering to the ankle. We've studied the requirements of the smart, well groomed young fellow. WE HAVE THE ‘ DOGGY” COLORS AND PATTERNS. THE KIND HE WILL HAVE, $12.00. 515.00 and $16 50 SAMUEL WAHL'S DAYLICHT STORE THIS STORE IS THE HOME OF HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES Gold and Silver Shirts John B. Stetson Hats Munsing Underwear