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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1909)
The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. HUMBOLDT. .»(■. V* ill W aggeuei uuu family are cor'd;- located in their new home. . 'k Arnold and family are spend ing ’he week with relatives at Barada A new baud organ has been placed in the skating rink. Ur udnaa SUeard is seriously ill at the home of her son, John S heard, in th s city. I K. Liggett has recently accept ed i position as cashier with the bank at Burchard. Mrs. J. A. Beard returned home the last of the week from a visit with relatives at Sutton. AI in Gingerich and bride return ed Sunday evening from their wed d -; trip to Omaha. Mrs. Will Legg is enjoying a visit with her son, John Legg and family a; • ytiolds, Nebraska. G-- trge W. Segrist and wife, of r>; H '.s, S. D., arrived here Tuesday for a visit with their relatives. .Mr-i, George Peaks and little son o; S be'tha, Kansas, are guests at the ho ). of Ashford Ebie and wife. Mrs. Peter Gergens entertained the ladies of the Methodist church at lu ■ rural home on Tuesday afternoon Irr. Henry Gravatt and children w. ■ here from Sabetha, Kansas this v, • k visiting B, K. Gravatt and fam ily Mr-. W. B. Alexander came fro i Dawson Saturday for a brief visit with her parents, Dr. J. R. More s and wife. Elmer Rousek has returned from St. Marys, Kansas, where lie lias com plete i a four years course in the col lege -,t that, place. 1 is. Ray E. Miller ami mue aaiign t( Iris, who had been visiting her pa. 'its here, returned Thursday to th-'ir home in Grand Island. A party of young people were en ter' led on Monday evening at the ho i of Ltllu Boss, the guest of honor bei I- Helen Kuper, of Columbus, Ne brt. - :a. Mbs Minnie Petrashek returned the 1 tier part of the week from Mis souri Valley, Iowa, where she lias been employed as a teacher for a yet i past. A company of friends were 'pleas antl ntertained at the home of Fred Fish r and wife on Thursday even ing Trail furnished entertainment for the guests. Miss Helen Kuper of Columbus, Ne braska was the guest of honor at a social function at the home of Win. Arnold In the north part of town on Tuesday evening. Fie ik Butterfield and wife enter in'!.i- . a company of friends at their hoi i ■ Wednesday evening complimen tary to the latter's sister, Mrs. E. W. Elweil. of Lincoln. V ii Crawford and sister, Mrs. Sm Vheeler, have lately disposed of th ir lunch counter in Table Rock and ' ie latter is now- employed in the local telephone office. Mrs A. A. Tanner came down from Lin >ln Saturday to attend a reunion of th- class of 1896 of the Humboldt • higki school, which was held at the home of Mrs. I. Shirley that even ing Ii not satisfied after using it according to directions two-thirds of a bottle of Chamberlains Stomach aid Liver Tablets, you can have your mom y back. The tablets cleanse and invigorates the stomach, improve the the ligestion regulates the bowels. Give .hem a trial and get well. Sold by all druggists. NIMS CITY K V: Marmot has a now Buick auto mobile. Mr. and Mrs. Ayers went to Hum boldt last Thursday. Mrs. Dora Bacon visited relatives at Table Rock last week. George Peake of Sabetha was here on telephone business last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bridgman of Falls City were guests of the Clark boys her- this week. Rev. Fred Warren of Endicott spent last Sunday the guests of the Hans hahr. family. F. P. Page was carrying the mail on this route last week in place of L. E. Bacon. East Saturday evening there were five automobiles in front of Duryea's store at one time. How is that for a country neighborhood? Clias. Wise went up to Omaha last Friday and came back Sunday with Mrs. Wise, who had been taking treatment at a hospital there. She is much improved in health. Everyone would be benefitted by taking Foley’s Orino Laxative for constipation, stomach anil liver trou ble, as it sweetens the stomach and breath, gently stimulates the liver and regulates the bowels and is much superior to pills and ordinary laxa tives. Why not try Foley’s Orino Laxative today? Kerr’s Pharmacy. SHUBERT — Mr*. Wea k is now visiting rela : tive* near Barada. Mrs. Snow of Auburn is here visit ing relatives near town. D. Smiley spent a few days with his son here last week. "Miss Etltel Slagle spent Saturday I evening with friends here Mrs. George Brisby visited her sis ; ter in the country last week. Marion Krug and wife visited rel | atives in the country Sunday. Miss Leona Martin is enjoying a visit with relatives at Nemaha. Elmer King and family were county seat visitors one day last week. Mrs. McDowell of Stella spent sev eral days here last week with home folks. Mrs. Taylor is now entertaining her friend, Miss Dora Morton of Xe maha. C. A. Smiley spent a couple of days this week with ins parents at Xe maha. Conrad Race and family were the guests of friends near Stella last Sunday. Clyde Hill is visiting relatives and friends here after some time spent I in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. X. \V. James are now | entertaining their daughter, Mrs, Gil tan of Peru. * Mrs. G. \V. Hutchings and little daughter were guests of relatives at Falls City Tuesday. airs. i..yuia mienoiz purchased a fine buggy last week and presented it to her son, Jessie. Mrs. J. C. Schulenberg returned from a two weeks’ visit with her daughter near Falls City. Guy Davis and wife now occupy the Mrs. Quiggle property, recently va cated by M. T. Hill and family. Mrs. Charles Hunt of Nemaha is here enjoying a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cummings. Last. Sunday a family reunion was held by members of the family at tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. Imler. Mr. and Mrs. .lay Parsons accom panied by Mrs. C. F. Schulenberg were guests of friends and relatives at Falls City Sunday. Mrs. Reynolds, who has been visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oath out for several weeks returned to her home at Jamesville, South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crews are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine baby boy which came to gladden their home on the 15th of June. Misses Grace and Mamie Palmer, formerly of this place, but now of Stella, left Thursday for Oklahoma City, where they will visit a brother and other relatives. Charles Lord and wife accompan ied by his daughter. Miss Gladys, left Sunday for Michigan, where they will spend some time viewing the country. They expect to return in a fine automobile. They will visit many points on their return home. Miss Cora Hill and mother left Wednesday for York. Nebr., where they will visit relatives until July', when Miss Cora will leave for Den ver, where she will attend the Na tional educational association and from there she and a party of friends will spend some time at the Yellowstone park and other points of interest. OHIO Dona Shaffer was the guest, of Ethel Peek Sunday. John Liehty, of Falls City, was in this vicinity Wednesday. Henry Hahn was a guest of his sister, Mrs. Seheitel, Sunday. Vera Shaffer entertained a few of her friends Sunday afternoon. John Iiurk, of Rulo, is visiting with his son and daughter this week. Clarence Peek was a guest of Elmer and Earl Elshire Sunday. Guy Liehty and wife were guests of Delas Spiekler and wife Sunday. Mrs. Elshire and family were guest of Mrs. N. Peek and family Sunday. Chas. McWain and wife were the guests of the latter's parents Tuesday Joe Gulley and wife were guests of O. P. Prichard and wife Sun day. Claude Phillippi and wife, of Falls City, were the guests of Perry Shaf fer and family last week. Wm. Bartlett and wife and John Burk spent Wednesday with O. A Burk and family. John Liehty, wife and Marie, and Minnie Bloom tvere visiting in this vicinity Thursday of last week. Chester Stump, Guy Liehty and al so their wives spent Tuesday in Falls City, the guests of John Liehty and family. Wm. Huettner and family enter tained the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heuttner and wife, on Sunday. Marie Liehty, of Falls City, is en joying a visit with her sister, Mrs. Chester Stump. Mrs. Long and son, John, returned home Tuesday from Oklahoma where they w. re tailed by the death of Mrs. Long's father. H. J Prichard. E. M. Kinnnel, F. S Lichty, George Prichard and their families were the guests of Chester Stump and family Sunday. The many friends of Bert Lichty and wife, of Ashland, Ohio, will be pleased to hear or the birth of an other girls to them June Iti, 1909, Fred Koepka, Joe Eichkot'f, Henry Eicchkoff, Henry Frits and their wives and t’harles and Emma Last spent last Sunday with John Eick stcdt and family near Auburn. They made the trip in the former's auto mobile and bad an enjoyable time Foley's Honey and Tar Is especial ly recommended for chronic throat and lung troubles and many suffer ers from bronchitis, asthma and con sumption have found comfort and re lief, by using Foley's Honey and Tar. Kerr's Pharmacy. STELLA. Mrs. John Morgan visited in Au burn Monday. Mrs. Rob Tynan visited Auburn relatives last week. Mrs. Haggard was called to Sen eca again last week. Tlie new residence of J. R. Cain Jr., is almost completed. Mrs. Cora Andrews and son Lale of Kansas City are at the Overman. Miss Hazel Raper of Omaha is visiting relatives at this place, Frank Wolf has been visiting in town several days this week. Miss Eunice Haskins went, to Ok lahoma last Friday to visit for a shor time. Mrs. Gedultig of Omaha is visiting her brother-in-law, M. Ii, Vandcvent er and family. Miss Katie Mower now has a music class at Shubert, where she goes every Monday, Mrs. Rice McNulty and children of Table Rock are visiting at the home of William Brown. Miss Myrtle McCray came up from the county seat and visited a few days with her sister. Mrs. A. tV. Montgomery enter tained the Research club and several out of town guests Tuesday. Mrs. Abigal Curtis and son Laris visited Saturday night and Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. W. Hill. Lloyd Morris is spending his va cation, from Cotner university, at his home helping his father on the farm. Wm. Snow and family from Have lock are visiting .at the home of Mrs. Snow’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hank ell. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Hogrefe and Mrs. Dorsey and children visited Mrs. Dorsey’s mother at Table Rock last week. Mrs. Joseph Curtis and little daugh ter, of Lincoln arrived Sunday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs M. Shaffer. Dr. Andrews fumigated the Good loe home Tuesday, and set the family free after a two weeks' quarantine for diphtheria. Little Miss Lottie Light foot came up from Kansas City last week to visit with her cousins, Thelma and Mercedes Andrews. Bert Harmon and Frank Hinkle re turned from South Dakota last week. They were there oil a home-seeking expedition, but did not locate. Children's day was observed Sun day at the Methodist church. A splendid program was given and was appreciated by a crowded house. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ft. Freed spent several days the first of tin* week at. the county seat attending the big revival meeting at the auditorium. Mrs. George Mitchell’s parents sur prised her last Saturday by coining to visit her. They came from Texas and had not seen her for eleven years. Mrs. Frank Weaver returned from Council Fluffs, Sunday, where she' had been for a week attending her sister Mrs. Jenkins, who has under gone an operation. Mrs. Martha Weaver lias remodel el her house and now has one of the neatest little cottages in town. The painters are putting on the finishing touches this week. We haw been in darkness all this week. The electric light company are resetting the boiler and hope to have tilings in shape to give us the lights Saturday night. Vern Davis returned from Montana last Saturday, lie was not favorably impressed with the country and has decided not to locate, hut thinks Ne braska good enough for him. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Pritts of Okla homa, who have been visiting their children at this place, left for a vis it to relatives at Davenport. They expect to return here before going home. Just as Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Palm er were ready to start for Wisconsin last Friday, he recieved word that his' regiment would not meet until July 12th. and as this was the principal feature of his visit, they have post poned their trip for a couple of weeks Mrs. It. A. Clark and Lucile went to Kansas City last week and visit ed with relatives a few days. They were met there by Mr. Clark and Wil lis, who had been at Vandalia for several weeks. SALEM D, c Siiumons drove to Verdon Tuesday. Charles Miller returned to St Joe Sunday. J. O, Horton was in Falls Cilj on Thursday. Henry Corn of Verdon was In Sa lem Thursday. Will MoDougald "as a Kalis City visitor Thursday. Hear her Cornell of Verdon was in Salem Tuesday. Bert MeCool and family spent Sun day in the country. Mrs. John Tiehan and children were in Falls City Monday. Deude Corn and family of Verdon spent Sunday in Salem. Miss Cecil Kanaly of Rulo visited friends in Salem Friday Lloyd Kinsey of Dawson visited friends in Salem Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Pollard visited relatives in ('ass county this week. Roy Daggett, will spend several day in Council Bluffs this week. Clarence Dingle, who has been very siek is able to lie out again. Fred Windle of Wymote spent a few days in Salem last week. Miss Lucy (iregorv and Fra Mobley spent Tuesday in Falls City. Miss Olive Tilden is assisting in the central office this week. John MeCool and Dean Windle were in Falls City Sunday evening. W. It. Boyd transacted business at the county seat Thursday. W. B. Boyd and W. C. MeCool went to Omaha Monday to do some work. Mrs. J. E. Windle and Myrtle Mendenhall were in Falls City Tues day. Isaac Wiltwer of Council lilufts is visiting his mother south of town this Week. Mrs. \V. II. l)a\is and Mrs. M. I,. Dowell and Luella were Verdon vis itors Wednesday. Edith .James and Letlia Crook, who are attending school in Peru spent Sunday at home. Mrs. George Hoff and daughter 1 an ile spent several days wit h her parents here tills week. Mrs. George Knapp of Verdon spent Thursday at the home of her par ents. W. H. Davis and wife. Mrs. Loriu Tyner, who has been visiting her parents, returned to her duties in Oklahoma, Monday. Miss Nellie Stabler returned from Lincoln Saturday, where sin* has been attending the state university. •J. S. Lord and family, I. C. Mead and wife and John 1!os.sack of Kails City attended the Allen funeral, j The play given here Friday night for the benefit of E. Davis was well attended. The proceeds amounted to $45.00. Mrs. A. Ogden left for St. Joe Sunday. She will visit with her son and daughter and take a much need ed rest. Stanley and Carl Crook, Russel Hiatt and Virgil Grinstead composed an automobile party who visited Peru Sunday. Mrs. Sarah Jennings left Thursday morning for Ohio, and other eastern points, where sin* will visit for some time with relatives. Mrs. Anna liorstmau returned from Seattle Tuesday, where she has been for some time. She will visit, her mother, Mrs. Taylor while in Salem. Pour young nu n succeeded in cap turing a big cat fisli Wednesday, it weighed fifty-eight pounds and is one of the largest that has been caught for a long time. Miss Lucy Gregory, who is con nected with the Peru Pointer office came down Saturday night for a brief vacation She will visit relatives at Seward, before returning to Peru. K. E. Grinstead and Roland Wick ham went to Preston Monday morn ing, where they will spend the week in connection with drainage matters Mrs. George Mobley returned to her home in Kansas City. Grace Mob ley of this place accompanied her home. “It cured me," or "It saved the life of my child,” are the expressions you hear every day about Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy Tliis is true the world over where valuable remedy lias been introdu ced. No other medicine in use for diarrhoea or bowel complaints lias received such general approval. The secret of the success of Chamber lains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is that it cures. Sold by all druggists. BARADA. Jesse Cox was in Falls, City Sat urday. R. It. Dunn was a J-'alls City vis itor Monday. F. L. Hartman and wife were in Falls City Saturday. John Ahern of near Shubert was in Barada Saturday. Fulton Peters and George Ulrich were in Falls City Saturday. Mr. Alban Kelly and lady drove to Falls City Sunday evening. Mrs. F,. E. Bolejaek is visiting relatived at Dawson this week. L)r. Andrews made a business trip to Lincoln the fore part of the week. H. M, Williamson and Leon Vaa j sar were county seat visitors Satur - day. Mrs, C. F. Kucker is suffering with a very severe attack of sore I throat. Walter Morehead and Jake Arnold "' re business visitors to Falls City i Saturday. W. F, Butler spent a few days in Lincoln on business the latter part of the week. I. , II. Morehead and wife and Miss ! Katie Prosser were Falls City \lslt ors Saturday. Joseph Spiekler and family of Slm bert were visiting relatives in this vicinity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Volt tier of St Dentin were shopping in llnradn on Monday evening. The Dixon Brothers from More, head's Island were business callers i in Uarada Monday. Mrs, dl. M. Burgess was called to Marysville, Mo., by the serious ill ness of her mother. Mesdames George and Neil Tim merman from Versailes, 111 , are vis Ring Mrs. Olive Kucker. Mr and Mrs. .1, T. Sailors were called lo Verdun by the serious ill ness of the latter’s father. Dr. Van Osdel reports (lint D. K. Burger is suffering with a very se vere attack of appendicitis. Miss Edna Schafer of Ohio pro I'inct is staying with Mrs. Ollle Spick ter during her present illness. Jesse Prosser of SI. Joe spent a few days witli his parents tit litis place tlie fore part of the week, l)r. Keneker, wife and daughter, Helen Until, Were the guests of Mr. Jacob Peterson and wife Sunday. A. 1). lilnshaw ami wife from Bloomington, 111., are visiting Allen Franklin and Mrs. Laura Mitchell. Thomas Murphy of Dawson nud Pat Murphy of Reserve, Kansas, were visiting E. E. ltolejack on Friday and Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Nixon and daughter, Inez, and Oiner Sailors, went to Falls City Monday evening In an automobile. Miss Ella Kuhlnmn, who is attend ing school at Peru, was down and spent Saturday and Sunday at home, returning Monday. Frank Forbes & Co. of Auburn were in llarada ontf"3ay last week and took the contract to move the Schulenberg hall three miles south on the farm. Mrs. Ollie Splckler received a broken arm while cranking an auto mobile Friday evening. She was im mediately taken to Dr. Van Osdel, who by the aid of the X-ray, set. It in place again and she seems to be doing fine. Silverware is a delight to every house wife. It breathes into the home an air of purity, clean liness and refinement The Latest Patterns of this beautiful ware made by the best manufacturers can be bought at our store at prices that will please you We handle standard brands of guaranteed Sterling and . Plated Wares. You can de pend on what you get from us Cut Class is another ware greatly ad mired by those of good taste. Of this we have many beauti ful designs to show you in ail its brilliancy. R. B. Simpson You Read the Other Fellow’s Ad You are reading this one. That should convince you that advertising in these columns is a profitable prop osition; that it will bring business to your store. The fact that the other fellow advertises is prob ably the reason he is get ting more business than is falling to you. Would it not be well to give the j other fellow a chance To Read Your Ad In These Columns HIVES OF HUMANITY SOME DENSELY POPULATED POR TIONS OF THE EARTH. China, England and the United States Each Have a Strip of Territory Wherein the People Are Closely Packed. That the population of Berlin do* cllnod 4.111) In 1908 is not a surpris ing result of financial depression Although the German empire haa 64.000. 000 people in an area much smaller than Texas, no part of It la very densely peopled. The new "Greater Merlin," which Is planned on in area more than twice New York's, will not contain so many people. The center of densest population In Qer many Is not Merlin hut ('refold, but the Industrial region of Kheuisli Prus sia anil Westphalia does not contain more than 6,000,000 people. Belgium, with more than 7,000,000 people In an area less than Maryland's, Is considered an example of extreme density. She feeds 625 people to tho square mile by the aid of vast manu factoring Industries. Java, with 29,* 000,000 people in a spare less than Iowa, supports 674 to the square mile by ngrleulture alone. The inhabited portion of Kgypt supports by agrlcul tore nearly 1,000 to the square mile. The Chinese province of Kangsu lu supposed to support 35,000,000 people In tho area of Illinois, but there la no exact census. Still, the portion of the province running from Shanghai to Nanking along the railroad, the Grand canal and the Yangtseklang river, an area like New Jersey's, Is one of tho three great hives of humanity known to the world. The other two are Kngllsh and American. A strip of 220 miles by la connecting London anil the coast north of Liverpool contains In less than New Hampshire's area more than 16.000. 000 people, nearly as many as Brazil or Spain. In the United States a strip 450 miles by 40 whoso central line connects Boston and Washington contains nearly 15,000,000 people in a space rather more than a third that of New York state. This little strip of American soil includes Providence and tho Rhode Island valley towns, Hartford, New Haven and the Connecticut manufac turing centers, New York, Newark. Jersey City, Trenton, Philadelphia and Baltimore. It has many ports and la growing faster than any other Impor tant population center of the world toward undoubted primacy. Desiccated Water. Some years the water In Philadel phia used to become unfit to bathe !n„ let alone to drink, ufter even tho, mildest kind of storm. Everybody complained, says a writer In the Washington Star. One gentleman complained to Peter Hurness, an ta corrigible optimist. Hut he received little encouragement. ‘‘Actually,” I said to Peter one morn ing after a storm, “I couldn't take a bath today on account of the muddy water. It was llko brown paste.” "Ob. I took a good long bath,” said Peter. "When the Schuylkill water la like that It Is the best thing In tho world to bathe In. So medicinal y<?'i| know, lietter than Hotnburg or Mar lenbad or any of those places.” "Hut it's so muddy.” said I. “That’s just the point," said Peter. "It's medicinal mud, full of all sorts of phosphates and things. Tonight when you get home nil your bath. Jump In and splash about; but after ward don’t use any towels.” "No towels?” I objected. “There’s a much better way than, towels," said Peter. "Stand before the radiator and let the water dry on your body. Then brush It. off with a whisk broom."—Youth's Companion. Pulpit Points. Robert .1. Burdette Is even more| popular and successful as a clergyman than he used to be as a humorist. X young divine of I-os Angeles, praising Mr. Burdette, said the other day: “Humor Is spontaneous with him. [ remember how one day I asked him for advice on preaching and he rattled gaily off. “ 'Never be goody-goody. Never say, for instance, “I was reading last even Ing In dear Hebrews." " 'Keep your pictures accurate. [ once heard ail old minister picture Noah as sitting out In front of the ark reading his Bible. "'Be simple In the pulpit as well as friendly out of it. or the old ladles will describe you as invisible on week days and incomprehensible on Sun day.’ ’’ Uncle Sam Rejects Own Stamps. Thomns A. Dally, an Indianapolis lawyer, was laughing at himself the other day for sending stamps to the government at Washiugtion In pay ment for a patent circular, A few days later he received a letter stating that stamps could not be accepted. "it never occurred to me they could not use stamps,” he said laughing. "But they use a frank, and of course they wouldn't want stamps. All the government could do w’ould be to se'.I the stamps over again, and It might as well get the money In the first place.”—Indianapolis Star. Noted for Her Good Work. Mrs. Clarence Burns of New York city is president of the Little Moth er#’ club of that- city, and has done a great deal In the causo of philanthro py. She Is recognized as one of the most successful club women In this work for the bettering of chll-, iron