The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 18, 1909, Image 8

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    |Henry C. Smith
r ;-———--- ■««
-40 acres well improved, li mi .es from Depot in Kas. Good spring I’est of terms Will take
40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest.
2(40 acres ]>, miles from depot, Richards n county, Nebraska Good bv tiding* and lad 4 Will
fake 40 or SO acres as part payment
l'kj acres upland, 1 mile from depot. Richardson county. Nebraska. |1S.OO‘ .
I"(» acres Johnson county, Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
10T acres near Brownvllle, Nebraska
80 acres ’4-mile from Falls City high school.
040 acres, *8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 1' -acres a-part payment,
r me running water. A No. i opportunity.
News of Interest From our Many
Exchanges in This and
Other Counties
E i nigh pledges were secured lust
«i i. by .1 E. Walsh, who circulated
tin mper. to Insure band concerts
during the coining summer months.
Thursday night has been chosen for
tins, oncerts. Humboldt Header
Mi and Mrs. C. 1). Gentry sp. iii
a t w days lust week visiting lei
bother at Mount ( islr and a i lend
at Hastings, stopping on h r way
home at Fulls City to visii a nhi <•
Mrs. lames Gilroy. Stella Crest.
It F. Veach h>ft Sunday for Chi
cago, for a visit to .Inhu Clark and
other old friends. While there lie
will attend the big shoot Knroule
home he will visit at Mobcrly and
St. Hollis, Mo. Mr. Vouch expects lo
be gone from Vordon about two
weeks.- Vordon Vedette
L. H. Hohmeyer, editor of the
West lie ller-Ueobut liter, has a full siz
ed tropical garden in the front part
of his office The Idg leliiyn tree
which lias been busily growing all
winter, has concluded to bloom, and
in many places, here and there among
the bright green leaves, are appearing
the pretty white flowers. Auburn
Some time during the night Wed
nesday thieves entered the chicken
house on .lames Herdlltelika's farm,
five miles north of Humboldt, and
succeeded in get ling away with
about lsn young speckled Plymouth
Hock chickens. Mr. Herdlitohka
was awakened by the barking of
dogs but was too tired to investigate
the cause, hence did not know of ItiH
loss until the following day Hum
boldt Standard.
Mrs. .Jane dauby, accompanied by
her niece, Miss Nettie Miller, both
residents of New Madison. Ohio, came
up from Falls City last Thursday and
were gitesls of Mr. and Mrs. .1 W
Stump. The ladies were aecompati.
led by Mr. Francis Stump. While
here the ladies made a visit out to
the home of Chester Stump. Tiny
returned to Falls City before going
home. They had recently been \isit
ing in Oklahoma and Texas. Vordon
Three young men, living between
here ami Verdon. fired several shots
into the camp of the grading gang
near Verdon Saturday night. Two
shots were l'ired into one tent, among
the occupants being a baby, but no
one was hurt. A fine Jersey cow was
shot and this week lias been done up
iii bandages. The affair was settled
at Verdon the first of the week, and
cost each of the young men $2f>.
Stella I’ress.
On last Saturday,while Miss Gladys
Taylor was visiting with her friend.
Blanche Higgins, at her home at
Prairie I'niott, a horse upon which
site was tiding threw her off and hot
foot catching in tin stirrup she was
dragged a considerable distance, re
ceiving several bruises before she
was released from her perilous po
sition She v, as hriT.ght home and j
Hr. Shook was called and dressed)
her wounds and she is now recover
ing nicely. Shubin Citizen
The river rose rapidly the first of
the week, four feet in one night, and
steadily by inches since then, due to
the heavy rains in its valley to the
far north. It has been running over
its banks at Winnebago bottoms for
several days past. However, no fur
ther rise is anticipated at ttiis time
util s exceptionally heavy i.iins con
tlinse, ns It is not tine- for tie June
rise,which is predicted f• > F late and
gradual this year owing to the slow
melting „f the snow in tie mountains,
which is almost Ice this -• usnn
Itlllo Reporter.
Albert anil Dudley Clau.-e of Julian
started out Saturday night to si e tie
world. They had all lle-ir clothing
packed and took with them a shot
gun and other fire arms which they,
could g'-l They had a desire to
go out and see the world, despite the I
| fact, that they were but fourteen1
years of age They walked across
lie country and readied Nebraska t’lty
Monday afternoon, when they were
arrested by the police and held until
their parents arrived and took them I
home The hoys were eousiii#and had
been figuring on lliis nip for a long :
while. Auburn Herald
On Friday, while sin- was cleaning
some garments at her home in a pan
ful of gasoline. Miss Alli< Furlong,
the accomplished daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. M, Furlong, was the victim of a
very dangerous and painful accident.
Sin- hud just about finished the
work and the panful of gasoline was
on a table in the kitchen when the
flames of the lighted gasoline stovo in
another part of the room communi
cated with the fumes of the gasoline
in the pan and there was an instant
explosion. The flames of the burn
ing gasoline caiue in contact with the
young lady's hands and the members
were very painfully burned Auburn
Many of our citizens are drifting
towards Bright's disease by neglect
ing symptoms of kidney and blad
der trouble which Foley's Kidney
Remedy will quickly cure. Kerr’s
Receives Honors.
James Coupe of lids city graduated
from the state university last week
with high honors During the past
year lie was commissioned captain
of the state militia by the governor.
James lias "made good" in every
sense of the word, and has, “without
any solicitation, been offered a posi
tion in the Illinois state agricultural
Big Time at Rulo.
The "(hty of Peoria," a steamer
from Peoria, 111 . on its way to Oma
ha, tied up at Itulo Tuesday afternoon
about l*:it and remained at that place
all night. There was a crew consist
ing of nineteen men on the steamer,
with Captain Sibley in command. The
boat is 200 feet long and has a barge,
tin by i.'iii feet, on which ti dance was
given Tuesday night. All Rulo turn
ed out anil enjoyed the dance.
Two New Cases Filed.
The ease of Maggie Taylor Haines
v Ren II. Barnes, for divorce, was
filed Tuesday, She sues for alimony
and the custody of her child.
Edward .1. Bright of Shubert has
filed suit in the district court for a
divorce from Hannah M Bright.
Notice to Property Owners
All parties who need n e w !
walks should see Cbas- Heine
matt, he guarantees them and
builds them at reasonable prices.
A good concrete wain is a thing!
of beauty and a jov forever. Tel
ephone Ul-ll'MTT or drop a pos
tal to Heinetnan and he will do
the rest. tf
I,ame shoulder is almost always
caused by rheumatism of tho mus
cles and yields quickly to tho free
aqqlleation of Chamberlains Linament
effectual hut in tin way disagreeable
to use. Sold by all druggists.
It is a pleasure
To Rive wedding gifts that you KNOW
will never “ wear off.” This is only
possible with the STERLING SILVER
goods, of which we have a large line in
Ask to see onr STERLING SILVER tea
spoons, etc., before buying.
“The Old Reliable”
These Notices are Prepared and
Handed in By the Local
Baptist Church,
Sunday School, 0:45 a. m.
Morning a. in.
Evening service, 7:30 p. in.
I'rayer meeting, Wednesday, 8:0»)
p m.
The children's day program, which
was to have lie. a rendered last Sun
day night, will take place next Sun
day morning at the regular Sunday
school hour, it: 45.
There will be preaching at the
morning service, but in the even
ing the service will he dismissed on
account of Evangelist Lockhart's
Baptism will he administered at the
morning service.
Rev. Geo. H. Reichel, Pastor.
Methodist Church.
Sunday school, !):45 a. m.
Public worship, 10:45 a. in.
Junior League, 3:30 p. in.
Epworth League, 0:30 p. m.
Evening service, 7:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30
p. m.
REV. C. A. Mastirt, Pastor.
St. Thomas Church.
7:30 a. in., Holy Communion.
0:45 a. in. Sunday school.
10:45 a. iu., morning prayer and
<:30 p. ni. evening prayer and ser
Wight. Kev. Bishop William of the
diocese of Nebraska, will make a
special visitation to St. Thomas
church Thursday night, June 24. He
will preach and administer Holy Con
firmation. A cordial welcome to all.
Thursday, June 24 being St. John
the Baptist’s day, the Holy Commu
nion will be celebrated in St. Thom
as church at 10 o’clock in the morn
George Little Neide, Pastor.
Presbyterian Church
Sunday school, 9:4.') a. m.
Preaching, 10:45 a. m.
Junior ('. E. and Mission Sabbath
school, 2:30 p. m.
Y. P. A. meeting, 6:30 p. m.
Preaching, 7:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesday. 7.30
p. m.
Then* will In* choir practice at
tin* church on Saturday night at eight
o'clock, and it is hoped that vv will
have a full attendance.
Tin* congregations last Sabbath
"ere particularly pleasing to pastor
and people alike, and especially so in
view of all the other special attrac
tions in the city.
i’he regular musical features will
he presented next Sunday morning
and evening, and the subject of the
sermons will he, "The Look That
Lifts.” Be present yourself, and see
that others are also present.
Rev. R. Cooper Bailey, Pastor.
Brethren Church
Sunday school, 9:45 a. in.
Sermon, 10:45 a. m.
Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m.
Sermon, 7:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30
p. m.
Rev. R. R. Teeter, Pastor.
German Evangelical Church
9:45 a. m. Sunday school.
10:45 a. m. Sermon.
7:50 p. m., Young Peoples’Alliance
8:00 p. ui., sermon.
Prayer meeting, Wednesday at 8
p. m.
Friday night choir practice, at S
p. m.
Since entering upon the pastorate
of tliis church, about April 1 this year
"e can truthfullysay that these few
months have been very pleasant ones
and the attendance at all our services
has been very gratifying. A debt
of nearly $200 was still on our beau
tiful house of worship. This has been
paid, so that we are now free of debt.
German people of our town and near
by, we extend to you the right hand
of Christian fellowship and welcome
you to worship God with us. Our
only ambition shall be to preach the
word of God, free from all sensation
alism. The only authority in matters
of religion, is the word of God. Every
human being ought to be acquainted
I with it. Conte to our Sunday School
and church services On next Sun
day we intend to observe children's
I day in our church.
For the morning at 10:45 we have
prepared a special sermon on, “The
Christian Home.
In the evening the regular child
ren's day program, by the Sunday
J school, beginning at 8 o'clock.
A cordial invitation to all.
J. R. Nanninga, Pastor.
Christian Church
9:45 a. m. Bible School.
11:00 a. in., Breaching service,
3:00 p. in., Junior Endeavor.
7:00 p. m. Y. P, S. C. E.
8:00 p. in. preaching service
Prayer meeting Wednesday even
ing at 8:10 p. in.
F. Ellsworth Day, Pastor.
Kev. Charles F. Yoder is preach
ing this week at the Silver Creek
church, four miles north of town.
11 is last sermon will be this Friday
evening and on Saturday evening be
will conduct communion there. He,
with his family, and Miss Bell of
Philadelphia, will sail next month, to
establish a mission in a needy part
of South America. Mr. Yoder grew
to manhood here, and Mrs. Yoder
formerly was Miss Pearl Lutz of
this city. They have two children.
New Books at the Library.
The following list of new books
were put into circulation at the li
brary last Saturday, June 12th:
Four Girls at Chautauqua—Alden.
Jacquette la Soroity Girl)—Cody.
Bears of Blue River—Major.
A. B. C. of Electricity—Meadow.
Light Keepers—Otis.
Lob (lie-by-the-fire) —Ewing.
Everyday iiirds—Torrey.
Chronicles of the Little Tot—
Rimes to be Head—Cooke.
History of the United States (one
Law of Psychic Phenomena —
Society in Rome Under the Caes
ars— Inge.
Everyman (A Morality Play) —
History of the United States (five
volumes)—Sc houler.
Greater America—Paine.
Prance of Today—-Wendell.
Book of Games— White.
By Right of Purchase—Bindloss.
New Mayor (Pounded on his play,
“The Man of the Hour ") — Broad
Unlucky Family—De la Pasture.
My Soldier Lady—Durley.
Friendship Village—Gale.
Bat tl eg rou nd —G la sgo w.
The Actress—Hale.
Captain Blake—King.
Colonel’s Daughter—King.
But Still a Man—Knapp.
The Gentleman—Ollivant.
Man from Home—Tarkingtnn.
Open House—Tompkins.
Testing of Diana Mallory—Ward.
A. D. Sargent, Candidate for County
1 wish to take this means of
letting the voters of Richardson
county know that 1 will be a can
didate for county superintendent
at the coming election. My only
pledge shall be absolute fairness
to all. Your support will be ap
Ai.hkkt 1>. Sakgent.
21-4t Humboldt. Neb.
Men Past Fifty in Danger
Men past middle life have found
comfort and relief in Foley’s Kidney
Remedy, especially for enlarged
prostate gland, which is very com
mon among elderly men. L. E. Mor
ris, Dexter, Ky., writes: “Up to a
year ago my father suffered from
kidney and bladder trouble and sever
al physicians pronounced it enlarge
ment of the prostate gland and ad
viced an operation. On account of
his age we were afraid he could not
stand it and I recommended Foley’s
Kidney Remedy, and the first bottle
relieved him, and after taking the
second bottle he was no longer
troubled with this complaint.” Kerr's
—See C. A Heck for seed corn.
Missionaries to South America.
Rev. C. F. Yoder and wife, former
Falls City people, who for the past
.'ear have been engaged in mission
work in Canada, are now visiting
Falls City relatives. They will sail
tor South America in July, to open a
mission for the Brethren Foreign
Missionary Society. Next Sunday
morning Rev. Yoder will preach in
l hr Brethren church and on Sunday
< veiling he will give a lecture on
South America as a Mission Field.
County Board Meets.
Tuesday the county board of equal
ization met at the clerk's office at
the court house and much time was
spent in comparing the assessors’ re
Dr. Gandy of Humboldt appeared
before the board on Wednesday and
asked them to reduce his personal
taxes,but after deliberating some time
they refused to do so.
The board adjourned yesterday.
Parties knowing themselves in
debted to me on account are request
ed to call at the City Meat Market
and settle the same at once. Alt
accounts not paid by July 1st will
be placed in the hands of a col
lector for immediate settlement
Save costs by giving this your im
mediate attention. 23-3t
Crowded off the KetruUir Local 1’ag-n
Mrs. Jessie Watson is up from Re
serve, the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Ham Willard.
Clyde Thacker, of The Farmers’
State Bank at Preston, was a busi
ness visitor to Falls City Wednes
Mr. and Mrs. S. .1. Van Homis
sen returned to their home in St. Joe,
after a two weeks visit with Mrs. V's
mother, Mrs. Joseph Santo
Mrs. John MarUn of Barada was
in. the city Wednesday. She left on
the night train for Colorado.where she
will spend several weeks with rela
While driving to the cemetery the
other evening Misses Stella and Mat
tie Schock were thrown from tiieir
buggy and badly bruised and shaken
up. The horse became frightened at
an automobile and ran away. The
buggy was badly damaged.
Everyone would be benefited by
taking Foley’s Orino Laxative for
constipation, stomach and liver trou
ble, as it sweetens the stomach and
breath, gently stimulates the liver
and regulates the bowels and is much
superior to pills and ordinary laxa
tives. Why not try Foley’s Orino
Laxative today? Kerr's Pharmacy
Oxfords for Everyone
We Have Your Size
Two Friends!
Money is one of two friendsthat
is not in the habit of going back
on you. We make money, but r
most of us fail to save any. The
trouble is in keeping it. Why not
use the same amount of good
sense to save it as we do in mak- ’
ing it? When ever we can spare
a nickel, a dime or a fifty-cent
piece, drop it into one of our
Pocket Savings Banks where you
will not spend it. You can own [
one of these banks for the ask- f
ing. Call at our bank and we ll ■
hand you one.
Falls City State
Capital and Surplus. S70.000 00
An Acre Proft per yIar j
on land costing originally 340 Can you beat it? Our alfalfa,
sugar beet, potato and farm lands in the Denver and Greeley
districts will produce a net profit of 350 the acre annually, on
lands costing you $40. Part cash, balance easy terms. Send
for our folders. Local agents wanted.
The Hayes Land Co. K-tflftl-cWS: |
W. C. Shinn, the wizard of lightning and inventor of the wonderful Shinn
system of lightning rod protection, is out with a new device which insures every
telephone user absolute protection against shocks while telephoning during an
electrical storm. Don’t run the risk of having your hearing impaired. Protect
yourself against possible deaf uess by having this device attached to your telephone.
W. C. Shinn’s
Lightning Arrester
For Telephones
makes telephoning safe, no matter how fiercely the
lightning may flash. No shock possible. Protects
against lightning running over long distance on
the telephone wire—protects against every form of
lightning. Saves telephones, prevents fires, and
guaranteed not to interfere with the telephone.
W. C. Shinn’s
Copper Cable
Lightning Rods
will protect vour buildings from being struck by
lightning, 'thousands of buildings equipped with
this scientific rod during the past ten years. Light
ning has never damaged any of them—and cannot.
Reduces insurance rates and saves your property.
A rreater
We have the exclusive sale of Shinn’s Copper Cable Lightning Rods and Shinn's
Telephone Lightning Arrester. Come in and let us tell you why you cannot adord
to be without them.
You should see our Keystone Hay Loaders and Rakes. Best on earth
Werner, Mosiman &. Co.