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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1909)
The County in General The “Doings” of Our Country Friends and Neighbors. RULO Will Smith of Milligan was a vis itor li> 're Sunday. Roy Williams visited in Fortescue Sunday forenoon. S. Bunker of Missouri was a Rulo visitor Saturday. Robert Dunn of Missouri was here Friday afternoon. Green Goolsby was a Kulo visitor one day last week. Phil Horan made a business trip to St. Joe Tuesday. Cd. Scott of McCook was a Rulo vit.tor last Sunday. Clyde Hart was a St. Joe passen ger Monday evening. Clyde Hart returned home from Sait m Monday morning. \V B. Hinton of Wyniore was a vis itor here .Sunday evening. Mrs. Will Morehouse of Missouri was a Rulo visitor Monday. Charlie and Howard Maz» were Rulo visitors one day recently. Cecil Kanaly spent a few days with friends at Salem last week. Bert Elliott came down from Wy uiore, Saturday, returning Monday. Will Craig of the Reservation was a Kulo visitor one day last week. Mrs. A. J. Hart and little son visited relatives at St. Joseph this week. Will Story and wife from the coun try were Rulo visitors Saturday night. airs. Alice lillon ot l -montown. Pa. came home last week to visit her mother. Charlie Hall and family of Bell view visited friends here the first of the week. The band concert drew out a large crowd Saturday night and was en joyed by all. Sam Hall came down from Wymore Saturday to visit with the home folks, returning Monday. Edith Hinkle returned home from Fayette, Mo., last week, where sin has been attending college. Mrs. Susan Boles returned home Thursday of last week, from a visit with her daughter in Kansas City. Chas. Belpere returned from Ne braska City Saturday, where he had ■ betn visiting with friends for a “week. Mrs. M. Gasser and little daughter, Hath returned home Saturday from a va * ks stay with friends at Nebraska City, Mrs. J. J. Tuckett and children j returned honje Saturday, after a few days visit with her mother, near Con- 1 cordia, Kas. Charlie Scott! and family of Kan sas was a Kulo visitor last Sunday, j ttu gin-«t of Mrs. McVey. Mrs. Thorn, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Osborn, for some time, departed for her home in Lincoln Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jud Carpenter de parted for Colorado last Friday morn ing. They went in an automobile and expect to make that place their future home. L. J. Carpenter and wife and Rav McVey left last Saturday for Ala mosa, Colo., where they will make th' ir future home, going overland in an automobile. Horace Hosford and wife of Los Angeles, Cal., who have been visit ing friends here for some time, de parted Monday for Dennison, Iowa, where they will visit for a week, wlnn they will leave for their home. "It cured me,” or “It saved the life ol my child,” are the expressions you hear every day about Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy This is true the world over where valuable remedy lias been introdu ced. No other medicine in use for diarrhoea or bowel complaints has received such general approval. The secret of the success of Chamber lains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is that it cures. Sold by all druggists. NIMS CITY George Roth lias a n w Overland louring tar. ('has. Lord was over from shti bert last week. (!. Wittwer and wife spent Sunday with Hiram Wittwer. Sans Coon is here from Howard. Kas., visiting relatives. -Mrs. .John Simms was quite ill a few days, the result of a bee sting. Frank and Charley Gentry and their families, sp. t,t Sunday in Haw son. A. Eilie, tile Humboldt Mutual In surance man, was here tin latter part of last week. Myrtle Bacon and Gwievive Mess maker attended Children's Hay ex ercises at Dawson Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Walker celebrated her birthday Sunday by having her child ren home to a family dinner. E. .1. Duryea sold bis Ford run about to Clias.Eaton and immediately bought a Reo touring car for the use of his family. An excellent Children's Day prog ram was given at Zion church last Sunday morning and in the evening the Christian school had their exer cises, which were postponed from the Sunday before on account of the threatening storm. Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets will bract up the nerves, ban ish sick headache, prevent desponden cy and invigorate the whole system. Sold by all druggists. OHIO. Lillian Melvin of Jola, Kas.. is vis iting with relatives here. Lela Brun went to her home in Sabetha. Kas.. last Friday Mrs. Lutz visited with Mrs. lieine man in Falls City a few days. Rev. Teeter and family were guests of Ed. Kinum 1 and family. Sunday. Mrs. Burk of Rulo spent a portion of last week with her children here. Lloyd Knisely and wife were guests of the former's brother, Anson, and wife. .Mrs. Anson Kills* )y spent one day recently in Sabetha with her father and family. Sadie Peck came up from Morrill. Kas., to spend it few weeks with her sister, Daisy. There will be communion services at the Silver Creek church Saturday night, June 19th. Ivan Keller ami wife drove down to Morrill, Kas., Friday, to visit with Mrs. Ks parents. O. A. Burk and family entertained a number of relatives and friends at their home on Sunday. Mrs. Lutz and daughter, Mrs. Chas. Yoder, spent a few days in Kansas last week with relatives. There will be services at the Breth ren church each Sunday and Sunday night. Everybody cordially invited. William Hiietlner and family went to Whiting. Kas.. last Saturday, to visit with A. Ketterer and family and other friends. Mrs. N. Peek and daughter. Ethel, returned home from Highland. Has.. Monday, after a few days spent there with the former's broth* r ».nd wife. A good attendance was out to wit ness the exercises at Silver Creek on Children's Day, and tii<- children did well. The decorations were very beautiful. The Children's I s at Maple Grove church Sunday night were well attended. Th< children : did fine and the <;* • orations were i very pretty. Quite a number froni this vicinity attended the Sunday school convene tion at Barada last Thursday. The attendance was good, ecu sidering the weather, and the prog am was v* ry interesting. 9 The Irish Orator GABRIEL R. McGUIRE SUNDAY AFTERNOON JULY 25 Dr. Maguire’s claims to distinc tion are legitimate. I le is a man of talent, education and achieve ment. A d;eamer who has made his own dreams come true. It was Stanley’s “Darkest Africa” that inspired him to he the first man to go up the Congo after Stanley came down. He is a physical giant, a warm-blooded and enthusiastic Irishman, spoil taneous in humor, fearless in speech and full of hope and GABRIEL MAGUIRE love. You should not fail to hear his lecture: “With An Irishman Through the Jungles of Africa.” Falls City Chautauqua ' SCORED ONE ON THE MAJOR Case of the "Soft" Answer That Was Hardly Likely to Turn Away Wrath. ———. • The old major of catalrv was the owner of a pair of bow logs and a hot temper, lie was, moreover, an en thusiastic golfer. But he was still only 50 yards from his first tee with his fifth stroke. The now member had been waiting to play, and at last his pa tience gave out. “Fore!” he cried, and drove off. He had done better to have waited a little longer. IIis ball scudded along Ihc turf and rolled between the major’s legs. “Here, you, sir, confound you,” ex claimed the latter, hotly, “that is not golf, sir!” “No. perhaps not,” replied the new member, slowly and thought fully, “but it is rattling good cro quet.” AFTER DINNER ORATORY. Good after-dinner speaking has become a lost art and poor after-din ner speaking a public nuisance. Per haps its successor will be paid vau deville; perhaps a new race of ora tors will grow up. Meanwhile, let the orator who survives remember that when a man has enjoyed a good repast, while he has no objection to being instructed and improved, he wants primarily to he amused, and even that very briefly. Perhaps he should wish to hear an essay or an cient anecdotes, but he doesn’t, and he who has naught but these to of fer had better during the coming season decline invitations to speak on Such occasions, in the interest of suffering humanity.—Minneapolis Public Ledger. ANOTHER ADVERTISING SCHEME, The moon shone brightly on the old mill. “Ah!” breathed the brave boro ns be crossed the canvas bridge, “the lovely maiden sees me not. Her eyes are glued in another direction.” “Yes,” spoke (he dark villain, as be arose from behind the imitation rocks, “her eves are glued with Slick em’s celebrated horse glue. I'Yco Earn pies may be bad in the lobby. Don't fail to ask for them when you pass out.” And lighting a fresh cigarette, the dark villain strode off to draw his commission from Hie glue company, his white teeth shining like piano keys as be strode. SEA HARVEST RICH. This year’s large catch of all kinds of fish, both on the Grand banks and along the Nova Scotia coast, has tended to make the price of all fish products much lower than in former years, according to a re port made by Consul General David F. Wilbur of Halifax. On account of the difficulty in getting men the number of vessels sailing from ports along the south shore of Nova Scotia has decreased in the last few years. HAD A KICK COMING. Dutchman—I vil liaf dls delefon daken oud right avay qvick; it can't understand a word of Cherman. A REMARKABLE VOICE. “And what,” asked her father, “do you think of my daughter’s voice?” “It is most remarkable,” answered the professor. “Ah, I am gratified to hear you say so.” “She is the only girl I ever knew who could screech in high C and squawk in 15 ilat at the same time.” AN OAR-ACULAR LOVE. “He proposed to his sweetheart in a boat.” “I see; a case of regular row mance.” THE REAL BOSS. A three-year-old boy theoretically rules China, and three-year-old boys actually rule many households is 'America. HIS ONLY CONSIDERATION. Friend- Go enyv or you'll hnve a sma«h-up Itr>t filing you know. Motorisl 1 »on’t gel rallied, old eluip. The firm that sold me this machine guaranired to keep it in repair for a y<ar. A CRITIC. Slip lUrn't you think she takes great pains with her singing? lie—‘‘Gives,’’ 1 think would be more appropriate titan “takes.’’— Pick Mo Up. Which do you think won? Not long ago two men, athletes, wen' Into a contest to see which could stanc rrect and hold his arms stretched oul full length at cither side of his body for ‘.he longer time. One man had fed on steaks and chops, sausage, ham, roast beef, etc.; the other ate heartily, but con fined himself to such foods as Quaker Oats, rice, macaroni, etc. Which do you think held out longer? The first man lasted twenty-two min xes. The Quaker Oats-macaroni-rice :hap concluded to stop after he had been it it more than three hours. There’s more strength and economy in rating lots of Quaker Oats than most •eople imagine. Every family should eat plentifully of Quaker Oats at least once every day; reakfast is the best time. It strengthens ou for the day. < Regular size packages for city trade, irge size family packages for those who re not convenient to the stores. Gnoc®j» til both of these. The buyers’ *~ Guide The firms whose names are repre sented in our advertising columns are worthy ot the contidence of every person in tlie community who has money to spend. The fact that they advertise stamps them as enterpris ing. progressive men of business, a credit to our town, and deserving of support. Our advertising columns comprise a buyers* Guide to fair dealing, good goods, honest prices. A Happy Thought l ’snaily comes to the persons using those de lightful Toilet Requis ites sold at McMillan’s I ’harmacy. Our 'Talcums are the finest and we have all kinds. Our Toilet Waters and Perfumes are new and all delight ful odors. Our Face Powders and Creams are only those of merit. All brands of Tooth Powders, Wash es and Pastes. TRY US FIRST MFYlillan’s Pharmacy Opposite Postoffice Falls City, Neb. CLEAVER &. SEBOLD INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AND LOANS NOTARY IN OFFICE GHECKESTEB SPILLS DIAMOND 4 BRAND fit* FI ^ LADIK : ! —*~r Ajour lPrurtrt«t for OTTI-CTIJ*c TKR’S A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS m Rio 8ad/l\ tied with BlueCy) Rii bu’j. Take no other. Buy oFyour V/ Drupirlst and *»«L for <11 l-<ll KH.flK M V t» : V. ON l* lilt A N f» PI I.I.K, U r twenty-five yc;.r« regarded as Best,Safest, Always l’« liable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS i&k’i, EVERYWHERE .EdhtO 60 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE ■ V L J J i L J * zi v / . 1 I j BE HL^V ^J 1 | ■! k | 1 k4I&P'w4'' Trade Designs rrwfJ^ Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention ia probably patentable. Cotnmunicn t inns »>triot 1 y confidential. HAN0B00K on Patent* sent free. Oldest agency fur securing patents. I'ateme taken through Munn A < <>. receive tp*nal notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. l argest rir filiation of any scientific journal. Morrus. f . a year; four month*, $L Bold by all newsdealers. MUNN4Co.36,Br#*d«"7New York Branco Ottce. fStb F £t> WatislMton. 1>. C. Seasonable Suggestions To be Found Here: Lowe Bros.’ Paint Pittsburgh Electrically Welded Fencing Fishing Tackle and Sporting Goods Alaska and White Frost Refrigerators Call Our Tinner Before the Spring Rains J. C. TANNER Falls City Nebraska Plumbing Hardware Chas. M. Wilson CALLS YOUR ATTENTION TO HIS LINE OF # Dinnerware Patterns WE ARE SHOWING 12 PATTERNS OF DINNERWARE IN OUR SOUTH WINDOW, RANGING IN PRICE FROM $10.00 TO $10.00 FOR 100 PIECE SET. WE SELL BY THE SET OR SINGLE PIECE. EXAMINE OUR STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY Chas. M. Wilsons RIISTICO 28633 I’ercherou Stallion, Dapple Drey, fouled August. iH'-'b. Bred by Keiser Bros, of Keota, Iowa. (Jot by Deli 21452 (110271), he by lioulard (2008b), he by Seuatcur (211H1), he by 1 ’ieador, belon^i nf{ loM. Dupont. Dam, Dakota Quality, li47H1 l>y liamtiiu IliOHk (.'I40u4), by IJayard (2100!)), be by Picador 5042 (O'Jlit), lie by Clieri (5404), lie by Montoil, lie by Coco of Misle stir sartlie. Kusticu is 10 bands high and weighs 1700 pounds when in pood llesh. Kustico has proven a sure foul getter and has a great many good colts to his credit. His disposition is line and his action good. Don’t fail to examine this horse before breeding. IIIM R0 *s ^ yoars old this spring. I In i- of Mammoth breeding, jet tl L 111 DU t,iackt with white points, splendid head and ear, extra heavy boned and is a splendid individual, lie is I4t hands high and weighs !l50 pounds when in good llesli. He is a sure foal getter and you will make no mistake in breeding to him. JUMBO will be at 8. It. Miles laim. known as tie .toe Holmes place, miles south and a miles west of Falls City, on Mon day and Tuesday of each week. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday lit my place and on Saturday at Chapman's Feed Yard, Falls City. Neb. RUSTICO will make the season at my place, where be can be seen at all times. I have added to my string tlie Wm. Roger’s jack WAR RIOR, who will also make the season at my place TERMS $10 to insure colt to stand up and suck Service fees due if Mare is sold or removed from County before time of fouling Mare and Colt held for service < are will lie taken to prevent accident, but will not be responsible should any occur. I secured this stock from .1 t■ Whitaker of Kansas City, who has tested them thoroughly and you will find them worthy your patronage. :Td%\7 Thos. J. Whitaker. FALLS CITY, NEB Announcement We are pleased to announce that our Spring campaign of the biggest values in Farm Ma chinery for igot; is now on. You are invited to call and inspect our lines. A complete line of John Deere Farm Machin ery, Hay Loaders and Stackers. McCormick Binders and Mowers. Avery Cultivators and Planters. Sharpies Tubular and DeLaval Cream Sep arators. Litchfield Spreaders. (iasoline Lngines. Old Hickory and Avery Wagons. Keys Bros’, and Yehlie Buggies. No trouble to show our goods. Loucks & Jones FALLS CITY NEBRASKA JOB PRINTING 3isv£i£ss ^ ■*- ■M~x- ^ can do that class just a little cheaper than the other fellow. Wedding invitations, letter heads, bill heads, sale bills, statements, dodgers, cards, etc., all receive the same careful treatment —just a little better than seems necessary. Prompt delivery always.