The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 18, 1909, Image 3

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    The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
'ii'fiudtna Wheeler, who has been
uitM- ill, is now improving.
Dr. Shook and wife were the guests
oi mntry friends on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Shafer spent
a f- v days last week at the Nema
ha. tishing.
Mrs. Simpson of South Dakota
virUed relatives here the latter part
oi the week.
i sses Lena and Maggie Weiek
w- the guests of the Misses Lltz
•o't‘( Sunday.
1 Noreross and daughter of Mill
er, !eb., are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs Speath.
.1 s. J. C. Shulenberg visited rela
: ,‘t near Falls City the greater part
of last week.
it. and Mrs. Fishburn entertained
M tnd Mrs. Wm. Slagle of Barada
or- lay last week.
John Peterson and wife of Barada
vi- '-d relatives and friends here the
first of the week.
. ; do Hill came up from Salem on
.‘-ai i day evening to spend Sunday
wilh the home folks.
A rren Hutchings of Falls City
visited his son and family here the
latter part of last week.
tan Evans and wife visited in the
co it a try with the latter's parents, Mr.
ami Airs. Richardson, on Sunday.
1 s. F. M. Oathout, who has spent
the past two weeks in St. Joe with
how folks, returned home on Sun
Miss Priscilla Woodring of near
Fa!!:. City, but who has just finished
sc i >al at Barada, is visiting friends
and relatives near here.
.hir band boys gave an open air
com it Saturday evening, which was
aii•"! led by a large number of people.
The boys are certainly coming to
th- front.
Mi~s Gladys Taylor, wdio was out
horf back riding during the week,
was in some manner thrown from
th- horse, bruising her up quite bad
She is now doing nicely.
Miss Hattie Lilly, who has just fin
ished a very successful term of
schiiil at Barada, left Monday for
Colorado, where she will enjoy her
Vf ■: i Son and spend the summer.
The greater number of our young
people attended the social dance at
th: home of Otto Liske last Satur
day, a few miles from town. A
gta- al good time was had by all.
Ebenezer Lundy, who passed
aw. and was laid to rest at the
Pr<. ■ e Union cemetery on Friday,
was ’he father of Mr. J. W. Lundy of
th - place. He and the family have
th sympathy of the entire commun
pnte a number of people from near
to - j) gathered together last Sunday
and 'tarted for the river near Salem,
where the day was spent in fishing
and roaming the banks. A general
goi I time was enjoyed by all who
A large number of young people
fori - d a party and started to the
ho. !- of Mr. and Mrs. II. Fishburn
to. • ie purpose of reminding Lois
Doi is of her twelfth birthday. A
jol,. good time was enjoyed by all
pref- it and nice refreshments were
Tn oy’s Iloney and Tar is especial
ly . ommended for chronic throat
and lung troubles and many suffer
ers from bronchitis, asthma and con
sunjtion have found comfort and re
lief. by using Foley’s Honey and Tar.
Ken 3 Pharmacy.
Ethel Cook is visiting friends near
Horn—To Joe Smith and wife on
June 9th. a girl.
Sam Weddle was a county seat
visitor Thursday.
Glen Gates visited George Morris
at Falls City recently.
Walter Veach returned home from
Omaha Friday evening.
Pearl Veach went to Auburn Fri
day to meet her husband.
Charlie Humphrey and wife were
county seat visitors Friday.
Ed. Snell of Ohio township visited
lus parents here Saturday.
Ed. Gebhard and wife were shop
ping in Falls City last week.
Henry Hauer, wife and baby were
county seat visitors recently.
Misses Ethel Sailors and Stella
Johnson left Wednesday for Peru.
Will Otto shipped three ears of
hogs to Nebraska City Wednesday.
Anna Fastnaw of Nebraska City
was -the guest of Mrs. Leefers last
v. eek.
Dave Griffith attended the post
masters' convention at Lincoln last
Mr. and Mrs. Kelley were trans
acting business at the county seat
last week.
Marion Arnold, wife and daughter,
Daisy, were- shopping in Falls City
last week.
Mrs. Inuner has returned to her
home in Washington, after visiting
her parents here.
Van Sailors was on the market at
Kansas City. Tuesday morning, with
two cars of hogs.
Mr. and Mrs. Weddle, of Stella
were the guests of their son, Sam,
and wife Thursday.
James Wells and family were the
guests of the former’s parents near
Straussville Sunday.
During the heavy storm last week
the lightning struck the school house,
but the damage was small.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hafley from
northeast of Falls City, were guests
of F. F. Dietrich and wife Monday.
Joe Smith and wife enjoyed a vis
it from their daughter . and grand
children olS Nemaha City Sunday.
Miss Anna Fastnaw left Saturday
morning for her home at. Nebraska
City, after a short stay with friends
James Ayers, Walter Veaeh, Joe
Lewis and John and Charlie Weaver,
with their families, went to Humboldt
Sunday in their autos.
The ladies of the Congregational
church served a dinner Monday for
those who came from other towns to
attend the insurance convention.
Last Sunday evening as Mr. Tim
merman lit the gas lights in the
Evangelical church they exploded.
It took considerable work to get the
tank out, in order to save the build
ing. Little damage was done.
Sunday was Children's Day at the
Evangelical church. A splendid pro
gram was prepared and a large crowd
was in attendance. Sunday was also
Children's Day at the Congregational
church; the program was fine and
quite a number were present to hear
The infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Smith died Friday morning. The
funeral services were conducted by
ltev. Garrlss at the home in this city,
and the remains were laid to rest in
the Nebraska City cemetery. The
family have the sympathy of the en
tire community.
if "r H K - ; \ V- • :>.
R. B. SIMPSON, Jeweler
Lueile Goodloe is recovering from
Lueile Harris is home for the sum
mer, from the state university.
('has Ailor was married to a lady
at Chicago tlte first of the week.
Esburu Wheeler attended the state
| undertakers convention at Omaha last
Miss Gladys Opperman of Kansas
| City is visiting her sister, Mrs. An
Miss Vera Gould went to Peru
last week where she..» U1 attend sum
mer school.
Howard Plaster is at home, after
attending the state university during
the past year.
Mr Bowman arrived last week
from Oklahoma and is living in tin1
O'Brien house.
. Miss Florence Noutbalias went to
Johnson last week to visit relatives
for a couple of weeks.
Bert Harris came in from North
Vankimo, Wash., last week and will
visit witli his parents for several
II. D. Weller was able to go to
Omaha last week where he visited
several days with Ills son, Ralph,
and family.
Rev. C. N. Swihart and family,
who have been visiting at the home
of his parents, left for their home
in Denver last Saturday.
Mrs. Nancy Stinecypher and son,
Ezra, left last week for Anna, III.,
where they will visit about three
weeks with her son, Isaac Crabtree.
Mrs. Welhr and Jeanette went to
Lincoln last week to attend com.
mencement at the state university.
Frank Weller was one of the gradu
Mrs. C. T. Baldwin is visiting in
Falls City with her daughter, Mrs.
B. Simanton. She will stay until
sle* recovers from her recent spell
of rheumatism.
Postmaster Overman returned from
Lincoln Thursday. He had been
there to attend the state convention
of postmasters. He is displaying sev
eral pictures of which he is very
L). G. Palmer and wife left Tues
day for a months visit at their old
home in Wisconsin. Their daughters,
Misses Mayme and Bertha, left the
same day to visit their brother,
James, in Oklahoma.
Mrs. Richardson from Sabetha is
visiting her brother, Jacob Hinkle,
and wife. She will lie here about
a week, when she will go to Falls
City to visit her niece's family, Mrs.
Jesse Brown.
Children’s Day was observed at
the Lutheran church Sunday morning,
and at the Baptist church in the
evening. A large crowd was in at
tendance at both services and the
little folks did fine, as is their usual
Mrs. Ella Wallace, who lias cooked
at the Overman for several years,
left for a visit to her old Kentucky
home. Site will be absent about a
month. Mrs. Hapgood will have
charge of the cooking during her ab
The union Sunday school picnic,
which was to have been held Thurs
day Of this week. lias been post
poned until Thursday of next week
It is hoped that every one will come
and bring their dinner and have a
good time.
Mi's. Marion Marts and children,
after visiting a month with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. IJ. Curtis, left
for their home at Liberal, Mo., last
week. Her health had improved to
the extent that she was able to make
tlie trip alone.
Mrs. .John Hunt of Parsons. Kas.,
visited her cousin, A. .1. Baldwin,
and family last week. It was the
first time they had met for 4M years.
She was on her way home from
Bethany, where she had been attend
ing commencement at Cotner. Her
son, Hay, graduating as a Christian
Colds that hang on wreaken the
constitution and develop into consum
tion. Foley’s Honey and Tar cures
persistent coughs that refuse to
yield to other treatment. Uo not ex
periment with untried remedies as
delay may result in your cold settling
on your lungs. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Miss Myrtle Wamsley is again
very ill.
A. W. Nixon recently purchased a
Stanley car.
J. H. Morehead was up from Falls
City on Tuesday.
R. M. Williamson was very ill the
fore part of the week.
Miss Ella Kuhlman is in Peru at
tending summer school.
Spickler Brothers this week pur
chased a car load of Maxwell autos.
Oraer Sailors has a fine new Wl)ite
Steamer auto. He is agent for this
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gerdes were
visiting their son, Conrad, and wife
this week.
Frank Zimmerman is down from
Lincoln, visiting his uncle, John
M. M. Hendricks and wife were
entertained at the home of \V. F.
Butler on Sunday
Mrs. J. A. Martin left Wednesday
for an extended visit with relatives
in western Colorado.
Mesdaines Robert Roddick and Su
sie Williamson visited with Mrs.
John Whittle, Monday.
Jessie Parsons lias contracted to
teach the Parson's school, district
No. SO, for the coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. I,. 10. Palmer spent
Sunday with their grand-children, Mr.
and Mrs. R. N. Williamson.
Mr and Mrs. J. A. Martin and Mr.
and Mrs R. H, Dunn were the guests
of C. II. Martin and wife Sunday.
George IJurgess was called to
don, Iowa, by the death of his father
in-law. Mrs. Burgess was not able
to go.
Mrs. T, K. Bloom and children of
Odell, Neb., are visiting Mrs. Bloom's
father, .las. Stephenson, and her sis
ter, Mrs. John Randall.
If not satisfied after using it
according to directions two-thirds of
a bottle of Chamberlains Stomach aid
Liver Tablets, you can have your
money back. The tablets cleanse and
Invigorates the stomach, Improve the
the digestion regulates the bowels.
Give them a trial and get well. Sold
by all druggists.
Charles Hinton was in Kails City
Clarence Miller was in Falls city
Miss Lucy Gregory spent Sunday
at home.
Miss Olive Tilden spent Saturday
in Falls City.
Guy Sheeley spent Sunday with
\ erdon friends.
Mrs. George Shrimpton is among
our sick people.
Mrs. Wren. Karnes was shopping in
Kails City. Tuesday.
Clarence Dingle is still quite ill at
his home in this city.
Dean Windle was a Kalis City vis
itor Saturday evening.
L. L. Kinsey of Dawson was a
Salem visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Thomas Mobley of Kansas
City is visiting in Salem.
Miss Stella Carlisle returned to her
school at Fremont, Friday.
Marion Arnold came over from |
Verdon Saturday evening.
Several cases of measles are re-1
ported in and around Salem.
Mrs. Oliver Jennings visited in!
Dawson Friday and Saturday.
Miss Nola McCool went to Peru j
Tuesday io attend the summer school.
Mrs, Uuy Dagget of Dawson vis
ited friends In Salem this Week.
Rev. A. O. Williams of Lincoln
conducted services ut Salem Sun
K. H Urinstead was a business
visitor in Humboldt the first of the
Merle K\ans of Smtthvtlle Kansas
is ,11 ing Jiirh Da MerkMth this
we- k
Miss Irene Spurlock attended the
Wheeler wedding at. Lincoln Tues
Mrs. W. W, Spurlock was visiting
friends and relatives in Kails City
tills week.
Oscar Rhodes of Kails City has
been hired to teach at Catalpa Grove
next year,
Henry Stlt/.er v. i.; to Kails City
Tuesday and will be there most
of the week.
Mrs. Andrew Ogden, who has been
very ill for noun time is much bet
ter this week.
Mrs. Charles Cook entertained a
number of ladles at her home near
Salem Tuesday.
Charles W. Roberts attended the
postmasters’ convention held in Lin
coln last week.
George ami Florence Seville came
down from Fern and spent. Sunday
with home folks.
Mrs. Hamilton and daughter Noma
returned home from Kansas after a
visit, to relatives.
DC. Simmons and fuinilv spent
Sutuhtj itt the ccuntij ill the home
of I,.,,l. Hitchcock.
Florence Hull ret unit'd to her home
iu Verdun Smulav after several days
spent at this place.
Miss Gertrude Norris of Table Itoek
visited Mrs. Glen Curtis In Salem
Thursday and Friday.
Mrs. Ralph Moore of Ainsworth,
Nebraska is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Stewart.
Mrs. M. L. Dowell and Miss Oaks
visited ihe formers sister, Mrs. G. I>.
Knapp at Verdon Friday.
Miss Vera Mobley returned to Sa
lem Tuesday, after a few weeks’ vis
it with friends iu Falls City.
Worth Melt/, «f Falls Cyj return
ed home Saturday after a visit to his
grandparents, Joe Wlndle and wife.
The Salem Index has again chang
ed hands, as Mr. Wickham lias charge
and Mr. Hill has gone to Dawson.
Children's day exercises were held
at the Gospel Union church Sunday
and a splendid program was rendered
Miss Cecil Shteley went to Lin
coln this week to attend the common
cement exercises at the state univer
Mrs. Lulu Paterson of Lincoln wan
called to Salem on account of the ser
ious illness of her brother, Clarence
1 tingle,
Mrs. Alexander of St. Joseph wut»
called to Salem this week by the ser
Ions illness of her mother, Mrs.
(hi gen
Stanley Crook, Virgil Grlnstead, Jo®
Windie and Tom Carlisle spent Sun
day In Pent. Knroute home they
stopped in Calls City.
Miss Lila Spurlock returned Tues
day from Glen wood, Wisconsin, after
spending some time there with her
sister, Mrs. Crank Shrlmpton.
Miss Cedi Pierson, who went to
St. Joe a few weeks ago and under
went an operation, returned home this
week unieli improved In health.
Mr, and Mrs. Will Wort/, of Lift
coin are In Salem this week, being
called here by the sickness and the
death of her mother, Mrs, Charles
Mrs. W. II. Mavis received the sad
news. Wednesday of the death of her
uncle, Whitney Trousdale. The de
ceased was Will known to many of
our renders.
"What Insurance Mid for Melvlna,'*
will he played at the opera house
again Friday night. The proceeds
will go toward paying for the med
ical treatment for Mr. K. Mavis, who
has been sick for a long ttfne.
Henry Volz spent Thursday with
Philip Michel.
George Vaughn was a county seat
visitor Saturday.
Maggie Mandeville spent Sunday
with home folks.
Chris. Michel was a business cal
ler here Saturday.
Henry Bauman spent Sunday at
the home of Fred Scholl, sr.
Julius Zimmerman had some black
smithing done here last week.
It. 1). Waggoner purchased a load
of corn from Geo Wlntz Thursday.
Philip Michel purchased a load of
hay from Coon Bertram last week
Annie Bauman, Maggie and Jotiu
Mandeville visited here Suturday.
Dan Waggoner and Morris Mander
ville spent Sunday with Henry Oertt.
William Bauman and son, Willie,
were business callers here Thurs
A dance was given at the Red
man hall Friday evening. A good
time Is reported by all.
June Specials
Every Wool Suit at Half Price
Only twelve Ladies’ Wool Suits—new this season leit. I hese are all o! staple,
medium and dark colorings; stvles suitable for year-round wear, hirst prices front
$12.50 to $25.00. 1 ntil July these suits will be sold at halt price. Alterations
to be made by the customer. This cut puts good wool suits upon the basis of
low grade cotton suits.
Cotton and Linen Suits and Skirts
The success ot our hub Suits has exceeded our highest expectations. 1 he variety
is excellent, including very attractive Natural Linens received during the last week.
Prices from from $5.00 to $12.50, and all alterations made by us. Cotton and
Linen Skirts at from $1.50 to $4.50. Ladies will find these exceedingly useful
and economical. Our designs are in tlit* newest styles and splendidly tailored.
The Largest Variety of Shirt Waists
liver shown in halls 1 lty is now in our waist section. Prices range from 75c
$6.00. We are especially strong at from $1.50 to $2. 5c*. All si/es from 52 to 46
in stock in most of our styles.
Rug Bargains to Close
We have just a few large Rugs which we wish to close out before our new fall
stock comes in. These rugs are offered at less than manufacturer’s prices and at
a loss to us. The saving is so manifest that you will find it to your interest to buy
at this time.
One 9 x 12 foot Smyrna Rug, former price $20 00, closing price $12 50
One 9 x 12 foot Smyrna Rug, former price $25.00. closing price $15 00
Two 9 x 12 foot Velvet Rugs, former price $25 00. closing price $16.00
Two 9 x 12 foot Axminister Rugs, former price 25.00. closing price $15.00
Eight 9 x 12 foot Union Art Squares, price $6.00, closing price $5.00
Five 9 x 12 foot Smyrna Art Squares, former price $1.35. closing price 95c
Special prices on 20 small size Rugs, especially suitable to place around larger rugs Among
these are all sizes, 18x24 in. to 4x7 ft.
Ten Per Cent Off From All Straw Mattings
1 laving more Straw Mattings than we wish at this time in the season we give a dis
count of ten per cent from our regular prices o i all Mattings until July ist.
Trunks and Hand Bags
When vou are preparing for your summer trip, remember that we carry a full line
of Trunks and 1 land Rags.