Henry C. Smith LANDS &LOANS CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS THE FOLLOWING SERVICES WILL BE HELD SUNDAY These Notices are Prepared and Handed in By the Local Ministers Baptist Church. Sunday School, 9:45 a. in. Morning service, 11:00 a in. Evening service, 7:80 p. in Prayer meeting, Wednesday, s; On P m. Wxi Sunday morning the pastor of iln Uniiiisi church will preach to tin children Come and bring the little folks The children’s day program will be postponed to one week from next Sunday night Rev. Geo. H, Reichel, Pastor. Methodist Church. Sunday school, 0:45 a tn. Public worship, 10:45 a. in. innior League, 2:30 p. in. Epworth Lenguo, 0:30 p. in. Evening service, 7:30 p. in. Prayer lnectliig, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m, REV, C. A. Mastin, Pastor. St. Thomas Church. 7 :30 a. in.. Holy Communion, t* 15 a. m. Sunday school. 10:45 a. in., morning prayer and s< rinon. 7:30 p. in. evening prayer and ser mon. George Little Neide, Pastor. Presbyterian Church Sunday school, 0:45 a. in. Preaching, 10:46 a. m. Junior (’. K. and Mission Sabbath school, 2:30 p. m. Y P. A. meeting, 6:30 p. m. Preaching, 7:30 p, in. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Rev. R. Cooper Bailey, Pastor. Brethren Church Sunday school, 0:45 a. m. Sermon, 10:45 a. m. -Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. in, Sermon, i :30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:::o m. Rev. R. R. Teeter, Pastor. German Evangelical Church 45 a. m. Sunday school. 30:46 a. ru. Sermon. '■0 p. in,, Young Peoples' Alliance “i no j). m., sermon. Prayer meeting, Wednesday at S p. m. Friday night choir practice, at s p. m. J. R. Nanninga, Pastor. Christian Church The revival meet lugs as announced * omit ■ til ed at tin- city auditorium on Sunday, led by Kvangellsts Loekhnrt ;itnl Lintt. There were fifteen added llte first day of til meeting with a good crowd Sunday night. Kvunge list Lockhart demonstrated that he was a leader of men and a splendid evangelist. While ho scores unmerei fully llte cold, forward church mem ■her. he is loving and tender with the repentant sinner. He Inis no hobby to force upon the people, hut in ten derness and love lie holds up the Great Loving Christ as the true di vine magnet, calling all to follow the V'hrist and the Hook. Prof. Lintt is a master at chorus leading. He now has a large elior us of from 75 to 100 voices, that make tli old auditorium ring with soul inspiring songs from night to night. His solo Tuesday was fine ami caused the large audience !<> cheer. F. Ellsworth Cay, Pastor. QUESTION HARD TO ANSWER Interrogation of Little Son Was Em barrassing to His Over Confident Mother. — Gustave Kberloin, llie famous Ger man sculptor, said the other day in New York that in beauty of face and figure the American woman excelled all others that the American type of beauty approached almost abso lute perfection. “In intelligence as well,” the sculptor resumed, “the American woman excels. Hut now and then she lias the defect of tlio intelligent she is overpositive, she is overcon fident. In that case I like to sec tier taken down. “I once met a beautiful and bril liant American woman mi shipboard. She talked splendidly, but she was very positive—positive, indeed. “ ‘I am a good reader of faces,’ she said one da\ at luncheon. ‘On first sight of a person I form my opinion u| that person's character; and I am never wrong. I am positively never wrong.’ “‘Mother,’ her little boy called shrilly from the other end of the long table, where lie sat with his nurse, “‘Well, what is it, my son?’ said the mother, indulgently. “And we all turned to hear what the little fellow had to say. “‘Mother,’ he piped, ‘f want to know what was your opinion, moth er, when von first saw me!’ ” "MAY I USE YOUR TELEPHONE?" We have received the following sample of Canadian telephone humor. The telephone borrowing nuisance, unfair alike to the suh MTihcr and the company, does not •seem to have attained similar pro portions here: “This telephone is yours; we only pay the rent for it. It is more blessed (o give than to receive. “Please scribble on the walls as tliev need decorating. “Long-distance calls our specialty; kindly do not otTer to settle. “Our family are prohibited from using the phone except between six and seven a. m. .Sundays.”- London National telephone Journal. MODERNITY'S TRIUMPH. I’iipH was about to applv the strap. “Father," said \\ illie, firmly, ‘‘un less tlmt instrument lias been prop erly sterilized I desire to protest." This gave the old man pause. “Moreover.” continued Willie, "the germs that might he released by the violent impact of leather upon ! a porous textile fabric hut lately ex posed to the du~t of the streets would lie apt to alfn i you deleteriouslv.” As the strap felt from a nerveless j hand, Willie sloped. Wheat Ruined by Rust. The value of wheat ruined by the rust is estimated at $5,000,000 a year. Many of our citizens are drifting towards Bright's disease by neglect ing symptoms of kidney and blad der trouble which Foley’s Kidney Remedy w ill quickly cure. Kerr’s Pharmacy. It is a pleasure To give wedding gifts that you KNOW will never “wear off.” This is only possible with the STERLING SILV ER goods, of which we have a large line in tableware. Ask to see onr STERLING SILVER Tea spoons, etc., before buying. A. E. JAQUET “The Old Reliable" THE COINERS AND GOERS (’rowilml olT tin* Kcjfular Local Pngc Fred Heboid was a business visitor to Nemaha tilts week. II. I\ Reiger came tip from Pres ton on business Wednesday. Lawrence Snyder was the guest of relatives in Horton, Wednesday. Mrs. T. J. (iist purchased a fine H. M. F. touring car Wednesday. O. I’. Heck was a business visitor to Preston and Ruio Wednesday Mrs. John Holt returned Wednes day from a visit to friends in Lin coln. Miss Emma Spaeth is at Auburn tills week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed May. Clarence Smith and wife returned Thursday from an extended stay in California. Hr. Moose reports a baby girl at tlie home of Will Stump and wife Wednesday. Miss Jessie Watson spent Sunday with her parents, Marion Watson and wife, at Reserve. •Mrs. Lewis Parks and .Mrs. Orville Pord ot Margrave’s ranch were in Palls City Monday. It. A, Dittmar has been quite sick during the week, but is able to re turn to the store again Mrs. William Tjaden of Humboldt was in the city this week, visiting with Mrs. .1. R. Wilhite. Tlie May term of the district court will convene today. Both Paper ami Pemberton are expected. Miss Lois Keeling was absent from her duties at Dittmar’s store Wednes day on account of sickness. Mrs. Chas Kly of Kansas City was in Ibis city this week, visiting at the j homo of Mrs. Charles Banks. Ralph Lewis returned Wednesday from Omaha, where lie spent several days with his brother Theron. Gladys Syster returned to her home at Reserve Tuesday, after a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Ham Willard. George A Simpson of Columbia,.Mo. spent most of the week in the city with Ids brother, Ralph Simpson. Miss Mable Greenwald returned Oils week from LaMars. Iowa, and will spend her summer vacation here. Mrs. Glen Curtis of St. Joe arrived in this city today and will spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. R. R. Rule. Miss Mattie Kvuns left yesterday for an extended visit with her sis ter, Mrs. A. N Glenn, at .Mound City. M isbouri Tommie Hilliard lias accepted a position at Dittmar's grocery store, the vacancy being caused by the res ignation of George Shaffer. Miss Kleanor Moody, who makes her home with Mrs. Charles Ranks, left yesterday for Wainesville, Mo., to spend her summer vacation. Kthel Shields and little nephew, Plo.vd Shields, returned Wednesday from a three weeks visit with her brother, Milo Shields and wife at Pairbuty. A K. Burgett of Liberty and P. \\ Burgett of Summerfield, Kansas spent Wednesday in tile city at the court house settling up the estate of the late Charles Burgett. Mrs. Will I'hlig and children art- in Auburn, visiting her sister, Mrs. \ l* May. Mr. I'hlig will go to Au burn Saturday and they will accom pany him home Sunday. June Hth is Flag Day and the ladies of tile W. R. C. request all business men and citizens to display flags very profusely at their homes and places of business. W. W. Abbey will leave Monday for East St. Louis for a visit with his daughter, Mrs. John Faulkner. II. will visit relatives in northern Illim ois before returning home. Dr. and Mrs. R. 1’. Roberts return ed yesterday from Omaha where they spent several days with ’ relatives Miss Thelma returned for a visit of a few weeks with her cousins. Ewing Herbert, accompanied by three Hiawatha men started for this! city Sunday, but when reaching the; mill south of town and trying to j cross the bridge the driver lost con- j trol of the auto which they were in and the two wheels run off the edge ! of the ‘bridge. The machine is up! for repairs and the men were brou ght to town in ,T. L. Slocum’s auto. Everyone would be benefitted by taking Foley’s Orino Laxative for constipation, stomach and liver trou ble, as it sweetens the stomach and breath, gently stimulates the liver and regulates the bowels and is much superior to pills and ordinary laxa tives. Why not try Foley’s Orino Laxative today? Kerr’s Pharmacy. TO THE VOTERS A D Sargent, Candidate for County Superintendent 1 wish to take this means of letting the voters of Richardson county know that I will be a can j didate for county superintendent I at the coming election. My only pledge shall be absolute fairness to all. Your support will be ap preciated. Ai.bekt I). Sargent. 21*4t Humboldt, Neb. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Parties knowing themselves in debted to me on account are request ed to call at the City Meat Market and settle the same at once. All accounts not paid by July 1st will be placed in the hands of a col lector for immediate settlement Save costs by giving this your im mediate attention. 23-3t WM. MOSIMAN. Mrs. \V. II. Wheeler of Stella was in the city Thursday on her way home from Pawnee, where she was called by tlie death of her step-father. She spent a few hours in this city with her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. F. Sharts. A party of sixteen enjoyed a fish ing trip Thursday evening. They re port an excellent time but not many fish. Among the crowd were Peter Bacakos and wife, Herman Beachy and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bowers and two daughters. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Wylie and little daughter, who have been visit ing at tlie homes of Samuel and llarv«'\ Wahl, Unturned this week to their home at Nebraska City. Mrs. George Wahl and little son, George Samuel, left Tuesday morn ing for a three weeks visit with her sister and other relatives in Kansas City. Fred Mosiman and Elmer Reiser made a business trip to St. Joe, They returned home Wednesday with . tlie new automobile which Mr. Reiser! purchased. Mrs. George Sheeley returned to; her home in Salem Tuesday after a j short visit at the home of Chas. Sheeley iti this city. Mrs. .1. li Cain. Jr., and children, of Stella spent a few days in the city this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Cain. Arthur McGarie of Dubuque. Iowa, spent Tuesday afternoon and even ing at tlie home of his aunt, Msr. Charles Banks. Harry Cain returned this week! from Lincoln where he attended the State University the past nine mouths. George Nepper and wife of near Salem spent Sunday with their sis ter, Mrs. Charles Sheeley at this place. Jack Jellison, who was injured last week by a fall from tlie fourth story of tlie Union House, is able to be down town on crutches. Frank Neitzel. who is visiting his parents at this place, will return to j Columbus next week. During the high w ind Monday even ing man} trees were damaged and electric light and telephone wires weie blown down. Rob Saylor and wife of Morrill were! in the city visiting at the home of Norman Musselman and also doing | some shopping. Dean and loe Windle and Virgil j Grinstead of Salem spent Sunday at! tliis place, Hie guests of relatives. Miss lteba Eversole of Elk Creek I is in the city visiting Mrs. Hattie Snidow and daughter. Miss Cna. J. It. Cain and family spent Sunday at the Sun Springs. They made the trip in their new auto. Frank Gossett of Horton spent Sunday with his parents. Wm.Gossett and wife, in this city. Mrs. Margery Grant is at Preston this week with tier daughter. Mrs. .Tatties Sinclair. Men Past Fifty in Danger Men past middle life have found comfort and relief in Foley's Kidney Remedy, especially for enlarged prostate gland, which is very com mon among elderly men. L. E. Mor ris, Dexter, Ivy., writes: "Up to a year ago my father suffered from kidney and bladder trouble and sever al physicians pronounced it enlarge ment of the prostate gland aud ad viced an operation. On account of his age we were afraid he could not stand it and I recommended Foley’s Kidney Remedy, and the first bottle relieved him, and after taking the second bottle he was no longer troubled w ith this complaint.” Kerr's Pharmacy. GAINED ONLY BRIEF RESPITE i John Henry’s Cleverness But Put Off the Evil Time of Carpet Lifting. “John Henry,” said Mrs* Peddi cord to her husband, “as soon as you get through your supper I want you to take up the carpet in the sitting room, so that T can have it cleaned.” “Maria Jane,” replied John ! Henry, “let me tell you of a sad oc | eurrenee which happened a few days | ago.” “Well?” A man whose name I have for S gotten, hut which can be ascertained ; it necessary, for the newspaper in which I saw the account printed it in full, undertook to take up a car j pet. Tn some way the tack-extractor slipped, and a rusty tack pierced his thumb. He thought nothing of it at the time, but in the night his thumb began to swell. The pain became ex cruciating. A physician was sent for, who did his best to alleviate the poor man’s suffering, but without avail. Blood poisoning set in, and the poor fellow died in great agony.” “Well?” again remarked Mrs. Peddieord, as her husband ceased speaking. “Well, dear, you surely do not still insist upon your husband tak ing up the sitting-room carpet and exposing himself to such a dreadful j fate ? Are you prepared to be a' widow ?” “Yes, John Henry, T still insist j upon having that carpet taken up;! but I will let you postpone the opera tion until to-morrow night, so that during the day you may get your life insured for $2,000.” A HUMMER. The teacher had carefully ex pounded the meaning of the word “extinct,” and to make sure that the class had got a proper grip of the subject said: “Xow, each one of you must make up a sentence containing the word ‘extinct,’ and write it down carefully in your exercise-book.” Some few minutes subsequently the teacher read, set forth in the shaky round hand of Johnny Smith, “We had eggs to breakfast this morning, and my egg stinkt.” PAY OF TEACHERS IN INDIA. At present the minimum rate of pay of a teacher in government schools in Travancore is five rupees ((is. 8d) a month, and there are now 227 teachers on five rupees and 22G on six rupees (8s.) in government schools. • This pay is to ho raised to seven rupees (9s. 4d) a month, and in fu ture no teacher will be appointed in any government school on less than thissalan. Madras Mail. Notice to Property Owners All ;>artie> who need new i walks should see Cbas. Heine - man, he gua an ees them and build> them at reasonable prices. A good concrete wais is a thing of beauty and a jov forever. Tel ephone 111-1 ld-377 or drop a pos tal to Heineman and he will do the rest. tf Scalp Safely Replaced. A girl named Gordon, working in a laundry at Ballymena, Belfast, Ire land, was caught in a machine by the hair and completely scalped. A doc tor ordered her removed tc the hos pital. The scalp was also taken there, j and Dr. Davison succeeded in sewing it on. The girl is alive and making good progress. Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets will brace up the nerves, ban ish sick headache, prevent desi ieu cy and invigorate the whole systern. Sold by all druggists. Oxfords for Everyone We Have Your Size THE H. M. JENNE SHOE STORE Two Frieixds! Money is one of two friends that L is not in the habit of going back !j on you. We make money, but j most of us fail to save any. The K trouble is in keeping it. Why not | use the same amount of good f! sense to save it as we do in mak- i. ing it? When ever we can spare a nickel, a dime or a fifty-cent ! piece, drop it into one of our i Pocke; Savings Banks where you j will not spend it. You can own ! one of these banks for the ask- j ing. Call at our bank and we'll || hand you one. THE Falls City State Bank Capita! and Surplus. $70.000 00 i W. C. Shinn, the wizard of lightning and inventor of the wonderful Shinn system of lightning rod protection, is out with a new device which insures every telephone user absolute protection against shocks while telephoning during an electrical storm. Don’t run the risk of having your hearing Impaired. Protect yourself against possible deaf ness by having this device attached to your telephone. W. C. Shinn’s Lightning Arrester For Telephones makes telephoning safe, no matter how fiercely the lightning may flash. No shock possible. Protects against lightning running over long distance on the telephone wire—protects against every form of lightning. Saves telephones, prevents fires, and guaranteed not to interfere with the telephone. W. C. Shinn's Copper Cable Lightning Rods will protect vour buildings from being struck by lightning. Thousands of buildings equipped with this scientific rod during the past ten years. Light ninghas neverdamaged any of them—andcannot. Reduces insurance rates and saves your property. Telephone Lightning Arreater We have the exclusive sale of Shinn’s Copper Cable Lightning Rods and Shinn's Telephone Lightning Arrester. Come in and let us tell you why you cannot adord to be without them. You should see our Keystone Hay Loaders and Rakes. Best on earth Werner, Mosiman & Co. 240 acres well improved, ]J mi'es from Depot in I\a-. Good spring Best of tern s Will take 40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. 200 acres 1 M miles from depot, Richardson county, Ke' raska Good buildings and laud W ill take 40 or 80 acres as part payment l'W acres upland, 1 mile from depot. Richardson countv. Nebraska. lMJ acres Johnson county, Nebraska 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent. 107 acres near BroWnville, Nebraska 80 acres o -mile from Falls City high school. 040 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take It 'acres as part payment l me running water. A No. 1 opportunity. Money to loan.