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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1909)
The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. VERDON i F. V'eai h left Sunday aft rnoon * So Chicago, 111 *hn Goolsby of Ilarada was on our s jcets last week. i ie Veal was a business visitor to tiii' county seat Friday. > 1*. Veal of Stella spent Sunday veiling bis brother here. • ill Otto shipped two cars of hogs to Nebraska City Tuesday. ' ill Bruhn shipped two cars of cattle to St. Joe last week. ldolph Fritz of Oklahoma was ting friends here recently, mes Kelley and sister Nora were county seat visitors last week. ncent Arnold was transacting - less in Falls City last week, sses May and Stella Johnson w- •• shopping at Falls City Saturday M -s. Stephenson of Falls City was til- guest of Mrs. Roy Swisegood Sun day M's. Harden accompanied Marion dd and wife to Falls City W ed it o jay. . iite a number from here attended i • ommencement exercises at Peru last week. ' . and Mrs. McGuire of Falls City v, in town last week in their new too.- ng car. 1 s. Immer of Washington visited la> week here with her parents, Mr. an; Mrs. Snell. . iite a number from here attended t). funeral of Mrs. Allison at Maple C i e last week. F. Veach & Son were on the is.. • ret at Kansas City with a car jii jogs Saturday. >hu Evans, wife and baby from T jinseh arrived Saturday for a vis it til Mrs. Seldom za Goolsby left Tuesday evening fo- Salem where she visited Mr Me Permit and family. i Hard Goodlow and family ot SuPa were the guests of Robert Goo 'by and wife Sunday. . and Mrs. Snell and Mesdames Piker Immer and Weddle were shop pit - in Falls City Friday. m s. Keefers and daughter, Ardell. Wi \isiting tlie former's parents at X« aska City Wednesday. !-sdames Conover and Keefers sp it Tuesday at the county seat, the guests of Mrs. Alice Weaver. . ibert Pool and wife spent Sunday ii: Falls City the guest of the latter’s patents, Mr. Wells and wife. ;.s. George Hall and Miss Cam in. lull were the guests of Ur. Boose at wife at Falls City last week. Norm Weaver and wife are the pro id parents of a little boy which car. • to gladden their home last week. • tiarley Halterman and family of Shu cert spent Thursday here the pilots of the former's brother and farply. Those from here who attended the str.;- normal at Peru the past year returned home for the summer va cation. Mint Stump and wife and Thos. Cunningham were the guests of Hoy Ed'wards and family of Shubert on Sunday. ■ nry Corn, Clara Langeria, Bes sie Stump and W, F. Veaeli and wife attended the ball game at Falls City las: week. < orge Krouse is visiting friends her- . Mr. Krouse formerly lived on a :arin east of town and is well known here. hot Sunday was children’s day at the 'hristian church. A large crowd wo in attendance and the exercises wo- splendid. Mrs. C'ullins and daughter, Edith, and Mesdames Inlllan Owans and Margaret Steese. were shopping in Kails City Friday. Tlie play at Hail's opera house last Friday evening, entitled "What In surance Did for Melvina," under the auspices of the Modern Woodmen and the Royal Neighbors was well attended and an enjoyable time is reported. FARGO George Keonig was a Hamburg vis itor Thursday. John Bauman was a county seat visitor Friday. Julius Zimmerman was a visitor here Saturday. Kate Scholl spent Sunday with Mary Mandenville. Pearl Waggenor called on Mrs. E. E. Duerfeldt Friday. Joe Koenig and Fred Scholl were callers here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin \\ right were shoppers here recently. Henry Scholl attended the dance at Ituio Friday evening. Julius and Willie Zimmertnan spent Sunday with George Wintz. Frank Saal and wife of Johnson, are visiting relatives here. Frank Dock horn spent Saturday evening with George Keonig. R. D. Waggenor and daughter Miss Pearl were Falls City visitors Iasi Friday. Emil Saal and wife of Tarkio, Mo. are visiting the formers mother at this place. Ruby Waggenor left Saturday for Peru where sin will attend the sum mer school, Morris Mandeville and George Vaughn spent Sunday at the home of R. I). Waggoner. Those from Rulo that were in town Saturday were Rob Kanaly. llob Voegle, Bud Sells and Cass Jones. Mary Dodds of Tonganoxie, Kan sas passed through Falls City Satur day enroute to Peru, where she will attend the summer school. Those from out of town visiting at Fargo are as follows: Joe, Rennie and Lawrence Bauman, Simon Men deville, Joe Schulenberg, Conrad Thomas, wife and daughter Sophia. NIMS CITY James Parker went to Lincoln last week. Pd Erwin and son Boyd went to Palls City Thursday. Jas. Ayers and family came over I from Verdon Sunday. Goldie Mountain of IJawson spent Sunday with relatives here. P. .!. Duryea and Chas, Eaton went to Lincoln Sunday night. Mrs. Perry of Table Rock spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Ba con. Elmer Sheppley and wife were over from near Bern Sunday, the guests of relatives. Henry Wittwer's youngest child caught its finger in a screen door and nearly cut it off. Chas. Wise returned from Omaha Monday and reports that Mrs. Wise’s health is improving. The severe electric storm Monday afternoon played havoc with some of the telephones around here. A short time after the beginning of the Children’s Day program at the Christian church Sunday evening a bad looking cloud came up and as the crowd became very restless the exer cises were postponed until next Sun day evening. T*-rr% . 1 t T H k ^ * v ■ RAIL ROAD TIMEKEEPER LANCASTER. RA , a; : _• '"ftair. R.‘B. SIMPSON, Jeweler HUMBOLDT Will Smith has returned from an extended visit in Idaho. .J, S. Davis left Monday on a busi ness trip to Dallas. S. D. A baby girl was born to Roscoe Anderson and wife Sunday, Mrs. Mollio lludgin of Lincoln is tlie guest of Humboldt friends. Prank Ko/.ler and wife have late ly moved to Fargo, South Dakota. Mable Davis returned the last of the week from a visit at Wilbur. Jessie Draper returned Thursday from school work at Grand Island. Jim Dulbev of Omaha was visiting Humboldt friends a part of the week. J. K. Liggett and wife were over from l’awnee City visiting friends Sunday. A Fourth of July celebration is be ing planned by tin' commercial club of Humboldt. Elton Nims came up from San An tonio, Texas, to attend the funeral of Will Nims. Cot. M. W. Harding and family are now located in their new domicile on Nemaha street. Mrs. Donald Mclver of Omaha is in the city visiting her brother, R. J2. Watzke, and family. Mrs. Abe Billings left the past week for a visit at tile old home in Walla Walla, Wash. Ralph Phil pot went to Arapahoe the last of the week to join his wife on a visit to friends. Harrison Standerford and wife have gone to Havelock, where they will reside in the future. Mrs. Frances l)eweese-L>avis of York is in the city visiting former friends and acquaintances. Mesdames L. ,1. Segrist, Chester and John Power were St. Joseph vis itors the latter part of the week. Chester Power and wife of Kansas City are here on a two weeks visit to ('has. Power and wife east of town. The funeral of Grandpa Engles, the step-father of .1. C.Segrist,took place at his home in Howe Station Monday. A. A. Tanner and wife were down from Lincoln the past week, being called here by the illness of S. M. Philpot. Mrs. Walter Legg entertained the Kensington club of the Presbyterian church at her home on Tuesday af ternoon. Nina Snow, Ruby Bash, Vesta Cuss and Florence Hummel have gone to Peru to attend summer school at the state normal. Itev. C. M. Can trail returned Thurs day last from Denver, where he had been attending a meeting of the Gen eral Assembly. Bolimuil Witt and son, who have been guests of Humboldt friends, re turned Thursday to their home at New man Grove, Neb. The marriage of Rose Lugenbill to Charles M. Cowan occurred on Wed nesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Pete Lugenbill and wife south of town. -Rex Craig came up from Argen tine, Kas., the first of the week and remained for a several weeks visit with his parents south of town. C. C. Harlow, tit one time a resi dent of this section, but now located in Alabama, was in the city the past week visiting L. C. Mann and family, Mrs, Olive Kline is seriously ill at the home of her daughter. Mrs. las. B. Davis. Miss Turner, a trained nurse from St. Joseph, is assisting in the care of the patient. Herbert. Ford, who has been at tending the state university the last semester, returned home Sunday and after a short visit with his parents here will go to South Dakota, where he will spend his summer vacation. George Petrashek cailie down from Lincoln Sunday, where he has been attending the state university. He leaves next Tuesday for .Arizona, where lie will be employed during the slimmer months on the forestry reserve. Mrs. C. L. Humiuel went to Lin coln Tuesday to visit, her son, Dr. Ray Hummel and wife, and attend the commencement exercises of the state university, her sons George and Lois being members of the grad uating class. BARADA Dr. J. F. Story left Saturday for Kilbourne, Iowa, going in bis auto. Mrs. Paul Smith is up from Falls City visiting her mother, Mrs. James Stephenson. Emmett Goff and family of Nemaha were visiting C. E. Burgess and fam ily on Sunday. Conrad Genies and family were vis iting Henry Oerdes and wife in Falls City Saturday. William Slagle went to Falls City Monday and from there to Auburn, returning Tuesday. The Royal Highlanders held a very pleasant and profitable session at their hall on Friday evening. Miss Priscilla Woodring who has been attending school h* re returned to her home near Falls City Thursday Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Martin and Mr. Edward Slagle were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Lilly near Verdon on Sunday. C. E. Burgess and wife attended tin funeral of the son of Emmett Goff, who was buried at Brownvllle on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Boatman from Shu hert have moved Into the Morehend house on Main street and will have charge of the central office hereafter. Mr. and Mrs. K. 11. Morehend Iasi week moved into their pretty cottage on Forest. Avenue. They are no longer in charge of the central tide phone office where they gave such faithful service for so long. On Tuesday, June 1, Otis Spickler and Miss Mae Wilenian made an auto trip to Auburn and were quiet ly married at the Methodist parson age in that city. They were ac companied by Alboti Kelly and Miss Kettle Kungdoil, who acted as best man and bridesnmde. The bride was becomingly attired in while silk. This young couple are two of Bura da's most popular young people. The bride is the daughter of J. l\ Wile, man, manager of the Forest, Hill fruit farm, and is a general favorite with our young people. Mr, Spick ler is one of the firm engaged in selling Maxwell autos. He is a progressive young man and we be speak for these young people u very prosperous future. They are now at home with Mr. Spiekler's parents just west of town. A host of friends join in extending congratulations. STELLA I A. McDowell visited with his family again Sunday. I.itlle Edith Argabright is suffering with a broken arm. L. M. Swan is preparing to move in a few days to Peru. Mrs. .lason Timmerman is quite poorly again this wook. Ray and lilanoh Mouette spent Sun day with Gene and Alma Plaster. Mr. Clements and family visited Sunday with Rev. Gould and family. Mrs. A. L, Adams visited her par ents at Talmage the first of the week .1. M. Goodloe and family visited at Shuhert and Verdun Sunday after noon. The trained goat show at the opera house last Thursday evening was very poorly attended. The town was in darkness Friday night on account of a disabled boiler at. the power house. l)r. Montgomery and .1. R. Cain, jr., attended Masonic lodge in Omaha the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Watts from Humboldt visited Mrs. llaper and other relatives several days last week. Mrs. Jason Timmerman is at home --—1.1— again after a weeks visit with iter daughter-in-law at Lincoln. ii. Cain lias traded the auto mobile he purchased a few weeks ago for a 6-cylinder machine. James Nutter and family of Kan sas City are at the Overman again, spending the summer vacation. Mrs. Fred Fankell visited her dau i ghter, Mrs. (’has. ICd wards, in the | country several days the first of the week. Mrs. John Holland of HI. Louis, after an extended visit with her rela tives here, left for her home last week Mrs. ('lias Wood went to Hum boldt. Tuesday to visit a sister who had returned from the hospital al , St. Joseph. The Misses Adamson of Auburn \isiled their cousin. Sybil Mann, lie tween trains Friday. They left for a new home in Dakota Saturday. The L. Ii. II. met With Miss Katie Mower Monday afternoon. A goodly number were in attendance, and the afternoon was very much enjoyed. "Cap" Kvans lias succeeded in get ting the necessary money subscribed and will soon have an 80-foot steel flag pole erected Just, north of Un well. (tleii Jenkins came homo from Peril (lie last of the week and will assist liis father with tin- farm work this summer. lie will teach again this fall. Miss Iona Shirk came home from Peru tlie Iasi of the week. She and her mother expect In leave in a couple of weeks for Seattle to spend tlie summer. William Rife and family from near Humboldt spent Sunday at the home of John Mann. Miss S.vble accom panied them home for a visit of a couple of weeks. Mrs.Higgins is visiting at the home of her sou John this week. She will go to Gibbon in a few days to visit, a daughter, and then go to Seattle lo attend the exposition. Mrs. Myrtle Thompson, who lias been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sarvls, for the past six weeks, left for her home at Sioux City, Iowa, last. Saturday. Childrens' ltay was observed at tlie Christian church Sunday evening. Although the weather was very threatening, the house was well fill ed, and tlie little folks did fine. George Mitchell and family are now located in their new home, re cently purchased from H. M. Cole. They have had the house newly sliing leii ami papered and at:< addin# fthl’er Improvements. Mrs. II. I.. Hogrefe visited last !">'ek In Lincoln with lur husband who has been there the past month doing duty as a juror in the federal eourt. They came home Saturday. John Reimers and wife went to Verdon Monday where they visited till Wednesday, when they started for Seattle. They will lie gone most of the summer and will visit in Cali' fornia before returning home. SHUBERT Herman Race and family visited friends hero Saturday. Mrs. l)r. Shook spent several days In Auburn during the week. Miss Bessie Shaffer spent a part of last week here wit it friends. Warren Hutchings of Kails City spent several days here recently. Mrs. i’rof, Carr of Omaha was the guest of relatives here last week. Henry Womlrlng of near Kails City was a business visitor here Monday August Aguer of near Kalis City spent Sunday with homo folks here. Miss Catherono Stotts of Columbia, Iowa, is hero visiting her sons, HI ram and John. Miss Burns of Nemaha was a vis ilor at tho home of li. K. William-) during tho woek. Mrs. .1. (t. Shulenberg Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Watton, and family this week, Mrs. Mary Utllllan and son of Peru are visiting with her parents. W. W. .lames anil wife, (his week. Mr. Nelson Shaffer and wife living southeast of here spent several days In Kansas last, week with relatives. Miss Vevn Hergsma came down from Peru Wednesday to spend her summer vacation with the home folks. Mrs. tiny Wheeler, after an ex tended visit here with relatives, left, for her home in Portland, Oregon, last week. (’lias Smiley is now enjoying a ten days lay-off, his annual vacation. S. Brisby is now filling his vacancy on the route. Miss Hattie Lily, who has Just, fin ished a most successful term of school in Harada, will leave lu a few days for an extended visit in Col orado. . Colds that hang on weaken the constitution and develop into consum tion. Foley's Honey and Tar cures persistent coughs that refuse to yield to other treatment. Do not ex periment with untried remedies as delay may result in your cold settling on your lungs. Kerr's Pharmacy. Half a Million Dollars REPRESENTS THE VALUE OF Scotts Bluff Irrigated Lands » Sold by the Payne Investment Company and their associate agents in the last thirty days from May 4 to June 4. A total of 6400 acres in quarters, eighty and fortv acre pieces. No one bought more than a quarter. The Biggest Sale Ever Made in Nebraska 'There must be a reason for this. What is it ? There are no better lands in the world. I here is an unlimited supply of water. There is a tine climate. People are getting rich from the crops they raise. It is ease to make these statements. It is just as easy to prove them. Seeing is believing, loin the next excursion to Scotts Bluff lands, leaving ()maha at 4:10. Tuesday Afternoon, June 15th Take the trip with us or with our associate agent. It will be by all odds the biggest excursion yet run. All have been highly successful. Men have only to see the land. Its possibilities are boundless. Nine, out of every ten who go, buy. banners, merchants, doctors, bankers, printers, dentists all grow enthusiastic over this beautiful country; its fertile soil, its abundant water supply. The faith of those who live there and of those buying is unlimited. We guarantee you will not be disappointed. Sugar Factory Assured A deal was completed last week which assures at Scotts Bluff one of the big gest sugar factories in the world. It will require contracts for 15,000 acres of beets. These are being signed up now and the factory promises to take care of the 1910 crop. This means a raise in the price of the beet crop from $4.50 to $5.00 per ton. You can raise under irrigation from 12 to 25 tons to the acre. If you prefer potatoes you can grow from 250 to 400 busheis to the acre. One man netted Si"0 per a< re on eighty acres last year. Gome with US, and you can talk to him about it. George Riechers, Agt. Falls City, Nebraska PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Lincoln, Neb.