The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 11, 1909, Image 1
The Falls City Tribune __ Vol. VI FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE .11, 1909. Number 2.S j The Best Talent the Country Affords to be Heard at Falls City Chautauqua. July 24th to August 1st TIE WEEK'S SOCIAL EVENTS AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Va-ious Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals. Lodges. Clubs. Churches. Etc. Irs. W. S. Korner entertained th- Methodist Kensington at tier home T irsday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davies will en ’“I 'ain a company of friends at their home tonight at sotn’r set. : he Baptist ladies’ kensington will n • at at the home of Mrs.Mary Veach I day afternoon at two o'clock. "he Daughters of Isabella met in regular session Friday night. A l imber of candidates were initiated, , or which a social dance at Wahl's hall was in progress. Mrs. J. B. Morton entertained a h i.nber of friends at dinner Friday jd honor of Mrs. John Hutchings of mncil Bluffs, who spent several >s with friends in this city. '"lie Baptist people held a social at the home of Will Spraggins and . ;‘e last Friday night. There was u large crowd in attendance and it mis a grand success, both socially S'i I financially. The W. R. C. met at their hall and riiont a very pleasant afternoon on Wednesday. They took with them their baskets and at six o’clock their j ••bands were on hand to partake of ; i elaborate supper. lus afternoon the members of the -lee of Honor Kensington will ntee h Mrs. Harvey Wahl at her home 0 < South Stone street. Mrs. Wahl .t .1 genial hostess and a royal time >■ 'ure to take place. lrs. Ernest Bode entertained the 1 r* sbyterian Kensington at her home . ’he east part of town Friday after noun. The weather was fine and & 1 rge crowd was out. The hostess s red delightful refreshments. .- tanley Stump celebrated his birth Sunday and was assisted in the . ■ -bration by SteVe Mower, Herald moil, Dr. Harry 1’ittock, Dr. Win .: and Scott Stump. A delightful ;■ . o'clock dinner was served. iss Myrtle Bowers and her Sun i.. school class of the Brethren < i irch enjoyed a picnic at her hiiie in this city this week. The liWle folks played various games and a i enjoyed a splendid picnic din ner. u Thursday afternoon the Shakes ,• re club met at the city park and i joyed themselves. They took with Hi* n a delightful lunch and at six i lock their husbands joined them all partook of a real picnic din ci Thursday the members of the t\ ! s City Chorus went to the city . < and enjoyed a social afternoon. about, six-thirty an elaborate picnic i.i ier was served. A goodly number o. 'lie members were present and also a few visitors. iiss Ilutli Reavis entertained about nty friends Wednesday evening, c i nplimentary to Reavis Gist, who " i leave in a short time for Wyo n g. Music, games and dancing fur. ’ - ied the entertainment for tlie . ■ ling. Nice refreshments were ser ed. The C. W. B. M. met Friday afler nr.on with Mrs. T. .1. Oliver. An in • - sting program was rendered and rs were read by Mesdames Heck, L* da and Oliver. It being Mrs. Oli and Helen’s birthday, a delight . lunch consisting of ice cream and c. ie was serve’d. The Degree of Honor planned a p : .sant evening for their children Thursday evening. At about eight o lock the hall was well filled and a -ry interesting program rendered. The little folks sang and spoke and th< last number was a rose drill. C, am and cake was served. The L. D. T. club met with Mrs. E h. Sandusky at her home on Chase sir vet Wednesday afternoon. All the members were present and Mesdames Fv iton, Wilson and Heacock were guests of the club. A delightful afternoon was spent and the hostess in her usual pleasing manner serv ed nice refreshments. Irs. Charles Banks entertained at six o’clock dinner Tuesday evening, in honor of Mrs. Charles Ely of Kansas City and Mrs. Eversole and daughter of Elk Creek. Covers were laid for twelve. The other guests w-j-e: Mrs. and Miss Snidow, Mr. a. 1 Mrs. Reichel, Miss Gilman and Mr. Arthur McGavie of Dubuque, la. The city federation of womans dubs met at the Elks’ rooms Mon day afternoon and transacted special business. During the month of July and also of August they will not meet. They are laying the plans for a club room and committees will be appointed at a special meeting lo at tend to this and other matters per taining to the interest of the feder ation. On Saturday evening a number of ladles gathered at the home of Mrs. George Jennings and from there they went Jq the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sheeley and completely sur prised Mrs. Sheeley, it being her forty-second birthday. They present ed her with a beautiful china plate. The affair was planned by Mrs. Nepper and the surprise proved to be complete. Mrs. Sidney Spence planned a very pleasant surprise for her son, How land, Tuesday night, it being his birthday. A company of young people met at the home of R. A. Dittmar and went to the National in a body, completely surprising Rowland. The evening was spent in playing games and music, and at about nine-thirty they enjoyed ice cream and cake in the dining room. MOUND CITY VS. FALLS CITY Good Ball Game at Poteet's Ball Park Friday Afternoon. On last Friday afternoon Mound City and Falls City played a good game of base ball at Poteet’s park. The score was 0 to 0 in favor of the local team. A large crowd at tended, and as usual were all filled with the true base ball spirit which it takes to make the game an interest ing one. The boys have played good ball this season and if they could have the proper support the Colts would be the swiftest amateur team in the state. The line-up for Falls City was as follows: Poteet, catcher; Heacock, pitcher; Tanner, short-stop; Howard, first base; Heck, second base; Craig, third base; Green, left field; It.Heck, center field; E. Poteet, right field. WITH THE CHURCHES. Special Services at the Several Dif ferent Churches. Rev. R. R. Teeter delivered his annual address to the old people. For the past three years he has de voted one Sunday out of the year to the old people, and this year there was a large crowd present and the address was good. Dr. Matthers sang a beautiful bolo. In the even ing they held their children's day exercises. Sunday evening at the Baptist church the first of a series of monthly praise services was held, consisting of congregational singing and a short helpful sermon by the pastor, fol lowed by a program, each number of which helped to characterize the service as one of song worship. Miss Florence Cleaver sang a solo with violin obligato by Miss Alice Cleaver, that was well rendered and impressive. A duet by Rev. Reichel and Mrs. Reichel, was particularly interesting because of the harmony of the two voices. Miss Snidow's “Heaven's Own Day,"by Briggs, was sung with the spirit of an assured hope. Gounod’s “Ave Maria,” for violin, was especially pleasing. “Pro tect Us Through the Coming Night," a trio by Curshman, sung by Mr. and Mrs. Reichel and Miss Snidow. was thoroughly enjoyed and closed a very satisfying program. The Christian church started a series of evangelistic meetings at the city auditorium on Sunday. The Lintt chorus is one of the features of the meetings. Left Sound Asleep. Saturday night about ten o'clock, when the Samuel Wahl store was closed and the force of clerks had left the store, the door was locked and little Lloyd Wahl, who was fast asleep on a couch in the back of the store, was forgotten and locked in the store. When Misses Edna Horrocks and Winifred Taylor were returning home they heard the little fellow, who bad awakened and found himself all alone. The girls started for the home of Jas. Pickett to tell him, that he might come and re lease the young prisoner, but in the meantime Lloyd climbed to the tran som, unlocked it and with the aid of men who were passing by, released himself and was soon journeying to ward his home. Fred Metzner of Preston joined the Tribune family this week. JUNE Til BEVY OF BRIDES NUMEROUS WEDDINGS IN AND AROUND FALLS CITY The Burchard-Hart Nuptials Near Reserve June's Reputation More than Sustained Burchard-Hart On Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hart, near Re serve, was the scene of a pretty wed ding, when their daughter Miss Nellie K. Hart, was married to l)r. Harry D. Burchard of this city Just before the ceremony Miss Martha Stewart sang ‘‘The Thought of You” and Nita Vaughn of Mexico, Mo., sang softly Mendelsshn’s “Spring Song”. To the strains of the wed ding march from Tatinhauser played by Mrs. Rob Stewart and Miss Mar tha Stewart, the four bridesmaids en tered the parlor and formed an aisle with daisy chains for the bridal party. Dr. DeLanney of Salem aided as best man and Miss Helen Burchard as maid of honor, and then came the bride and groom. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Smith of Ne braska City, in the presence of about one-hundred relatives and friends. The bride wore a beautiful white Messaline princess empire and carried bride's roses, and Miss Burchard was gowned in pink silk mull, the brides maids being dressed in pink and white. The house was beautifully decorated in pink and white roses, carnations and ferns. In the dining room, where delightful refreshments were served, the decorations were elabor ate. Misses Regina Hart, Ruby Hart Stella Burger, Nellie Weltner and Cora Clark presided at the punch bowls. Dr. Harry Burchard was born and raised in this city and is well known to all our people. He is practicing medicine at this place and for some time has been city physi cian. The woman of his choice is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hart of Reserve, Kas., and numbers her friends by her acquaintances. The newly married couple left Tues day for a short trip through Colorado, after which they will be at home to their friends in this city on North Stone street. Last Saturday morning Mr. Robbins and Miss Hinkle, both of Verdon, went to Nebraska City and were mar ried at that place, returning home on the evening train. They are well known young people at Verdon and have a host of friends who join in extending congratulations. Cowan-Lugenbill Charles M. Cowan of Belleville, Kansas, and .Miss Rose Adela Lugen bill of Humboldt, were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lugenbiii, who live south of Humboldt. There were a number of invited guests present to witness the ceremony. After the ceremony a fine wedding supper was served. The bride is the accom plished daughter of Peter Lugenbiii and wife and has grown to woman hood near Humboldt, win*re she lias a bust of friends. The groom is the station agent on the Rock Island tit Bern, Kas., which the happy couple will make their home. Wisdom Twirdy. Hamer Wisdom and Miss Clara Twirdy, two of Salem’s most popular young people, were married at this place Monday. They were quietly married by Judge Gagnon and re turned home in the afternoon. Boatman-Brad ley. On Saturday,June 6th Russel Boat man and Miss Minnie Bradley came down from Sbubert anil went to the court bouse where Judge Gagnon pro nounced the words that made them man and wife. Creineen-Goerke. John Henry Creineen and Miss Minnie May Goerke, both of this city, were united in marriage at the court house Saturday. The ceremony was performed by Judge Gagnon. TAKE NOTICE. To the Members of the A. O. U. W. and D. of H. The A. O. I'. \V. and D. of H. memorial services will be held Sun day, June 13th, and all members are requested to meet at the hall at 10:00 a. m. sharp, and march in a body to the Methodist church at 10:30 Bring flowers. H. A. RAHLF, M. \V. COUNCIL MEETING. Met in Regular Session on Monday Evening. The city council met in regular session on Monday evening with the mayor and all members of the coun cil present. The mayor appointed the following committees: Finance Rieclmrs, Aldrich and Davis. Water Aldrich', Jenkins and Hahn. Door Maust, Halm and Keiehers. City Dark — Jenkins, Maust and Davis. Fire Department Aldrich, Jenkins and Maust. Sanitary llalin, Maust and Davis. Streets and Alleys All the council. It was moved by Jenkins and sec onded liy Aldrich that hereafter all claims he filed with the city clerk on or before six o'clock on the Sat urday before the regular meeting of the council and also tlint no bills will be audited unless they have the pro per (). K. on them, by persons au thorized to order same. Motion- made by Davis and second ed by Jenkins that the appointment of W. S. Leyda as park commissioner for the three year term be confirmed. Other business, such as allowing bills, etc., was transacted at this meeting. The council met Tuesday evening in an adjourns! session and allow ed several hills and discussed the city water at length. It has been decided that in a few days the water mains will all be thoroughly slushed out and left open for a period of several hours. N. T. VanWinkle was notified to purchase a fire whistle to use instead of the bell in ease of fire. T. .1. Gist and Ned Towle appear ed before the council and applied for a road through the Kamel property to the vinegar factory and the matter was turned over to a commit tee, Ike Ilrannum was appointed sup erinlendent of the electric light and water plant. The bonds of W. S. Leyda as a member of the park board was approved and accepted. IN THE COUNTY COURT. Humboldt Bey Arrested and Tried Here Wednesday. John Frelburger was before the county court Wednesday, charged with entering a freight way-ear at Humboldt Monday and stealing a watch from Conductor Ed Wheeler's coat. While doing switch work Wheeler left his watch in the way-car and after receiving orders to pull out he missed his watch. He turned his train over to the head brakeman and returned to Humboldt where lie had the fellow arrested, whom lie sus picioned. lie brought the fellow to this city Wednesday and he was tried before Judge Gagnon. Everything pointed toward his guilt hut the evidence was not sufficient to convict hltn and lie was acquitted. The watch in question was a good one, worth from $70 to $77 MEMORIAL SERVICES. HelA at the City Auditorium Sunday Afternoon. The Nemaha Valley lodge No. 136, I. (). O. F,, and Rebekahs met at their lodge room at two o'clock Sunday afternoon and promptly at 3:30 marched to the City Auditorium where Rev. F. E. Day delivered an able memorial t bdress. At the close of the services they marched up Stone street and to the Frank corner, where they were met by hacks and conveyed to I lie Steele cemetery. Appropriate services were held at. that place and the graves of their departed brothers were cover ed witli beautiful flowers. William Nims Dead. William Nims, a former resident of Humboldt, died at Seattle, Wash., and his remains wt<re brought to Humboldt for burial, arriving on Thursday evening and on Friday the funeral services were held at the home of ('. E. Nims, his brother, and the remains placed in the cemetery at that place. Louis Engle. Louis Engle, one of the pioneer residents of this county, died at. the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Meyers, near Howe, at the advanced age of seventy-seven years. lit* was well known to many of our older people and was a step-father of .1. C. Segrist at Humboldt. THE COWERS AND GOERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week I.. ('. Kdwards made h visit, to ! Nebraska City, Sunday. Miss Dorothy White is home from Lincoln for her summer vacation. Clay Peck and wife are the par ents of a baby girl, who came to brighten their home last Friday morn ing. Miss Itulli Ileacoek returned homo this week from Liueoln, vvlyre she has been attending the state uni versity. Paul and Lloyd Davies of this city are visiting at the home of their grandparents, .1. 1) Griffith and wife at Verdon. Irvin Yoder returned to Ids home in tills city Inst Saturday. He spent several days in St. Joe. where Dr. Pitts was treating his eyes. Mrs. John Cornford who has been receiving treatment at a hospital at Omaha, returned to her home in tills city much improved in health. W. L. Qrr who has been visiting id the home of John Spraggins for the past week, returned Monday to his home in Gilman City, Missouri. Clare Foster who is employed by the telephone company at Platts mouth, spent Sunday with Ids parents It. F. Foster and wife in fids city. George Kwalt of Galveston. Tex., arrived in lids city Sunday foj' a visit with his mother, Mrs. Jennie Kvvalt, and Ids sister, Mrs. Frank Schalblc. George Holland and family spent a very pleasant day at Sun Springs, on Sunday last. ltay DePutnam and wife who are visiting at their home accompanied them. Miss Josephine Graves returned lids week from Wayne, Neb., where she has been teaching in the public schools. She has been re-elected for another year at that place. Dr. I loose reports n baby boy born to Mr. and Mrs. August Mitchell of Wyniore early Tuesday morning. Mrs. Mitchell is at the home of her motlier Mrs. Pete Lore in this city. All concerned are doing nicely. Mrs. Kate Schock, and Mrs. Geo. Schoek, her sister, left this week for a several weeks visit through Colo rado. They will visit their brother, Frank Melhorn, at Denver and also Will Schock at Los Aninins, Col. Miss Lottie Culp arrived from Hooper, Colorado, Sunday and will visit her sister, Mrs. Grant Wimlle, and her many .friends in this city. She visited in St. .toe several days witli her sister, Miss Elsie. The Misses Guinn from near Hum boldt. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Marmet in this city on Sunday and on Monday they took the train for Peru where they will attend the sumuu r school at the state normal Mrs. Frank Eversolo spent a few days in this city with her many friends. She laid attended the com mem ■ meat exercises at Peru, where her son was a graduate, and visited here enroute to hei home at Elk Creek. Neal Thornton's delivery team made their regular weekly runaway trip Monday morning. They started to run just in front of the market and were stopped down near the Cen tral school building. The horses were not hurt and the wagon was not damaged. Mrs. Charles Bracelen and daugh ter, Ellen, who have been visiting at ttie home of the former's mother, Mrs. John King for the past few weeks, left Wednesday for a short visit with friends and relatives at Omaha. They will then return to their home in St. Paul. They will be accompanied by Miss Margaret Bra celen of Lincoln, who will spend a year there in the interest of her health. j The trip of the Lincoln baseball i lub through the eastern cities of | the Western League during the past few days lias brought much encour agement. Though the pitching staff has not been up to the standard on | account of the non-arrival of James ; and the physical condition of Nagle, I who is suffering from a sore should ! .-r, yet the team has done very well. 1 breaking even with DesMoincs and ' Sioux City, and in the two games played with Omaha at this writing lias taken one. This is a good j showing when it is taken into con sideration that all three of the above teams are at the present time close1 | contenders for first place. WHERE SUNFLOWERS CROW From Walt Mason o f Emporia, Kansas Smoking is u filthy habit anil a big fat black cigar advertises that you're straying from the Higher life afur l ! have walked In summer meadows | where the sunbeams flashed and | broke, and I never saw the horses or the sheep or cattle smoke; l have watched the birds, with wonder, when the world with dew was wet, and I never snw a robin puffing at a eigaret; I have fished in many riv ers when the sucker crop was ripe, and 1 never saw a catfish pulling at a briar pipe. Man’s the only living creature that parades this vale of tears, like a blooming traction engine blowing smoke from mouth and ears. If dame Nature had Intended, when she first Invented man, that he'd smoke, she would have built him ou a widely different plan she’d have fixed him with a damper and a stovepipe and a grate; he’d have had a smoke eon summer that was strictly up-to-date. Therefore, let the erring mortal put Ills noisome pipe In soak- -lie can til ways get a new oneif lie feels needs a smoke SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION. Mayor and City Council Were Called to City Park. At about eleven o’clock Monday night, Just as the council was about to adjourn a telephone message cal led them to the city park, where all soon got busy shoveling coal. It was discovered that In the coal room where there was several tons of coal that only by hard work could they prevent a disastrous conflagration. Chief of police Mart/., (John Startzel, I he mayor, the council and several olln rs, who were called out, worked hard until the early morning before the danger was over. Some of the coal was burned, but i In- building was not damaged. The supposition is that the fire or iginated from spontaneous combust Ion. ^ Good Lecture. Tin- I’reBbyterian church was com fori ably filled Wednesday evning to bear Hev. Geo. Halley, l>. 1)., Ph. L>., of Washington, 1>. C. lecture on "Ti e Holy Land.” Hev. Teeter, pastor of the Brethren church of this city, very kindly took charge of the views fur nished by Hev Bailey and both the talk and the illustrations were "very instructive, furnishing a rare treat throughout the evening. The views furnished were obtained by Rev. Bail ey during Ids travel through the Holy Land and his able manner in des eribing habits and scenes of that country was very interesting. Park Board Meets. The park board held a meeting on Tuesday evening. W. S. Leyda, a member of the board informs us many improvements will be made in a short time. A fine wide sidewalk will be made from the auditorium I to the gate, and cinders will be pla ed on the ground floor in the audi torium. The lawns will be mowed and kept in perfect order. The park committee deserves much credit for the way in which they are taking hold of tilings and we will have a park that we can all be proud of. Mass Meeting for Men Only. What promises to be the greatest, meeting for men ever held in the city will be conducted next Sunday afternoon at :5:00 p. m., at the au ditorium, by Evangelist Win. Lockhart of I)es Moines. Iowa. The evangelist says he will not. I only throw off his coat, but without, gloves he will handle “Men's Sins ' Mr. Lintt will lead a great man choir and one thousand men should be at this great meeting. At Cotner University. Eight seniors were ordained to the ministry of the Christian church (*' the baccalaureate services which were held at the college auditorium of the Cotner university, Sunday. Among them were Rev. Bert Wilson who formerly was located at Humboldt I and Roy E. Hunt who was employed I by the Christian church at Verdon I some two years ago. Mrs. S. E. Smith. Mrs. S. E. Smith died at her home in Salem Saturday, and the funeral services were held from the home Monday. She had been a resident of that place for years and was well known. She was only ill a few days and her death came as a shock to the community.