The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 28, 1909, Image 8

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    Henry C. Smith
240 acres well improved, U mile, from Depot in Kas. Good spring Best of terms. Will take
40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest.
200 acres 1miles from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. Good buildings and land Will
take 40 or HO acres as part payment
100 acres upland, 1 mile from depot. Richardson county. Nebraska. 512,000.
loo acres Johnson county, Nebraska SO rot’s to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near Brownville, NebrasKa
80 acres '4-mile from Falls City high school.
040 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 04 ■ acre, adjoining. Will take M0 acre, a- part payment,
r ine running water. A No. 1 opportunity '
Money to loan
s.___ ,
t'i ..will'll «>0 flu* ItegnlMr liotiil
Mrs Lucinda Smith returned
fr ni a visit to relatives in Kansas.
Ed Morgan went to Kansas
City Wednesday with a car load
of cattle.
Miss Almata Hill returned re
cently from a weeks visit with
friends at Peru and Nebraska City.
Miss Mayme a n d Caroline
H ugli of Humboldt spent Sunday
with their mother Mra-J. A. Hill.
Mrs Fannie Svanda was called
to her borne at Seymore, Texas,
Wednesday, by the serious illness
of her mother.
The Christian Endeavor So
ciety of the Brethren church will
hold a lawn social at John Lich
ty’s next Tuesday evening.
Mrs. John Snyder and Mrs.
Cliarlcs Babcock of Shenandoah.
Iowa, were the guests of J. A.
Hill and wife Sunday.
Mrs John Kamel and daughter
Vera went to Dawson Wednesday
to spend a few days with the
former’s brother, Levi Kinsey
and wife.
tjuimby Beaver and wife re
turned the first of the week from
a hospital in Michigan.where she
went to consult a specialist. She
:s much improved in health.
Prof. Hurst and Warren Miles
w. I leave Monday for a trip to
the coast. They will visit the
exposition and will spend some
time along the coast. They ex
pect to be absent most of the
Mrs, Grant Windle fell from
i her buggy Saturday afternoon
while out for a ride- The horse
became frightened at an automo
bile and the result was she was
badly bruised about her head and
Mrs. John Yocam and daughter
Maud are in Peru tlrs week at
tending commencement exercises.
Myrtle Yocam of this city is
among the graduates.
Miss .Mary Reese of Yerdon
spent Tuesday in this city the
guest of Mrs. D. M. Dav ies. In
the evening she was taken into
the I'Ll stern Star.
Sam Wahl has added four fine
new show cases to his clothing
department. They are tine ones
and are the very latest thing on
the market.
George If. Tlnimmel, of the
circuit court of the United States
came down from Omaha Monday
evening and spent a short time in
this city
D is reported that Louie God
lirnon of this city and Mrs. Kdith
Paisley of Beatrice were married
at Beatrice Saturday evening
Charles Marion spent a few
days in St. Joe this week looking
I after business.
Miss Me Don rid left Wednesday
for an extended stay at Council
| Bluffs.
M. J. Schaible is a new sub
scriber to the Tribune this week.
II. C. Yandervort was down
i Salem Wednesday.
Henry Sanford is at Seward
j this week.
has more than its value to commend it it is intrinsically beauti
ful and when embellished with the graceful designing and artistic
shapes evolved by the modern silver-smiths, is beauty s crown
of beauty.
This is especially true of our tableware, both Sterling and
plated with only the best quality and lowest prices possible.
“The Old Reliable”
Percheron Stallion, Dapple
Grey, foaled August. l.s' *i, Bred
by Keiser Bros of Keota. Iowa
Got by Deti 21112 .19271 . he by
Poulard 2<Mtsu , he by Senateur
(2181), he by Picador, belonging
to.M. Dupont. Dam, Dakota (Quality, .Mini by liaiubiu lfioSn ' :;4«i.,41.
by llayard (21OOD . he by l’icador .">042 (ti91!J . he by t’heri .544)4 , he bv
Monton, he by Coco of Misle sur sarthe.
Rustico is lti hands high and weighs 170o pounds when in good
flesh. Rustico has proven a sure foal getter and lias a great many good
colts to his credit. His disposition is tine and his action good. Don't
fail to examine this horse before breeding.
II1MR0 's ' years old this spring. He is of Mammoth breeding, jet
d UJtlUV biae* with white points, splendid head and ear, extra heavy
boned and is a splendid individual, lie is 14* hands high and weighs ’
t'jO pounds when in good flesh. He is a sure foal getter and you will
make no mistake in breeding to him.
JUMBO will be at S. 11. Miles farm, knowu as the
doe Holmes place, 2 miles south and -5 miles west of Falla City, on Mon
day and Tuesday of each.week. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
at niy place and on Saturday at Chapman's Feed Yard, Falls City. Neb.
RUSTICO will make the season at my place, where he can be seen 1
at all time*. 1 have added to my string the Win. Roger’s jack WAR
RIOR, who will also make the season at my place. j
TERMS -$10 to insure colt to stand up and suck Service fees due ;
if Mare is sold or removed from County before time of foali tig. M are I
and Colt held for service. Care will be taken to prevent accident, but !
will not be responsible should any occor. I secured this stock from J.
tl Whitaker of Kansas City, who has tested them thoroughly and you
will find them worthy your patronage.
ZTVJ.Vr Thos. J. Whitaker.
John Higgins was a Humboldt
visitor Sunday.
Jinglings of money saved. Expo
sition Sale, Matthews Little Co, the
Price Killers.
Clarence Heck went to Pawnee
Monday to play ball with the
boys at that place
Mrs. W. H. Kerr is in Omaha
this week visiting at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Bruno Han
Mrs. Frank Camblin and chil
dren left Sunday for Indiana
where they will spend some time
with relatives.
Miss Meyer returned to her
home in Hiawatha Monday after
spending a few days in this city
with Miss Oddie Lapp.
Miss Hope Ward of Rulo was
among the teachers who took the
county examination at this place
Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. Will Boyd and two chil
dren came up from Hiawatha and
spent Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Albright.
Mrs. Verna Mettz and children
who have been visiting relatives
here for several weeks returned
this week to her home at New
kirk, Okla.
Mr. and Mrs. J.C Martin came
down from Council Bluffs and
spent a few days in the city at
the home of their parents,Francis
Martin and wife.
Mrs. Augusta Linlev and son
Victor LinleyT Jr., who have been
visiting at the home of John L.
I Cleaver, returned to their home
in Atchison, Friday.
Mrs. Allie Watson and little
son Otlio will leave next week for
Huntington. Indiana, to spend
two months with her sister, Mrs.
Will Price and family.
Mrs. II. E. Foster and daugh
ters. Helen and Eleanor, came
down from Seward t»> spend a
few days with the former’s father
Hank Lapp and family.
Clarence Heck helped Auburn
win two games last week with j
Peru. The score Thursday was!
3 to 0 and on Friday it was
i> to 1. They were two good
Misses Hazel White and Ruth
Reavis were guests of Miss Crete
Stewart at Hiawatha a few days
this week. They attended the
Junior reception at that place
Frid a v .
C A. Chesley purchased the
house ot Charles Reichers he re
cently purchased of Gus Nettle
beck, and will remove it to some
lots lust east of the Catholic
church. He will have it nicely
remodeled and will rent it.
Charles Zoeller and wife were
called from Happy, Texas, the
latter part of the week, by the
serious illness of the latters father
Fred Nit/.sche. At this writing
he is improving and they will re
turn home some time next week.
They like Texas tine.
Lice soon eats up your profits!
Kill off this pest quickly and sure
ly with Conkev’s preparations:
Lice Powder for setting hens;
Lice Liquid for ridding the house
! of mites; Head Lice Ointment for
the baby chick. All guaranteed
and for sale by C. A. Heck.
Fargo Couple Married
Miss Carrie Buckminister and
John Vondersmith were united in
marriage Saturday evening. The
groom is a prosperous young bus
iness man at Fargo, and his bride
has grown to womanhood in that
vicinity. They are well known
in this county and have a host of
friends who wish them a bright
and prosperous future. They re
turned to Fargo Sunday evening
and will immediately go to house
keeping at that place.
Robbed Butcher Shop
Saturday afternoon some chil
dren playing in the ally discover
ed the Thornton meat market to
be on lire and at once notified the
proprietors. In a few moments
the blaze was extinguished.
In the evening after all had
gone home some one entered the
front door of the shop and took
all the money from the drawer
and turned things upside down.
There were only a few dollars in
the drawer but they never left a
Mrs. Barbara Dilts and Mrs
Dick Downs left Monday for
California where they will spend
several weeks. Mrs- Downs will
go to Modesta to visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. Bruce Dixon and Mrs.
Dilts will visit her daughter Mrs.
W h\ Adams at Santa Cruz.
They will also visit several
friends at different points in that
Miss Agnes Moran, who has
been teaching in the public
schools at Sheldon, Neb-, was in
the city a few days this week vis
iting Miss Katherine Mulligan.
She went from here to her home
in Kansas City. She also visited
Miss Daisy Morris at Humboldt a
few days on her way from Shel
ton to this city.
UVv. 11. It. Teeter left for Iowa
on Thursday monring. where lie
"ill make the commencement
address for the High School at
Hamburg in the evening. On
Friday evening he will address
the class of the Milo High School
returning home on Saturday.
Mrs. Kd May came down from
Auburn and spent a few days in
the city with her parents, Dr-and
Mrs. Keller. She had her house
hold goods shipped to that place
where they will make their fu
ture home.
Mrs. Mary Cameron who has
spent the past few months with
her daughter at Poise, Idaho, re
turned to her home ut this place
the latter part of the week. She
reports a most enjoyable trip.
Mrs. W. H- Wheeler was in tlie j
city a short time Sunday. She |
was enroute from Pawnee to her i
home in Stella. She spent the I
past two weeks in Pawnee, where,
she was visiting her mother.
Mrs. Levi Thacker left Satur ;
day for Frankfort, Kansas, where
she will spend some time with her
daughter. Clyde Thacker o f
Preston accompanied her to this
place to take the train
Miss Wilma Cline, who is em
ployed as a teacher in elocution
at the Peru Normal, spent Sun |
day iti this city with old friends, j
She was a guest of Miss Deb;
The soldier boys caused con
siderable sensation at this place
Monday. Many people walked to
the park to see them at dinner.
John Hossack was a business
visitor at Shubert and Stella
Saturday, returning home early
Sunday morning.
Mrs. R. Kentner and Helen
spent a tew days in Beatrice at
the home of her son Will and
Glen Kieler came u p from
Kansas City t o spend several
days with his many friends here.
Miss Nellie Downs has been;
quite sick for the past few days,
suffering with ear trouble.
Sheriff Fenton attended the!
funeral of George Ilarral at Daw- j
son Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Ouiet left Monday fora
short stav with friends and rela
tives in Kansas City.
5 cents will buy any Calico in the
house at Matthews Little Co. Fam
ous Values are there.
Rev. H. Bex made a business
trip to Kansas City Monday.
The last meeting for the club
year of Sorosis was held at the
residence of Mrs. \Y. S. Korner
in the east part of the city. The
work of the past year was taken
up and ably discussed by the
j club. Each member was also
asked to give suggestions on the
j club work for the coming year.
These suggestions will be taken
into consideration by the pro
gram committee. The annual
report o f the treasurer was
given. The following officers |
were elected for the coming J
year: President,Miss Margaret!
Steele: Vice President, Mrs. T. I
J. Gist; Secretary, Mrs. P. H. i
•Jussen; Treasurer, Mrs. Jennie!
Ewalt: Auditor, Mrs. Katej
Steele. Mrs. A. Morsman.Mrs. 1
P. S. Heacock, Mrs. T. J. Gist
and Mrs. George Schock were
appointed as the program com
mittee lor the coming year.
Mrs. Edwin Falloon was elected
delegate, with Mrs. P.H. Jussen
as alternate, to the state con
vention to be held at Lincoln in
October. The club then ad
journed for the summer. Re
freshments were served during'
the social half hour.
Real Estate Transfers
Sarah O’Brien and husband to
Wm. J. O’Brien it 6 blk 8,
village of Stella . 11.400
l). M. Tebbs to Orren Sailors
n Vs of ne % of sec 12 twp
8 range 16 containing 20
acres . 500
L. A. Ryan to Kdilda M. Jack
son its 1 to 6 in blk 220
Falls City . 500
Wesley J. Crook to I,. Schoen
liert its 3 and 4 in blk 16
Crook & Towle add to Falls
City . 3
W. B. Stratton and wife to
Claudie L. Reid Its 4 and 5
blk 46 Humboldt . 1,000
A Case of Arbitration.
A rat and a weasel found an egg.
They couldn't decide who should liav*
It, so they arbitrated. A cat was
the arbitrator. The cat awarded th»
egg to the rat. The rat ate the egg.
The cat promptly ate the rate. Th>*
cat believes in arbitration; the raft
doesn’t.—Judge's Library.
Automobile Repairing
Gasoline Engine repairing, Steam En
gine repairing, Boiler repairing, Re
Rubbering rubber-tired wheels, Auto
mobile and Carriage painting, Lawn
Mower grinding, etc.
Our new Lawn Mower Grinder lias just arrived and we
invite you to bring in your Lawn Mowers and see them !
ground in a scientific manner. We guarantee to put
your Lawn Mower in first class cutting condition, or
money back.
Bring in your work NOW alon the above mention- !
ed specialties and get value received for vour inonev.
Hurry up! The rush is beginning.
Edw. Daeschner
The Place Where Thcv Do Things Right
Southeast (or. Court House Square. Phones: Shop, lo.l; Residence, 216
Ready to Deliver
Crystal Lakes Ice
Phone 33
We are pleased to announce that our Spring
campaign of the biggest values in Farm Ma
chinery for iqoq is now on. You are invited to
call and inspect our lines.
A complete line of John Deere Farm Machin
ery, hay Loaders and Stackers.
McCormick Binders and Mowers.
Avery‘Cultivators and Planters.
Sharpies Tubular and DeLaval Cream Sep
Litchfield Spreaders.
Gasoline Engines. Old Hickory and Avery
Wagons. Keys Bros’, and Vehlie Buggies.
No trouble to show our goods.
Loucks & Jones