The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 28, 1909, Image 5

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What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing the
Past Week.
Kat Sowles Candy.
Hr. Wilson. Wahl's building;.
Dr. W. K. Lyons. Osteopath,
office Wahl building;, phone 44(>.
Mrs. Kvan Owens oi Verdun
was a visitor at this place Satur
O. P- Heck was a business visi
tor to Howe, Shubert and Stella,
.Mr. and Mrs. A1 Spear spent a
few days the first of the week in
Mrs. J. J. Burger and children
of Reserve were in the citv Mon
day shopping.
Wanted—To rent a five or six
room house by June 1st- Inquire
at this office. tf
Walter Veach came down from
Verdon Saturday and spent a few
hours in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ayers
came down from Verdon in their
automobile Saturday.
Timid retailers cannot understand
our aggressive methods. Exposition
Sale, Matthews Little Co.
B. F. Veach of Verdon attend
ed the blue rock shoot at this
place Friday and Saturday.
Miss Jennie l’rater left Wed
nesday evening for >St. Joe to
spend a few days with her sister,
Mrs- C. F. Peabody and husband.
Mrs- X. Graham left Tuesday
for Seattle where she will spend
some time at the exposition. On
her return home she will visit
several points in California.
Rev. R. Cooper Bailey left
Tuesday for Bennett where he
will spend a few days with friends.
From there he goes to Broken
Bow where will visit his parents
for a tew days.
T. Walker and son of htella
were in the city Monday a short
time. They left over the Bur
lington that day for Seattle,
where thev will see the many
sights at the exposition.
Tom Spence and wife are the
proud parents of a bouncing boy
which came t o gladden their
hearts on the 23d inst. Owing to
the date of his arrival, Uncle
Sidney promptly named t h e
youngster Skidoo.
Mrs. F. L. Sandusky received
word the first of the week that
her brother, Fd Hughes, died at
his home in Independence, Mo.
Owing to the fact Mrs. Sandusky
was not well she was unable to
attend the funeral.
About the proudest child we
have seen for some time is little
Charlie Heiser. He stopped in
front of this office Wednesday to
show us the tinv little Shetland
pony of which he is the owner. It
is a beauty, little black and white
spotted fellow and is about two
weeks old, and weighs less than
20 pounds.
Pure Ice Cream?
You Know!
We h ave on hand at all I
times Vanilla, Chocolate
and Crushed Fruit Straw
berry at 15c per pint and
25c per quart.
Plain Bricks, or in 2 or 3
flavors, 40c per brick.
Heart Centers, 50c per
Delicious Ices at the same
For wholesale prices see us
or phone 29.
The best of home made
candy at city prices.
Fresh Fruit and Strawber
ries on ice. Try us.
The Candy Kitchen
Notice to Property Owners
All parties who need n e w
walks should see Chas. Heine
man. lie guarantees them and
builds them at reasonable prices.
A good concrete walk is a thing
of beauty am! a jov forever- Tel
ephone 111-11 •••.177 or drop a pos
tal to Heineman and he will do
the rest. tf
Johnson, the big Winnebago
Indian pitcher of the Lincoln
team pitched one of the best
games of his career against To
peka last Friday. He held the
Kansas lads to five hits and won
his game handily bv a score of J
to 1. A little more of this kind
of work and Johnson will go to
the big league next season.
Miss Stella Knickerbocker is
back to her work at the county
iudges oflice this week after an
absence of two weeks. She has
been caring for her mother, Mrs.
Lewis Knickerbocker who has
been <juite sick for the pa^t two
Miss Grace Swihart who has
spent several weeks in this city
with her aunt. Mrs Arthur Har
ris. returned to her home in Web
ber, Kan., Sunday. She was ac
companied by her two cousins
Gladys and Hildred Harris of
this city.
Mrs. O. Schoenheit and son
Louthaire left the t’rst of the
week for St. Joe where she will
spend some time visiting her
friend, Mrs. A. L. Klein.
Martin Kelly and Miss Fay
Kay of Auburn were married in
this city Thursday evening. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.
F. Ellsworth Day.
Leonard Kinsey of University
Place and Levi Kinsey of Salem
were locking after matters in the
district court the latter part of
the week
Miss Grace Van Winkle at
tended the county Sunday school
convention at Dawson the latter
part ot the week.
-For one more week Conkey's
Lice Powder is offered by ۥ A.
Heck for free trial. Try it on
your setting hens. 21—1
Mrs. Ray DePutron and son of
Lincoln are visiting at the home
of her parents P. S- Heacock and
wife in this city.
W. D. Easley was in the city
a short time the latter part of the
week looking after business and
visiting relatives.
Mesdames Lloyd Giartnin: and
H. Neal returned the latter pr.rt
of the week from a few days
spent in Omaha.
Mrs. S. B. Miies and little son
returned Sunday from an extend
ed stay in Jamestown, Pa., with
Miss Jessie Paxton left Wednes
day for Nebraska City to spend a
few days with her sister Mrs.Max
Miss Florence Wvlie returned
the latter part of the week from
a visit to her sister Mrs. Allan D.
Mrs. John Holt spent a few
days in Salem with o 1 <1
friends the latter part of the
Mrs. Will Hoppe of Stel a spent
Sunday here the guest at the
home of Mrs. Katharine Hoppe
The mandamus case of Simons
vs. village board of Rulo was ap
pealed to the supreme court.
Misses Stella-Pat sman and
Zetta Camblin saw “Salvation
Nelle"’ in St. Joe Friday night.
Prof. Harrett returned this
week from a business trip to
Kansas City
Rhine and C. C- Shelly of
Preston were business visitors
here Monday.
Exposition prices re-ghr th-ouc*
out the c-ntire store. Matthews Litt'e
—Dr. W- E. Lyons, Osteopath,
office Wahl building, ’phone 44b.
Ed Houston spent a few days in
this city transacting business.
J. & P. Coats Best Thread. C spoo's
for 25c. Matthews L >ttle Cc.
Tommy Oliver is in Lincoln
visiting his grandparents.
A. R-Keim was a business visi
tor at Salem Tuesday.
tO pounds sugar, $1.00, Saturday
only. Matthews Little Co.
Fok Salf: Nine lots just north
of the M K- church. W. R.
Meyers. 21-2t
All shoes at reduced prices during
Exposition Sale. Matthews Little
Mrs. Gilbert and daughter of
Rule were business visitors at
this place Monday.
Ed Voesel returned from Lin
coln Monday alter spending Sun
day with his lather here.
Mrs tlert Wright came up from
Kansas City and is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Martha Stoughton.
Generosity in Bargain Givings
bring us generous trade. Exposition
Sale, Matthews Little Co., The Price
Miss \\ herry Lowe left Wed
nesday for Bethany, to spend
some time visiting her sister,Mrs.
Lloyd Morris.
Mrs.E.D. Eord of St. Joe spent
a part of the week in the city at
the St. Thomas rectory,the guest
of Rev. and Mrs. G. L■ Ncide.
Lary Ryan returned to his home
in St. Louis Wednesday after
spending some time at this place
looking after his property inter
Misses Field and Hand left the
first of the week for a short visit
at Ft. Leaven worth before re
turning to their homes for their
summer vacation.
Mrs. Agnes Dalbey Tipton and
two children of Albany, Mo.,
spent several days in the city vis
iting at the home of her uncle.
Clay Davis and family.
Harry Simanton ami wife, who
have spent a few days with their j
parents, Vet Simanton and wife, j
returned to their home in San:
Diego, Cal., the first of the week.
Mrs. C. If. Elliott spent a few
days in Kansas City last week the
guest of Mrs. Will /iane. She
met Mrs. S. B. Miles and baby at
that place and accompanied them
to this city.
Dr- Callison, wife and baby, re
turned to their home in Stella the
latter part of the week after |
spending a few days at this place
at the home of the former's sister,
Mrs. I. M. Houston.
The ladies of the Episcopal
church will hold their food ex
change at the Electric theater
Saturday afternoon. It will be
in charge of Misses Nan Hutch
ings and Winifred Taylor. All
are invited to attend.
A. R. Keim lias purchased tne
Fall1- City Journal and will be its
editor-in-chief. Time was when
the Argus editor thought the
Journal one of the best county
paper propositions in Nebraska,
but during the past fewyears it has
been sailing in troubulous waters
and been buffeted by the winds of
adversity until nearly wrecked.
Table Rock Argus.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bateman
who have made their home at
Stella for the past few years,were
in the city this week yisiting rela
tives and friends. They left
Tuesday for Texas where they
will make their future home- Mr
Bateman has been a harness
maker at Stella and Verdon for a
number of years and has many
friends who wisli them success in
their new home.
The “America”
They're particularly
good for railroad men,
car conductors, and all
people who have to
get ufi in time and live
on time.
R. B. Simpson,
The Jeweler.
North Window of Kerr s Pharmacy
Injured in Runaway
On Sunday afternoon t w o
younjr men. one from St. Joe and
the other from Kansas City, hired
a horse and btiy^y from Heiser’s
barn and went for a drive. The
horse became frightened while
jjoitis up Stone street and when
they reached Maust Bros, office
both men were thrown from the
buKtrv. and B. A. Shepman, the
St. Joe man. was rendered uncon
scious, but after physicians arriv
ed and examined him they learn
ed he was not seriously injured.
M. II. Ross the other occupant
was bruised and well shaken up.
The remainder of all the public |
schools in the county close this |
week. Prof T. J. Oliver attend
ed the commencement exercises at
Salem Tuesday evening and pre
sented the diplomas. On Friday
evening he will attend the closing
exercises of the Barada schools.
J. J. Turner who has been in
the city at the home of hisdaugh
ter, Mrs.George Albright, for the
past few weeks, where he had
been receiving treatment from
I)r. Boose for his hand, returned
to Humboldt Friday afternoon.
D. A. Whittaker of Falls City,
arrived in town the fore part of
the week and leased the First
National bank, for the Olney
company. The firm will put in a
stock of pianos. Auburn Repub
lic.! n
Mrs G. F. Reichel returned
from Kansas City Friday after a
very pleasant visit of two weeks
with her people. Her mother,
Mrs. Chas. Ely came with her
and will visit for a few weeks.
The sacred concert given by the
young people of the Presbyterian
choir Sunday evening was one of
the best ever given in the city. A
large crowd was present.
Carl Compton, Arthur Stewart,
Adam Schilling and Glenn Keeler
of Kansas City spent Sunday with
their good friends in Falls City.
Hiawatha Daily World.
Mrs. Emma H. Fuller of Te
cumseh, who organized an East
ern Star order at this place, was
entertained by Mrs. E- G. Whit
ford while in the city.
Miss Nellie Hossack went to
Auburn Tuesday and spent a few
days with Miss Helen McIntyre.
She will also attend the com
mencement exercises.
The infant baby of Mr. and
Mrs. Ridley and the little son of
Mr. and Mrs. George Wahl were
baptised at the Catholic church
Sunday afternoon.
Miss Mary Sinclair came up
from Preston and will spend the
week with her grandmother. Mrs.
Margery Grant ut this place.
Miss Ruth Bohrer went to the
country Tuesday to spend a few
days with her uncle, Fred Mar
met and family.
Forty-four teachers took the
county examination at the county
superintendents office Friday and
Mrs. Jessie Sears of Reserve is
in the city for a few days. She
is staying at the home of l1'red
Each Value rises triumphant over
competition. Exposition Sale, Mat
thews Little Co., The Price Killers.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Keller of
Falls City visited relatives here
Sunday. Morrill News.
Oliver Kmmert and*C. William
son of near Sabetha, Kan-, were
visitors here Saturday.
Miss Floy Grinstead spent Sun
day in Verdon the guest of Mrs.
Walter Veach.
Ladies' Suits cut to the quick.
Exposition Sale, Matthews Little
Mart Stewart and family of
Verdon were in the city Wednes
M. J. Clancey of Dawson was
a business visitor here Wednesday.
R. C- James was a business
visitor at Humboldt Tuesday.
W. S. Korner was a business
visitor to St. Joe Tuesday.
Silk Petticoats, Black and Colors,
$3.98. Matthews Little Co.
Mrs. Will Holt spent a part of
this week in Omaha.
• George Gilligan was a Hiawa
tha visitor Sunday.
Made from
cream of tartar, derived solely
from grapes. All the ingredients
of Dr. Price's Baking Powder
are printed on the label. They
are pure, healthful and proper.
When baking powders are peddled or
demonstrated, examine their labels. You
will find they are not made from cream
of tartar. You _ don’t want them
L Baking
Ladies’ Separate Skirts all go.
Exposition Sale, Matthews Little Co.
K. A. Dittmar lias a new de
liverv wagon, which is nicely
painted and is a very attractive
a flair.
Miss Klizabeth Miller of Lin
coln is in the city visiting her
mother and enjoying a much
needed rest.
Hazel Davison left the latter
part of the week for Omaha to
spend some time with her sister,
Mrs. Will Hershey.
Fok Sai.k Sixty tons of good
ice and a butcher’s outfit- This
is a bargain Inquire of Charles
Pribbeno, Preston, Neb. 21-tt
Kd Poteet returned Monday
evening from a short stay at
Pawnee. He was accompanied
home by his little brother, Fred
Mrs. I>. McCoy and little son '
Robert spent a few days in this
city with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Cain. Jean Cain took
them to their home in Hiawatha j
Sunday in his automobile.
Mrs. Laura Casey and two
children. Roy end Alice, left the
first of the week for their home
in Oaks, N. I). They spent sev
eral weeks at this place, being
brought here by the death of the
former’s husband, Patrick Casey.
The senior class of the High
school, which was suspended by
Superintendent Oallaher for ab
staining from attendance from
school on “sneak” day. was rein
stated b) the school board. Mon
day. It was thought that the
four davs suspension was punish
ment enough- Auburn Republi
Mrs. Henry Sandrock and son
Homer left the latter part of the
week for Abeline, Kansas, to
spend some time with her daugh
ter, Mrs Clint Movers ano son,
(leorge Meyers. On their way
they will visit for some time with
her sister Mrs. Mose Rover on
Pennsylvania Ave and a daugh
ter, Mrs John Keim at Sabetha.
Mr. Sandrock has been at Abe
line lor the pa-r live weeks, as
sisting his children in getting
their spring work started.
NoTK'K My wife forced a if
vorce on me, without any cause
only that she is tired of me; all
points which she claims are false
and without foundation. 1 warn
the public and mv friends at
Kalis City not to buy my 40 acres
12 miles north of that place, as l
bought and paid tor it, and the
deed is not pood without my sip
nature . C. 1 >oi kliorn.
Mrs David C. I tames, who made
this place her home for many
years, died at her home in Morrill
several days apo. She had reach
ed the ape of 72 years and has a
number of old friends who sym
pathise deeply with the husband
and children who are left behind
The National Game
can’t be rightly played it
seems unless you have a
Ball <ilove, Bat or Ball
I hey don’t cost any more
than inferior makes, and
There’s a Difference
< iet ’em only at
MM illan’s
Opposite Postoffice Falls City, Neb.
Exposition Sale continues unti'
Saturday, June 5th., at Matthews &
Little Co. By buying now you act
' with wisdom.
In the district court Friday
: Mrs. Luiinda Smith was granted
j a divorce from John R. Smith.
Rev. Davis of Pawnee City wi.
fill the pulpit at the Presbyterian.
| church next Sabbath.
Baking Powder
Absolutely “Pure
The only baking powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
—made from grapes—
Royal Baking Powder conveys to food the most healthful of fruit
properties and renders it superior in flavor and whoiesomenes*.