The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 28, 1909, Image 3

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    The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
Wilson Wamsley of Barada was here
Mrs. Martin who has been sick is
Mrs. Boyd of Nemaha visited friends
here Saturday.
Mrs. Stafford of Phelps.Mo., is visit
ing relatives here.
Kd Shubert of Verdon was here re
cently on business.
Mrs. Bricker entertained relatives
from Verdon recently.
Mrs. Attaey visited friends at the
county seat Wednesday.
Mrs. Shubert spent last week with a
sister who is sick in Lincoln.
A band stand has been erected at the
corner of Main and Fourth streets.
Misses Lena and Maggie Weiek visi
le 1 their sister in the county seat last
(luy Hutchings at:d wife have been
entertaining relatives of the county
seat for a few days.
Mr. Wilson and family formerly of
Nemaha now occupy th e Grandpa
Frederick property.
\lrs. Tipton of Albany, Mo., who has
been visiting her parents here, visited
relatives in the county scat recently.
< >uite a number of friends gathered
at the home of Miss Lalla Hill Monday
evening in honor of her birthday. Nice
refreshments were served.
The Henry Leslie farm east of town
was sold by Referee Scott last week.
Fred Myers bought 60 acres at $101 per
acre and Shultz Bros. 79 acres at $95
per acre. Dr Shook is the administra
tor for the estate.
The Sbubert school closed last Fri
day for the summer vacation of which
it was one of the most successful years
work in the history of the school. The
commencement exercises took place at
the Christian church on Friday even
ing, May 21. The church was crowded
with people who are interested in our
school. The class was composed of
seven all of which have been under the
control of Miss Hill for the past three
years. The address of Dr. Beattie was
very interesting and the entertainment
•vas quite a success in every wav.
Following are a list of the graduates
from the 10th grade. Wm. Albin,
Ralph Evans, Edna Albin, Carrie
Brieker, Gladys Lord, Ethel King and
Floy Stotts.
Mr. Nitzsebe is quite ill this week.
Vm. Strecker was in Falls City,
s atnrday.
F. Sehall was shingling his barn
\;L: week.
Maggie Manderville spent Sunday
• 'i Pearl Waggoner.
Bradley Vaughn of Pawnee, Okla.
is here visiting friends.
E. Durfee and family spi nt
-Sunday with R. D. Waggoner and
1 a roily.
Rill Grumps left Saturday for Chi
where she will spend the sum
■ u r with her aunt.
hose who were shopping in Far
go Saturday were: John liauman, Leo
.lutz, F. Sehall, Phillip Werner and
and F. Pupkes.
T lose from this locality who were
in "'alls City Saturday were: R. D.
: ggoner, son Dan and daughter
. it*y, Mrs. Bauman and son Bennie
, o Bradley Vaughn.
Those from this vicinity who at
n-niled the party at Mark Durfee's
- inlay night were: Pearl, Dan and
y Waggoner, Ralph and Grace
R; idolph and Maggie Mandeville.
Hoarseness, bronchitis and other
throat troubles are quickly cured by
Foley’s Honey and Tar as it soothes
and heals the inllamed throat and bron
icbial tubes and the most obstinate
cough disappears. Insist upon having
the genuine Foley’s. Honey and Tar.
Kerr’s Pharmacy.
<. C. Ayer’s is having his barn
Trod Getz St. Joseph Is visiting re
latives here.
Two automobile loads ot^ men
w< t to Shubert Sunday.
E. J. Duryea drove to Humboldt
Saturday in his automobile.
~. A. Fairbanks is entertaining his
s- -ter from Leavenworth, Kans.
ben Peake dislocated his shoulder
•» > le scuffling with Rob Marmet.
'Preparations are being made to
s -erve Childrens’ day at the Chris
t an Church.
lames Parker and family spent
Sunday with Mrs. Parker's mother,
Mrs. Larabee.
Pete Stalder who had his leg bro
Kf .n by his buggy tipping over is get
along nicely.
If you want to feel well, look well
and be well, take Foley’s Kidney Rem
edy. it tones up the kidneys and
bladder, purifies the blood and re
stores health and strength. Pleasant
to take and contains no harmful drugs.
Way not commence today? Kerr’s
Mrs. Fred Heim was a county seat
visitor recently.
John Nusshaum was a county sent
visitor recently.
.1. 11. Hall attended the shoot at
Falls City last week.
Oun Hill spent Sunday with Joyce
Williams near Stella.
Guard Corn made a business trip
to Falls City Saturday.
Thomas Cunningham left the first
of the week for Sabetha.
Thelma Weaver spent last week
with Mrs. George Keeler.
Henry Shutes of Shubert was a
business visitor here Friday.
Mrs. Mart Zenter of Shubert was
shopping in town Thursday.
Bob Chamberlain and brother left
Sunday afternoon for Omaha.
Charley Smith from near Shubert
was on our streets last week.
Miss Ida Kornan of Peru arrived
Friday for a visit with her sister.
Lewis Heineman trasaeted bttsi
i ness at the county seat Saturday.
Sunday afternoon eighty soldiers
came into town and camped here.
Wm. Bruhn returned home from
Kansas City Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Ella Houtz of Kails City vis
ited relatives here a few days last
They arc from Fort Crook and are
on their way to Fort Leavenworth.
Floy Grinstead of Falls City spent
Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. W.
F. Veach.
Mr. Waggoner purchased an organ
of Mr. Keeler last week for his
B. F. Veach and son shipped a
car of hogs (o Kansas City Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. Frank Waggoner and daugh
ter went to Stella Monday to have
dentist work done.
Misses Ruth and Ida Kernan took
the train Friday evening for a visit
with friends at Falls City.
Ralph Cunningham and family left
Monday for Lincoln after an exten
ded visit with relatives here.
Scott Sailors arrived Thursday af
ternoon to attend to some business,
trip to Falls City last. week.
Mr. and Mrs. Adams returned to
their home in Kansas after spending
a few days with friends here.
Mrs. Will Sanders left Wednesday
for a visit with her friends at An
burnn, returning home Friday.
Mr. Adams and family of Seneca.
Kansas, visited Mrs. Mart Stewart
and Mrs. B. F. Veach last week,
B. F. Veach left Thursday for
Falls City, and while there he at
tended the shoot returning home on
j Saturday.
Several of the Verdou people al
tendeil the Highlauders dance at
Falls City Thursday night. A splen
did "time was reported.
Misses Carrie and May (lehhard
made a trip to Falls City Mon
day. They were accompanied by
I their friend Elizabeth Zubrick.
Lawson Wells and wile returned
to their home in Falls City Thursday
afternoon after a few days visit with
their daughter, Mrs. Robert Poole.
Mrs. Belle Cornell and George
Pool of Peru arrived Friday evening
for a visit with the former’s par
eats, returning home on .Monday eve
Mesdames IF. II. Fritz, and Allie
Douty and Misses Emma Last and
| Lydia Douty were the guests ot
Mrs. Frank Dietrich and daugh
ter Wednesday afternoon.
The baccalaureate sermon was
preached by Rev. Ratclifte Sunday
evening at the Evangelical Church, as
there were no services at the other
churches. The house was filled to
The M. P. grading gang arrived
Friday morning with twenty-one
teams to grade the M. P. track along
here. It will take some time to com
plete the work, but it will improve
the track wonderfully.
Joseph Batman, formerly ot Ver
don, but who lias for the past five
years lived at Stella, passed through
here on his way to the southwes
tern part of Texas. Mr. Bateman
was well known by the comraunty
here and leaves a large circle of
friends wwho wish him success in his
new home.
Oxfords for Everyone
We Have Your Size
Tina Halavaty, of Lincoln, is visit
ing Humboldt friends.
Mrs Will Veits is quite sick with
and attack of errislpelas.
Iva Deuuis, of Auburn, visited with
Humboldt friends last Monday
K Cooper was mi the sit k list
j several days the last of the week.
Fred Latupke lias recently pur
! chased a fine Buiek touring car
j Sheriff Fenton and H. (' .James
were in town on business Tuesday.
Will Mayer of Howe Station visit
ed Sunday with the Segrist families,
Mrs. Mason Shurtliff is the guest
of relatives in Kdgar, Nebr. tills
week. '
Joe Morris made a business trip
to Dallas, S. D . the fore part of the
Agnes Moran, of Fails City, visited
from Saturday to Tuesday with Daisy
Henry Brenner was in St. Joseph
with a shipment of stock the last of
the week.
John Power left Monday to look
after the interests of his farm at
liosalia. Kansas.
Chas. Ilarral. of Colorado Springs,
was called here by tile death of his
son Geo. ilarral
Segrist Colhapp received an ugly
cut on his left foot, Saturday, hy
stepping on a piece of glass.
A. H. Kellers was unable to at
tend to his business duties the mid
dle of the week on account of sick
The alumni reception to the sen
ior class of 'Oh was held at I be home
of John Holman and wife in the east
part of the city on Monday eve
The marriage of Harrison Stander
ford and Miss Klmore, daughter of
\V. D. Klmore and wife, was solem
nized in Peru Saturday by the coun
ty judge
Hazel Grinstead, who bad been vis
iting U/L. Hoff and family returned
to hei home in Salem, accompanied
by Lucille Hoff
V. It Cooper and Will Reynolds
stopped off for a short \isit in the
city Friday being on route for their
home in Beaver City from Kansas
Frank Brannon is in Verdou lay
ing briek.
Robert lteddiek had a phone put in
this week.
Jake Arnold was at the county
seat Monday.
Michael Brannon was a Verdou
visitor Sunday.
Jessie Clark and Win. Cline were
in tht> city Monday.
A, J. Kelley made a business trip
to Shubert on Monday.
Morehead ami sou this week sold
an auto to Louis George.
tlttst Duerfeld! and family spent
Sunday with W F. Butlers.
Frank Williamson and Sam Cain
were in Shubert on Saturday,
F. M. Williamson lias installed a
new gasoline engine in his shop.
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Butter were
in Omaha several days last week.
Mr and Mrs. Jacob Peters were
shopptnng in attit* city this week.
Wilson Wamsley and daughter,
Myrtle, were in Shubert on Monday.
Miss May Wileman was tin* guest
of Miss Lettie Langilon on Monday.
Rev. S. H. Zeicke and wife Sllli
daved with M M. Hendricks and fa
Henry Siemering and family spent
Sunday with Henry Siemering, Sr.
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. W. llrldgeman of
Verdon visited Mrs. Brldgeman's
parents the Watnsley's on Sunday.
Henry Bowman, a nephew of Le
ri Bowman, who is travelling sales
man for a Chicago firm, was in the
city Friday.
Jessie Cox, Ella Kuhlman and An
na Franklin were among the num
ber wlto took teachers examination
at the county seat on Friday and Sat
.1 A. Martin made an extra trip
to Shubert on Wednesday in order
to meet the eighth and tenth grade
classes of the public schools for
class photos.
William McGowan lias severed IBs
connection with the Butler Mercantile
establishment and has secured a po
sition with a dry goods firm at Stel
la, where he goes June 1st.
Several new pictures arrived this
Coburn of Kansas
The man who refused to become
a U. S. senator will open the Falls
City Chautauqua, Saturday afternoon,
July 24th., with a lecture on Alfalfa.
Some extracts:
Alfalfa's affinity is “out there In
An alfalfa field is said to be a
hog’s idea of heaven.
It is noteworthy, if not significant,
that Kansas' present era of unpre
cedented prosperity dates from about
the time that alfalfa was first shown
proper appreciation by her farmers.
City, where they had accompanied a
consignment of stock.
Mrs. I! I'\ Gravatt returned Sat
iirday from Grand Island. She was
accompanied home by her daughter,
Mrs. Kay B. Miller and baby, the lat
ter lias been seriously sick, but is
reported to be improving.
II. S. Chapman sold his fine quar
ter section to John Kostoeka, of
Odell, Nebr., a former resident of
this section The land sold for $l(Mi -
25 per acre or $17,000. Mr. Chap
man will remain on the farm until
next spring.
If you desire a dear complexion take
Foley's Orlno Laxative for constipa
tion and liver trouble as it will stimu
late these organs and thoroughly
cleans ■ your system. which is what ev
eryone need- in trie spring in order to
feel well. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Want to be strong?
Eat more Quaker Oats. Eat it for
blcakfast every day. 'this advice is
coining from all sides as a result of re
cent experiments oil foods to determine
which are the best for strength and en
durance. It has beet} proved that caters
of Quaker Oats and such cereals are far
superior in strength and endurance to
those who rely upon the usual diet of
heavy, greasy foods.
When all is said and done on the
cereal food question, the fact remains ,
that for economy and for results in
health and strength, Quaker Oats stands
first of all. It is the most popular food
in the world among the foods sold in
Put up in two sizes, the regular pack
age and the large family size which is
more convenient for those who do not
live in town.
week and have been hung on our
school room walls. They aro "Sis
tine Madonna,’ “Baby Stuart,”
’’The Shepherdess," and "The An
gel us.”
Miss Hattie Lilly entertained the
pupils of Hie first to the fifth grades
at the home of Mrs. Emma Siemering
from four to six o’clock on Friday
evening. A very pleasant time was
enyoyed and refreshments were
Louise Kuhlman and Lulu 'Lau
kemper successfully finished the
eighth grade examinations. A pro
gram will he given by the eighth and
ninth grades on Friday evening at the
school house. Supt. T. J. Oliver will
bo present.
Mrs. .1. F. Stong with Helen and
Dean left Monday for Iowa, where
they go to visit relatives. The doc
tor will follow soon after via the auto
route. They have not yet decided
as to their future location. We are
sorry to lose these estimable peo
ple from our midst.
The teachers and scholars of the
Evangelical Sunday School gathered
at the home of Mrs. F. Stong on
Wednesday evening. A very pleas
ant evening was passed. Nice re
freshments were served. Mrs. Stong
was presented with a beautiful sou
venir spoon as a slight token of the
esteem in which she is held by the
school in which lias been a faithful
teacher for so long.
Many weak, nervous women have
been restored to health by Foley’?
Kidney Ketnedy a? it stimulates the
imdnevs so they eliminate the want
hatter from the blood. Impurities du
kpess the nerves, causing nervous ex
erustion and other ailments. Com
aence today and you will soon be well.
Pleasant to take. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Ruth Kuualy Is clerking for (leo.
George Ward is giving his home a
coat of paint.
Ella Gooishy went to Missouri to
visit Wednesday
John Mooney is having his house
painted this week.
Lewis Jones was a Hulo visitor
one day last week.
.Nellie Coupe lias returned to her
home in Kails City.
Lew Schaffer was a business vis
itor to White Cloud Tuesday
llert Me Wain of Kansas, spent Situ
day with his mother in Hulo
Rev. Maze of Dawson, spent sev
eral days in Kulo I Ids week
Mr. Moore of Lincoln was a Hulo
visitor tile first of the week.
Agent Pope was a business visitor
to Kails (’it)' one day last week.
Mrs. Charles Oeomb was on the
sick list Die first of the week.
Si Hunker of Kortescue was a Ha
lo visitor the first of till' week.
Mrs. Ellen Drtttnsby of St. Joseph
Is visiting relatives in this city.
C. E. Culpof Wymore was a busi
ness visitor in tills city Tuesday.
Archie Kelley moved hack from
Pawnee City the Iasi of the week.
Hill Hinton of Omaha was a busi
ness visitor in (ids city Saturday.
Josie Vetter, of Kansas, visited
friends here several days last week.
Misses Juckson and Goolsdy of
Kortescue, were Hulo visitors last
Workmen are still at work on the
working order, but many are still
Mrs. Robert Paul of Aderlino, Kan
sas visited her old time friends here
last week.
Mrs. Will True and children vis
ited with Salem relatives the first
of the week.
John Mooney shipped near load of
hogs to the St, Joseph market on
Friday night.
Mrs. Fee and daughter Beatrice,
returned to their home in Chicago,
Wednesday night.
Ralph Kelley, who lias spent sev
eral months in tile west, returned the
last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey IVekin
paugli visited with ltulo friends the
first of the week.
Misses Bertha Kernan and Rena
llalleti, went to Peru Friday night
for commencement.
Mesdames R. (i. Henderson and
W, .1 Cunningham spent. Saturday
with Salem friends.
Until Kanaly returned from Salem
last' week, where she has finished her
work in a millinery store.
Ron Schaffer has returned to Ru
le and has opened a piano and music
store in the ilelpier building.
Mrs, Johnson Rnlekiu and (laugh
ter of Falls City came down for com
mencement Thursday evening.
Win. Vass, assistant, state inspec
tor of high school, was examining
grades in the Rule School one day
last week.
Mrs. (Iraee Asbury returned to her
home in St. Joseph, Mo., last. Fri
day. She had been visiting her pa
rents in lids city.
Mrs. Mervin Rinehart arrived here
Tuesday in response to a summons,
that her brother Frank's wife hud
died Monday evening.
Karl Shepherd returned to St. Jo
seph the last of the week, after at
tending the graduating exercises held
here Thursday evening.
It. V, Marshall und family re
turned last week from a month's vis
it with relatives in South Dakota anti
other points in the West,
llaarry Huber lias returned from
his Lincoln trip the first of the
week. He found a quite a colony of during his slay.
Bd. Taylor and family of Atchi
son returned to their home the lat
ter part of the week, after a few
days visit, with Hulo relatives.
A snake show held full away sev
eral days last week. They had a
phonograph, and gave lots of good
music, hut few cared for their show.
Among her graduating presents,
Nellie Schaffer received a handsome
gold watch witli class motto and
date. William Schaffer was also fav
ored with a gold watch from his par
The picnic in the park Friday was
enjoyed by it host of little ones. An
abundant dinner was provided and
games filled the hours until all wen*
tired and sought their homes for test
and a three month’s play time.
On Tuesday evening of last week
the school board met and hired
the rest of the teachers for the
coming year. Katie Malian of Pres
ton will teach tlie sixtli and seventh
grades, Miss Weber of Humboldt tin
| fourth and fifth grades, Matny Kan
aly the first primary,
A large crowd gathered in the Me
thodist church on Thursday cvenig of
! last week to listen to the graduating
: and at the appointed time the class
numbering seven look their places,
led by Professor Voegeliue and llev.
U. U. Teeter. The church was made
’ more beautiful with cut flowers and
1 potted plants. Kach of the ( lass ac
quitted themselves In such a manner
that it was hard for .• spectator to
say any were best,but all were ex
rollout, nnd showed much thought
and Work. Rev. Teeter held the un
divided attention of the large audi
ence for more than an hour, nnd all
warn sorry when he stopped. Pro
fessor Voegoloin and Miss Kernau
deserve great credit for their work
done the past year, and appreciation
has been shown by their re-election.
Most of the class will go to Peru for
the summer term, and all hut two wit
teach the coming year.
Prank AUciuond and family now
ride In a new Oakland automobile.
Mrs. I'ulhn of Vordon visited with
Mrs. Itaiciiian several days last
Kit Knapp and Vern Davis left
Sunday to look up a location in Mon
M. II Vaudeventei and family at
tended memorial services at Shubert
S. II. Halley and wife moved Into
Professor Wilson's house the first
of the week.
Mrs. K. Wheeler went to the coun
try Tuesday to visit a few days with
her parents.
Mrs. Allemond is In very poor
health and will soon leave for Mot
Springs, Ark.
Miss Ethel Grlfrith visited in
town Suturduy and Sunday with her
The Sunday schools of the differ
ent. churches have begun practice for
Children’s l>ay.
Mr. Walker and Tory left Sunday
for an extended trip through the
north and West.
Misses May and Carrie llohl of
llowe visited Neva Cowell and atten
ded commencement.
Elmer Helmet- left Monday for Ft.
Leavenworth where he has enlisted
in the signal service.
Mrs. Lloyd Morris of Bethany vis
ited relatives and friends here a con
pie of days last week.
A soil was horn to Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Gilbert, Saturday, May 22. He
has been named Lyle.
John Oswald came up from the
county seal Sunday to take a class
picture of the graduates.
The four couples who went picnlc
ing in (lie Wit lice Grove. Sunday,
came home “fearfully damp.”
Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Bateman vis
ited relatives In the country with
Mrs Brown and daughter, Cora.
Miss Caroline MoCready went to
her home ae Cnwnee City Friday.
She teaches next year at Humboldt
Bessie llapgood came home last
Wednesday from Odell, where she
had visited a month with ln-r mother
and sister.
Miss Allic Davis came down from
Nebraska City to visit with an aunt
from Ohio, who is visiting at the Dr.
vis home.
Quite a number visited the cemete
ry Sunday afternoon and were hur
ried home by t to* rain.some of them
getting a good soaking.
Mr. and Mrs. Hudy Britts arrived
from El Uetio, Oklahoma, the last
of the week to make all extended
visit with their children.
A company of Fort Omaha caval
ry stopped in town for dinner Sun
day. Almost everybody availed
themselves of the privilege of watch
ing them eat.
Mrs. Frank Weaver went to At
chison to attend commencement ex
erciscs of Midland College, where
her sister, .Miss Katherine Mourer,
was one of the graduates from the
musical depart ment,
Mr. and Mrs. Hat email left on too
"Daisy Dean" Saturday evening to
\lsit friends in Verdon and Falls Ci
ty and were Joined Monday evening
by their sons and together they left
the middle of the week for a new lo
cation in Texas.
Miss Stella Fankell entertained the
young ladies of t.he town at a ken
slngton Saturday afternoon, in honor
nf Miss Gertrude Shellenberger. The
girls showeri-id Miss Gertrude with
many useful articles for housekeep
ing. Refreshments were served.
Professor Wilson and family left
Saturday for Albion, As soon as
they get their house "straightened."
Mrs. Wilson and Ester will go to
spend the summer with her mother at
Woodbine, Iowa, and the professor
will teach in the summer school at
The opera house was filled Thurs
day evening for the commencement
exercises. The orations were ex
ceptionally fine and well delivered
The lecture by Prof. Preston was a.
treat for all. The graduates were Or-,
val Bateman, Ernest Morgan, Tory
Walker, William Lusk and Miss Flo
rence Nombalius.
The ladles of the D. of H, with
their husbands surprised Mr. and
Mrs. Bateman Friday evening. The
evening was spent in visiting, and in
behalf of the I), of II. Mrs. Cullen
presented them with a Stella souven
ir spoon. Refreshments were served
consisting of sandwiches, pickles,
and coffee cake, peaches and cream
Piano For Sale
A good square piano for sa.e
cheap enquire at this office.