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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1909)
The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. SHUBERT Irs. Coglazier is on the sick list. J. P. King was in Lincoln recently. U. Cain of Stella visited here Mon day . U. A. Clark of Stella was here re cent)}-. Chas. Wilson of near Stella visited here Saturday. M. T. Hill aud wife visited relatives » at Stella last week. Miss Veva Bergsma of Peru visited home folks recently. Clyde Hill of Salem spent Sunday wltn homefolks here. Mrs. Goolsby of near Barada visited friends here receutly. Mr. McDowal of Stella visited relu tives here on Monday, Ora Ross of Sabetha, Kan., spent Sunday with home folks. Miss Hattie Lilly of Barada visited relatives here over Sunday. Mrs. Evans and children of Auburn visited relatives here last week. David Ransom of Palls City is work ing here with his well digging outfit. John Ahern and daughter were the guests of friends at Dawson last week. J. M. Evans and wife were the guests of relatives at Auburn recently. Henry Fishburn and wife were the guests of friends near Barada recently. Terry Martin of the county seat vis ited his brother and family here Mon duy. F. M. Oathout and wife are enjoying a visit from their daughter of Janes ville, (owa. Curtis Downs of Oregon who has been visiting relatives here returned home last week. Morgan Jones and family were en tertained Sunday at the home of friends in Verdon. F. M. Oathout spent several days at Lincoln last week where he was sent by the A. O. U. W. as delegate. Miss Alice Edwards who has been attending school here for the past year returned to her home in Washington Friday. * M. J. Martin was unable to nil his regular appointment here on Saturday having been called to Lincoln to at tend business. The baccalaureate sermon for the commencement was preached by Ilev. Sapp on Sunday evening and a large crowd was present. The sermon was tine. T)r. Stong and wife are storing their nousehold goods in theiV property on Main street here and expect to leave Barada soon where he and his family will enjoy a few months rest. J. L. Dalby gave a reception on Tuesday evening to his Sunday school class, a pleasant time was enjoyed by all and an elegant lunch was served by Mrs. Dalby assisted by her daughter Mrs. Tipton of Albany, Mo. NI MS CITY Tom Morris and family spent Sunday with Fred Bacon. Mrs. Triggs of Dawson was the guest of friends here last week. Will Etter drove over near Bern Sunday to visit a cousin. Mrs. Ann Bacon returned Thursday from an extended visit with relatives at Conewango Valley, N4 V. A crowd from this vicinity and Daw son weDt last Sunday to look at the dredging boat which is being built at Miles ranch. Tommy Roades who has been sick typhoid (ever at the Fairbanks borne was taken to his home at Leav enworth, Kan., Saturday. Mrs. Fairbanks went last week to Canton, Ohio, as a delegate to the na tional conference of the United Breth" rcn church held once in 4 years. BARADA W. F. Butler shelled corn recently. A. J. Kelly was a Shubert visitor on Thursday. Otis Spickler made a trip to Kansas City last week. Roy Heaeock was up from the coun ty seat Monday. Anna Franklin entertained a number of friends Sunday. M. Brannon, Wm. Kamer and Louis Roth had Dew phones put in. Miss Priscilla Woodring suffered for a few days with a sprained ankle. Hugh Pritchard and Emerson Bow ers of Verdon were here recently. Joseph Surman and wife were the guests of Wilson Wamsley and wife on Sunday, W. F. Butler spent several days in Lincoln last week a delegate to the A. O. U. W. convention. A Card This is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals the lungs and prevents pneumonia and consumption. Con tains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow package. Kerr’s Pharmacy. HUMBOLDT H. K. Hall was quite sick during the week. i Kev. Aydelott made a trip to Chica ! go this week. Pansy McKinney of Peru is visiting her aunt here. Jessie and Edith Craig are guests of countv scat friends. Mrs. Bliss of Pawnee visited friends here Ouring the week*. Will Clift and family were here from Table Rock over Sunday. Mrs. McKie left this week for u visit with relatives in St. Paul. G. \V. Butterfield and wife returned Thursday from California. A. Sippley and wife of Dawson spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Hummel of Lincoln is spending several days with relatives here. Mrs. Cooper returned Sunday from a visit with friends in the county seat. Mrs. Draper returned Sunday from a visit with friends in the county seat. Mrs. McCullatn returned Saturday from a visit with her sister in Wymore. Mrs. Wagener spent several days the last of the week with Dawson relatives. Miss Carrie MeCreadyof Pawnee has been elected principal of the schools here. Miss Minnie Buerstetta of Tecumseh visited her brother here during the week. Will Rife’s commodious new farm residence north of town is nearing completion. Helen Karas and Frank Nerneehek, jr., residing south of town, were mar ried recently. B. Hnizda who had been visiting relatives here returned Tuesday to his home in Portland, Ore. Mrs. Burness who had been visiting a sister here for a couple of months, left Monday for her home in Los An geles. Bert Marshall and wife who were called here by the death of his mother returned Sunday to their home in Mc Cook. Bob Power has passed the operators examination on the B. & M. R. R. R. and is now in charge of the station at at Ford, Mo. S. R. Gist has been assisting in the bank at Salem the past week. Mrs. Gist and Preston joined him at that place Thursday. Mesdames J. C. Segrist and Shirley’ and L. J. Segrist were called to Farm ersville, 111., the past week by the death of the former's brother. Mrs. Minnie Unkefer is confined to her home with an injured knee, the result of falling down the cellar steps at her home and tearing the lpgaments from the knee. If you want to feel well, look well land be well, take Foley's Kidney Rem edy. It tones up the kidneys and bladder, purifies the blood and re stores health and strength. Pleasant to take and contains no harmful drugs. Why not commence today? Kerr's Pharmacy. OHIO. Henry Millage was in Hiawatha last Saturday. John Hutchison was a guest of friends here Sunday. Dr. Greene and family were guests of friends here Sunday. Chas. Nolte and wife were guests of relatives here Sunday. Will Bartlett and wife were guests of relatives here Sunday. Chas. MeWain and wife were guests of relatives hero recently. Ivan Keller and wife spent Sunday in Morrili with relatives. Mrs. Schuler and daughter were guests of Mrs. Streeker recently. Mrs. Noah Peck and children were guests of Joe Cully and wife Sunday Ray Meyers and wife spent one day here recently with the latter’s mother. Lloyd Knicely and wife spent Sun day in Peru guests of the latters par ents. Mrs. Prichard and daughter were guests of F. M. Shaffer and family Sunday. Ed Kimrael and faintly were guests of F. M. Shatter and family Sunday evening. Harry Woods was called home re cently’ on account of the sickness of his father in Omaha. Mrs. Earl Shaffer and children went to Manly, Neb., Monday for a visit with her mother. Mrs. Perry Shatter is over at Fran cis Stump taking care of Mrs, Stump who is very sick. Hoarseness, bronchitis and other throat troubles are quickly cured by Foley’s Honey and Tar as it soothes and heals theintiamed throat and bron icbial tubes and the most obstinate cough disappears. Insist upon having the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar. Kerr’s Pharmacy. VERDON F. F. Diet rich drove to Dawsou Tuesday, F. W. Kobb was a county seat visitor recently. Florence Daughty drove to Dawson I Thursday. Sam Auxier drove to the county sea*, i Thursday. Mr. Kelly was a county seat visitor ; Saturday. Corn Bros, have purchased a new automobile. Horn to Frank Daugherty and wife May IT. a girl. H. F. Veaoh A- Son shipped a car of hogs Thursday. Will Fehr and wife of Stella were here Thursday. Jennie Stump visited friends Louis - ville last week. John Karsten shipped a ear of hogs to St. Joe Monday. Chris Fisher and son were county seat visitors recently. Van Sailors shipped a car of hogs and cattle last week. Mr. I'tterbaek of Nebraska City vis ited friends here Friday. Charley Ktckara or Kansas utty vis ited friends here recently. John Weaver and Will Nechow were in the county seat last week. Joe lCstas and family of Stella were guests of friends here Sunday. Charley and John Harkendorff were county seat visitors Saturday. Fleming Robb and Tom Kyan were county scat visitors Thursday. Lewis Helnerman and wife were county seat visitors last week. Mrs. Goolsby was the guest of rela tives near Straussville Sunday. Lydia Benholtz of Shubert visited over Sunday with friends here. Chris Jorn left Monday for Strauss ville to do some carpenter work. Beacher Cornell shipped 2 cars of cattle to Kansas City Wednesday. Mrs. Cully and daughter Roxie were shopping in the county seat Monday. John Bauers and Hugh Prichard of Ohio township were here Wednesday. Zed McNulty went to South Dakota with a car of goods last week. Will Otto was on the market at Kansas City with a car of hogs Tues day. A1 Martin returned to his home in Council Bluffs after a visit with rela tives here. Lima Cook returned home Sunday from the county seat where she visited her s'ster. John Hall was before the county court Monday settling the estate of Jacob Rammel. The new miller arrived Thursday and will be a great help to Mr. John son, the proprietor. Rev. Ratcliffe's family arrived Sat urday and they have moved into the Christian parsonage. Clarence. Mavlield of Omaha and a friend passed through here Wednesday to Falls City in a touring car. Francis Smith and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl which came to their home last week. The bricklayers have commenced work on the new brick buildings of Van Sailors, Shirm Bierley and Geo. Knapps. Maud Veal and daughter left Friday for Council Bluffs where she will join her husband and go to their home in South Dakota Lorn Corn, Walter Veaoh and Geo hum, wife and daughter Gertrude made a trip to tlie county seat Thurs day in an auto. Mrs. Moran has traded her hotel on a farm in Kansas. She lias been in the hotel business for some time here and has a wide circle of friends who regret to lose her. We wish her success in her new home. STELLA. Mr?. John Sayer is on the sick list. R. A. Clark is having his residence piimed. Mrs. J. Timerman has been quite sick but is improving. Mrs. McCullough visited her daugh ter in Yerdon recently. M. Shafer and daughter visited rela tives in Lincoln recently. Jim Hutchins of the comity seat vis ited relatives here recently. Mrs. Griffith has been having her residence painted this week. P. D. Ailor and family of Auburn visited relatives here Sunday. C. H. Thomas of Lincoln visited his mother here the lirst of the week. Florence Fankell has been absent from school on account of mumps. Mrs. Goodloc and little daughter visited her brother in Yerdon recently. Miss Alma Plaster of the Auburn high school visited at home over Sun day. Mr. Kleckner and wife were here from Auburn recently looking after property. A cencus taken of Stella shows that there are 51 homes occupied by only 2 persons, 31 by .'1 and 10 by 1 only. As there was no services at the Christian church last Sunday, Rev. Young went homo that ho might at tend the dedication services of the 1-t church at Lincoln that evening Mrs Chas. Wood was called to Hum boldt last w*»ek by the serious Hint -s of her sister. The lady was taken to a i St Joe hospital and Mrs, Wood re j turned home Saturday. Father Chism died at liis home two ; miles north of town Saturday, funeral I services were held at the M, K. church conducted by llev. Could. Mrs.Chism died last October. The baccalaureate sermon was preach ed at the Baptist church by the pastor llev. Fry as there were no services at the other churches, the house was till ed to overflowing. Will O'Brien left Tuesday with their car of household good for Conrad, Mont. He was accompanied by his brother Joe and Frank O’Donald. L. K. Lyama Is in very poor health and has been compelled to resign Ins office as recorder of the Masonic lodge on account of falling eyesight, Burl Vandeventer of Mankato, Ks., and his daughter Cora of Beloit, Ks., have been visiting relatives here for a couple of weeks. Mrs. S. Tlttierman is slowly recover ing from a long illness and was able to be taken to the neighbors in a wheel chair lust week. Prof. Wilson shipped his household goods to Albion Wednesday and the family will leave about the llrst of next week. Then. Weavers' folks moved Into their new house Monday and now have one of the neatest little homes in town. The trustees of the Stella cemetery association are having the Iron panels erected at the entrance this week, RULO Mrs. Sim Burk is on the sick list. Clem Davis was a recent county seat visitor. Dr. Henderson was a St. Joe visitor Sunday. P. K. Kulp of Wymore was here ri - cently. Mrs. Pope was a county seat visitor recently. Dr.Richardson returned from St. Joe recently. Jud Carpenter purchased an automo bile recently. Karl Shepherd is home from St. Joe on a vacation. Will Morehouse was over from Mis souri recently. Rudolph Schrader was a Preston visitor Sunday. Mrs. Uelpler and daughter visited in Preston recently. Mrs. John Burk, sr., is improving after a long Illness. Mrs. Ben Zeigler visited her parents in Kansas recently. .1. A. Osburn was a business visitor to Omaha recently. Pete Frederic was here from the county seat recently. H. R. Noland and wife visited in the county seat recently. Mrs. Knoch Zeigler was a county seat visitor Tuesday. Corace Miller of Filley visited her parents here recently. John Schrader of Hiawatha visited relatives here Sunday. Hurry Mann of Iloldredge spent a few days here recently. Grandma Bocrner visited her son n jar Forteseue recently. Lew Snell and family of Preston vis itad friends here Sunday. Charlie .Jondrow and idu My res of Preston were here Sunday . Mrs. Met/.e of Springlield, III , is visiting her daughter here. Fred Morgan of Stella visited his grandparent* here recently I.-1 Baking Powder] Made from cream of tartar derived solely from grapes, the most deli cious and healthful of all fruit acids. Gladys Kutikin of the county seat visited friends here Sunday. J. M. l'ope and family moved into Mrs. Carico's bouse recently. Sol Kissel of Seneca, Kan., visited friends north of town last week. Blaine Anderson who has been <[iiite sick for the past two weeks, is hotter. Dodo Anderson and famtlv spent Sunday with relatives on the reserva tion. Mrs. Arthur Darvean and children went to Salem Friday to visit her mother. Mr. Mable was here last week to set tle the losses of the telephono company, paying $711. Harry Huber went to Lincoln Fri day to take the examination for a rail way mail clerk. Mrs. Simmon and daughter wrre called to Auburn recently by the sick n ;ss of a relative. The new switch board arrived for the telephone company and connec tions with all phones will be made. ('has. Huber and wife returned from Lincoln Friday whore ho went as a delegate to the grand lodge A. O.U.W. The band gave a open air concert last Saturday evening the llrst of u series which will be kept up, they also played Wednesday evening. Mesdames Henderson and Cuntng ham were elected delegates to tie Sunday school convention at Dawson Thursday and Friday of this week. Cecil Ivanaly returned home from Salem Wednesday, her school having closed Tuesday. She has been engag ed to teach the same grades next year. Mrs. Mahan and children who have been visiting her father here left last week to visit relatives in Oregon, Mo., before returning to their home in New Mexico. If the weather is favorable the lower rooms will have a picnic in the park on Friday the last day of school. They will have a basket dinner. Parents and friends are invited to come and en joy the fun witli the little folks. Commencement exercises will l> e held in the M. K. church. Rev.Teeter will deliver an address after which all the cla-s will take part. The program will be stictly original and only two of those taking part will deliver orations. llev. Maze of Dawson preached Sun day morning in the M. K. church and in the evening he delivered the bacca laureate sermon to an immense crowd. The choir and orchestra rendered lino music Mrs. Cunlngnam Ming a solo which was greatly appreciated. At a meeting of the school board held recently, Prof. Voegeline was re-elected to teach in the liulo high school for the coming year. Miss Kernon was re-elected a s assistant principal. Miss Hallett for the 2d primary room. The rest of the teueh ers was left for some future meeting. Real Estate Transfers Elmer Heiaer ami wife to J.E. Mettz lots IS, HI, title 111 Falls City, *10,(MHI. Folly Frazier to Chris Gunzenhauser lot 5, blk 39, Humboldt, *300. John Holt to Mary Redwood lots 7, 8, blk f>, Falls City, *‘i00. Mason Shurtleff, jr., to Luther Bur row and Cornelius Skillett lots 12 and •i feet off lot 11, blk 28, Humboldt, *2,000. John Ileinzelman and wife to Chaa. Ileinzelman lot 4, blk 7, Verdon, *500, Henj. Hull- to Anna Kumbaugh un divided I n Interest in w hf of ne qr and n 25 acres of e hf of nw qr of sec 28, twp 3, range Hi, #500. Orrin Cooper and wife to Claud I,Inn '• interest in e lif sw qr and w hf se qr sec 4 and an adjoining 50 acres making 210 acres in all wd $1. Kah-ke-othah quarh, et al to W. A. Margrave Co. lie qr of ue 1 of sec 35 and se 1 of nw i of sec 36 and lot (i in sec 25 all in twp 1 north of range 10 all told 123 acres, 923(H). August Nettlebeck to Geo. Keicbers lots 5, 0, qlk 5, Falls City, *1,000. Isaac Edie and Mife to John Stauffer nw 1 of sec 28, twp 1, range 13, *10,800. John VVenner and wife to A. Weick nw f of sw i of sec 20, twp 3, range 10, 948(H). Jacob Werner and wife to Otto Weick nw qr of sw qr of sec 20, twp 3, range 10, *1800. C. A. Lord and wife to Martin Hill lots 0, 7, blk 15, Slutbert, #1000. Win. Higgins and wife to Nettie Montgomery lots 6, 7, blk 7, Stella, #2000. So. East'll. H. .V I,. A8»o. to Aman da Naylor lots 1, 2, 3, 4, blk .'1, Kalla City, *1250. G. M. Barrett and wife to Mattie Whitaker s 4 of lot 0 and all of lots 10, II, 12, blk 1, Falls City, *3500. So. East’ll. 13. & E. Asso. to I. B. Whitaker lots 15, 10, blk 180 and lots 0 to 12, blk 00. lots T and s i of o, blk 4, Preston and 20 feet of lot 15, blk 120, Salem, *4000, Barden Hays and wife to Win. West plial, lots 8, 'J, blk 5, Humboldt, *500. < Anna Srhloeder to K. Zimmerman lots 1 to I, blk 33, Falls, $800. Arthur Harris to Anna Harris lots 1, 2. blk 04, Falls City and lots 10 to 12, blk 25, Falls City, $4000. Cornelius Matten and wife to Geo.P. Bolden se i of sec ", twp 2, range 14, east of o !’• M. also 80 acres situated in sw i of sec. IT, twp 2, range 14 east of 0 P. M. *13,250. A. A. 'fanner trustee to Horace lie mcnt lot 10, ldk 51, Humboldt, $500. Edwin Towle and wife to I.B.Whita ker lots 5, (i, blk 100, Falls City. *50. Mrs. Ida Gray to M. B. Jones lots 14, 11. blk 101, Falls City, *15,000. Piano For Sale A good square piano for sale cheap enquire at this office. • ^__... Horses Wanted!! 200 Head 10 Car Loads I M/ill be at Mettz’ Sale Stables, Falls City, Friday,Ma.y 21 for the purpose of buying Horses. Mares and Mules, from 4 yrs. up, that are in good market condition. SPECIAL! SPECIAL!! I also want 500 head of geldings, from 2 years old up to 9 years, that stand between 14 and 15 hands high. They must be halter broke, but need not hitch or drive. Any weight, from TOO pounds up any color but white, brands no objection. Bring in all you have to sell and I will pay a higher price for them than any other buyer in the country Largest Individual Buyer in the World J. B. M’GINN