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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1909)
r Henry C. Smith LANDS & LOANS 240 acres well improved, If miles from 15 n ' i;. Kdi Good spring. Rest of terms. W intake 40 acres as part payment, balance long time a' 1 w interest. 200 acres 1 !i miles from depot, Richards . county, Nebraska Good buildings and land Will take 40 or HO acres as part payment 160 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Rich sot; county, Nebraska, 512,000. 160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska. V ' * to church and school. Rest of terms. Might rent. 107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska. 80 acres 'a-mile from Kalis City high sc 640 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 64 acre.* adjoining. Will take 160acres as part payment. Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity. Money to loan THE FOLIOWING SERVICES WILL BE HELD SUNDAY These Notices are Prepared and Handed in By the Local Ministers GHKMAN KVA NO KMC AI. CHURCH. 0:45 n. m. Sunday school. 10:45 a. m. Sermon. 7:50 p.m. Young People Alliances s p. m. Sermon Prayer meeting Wednesday at S p. m. Friday choir practice H p. m. .1. H. Nans i mi a. Pastor. ST. THOMAS CHURCH 7 50 a. m. Holy Comtnunion. o.45 a. ni. Sundav School. % 10:45 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. 7 50 p, m. Kvening Prayer and Sermon. tiuouoi. Li iti.k Niani:, Pastor. CKHSUYTUKIAN church Sunday school 0:45 a. m. Preaching 10:45 a. m. Junior lv and Mission Sab bath school 2:30 p. m. Y. P. A. meeting 0:50 p m. 1 ’reaching 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting W e d n e s d a y 7«30 p. in. K' V. K. Cooi i k Haiu v, Pastor. HKKTIIRKN CHURCH Sunday school 0:45 a. m. Sermon 10:45 a. m. t'hristian Kndeavor t.:30 p. m. Sermon 7:30 p. m Prayer meeting We d ne s d a v 7:30 p. in. Why. R. R. Ti i ti K, Pastor. MKTHOPIST CHt'KCU Snmlav school '».4S a. m. Public worship 10:45 a. in. Junior League 2:50 j>. m. Kpworth League t>:30 p. m. Evening service 7:50 p. ni. Prayer meeting W ,] n e s <1 a v 7:50 p. m. Rv' . C. A. M im'in, Pastor CtlKlSTl.W CHl’KCll. '<:45 a. in. Uible School. 11 a. m. Preaching service Hv Prof. Oliver, as the pastor will lie at Salem delivering the class sermon lor the graduating class of that place. 5 p. m Junior Endeavor 7 p. m. V. P. S. 0. E* s a. m Hnccouleate sermon at the auditorium, special music. Come and bring vour friends. The church tins month is in preparation for the great evatigil istic meeting in June. The pas tor will commence the meeting Slay 50th. in the church. The cvangilisl will be here June t.tli, to commence in the city auditor uni. E Ei.i.swokth Pay, Pastor. The pastors of all the city churches which have heretofore united in a union baccalaureate service, signed a resolution in which they declared their belief I that the graduating class should worship with the church whose pastor was to preach the sermon, t'onseijuentl v the several churches will hold their usual Sunday ev ening service. The anniversary of the found ing of the Kpworth League of the Methodist church, will he ob served Sunday, May H>. There will be a t* a- in. sunrise prayer meeting. The pastor will preach to the Kpworthians at the morn ing service on “Making a World for Yourselves. At the devotion al meeting, ‘‘The reception of members. ’* Regular Meeting Monday Evening The WommiH Auxiliary to St. Thomas church, met Monday ev eniug with Miss May Maddox. This was lie ir regular monthly meeting and the usual amount of business was transacted. Dele gates were elected to attend the annual meeting of the Womans Auxiliary which will he held in Omaha, May Is, at Trinity Cathe dral. The delegates elected were, Mrs. »). li, Wilhite and Misses Clara Tanner and May Maddox, llev. and Mrs. Neide will also at tend the meeting. DIED AT HUMBOLDT Mrs Frank Marshall Died From Heart Trouble Mrs. Frank Marshall died at her home in Humboldt, Friday night, after an illness covering a period of one hour. Her death ; was caused by heart failure and j came as a shock to her numer ous friends. She leaves a hits j band, and six children ranging in age from six to twenty-live! years. The deceased was born m I llinois forty seven years ago. The funeral services were held from the Christian church Mon day afternoon and interment made tit the cemetery at that place The services were con-j 'ducted by Itey Aydelotte. Two Bargains 1 have for sale two of the best farms in Kastern Kansas. 200 acre larm with six room house. Marn 40x42 and a base ment, hog shed, corn crib, chi cken house, sixty acres in clover, ninety acres hog tight, plenty of water, good orchard, one-half mile from church, six miles from town. Price $42 per acre. 12o acre farm five miles from town, good house and barn, plenty of water, orchard, all fenced. Price $33 per acre. For full particulars address, Shot. Kibbi.k, Fniontown, Kan. lv. F. 1). No 2. Business Changes Hands During the week a trade was made whereby Fhner Heiser and his uncle C. Heiser became the owners of the Mettz livery barn, and Jim Mettz gets the lower ' barber shop and the building where the Walters pool hall is. I The livery business will be under the tirm name of Heiser \ Heiser. Any Fountain Pen will please the young graduate, but one of our CONK LIN self-filling Pens will make him or her happy and grateful to the giver forever. For. in addition to the advantages of other Foun tain Pens. Conklin's Self-Filling Fountain Pens are easily and quickly filled, cleaned as easily as filled, and has no loose parts to lose. In fact CONKLIN S self-filling Pens are a perfect delight to the users. A. E. JAQUET “The Old Reliable” THE COMERS AND COERS «'r<,\Vi|t*«l off I ha lipjfulftf ljuoul Pagw John Hall of Verdon was a bus iness visitor at this place Mon day. Walter and Lewis Banks of Preston, spent Tuesday looking alter business matters at this place. J. D. Griffith of Verdon, was in the city Tuesday and spent the day with his daughter, Mrs. I). M. DaVies Khkh 10c package Conkey’s Lice Powder, also 25c Poultry Book. Brink ad to C. A. Heck. By mail 7c. Mark and Jean Hargrave of Wyinore, spent Saturday in this city the guests of their uncle, Charles Hargrave. Miss Anna Mason closed a suc cessful term of school and has re turned to this city to spend her summer vacation. Mrs. Bert Harpester of Burch ard and hei sister. Miss Carrie Neitzel of Preston, wereguestsof Mrs. S. L- Martz Tuesday. Carl Lippold has been on the sick list several days this week. It takes a. whole lot to make Carl “squeal , but he did this time. Klmer Kanaly returned the lat ter part of the week from Gorden Nebraska. He spent several days at that place looking after busi ness. Miss Kthel and Sarah Hutch ings went to Kansas City the first of the week. They will visit friends in Leavenworth before re turning home. Mrs. Fred Mossiman is acting in the capacity of a compositor at the Journal office this week, dur ing the absence of Miss Flora A1 bright, who is quite sick. Miss Margaret Rowley came down from liarneston, Neb., and visited at the home of her uncle, William Higgins and family in thiscitv the first of the week. Mrs. II. Wolff and daughter Miss Minnie, returned from a two week’s stay at Alma Center. Wisconsin. They were called to that place by tbc death of the formers brother. l’rof. E. 1\. Ilurst, Gene Cain. Nellie Cain and Grace Reaves went to Humboldt Sunday after noon and came back in Cain's auto. .lean attended the field meet Saturday and on account of the rain, left the auto and came home on the train. Mrs. t ’nimby lieaver, who has been in poor health for some time, left Wednesday for Wisconsin, where she will consult a special ist, who was reccommended to her by physicians. She was ac companied by her husband and her brother, Will Dustin, of El more, Minn. A Painful Accident May Thompson who has been helping deliver the Kansas City Star during the illness of her brother, Harvey, was returning home from her work Monday ev ening, and fell sustaining a brok | en bone in her hand. She was running when she fell and threw , her hand out. her weight being I sufficient to break the bone. The fracture was not discovered until Tuesday morning. ])r. Wilson dressed the injured mem ber and the little girl is getting along fine. Hoarseness, bronchitis and other throat troubles are quickly cured by Foley’s Honey and Tar as it soothes and heals the in darned throat and bron iebial tubes and the most obstinate i cough disappears. Insist upon having | the centime Foley’s Honey and Tar. 1 U’orr'w Pharnv»,>e Council Meeting The council met in regular ses j sic n Monday night. The Presby. i terian* people were granted a per mit to build a brick church on the lots just east of W. W. •Jenne's residence T 1) e water (piestion was discussed. I. C Maust was t appointed tb act as councilman from the second ward, to (ill the vacancy caused by the resignation of John Benschoter. The ap pointments will be made by May or'Keeling to-night Thuisday.) W. C. McCool and Janies Ma lone, two wide awake business men, came down from Salem Wednesday morning and return ed with the Kansas City commer cial club, in their special car. Miss May Gagnon is assisting in the county judge's office this week, Stella Knickerbocker being called home on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. Lewis Knickerbocker. C. F. Reavis is trying a very important case in the Federal court at Lincoln. It is one that went up from l’lattsmoutb, and involves large interests. Porter Randolph has a fine new buggy and driving horse which he purchased expressly for family driving purposes. Mrs. M. A. Frank returned the first of the week from an extend ed visit with relatives in Penn sylvania. Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Roberts! were called to Omaha this week by the serious illness of a rela tive. Mrs. Mary Mettz and daughter! Lucile, returned this week from a few weeks visit in St. Joe. Mrs. Clem Fjrebaugh assisted the chorus at the recital in Kan sas Citv Monday night. James Hill of this place is at tending the G. A. R. .encamp-j inent at York this week. Miss Flizabeth Kachelries, of Alma, is in the city visiting her! sister, Mrs. Will Crook. Mrs. Ferd Hariow returned Wednesday from a visit to rela tives at Rulo. D. M. Davies was a business visitor at \ erdon Wednesday afternoon. Phil Hermes was a business visitor in St Joe, yesterday. Ralph Jenne returned from j Kansas City Tuesday, Watch the New National hotel after May 20 p-» The Buyers’ <n Guide The firm.1! whose names are repre sented in our advertising columns are worthy ot the confidence of every person in the community who has money to spend. The fact that they advertise stamps them as enterpris ing, progressive men of business, a credit to our town, and deserving of aupport. Our advertising columns comprise a Buyers' Guide to fair dealing, good goods, honest prices. V___ Notice Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an ex,* cntiou issntxl out of the district court of Rich an Ison County. Nebraska, and to i ie directed, on a judgment obtained by O. 1*. McKesson, plain tiff, againat Fred II. Ilofftnan. Fred Obcrst. K, Hoffman and N. Hoffman, obtaimni liefore John Gagnon, Judge of the County Court of Rich ardson County. Nebraska, ami trauscripted from that court to the district court, l will on the lUth day of June at the hour of 1 o’clock p. m. on saiii day offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following descrilssl real estate, to wit: All of a certain pi»*ce «»f land desorils»d as f<»l lows, to-wit. commencing at a certain point -ix t«*en (Ui) ro«ls west of a certain point twenty 20 roils north of the southeast corner of the tfoutli* xveat quarter s. w. HI of section No, ten 10) Towuship No one (1) Range No. Sixteen (pi thence west one hundred and twenty-live (125) feet, thence north nine (b rods, thence east one hundred anil twenty-live (12V feet. thence south nine (0) rods to point of liegiuuing. Said pro perty was levied upon by me under said execu tion, ami scizisi a-the property of I,. Hoffman. one of the defendants in -aid judgment Haul -ale will take place in flout of tm» w<**t door ‘of til,, court bourn* in Falls City. Richardson (. oun i t\ N. braska, on the day and y n also • statisl. The terms of sale cash. u IT \\ . 1. I i n :on. Sheriff. i Rkavih.V Rkavis. Attorneys, ..... Automobile Repairing Gasoline Engine repairing, Steam En gine repairing, Boiler repairing, Re Rubbering rubber-tired wheels, Auto mobile and Carriage painting. Lawn Mower grinding, etc. Our new Lawn Mower Grinder has just arrived and we j invite you to bring in your Lawn Mowers and see them ij ground in a scientific manner. We guarantee to put your Lawn Mower in first class cutting condition, or money back. Bring in your work NOW dong the above mention ed specialties and get value received for your montv. Hurry up! The rush is beginning. Edw. Daeschner PALLS CITY, NEBRASKA The Place Where Thcv Do Things Right Southeast (or. Court House Square. Phones: Shop, 163; Residence, 216 ____J i Ready to Deliver Crystal Lakes Ice Phone 38 MAUST BROS Announcement We are pleased to announce that our Spring campaign of the biggest values in Farm Ma chinery for iqoq is now on. You are invited to . call and inspect our lines. A complete line of John Deere Farm Machin ery, Hay Loaders and Stackers. McCormick Binders and Mowers. Avery Cultivators and Planters. Sharpies Tubular and DeLaval Cream Sep arators. Litchfield Spreade rs. Gasoline Engines. Old Hickory and Avery Wagons. Keys Bros’, and Vehlie Buggies. No trouble to show our goods. Loucks & Jones FALLS CITY NEBRASKA i Don’t Use a Scarecrow To Drive Away the Mail Order Wolf You can drive him out quickly if you use the mail order houses' own weapon —advertising. Mail order concerns are spending thousands of dollars every week in order to get trade from the home merchants. Do you think for a minute they would keep it up if they didn't get the busi ness? Don't take it for granted that every one within a radius of 25 miles knows what von have to Bell, and what your prices are. Nine times out of ten your price* are lower, but 'the customer is influenced bv the up-to-date adver tising of the mail order house. Every article you advertise should be described and priced. You must tell your story in an inter esting way, and when you want to reach the buyers of this cora • munity use the columns of this paper.