The County in General The “Doings” of Our Country Friends and Neighbors. SHUBERT Miss Floy Stotts spent Sunday with home folks in the country. C. D. Gentry of Stelia made this his pin e o! business ln-t week. Fred Kinton “pent Sunday at the Stotts home in the country. J.m Titus of Nemaha visited rah* tires here one day last week. M. Weiek and wife -pent Sunday with Kmmett Shaw nnd w ife. Vhas. Bacon and wife of Beatrice Is cr,joying a visit with friends. Thomas Smith of Auburn made this eis plaie of business last week. D. C. Simmons and wife of Salem visited here the first of last week. John Ahern and wife entertained company from Falls City on Sunday. .Mr. Spoeth and wife are now enter ta.cing the former’s parents from Kear ney. Chas. Shulcnberg and wife were the guests of relatives at ltarada last Sun day. Joe Harper of Auburn visited old I friends here the latter part of last week. Marion Krug and wife now occupy the Harvey Thompson property on Kim street. )r. Stong and wife of liurada were the guests of t lias. Kelt and wife Wed Destiay. llrs, W. \V lame- visited lier son, Dr. James and wife at Stella a few days last week. Several of our young people spent last Sunday on the banks of the Mis souri river. !. M. Weddle ha- returned from a vis.! with Ills son Walter and family at Curley, Nob. The dance given by our young people «n Shu berths Hall Saturday evening was a good success. i’rof. Howe of Peru accompanied the young ladies here who gave the eon cert on Friday evening. Mr. Worroll, who has been visiting Mr Dalby, the printer, left for Lin < i tlie latter part of last week. C yde Hill left during the week for Salem, where he took charge of the Salem Index. Wo wist) him success. .other's Day services at tin* Chris ts..: 'hureh on Sunday were well at tcr.icd and tile sermon enjoyed by all. | P. Lilly and wife, are rejoicing over tin arrival of a line baby hoy who came I to make its home with them on May >. j Homer Watkins and wife are the proud parents of a fine ha by girl which came to gladden tin ir home the dot of las: week. Frame ISruuuiii aid wife, formerly of this place, but now of Beatrice, arrived here last week for a visit with old I ft nils and relatives. The ladies" literary club met at the home of Mi s. J. L. Dalby on Saturday afternoon, where a general good time was bad bv all. Dainty refaesbinenis were served. , The ladies octette fiom Peru, which came clown on Friday evening and gave a splendid concert in Shubcrts Hull w„s attended by a lurgo audience and ul, were more than delighted. The, many friends of Mr. and Mrs . N. Celglazler are moru than pleased to have them buck after spending the « i:',t in California. [kittle Dale .lei a grandchild, aecompanletl the:" 0. ' "ir trip, t i i lls Downs of Portland, Oregon, is 1. t ie visiting relatives His daughter, who has lieen staying with her grand parents and attending our school, will accompany him home, also Mrs. Guy Wheeler, who is here visiting rela lives I W Williamson s Letter .lev. 1. \Y. Williamson. Huntington. W.Va.. writes: "This is to certify that I used Foley’s Kidney Kemedy for ner vou9 exhaustion and kidney trouble j and am tree to say that it will do all that you claim for." Foley's Kidney ; Kemedy has restored health and strength to thousands of weak, run down people. Contains n o harmful drugs and is plsasant to take. Kerr's 1 Pharmacy. NIMS CITY George Clark and wife were in Kan sas City a few days last week. F. A. Bacon and family were at W. J. Peake's Sunday afternoon. Mr. end Mrs. Mims went to Falls City in their new auto last week. George Slater's family spent last Sunday at the home of S. Fairbanks May and Verna Lesley of Salem vis ited their cousin, Myrtle Bacon, last week. Dr. Houston of Falls City was calling on his patients in this neighborhood last week. Ed- Erwin has purchased the Middle burg hall and moved it back from the road for a barn. Andrew Duryea and family were over from near Bern last Sunday the guests of E. J- Duryea. VERDON J. H. Hall was a Humboldt visitor Sunday*. Clarenee Mayfield loft art wet k for ()muha. Mr- Dan Orjmth ar. * children have the measles. Mrs. Wm. Ned row is quite sick at this writing. Ik<; Allison of SJtruu-svihtj was in town Monday. Fred Heineman wa- a > our.ty seat visitor Saturday. Tom Wilkerson of iiaw-on was on our street- Monday. Waliee < ulley of Ohio township was on our slrct ts recently. liorn To Homer Watkins aqd wife Thursday, May ii, a bov. Messrs, Shrader and Hardon were eiunty seat visitors Friday. C. and A. .1. Ileln/.elman were haul inc logs to the saw mill Monday. H. .1. 1‘riehard of Ohio township was in town Friday in his automobile. Edna Parsons was home from Peru for a few days visit with her parents. Joe Batman of Stella was the guest | of .1. \V. Collins the first of the week. John Oswalt of the county *oat was in town on busines the first of the week. T I,. Hall left Erfdav afternoon for Lincoln and from there he will go to I llinois. Mrs. Clair Column had the pleasure of entertaining her sister from Stella lust. week. Will Otto was on the market at Kan sas Oitv with a ear of hogs Thursday of last week. If P, Veaeh and son were on the market at Kansas City Wednesday with a ear of hogs. Mrs. Elizabeth Jones is helping care for Mrs. Dan Griffith who is very ill with the measles. Mi-s .1 tilia Eraucnfelder was the guest of her cousin, Ethel l’arehen of Fulls City. Wednesday. Walter Clark and grandmother, Mrs. Steedam left Sunday for a visit with relativis in Iowa. Mr. Hart of ^ulem was in town Sat urday with a new make of oil stove for which he is agent. Clair Colniun and wife attended the dedication of the new Christian church at Humboldt Sunday. James Ayers and J. II. Hall went to Kails City Monday afternoon in the f inner's automobile. Mrs, Hollar returned toiler home at Reserve, Kalis., after a few days visit with her daughter here. Mrs. Bowman and son Disraeli lift Tuesday morning for their new home at Dallas, South Dakota. Readier Cornell shelled and hauled his corn Wednesday which he recently purchased of 1! K Veaeh, Mr. and Mrs. George Hall and baby and Miss Gamma Hall drove to the county seat Wednesday of last week. A crowd of Kails Pity boys passed through here Saturday enroute for Humboldt to attend the basket Pull game there. Miss Gertrude hum was hostess to the members of the Friends in Council last Friday evening. Several of the Kails City club were in attendance. 6h us Weaver, Walter Wadi and James Ayers and families and Charley Smith and Mable Griffith went on a pleasure trip to Auburn Sunday after noon in their autos. DAVIES & OWENS What the Graduates Want Girls want the pretty novelties and dainty accessories and they want them to come from a deal er whose say so is backed by knowledge of quality. This is a Jewelery Store that keeps pace with the spirit of the time. Customers never question the quality nor the price.because we've linked these essentials so that a little judgment and atten tion are alf that's necessary for you to decide that this is the right store. Always in the lead--always the right price. D AVIES & OWENS RULO J. A. Osburn made u trip to Lincoln Friday. -i Bunker spent Friday with friends in Uulo, Sam (lOOlsbp was a iiulo visitor last Saturday. Ethel VVilhoit visited last week with Mrs. Ilatckin. Sim Burk was a Falls City visitor one day last week. I, . Carpenter was a Falls City visitor la-t Saturday, J. Cu-tarson of U’ymore spent last Friday in Ruin. fl. H Hinton of Omaha spent the other day Iiulo. Leslie like visit d her parents at Salem Sunday. Roy Williams visited «ith friends at Skidmore Sunday. Dan Patrick spent Sunday with friend- in Missouri. ChHs. Ocomb and wife are the par rents of a baby girl. Lew Schuller visited his mother here the lirst of the week. Mrs. J. A. Hinkle was a St. Joseph visitor the other day. Agnes Schrader came home recently to spend her vacation. Preen Goolsby was a business visitor to St. Joseph Saturday. I. U. Murdock and dim Ford spent Friday at the log lake. John Tackett was a Falls City visitor Wednesday of last week. Hannibal Harrison is working at bricklaying in Falls City. Clarence Simon of St Joseph visited his parents here recently. lid Roubiadoux of Kansas was a llulo visitor one day last week. Mrs. Boles went to Kansas City Sun day to visit her daughters. (ins iioehmo of Atchison visited with his parents here lust week. H. I‘eckinbaugh and wife of Kansas visited llulo friends reeentiy. Mrs. Emma Kern was a Falls City visitor Thursday of last week. Fred Heikes of Kansas visited with Jeff Gilbert’s family last week. Alice and N’ettie O’.Mara visited with Mrs. Arthur Darveau last week. Frank Van vaulkinberg has arrived from Denver to visit home folks. Mrs. Will True was a business visitor to Falls City the last of the week. .lake Cotton visited with his family at Fortrscue the first of the week. E. Cook of Craig was transacting business in this city the other day. A. C. Graves and wife of Preston spent one day of last week in llulo. Mrs. Tom Hays went to Pawnee City one day last week to visit relatives. Mrs. Bessie Brinegar is replastering and improving her home this week. John Dunn was a business visitor to Hie county -eat tlie last of the week. Frank Simon and J. Caverzagie were Falls City visitors one day last week. Kimer Arn ild and family of Kansas visited relatives in this city reeentiy. Mrs. flurry Bradford of Wymore vis ited llul.v friends a few days last week. Hay Winterbottom came up from S'. Joseph Sunday for a visit to bis folks. Grandma True arrived from I'nion Friday to visit her son Will and family. Mrs. Devi Wells and children visited with Win. Johnson and family last week. Mrs, Maudeville and daughter of Fargo were llulo visitors one day last week. John Randolph is enjoying a visit from his daughter and children of Su perior. Mrs. Lizzie Plumb returned to her home in Lee Summit the latter part of last ween. Will Craig and children of Kansas spent several days last week with Kulo relatives. Mrs. A. L. Peek and two children of Blue Spriugs are the guests of Charles Best and wife. T. K. Calvert of Chicago was looking rfter the Burlington's interests here Thursday of last week. Mrs. dames Hosiord and Katie Kloe fel of Falls City, spent one day last week with K ilo friends. 1 tuth Kanalv returned to her work iu Salem Wednesday after a several days visit with home folks. . Cecil Kanaiy came down from Salem Tuesday to be present at the marriage of her brother Wednesday. Ella Carpenter returned last week to the St. Joseph Business Collrge after a two week’s visit with Kulo friends. Judd Carpenter returned recently from a Colorado trip, where he pur chased three hundred acres of land. The steamboat tl. W. Lyon passed up the river Sunday evening and tied up for the night north of the bridge. Fred Stewart came in from Syracuse Sunday. After spending a few days here he will go to St. Joe to visit rela tives. Mrs. Archie Kelley and two children went to Pawnee last week to join ht r husband, where they will reside for a time. Mesdames Henderson and Will Cun ningham went to Kansas City Sunday. Tney took part in the Curl Bus 'h cc - c ;rt at Kailas City on the lOtfi. Jame* Moonev u d a-iIe net of town Celebrated the forty-ninth nut K'<-r-ary o their marriage Tuesday of 'a-t wet k. Their chi dren helped to cel d, ate the joyful occasion. Notice, of Rcferres Sale of Real Estate Not u*i* is herein given that In virtue of a judgment in partition entered on the 3rd dav of April, in an action pending in the district court of Richardson ('minty, Nebraska, if! which William F. Leslie is plaint iIf. a ml Kmily Leslie. John Leslie, and Kmma Leslie his wife, Sarah J. Bartlett, and William Bartlett her husband* Henry C. Leslie and Brace Leslie his wife. Anna K< asoner. ami Rulla Reasoner her husband. Victoria Nettleback. ami William Nettl. back her husband. Kliza Kenton, and Hin» L. Kenton her husband. Angeline Crew s, and Clarence Crews her husband, Ira M. and Herbert B. Howe, John M. Lewis, M. F. Blau chard. Fred Khrke, and T. L. Wilderman, Buy K. Taylor and William Shook, administrator of tin* estate of Henry Leslie, deceased are defend-| ants, ami in pursuance of an order directing tin* | sab* of the premises entered in said cause April the 3rd, BW). and in pursuance to an order of sale issued out of said court, in said cause, on the 14111 of April, WU. the undersigned referee in partition in said action, will offer for sale, at public auction,and Hell to the highest bidder for cash, on the 17th da\ of May, I'hVL sale com mencing at 2 o’clock p. in., of said day at the west front door of the court house, in Falls City in said county, the following described real estate, tow it: The south lit) acres in the south west quarter of section number seventeen 117! township three f31. north-range sixteen (loBalso tin* north half I B I of the northwest quarter, of section twenty Uni. township three [3l, north of range sixteen 1 If*I, all in Richardson County, Nebraska, The purchaser takes the real estate free of widow's dower. hated April 15tli, 1W. 13-51 A. K. Scotr, Referee. Special Master's Sale IN Nil. < I III’l IT COl KT OKTItl: I NITIUI STATUS, FOll Fill. DISTLSI* T OK NI’ IIIIAHK A. iluliu T. Warren, roiiipluiQaut. VH. .lames \V. al. .defendant s in Chancery. FOltKCt.OHURE O* MoliTOAtlK Public notice iH hereby given that in pursuance and by virtue of decrees entered in the above cattse on the 25th day of November, IW02, anil April C», lWHI, I. (Jeo. 11. riiumittel. Special Master in Cliancery of the Circuit Court of the l nited States for the District of Nebraska, will, on the 21th day of May, I'.ni'.i, at the hour of 1110 o’clock in the forenoon of said day at the west front door of the Kichardson County court house building in the city of Falls City, Kichardsoti County, State and District of Nebraska, sell at public auction for cash the following described proper ty, towit: Dot No. four (i) in block No. six ill); h»ts No nine, ten. eleven and twelve 0, 10, 11 and 12 in block No. thirty < ?■' and lot No. fourteen tilt in block N«>. forty-three 12 in Knlo proper, in the County of Kicliardsoii, State of Nebraska. , (iEo. H. THFMMEL, Special Master in Chancery. Smyth A Smith, Solicitors for Complainant. | First publication Apr. at! 5ts| Paint Gossip There s one thing in town that people can't help but talk about. It’s BraiHuy & Vroomaii Paint There as good as the best, and better than many, and they’re guaranteed to give satisfaction. Better come in and talk PAINT to us. iWMi I kin's Pharmacy Opposite Postoffice Falls City, Neb. | C. H. MARION i | AUCTIONEER. $ J* Sales conducted in 1 X scientific and busi- 2 nesslike manner x | C. H. MARION | | Falls City, Nebraska | £ & 9T-——-« The Best Bargain in reading matter that your money can buy is your local pa per. It keeps you posted on the doings of the community. This Paper will tell you the things you want to know in an entertaining way; will give you all the news of the community; its every visit will prove a pleasure; it gives more than full value for the price asked for it. j O'. IT,. rnr~,^C Seasonable Suggestions To be Found Here: Lowe Bros.’ Paint Pittsburgh Electrically Welded Fencing Fishing Tackle and Sporting Goods Alaska and White Frost Refrigerators Call Our Tinner Before the Spring Rains J. G. TANNER Falls City Nebraska Plumbing Hardware Qm> F>est f3anl( We refer, of course, to this one, and knowing the superior facil ities we have to offer, we unhesitatingly make the statement that every man, woman and child in this community who has anything to do with money should have an account with us. Certainly a modest statement, you say, and we agree with you because we know of no legitimate argument against it. Let us analyze a little a' <1 see where we are. No better set of officers and directors could be assembled than are in charge of this bank’s affairs. All men of highest standing, all financially re-ponsible, all men whose word and bond poss< ss equal value. Nothing which could be offered you in any financial ins itutioti in America is lacking here, because dol lar for dollar no bank anywhere is any safer than ours. We solicit business on merit only, and can offer you value received every time. If you have not already done so we ask you to establish relations with this Dank at once and we are very sure that they will be long continued. The Farmers’ State I5ani< PRESTON, NEBRASKA . YOU WILL SHANE OUR PNIDE in dental work if you have need of our services and avail yourself of our ski!:, experience and facilities. We don't do half way work—it’s all or nothing with us. as many people know to their own great gratification. Mote, please, that we make no charge for expert examin ation. V i i)R. YUTZY BERT WIN OLE, t). 1). S„ Assistant Falls City, Nebraska Try The Tribune for Job Work! Magnetic Healing Miss Lizzie Reitland, a gradu ate of the Weltmer School of Magnetic Healing, of Nevada, Mo. I am prepared to treat dis eases of all kinds- Phone 27''. Located at Mrs. Burris’ residence south of the convent. 4t HiniHiiiiniiiiiti ++»»4 i: D. S. TlcCarthy * :: DRAT AND ;; TFiANSFKR ] | Prompt attention given \ | to the removal of house ' ‘ hold good?. PHONE NO. 211 tlllllHIi.. EDGAR R. MATHERS DENTIST Phones: Nos. 177, 217 Sam'l. Wahl Building | R I ■*. ROBERTS ! DENTIST Office over Kerr’s Pharmacy Office Phone 260 Residence Phone 271 John Wietse ATTORNEY Practice in Various Courts. Collections Attended To. Notary Public. FALLS CITY DR. C. X. ALLISOX DENTIST Phone 248 Over Richardson County Bank. FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA __' Passenger Trains South Bound Tr. lot—St. Louis Mail and Ex press .1:23 p. m* Tr. 106—Kansas City Exp.. 3:41 a. m. Tr. 132 x- -K. C.local leaves. .7:30 a. m. Tr. 13* ,\ Falls City arrives 9:00 p. rc. x Daily except Sunday North Bound Tr. 103—Nebraska Mail and Ex press. ...1:52 p. m, Tr. 105—Omaha Express... .2:23 a. m. Tr. 137 x—Omaha local leaves 1 15 a m. Tr. 131 x—Falls City local ar rives.8:45 p.m. x— Daily exceut Sunday Local Frt. Trains Carrying Passengers North Bound Tr. 102x—To Atchison.11:10 a. m. South Bound Tr. 191 x—To Auburn.1:23 p m. J. B. VARNER. Agent Burlington Route West Bound Xo. 13 Denver Exp.1:59 a. m. Xo. 15—Denver Exp. (Local).1:43 p. m. No- 43—Portland Exp.10:17 p. m. No. 41—Portland Exp.2:29 p. m. No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne braska City.5:00 a. m. East Bound No, 14- St. .)., K. C. & St. F.. .7:41 a. m. No. 44—St. J., K. C. «V St. L . (Local).11:02 a. m. Xo. 16—St. J„ K. C. & St. L. .4:30 p. in. No. 42—St. J., Iv. C. & St. L. .7:00 p. n-.. No 122—From Lincoln, via Nebraska City.S:45 p. m. E. G. IVhitford, Agent.