THE COIRS UNO GOERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. — Eat Sowles Candy Dr. Wilson, Wahl’s building. Dr. W. E. Lyons, Osteopath, office Wahl building, ’phone 44<>. —Green Russian seed oats at Heck’s feed store. Will Kentner came down from Beatrice Fridav on business. — Dr. W. E. Lyons, Osteopath, office Wahl building, phone 44*>. Dr. J- C- Yutzy spent a few days in Lincoln the first of the week. A. Graham made a business trip to Lincoln the first of the week. Giki, Waxtkd-'To do general housework. Good wages. Inquire of S. B. Miles. Mason Shurtleff of Humboldt, was a business visitor at this place Monday. Miss Eltno Cook of Yerdon, is in the city this week visiting her sister, Mrs. Dallas Yoder. M. C. I Walters returned Tues day afternoon from Lincoln where he was looking after business George E- Hall of Verdon was in the city a short time Monday on his way to St. Joseph, where he went to look after business. George Martin came down from Council Bluffs and spent a few days the first of the week with his parents, Francis Martin and wife. X. B. Judd and wife returned from Pawnee City Monday after spending a few days with their daughter. Mrs. George Crocker and family. Mrs. A. G Wanner left Sunday for Kansas City, where she will attend the musical at convention hall. She was accompanied by her son Balou. Mrs. May Beyett and two little daughters, of Nebraska City, are spending this week in‘our city at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Beasley. Homer Vincent and family and little grand daughter. Maxine, left Monday noon for Shenandoah Iowa. The baby will make her home with them in the future. Mrs. Dan Donivan of Neb- City spent a few days in the city with Mrs. George Jennings and other old time friends. For m any years Mr- Donivan was Missouri Pacific roadmaster with head quarters at this ylace. Miss Margaret Steele was called to San Antonia, Texas, Sunday by a message announcing the serious illness of the little granddaughter of F. W. Samuel son. Word was received later from that place that the little one was improving. W. B. Schmucker spent a few days in this city with his many old friends and neighbors. On his return home he met h ; s daughter. Mrs. Eva Roberts and two children, who came from El paso, Texas, and they accompa nied him to his home at Miami, I. T., for an extended visit. r 7 The trrnle murk that abac bite] % guarantee* full vulue yU ami all new features In BASE II GrOODS. J “QUICK GRIP ’GLOVES iiii ^ii \i'i:t> i ace, V NO KI BO I Mt ' CATCHERS* MITTS THE M W siioktstoj*'S i GLOVE-MITTS I OK < M A N WOKK SeAmt/m'S OFFICIAL LEACUE BALL Guaranteed In every way, BASE BALL SUITS 12 Grades, All Colors, Cut to Measure. A comparison is convincing. 8ee for yourself. Foil BALK BY S A. G. WANNER Notice to P-cperty Owners All parties who need n e w walks should see Cbas. Heine mart, he guarantees them ami builds them at reasonable prices. A good con. re’ wain' is a thing of beauty and a ;ov forever. Tel ephone 111-11 -.'77 or drop a pos tal to Heineman and he will do the rest. tf Mrs. John Yocum and grand son. Claren e Peck, returned this week with a visit with the form ers daughter. Miss Myrtle Yocam at Peru. Mrs. Noah Peck and daughter Ethel, have been stay ing with Mr. Yocam while Mrs. Yocam was ..way. Joseph Geiger, who makes his home with his daughter, at Inde pendence, Mo., spent a few days with old friends in this city this week. Tuesday morning he left for Sliubert to visit his son. Will Geiger anu family. Homer Vincent, wife and daugh ter. Miss Bess lown 1 rom Shenandoah. low;:, Friday, being called here bv the death of their daughter-in-law, Mrs. E r n,e st Vincent. They returned home Monday. Col. J. L IG bv, wife and lit tle grandson, o: Shubert, spent* Friday in this city the guests of Clay Davis and family. He was a very pleasant caller at this of lice before returning home. Rev. G- F. Reichel left for Kansas Citv V in-lav morning to sing in the chorus, “The Four Winds," in convention hall Mon day night. He will spend the week in Kansas City. Mrs. Margaret Mr../.Murphy of Omaha, a popular club woman of the state and . re food inspector, came down from Omaha ami spent a few days in the city the guest of Mrs. T. J. Gist. Clarence E. Smith, who was in jured in a street car accident at Modesta, Cali., is much better and he and his wife are expected to return to Falls City during the month of June. Mr- and -Mrs, Charles Lord of Shubert, were visitors in this city Monday. They came down in their touring ar and were guests at the home of Josh Lord during the afternoon. Miss Nellie Downs spent a part of the week in Kansas City, the guest of Mrs. C. W. Whitehead, and also to attend the recital at the convention hall on Monday night. Mrs. E O. Lewis left the latter part of tne week for St. Joseph, to spend a few days at that place where she is receiving treatment from Dr. Pitts for ear trouble. Mrs. O. P. Heck and Mrs. J. E- Leyda are in Lincoln this week, w’hile their husbands are attending a session of-the grand lodge of the A. O. U. W. Will Dustin of Elmore, Minn., arrived in the city Saturday ev ening and spent a few days in this city with his sister, Mrs. Ouimby Leaser. L, A- Rj r< m St. Louis and spent several days with his numer »i frien Is and in looking after business nterests in this city. Ralph Cunningham and wife of Little ‘Rock, Ark., spent sev eral days the past week with the former’s uncle, L. J. Hit hcock, near this city. Miss Anna Mclninch returned to her home in Mason City, Neb., Tuesday after spending a few dajs with her friend, Mrs. I. B. Whitaker. Milt McDowell, who has spent the past month in our midst, re turned this wreek to his home in Oklahoma. Miss May Start:,el who has been visiting relatives and friends at Atchison, returned home Sun day. Mrs. W. C. Sloan and two sons of Verdon, spent Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Patrick Casey went to St. Joseph Saturday to spend a few dayts with relat ves. Frank Werner spent Sunday in Nebraska City with his son Max and wife. Copyright 1909 The I louse of Kuppenhnrner Chicago We are firm believers in the theory that we benefit most when we serve the people best. So we take care of our customers’ interests by pro viding the kind of Clothing they ought to have, and seeing to it that they don’t pay too much for it. This service is a pleas ure, a satisfaction, a profit to you and to us. Every Good Dresser should have a new Suit this Spring, because the right styles for now are quite different from the models of last season— yes, and you ought to buy it here where everything is right, including prices. $10, $12.50, $13.50, $15, $18, $20, $22.50, $25, $27.50, $30 are the prices of Hargrave's Spring Suits. Buy your Clothes at