The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 14, 1909, Image 3

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    The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
L. Hays purchased an automobile
The infant daughter of D. Alien and
wife is quite siek.
G. L. Slocum and wife went to Kan
sas City Tuesday
Harry Andrews of Kansas City visit
td relatives the first of the week.
Mrs. .Tennie Davis is having a new
porch built at her home this week.
Ed Thompson came in from Colurr
l; 19 to visit a short time with relatives.
J. W. Yaeght ss having a large porch
built onto his residence on north Elm.
Jason Timerman is attending the A.
O. C. W. grand lodge at Lincoln this
Miss Hazel Hogrefe of Midland Cot
tege visited home folks a few days last
L. Mourer and daughter Fern left
this week for their future home in
D. G. Palmer has a new porch which
adds much to the appearance of his
pi operty.
Mrs. Weaver is having a new kitehen
added to her residence in the south
part of town.
W. H. Hogrefe and wife have been
visiting their daughter at Cedar Iiap
ids for several days.
Mrs. A. Curtis and daughter Lois
spent Saturday night and Sunday in
the country with Mrs. Norris.
Mrs. Jennings returned to her home
at Table Kock after several days visit
with her daughter, Mrs. McBride.
Irs. Milroy and daughter Kathrine
of Omaha, attended th ■ Hays recep
' ion and visited several days witli Mrs.
Herbert Hays and wife returned from
their wedding trip to Denver Friday
ar.d will soon be at home in toe Bate
man house.
Len Shelenberger and wife were
called to Nemaha Sunday evening by
the serious illness of the latter’s mother
Mis. W. Knapp.
•Irs. Higgins and children are visit
ing at the home of Mr. Peabody near
Nemaha, before leaving for their new
home in Montana.
'..). Baldwin and Harvey IlOgrefe
were called to Lincoln Tuesday, the
former on the grand jury and the lat
ter on tiie petit jury.
Mrs. Marion Marts and children and
her -ister in-law, Zonn Marts arrived
from Missouri last Saturday for an ex
tended visit with relatives.
dr-. O'Brien had the interior of her
iionse painted and papered this week
vvith the understanding that it is to be
rented to new housekeepers.
Lucky Bill’s -how gave an entertain
ment Thursday of last week to a full
house.. The baby Shetland pony and
the white eatnel were the main aitrae
Through some misunderstanding
“Billie" Cain was loaded in one of the
curs that went to Montana last week.
“Billie" was the collie dog and the
family were very much attached to
' Irs. S. A. Thomas has nearly recov
ered from her severe sickness, caused
from a fall in Februuay and on Thurs
day of last week was able to go to the
hotel for dinner.
L Hays and wife gave a reception
lor their son Herbert and wife last
Friday evening. A very enjoyable eve
n ng was spent in getting acquainted
with the bride and in various amuse
• iumt. A dainty luncheon was served.
The ladies of the D. of H. gave a
furewell surprise for Mrs. Mourer at
the A. O. IT. \V. hall last Thursday af
ternoon and presented her with a sou
venir spoon. About 2.1 were present
and an enjoyable time was had. Cake,
peaches and cream were served.
Mrs’ Leota Hright died at her home
near Ottawa, Kans. Wednesday of last
week. The body was brought here for
burial Friday. She was the daughter
of Frank Timerman and wife The re
latives have the sympathy of the entire
community in their time of ssrrow.
The juniors gave a reception for the
seniors last Friday evening at the home
of Miss Moe Cowell. The house was
beautifully decorated, the parlor in
blue and white streamers from the elec
tric light in the center of the room and
a boijuet of blue and white Mowers on
the piano. These were the high school
colors. The reception room was in red
and white, colors of the class of 1910,
the dining room in green and white,
a eg the colors of the class of 1909. A
ioil dressing contest for the hoys, gues
- ng games for all, and music furnished
the entertainment. Ernest Morgan rc
c.ved the prize for dressing a doll the
Dealest. A two course luncheon was
If you desire a clear complexion take
Foley's Orino Laxative for constipa
tion and liver trouble as it will stimu
late these organs and thoroughly
* aose your system, which is what ev
eryone needs in the spring in order to
fee) well. Kerr's Pharmacy.
C\ S Peek visited Earl Elshire Sun
Ethel Peek visited with Wanda Shaf
fer Monday.
Wilma Ned row wa- a guest of Ethel
j Peek Sunday.
Win Bartlett and wife visited with
' r datives Sunday.
(’. S. Peek spent the latter part of
! last week Ht Peru.
X. Nolteand Will Stevens were Falls
City visitors Sunday.
Edna Shaffer is spending a few days
iti Fills City this week.
Most ail the farmers are very busy
planting corn this week.
B. F. Slagle of Falls City spent Sun
day afternoon in this city.
Mr-. Earl Shaffer and children spent
Sunday at Perry Shaffer's.
Mrs. Chester Stump visited wiih
Mrs. Frank Lichty Tuesday.
Mrs. Anson Knisely was a guest of
Mrs. Lloyd Knisely Tuesday.
John Carico and wife were guests of
Ray Meyers and wife Monday .
Ivan Keller and wife were guests of
Cleon Peek and wife Sunday.
Wes Ned row and wife visited with
relatives in Falls City Sunday.
F. Shaffer and daughter Wanda were
Lincoln visitors tlie other day.
Anson Knisely and wife were guests
of Cleon Peek anil wife Sunday.
Eph Peek and wife were guests of
Lloyd Knisely and wife Sunday.
Guy' Lichty and wife visited with
George Sturms and wife Sunday.
Frank Cook and family visited with
('has. Sentner ami family Sunday.
Jerry Richard of Falls City is mak
ing a new well for Wm. Huettner.
Frank Shatter und family spent Sun
day at the home of Ed Kimmel and
Wm. Huettner and family spent Sun
dav with Frank Zorn and family near
Guy Lichty's new burn isalmost com
pleted. which is quite an improvement
to his farm.
John Lichty and wife of Falls City
spent Tuesday with their son Frank
and fam'ly.
Mesdames F. M. Shaffer and H. .T.
Prichard spent Tuesday afternoon with
Mrs. Joe Cully.
Frank Lichty and family spent Sun
day in Falls City, the guests of John
Lichty and wife.
Mrs. N. Peck and daughter Ethel re
turned home Saturday after a few days
spent in Falls City .
Chester Stump is having his house
treated to a new coat, of paint, which
improves it very much.
W. S. McGowan was in Stella Mon
Dr. Stong and < >tis Spickler left for
Kansas City Monday.
Roy Williamson is employed by Glen
Bronfon near Shubert.
Nick Arnold marketed thirty head of
hogs in Shubert Monday.
E. If. Morehead and son were Kan
sas City visitors Monday.
Lela Butler spent a few days early in
the week with her parents.
Walter Orr and wife have moved
onto a farm near Falls City.
Mrs. Ann Delonu returned Saturday
from a visit to Suinmertield.
Henry Fishburn and wife visited
friends near Barada Sunday.
Mrs. Elliott of Falls City is visiting
the Dennis family this week.
Miss Leila McClain of Shubert was
the guest of Bessie Surman Sunday.
E. E. Bolejack and family spent
Sunday with Ed Murphy near Shubert.
Met-dames Evans and Brisbee of Shu
bert visited Mrs. Stong one day last
Mrs. Charles Suthmer of St. Deroin
was shopping in Barada one day last
Mrs. W. C. Yager of St. Joseph is
visiting her parents. Chas. Kuker, Sr.
and wife.
Messrs. W. F: Butler and I. S. Pros
ser were shopping in the city" on last
A number of young people were en
tertained at the home of the Misses
Wileman on Sunday.
Frank Brannon and family of Wi
chita, Kails., are visiting Mr. Bran
noil’s parents at this place.
Conrad Gerdes and family are enjoy
ing a visit from the former's mother,
Mrs. Henry Gerdes of Falls City.
E. H. Morehead is putting in a ce
ment walk in front of the property re
cently purchased of E. C. Mitchell on
Forest Avenue.
A. Burton and wife of Trout Creek,
Montana, who have been visiting rela
tives here for some time departed Tues
day for their home at that place. They
were accompanied home by Mrs. Bur
ton's uncle, Lewis Siemering, who ex
pects to find employment there.
Will Hutchison spent a few days at
his borne in Falls City last week,
R. H. Sims of this place, who has the
position of teacher of mathematics in
Tecumseh high school spent a few
days at his home last week.
Mr. E. K. Burris, the well known
“corner drug man" opened his soda
fountain last Monday. The proceeds
were given to the senior class.
I’rof. R. D. Overholt is having a new
residence erected just west of I’rof.
Rouse’s. Peru is being much im
proved in the way of new houses ana
Miss Mildred J. Anderson of Milford
won the fir.-t prize in the poem contest
for the senior annual and Miss Marie
Hansen of Ppland won first minors in
the story contest.
Spring days bring busy days for the
students especially the seniors, with
thesis, conferences, neglected note
books, baseball games and playing ten
nis, they huve their time well occu
Word reaches us that Miss (!. Maud
Vocam of Falls City, class of lhos, has
carried on a very successful year's
work at Arabia, Neb. We are how
ever sorry to hear that she is under
quarantine at the present time for
scarlet fever,
April T>. a debate between Peru and
Kearney boys was held at this place
and April .‘>0 a debate between Peru
and Kearney girls was held at Kear
ney. Although there were no judges
in either debate we feel that we have
debators of whom we are justly proud.
Peru can well boast of her Literary
Societies. The members of Philo were
most royally entertained by the Ever
etts last Friday evening at a May Pole
Dance. After the completion of the
Everett program both societies ad
journed to M. and E. Hall and were
there entertained by an art program
given by the Philos.
Last Friday at 4:00 p. m. occurred
one of the most spirited contests that
has taken place on the athletic Held
this year. A base ball game, Cotner
vs. Peru, was the great attraction. Al
though people wi re blue from cold the
game was too interesting to feel the
cold. A ten inning game had to be
played to decide who were victors, then
with two outs and one man on base Peru
displayed some of her ability and ran
in one score. The linal score was (i to 5
in Peru’s favor.
If you want to feel well,’ look well
and he well, take Foley’s Kidney Rem
edy. It tones up the kidneys and
bladder, purifies the blood and re
stores health and strength. Pleasant
to take and contains no harmful drugs.
Why not commence today? Kerr's
H. Zimmerman is building a new
Sam Nolte was in this vicinity last,
Fred Miller was a business caller here
John Mitchell was a county seat vis
itor Monday.
Chas. Santo was a pleasont caller
here Friday.
John Bauman was a business visitor
here last week.
Melvin Randolph passed through this
vicinity Sunday.
Frank Doekborn passed through this
vielnitv Sunday.
Maggie Mandeville spent Sunday
with home folks.
('. A Zimmerman Is building a burn
for H. Zimmerman.
George King was out enjoying him
self Sunday in h*s new auto.
C. Prichard and wife visited with R.
D. Waggoner and wife Sunday.
Rill Keletem of Moscow, Kan-., is
visiting friends in this locality.
Dora Speers has been assisting her
grandma in her work shis week.
R. D. Waggoner and daughter I’earl
were county seat visitors Monday.
Emma Wachter, Kate Schall and
Minnie King spent Sunday with Ida
Chadon Harmon, our hotel proprietor
was in Falls City looking after business
matters Saturday.
Miss Mary Dodds who has been visit
ing her friend i’earl Waggoner, re
turned to her home in Tonganoxie,
The weather took another switch
Sunday night and yesterday morning
we were glad we had not shed our win
ter underwear.
Those whe spent Sunday with Thos.
Mandevlll? and family were Dan, Pearl
and Ruby Waggoner, Ralph and Grace
Randolph and Mr. and Mrs, Lippold.
The friends and neighbors of Tom
Collier's to the number of about twenty
gave him a very pleasant surprise one
day last week at his home. It was
Tom's 19th birthday. All present re
port a good time.
A Card
This is to certify that all druggists
are authorized to refund your money if
Foley’s Honey and Tar fails to euro
your cough or cold. It stops tho
cough, heals tho lungs and prevents
pneumonia and consumption. Con
tains no opiates. The genuine is in a
yellow package. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Kdgar Krev of Lincoln spent*Sunday
with relatives in the city.
Mrs, Dora Atwood is spending t! c
week with a sister in Omaha.
Kuia Mathews of Annum visltrd
llumholdt friends over Sunday.,
Arthur Gergens and wife are now
, located in the h‘. K. Davis property.
The dedication of the new Methodist
church was appropriately observed
' Sunday.
Mis. Jesse lioodale of Lewiston, is in
the city visiting her mother,'Mrs Tina
Mrs. L. F. Marburger was verf sick
with a throat iitllietion the middle of
the week.
V. Flim.daand wife returned Monday
from a two week's visit with relatives
in Kansas,
Mrs. Palmer Fisher and baby of
Washington, Kans.. are guests of Mrs.
Tom Smith.
Key. C, M. Cantiall leaves this week
for Denver to attend tlu^ meeting of
(.tenoral Assembly.
A little son was born to Harry l’lnl
pot and wife residing near Dawson, on
Saturday, May 8th.
Mrs. Will Bohst and baby cainc down
from Lincoln the last of the week to
visits. B. Bohst and wife.
C. M. Linu went to Lincoln the first
of the week, being selected as one of
the jurors in federal court.
S. Philpot and wife returned Friday
! evening from Long Beach, Call', where
they spent the winter months.
Archie Canirull leaves this week for
Fredonia, Kuns,, whore his mother has
been visiting for a month past.
Mrs. A. K. Wolfe and little son Bob
ert, visited a part of the week with her
pat ents, K. S. Norton and wife.
Arthur Warner and wife of Fajrbury
visited the latter’s parents, H, M. Wil
son and wife the first, of tlie week.
■1 ('. Herwig has purchased the in
terest of his partner, J. II Briggs in
the hardware and furniture business.
Is, M. Sterns is tearing down his
residence on Nemaha street and will
replace it with a more modern struc
tu I'e.
Dr. K. K Meyers and wife have gone
to housekeeping in the Philpot cottage
formerly occupied by J. J. l’rey and
Bert and Curt Marshal came in from
McCook Sunday morning, being called
hero by the death of their mother,
Mrs. Frank Marshal.
Nellie Head of Teeutnseb and F.dna
The only Baking Powder^^^j^
made from Royal (»rape
Cream of Tartar toW
and Leveta Snow of Auburn, wore
guests of Nina Snow tit the I'ark hotel
the latter part id the week.
Mrs, Donald Melvers of Omaha, who
had been visiting at the home of her
brother. N. K. VVut/.eke, left Thursday
to spend it few days witli Kansas ( ity
I>. l<\ Aylor, of Table Dock, has pur
chased the Itilliard and pool hall <d Al.
ShalTer, Mr. Ajlor and family will re
side in the Vaughn property in the east
part of town.
Mrs. O. .1. Hall and son, Virgil, re
turned Sunday from Lincoln, where
they had been visiting John tJltd and
family and consulting a specialist in
regard to the latter's health.
The junior reception to the senior
elujs will he held at the home of Ash
ford Kdie and wife on Thursday eve
ning. The baccalaureate sermon will
he preached hv k‘ev. Httell Sunday eve
ning at the Methodist church.
This community was shocked on Sat
urday morning to learn of the sudden
death of one of its esteemed residents,
Mrs, Frank Marshal, who died of heart
trouble at about midnight Friday. A
party of young peoplt had been enter
tained during the evening at the Mar
shal home and the merriment of the
evening had been heartily entered Into
by Mrs, Marshall, who wits apparently
in the best of health. After the de
parture of the guests she retired and
wiin shortly afterwards stricken with
the disease, which rosulti d in her death
an hour later. Deceased was horn In
Macon county, Illinois, May 11, l^o-,
making her ago 111 years, 11 months
amt L’7 days. She is survived by her
husband, four sons and two dnughters
Kuneral services were conducted bV
I lev. Avdelott from the Christian
church Monday afternoon. Bbrlal wu.
m ide hi the Humboldt cemetery.
Piano For Sale.
A gfootl square piano for sale
cheap enquire at this office.
What would you take?
Suppose you were required to live for
a certain length of time on only one
article of food. Which would you
choose ?
There is one food that stands without
a rival for such a test. Quaker Oats i.i
that one. It furnishes more strength
with least wear and tear on the digestive
organs than any other food. You’ll feel
well and strong at the end of the time.
Try it. Don't stop eating other things,
but eat more Quaker Oats and you’ll
notice the gain in strength.
You'll find Quaker Oats put up in
two size packages, the regular size and
the large, family size for those who are
not convenient to the store.
All grocers sell these.
Eat Quaker Oats daily for breakfast,
it strengthens you for the day’s work.
Room-Size Rugs
Being overstocked in 9 by 12 Rugs, we offer until the
23d of May, the following Rugs at very consider
able reductions. We have seldom put out, at such
material cuts, these staple lloor coverings:
3 High Grade Velvet Rugs, qualities that are sold at d£ | *7
$23, now reduced for this sale to.*r * *
1 Smyrna Rug, splendid all over design, a regular $25 d* | O
value,' now...«plO
1 Smyrna Rug, all-wool filled, all-over design, a regu- d* | A
lar $20 rug, to close now.
3 Axminster Rugs, everyone an attractive pattern, sold dj *1 Q
always at $23, now offered at.*r * ™
J ‘l
Four 9 by i 1 Brussels Rugs, splendid all-over designs, d* "I A
a decided value for.
10 Union Ingrain Squares, o by 12 si/e, worth $6, put in d*C
this sale at.
15 Jute Smyrna Rugs, 30 by 54 inches, worth $1.23, QCp
during this sale..7
We carry the largest line of Ruj>s, Ingrain Carpets,
Mattings, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Fillings, Shades,
Lace Curtains, Tapestry Portieres, Etc., to be found
in this part of the state,