The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 14, 1909, Image 1
The Falls City Tribune Voi, VI FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 14,1909. Number U> 11 WEEK'S SOCIAL EVENTS AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals, Lodges. Clubs, Churches, Etc. \ number of young people en joyed a social dance at Wahl's hall Thursday night. The members of the Kaffe Klatcli club were entertained by Miss Nellie Cain at her home Thursday afternoon. The German Lutheran ladies were entertained in the form ol a kensington, at the home of Miss Minnie Kuegge Wednesday after noon Mrs. James Davies entertained the Methodist ladies kensington Wednesday afternoon. The af ternoon was a pleasant one and a large number were present Mr. and Mrs. T- L. Davies en tertained friends at Som'r Set at their home Wednesday evening. A delightful lunch was served and the evening was pleasantly' spent. Mrs. A. Graham entertained the members of the Shakespeare club at a theater party at the Lyric, Friday evening. M r s. MacMurphy of Omaha, who is a guest at the home of Mrs, T. J. Gist, was a guest of the club. Norman Musselman and wife entertained a number of friends at their home Tuesday evening at Som'r Set. The host and hostess proved themselves to be splendid entertainers and made the evening a yery pleasant one Jor all present. Mrs. I. C. Maust entertained the membersof her Sundayschool Mass at her home Monday evening. A regular business meeting was held and all unfinished work of the class was looked after. They all went to the Lyric about 1:30 and enjoyed a theatre party. The Methodist kensington met last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. John W. Holt. A large crowd was present and spent an enjoyable and profitable meeting. The afternoon was spent sewing lor Mrs. Aukney, who lost all her clothes and bedding in a fire Mas ter morning. A dainty lunch was served. Thursday evening Mr. a n d Mrs. Charles Davis entertained at cards- There were about twenty* four present and all report an ex ceptionally pleasant evening. The house was beautifully decorated with flowers and a delightful two course lunch was served. The hostess was assisted b y Miss Agnew and Mrs. Fred Brecht. Friday evening Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Griffiths entertained friends in honor of the former's sister, Mrs. Stella Rodgers of Wymore. The evening passed only too juickly and the many young peo ple who were present say they were royally entertained with games and music. The refresh ments served during the evening were delicious. The Shakespeare club met with Mrs. A, Graham Friday May 7. An interesting lesson was con ducted by the hostess. No busi ness being before the club, we were pleased to listen to an in formal talk from Mrs- MacMur phy, state food inspector, who was a guest of the club. The president requests all members to ^ be present at the next meeting, Friday May 21, at the home of Mrs. Hargrave, as there is lm poitant business at that time. The Friends in Council met Friday evening writh Miss Ger trude Hum, at her beautiful home in Yerdon. As this was the last meeting of the club year, officers were elected and committees ap pointed. Miss Lois Spencer gave a nice talk on library work. The hostess was assisted b y Mrs George llall in serving a two course lunch. Misses McCray and Arnold and Mrs. George Hall and Mrs. Walter Veach were guests of the club- The ladies drove to Yerdon in hacks and the evening proved to be a most pleasant one. Mrs. P. II. Jusseti was hostess to Sorosis Wednesday afternoon. The meeting was held in the council rooms in the library build ing. Mrs. McMurphy, pure food inspector, was a guest of the club, and gave a very interesting talk on her line of work. Mrs. Shock read a paper on “How Women Have Aided in American Devel opment" The club adjourned to meet with Mrs. W. S. Korner, May 2(>. A senior class party was given by Reavis Gist at his home Wed nesday evening. The affair was very unique as the invitations were written backward and all guests were requested to enter at the back door. Lunch was also served backward, as the finger bowl and toothpicks came first. The evening proved to be a very enjoyable one. On account of the rain a few of the class were unable to attend. SUNDAY WAS MOTHERS DAY Many of Our Citizens Wore a White Flower Sunday was Mothers’ Day. The object of setting apart one day each year to be designated as Mothers’ Day, is to honor the mothers of the country, each man wearing a white flower, preferably a white carnation, in honor of his mother. The movement started i n Pennsylvania in a little church, which was attended by an old lady whom everyone called mother. When the old lady died a special service was held in the church on Sunday in her honor and it was mem ory of her, Mother Sunday. A young lady, Miss Anna Jarvis, now of Philadelphia, was then attending that church, and she conceived the idea of having one Sunday in each year to be called Mothers’ Sunday in hon or of all the mothers of the land. Last year was the first gener al observance of the day. Xo proclamation was issued byGov ernor Sheldon last year because he was in California at the time and the acting governor of Xe braska did not issue it. But this year Gov. Shallenberger issued the proclamation and many at this place were seen wearing a pure white carnation in honor of mother. It is a grand move, God bless the mothers of our country. ORGANIZED NEW LODOE Friday Evening a Pythian Sister Lodge was Organized Mesdames Alice Truell and Alice Dilworth of Lincoln, or ganized a lodge of Pythian Sis ters in this city Friday evening, with a charter membership of thirty-five. The officers are Mrs. Ada Leyda, past excellent chief; Mrs. Alma Pickett, excellent chief; Mrs. M. L. Wilson, sen ior excellent chief; Mrs. Carrie Paxton, junior excellent chief; j Mrs. Josie Houston, manager: ! Mrs. Blanch Maust, M. of R. & ; C.; Mrs. Amelia Spence, M. of F.; Miss Naomi Fallstead, pro jector: Mrs, Nancy Maust, guard. They will hold their meetings in the K. of P. hall on the first and fourth Monday nights in each month. TRADE WINNERS VISIT US THEY ARRIVED IN THE CITY WEDNESDAY MORNING A Large Crowd Greeted the Kansas City Commercial Club at the Station The Kansas City Commercial Club was met at the station Wed nesday morning with touring cars, carriages and busses and brought up to the main part of town- Despite the early hour there was a good crowd at the Burlington station and all the business houses and banks were open to welcome the visitors. One could readily tell the Kan* sas City visitors as each man wore a white hat and carried an arm ful of souvenirs of various kinds. At the station a colored porter with a large basket of candy pre sented each lady with a line box of candy. The trade winners have had fine weather so far and crowds have greeted the train at every J station. New National The new' National hotel in this j citv will be changed from the I American to the European plan | and after May 20 the diningroom will be open from 5 in the mor*, ning until 11 at night. The bill of fare is the finest ever presented j to our public. SOUTHEASTERN FIELD MEET FALLS CITY LOST THE MEET FIRST TIME IN THREE YEARS About Forty From This Place Went to Humboldt Saturday With our Boys The Southeastern Nebraska field meet was held at the driving park in Humboldt last Saturday. Athletes from Pawnee City, Falls Citv, Auburn. Tecumseh and Humboldt took part and each town was well represented with a strong band of “rooters 100 yard dash Steward, Te cumseh, lirst; Holmes. Auburn, second; Wherry of Pawnee,third. Record 10 3-3 seconds. ?f’.i 440 yard dash Perdew, Paw nee lirst; Weber, Tecumseh sec ond; Wilson, Pawnee third. Ret ord 5S 2-3 seconds* Running broad jump Mastin, Auburn lirst; Rssick, Auburn, second; Perdew, Pawnee third. Record P* ft 3 in. Mile run Rogers, Auburn first; Yoder, Falls City, second; Chase. Pawnee third. Record 3 min 7 sec. Running high jump Wherry. Pawnee lirst; Gilman, Auburn, second; Casey of Pawnee and Cain of Falls City tied for third. Shot put Perdew, Pawnee, lirst; James of Humboldt second; FACT-NOT FANCY Mr. Advertiser, here is a tact that you should not lose sight of: The /ribune has the largest circulation of any paper in Richardson county. Proof: The Tribune today represents the consolidation of four county publications—the Humboldt P.nter prise. L rocker s P.d ucat tonal fournal, the Rulo Record and the Palls ( i/y Tribune. The Tribune is the result-bringing advertis ing medium of the county. CHANGE IN FIRM James &. Hermes Will be E. E James, Hereafter This week E. E. James con tinues to run the poultry busi ness formerly transacted by the firm of James & Hermes, while John Hermes will retire from the firm. Mr. Hermes is undecided just now as to what he will do, but tbe Tribune sincerely hopes that he will remain in Falls City. Mr. James will continue ai the same old stand. New Books at Library Twelve good detective stories have arrived and are now to be had at the library. They are: Woman in White .Collins Double Barreled Detective Story... . .Clemens Edwin Drood.Dickens Study in Scarlet.Doyle Filllgree Ball.Green The Web .Hill Green Diamond.Morrison Heel Triangle.Morrison t’rose Tales. Poe Holladay Case.Stevenson Marathon Mystery.Steven- m Magistrate’s Own Case.. .Rosonerantz Called to Pennsylvania Mrs. Orville Schoenheit was l called to Pennsylvania Sunday ! by a message stating that her brother, Donald McConnell, was I dying at his home in Summet, Penn. When the message came she was visiting in St. Joe. and with her son Lothire, left im mediately for that place. Attends Lodge Meeting < irand Financier W. A. < ireen wald and J. E, Leyda, delegates from Fails City lodge, spent several days in Lincoln this week attending a session of the grand lodge of the A, O. U. W. Yocatn of Auburn, third. Rec ord- 41 ft 7 in. 2.40 yard run Stewart, Tecum sell, first; Perdew, Pawnee sec ond; Wherry Pawnee third. Rec ord- 25 sec. SSO yard run Yoder, Falls City first; Chase, Pawnee second and; Casey, Pawnee third- Record 2 in in 20 sec. Relay race Auburn, first; Te cutnseh second and Falls City third. The bovs from this place who took part in this event were Horrocks, Fischer, Kanaly and Hahn. Points won Pawnee 27 1Au burn 25, Tecumseh In. Falls City Ilutnboldt s. Falls City as a result of the meet loses the statue, which she has held for the past two years and which if she had won this year, would have been her’s for “keeps.'’ Owing to this fact the other schools leagued together and defeated us. On account of the heavy rain the pole vault was not held, and in this particular event Falls City feels that David Reavis is better than the best of them and they were sure of winning it. Prof. Hurst and Hie track team went to Lincoln yesterday to take part in the state meet. Fifteen Days in Jail The young man who was ar rested at this place last week for stealing a gun and a pair of pants from .John Pebble near Verdon, was tried before Judge Fallstead and sentenced to fif teen days in the county jail. DAVID BERRY DEAD The Funeral Was Held From The C. A. R. Hall David Herry, who has been a resident of this city for many years, died at the home of Steve Harmon in the south part of town Saturday alternoon. lie has made his home with Mr, Harmon for several months, as he had no relatives in this country, lie has been in poor health for many months, suffer ing from dropsy, but was bed fast only a few days, llisdeath however was caused from heart failure. lie was married in this city shortly after the close of the war to Miss Lena Conklin and to them was born one daughter. Doth the wife and daughter are dead and were buried at the Steele cemetery many years ago. The deceased was seventy two vears old and was an old soldier. The funeral was held from the C. A. R. hall Sunday afternoon and the services were conducted by Rev. Kichelberger of the Ho liness church and the remains taken to Steele cemetery for burial. SENIOR CLASS PARTY Misses Lulu Crush And Fanny Bea ver Entertain Misses Lulu Grush and Fanny Beaver entertained the members of the senior class and Miss Hand at an automobile party Friday night. The class met at the home of T. .!. Gist and at eight o’clock live touring cars arrived and they were soon en joying’ a ride through the coun try. After riding many miles they were taken to the home of Will Grush about six miles from town where they spent some time playing games. A delight ful lunch was served and at a late hour the young folks re turned home, all having spent a plaasant evening. What Forty Cents Did Two weeks ago Miss Lillie Oswald brought a four line local to this olliee and it. appeared in the Tribune twice. The little ad offered a house and three lots for sale. Monday she notified us to discontinue running the same, as it had brought her a buyer and the property had been sold. A short timeagoMrs. Howard Long- advertised turkey eggs for sale, and in a few days her eggs were all gone and she was still receiving orders by mail and telephone. Advertising in the Tribune does the work. At The Auditorium On Sunday evening at the city auditorium the baccalaureate ser mon will be delivered by Rev. F. K. Day and the following pro gram will be carried out: Music .High School Orchestra Song “Coronation” Choir and Audience invocation. Solo.Miss Suidow Scripture Reading.Prow 2 Prayer. Music.Orchestra Announcements and Offering. ... Solo.Miss Agnew “The Making of a Life”.Ucv. Day Song.America Benediction..Prof, T. ,1. Oliver Music .Orchestra Goes to Grand Lodge Mrs. W. S. Leyda left Monday for Hastings, to attend the grand lodge of the Pythian Sisters, held at that place. She is a de legate from the local lodge. James Pickett is a delegate to the grand lodge of the K. P., which is in session, at Hastings, lie being a delegate from Falls City lodge. W. S. Leyda, being a past grand chancellor also at i tended the meeting at Hastings. MRS. ELVA VINCENT DEAD DIED IN THIS CITY THURSDAY AFTERNOON. MAY 6 Funeral Services Were Held From the Christian Church Sunday at 2SO Again, we are called upon to record the death of one of Falls City's young women. Death in all its mystery came to thiscity and claimed Mrs. Elya Vincent Thursday afternoon. Elva Leland Sears was born in this city, October 3, 1884. be ing twenty-four years, seven montus and three days old at her demise. She grew to wo manhood in our midst, attended our public schools, graduating with honor in the class of 1903. For a couple of years ’she con nected with this office and was one of our most valued em ployees, acting in fhe capacity of local reporter a n d book keeper. March ill, 1U0<. she was mar ried to Krnest Vincent, and to them was born a daughter, Max ine, now sixteen months old. The happy young couple made their home at Council I Mu IT s for some time, where Mr Vincent was employed by Martin A Mar tin, moving from there to Snen andoah, where Mr. Vincent’s parents reside. Cast July Klva's health failed and physicians advised her to go to Denver, and in company with her husband, several months were spent at that place, a part of that time being spent at Oaks Home. In January she was brought to this city and has been at the home of her parents, Will Sears and wife, since that date. She was a patient sufferer and was always hopeful that the sun'would shine in her life and that she would be restored to health and her loved ones. Cor many years she was a faithful member of the Christian church, also a member of the K. Ij. of S. and the Royal Neigh bors. The funeral was held from the Christian church Sun day afternoon, services being conducted by Rev. Day of th Christian church, Rev. iieichel of the Baptist church and Rev. Bailey of t h e Presbyterian church, and the remains taken toSteele cemetery for interment. She leaves a husband and daughter, Maxine, father and mother, two brothers, llarry and Willard Sears, besides a host of friends. Truly Thankful We, as afamily, desire through the medium of this paper, to ex press our sincere thanks and deep gratitude to the friends in this community and especially the Knights and Ladies, who have so nobly stood by us in our deep sorrow and trouble and we ask that (Jod will bless you ali. Mu. Ernest Vincent. Mr. A Mrs. H. Vincent, Miss Bess Vincent. Card of Thanks We,take this means of express ing our thanks to the kind friends and neighbors who as sisted usduring the sickness and death of our daughter and sis. ter, Mrs. Elva Vincent. Mr. it Mrs. Wiu. Sears Harry Sears, Wieeard Sears, COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Will be Held at the City Auditorium Wednesday Evening The annual commencement will be held at the city auditorium next Wednesday evening. The program will consist of special music, class history by Keavis (list, reading by Miss Haxei White and a lecture will be giv , en by William Jennings Bryan. I The class this year number ! twenty-two.