The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 07, 1909, Image 4

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Entered as second-class matter at
Falls City. Nebraska, post office, Janu
ary 12, 1*<04, under the Act of Congress
on March 3.1879.
Published every Friday at Kails City,
Nebraska, by
The Tribune Publishing Company
E r SHANTS. Manager
One year . fl.uO
Bi* months ... .. . .'a
Three months .. .. .. .40
.Still they talk of paving
Stone street
A. 12. Keim is a new one in
the newspaper Held. He’ll tint!
it as strenuous a life as the rest
i >f us, we think.
The annual move to pave
•Stone street is on with quite a
bright prospect for success.
Are you a knocker or a booster?
T he city administration
(hanged hands this week. The
new proprietors will be fortu
nate if they escape the old one’s
i .. $ turners.
The ncIiooI board are “up
against it'’. At the meeting
Monday night lifteen ballots
were taken to lind out that half
V*as for and half against.
Really now, don't you feel
furry for the school board? If
(hey do they will be censured
and if they don’t they will re
ceive the same concoction.
Now that we have a new ad
ministration, with a tigbtgrasp
upon the lines, perhaps we may
expect the water works and
wells moved bacii up town. Or.
perhaps, the “wet" ticket elect
ed are otT the “water-wagon’’
Let's get on our “glad rags’’
and show the Kansas City com
mercial club that Palls City is
the best town on their trip as
routed. They will soon lie
in our midst and is up to us to
make the showing. What have
we doney What will we do to
ward making our city moi*e .it
Rev I W Williamson s Letter
Rev. I. W. Williatnsou, Huntington,
W. Va., writer: "This is to certify"that
I used Foley’s Kidney Remedy for nor
vous exhaustion and kidney trouble
and am free to say that it will do all
that you claim for. ’ Foley’s Kidney
Remedy has restored health anil
strength to thousand- of weak, run
down people. Contains n o harmful
drugs and Is plsa-ant to take. Kerr’s
Quaker Philosophy!
; Said the good old Quaker to his
boy: "Nathan, it is not what thee
reads that makes thee smart; it
i is not what thee eats that makes
thee fat; it is not what thee earns
that makes thee rich BUT WHAT
Try one of our Vest Pocket
Banks and watch results. It will
help you save many a dollar.
Falls City State
Capital and Surplus 570 000 00
Geo N Neff of the Kansas City Daily
Drovers Telegram Among Them
The representatives of the Kan
sas City Commercial club, which
will visit our city within the next
few days, is made up of an inter
esting body of men, most of whom
grew up, or count the place of
their birth, on the farm. Many
of the men who are on the present
trip have been with every trip
which the club has made, extend- j
iug back for a dozen years. Among j
the number who will visit our city
on this trip is (icorge N. Net’!',
vice president and manager of the
Kansas City Daily Drovers Tele
gram Mr, Net!'commenced as a
poor young man in Kansas City in
lNHi along with Ins brothers, one i
of whom, the Hon, -lay H, Nefl
was elected mayor of Kansas City ^
in 1 ‘.ft>J The Neff brothers as
they are familiarly known have |
made money out of the newspaper I
business and they control three
live stock daily papers, one each in !
Kansas City. Omahuand St. Louis.
Mr. (icorge N. NetT describes him
self as one of six brothers, measur
ing iJti feet and a total weight of ]
1,200 pounds. He is a handshaker,
wearing a perpetual smile and a
good mixer, slightly gray, weighs
250 pounds. Von will know him
when you see him.
The Difference
What in tin* difference between
high grade and low grade baking
All baking powders are white
and are sold in round cans with
bright labels. They look al ke,
but in contents they are very dif
High grade baking powders are
made of pure cream of tartar de
rived from grapes. They are health
ful and economical to use.
Low-grade baking powders are
made of alum, an astringent min
eral acid.
Before the I’ure Food Law only
a chemist could tell by analysis
one from the other.
But now baking powders have
the ingredients printed on the back
of the label. By reading the label
the housekeeper knows the ingre
dients and being careful of the
welfare of her household, avoids
the Alum kind of baking powder.
Hood baking powder is one of
the most useful things in the kit
chen and there is a difference.
Two Bargains
I have for sale two of the best
farms in Kastern Kansas.
200 acre tarm with six room
house. Barn 40x42 and a base
ment, hog shed, corn crib, chi
cken house, sixty acres in clover,
ninety acres hog tight, plenty of
water, good orchard, one-half
mile from church, six miles from
town. Price $42 per acre.
12o acre farm live miles lrom
town, good hoGse and barn,
plenty of water, orchard, all
fenced. Price $33 per acre. For
full particulars address, Kihhlk,
Uniontown, Kan.
R. F. I). No. 2.
Many weak, nervous women have
been restored to health by Foley's
Kidney Remedy as it stimulates the
kidneys so they eliminate the waste
matter from the blood. Impurities de
press the nerves, causing; nervous ex
haustion and other ailments. Com
meuee today and you will soon be well.
Pleasant to take. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Pure Ice Cream?
You Know!
\\ e have on hand at all
times Vanilla, Chocolate
and Crushed Fruit Straw
berry at i 5c per pint and
25c per quart.
1 Tain Bricks, or in 2 or 3
flavors, 40c per brick.
lleart Centers, 50c per
Delicious Ices at the same
For wholesale prices see us
or phone 29.
1 he best of home made
candy at city prices.
Fresh Fruit and Strawber
ries on ice. Try us.
The Candy Kitchen
Cruwdod off th«* rr-tfular »c*ai sr«*.
Pat Walsh was down from
Humboldt Sunday
Mrs- G. Y, Johnson of Hiawa
tha, was a visitor at this place
Dr. Lawrence made a profes
sional trip to Hamlin Sunday af
Miss Edith EeMers came down
from Peru and spent Sunday with
her parents.
H. J. Spencer came in from
Long Beach, Cal., Saturday for a
few days visit
Mr. Drainey of Seneca, Kan.,
was a guest at the home of Pat
Murphy Sunday
J. J. Turner is down from
Humboldt this week under the
care of a physician.
Mr- and Mrs. Todge McKiever
are the parents of a baby boy
born Monday morning
Misses Alice and Alta Gilbert
and Gertrude Kanaly of Rulo,
were in the city Saturday.
Mr- and Mrs. Gus Kaiser and
daughter of Preston, were visit
ors at this place Monday.
Sterling Falloon spent severai
days the past week with his par
ents, Ed. Faloon and wife
J. C. Martin of Council Bluffs,
spent a few days with his par
ents in this city the first of the
George Harral of Humboldt
was looking after business inter
ests in this citv the first of the
Jake McCulty and Tom Ryan
of Wymore, were guests at the
home of Morris Sheehan. Sun
Calvert Edwards of Humboldt,
attended the field meet and visit
ed liis brother L. C. in this city
James Coupe who is attending
the state university at Lincoln,
spent Sunday with his parents in
this place.
Miss May Startzel went to
Atchison Saturday to spend a
few days with her grandmother.
Mrs. Mary Harry.
Charles and Gregory O’Brien
came down from Wymore and
spent Sunday with their aunt,
Mrs. Morris Sheehan.
Fok Salk Six room house
near the convent with three lots.
S'JOO if taken at once. For full
particulars call at this office. 17 4t
John W. Towle came down
from Omaha Monday and spent a
short (time in the city on a com
bination pleasure and business
Otis Spickler of near Barada,
went to Omaha Sunday afternoon
and returned home the first of
the week with another Maxwell
touring car.
Dr. P. M. Riley ol Omaha, and !
Dan J. Riley of Dawson, visited
friends in this city and attended
the K. of C. banquet at the Nat
ional Sunday night.
Misses Josephine Malian. Jose
phine and Lena Murpliv and
Maggie Mooney of Rulo, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Dennis McCarthy.
Mr. and Mrs. M- J. Murphy,
Hugh O'Grady sr., of Dawson
and Miss Minnie Murphy of Hum
boldt, were the guests of Sheriff
and Mrs. Fenton Sunday.
R. P. Sullivan came in from j
Effingham, Kansas, Saturday and 1
spent a few days with friends'
and attended the laying of the I
corner stone of the new Cathclic j
Misses Willard, Mayme Ryan,
Anna and Josephine Kelligar of
Auburn, came down Sunday and
were guests of Miss Helen Ret
terer. They attended the service!
at the Catholic church in the
P. B. Weaver tells us that the
late freeze did not materially in
jure the apple crop in this sec-,
tion. He has large orchards and
has closely watched the crop out
look and is still satisfied that old
Richardson will put forth her us
ual bountiful yield.
Miss Kate McMahon, teacher
in district 58, closed her school
Friday on account of smallpox.
It is very much regretted as
school was so near out and many
things could have been accom
plished had it not been for clos
ing. *
The old A1 Southard house
was moved onto the lots belong
ing to Miss Laura Naylor Mon
day and will be remodeled and
made a very comfortable home
work will be pushed as rapidly
as possible.
Thomas Martin, wife and baby
of Terre Haute, Ind-. arrived in
this city the latter part of the
week and spent several days at
the home of their parents. Francis
Martin and family.
Miss Fannie Morton left Fri
day for Silverton. Cob, where
she will prove up on a homestead
she has taken. She has spent
the past month with her parents
at this place.
Mrs. John Cornford and daugh
ter have spent several days in
Omaha. The former underwent
an oppcration and the daughter
is there helping care for her
Bruce Borland of the Humboldt
Standard force, was in the city
Saturday. He attended the held
meet here. While in the city
he was a pleasant caller at this
Mr. and Mrs. George Reichers
attended the wedding of their sis
ter, Miss Sarah, to I. E. Smith,
which took place at Humboldt
Wednesday afternoon.
John and Joce O’Grady. D.
O'Grady, Thomas F. Kean; Chas.
Good and B. O'Connell attended
the banket at the National hotel
Sunday, given by the K. of C.
Owing to the crowded condi
tion of our paper this week we
are forced to leave out our church
notices, which is very much re
Mrs. Van Savior came down
from Verdon Saturday. She is
having some dental work done at
this place
Mrs. John Nulk a n d little
daughter went to Danbury, Neb.,
Saturday to spend <ome time with
Charles, John and T. F. Ryan
of Muscotash, Kansas, attended
the special Catholic services here
—C. A. Heck has a nice lot of
extra fine seed corn. Don't forget
to see him before you buy.
Wantkd To rent a five or six
room house by June 1st- Inquire
at this office. tf
A. R. Rist of Humboldt, at
tended the county field meet here
Charlie Strunk was down Irom
Humboldt Tuesday on business.
M. J- Kelly of Verdon, spent
Sunday at this place with friends.
Bert Baker was an Omaha vis
itor the latter part of the week.
—Seed oats at Heck's feed
That fittingly describes,
borrowing the expressive
language of the s \v e ^ t
girl graduate, the
Commencement and
Wedding Presents
we are showing. And to
the wise buyer, the price
is Just Lovely also.
See Is Before Buying
Jewelry Store
Mrs. Kilgore of St. Louis, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. I. B
Fok Sai.k—Two fresh milk
cows, calves bv side- Inquire of
Christ Horn, Route No. 2. Falls
City, Nebraska.
Miss Nellie Coupe who is eti -
ployed as teacher in the Ruk
schools, spent Sunday with her
Mrs. J. E. French of Salem
was a visitor at this place Mo -
Automobile Repairing
Gasoline Engine repairing, Steam En
gine repairing, Boiler repairing, Re
Rubbering rubber-tired wheels, Auto
mobile and Carriage painting, Lawn
Mower grinding, etc.
Our new Lawn Mower Grinder has just arrived and we
invite you to bring in your Lawn Mowers and see them
ground in a scientific manner. We guarantee to put
your Lawn Mower in first class cutting condition, or
money back.
bring in your work NOW along the above mention
ed specialties and get value received for vour monev.
Hurry up! The rush is beginning.
Edw. Daeschner
The Place Where Thev Do Things Right
Southeast tor. Court House Square. Phones: Shop, l£3; Residence, 210
We are pleased to announce that our Spring
campaign of the biggest values in Farm Ma
chinery for 1909 is now on. You are invited to
call and inspect our lines.
A complete line of John Deere Farm Machin
ery, Hay Loaders and Stackers.
McCormick Binders and Mowers.
Avery Cultivators and Planters.
Sharpies Tubular and DeLaval Cream Sep
Litchfield Spreaders.
Gasoline Engines. Old Hickory and Avery
Wagons. Keys Bros', and Vehlie Buggies.
No trouble to show our goods.
Loucks & Jones
Ready to Deliver Crystal Lakes Ice
aauaaia Maun eaoi
Percheron Stallion, Dapple
Grey, foaled August. 1899. Bred
by Keiser Bros of Keota, Iowa.
Got by Defi 21452 (39271), he by
Boulard (20089), be by Senateur
(2381), he by Picador, belonirimr
to M. Dupont. Dam, Dakota Quality', 24781 by Bambin 16688 (64654),
by Bayard (21009), be by Picador 5042 (6919), he by Cheri (5464), lie by
Mon ton, lie by Coco of Misle sur-sarthe.
Rustico ia 16 hands high and weighs 17<ki pounds when in good
flesh. Rustico has proven a sure foal getter and has a great many good
eolts to his credit. His disposition is fine and his action good. Don't
fail to examine this horse before breeding.
II1MR0 is 7 >'tars old this spring, He i- of Mammoth breeding, jet
JUliIUV black with white points, splendid head aud ear, extra heavy
boned and is a splendid individual. He is 141 hands high and weighs
1150 pounds when in good flesh. He is a sure foal getter and you will
make no mistake in breeding to him.
JUM30 will be at S. B. Miles farm, known as the
Joe Holmes p'ace, 2 miles south aud 5 miles west of Falls City, on Mon
day and Tuesday of each week. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
at my place and on Saturday at Chapman's Feed Yard, Falls City, Neb.
RUSTICO will make the season at my place, where he can be seen
at all times. I have added to my string the Win. Roger’s jack WAR
RIOR. who will also make the season at my place
TERMS—$10 to insure colt to stand up and suck Service fees due
if Mare is sold or removed from County before time of foaling Mare
and Colt held for service. Care will be taken to prevent accident, but i
Will not be responsible should any occor. I secured this stock from J.
G. Whitaker of Kansas City, who has tested them thoroughly and you
will find them worthy your patronage.
rTd2n.T Thos. J. Whitaker.