The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 07, 1909, Image 3

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    The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
Mrs. Tynan went to Lincoln Tuesday.
’eter kerker of Nemaha was in town
. Mrs. Ciphers was shopping in Au
burn Tuesday.
Mrs. Shafer visited her sister iu Au
i rn Monday.
Miss Florence Reynolds i? quite sick
with tonsilitis.
J. M. Goodlo’s folk? have visitors
fum Oklahoma.
Ir. and Mrs. D. Sarvis were Auburn
s sitors last week.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. A).
Smith las) Monday.
The new town board was duly sworn
in last Friday night.
The Brown Bros , shoemakers moved
b. ek to Auburn Tuesday.
Miss Vera Gould closed her school in
tne Higgins district last Friday.
i. F. Ailor and wife transacted busi
ness in the county seat Monday.
Irs. Van Deventer and daughter,
Myrtle were, in Auburn Tuesday.
Stella has seven new cement, cross
ings of which we arc quite proud.
Katherine Mourer of Midland col
lege spent Sunday with home folks.
Mrs. Asa Jenkins of Council Bluffs
i- - isiting relatives here this week.
John Clark is moving his family out
c the creamery and locating in Auburn.
f W. Knapp and wife of Nemaha
v iited their son Eli at Stella last week.
fas. Freeder and wife of Auburn
tv re in town between train? last Thurs
The young men's class of the Chris
t:,;o Bible school are organizing a base
b.Jl team.
Dan Kroh is having a cement walk
built in front of his property on north
V ine street.
Work has commenced on the resi
lience of agent Elchart in the west part
p. rt of town.
dark Goolsby and wife from Falls
( .ty visited relatives several days the
—first of the week,
Cttpid Zimmerman, ‘a medicine man"
1 .s located with us and now occupies
t! 3 Eastwood property.
\ cyclone ot small dimensions passed
down the river just south of town Mon
ii,iy evening about rk.'li).
d'ss Berth Wagner is in school
again after a three weeks absence on
a ount, of a sprained aDkle.
Sybil Mann and Helen Baldwin vis
ited the Misses Nombalias in the conn
t•• i from Friday til) Monday.
Claud Scott loaded his household
goods with L. M. Mourer to ship to his
ik v home at Great Falls, Mont.
C. D. Gentry is assessing the town
property this week and 'tis surprising
hew little we “mortals” possess.
Dr. Montgomery and family are now
c ipying their new home on Maine
tercet, purchased from Will Higgins.
. .1, Warfield purchased from Mike
Canny and wife the lot just north of
I s home property. This makes him a
fine piece of property.
... M. Mourer sold his residence pro
perty last week to Prof. Eastwood of
eru, who will have charge of our
s ools the coming year.
•liss Hlndenaeh closed her school at
. c Hodge school house last Friday
", ,h a picnic dinner. She returned to
■ home at Tecumseh Tuesday.
L. M. Moorer started for Powers,
iont., Wednesday, where he will be
joined in a couple of weeks by his fam
ily and make that place their future
-'he ladies auxiliiary to the Stella
i.etnetery association met at the ceme
tery Thursday of last week and made
some (lower beds. The day was so cold,
However, that they were compelled to
iiu’t about the middle of the afternoon
uud wait for a warmer time to finish
tbs work.
f you desire a clear complexion take
Foley’s Orino Laxative for constipa
tion and liver trouble as it will stimul
ate these organs and thoroughly
Jeanse your system, which is what ev
eryone needs in the spring in order to
Joel well. Kerr’s Pharmacy.
Ir. G. Hard of Salem visited here on
Miss Judd Parsons was shopping here
i ,jS day last week.
~F, Oathont and wife were Nemaha
v sitors on Sunday.
.V. W, James was a business visitor
i Omaha a few day* last week.
Miss Merle Parker of Nemaha vls
.tod Miss Ona Martin on Sunday.
Miss Lois Downs of Portland. Ore
gon, is in our city visiting relatives.
J. C. Shulenberg and wife were the
. ests of Harapa friends on Sunday,
Miss Ameretta Hart of Vardon visit
cd this city with her stock of millinery
_ oods on Saturday.
Mrs. Guy Davis took charge of the
entral office on Monday during the ab
*eace of Mrs. Taylor.
Mr. Tuttle and wife new occupy the
property ol Mr. Ross recently vaeatsd
by Fred Kinton and wife.
John Evans and wife spent Sunday tn
the country with the latter’s parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Richardson.
Dr. Shook and wife accompanied by
Mrs. Taylor were the guest- of rela
tives at Auburn on Monday.
Mr McDowell and wife of Stella
spent Sunday here with tne latter’s
patents, Mr. Evans and wife.
Mrs. Townley left on Tuesday for
Wyoming, Neb., where she will spend
the summer with her daughter, Mrs.
W. F. Travis of Brock, the new land
lord of the Satnes hotel is now doing a
good business, be being an old hand.
Wo wish him success.
Mrs. Teeple who has been here for
some time visiting her daughter Mrs.
Elmer King, left for her home at llald
wtn, Iowa, on Monday.
The bake sale given by the ladies of
the M. E. church on Saturday at Ta.\
lor’s Hall was well attended and a nice
sum realized for their effort
C. A Lord has now taken possession
of the L. M. Weddle property and M.
S. Hill now lives In the property re
cently purchased of C. A. Lord.
Several members of Odd Fellows
from this camp accompanied by their
ladies were entertained at Verdon
Monday evening where a joint ses-ton
was had.
Mr. Scbueth, the jeweler, has re
moved his stock of goods to the room
recently vacated by Mr. Heldin. He
has now one of the nicest business
places in the city.
Chas. Felt aud wife returned home
from Cass county one day last week,
where they had -pent some time look
ing for a location. They are pleased
with the country and think now of
making it their home.
On Saturday evening the Catholic
services closed, which have been held
several days. Father Mullally of Chi
cago gave some line lectures which in
terested not only the members, but all
those present.
Mrs. Guy Wheeler of Poitland, Ore
gon. formerly Mis- Susie Hoover, ar
rived here Saturday for a visit with
relatives and friends. Mrs. Wheeler
was well known here having lived here
most all of her life and is loved by all
who know her.
T. L, Hall was a county seat visitor
Chas. Lord of Shubert was in town
last week.
Jake Reed of tlie county seat was in
town Monday.
Dr. Griffith of the county seat was in
town recently.
F.d. Ruegge delivered hogs to Will
Otto last wet k.
tins Bucbolz of Harada was on our
streets recently.
Ambrose Parson left Sunday after
noon for Omaha.
Will Otto went to Kansas City on
business Monday.
Mrs. J. S. Stump left the first of the
week for St. Joseph
Will Ruegge of Ohio township was
in town Wednesday
W ill Otto shipped a ear of hogr- to
Kansas City iu-t week.
Ed Sbubert made a business trip to
the county seat Thursday.
Tom Smith of Auburn was in town on
business one day thi> week,
Mrs. J. P. Walker and son Wi 11 Otto
drove to Falls < ity Tuesday.
Sam Hancock shipped a car of hogs
und cattle Wednesday evening.
D.JCorn and wife were the guests of
George Falstead and wife last week.
Lon Yantis of Hong Island. Kansa-,
was the guest of Mr. Dietrich Monday.
B. F. Veach and son shipped a car
load of hogs to Kansas City Thursday.
Mrs. IVm. CiOuch and Mr?, C. L.
Voils were shopping in Falls City Fri
Mrs. Belle Cornell shelled corn and
had it delivered to Yan Sailors Wed
Van Saylors was on the market at
Kansas City with a car nf cattle last
.lames Ayers took a wolf to Falls City
Saturday and received the county
bounty on the same.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Fuller returned
home from Colifornia Saturday where
they had spent the winter.
Miss Vashtie Cornell left Monday for
her home at Peru after spending a few
days with her grandparents.
L. Yantis left Tuesday morning for
his home at Long Island, Kansas, after
a few days visit with friends here.
Mrs. Leifers hud the pleasure of. en
tertaining her sister. Miss Fastman, of
Xebrasku City the first of the week.
Four cars of cattle were shipped to
Kansas City Monday evening by Em
merson Bauers and Xorman Weaver.
James Stephenson was in Kails City
\Y. S McGowan was in our city last
Jacob Peters was at the county scat
Jacob Peters last a valuable inare
this week.
Frank Gilliland and family have re
moved to Kansas.
Rev. /.ike was calling on his people
Monday of this week.
Cmer Sailors is in Oklahoma this
week purchasing land.
Westley Bowers had a ’phone in
stalled in his home this week.
F. M. Williamson, John Oslin and
Moses Barr were in Fulls City Momlav.
Lon Mowers and wife visited their
son Goldie at St. Deroin on Saturday.
Mrs. L. K. Palmer spent Sunday
with her daughter, Mrs. Wilson Wams
Chris Whitehead has moved onto the
Gaudy farm vacated by Frank Gilli
Mrs. Susie Williamson spent several
days visiting relatives in Kails City
last week.
Levi Fredericks of Kalis City was
looking ufter business interests heie
last week.
Dr. Lawrence of Auburn culled Dr.
Vun Osdel to that city in consultation
on Sunday.
Grandma Stethani of Pauline lias
been visiting her granddaughter, Mrs.
J. M. Goodloe.
John Sailors returned front a trip to
Kansas where he was looking after
property interests.
Dr. Van Osdel reports that Mrs.
Scheutx who has been ill for weeks is
slowly convalescing.
J. A. Mat tin and Malcolm Hendricks
with their wives spent Sunday with C.
H. Martin and wife.
Walter Morebead is assisting ltan
som and Vanlanninghant with their
well machine this week.
The five year old son of Sum Cain fell
and broke his arm just above the elbow
while playing in the yard.
Mr. and Mrs. John Vaught returned
to their home at Stella Sunday after a
week's visit with friends here. I
Mrs K. IL Dur.n and daughter Fern
are in Oregon, Mo, visiting Mrs
Dunn's sister. Mrs. P. Markt.
I'.. E. Role jack and Omer Sailors tit
tended the laying of the corner stone
of the Catholic church in Fails City
E. E. Bolejaek and Fulton Peters at
tended the confirmation services at the
Kelley church southwest of here >n
Several of the young people of Bar
ada and vicinity •"ere confirmed on
Monday at the Catholic church south
west of Barada.
Dr. Stong sold his auto to a man
from Sycamore Springs. Runs. The
doctor Is now in Kansas City purchn -
ing anotbar machine.
VV. A. Greenwald of Falls City spent
Sunday with Cue Duerfeldt. On the
return trip his auto called a halt and
Mr. Greenwald had to phone for a car
from the city in order to complete his
Mrs. Nellie Peters went to Omaha
Saturday and spent Sunday with her
brother, C buries Mitchell. She re
turned home Monday, bringing with
her an infant girl, whom Mr. and Mrs.
Petere tiuve adopted.
Minnie Burgess’ clothing accident
ally caught fire one day this week.
Her father's prompt action saved her
from any harmful results, nut Mr. Bin
gess himself burned one of his hands
very badly in putting out the llames.
On last Saturday evening a merrv
party of young people called on f.oy
Franklin to remind him that he should
celebrate his birthday. Loy hail re
tired but was soon ready to entertain
his friends. All report a very pleasant
John Sims is entertaining his sifter
and brother.
Mr. Katon and wife spent last Sun -
day in Salem.
Robert Marmet shipped a*car load of
hogs Tuesday.
F. A. Bacon and K. J. Duryea went
to Salem Sunday.
F. A. NIms, wife and mother were at
Humboldt Monday.
W. K. Duryea was plastering last
week for K. J. Duryea.
Mrs. Perry visited a few day- with
her mother Mrs. Bacon.
H. Feicht moved last week into the
Lee cottage on the Miles ranch.
Mr. Both took his housekeeper and
her daughter to Falls City Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Wittwer visited
last Sunday with G. Wittwer and wife.
G. Wittwer and Robert Mermot took
a bunca of cattle over to Pawnee i-oun
ty for summer pasture laft week.
f). C. Ayres made a trip to Verde n
last Thursday in his touring car. Ho
was accompanied by Mrs. Ayre- and
her guests.
The engine of Dave Delpb's touring
car broke on a trip to Humboldt Mon
day and he was helped home by an
automobile faom the livery barn of that
Allie Reid Is now an apprentice of
B. Xinger, the tailor.
Dr Will Waggeneis new residence
is in the hands of the plasterers.
Mrs lid Dorlano entertained the
kenslngton club on Wednesday.
The dedication of the new Methodist
church takes place next Sunday.
Mrs. C. K. Cooper entertalmd Ht a
kenslngton on Wednesday afternoon.
Anna Wilkin-on of Auburn is visit
ing her parents Sas. Atwood and wife.
Louise Power was down from Lin
coin over Sunday visiting her parents.
Willard Murburger was detained
from school by sickness the past week.
L. B. Spence of Kalis City lias com
menced clerical dutie- in Porak's gro
Mrs. Jo) McKee returned Thursday
from a visit with relative- in Nemaha
Golda Turner of Lincoln Is visiting
her grandparents, J. J. Turner and
Clara Small left this week fi r Omaha
where she will enter a nurse's training
Mrs. Ophle Held of Lawton. Okla ,
is this week visiting her mother, Mrs.
Mrs. ('. K. Cooper has returned from
a visit witS Mrs I’.on Seahury In Kan
sas ('itv.
( ha-, Itasne-- returned Monday from
a couple of weeljp.' stay in Minneapolis
and Chicago.
Mrs. Klizabeth Whitcomb of Lincoln
's visiting Mr-. Laura Campbell and
other friends in the city.
Mrs J. C. Briggs entertained the
members of the I toy Hi Neighbor lodge
at her home on Thursday afternoon.
('lias. Belchers of Horton, Kans. wa
in tlie city visiting relatives and
friend-. He expects to go to Idaho
soon to seek a new location.
(!■ L. Cooper returned Thursday
from Lincoln, where he was called by
the serious lllne-- of his father.
S. M. Philpot and wife are expected
home Hii- week from Culilornla, where i
they have been -pending the pu-t win
ter and spring.
L. Thomas of Lincoln, state com
mander of the Maccabee lodge, a—isted
initiating tor. new members Into the
local organization Friday evening.
Bert Har-hburger returned the last
of the woek to Rosalia, Kans., having
been called hereto attend the funeral
of his father, Samuel Harshburger.
A new grocery firm by the name of
Sherman A Martin have opened up for
To Our Farmer Friends:
We are too busy to write an a«.l, so
you will have to come in and see for vour
selt what we have in store for you.
We can save you money il you will
only give us a chance.
Our stock of Implements is complete
and up-to-date and the way they are sel
ling shoes that they are allright.
Our buggies and Surries are the
best that money can buy and one trial
will convince you.
Wr are agents for V\r. C. Shinn's
Soft Copper Lightning Rods. Protect
your house and barn and get cheaper in
We also sell Kngines, Windmills,
Pumps, Tanks, Manure Spreaders, and in
fact everything in the Implement line.
Yours for business,
business in the Lee building. The
gentlemen were former residents of
Kansas City.
The senior class of the high school
went to Kulo Friday where they spent
the day visiting the schools and plc
nlelng on the banks of the Missouri.
The young people were chaperon* d by
Mrs. R. L. HolT
,f. .1. Prey and wife leTt this week
for Lincoln, where they will spend a
few days with the family of C. if. Wil
son. and from there will go to Denver,
where they will remain during the
summer with a son.
A misceluneoiM shower was given
Sarah Reichers at lier home on Pridi y
evening by tlie members of the Lea
man Methodiss choir, tlio affair being
in the nature of a surprise. Miss Rel
rhers will in the near future become
become the. bride of i. F. Smith, an
attorney of this city.
Do you cat enough of tlili
The great benefit in health and strength
that always is enjoyed by regular caters
of good oatmeal is known the world
over. Every year there are more an l
more caters of Quaker Oats, which is
recognized in this country and in Europe
as the one perfect oatmeal.
All the experiments of the govern
ment food experts and the athletic
trainers of Yale University prove that
cereal caters are the strongest and
healthiest, and Quaker Oats stands at
the head of the list of cereal foods. It it
not only the best food, but it’s the cheap
est food on earth. Eat it daily (on
For city trade Quaker Oats is packe 1
in the regular 6izo packages, but for
those who are not conveniently near
the store for daily shopping the largs
size family package is just the thing.
Seasonable Bargains J
Colored and Fancy All-Wool Suits
IVSuch Reduced
1 Brown Suit, size 36, reduced from $20 to.$16
2 Navy Suits, sizes 36 and 38, reduced from $14 to.$11
I Navy Suit, size 34, reduced from $12.50 to .$y
I Pearl Grey Suit, size 34, reduced from $22.50 to.$17.50
1 Grey Mixed Suit, size 38, recuced from $22.50 to.$17.50
I Grey Striped Suit, size 38, reduced from $20 to.$16.00
1 Green Fancy Suit, size 36. reduced from $20 to . $16.00
1 Cardinal Suit, size 34. reduced from $12.50 to.$y
1 Reseda Suit, size ,42, reduced from $15.00 to.$11.00
1 Navy Jumper Suit, size 36, reduced from $18.00 to.$13.00
Above Suits are everv one new this season, are excellent models and will be
fitted without charge to the customer.
Wash Suits and Jumpers
Having great confidence in the practicability and usefulness of Wash Suits, we
have bought an attractive and right priced line from several of the best makers,
lumpers are shown at $2.50 in tan and light blue. Jacket Suits in motor cloth, tan
and blue ground with white stripe, at $5. White Repps, Muslins, Linens, some
quite plain, others highly trimmed, $5 to $12.50. Natural Linens, splendidly
tailored, from $7.50 to $12. 50.
All Wash Suits at $5 and upwards will be altered without cost to you.
Wash Skirts~New Line Just In
Wash Skirts, in muslins, repp, linens, from $1.25 to $4. 5°
Wash Skirts at $3 and upwards will be fitted free.
Muslin Underwear Bargains
A lot ot Skirts, Gowns, Corset Covers and Drawers are put out at very con
siderable reductions. < )t these we have an overstock, which we wish to reduce.