The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 30, 1909, Image 3

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    The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
(Crowded out last we**k.)
vVait Moret.ead wu- n Shubert Sat
Iahlon Cline was a Shubert visitor
Wm. Kuhlman was a county seat
. itor Saturday.
'.V. l'\ Butler and M-- Kittle were
'(i Omaha last week.
Mrs. Anna Lee of Oregon is visiting
fi end* in this vicinity.
I. S. Suiekler and family were coun
ty seat visitors Saturday.
John Prosser and J. E. Stephenson
were in St. Joe last week.
lrs. Nelson of Shickley is visiting
her parents and many friends here.
Mila Kuhlman was in the county seat
TOday and Saturday taking teachers
\ number of teachers were in at
tendance at the association in Kails
City Saturday.
Thus. Davis of Tecumseh has been
h ere during the oast wees in the in
1 crest of the W. O W.
lissLettie Gungdon acted as post
n stress Satirday during the absence
of >oth postmaster and assistant.
I dward Slagle took in the debate at
the county seat Friday evening and re
mained for the teacher’s association on
Dave Hansom was here from the
county seat last week and purchased
"Walt Moreheac.s outfit for putting
down wells.
lrs. Dan Terrel and children of
Bozeman, Montana, are visiting the
former's mother here. Mr. Terrel is
€ • peeled soon.
■lrs. Andrew Burton and sons of
Trout Creek, Montana, are visiting
relatives here. She reports very in
dement weather and f> feet of snow at
he. home when she left there.
Dr. Gandy of Humboldt was here on
Wash Sailors was a Shubert visitor
W. S. McGowan was in the county
seat recently.
Miss Lettie Langdon is on the sick
!'■ i this week.
Mrs. Franklin is visiting relatives in
Dawson this week.
Miss Hattie Lilly visited her brother
Earl at Peru Saturday.
T. C. Hoe and family were here from
the county seat Sunday.
.'.’in. Kuhlman and family were in
i he county seat Saturday.
Otis Spiekler was in Kansas City the
greater part of last week.
J. A. Vaught and wife of Stella vis;
tid friends here recently.
'Irs. Bridgman was here from Ver
ier! recently visiting her parents.
Frank Liclity and Hugh Pritchard
of Ohio Precinct were here Sunday.
Ilobt. Reddick moved from the coun
ty seat into the Roe cottage Saturday.
Conrad Buchholz and Wash Sailors
’n shipped a car of cattle to Kansas
C ly last week
'.'has, Polly and family who were
, -..ting relatives here have returned to
tbeir home at Lincoln.
W. F. Butler, Jacob Peters, L. H.
Morehead and son Walter made a trip
to ihe county seat Tuesday.
There was a social dance at the resi
dcnee of Westley Bowers Saturday
evening. Kveryone reports a good
1,1 me.
L. H. Morehead and son Walter pur
based a new Jackson auto last week.
Tr.ey have the agency for this machine
n this county.
The Barada school are rejoicing over
the appearance in the schoolroom of a
n w organ due to the thoughtfulness
and energy of Mrs. W. F. Butler.
\ merry party gathered at the home
Louisa Kublman on Monday even
rig, April 2b,to remind her of her Kith
birthday. A very pleasant evening
was passed and at a late hour the
g nests departed wishing their hostess
many happy returns of the day.
A ball game drew a large crowd here
F, A. Nims drove to Shubert Monday
on business.
C. M. Linn and family of Humboldt
visited here Sunday.
Mildred Bacon spent la?t week with
her uncle east of here.
Frank Stabler has returned from an
extended visit in California.
Josh Clark and family of Dawson
visited friends here Sunday.
Mrs. Haushahn entertained her niece
of Washington, Kan., last week.
The Xemaha school closed last Fri
day with a program and a big dinner.
Joe (Joldstein the teacher we under
stand is soon to become a traveling
Tribune for neat, artistic job work.
Mrs. Rarer visited her son in Verdun
Friday. i
Mrs. Bailey visited friend- in Yer
don this week
G. L. Slocum and wife visited Salem
relatives Sunday.
Ghas Thomas ot Lincoln visited rela
tives here recently.
J. M.Goodloe and wife visited friends
near Dawson Sunday.
Miss O'Donald of Auburn visited
relatives here Sunday.
D. G. Palmer is having a barn erect
ed on his town property.
Mrs. Haggard is visiting relatives
in Seneca. Kan , this week.
Jacob Hinkle moved James Breeders
household goods to Auburn Tuesday.
Little Ralph Goolsby who had been
visiting here returned home recently.
Aubrey Yates eloseo his school at
Mount Hope Tuesday with a nice pro
Mis# Florence Reynolds has been
spending the week with relatives at
Mrs. Hasket of Auburn and Mrs.
Broyles of Iowa visited Mrs. Sarvis
Mrs. Johnson of Kansas City is here
getting acquainted with her new
Miss Mary O'Brien closed a very
successful term of school at Muddy
Center, Friday.
Amos Gantt county attorney and
Frank Reavis of the county seat were
in town Thursday.
L. M. Mourer and family expect to
leave in a few weeks for their new
home in Chotean, Mont.
Postmaster Overman has his spring
cleaning done, having had the ollice
newly papered this week.
Misses Maggie, Mary and Fannie
and Paul O'Brien started Monday for
their future home at Conrad. Mont.
Mable Culp lias been compelled to
give up her work on account of sickness
and has gone to her home at Nemaha.
Mrs. Davis is very sick at her home
north of town Although she is a little
better she is still in a critical condi
Elmer Marts and family have moved
to town and they are now occupying
the Holland house in the south part ot
Will O'Brein arrived from Conrad,
Mont . Sunday and will assist his
mother in packing and accompany the
car back.
J. R. Cain started for the county seat
Saturday in his new auto, he was ac
companied by his daughter and Mr.
Chas. Paradise and wife of Summer
field, Kan .have been visiting relatives
here several days. They moved to
Humboldt Monday.
News was received recently of the
death of the infant daughter of Rath
burn Hasket ami wife at < >rlpans. They
have the sympathy of their many
friends here.
Miss Helen Baldwin entertained at a
kensington Saturday afternoon in honor
of the Mis-e- <>'Brien. Lunch was ser
ved at •"> o'clock
A farewell ball was given at the
opera house Friday evening for the
Misses O'Brien who left Monday for
their new home.
Mesdames Swan and Petty and li
little daughters who have been visit
ing for tne past week left for, their
home at Lincoln Monday,
The meeting of the . member* \
of the different churches at
the Methodist church Monday night
was poorly attended on account of the
rain. It was the intention to make ar
rangements for a union revival meet
ing some time soon but was finally de
cided to appoint a committee from
each church and let them decide the
The girls of the ilth grade gave a
surprise party for Miss Fannie < t'Rrien
at tlie home of Miss Carmetta Ailor on
Wednesday evening. The little ladies
met at the Ailor home and sent word
to Fannie that sbo was wanted at the
phone several of the girls had spent
the evening after school decorating the1
rooms with evergreen Miss Fannie
was presented with the book Hvange I
line as a token of remembrance from j
her classmates. During the evening !
refreshments were served consisting of
cake, candy and Oranges.
People past middle life usually have
some kidney or l,ladder disorder that
-aps the vitality, which is naturally
lower in old age. Foley’s Kidney Rem
edy corrects urinary troubles, stimu
lates the kidnejs.and restores -trengtb
and vigor. I* cures uric acid troubles
by strengthening the kidneys so they
will strain out the uric acid that settles
in the muscles and joints causing rheu
matism. Kerr's Pharmacy.
but send u$
your orders
for wedding
invitations. We have the latest styles, lowest
prices, and do best work Samples at this otbep.
Murk Williamson spent Sunday in
Chas. Look of Edgar is visiting
friend* here.
A new barn i- being erected on the
John Carsh farm.
Mrs. Ed Doriand entertained at a
kensington \N cdnesday
J. H. Ford was this week entertain
ing liis brotht r of Beatrice.
Mrs Noble of Lincoln was visiting
her parents here this week.
Mrs. Vernie Craves of McCook is in
the city visiting her mother.
The evangelistic services conducted
by Fife iV Son closed Sunday.
Dr. Litchfield and Elizabeth visited
Kansas City relatives Sunday.
O. \V. Babcock returned Tuesday
from his claim in South Dakota.
Lena and Hazel Woolsey of Tecum
seh visited friends here Sunday.
Dr. Meyers was this week entertain
ing his parents from Memphis, Mo.
Fern Albright returned Tuesday to
Pawnee after a visit with friends here.
A. L. Brunn returned Friday from a
visit at his old home in Muscatine, la.
Mrs. Cooper returned recently from
a visit with her parents at Mendota.
Henry ImhotT has been very sick for
several weeks, but is now slightly im
Mrs. Fred Butterfield attended the
W.( T. P. convention at Pawnee
V. H. Cooper and son Arthur of
Beaver City were here last week visit
ing relatives.
O. W. \ andeveer returned l* riday
from Belvidere where he was called hy
the death of a grudson.
A number of Odd Fellows from here
attended the both anniversary of that
order at Eerdon Friday night.
Mis. Wilson has returned from
Brush. Colo., where she hud been sum
moned by the. sickness of a sister.
Mrs. Warner returned Wednesday
to Fairbury. She was accompanied
home by her sister Helen Wilson.
Chester Power and family who have
been visiting relatives here returned
Saturday to their home in Kansas City.
Todd Waggener has completed his
medical course ic ctnaha, and wil! re
main until fall with his parents in this
Nina Snow, a member of tile gradu
ating cla.-- of the high school has been
elected primary teacher in the Dawson
Grandma Leatherman was seriously
ill during the week and a trained
nurse from Omaha is assisting in car
ing for her.
Grandpa ilni/.da and wife have re
turned from a year'- so-journ at Port
land, Ore., and will again become resi
dents of this city.
T,. F. Marhurger is moving hi- stock
of shoes to the building* vacated bv
Shirley A Buerstetta. The Marhurger
ouiiding will be occupied by Dr- Wag
gener A Waggener.
F. G. Fritts, Oneonta. X. V., writes
•'My little girl was greatly benefltted
by taking Foley's Orlno Laxative, and
I think it is the best remedy for con
stipation and liver trouble.’’ Foley's
Oritio Laxative is best for women and
children, as it is mild, pleasant and
effective.and i- a splendid spring medi
cine, a- it cleanses the system and
cleats the complexion, Kerr's Phar
Amret Hurt was a Snubert visitor re
Gertrude Lum was a Lincoln visitor
Grandpa Fogie wa- a county seat
visitor recently.
The little son of Ralph Cuningham
has the measles.
Mable Bellar of Reserve, Ks.. i- vis
iting a sister here.
<>. P. Veal of St. Joe was in town on
business this week.
Dan Hading moved iust week on a
farm near Auburn
C. L. Voils and wife were county
seat visitors Friday.
Mrs. Sailors and Cap were county
seat shoppers Friday.
Mesdames Veacb and Mei , a were
county seat visitors Friday.
Dr. Sliook of Shubert was in town
Sunday in a new touring car.
Bruce Nedrow left last week for Da
kota to improve his homestead.
Ralph Cuningham and family of Lin
coln are visiting relatives here.
Mr. Orkard and family moved in
Will Stewart's property recently.
Mrs. Garris left for Hastings sum
moned by the illnjss of her father.
Mrs. Anna Harris of the county seat
was the guest of friends here Monday.
D. M. Davies and wife of the county
seat were visiting friends here last
Messrs. Bowman and Langey left
Thursday for Dalia-. S. D . their ft:
ture home.
Josh Bloom and wife, Norman and
Charley Weaver were county - at visi
tors last week.
Mrs. King and daughter returned
home Saturday from the western part
of the state where they were visiting
relatives, woen the for mer was taken
«ieK and had to hr brought home.
Mr. Parkhurst and wife returned
Sunday from a few week- visit with
I relatives in the western part of the
The Y. M. C. had a dance in Parsons
I hall Friday evening. Those present
report aspiendid time.
Walter Year h and ( has Humphrey
and wife went to the county seat in the
formers auto Sunday
Last week Mrs. Shafer was bit in the
hand by a dog. The wound 1- painful
but not serious.
Foley's Honey and Tar i- a safeguard
against serious results from spring
colds which inllame the lungs and de
velop into pneumonia. Avoid counter
feits by insisting upon baying the gen
uine Foley's Honey and Tar,which con
tains no harmful drugs Kerr's Phur
many. __
(Oowdwl out last w«*»k.)
KJ Kuker of near Verdun was hi re
Albert Burk spent iii-t Sunday with
Clarence Peek.
Ivan Keller and wife'spent Sunday
with relatives.
Wilma Nedrow spent Monday night
with Kthel Peek.
Will Stevens spent Sunday at his
home in Kails City.
Lucy Smith is visiting with Mrs. D.
K. Spiekler this week.
Lewis Schuler visited with Tom
O’Mara near Salem Sunday.
Mr* Chester Stump spent Wednes
day with Mrs. Karl Shaffer.
Will Streeker and wife were guests
of the hitters parents Tuesday.
Wes Nedrow and family spent Sun
day in Fall* City witli relatives,
Mr*. Wm. Bartlett was in Rulo la-t
week earing for her parents who are
quite siek,
Mr. Hosford and sister of Rulo were
here Wednesday on business
Perry Shaffer and family spent lust
Sunday with friends near Verdon.
Wm. Huettner a n d family were
guests of Martin Nolle and family
(). A. Burk was railed to Rulo last
wei k on account of the serieus illness
of his parents.
Guy Prine and family and George
Coons and family all of near Dawsob
visited their parents Sunday.
Jerry Richard wa* here Thursday.
Roma Shaffer was a guest of Kthel
Peek Sunday.
Guy Liobty and wife entertained
friends Sunday.
Mr*. Dowty and children spent Sun
day with friend-.
K. M. Kimmel and family were guest
of friend- Sunday.
Lloyd Kntseley and wife were guests
nf relatives Sunday.
Aug. Bm-ho was a gue-t of friends
in Falls City recentlj.
John Reischick ar.d family enter
ta'ned friends Sunday.
Francis Shaffer of the county seat
visited his son here recently.
Ivan Keller and wife spent Sunday
in Morrill. K*., with relatives.
Mesdames Peek and Siiafer were
guests of Mrs. Ray Myers Friday.
Kdith Reece of Summertield, Ks ,
visited her cousin here lust week.
Mrs. Stump and baby of Nebraska
City are visiting her parents here.
Ray Meier* ar.d wife were guest* of
relatives east of the county seat re
Anson Kniseley and wife attended
the wedding of the latter's brother in
Morrill la*' week.
Heart Action
There are certain nerves
that control the action
of the heart. When they
become weak, the heart
action is impaired. Short
breath, pain around heart,
choking sensation, palpi
tation, fluttering, feeble
or rapid pulse, and other
distressing symptoms fol
low. 1 >r. M iles Heart Cure
is a medicine especially
adapted to the needs of
these nerves and the mus
cular structure of the
heart itself. It is a
strengthening tonic that
brings speedy relief.
Try it.
I miff t I
thoug ' was stomach trouble, when
the doctors told me 1 had heart
trouble. 1 had tried m my remedies,
when the Dr. Miles’ almanac came
into my hands, and 1 concluded to
try Dr, Miles’ Heart Cure, l have
taken three bottles, and now 1 am
not suffering at nil. I am cured and
this mi dli ine did It. [ write tl
the hope that It will nttraet the at
$'14 Main St., Covington, Ky.
Your druggist sells Dr. Miles’ Heart
Cure, and we authorize him to return
price of first bottle (only) if it fads
to benefit you.
Miles Medical Co,, Elkhart, Ind
Baking Powder
^Absolutely Ture
Renders the
food more wholesome and su
perior in lightness and ilavor.
The only baking powder
mad© from
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar.
Mrs. Bursoo of < >rd is visiting rein
tlves here.
M. T Hill spent Saturday with rela
tive* at Namaha.
Mr. Lillian of Auburn was hereon
business recently.
Chas. Rader of Verdun was here re
cently on business.
Mr.Bueholz and wife were here from
Burada Thursday,
Mrs. Kin ton wu* the guest of friends
at Stollii last week
Mis* Eva Arnold of Barada i* visa
ing her cousin here.
Tom Ouiggle of Stella visited hi*
mother here Sunday.
Veva Bergstna returned to her »tu
die* at Peru Monday.
Mis* Burton of Trout Creek, Mont .i*
here visiting relatives.
Mrs. Arnold and children of Barada
visited friends here Saturday.
Frit/ Hbirkolk who ha- been ( entic
ed with the grip is able to out.
Wm Brown and wife are the pa
rent* of baity boy born Tuesday.
Mrs. Townley sold the James hoti i
Saturday to parties from Brock.
Mr*. West and children of Union
silent last, week here with her mother.
Mr*. Hill enjoyed a visit from her
mother and brother of Stella Thnrs
Henry Fishburn returned home on
Friday from Strowd, <>kla, where he
went on business.
A number of Odd Fellows from here
attended the funeral of Hubert Smith
at Nemaha Sunday.
M. T. Hill and family have taken
possession of their new home recently
purchased of <A. Lord.
J C. Shulenberg returned home from
Husuill county Sunday where he spent
several days looking at land.
Clarence Crew* an 1 wife have taken
possession of the property recently
purchased from the Okley estate.
ML'Loidie Arnold of Barada who
has been visiting relatives here for
several week* returned home Saturday.
Miss I’aimer finished a successful
term of school in the Wiles district on j
Friday and returned to her home in
Stella Saturday.
Word ha* been received from Mr. j
Rupard and wife that they reached i
their new home in Idaho safely and are
well pleased with the country.
Mr. Weddle’s team of which he wa*
moving hi* father's household goods to
hi* home in the country took fright
Tuesday turning over the wagon with
furniture on and causing a great deal
(Icrtrude Kanal.vs school closed Fri
J A. Osburn went to St. Joe iant
Harnett Wilson was a Kansas visitor
Leslie Inks was a county seat visitor
Itobt. Dunn of Missouri visited hero
Mrs. Morehonse of Missouri was hero
Sam Hall was a Falls City visitor
lu-t week.
Mrs. Marsh visited friends at Kal s;
City last week.
Harry Ackerman of < >maha is visit*
ing relatives here.
Tom Hudson spent Sunday with bin
family in Wymore.
I1'. 11 a Carpenter visited with reiativati
in Kansas last week.
Mr- Plumb of Lee Summit, Mo., Ih
visiting friends here.
Mrs Kmma Wallace was a county
scat vis'tor Saturday.
Howard Maze o f Dawson visited
friends here recently.
Mrs. (Tamer and children wero
Preston visitors Sunday.
Mrs. Haler and children were coun
ty seat visitors last week.
Draco Hoppe and Rosa Wolf of Falla
City City were here Saturday.
Mrs. Pike left Friday to join her
husband at Braddy ville, Iowa.
Archie Kelly came down from Paw
nee and spent Sunday with his family.
Ruth Kanaly came down from Salem
Sunday to spend the day with homo
The newly elected mayor and board
took up their work for the coining
year Tuesday.
Hay Winterbottom went to St. Jco
Sunday where he will Work at the
plumbing trade.
Tom Plumb and wife of Kails City
visited here la.-t week. Mrs. liowkfr
accompanied them home to remain
some time.
Mels BusselJ and Charlie Frederic
and families left last week for South
Dakota where they have claims and
will reside in the future.
The Odd Fellows gave .i banquet in
their hull Monday night to which their
families anil a number of friends wero
invitid. Asocial evening was report
ed by ail present.
If you have backache and urinary
troubles you should take Foley's Kid
ney Remedy to strengthen and build
up tlie kidnevs so they will act proper
ly, a- a serious kidney trouble may de
velop. Kerr's Pharmacy.
To Our Farmer Friends:
We are too busy to write an ad, so
you will have to come in anti see for vour
self what we have in store for you.
We can save you money if you will
only give us a chance.
Our stock of Implements is complete
and up-to-date and the way they are sel
ling shoes that they are allright.
()ur Buggies and Surries are the
best that money can buy and one tri; 1
will convince you.
We are agents for W. C. Shinn’s
Soft Copper Lightning Rods. Protect
your house and barn and get cheaper in
We also sell Engines, Windmills,
0 1
Pumps, Tanks, Manure Spreaders, and in
fact everything ili the Implement line.
\ ours for Business,