Dr.PRICE'S Ci eam Baking Powder No alum, no lime phosphates As every housekeeper can understand, burnt alum and sulphuric acid—the in gredients of all alum and alum-phosphate powders—must carry to the food acids injurious to health. Read the label. Avoid the alum powders _ THE COIRS M COERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week -Eat Sow'.es Car.lv Dr. Wilson. Wahl’s building. Green Russian seed oats at Heck's feed store. Scott Saylor made a business irip to Verdun Tuesday. Elmer Hoselton came up from Margrave's ranch Monday. L. A. Kinsey of Lincoln was here last week or. business. L. L. Kinsey came down from Dawson on business Saturday. -Dr. W. E. Lyons. Osteopath, office Wahl building, phone 4Jo. Emerson Bowers and wife of Verdon were visitor^ here Satur day. Mrs. J. R Stains cf Salem was a visitor ot the home of Samuel Prater over Sunday. Ed May left Friday for Omaha; where he will -pend -ome time ooking after business. Mis'- Rozclle Ahern c: Shubert spent Saturday at this place the St « Miss Ht - ■ ner. James Bascotn of the Tribune force visited relatives and friends in Pawnee City last Sabbath, Now that the doctors have succeeded in amputating the ap pendix from a ma;oritv of the people, thev have discovered a new disease. Pellagra. It threat ens to become as fashionable a* its predecessor. Omaha Bee A. M. Briekeil, instructor in bras- and -tring instruments, who has resided in Fairbury for the past several years lias decided to change his location and left for his new home in Falls City Wed nesday where be expects soon to organize a large class in music. His family will remain in Pair bury until he gets settled The professor has been very success ful with his music in Fairbury and we can heartily recommend him to the people of Falls City. Fairburv News M iss« s B< .... Martha and Adah Hem of Dawson at* tended the teachers association and visited friends at this place. J. J. Turner of Humboldt spent several da\ s - this city this week the guest of his daughter Mrs. George Albr.gr,: and family. i Sebold returned the latter part of the w< ek rom a .l usi ness trip to Chicog i an 1 other eastern points. Rhine Shelly v Preston has charge of O. v hoenbeits sa]0on during the seres -ess of the latter. Mesdam* §3 - Shelly, < Simons and Grace Pyle of Pres ton wr re visitors here Saturday, Hope Ward ■*: R^-lo visited friends at this • ,ace and took the teachers , > a min; tic n Sunday. Mrs. Mary Freie spent Satur day and Sun 'av with her daugh ter. Mrs. Haerele at Preston. F. A. Basccm was down from Omaha the first of the week visit ing his brother in this {ty. Miss KMn:;: Sunday with lier parents at P. wson and re turned to this city Monda' Mrs John Hossack returned Satur y fr as er ys sta with relatives at PrCstor. Clyde Stum bo ’*•ft Saturday for Lincoln where he will accept a position as stenograph r. Ephraim Withee 't Ste'h s ,ent Sunday in this ritv guest at the home of John Hossack. S. R. Ayers was here Friday and called at the office and re newed his subs*:rj t r Get vour Ear y ' >b ’> seed potatoes ahd seed -n at Heck's feed store. tf Jav Parsons, w fe and daughter Edna were here from VerdojB Saturday. —I)r. W. 11. Lv r.s. Osteopath, office. Wahl bedding, ’phone 44*,. Claud Savior cf n was a| usiness sitoi k Pete Restererwas t< s g the first of the week * has M . n Salem Fridav. Seed oats a: He Vs eed store. JHtAJKJA'&r I JPaWffJEH I Thousands of millions of cans of Royal Raking Powder have been used in making bread, biscuit and cake in this country, and every housekeeper using it has rested in perfect confi dence that her food would be light, sweet, and perfectly wholesome. Royal is a safe guard against thecheap alum powders which are the greatest menacersto health of the present day. ROYAL IS THE ONLY RAKING POWDER MADE IROM ROYAL GRAPE CREAM Of TARTAR 1 ...-i 1'r. Harry Bure hard was . Sa em visitor Sunday. B- F- Vench of Verdon spent Friday at this place. John Eampe of So.Auburn was .n th’s citv Sunday Prof. Wood of Iowa was a busi ness visitor hero Monday. Harrv Smith of Ruin was in the city Friday and attended the de bate. Neal Thornton made a business trip to Dawson the first of the week. (iwvre Hall Yates of Omaha was a truest at the home of I. Mead. B.Kcrnen of Rulo and I.Kerncn of Yerdon were visitors here Friday. Clair Foster of Plattsmouth spent Sundav with his parents at this city. Mrs. (iil>bel 1 and children of Yerdon visited relatives here the past week. Mrs. Charles McCool of Salem spent Saturday at the home of R. R. Rule. Prof. Wm Harnack of Hiawa tha spent Sunday the truest of Peter Kaiser and wife. John McCool of Salem w as the truest of his aunt.Mrs R, R. Rule the latter part of the week. This week the Electro theater have purchased a line new ; canola which adds much to that place of amusement I)r. Frank Wiser of Denver spcnl a part of the week in this city looking after business and visiting relatives. (ieorge Keeling, who has been visiting bis brother. W. II Keel ing ami family left Monday for his home in Illinois. Mrs. Harry Custer returned Monday from a few days spent with her sister. Mrs. James Mc Dowell at Tecumseh. Prof, and Mrs. Crabtree and two daughters o f Peru were guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. M. B. Wilson Sunday. M is* Josie Drochdrup of David City, who has spent a few days at the home of Rev. H. Bex in this citv, returned home Tuesday Mike Reardon of Duluth.Minn., spent a tew days in this city the lirst of the week a guest at the home of Wm.Higgins and family. Richard Baehstein, a graduate of the Falls City Business Col lege, left Monday to accept a position as bookkeeper with the State Bank at Stella. J. (1. Whitaker who rcientlv moved here from Kansas Citv is nicely located in the John R. Smith property. He i* now a member of the firm of Whitaker Bros. For information regarding the famous North Platte Valiev land see George Reichers of this city. He is the local agent and can tell you all about the best irrigated land in the west- Go with him Tuesday and see for yourself. Mrs. Laura Paxton and daugh ter Jessie have packed their household goods and shipped them to Nebraska City, where they will reside in the future. They have rented their house to Lass Mead, who will fak< posvei* sion at once. Auburn experienced a n o t h > r lire light last week. One of the business blocks in South Auburn had a very narrow escape. Ti e (ire broke out in the basement of the Miller butlier shop and it was only by hard work with the bucket brigrade that the block was saved. George Johnson, the big Win nebago Indian pitcher o i the Lincoln baseball team, pitched his first full game of the season on April IS, defeating Omaha handily in an exhibition game by a score of (> to 2- Johnson prorn ises to be more effective this sea son than he was last year, when he pitched SO points ahead of his team. Johnson was for two years a member of President Green’s Nebraska Indian baseball team, and has pitched all oyer the Unit ed States. During the high wind which precede d the rain of Sundae night, an empty box car which was stand'ng on the siding at Strauss vill< . between Stella and Falls City* was blown on the main line. Soon afterward it was reduced to kindling. No damage was done to the engine of the freight, although the crew had a narrow escape- Auburn Repub lican. A. M. Brick ell of Fairbury is in the city. He is a director and | teacher in harmony, string and brass instruments. His specialty however is violin, mandolin and guitar. You can call him at telephone ,V)5. Frank Jones and son of Tren ton, Neb , attended the funeral of the former's mother at Yerdon, and on their return home visited at the home of the former's broth er-in-law, Wm. Gossett. The Fhristian people who at tended t h e district Mission a r> convention at Pawnee City re turned home Friday and reported a pleasant and very profitable session. The Nebraska State treasurer lias accepted the Auburn city bonds at an interest bearing rate of 4' per cent annually The amount of bonds sold was #75,000. Mrs Yi Mettz and children ar rived from Oklahoma and will spend some time with relatives at this place. She is now visiting her sister Miss Iieulah Fry. Mrs. .Tames Ryan of Red Cloud and Mrs. James Barry of Odell, returned to their homes Sunday, after attending their fathers fun eral at Kulo. Saturday. John Maddox and wife of Au burn attended the card party at John Powell s Thursday evening. They also attended the Highlan der entertainment. Missc-s Chloe and Hazel Prater went to Yerdon Monday to take part in the program at the I 0.0. F. entertainment at that place , that evening. M. J. and Thomas Moran re turned to Barneston. Sunday, lx - ing called here to attend the fun eral of their father, Saturday. John Shrauger. Lincoln Wil liamson and John Hollichek of Humboldt, were Falls City visit ors the past week. Misses Haine and Agnes Schroe derof the Preston schooF attend ed the teachers association here Saturday. Miss Sarali Kdie of Peru at tended the wedding of Miss Ver gie Mead Wednesday. Fred Scabold will leave to morrow for a business trip to Omaha. !n the Next Few Months most any day is apt to he on in which yon will have to purchase A WEDDING GIFT \\ e 11 be ready for you when the day comes. I A. E. JAQUET “The Old Reliable" Miss Laura Klima of Dawson, was in the city the latter part of the week, the guest of her sifter. Rev. F. ICllsworth Dav went to Bennett Tuesday to address the C hristian Missionary convention at that place. F. W. Wittrock and wife and Miss Lena Wittrock, attended the wedding of a relative at C'raig, Mo., Sunday. Misses Helen and Nola McCool o f Salem, attended the debate [ Fridav night and visited until Sundav with Miss Louise Rule. Dr. M- L. Wilson of this city, was recently elected president of the Richardson county Medical ! Society, which met in this city the latter part of last week. The case til the htate vs C. K. Simons of Preston, for selling liquor without a license, was heard before Judge Spraggins Saturday a n d continued until April >• Henrv Smith has placed a pow er spraver in his orchard in N« - maha county and will spare no time or expense in spraying that his apples may be among the best on the market. Sam Crozcr, Miss Josephine Yates. Mrs Kthelbert Brown and Mrs. Farrow Yates of Omaha ar rived in the city Tuesday evening to be present at the Yates-Mead wedding \Yednecda\ morning. Kev. R. M. Hall of Lincoln, had i barg<* «>f the morning >-er vice at the Christian church- He is the State Bible School superin tendent and his leccure was an able one and was a great help to the local Bible School workers. Yaughn Mi Ycy, who has been working the past fall and winter at Falls City, came down Thurs das evening and spent several days with his latnilv and friends. Sunday he left I o r Havelock ween' he will tie employed at carpenter work the coming sum j mcr Rulo Register. It is reported that Ross Wills, three miles west of Kails CiU. has a mild case of small pox Among his neighbors it was thought he had a bad case c> grippe and many of them were m to sit up with him. It is feared there will lie a good many case in that locality. Salem Index Mrs. Mavme Dixon Codingt* " and children of Auburn, returnee home Sunday, after a few da ns visit with the formei s siste: ’ Mrs. Emery Fry near this city. i Miss Loujse Peterson who has | been sick for some time, is much better and a bit to go back to lur j work at the Rreccek milliners ! . v ; store. Dr. Marlin and Miss Martin | returned to Chicago Sunday aft, r | spending a few days with their i brother, Francis Martin and fam ily. Fok Sai.ic llronze Turki v eggs, 11 for $1. Iminire of Mrs ! Howard Long,telephone No,41 O Charles Carr was out Tuesdax ( after several weeks confinement j with small pox. IT I1 ■- ..1 timlo murk ibnt Inu-ly rnni*fintt*«'*i (nil vnlut* kimI nil nr* inn inr**n in ‘ QUICK GRIP’1'CLOVES i in mi \ri i i m i . NO III HOI N i . f ATCH1R.V wn TS Hit; M \v filioit isrors G L OVt M ITTS I OR III VMI OHU OFFICIAL LEAGUE BALL Unnrnnlivd In rvrrj »ft>. BASE BALL SUITS I *; Iinulm, All <'nlor*, • n( to M« umim*. ■■ i ■ •! . • ii\ i n • Mi' Hr weeks, and even it you have no definite idea of what you wan a visit here will soon help von decide. When von come here von 11 be sur ; rised to see how many varieties thei Suit Models mw kink' in poc k d'- cubs c>n sleeves, dip-front coats with loner lat < Is the re stunning smart things to please the young chaps who will go the limit of fashion, anil there are stvies tor the <]uiet dresser who sti< ks to conventional ideas. TEN TO TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS Hargrave & Hargrave The Home of Good Clothing Opposite the P. O. Falls City, Neb.