The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 16, 1909, Image 2

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T( )M is a Fercheron
horse, 6 years old, a
black, weight 1,700
pounds, and is a very
well porportioned am
are all-purpose horses,
of good size and quality.
noth are dark sorrels, weighing about 1,400 pounds
These horses have proven to be sure foal getters.
Tom, I rit/ and I >eck will make, the season of 190o ,.t
mv farm 8 miles north and 1 mile east of balls City,
and 3 miles south of Barada.
major ri1
MAJOR and NICK will make the
season ol 1900 at inv farm S miles
north and i mile east of l’alls City,
and miles south of Farad i.
They are both Flack lacks of yood
si/e and both have proven to lie ^nod
breeders and sure lonl potters. They must be seen to
be appreciated to their full worth.
'PCI) /VI C• S 10.oo for either horse or ack, c< it
1 *V* 1 *-■ • to stand up and stick, or $S as soon
as mare is known to be with foal. When mare is
traded, sold or leaves vicinity, service money becomes
due and payable. Care will be taken to prevent ac
cidents, but we will not be responsible should any oc
cur. See this stock before breeding.
Mat. Schulenberg
q mi. n. e. of I alls City. mi. so. of Bara da
Try The Tribune for Job Work!
The Weekly Kansas City Star
Tiik WkI'Ki.y Stan, in addition to printing the
entire news of the week in concise form, lias
A bsolutely Accurate Market Quotations
So valuable are these that such are copyrighted by To*
S; \k and appear only in this newspaper.
I in/ Wi.i Ki.v Stan has also the famous Chaperon
Feature which furnishes free, advice and help on man.
perplexing problems. Also Answers/' which takes are
of all questions the readers care to ask.
It lias a practical, successful Kansas tanner n
charge of its Farm Department which is of great va . c
to all farmers and stockmen.
riii* Wkkki.v K \ns\k (ity Stan isn't for anv lim
ited set of people; it’s tor every member of every family.
If you don't find something of interest in a particular
issue, well, the office looks on that issue as a failure.
25c pays for one year.
falls 'hort of its desired effect if ad
dressed to a small crowd of interested
'■'teners. Mr. lusiness Man, are
you wasting your ammunition on the
small crowd that would trade with
u anyway, or do Vou want to reach
those who are not particularly inter
ested in your business? If you do,
make your appeal for trade to the
largest and most intelligent
audience in your commun
ity, the readers of this
paper. They have count
less wants. Your ads will
be read by them, and tnby
will become your custom
ers. Try it and see.
Notice of Referre's Sale of Real
in i ’ gH. n that t>v * "f »
I ! inlgf men i > u parti! u entered on t Ip* > r»i day of
I 11
i court >>1 H .'iiafd- “H County, Nebra-ka. in
I which William l Le*!.** >s plaintiff, and Kmil>
L* sin . Jufm L< I *>, and Kmnia L* ••• h - wife
Sarah J. liji'tlefi, .ind V\ i!! liaril'Mt Her
! husband, JI *nr. < . !,e*h* and ‘.race Leslie hi*
wife. Anna Reasoner, and Rulla Reasoner h* i
husband, Victoria Nottlebaek, and William j
Nettle1 ark her husband, 1.1./a Kenton, and
Ross L. Kenton her husband, Aifjfellne Crews.
and 4 larence 4 reu - her husband. Ira M. ami
Herbert 11. Howe, John M. Lewis, M. F. Ulan
chard. Fred Khtke, and T. L. Wilder mail, tiuj i
R. Ta \ 1 *»r and William Sho-.k. administrator of
the estate of Henry Leslie, deceased an*defend
ants, and in pursuance of an order directintf the
sale of the i re mis, - euteieil i »i said cause April
the 3rd, llk' i, and n pursuance to an order of
wale Ik*tied out of said court, in said cause, on
the Nth of April. I'Hi'M.ihe under-i trued referee
in part firm in said action, will offer for sale, at
public auction,and fell to the highest bidder for
cash, on the 17iH dn of May, l(#| sab* com
mertciiifr at 1 o’clock p. nt., of sa d day at the
in " i front tbior *>f the court house, n Falla City
n i foil i. described real
estate, tow it; The south *iU acres ,ii theaout'i
West .(liar‘ter c»f section lllHIlb. r se\eitteen 117
township three i , north-range sixte.-it ObhaNo
tin-north halt j1} of tin1 northwest «, of
section twenty 2' . townsh p three [3i, north of j
raiiK'**iMei'n hi. all .it R it* hard son f’oartty.
Nebraska, The pnrchasei take- the real estate |
free . t widowflower.
Dated April 15th. W».
I5*"t A. R. Scotr. Referee. j
Legal Notice
N• 11ii•.• i- In-reby niven that Jm’ob Hunker, r .
1 • . talk City* Ne
bra^kn. his pel if urn »igned by the reipii-ite mini- (
lier of free holder*. of tlie Heroin I Ward of the i
city of I'alU city, Nebraska, praying that a
lieeime Im* grunted him to hell malt, ^piritomih ;
ami \ iiiou« Ii<pioiH on lot*. 7 ami - iri bl.wk 71, In
the Neroml Ward of talk I'i1'-. Nebraska, for the '
immiripal year, beginning May 7th. it«m, and ;
ending May nth, I'.du,
.1 U on II I NKKfl, .IB,
Wii i 8« iimi i /i i, City Clerk.
Legal Notice
Notice I* hereby' given that F. \V. If critter has
lil«d with the eity clerk of Falls » ity, Nebia-ka.
hi* petition signed by the requisite iiumlrer of
free holder* of the Second Ward of Fall* (‘ity,
Nebraska, praying that a license a- saloon keeper
oils liquor* on lots 4 and in block PO in
the He* < iid Ward «*f Falls ( ity, Nebraska, for tin*
tnunh ipal year beginn ml* May 7tl IWIP, and end
ing May litli,
F. W.,
Wit ' Si ii.vki /i i . ( ity Clerk.
Legal Notice
Not ire I- hereby given that < iehliog’* Ih ewery
have tiled tiieir petition signed by the requisite
number of freeholder* of the Third Ward of
Falls t ity. Ifit'hardson < 'oiinty, Nebraska, asking
that a license be granted them tdsell malt liquor*
at wholesale on lot* JJ, :.’.i and Jl. in block No,
and lots i. ;f. 4. in block ho, in tin- third
waul of said city, county and -date, for th.
municipal year. beginning May tith, IMP, uud
ending May *, t h IPbh
Mabtin (if;hi I NO,
Sochi \ * • i nn,
WII I S' HMFt /n . City Clerk.
Notice of Sale of Real Estate
In the matter ot application of Edmond Mc
Williams, guardian of Heniamm W. a
spend!hi tit, for !<mv.- t«* sell real estate.
Notice i- hereby g ven that in pursuance of an
order of John n. R p • •<*. indg'» of the district
court of Richardson County, Nebraska, made on
the 21st day of S -pteuiber, 1008, for the sate of
the real estate hereinafter described, there will
1m- sold rtl tile West u"«M i'f tile Ci»Ult ll«»ilsf ill
Falls City, on the 24th day of April, l'KW, at 2
o’clock p. tii., at public vendue to the highest
bidder, for cash, or, at the option of the buyer,
one-half cash and one-fourth in one year and
one-fourth In two years, deferred payments to
draw six per cent interest, the following de
scribed real estate, to wit: The northeast quar
ter of the northwest quarter, the northwest
quarter of the northeast quarter, and 12 acres
descrilwd as lot two, *2 of the northwest quar
ter of the northwest quarter, also a tract of
land lying immediately south of lot 2, and de
scribed as follows: Beginning at the center of
the northwest quarter thence running west to
the center of the channel of the north fork of
the Nemaha river, thence in a southeasterly
direction down said channel to a point directly
south of the point of beginning, thence running
north to the center of said northwest quarter:
also beginning at a point in the. public road at
the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of
the northwest quarter, thence running west to
the center of the channel of the north fork of
the Nemaha river,thence following the channel
of said river in a southeasterly direction to the
center of said section thirty-one, IF thence
running north to the point of beginning:also,be.
ginning at the saute point in the public road as
above mentioned, from thence running east to
the center of the northeast quarter of said sec
tion .11, thence south to the center of the chan
nel ot the north fork of the Nemaha river,
thence up the channel of said river to the iron
bridge ai Whitneys, thence west to the west
line of said nortbea -t quarter, thence northVi
place of K g inning, all in section thirty-one,bit
in townihip t wo, 21 north, of range fifteen, 115
• ast of the tali 1‘ M. in Richardson County, N. -
bra ska, and containing in the aggregate 12J
acres, more or les-.
sale will remain open for one hour.
Bated 1111- .list day of March, l'***.
Ki'Miinu MeWti.i iams, guardian of Him a
min W. tiisr, spendthrift.
Jami s K. Lhvda. nttorney*for applicant. l.i-4t
ONE VISIT to our of
ffco it usually enough,
after that tho treat
ment can bo tahon at
TUTE of St. Joseph. Mo., famous for its
wonderful curt s. Nervous Debility, Ca
tarrh. Kheumattsm, Stomach, Liver, Kid
: .uui Skin iMeet • . w- &kn< **,
Strh lure. Drains, Backache, Varicocele,
Scrofula, Blood Poison, Headache, Float
ing Spots before the eye*, Poor Mem
ory Loss of Sleep, Loss of Confidence,
Kasilv Tired. Loss of Vigor, Pimples,
Kcsema. Backwardness, Nervous Fears,
and all Chronic Diseases of Men and
Women. Advice free.
of St. Joseph, Mo.
floorCorb) Block. Intranet 4l8fdmondSt
Incorporation Notice
Notice ii* hereby given tire* on March r*
t .-re wa* fil«) iti the office . f if,#- «■< in tv clerk of
lie iiHrcleoB County. Nebraska, ’I m article# of in
. rporatioli of the Mat*! • 1-i * t !* Com puny ft*
article j
I i #■ mime of this corporate■*. ** all be The
M »rf}•■«»■ I .iff l*» ('mupuny.”
s R i id k ||
l ie* principal place of transacting 1} Im*i
i * -* of thin corporation *l«ill U* a* tails « irj,
I hardiMin County. Nebraska
article m
1 tie general nature of the I.;i*i»■«•** t* lefran*
;.< fe«l by ?hix corporation Khali be a retail general
i • rcantile busine*.-. The corporation to have
*h«'power ami authority fo ow -uch i**tti estate
a* may Is* necessary to proper I, condm-f its gen
. ill mercantile t»u«i?***#*#*
The authorized capita) stock of ti. * corpora
's.>u shall V»e $40,000 in share* of $1<|0 each, of
which the Kiim of shall be pai l up •* fore
- ' I corpiorafion -hall cornmenc** busincs*.
Hie time of the commencement of this cor
i at ion shall be on the day «>f the tiling of these
.■ 11f icJcM with the county clerk of Kichardson
i ounty, Nebraska, and the life of the corpora
i .n shall terminal* years thereafter.
article vi
I he highest amount of ii.debtedne** •*: liabih
to whieli this corporation *1 all snin’ Ct itself
tout any one time shall nut exceed two-thirds of
- paid up capital stock.
Fhe affairs of the corporation are t.• itecou
• luefed by a President. Hivretary and l’reasnrer.
id \ ice President and a hoard of director* con
ting of three stockholder- Thos. P. Mat thews
.all act mb president, H. A Little shall act as
> eretary and treasurer and L. L. Matthews shall
! ;e t as vice president until said offices are tilled
hy election as provided by the by-law*.
John Am. vn, witness to signature of E. L.
State of Nebraska, '
Kichardson County. s *’*'
Oii tin* 20th day of March. I^c*. !*.p*re me, the
undersigned, u^Notary Public i., and fur Kicb
nrdson County, Nebraska, personally appeared
Thou, P. Mat thews and S. A. Little, whose name*
are hereunto aiibscrilied and who are personally
known to me to Ik* the identical persons who
subscribed the foregoing instrument and each
acknowledgei I tie* execut ion of the same to lie his
or her voluntary act. for the purpose of incor
porating The Matthews-Little Company under
ami by virtue of the laws of Nebraska.
In witness whereof I have hereunto *♦*? my
hand ami notarial seal the day and yta.* Hist
above written.
-si:\l) (it \ P, <ijieknnv\lp. Notary Public,
^tate of Nebraska, i „
Hall ( ounty. \ H ‘
On thi* pith day of March, lb"'.'. f**fore me, the
undersigned. a Notary Public and for Hull
County, personally appeared E L. Matthew*
whose name is hereunto subscribed ami who i*
personally known to me to Is* tin* identical pel- •
son who subscribed the foregoing instrument a*
E. L. Matthew.*” and she acknowledged the exe
cution of the same to Im* her voluntary act for
t lie purpose of incorporating The M att hews-Lit
tie Company under and by virtue »*? tin* laws of
In witness whereof I have hereunto *< my
and and affixed my Notni ial H< • md
\ear lust above written.
My commission expires January A. iblJ
*sni.) John Allan, Notary Pubmn
Kewim A Itk \vis, Attorneys. l.-ir
Notice of Sheriff s Sale
Notice is hereby given, that by % irtne « f an
ord»*r of sale. issued out • »f the District Court.
Via and for Kichardson county and -tate of
Nebraska, under ilv seal of -aid'court, dated on ■
the 10th day of February, 1909. ami to'me di
rected as Sheriff of said county, to be executed. !
I will on tin- 17th day *»f April. 1 *»9. at 1 1 o'clock
a. m.. said «Uiy, at the we.-t do<»r of the court
house in the city "f Falls city, in «»id county
and state, offer for sale at public vendue, and
sell to the highest ami best bidder, the property
describe*I in said order of sal**, towit:
Lots one i , two CM, three ■! and four c. in
block five (5), ('rook A Towle’a second addirioii
to Falls City. Neb., in said county, to satisfy a
decree of said court, with interest and <■ »sts re
covered by Peter Frederick, 8r.. ag a- -t John F.
Kumsey and Jennie Ramsey.
Terms of -.ale. cash.
(iivea under my hand at Falls City. N. bruska.
this 9th day of March, 19U9.
W. T. FENTON. Sheriff
Hy Hkwih ,v IIkwjh. Attorneys. lo *>t
Legal Notice
SON COI N I V. N1.1111 ASK \.
Thomas Me Lane i
Ollie M Me Lane \
Notice is hereby given to the d« f* omit
March 15th, 1909, plaintiff tiled his petition in
said court against said defendant, the object and
prayer of which me to obtain an absolute divorce
from said defendant upon the ground- that said
defendant has been guilty of gross and extreme
cruelty towards plaintiff without just cause or
Defendant is required to plead to said petition
on or lief ore April Jnth, 19U9, or the allegations
thereof will fie taken as true and decree entered
iii accordance with the prayer of said petition.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
First publication March 19, 09. 4t.
C. H. riARlON
Sales conducted in
scientific and busi
nesslike manner
Falls City, Nebraska
If you have backache and urinary
troubles you should take Foley's Kid
ney Remedy to strengthen and build
up tire kidneys so they will act proper
ly, as a serious kidney trouble may de
velop. Kerr's Pharmacy.
Private Money.
Private money to loan on Real
Rstate. Mortgages bought and
sold. Call at First Motional
Bank. 3-tf A. J. Weaver
(Wore New bands
Judith Basin. Montana. On tiie Great Northern line between
Billings Hud Great 1 alls,a tine area of tellable production, with spiel
did chances of profit for early buyers. No irrigation: average mois
ture 17 inches, which is enough to insure heavy anti varied crops
Send for Judith Basin folder
Sun River. Montana Government irrigated land, 275,0()M acre -
near Great Falls, Mont. First section now open fur tiling; only $e
an acre in 11 > annual installments. Send fur Sun Rver i'r ject folde.
Big Horn Basin. A new government irrigated 11act of 12,OF1
acres near Garland, Wyo., to be soon opened for tiling. Watch fc
this and make your tiling early on a choice location. Write me.
Round Trip Rate. Only $27, iVl to above localities. This is
low rate for an extensive trip into those fast developing sections. Tale*
it this spring or summer.
Personally Conducted Excursions. I com! i ’t excursions on tl e
first and third Tuesdays of each mouth to the above localities. N
charge for my services. ^
Write me for folders, technical information about taking m
homestead I was for many years connected with the Lard
Department of the Government. I can help you make a good selection
D CLEM DEAVER, General Agent,
Land Seekers Information Bureau, Omaha, Neb.
We should be most happy to extend it to every resident of this
portion of the county personally if they will cal! at the bank. Until
you all come we wi'l continue to extend it in these ads. It is the
most natural thing in the world to do business with people we know.
Often we hear one person say to another about some business house,
"No, I never go there because I don't know anyone." Nothing the
matter with the store or its goods, or the proprietor, but here is a
ca>e. and there art many of them, where the proprietor had not ex
erted himself either through his ads or in person to become known
to those with whom he wished to do business. This bank wants to
be known as the friendly bank. Unless you know us we cannot
hope to do business with you, and for that reason we aim to make
the reception we give all callers just as cordial as the invitations we
extend in these ads. Things are arranged here for your comfort
and convenience. We are equipped to care for your deposits
with absolute safety. We are prepared to aid honest men in devel
oping legitimate business enterprises. In short, there is no function
of a bank we cannot perform to your complete satisfaction
The Farmers’ Stdtc I3anl<
in dental work if you have need of o-.
services and avail yourself of our ski''
experience and fac lities. We don't do
half way work—it’s all or nothing with
us. as many people know to their ov
great gratification. Note, please, that
we make no charge for expert exami -
bEkl WINDLE. b. b ' .. assistant
Falls City, Nebras.2
Magnetic Healing
Miss Lizzie Reitland, a gradu
ate of the Weltmer School of
Magnetic Healing, of Nevada,
Mo. I am prepared to treat dis
eases of all kinds. Phone 27h.
: Located at Mrs. Burris’ residence
‘south of the convent. 4t
D. S. ricCarthy
Prompt attention given
*o the removal of house
hold goods,
13 El N 'T I S 'T
Phones: Nos. 177, 217
Sam i.. Wahl Building
Office over Kerr’s Pharmacy
Office Phe ne 200 Residence Phone 271
John Wiltsk
Practice in Various Courts.
Collections Attended To.
Notary Public. FALLS CITY
Phone 24S Over Richardson County
Passenger Trains
South Bound
Tr. 104—St. Louis Mail and Ex
press .1:23 p. tv.
Tr. 106—Kansas City Exp., 3:41 a. r.
Tr. 132 x—K« C.local leaves. .7:30 a. in
Tr, 138 x—Falls City arrives 9:00 p. :•
x -Daily except Sunday
North Bound
Tr. 103—Nebraska Mail and Ex
press.1:52 p r_
Tr. 105—Omaha Express.,. .2:23 a. r
Tr. 137 x—Omaha local Raves B:15 a t_
Tr. 131 x—Falls City local ar
rives.8:45 p.:
x Daily exceut Sunday
Local FrI. Trains Carrying Passenger?
North Bound
Tr. 192x—To Atchison.11:10 a. r .
South Bound
Tr. 191x—To Auburn.1:23 p ir
J B. VARNER, Agent
Burlington Route
West Bdund
Xo. l.'i Denver Exp.....1:59a. 1
Xo. l.i Denver Exp. (Local). 1:43 p. iv
No- 43—Portland Exp.10:17 p. r .
No. 41—Portland Exp.2:20 p. m
No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne
braska i ity.5:00 a. tv
East Bound
No, 14 St. J., K. C. & St. L. .7:41 a. tr.
No. 44 -St. J„ K. C. & St. L..
(Local).11:02 a. ir.
No. Ill St. .1., K. C. & St. L. .4:30 p. n:
No. 42 St. .1 , K. C. & St. L. .7:00 p. ir..
No 122 Prom Lincoln, via
Nebraska City. 8:45 p. n
E. G. Whitfobd, Agent.