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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1909)
The Guaranty Deposit Law The last legislature enacted a law which will lie known as tin (.uarautv ItejMisit law. Inasmuch as many people are bank depositors and as the egislative reports will not lie in print for some time, it is well that a brief synopsis nf the law be published The law Isas legislated out of exist ence all private banks. There were only a few of them in the state, but after July 1st, when the law- goes into i 'Vet, there will be none. \ftet that date we will only base State and National banks. National banks are meorporateii undei the na tional laws, and the guaranty deposit 'w w ill not apply to them. It will imt matter what name a hank n ay have, whether it be a t'ounly bank, or .1 t'ttv bank or a State bank, they will ;nl be stale banks, and sub ect tn the guaranty deposit law. The new law throws many restrir * ins a round the management of state hanks, w hich did not exist liefort It stipulates the amount of capital which shall lie necessary to start a hank in c i 1 ies oi dllfcia nt i lasses. For instance, no hank could he started in Falls City, with a smaller capita) than s u (Mitt. In all new hanks the capital must be paid up in full lu tin e starting, < me third of it may he invested in a hank building a ml furnitun .hut the balance oust he in cash. -Ml stockholders are ialile fur a much more, as they have stock in the hank. For instance, if a man iiad "MuOO stock In a hank he would be ha lt e for another f1000. There can not he h less number of il.rectors for any new h ink llian t hree. .1 ul each director lmi-t own .it host 4 per cent of the slot k. There are usually at least livetiiitv tors lit every bank, so the board of directors will usually own at least tine 1 fth of the bank and hence be linan c ally and personally interested in the good management ol the bank. No bank is allowed to lend more than 20 per cent of its capital and surplus to anyone lit in, corporation or individual. No batik is allowed to lend any u oncy at all to any of its active olli ccrs, and no director can borrow any money from his own bank unless a majority of the board of directors .tvc consented to the same, and such consent must he recorded in the bank’s minutes. Is very hank is compelled to keep on hand or on deposit with otlici solvent banks at least Id per cent of* its de 1 osits, anti o pi i cent of its deposits must be in cash in the vaults of the bank. No bank is allowed to lend mote t ton S times its capital, no matter " bat its deposits may be. No bank is allowed to hot row mot e loan two thirds the amount of its capital stock, except for the pttrpfise ' f pay ing depositors. To enforce these restrictions bank t \aniiners are appointed. Thev must he men who have had not less titan II years active experience in a hank,and ;. ist he expert accountants. Tliev e not permitted to own any stock in a tv hank w hicli they examine. At least twice each year, anti as many more times as the state hanking board may require, every bank must no examined by one of these expert examiners. \t least twice each year, every btnknmst he examined by its hoard o' oiret tot s, who tire personally and linaiicinlly interested in the good management of the hank. Ileports of these examinations must lie made to the state hanking hoard. This gives each hank four exanitiia tious each year. Two bv expert ac countants, and two by directors litittn ctally ititert steil in the good manage ment of the bank. In addition to these examinations the state banking hoard requires ev ery bank in the state to make four statements each year, to be published in some paper of general circulation in the county where the bank is locat ed, which report- give a detailed st a lenient of the rood it ion of t he bank. It is thought b\ many linanciers that the observance of thest restric tions will make all banks doing busi ness under the guaranty det>osit law absolutely safe anti tender such a tiling as the failure of a state bank impets, hie. Hut in addition to these restriction*, which are intended to safeguard the business ol banking, ami to maki all banks absolutely safe beyond any question, a guaranty fund h, s been • ■'tab i-l i-d. \11 banks a required to pav into a fund one-loti ft h , r i per cent of the*tr deposits . months until I percent ha- been .aid in. After that ins Im ■ ; done .1 banks are re* (pitred to pay nto such a fumi one I per ci t ol the.r de po- ■' . ,i It .ear. 1 hi state banking .e the auto: ty to nt < >* a It y ol 2 per cent upon t e m posits ol tlit banks in an y one • • i. This money is to be left in the banks paving the same, m-* t an only he used by th; state banking board for the purpose o paying deposits of failed it.uik'. and i' a p: eferred taa.m. lApeni ra i teaches that one-tweti tietli of 1 (aa cent of a I the deposits in all th ■ banks will pay all the de posits of the banks which have failed in any tine yoar, I hi* i* the expert ence of many year*. where hank* are operating under the usual aw * of hanking. In N. braska, one-fortv — -itit of I per cent of the deposits in the state banks would have paid ali losses which have occurred in s years. Hence it is thought, that with a start of I pet cent of the deposit* paid in. and a future payment each year of one-twentieth of 1 per cent with the added power of a levy of 2 per cent in any one year it w ill make the banks safe in the worst panic which could ever occur. Hut behind this the depositor has as security the assets of the hank, and the double liability upon the stock holder and if lie has the property it can lie collected from him. Should it appear to the state bank iny board from the examination of the examiners, or directors, or the re ports ol the bank, that the hank is conducting its business in an unsafe or unauthorized manner the state bank ing board shall communicate the same to the attorney general, who shall make application to the proper court asking foi a receiver to lie appointed. Upon the appointment of a receiver he slia 1 give notice to all the credit ors of the bank w it bin lo days to come in and have their accounts verified. He will proceed to collect the notes and assets of the bank, and if at the end of tin days he has not collected enough to pay all the deposits of the hank, the state banking board will pat them from the guaranty deposit fund, and the receiver will continue to collect the notes and accounts of the bank, and a> fast as collected will pay it back into the guaranty fund, ttins replacing what hail been with drawn from it Heavy penalties result from the violation of any of the provisions of this law. A law somewhat similar to this has been in operation in Oklahoma for more than a year. Under its opera tion only one bank closed its doors and its deposits were paid within a few days. Kansas has just enaettd a law some what along these same lines and sev eral other states are considering do ing the same tiling. Ueorce \V. Holland. AHolumyJ&rZT‘ 8iv^7 Pure just the chief ingredient, iGr the active principle, | K3?jW» and healthfulness, to , ROYAL { BAKING t\ POWDER bscluteiy Pure Insures w holesome and deli cious food for every day in every home No Phosphates No Alum COMING Falls City. Nab.. The eminent physician "ti chronic diseases will visit our city Tuesday, April 13. 1909. Arid will he Ht the l^’niou Hotel until i-. in., oue day < *NL\ . Ur. I’otterf president of the staff of the Hostun K'eetro Midi eal Institute, is making a tour of I lie state. He will give consultation, exam iiistion, and all the medicines,nee* isicfri to complete a curs L'KKK. All parties taking advantage of this offer are requested to state to their friends the result i f the treatment, fares UKAFNKS.S i>> an en tirely new process. i : ■ a Is a 11 i ■ ii ra I tl e i im - of cat art'll | th mt and I - ■ ■ eye and ear, stomach, liver and kidneys, gravel, rheumatism, pnraijsis.neu ralgia, iifivousand heart disease, epilepsy, lii iglit s disease and dis- | i use i.f the bladder, 1 !.. >d and -kin diseases. Liquor and tobacco habit, bigl neck, Htainuiering cured, 1 ’ill s, fistula and rupture cured without d* teiition fr<an business. K)es, nose and throat. Glasses fitted, granulated lids, cataracts, cross eyes straightened without pain If you arc improving under your family physician do not takej up our valuable time. The rich and the poor are treated alike. Idlers and curiosity seekers will please stay away. > hir time is valuable. Remember N<>TA PENNY will be charged for the medicine re quired to make a cure of all those taking treatment this trip. <'dice hour d a. in. Positively married ladies must be accompanied by their husbands. Remember the date, Tuesday, Ap ril Id, at I'nion Hotel, Falls City, Nebraska. Notice of Sale of Real Estate In the matter ot application of Edmond Me Williams, guardian of Beniamin W. (list, a spendthrift, for leave to sell real estate Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of John IS. Kaper, judge of the district court of Richardson County. Nebraska, made on the 21st dav of September. 1908. for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will Ik* sold at the west door of the court house in Falls City, on the 24th day of April. l'KVJ, at 2 o'clock p. m„ at public vendue to the highest bidder, for cash, or, at the option of the buyer, nne-lialf cash and one-fourth in one year and one-fourth in two years, deferred payments to drtlw six per cent interest, the following de scribed real estate, towit: The northeast quar ter of the northwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter, and 12 acres described as lot two, 12 of the northwest quar ter of the northwest quarter, also a tract of laud lying Immediately south of lot 2, and de syrilied as follows; Beginning at the center of the northwest quarter thence running west to the cente* of tin* channel of the north fork of the Nemaha river, thence in a southeasterly direction down said channel to a point directi> south ot tin* point of beginning, thence running north to the center of said north west quarter: also beginning at a point in the public road at tin* southeast corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, thence running west to the center of tlu* channel of the north fork ot the Nemaha river,thence following tlu* channel of said river in a southeasterly direction to the center of said section thirty-one, uB) thence running north to the point of lteginui ng :also,be. ginning at the same point in the public road as above mentioned, from thence running east to the center of the northeast quarter of said sec tion 31, thence south to the center of the chan nel of the north fork of the Nemaha river, thence up the channel of said river to the iron bridge at Whitney's, thence west to tin* west line of said northeast quarter, thence north to place of 1h ginning, all in section tliirtv-one,<'31 in tow tiihip two, (2) north, of range fifteen, 1151 east of the 6th 1* M. in Richardson Count>. Ne braska, and containing in the aggregate 125 acres, more or less. Sab* will remain open for one hour. Bated this Jlst day of March, Kt'MoMi McWiu iams, guardian of IIksia min W. (iiST, spendthrift. J amks E. Lkypa, attorney’for applicant. 13-4t MEN DON’T SUFFER WHEN YOU CAN BE RESTORED TO HEALTH. STRENGTH ' AND VIGOR AT A SMALL COST. YOU CAN PAY ; WHEN CURED ONE Vimir to our of fice I* usually enough, after that the treat ment can bo token at homo. The Great CHICAGO MEDICAL INSTI TUTE of St. Joseph. Mo., famous for its wonderful cures. Nervous Debility, Ca tarrh. Rheumatism. Stomach, Liver. Kid ney. Blood and Skin Diseases! Weakness. Stricture. Drains. Backache. Varicocele, Scrofula. Blood Poison, Headache, Float ing Spots before the eves. Poor Mem ory. Loss of Steep, Loss of Confidence, Easily Tired. Loss of Vigor, Pimples, Eczema. Backwardness. Nervous Fears, and all Chronic Diseases of Men and Women. Advice free. CHICAGO MEDICAL INSTITUTE of St. Joseph, Mo. floor Corby Block, tntrance 418 f dmondSt Incorporation Notice Noti* i* hereby given that on March 22, 1HJW, there 'ah- tiled in (he office of the County clerk of ltic*harri*oii ( ounty. Nebraska, the article* of in cor|»nmtion of the Matthew*-LittU- Company as follow^ ARTICLE I The -.Mine of this cor|*or*ttton shall lie “The Matth- a - Little <'ompany.'* \KTICI E II The i riucipal place of transacting the busi ness i>f this corporation shall 1m* til Falls City, Rich 1*oq County, Nebraska ARTICLE III The general nature of (lie business to Im* trans acted . ?hi* cor|*orntiou shall l>e a retail general mercantile business. The corporation to have the power and authority to own such real estate as n -i 1m* necessary to pro|M»rly conduct its gen eral “n antile business ARTICLE IV Tv at hoi ized capital stin k of tin* corpora tion -hall 1m* $10,000 in share* of $100 each, of | whir: t he-uni of $25.0UU shall 1m* paid up liefore -aid ■ narration shall commence business. ARTICLE V Tf Mine t*f the comineuceruent of this cor porn' 'ii -hall Im* on the day of the filing of these arti' - with the county clerk of Richardson Con' Nebraska, and the life of the eorpora tion -all terminate 20 years thereafter. ARTICLE VI T ighest amount of indebtedness or liabil ity wiiich this corporation sliall subject itself to; one t ime shall not exceed two-thirds ol ! its i i capital stork. VKTlt'I.K \ I T itlairs of the «_•• irporat ion are to 1m* con- | «(ti : #y a President. Secretary and 1‘rrusiU'ei. and »ice President and a hoard of directors con sist . of three stockholders. Thos. P.Matthews si in. e t a- president, S A. Little shall act as seci > and treasurer arid I !. L. Matthew’s shall act s ire pre-ident until -aid offices are filled by • lion as provided by the by-laws. THOMAS I*. MATTHEWS. S. A. LITTLE. E. L. MATTHEWS, \ i i n .* ti 11 ■ si gnat are of E. I.. Mrc '-w Stir * Nebraska, * Hit li-i-oii t Hunty. • (• thi, J"th day of March. l'.Xifi, before me. the urn ’'lgiied. a Notary Public in and for Rich ard < ounty. V bra-ka. personally apjteured Tin . I Matthew* and S. A. Little, whose names an* •reiintn subscribed and who an* personally kn vu to me to be the identical persons who BUb-cribed the foreg'oing instrument and each acknowledged the execution of the same to 1m* Ins or her voluntary act for the purpose of incor pomting The Matthews-Little Company under nun by virtue of tin* laws of Nebraska I witness whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and notarial seal the day and year last aim*.* written. '•'EM. (»rs P. CiUEKNWAi.ii. Nutary Public. Stab* of Nebraska, / H Hall County. \ " On thi- 19th day of March. 1909, Iiefore me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Hall Coi ity, personally appeared E L. Matthews wIiom' name is hereunto subscrilied and who is | personally known to me to lie tlie identical per son who suliscrilied the foregoing instrument as "I L. Matthews” and-heacknowledged theexe cuf ion of the same to he her voluntary act for the purpose of incorporating The Matthews-Lit tle Company under and by virtue of the laws of Nebraska. In witness whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and attixf*d my Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. My commission expiree January 5, 1912 sk \ i John Allan, Notary Public. Keavis A Lewis, Attorneys. 12-41 -, Notice of Sheriff s Sale Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an order of sale, issued out of the District Court, in and for Lieburdson county and state of Nebraska. midt*r the seal of said court, dated on the 10th day of February. 1909, and to me di rected as Sheriff of said county, to be executed, J I will on the 17th day of April. l'.*09. at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, .at the west door of the court house in the city of Falls city, in said county and state, off er foi -ale ut public \endue, and sell to the highest and best bidder, the property descrilied in said order of sale, town Lots one 1, two <2), three V and four I), in block tiv ■ . Crook A Towle's second addition to Fall- City. Neb., in said county, to satisfy a decree of said court, with interest and costs re covered by Peter Frederick. Sr., against John F. Lamsey and Jeunie Ramsey. Terms of sale. cash. (liven under my hand at Calls City. Nebraska, this 9th day of March, 1909. W. T. FENTON. Sheriff By Heaves.* Lewis. Attorneys. 10 5t Legal Notice IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOB It I ( HARD SON COUNTY. NEBRASKA. Thomas McLane / Ollie M. McLane ' Notice i- hereby given to the defendant that on March 15th, 1909, plaintiff tiled his petition in said court against said defendant, the object and prayer of which a»e to obtain an absolute divorce from said defendant upon the grounds that said defendant has been guilty of gross and extreme cruelty towards plaintiff without just cause or provocation. Defendant is required to plead to said petition ou or before April 26th, 1909, or the allegations thereof will lie taken as true and decree entered in accordance with the prayer of said petition. THOMAS McLANE. REAMS A REAMS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. ( First publication March 19, 09. It.) f C. H. MARION J f AUCTIONEER. | | Sales conducted in I scientific and busi- f J, nesslike manner X f C. H. MARION l \ Falls City, Nebraska J £ ^ If you have backache and urinary •roubles you should take Foley’s Kid ney Remedy to strengthen and build t up the kidney* so they will act proper ! 1 y. as a seriou* kidney trouble may de ' velop. Kerr's Pharmacy. Private Money. Private money to loan on Real i Estate. Mortgages bought and Isold. Call at First National j Bank. 3-tf A. J. Weaver GO SOME WHERE The Seattle Exposition V pry low excursion rates will make it possible foi join tu make the most interesting railroad journey lu tte world at an extremely reasonable cost; only slightly higher though California. Plan NOW Rocky Mountain Resorts After June 1st very low round tr,p rates will tie made to the delightful resorts of Scenic Colorado, to the Big Horn Mountains, including Baton Bros, famous ranch resort at Wolf, Wyo., near Sheridan; the \ ellowstone Park, either via Cody, Gardiner or Yellowstone gateway; Hot Springs of South Dakota. Big H :n Basin points. Th ei uiopnlis. Basin and Wonderland. Plan NOW. To The East. An i xtensive s .-heme of • xcnrsinn rates to the Lakes. Canada and eastern sea-uoaid resorts will I uniounceU j , r tu .June 1st. plan Now. Iuformati > ,n response to it ipiiries will i.e furnished at tie earliest date. Do not hesitate to write us for information and publi cations, 'Mate definitely what you want to know It will be a pi-a nre to assist y is to include all available attract!, ns in your tour east or west. E. (i. Whitfok:.. Ticket Agent. ’ •; '‘f yt- Ij. W. A \kkl>;v. G. IA , Oumlia. i --- : THE GLAD HAND We s.,or.!<l lie most happy to extern, it to every resilient of this portion of the e. unty personally if they will c.f: at the bank. Until you all come we will continue to extend it in these ads. It is the most natural thing in the world to do business with people we know. Often we hear one person say to another about some business house. "No. I never go ‘here because I don't know anyone." Nothing the matter with the store or its goods, or the proprietor, but here is a case, and there art many of them, where the proprietor had not ex erted himself either through his ads or in person to become known to those with whom he wished to do business. This bank wants to be known as the friendly bank. Unless you know us we cannot hope to do business with you, and for that reason we aim to make the reception we give all callers just as cordial as the invitations we extend in these ads. Things are arranged here for your comfort and convenience. We are equipped to care for your deposits with absolute safety. We are prepared to aid honest men in devel oping legitimate business enterprises. In short, there is no function of a bank we cannot perform to your complete satisfaction ’ The Farmers’ State I3ani< | PRESTON, NEBRASKA K A * * AAAAAAAAAAAAA a a a a a a a a YOU WILL SHARE OUR PRIDE in dental work if you have need of our service' and avail yourself of our skill, experience and facilities. We don't da half way work—it’s all or nothing with us, as many people know to their ow,i great gratification. Note, please, that we make no charge for expert examin ation. DR. YUTZY BERT WINDLE. [>. D. S., Assistant Tails City, Nebraska Magnetic Healing Miss Lizzie Heitland, a gradu ate of the Weltmer School of Magnetic Healing, of Nevada, Mo. I am prepared to treat dis eases of all kinds. Phone 2T<> Located at Mrs. Burris' residence south of the convent. 4t D. S. HcCarthy DRAY ANID TRANSFER Prompt attention piven to the removal of house hold poods. PHONE NO. 211 EDGAR R. MATHERS IDELlSI'F I S'F Phones: Nos. 177, 217 Sam’l. Wahl Building R R. ROBERTS IDEHSTTiST' Office over Kerr's Pharmacy Office Phene 260 Residence Phone 271 tJ OHX W iLTSE ATTORNEY Practice in Various Courts. Collections Attended To. Notary Public. FALLS CITY DR. C. N. ALLISON DH1XTIST Phone 248 Over Richardson County Bank. FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA Passenger Trains South Bound Tr. 104—St. Louis Mail and Ex press .1:23 p. m* Tr. 106—Kansas City Exp.. 3:41 a. nt. Tr. 132 x—K. C.local leaves. .7:30 a. m. Tr. 138 x—Falls City arrives 9:00 p. tu. x—Daily except Sunday North Bound Tr. 103—Nebraska Mail and Ex press.1:52 p. at Tr. 105—Omaha Express... .2:23 a. m. Tr. 1.37 x—Omaha local leaves »>:15 a m. Tr. 131 x—Falls City local ar rives. 8:45 p.m. x—Daily exceDt Sunday Local Frl. Trains Carrying Passengers North Bound Tr. 192.x—To Atchison.11:10 a. m. South Bound Tr. 191.x—To Auburn.1:23 p m J. B. VARNER. Agent Burlington Route West Bound No. 13—Denver Exp.1:59 a. m No. 15—Denver Exp. (Local). 1:43 p. m. No- 43— Portland Exp_10:17 p. m. No. 41—Portland Exp.2:29 p. m No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne braska City.5:00 a. m. East Bound No. 14 St. J., K. C. & St. L. .7:41 a. m. No. 44—St. J.. K.C.&St. L . (Local).11:02 a. tn. No. 10—St. J., K. C. ,v St. L. .4:30 p. in. No. 42—St. J., K. C. a St. L. .7:00 p. m. No 122—From Lincoln, via Nebraska City. 3:45 p. m. E. G. Whitfof.D, Agent.