The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 09, 1909, Image 5

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What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing the
Past Week.
Eat Sowles Candy.
Jr. Wilson, Wahl's building.
Vern Story was a Pawnee City
visitor Sunday.
Mrs. C. A. Heck was a Hiawa
1ba visitor the latter part.
L. C. Edwards spent Sunday in
Humboldt with his mother.
Miss Field was in Lincoln >','iin
dav the guest of her parents.
— Dr. W, E- Lyons, Qsteapatli,
(ffice Wahl building, ’phone 44<>.
—Dr. Amy Lyons. Osteapath,
(ffice Wahl building, ’phone 44h.
Simon Davies has the contract
for building a fine new slaughter
Mrs. Gilbert and daughters of
Kulo were in town shopping Sat
Charles Carr who has been
quite sick the past week is im
Misses Kosa and Minnie Wolfe
spent Sunday with friends in
Mrs. T- J. Gist, who has been
quite ill for several days, is slow
ly improving.
Frank Hanna of Table Rock
was a business visitor at this
place this week.
Mrs. Frank Greenwald and son
returned Saturday to their home
in South Dakota.
Yolk Lippold came down from
Wymore Saturday to visit rela
tives at this place.
Mrs. Clay Davis and daughter
Maud, were guest- of friends in
Hiawatha Friday.
Will Hinton of Wymore. broth
er of our townsman, John Hinton
spent Sunday at this place.
Clare Foster came down from
Plattsmouth to spend a few days
with his parents. B. F. Foster
and wife.
Sig Fuller, wife and daughter,
Mrs. Iva Ewing, of Verdon, were
business visitors at this place
John Kuter of Humboldt was
the guest of his brother, Nick
Kuter and family, south of town
Sunday last.
Misses Glenne and Fern Jun
ken of Bancroft. Nebr.. are in the
city visiting their sister, Mrs.
James Nausler.
Mesdames Will Gibson and
Kobert Chamberlain of Verdon,
were business visitors at this
place Saturday.
Guy Wahl who is employed by
the Missouri Pacific in Kansas
spent Sunday with his parents,
Harvy Wahl and wife.
Clara and May Gagnon who
attended the teacher's associa
tion at Beatrice, visited friends
in Lincoln before returning home.
Mrs. John Babb and two child
ren returned to Stella Sunday af
ter spending a few days with her
parents, George Albright and
wife in this city.
M iss Miss Mary Paxton went
to Nebraska City Friday after
noon to spend a few days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs- Fred Cleve
land, jr- In the afternoon Mrs.
Cleveland entertained in her hon
is always acceptable as a
present, but the fact that
it is an
gives it added value. j
Our line of jewelry and
Silverware is the most
up-to-date in town and
the prices always righ
A. E. Jaquet
The Old Reliable Jeweler
and Optician
Fred Soho' ,e:t T. .av for
Chicago and W:s- ns r • here lie
goes on bus.tess inf t ■ with
insurance com; • .»•» ' which
Cleaver A- Se >M r ■gents. He
expects to vis;: -a* * ga.N’.Y ,
before he returns. }•> will be
absent about tw w- - •
Mrs. S. I.. Mans w. » . Med to
White Cloud Monday • a tele
phone message n rg her. that
her cousin, Mrs. C. . . Wakefield
had died ver • - 1 • ~ v at her
home in that tv Sunday. She
leaves a hus n re chil*
TIarrv Craig who a- spent
some months ir this ty. where
he lias been •; ■ • un
cle, V. G. Lyford, r the store,
left Tuesday r r s home at
Kewanee, 1!!.
Mrs. Patrick Murpcv was call
ed to Odell, this week to help
care for her father John Moran
who is very ill at me heme of bis
daughter. Mrs. Hyatt.
Mrs- Sarah Craig ■ Kewanee,
111., arrived in the ty this week
for a visit to her daughter Mrs.
P. B. Greenwald r orother
V. G. Lyford
Robert Kar.a ...c<i w M -e the
parents of a baby girl h rr Sun
day. The Tribur.t kens their
many friends ir esten-. ng con
Miss J ulia Fn m • i.n return
ed to her home V< rd in Wed
nesday after s me tune being
spent in this city '.Master Tail
oring school
Mrs. Ed Frauenieider Ver
don was in the city Wednesday
visiting her s -ter‘ Mrs. Ferd
Parchen and Mrs. bhr mu S obie.
Will Mulligan was able to be
down town Monday .for the first
time in s week* jit h;> een
suffering from rhe. mat km.
J. B- McGinn, the horse buyer
will be at Melt " stable in this
city Saturday. April 10. He,
wants 100 near f horses
Miss Hannah u.ndersor who
was called to Mason City 1 y the
death of her father returned to
this city Saturday
Mrs. I. M. Houston and laugh
ter Rill returned Ifc week from
a visit to relatives at maha and
Nebraska City.
Lost—Betwee- thi ity and
Arago Center ■•non house a
short dark fur. 1 mb ■ ase
bring to this offk
Mrs. V. E Em< n ret 3 to
Verdon Saturday . ftet pending
a few days w i 1 - ennie
Miss Julia Moody of Mound
City is in the citv visiting her
sister Mrs. Jesse Mi hob r
Miss Mable Greenwald ■' Le
Mars, Iowa, wa- in the t ty a few
days visiting relative
. Vergie Mead returner t i. i s
week from a several duy> sit
with friends at Salem
Henry Wolfe came dov. -o;n
Omaha and spent a fev day vith
his wife in this city
Miss Anna McMahon wir spent
a few days at her home reU-ncd
to Peru Tuesday
Mrs. V, Arnold and daughter
Daisy were down iron, Verdun on
business Monday.
Misses Josephine and Mary
Mahon of Rulo were in the city
Gus Kaiser and Henry doeller
of Preston were n tfu city Sat
Mrs. R. P. ' recover
ing from a severe siege oi the
Misses Myrtle Vocarn and Inez
Wachtel returned tr Pen Tues
Anthony !'ge carat- dowr from
Verdun Saturday on business
Mrs Judith Greenwald who has
been quite ill is a little better.
O. D. Kent and wife el Morrill
were in the city Saturday.
Oliver Km inert of near Snbetha
was here Tuesday.
B. G- Franklin wav down roni
Dawson Saturday.
Kd. Ewing of Verdun was in
the city Monday.
Copyright 190')
The 1 louse of Kuppenheimer
Spring is Hers!!
Aren’t you ashamed to go around with
I your Winter suit on. looking like a frozen
i turnip*? $18.50 puts you on the inside of
a new. hand-tailored Spring Suit that’ll
make you look like the original “money
king. We've just received a new lot of
classy, hand-tailored Spring Suits of to
morrow’s vintage—all of them in the post
graduate class. They ’re a bully lot of glad
ness. we’re telling you, and it’s mighty near
a shame to sell 'em for
SIO. S 12.50. $15. $16.50. $18. $20. $22.50 and $25.00
But, no matter what you pay, you're get
ting a garment that is guaranteed to you
and positively 10^ more for your money
than you get at any other Falls City store.
Hargrave & Hargrave
Miss Maree Crotty returned
Sunday from a few days spent in
Miss Ruth McMillan was the
guest of friends in Lincoln Satur
day and Sunday.
Misses Rita and Florence Boose
spent Saturday and Sunday with
friends in Lincoln.
W. A. Greenwald and J. L.
Slocum are the proud possessors
of line new autos.
Miss Lou Hofer left Monday
for Klkhart, Ind., where she will
make her future home.
Reavis (fist returned from Be
atrice Thursday evening where
he took part in the debate
W. A. Brater and wife from
near DuBois, spent a short time
last week in this city on business.
Herbert Hedges has charge of
the Highlander drill team and re
ports them as doing excellent
James McDowell and wife were
called from Tocumseli Sunday
night bv the death of the former's
Dr. (Ireen reports Will Me*
Dougall, who has been very ill
for some time, at- improving- very
Miss Cora Drown returned to
Stella Saturday after visiting her
brother, Jess Brown and family
at this place.
Herbert Hedges who has spent
a few days with his family, took
up his duties as mail clerk Mon
day morning.
Brnest Vincent arrived from
Denver the latter part of the
week and spent a few days with
his wife in this city.
Mrs. Allan I). May and little
son. Bdgar Wylie, came down
from Auburn Friday evening and
spent a few days with relatives
in this city.
The Nebr a ska Ministerial
Christian association m e t in
Lincoln this week- Rev. Day of
this city was in attendance and
delivered an address.
Pro!. G. M. Barrett returned
Satur xy from Memphis, Mo-,
where has spent some tiine
visiting .iis old home. Mrs.
Barrett will be home in a few
days. is visiting her sister,
Mrs. J Shoenheit, in Kansas
Miss Grace Swihartof Webber,
'Kansas, is in the city visiting at
the lion. . her aunt, Mrs. Ar
thur Harris. She will spend a
few days with relatives in the
country before going to Stella.
Mrs. Otis Williamson returned
to her h«e<:e at White Cloud the
; latter part of the week. She
spent sev-rai days in this city the
guest if h'.-r aunt, Mrs. Thomas
Wint* r i ituin.
J, W. White of Superior was a
visitor :• this city the latter part
of the week. He was a former
operator for the B. A M. R R.
at this p]a e and lias numerous
friends here.
Mis- Mable Whitaker of Defi
ance. Arizona, who was called
here by the death of her sister,
will remain several days with rel
atives and friends.
Blain Yoder spent a part of
this week n Leavenworth, Kas.
His father. Rev. H- L- Yoder, is
receiving treatment in a hospital
at that pl.ce
George Lutn, wife and daugh
ter Gertrude of Verdon were bus
iness visitors here the latter part
of the week.
Mrs. W- H. Wylie came down
from Nebraska City and spent a
few days the guest of Mrs. Har
vey Wahl.
C. L. Marts, wife and son Glen
came down from Wymore and
I visited Sam Marts and wife.
Chas. Emmons o f Tecumseh
was a guest at the home of Geo
Albright oyer Sunday.
Mrs. J. W. Cullen and Miss
Eleanor Reese of Verdon. spent
[Saturday in this city.
Ambrose Parsons of Verdon,
was a business visitor at this
pla^e Saturday.
N. C. Woods and wife are the
parents of a baby girl born Sat
Mr. and Mrs. Will Schtnel/.el
and Miss Maud iJavi- spent Mon
day in Hiawatha.
Mrs Sam Lichty visited at the
home of S. C.Flickingcr and wife
at Morrill last week
Mrs. Will Boyd and two sons
spent a fewdaysin Hiawatha the
first of the week with relatives.
J. (J. Martin, wife and little
son came down from Council
Bluffs Friday and spent a few
days at the home of Wm. Dorring
ton and Frances Martin.
K O. Lewis came down from
the northern part of the state to
spend a few days with his family
and to remain until after Tues
day so he could vote at the city
L. II-Robmeyer of Auburn was
in tin city Monday. He says he
will publish the Staats-Zietung at
Auburn for a few weeks until lie
can secure a German printer to
take charge of the work here.
H. B. Walters has sold his big
stock farm a mile this side ol
Baker, composed ol 3 quarter
sections to W. J. McCray of Falls
City, one of the commissioners of
Richardson county for $36,000
which is really $75 per acre.
Much of this land is quite broken.
Hiawatha World.
Mrs. Thomas Huett and two
■ hildrvn and sister. Miss Margaret
Naylor, will leave today for Lex
ington. Nebraska. They have
spent several weeks in this city
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Naylor.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kamel
were called to Dawson Sunday by
the serious illness of the latter s
father, Win. Kinsey. Mr. Kamel
returned Monday but Mrs. Kamel
remained to help cure for him.
Joseph Glasser, who was seri
ously injured by a horse a few
weeks ago, is much improved and
was a visitor in tnis city Mondav.
He made this office a most pleas
ant visit.
L L>. Beaver and Simon Davies
made a trip to South Dakota this
week. They were among the
lucky ones from this place who
drew land there.
Miss Nellie Davison of Peru
has accepted the prim ipalslup of
the Stella schools, and will finish
the balance of the school year in
that capacity.
Miss Mildred Bingainan, who
spent several days in the city the
guest of Miss Florence Beuucamp
returned to her home in Atchison
Mrs. Chas. Birdsley went to
Verdon the latter part of the
week ana spent several days with
■ her sister, Mrs. Hayden Bowers
p&arfi Powder
Ma e from cream of tartar derived
solely from grapes, the most deli
cious and healthful of all fruit acids.
! !