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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1909)
The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. SHUBERT Jim Stout of Auburn was here Tues day. Klmer King was a Stt-iia visitor Sat urday. Clyde Hill of Lincoln is visiting his : -.rents here. Supt. Oliver of the county seat was here this week. Mrs. Shuhert visited her mother at Jiowe last week. Wm. Weiek of the county seat was ■ town Saturday. J. J. Parsons and wife were St. Joe ■/ sitors last week. Orlando Veal of Verdon visited friends here Tuesday. Walter Shubert of Ottawa, Ks., is v .siting relatives here. Dr. Lindy of Ottawa, Ks , is at home on a few days vacation. Goldie Arnold spent Sunday with home folks near Harada. Miss Veva Bergma of Peru spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Lillian Pierson of Stella is in the city the guest ol friends. Mrs. Lord and daughter Gladys were shopping in Auburn Saturday. Mrs. John Oswald of the county seat visited relatives near town la-t week. Ollie Ankrotn of Barada i- assisting with house work for Mrs. Hutchings. (lay Lundy of Ottawa.Kan., is spend • ig his vacation here with home folks. Mr. Weiek shelled 1000 bushels of corn Tuesday and delivered it near V erdon. Alex Thompson of Missouri arrived ■re this week and expects to make his his home. Our band boys gave a concert at iiarada Wednesday evening which was puite a success. Harvey Hall and wife were called to i ierlin Wednesday by the serious ill ness of their daughter-in-law. Mrs. John Patnoe after visising a few ■lays with friends near town left for tier new home at St. Joe Tuesday. John Evans and wife were shopping • :i the county seat Monday being uc ■ ompanied by Mr. Ahern and daughter. ‘■Mnce the removal of John Stotts and wife to the farm their daughter Floy will remain and finish her school work Wm. Speece and wife will leave soon lor Idaho where they will make their * iture home. They have a large circle of friends here who regret to lose them bat wish them success in their new home. VERDON. Mr. Edwards of Stella was here re •ntly Joe Graves of Humboldt was here recently. Lewis /entner Is hauling lumber for his new house. Born to Robert Goolsby and wife ’ larch 29, a girl. Mrs. McCulley visited friends in Dawson last week. Abe Steward shipped a car of cattle i lie First of the week. Minnie Bloom of the county seat is visiting friends here. Mrs. Ed Gebhart returned home I com Omaha Thursday. Mr. Cook and family left Tuesday for heir new home at Lincoln. Will Otto shipped two cars of hogs i.o Kansas City Friday night. Rev. Ratcliffe of Iowa preached at i he Christian ehnrch Sunday. Mr. Feaeock of the county seat was ia town on business last week. Cleta Moran and Jennie Wear retur ned home from Peru last week. Mrs. Dr. Griffith of the county seat visited relatives here last week. B. F. Veach & Son shipped two cars of hogs to Kansas City Saturday-. Mr. McDermit and family of Salem vere guests of friends here Sunday. Amelia Shrader left Friday for Council Grove, Kans,, to visit her r ister. Miss Hill returned to Stella Sunday after spending a few days with her sister. Mr. Jones arrived from Oklahoma to be at the beaside of bis mother who is very ill. Marion Arnold shipped a car of hogs ind one of cattle to Kansas City Mon day night. Quite a number of young folks met at !ae home of Robert Cook Monday eve ning for a farwell party. Robert will ?e greatly missed by his many friends. F. G. Fritts, Oneonta. N. V., write?-: My little girl wa.- greatly benefitted by taking Foley’s Orino Laxative, and 1 think it is the best remedy for con -bipation and liver trouble.’’ Foley's Orino Laxative is best for women and aildren, as it is mild, pleasant and l Teetive.and is a splendid spring medi cine, as it cleanses the system and clears the complexion Kerr’s Phar coacy. RULO John Buchner is quite sick. Chas. Best was a county seat visiti r recently. Will Davis was a Kansas City visitor recently. Mrs. Hopkins was shopping in St. Joe Saturday. Mrs, Inks of Salem is visiting her daughter here. Mrs. Jarrott of St. Joe is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Henderson was a comity scat visitor recently. Charlie Hall and family moved to Omaha last week. Nettie O’ Mara of Salem visited her -ister here last week. JetT Gilbert and family were county scat visitors Saturday. John Hinkle of For test'lie visited relatives here recently. Fete Frederic moved his family here from Preston Tuesday. Charlie Montgomery returned from White Cloud this week. Mrs. Wallace who ha*, been quite sick is slowly improving. Misses Hernen and Hallett were county seat visitors Saturday. Mrs. Witman and sou returned to their home in Brock Thursday. Prof. Vogeline attended the teach ers association at Beatrice last week. Mrs. Cuninghum and daughter Lu file were county seat visitors Saturday. Mrs. Anderson returned Saturday from a visit with relatives at Watson, Mo. Harry Marsh came down from Table Hock Sunday fora visit with home folks. Will True and children were called to Union Monday by the death of his father. Mrs. Shepherd met with a painful accident Tuesday by running a nail in her foot. Mrs. Asbury who has been visiting relatives here returned to her home in St. Joe this week. Will Graves returned recently from White Cloud where he has been work ing for some time. Engineer Southard of Wymore has taken charge of Will True’s englue during his absence. Mrs. Vastine went to Omaha Friday to visit her son. She will also visit her daughter at Ashland. Archie Kelly is running the White Cloud section this week on account of the regular foreman being seriously ill. B. W. Hinton and helpers of Wy more repaired the river pipe which carries water to the pump, la.-t week A nice program has been arranged for Easter which will be given at the M. E. church in the evening. Every body invited. Mrs.Belpier returned this week from St. Joe. She ha? decided not to move there for some time and will move into R. S. Coup's hou.?e. Alta Gilbert was taken very sick at school Tuesday. This was doubly un fortunate as she had not been absent nor tardy during the entire term. WedDe?day evening Bessie Anderson entertained her class, it being her 18th birthday. A pleasant time was re ported. Several presents were given the hostess and all wish her many hap py returns. At the city election Tuesday the fol lowing were elected for the ensuing year: Mayor, H. L. Kloepfel: clerk, H. D Kirk: treasurer, T. W. Bowker: councilmen 1st ward, Clem Davis and li. D. Larabee: 2d ward, H. A. Seott and John Evans. You needn’t be afraid. One day a lady who had been reared in the careful luxury of the old-fashioned Virginia home was invited to visit the kitchen of a great Chicago hotel. She wanted to go, but was afraid. When asked why, she replied, “I'm afraid I’ll see something that will forever destroy my appetite for hotel food.” She went, and found everything delightfully clean. Good housewives consider cleanliness and purity first of all; that’s why Quaker Oats is their choice among all oatmeals. In making Quaker Oats the grain is sifted and resifted, passing through more than fifty processes of cleaning before it is cooked and rolled. If you took a bandful of oats and scrubbed and polished and wiped each separate grain, it wouldn't then be nearly as clean as Quaker Oats. No human band ever touches a single grain of Quaker Oats from the field to your kitchen. The best advice on foods you could have is: Eat Quaker Oats every morning for breakfast. You’ll find Quaker Oats put up in two size packages, the regular size and the large, family size for those who are not convenient to the store. ANY TIME, but send u? your orders for wedding invitations. VVe have the latest styles, lowest prices, and do best work. Satuyles at this office. HUMBOLDT Clem a Rousek visited Dawson friends Sunday. Mr-. Colhapp visited Tecumseh friends Sundai Fay aaafora visited recently with a sister at Verdon. John Cowman of Holbrook is visit ing relatives here. Mr? Wilson of Fails City spent last week with friends here. Kolia Avery has been very sick at his home north of town. Charlton Hall is visiting his daugh ter in Lincoln this week Dora Lockard of Wheeler, K?., visit ed relatives here this week. Jos. Ray i? lying in a very precarious condition at his home in the north part of town. Will Bo?- of FI wood arrived Sunday to attend the golden wedding anniver sary of his parents. Mrs. Mason went to Kansas City Thursday to consult specialist? in re gard to her health. i P. Bowers is the new operator here and with hi? family will reside in the Haves property. Shirley ,v Buer?tetta are moving in to the Htiizda building formerly oc cupied by V. G. Lyford Mr- Viiorc hus received the an nouncement of the marriage of her daughter in Lincoln Saturday. Ray Hail of St. Joe an expert ice cream manufacturer ha- accepted a position with Mann A Hummel. Elmer Smith has returned from an extended visit in New Mexico. Mrs Williamson and children of Omaha are visiting friends here. Will Reynold- and V. CL Cooper of Heaver City are visiting relatives here. I. Shirley and A. J. Muerstetta were in St. Joe this week purchasing goods. M. C. ShurtletT has disposed of his livery husiness to Neal Skiilet and Luther Burrow. John Shrauger and family returned Monday from California where they spent the winter. Mr-. Boarders of Marissa, 111 , and Mrs. Prichard of Pawnee visited this week with O. T. Little and family. Mrs. Litchfield returned Saturday from Ashland where she had been called by the serious illness of her mother. John Boss and wife celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their rural home on Monday. 10(1 guests were present. Fred Marmet and wife hare gone to Oklahoma where they will visit friends before going to Seattle, Wash., for the latter’s health. Fife A Son evangelists have com menced a series of revival meetings in the opera house under the auspices of the Christian church. Kev. Garries woo for a number of years has been pastor of the Cottage church northeast of town, has bet n transferred to Verdun. Word from Mrs Fisher at Whiting, Kan., states that her mother is gradu ally improving in health but is still in a precarious condition. Mesdames Cooper. Unkefer, Davis and Philpot entertained about 50 of their friends at a roller skating party at the Star pavilion on Friday. H. P. Harper, Hugh Leatlierman. Ralph Hasness and Arthur Freeman left Thursday for British Columbia where they contemplate locating. George, Lulu and Lois Hummel, /,oe N'ims, George Petrashek and Herbert Ford, students in the state university are home spending their Easter vaca tion. Albert Sherman of Kansas City was here the past week and was so impress ed with the town that he contemplates embarkicg in the general merchandise business here Nina Snow returned Saturday from Beatrice where she represented Hum boldt at the southeastern Nebraska inter-scholastic debating contest. Hum boldt made a very creditable showing. NIMS CITY A number of neighbors hauled hogs for Mrs. Larabee Monday. Mrs. Dora Bacon spent last week at Table Kock with her daughter. The dredging boat near the Miles bridge attracted a great many people last Sunday. Jim Fairbanks was kicked by a horse which caused him to go with two canes for a few days. Miss Grace Bacon of Dawson closed a successful term of school in this dis trict this week. Robert Etter and wife are the proud parents of alittle daughter winch came to their home Thursday. Mesdames L. E. Bacon and T. F. Riley with the latter- children were here from Dawson last week visiting relatives. John Han.-hahn and mother had an exciting experience Sunday with their driving team which ran away upset tingthebuggy which was badly broken. No one was hnrt. Torn Roudes who has made his home with S A. Fairbauks for some time is sick with ty phoid fever. His mother came from Leavenworth. Kan., last Sunday to care for him. OHIO. Win. McYValn ami family entertain ed relatives Sunday. Edna Shaffer spent last week In the county -mat with relatives. Ivan Keliar and wife visited rela , i lives in Morrill. Kan.. Sunday. H .1 I ’richard and wife entertained 1 relatives from Kentucky Sunday. Jake Gibble and family of near Ver don visited friends here Sunday. Sam Kimmel and wife of the county seat visited friends here Sunday. Delos Spiekler and wife of Barmin ! were guest* of friends here Wednes day. Edna and Vera Shaffer entertained a number of their friends Sunday at dinner. Grace McManus went to Verdon Saturday to visit friends returning Sunday. Marie Liehty came out Wednesday from the county -cat and visited her brother*. Myrtle Yoeam of the county seat spent a few day s with her sister here last week, Mrs. Ketterer un i children of Whit irig, Kan . spent last week with rela I tives here, Mr*. Wes Met).row entertained sev eral of In r friends Sunday evening at her home. Mr Harkendotf and wife of the county .-eat visited recently with friends here. Annie Shall* r and Myrtle Bowers of the county -eat visited relatives here Sunday. Wm. Hutchison returned to Deni Tuesday after a few days spent at home during vacation. Mrs Hunker and children of the county -cat visited the former’s sister one day la*t week. Foley’s Honey anil Tar i- a safeguard against serious results from spring colds, which inliatne the lung' and de velop into pneumonia Avoid counter feit' by insisting upon having the gen uine Foley's Honey and Tar,which con tains no harmful drugs. Kerr’s Phar macy. BARADA Born to H. K. Stokes and wife April 3, a girl. Fred Stotts and lady of -Shubert were in town Sunday. Otis Spiekler spent several days in Falls City last week, Henry Wagner is in Nebraska City looking for a location. Miss Hattie Lilly spent vacation at her home near Verdon. Jesse Cox attended the dance at Shubert Saturday night. Lloyd Mitchell of C’ozad is visiting relatives here this week. J. K. Shortledge and wife are recov et iug from a recent iiiness. Spiekler Bros.sold a auto to Dr.Rene ker of Falls City last week. \V. G.Kuker and family visited rtia tives in Brownville last week. Mrs, Seimering returned this week from her trip to the St. Joe hospital. Editor Dalby of the Shubert Citizen wa' here Monday in the interest of his paper. Dan Terrell un i family are expected back from Montana soon to make their home here. Mr. Fritz of Maple Grove drove over Sunday evening with Pastor Sykes and attended church. Mrs.Stong who ha* been visiting her son here returned Monday to her home in Kilbourne, Iowa. The band concert given Wednesay evening by the Shubert band was good and worthy a larger audience than greeted them. The Evangelical Sunday school will give a short Easter program at the church next Sunday morning at 10 a.m. Easter sermon at 11 a, m. Mrs. Zellers of Pennsylvania visited relatives here this week. Her brother Ed Steins of Salt Lake City was visit ing here at the same time. During the spring every one would be benefitted by taking Foley’s Kidney Remedy. It furnishes a needed tonic to the kidneys after the extra strain of winter, and causing them to eleminate the impurities from it. Foley’s Kid ney Remedy imparts new life and vigor. Pleasant to take. Kerr’s Pharmacy. Easter Oxfords ! We invite you to call and see them. THE H M. JENNE SHOE STORE To the Public! As the busy Spring season is at hand we are glad to announce that we are better prepared to serv e the public than ever before. To our already well equipped shop we have ar- j ranged for more labor-saving devices and machinery, j and can truthfully say that we have the BESI equipped Shop in southeastern Nebraska. We have also added more labor to our force, in j person of Mr. Lewis Ruhlen, of Wetmore, Kansas—a first class mechanic and machinist. Mr. Ruhlen comes here with a “gilt-edge" recommendation. Here is what the cashier of the hirst National Rank ot Wetmore says about him: “I have known this boy all his life I and consider him a model man; he is honest, industri ous and reliable. Mr. Lee 1\ Huston will be on duty again in a short time, having recovered from a severe illness during the winter months. Our stock of Wood and Iron Material is lar^e and complete and of hrst class quality. We Buy No Culls. We hav e added the follow ing specialties to our line ot work: Automobile Repairing, Gasoline Engine Repairing, Steam Engine Repairing, I Boiler Repairing, Brazing Cast iron, Re-rubber ing Rubber-Tired Wheels. We haw the Rubber in stock and can do the work on short notice and save v ou some monev on this class of work. All w ork and material is absolutely guaranteed. We have also installed a machine with which we can sharpen vour I.awn Mower in a scientific manner, giving the cutting knives the proper clearance, assur ing easy draft and a better job of cutting. Bring in your work along the above mentioned lines; bring it early, before the rush comes. Don't forget, anything you have to repair or sharpen. We grind and repair Razors, Scissors, Knives and all kinds of tools. Satisfaction or Money Refunded. We wish to thank the public which has so liberally patronized us in the past and invite a continuance of vour valued patronage, knowing that we are better prepared to serve you in the future than we were in the past. Very respectfully yours, Edw. Daeschner PALLS CITY, NEBRASKA Southeast (or. ( ourt House Square. Phones: Shop, ISiJj Residente, 210 Seasonable Suggestions To be Found Here: Lowe Bros.’ Paint Pittsburgh Llectrically Welded Fencing Fishing Tackle and Sporting Goods Alaska and White Frost Refrigerators Call Our Tinner Before the Spring Rains J. C. TANNER Falls City Nebraska Plumbing ar,Hardware Tea-Lalla Rookh-Tea \\ e have this famous brand of Tea in stock, in sun-dried and basket-fired Japan, Gun-Powder, Ceylon, India and Oolong, all in one-pound, half-pound and quarter-pound air-tight packages. We ask you to give this Tea a trial. Call for a free sample of the India or Oolong—nothing better. Remember our Coffees! All in one and two-pound cartons and cans. None better. A full stock of Groceries and Dishes, at Chas. M. Wilson’s We often wonder how any person can be persauded into taking anything but Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs,colds and lung trouble. Do not be fooled in to accepting “own make" or other sub stitutes. The genuine contains no harmful drugs and is in a yellow pack age. Kerr’s Pharmacy. c--—'i When You Buy 1 BUY AT HOME The Home Merchants merit your support, they are the mainstays of the community. And when you buy of Home Metchants, bay of those who advertise. hUMMWaWMMUHMHHB——I