r ^ Henry C. Smith LANDS & LOANS s r 240 acres we ' improved, i ■> i )epot in Kas. Good spring Best of terms. Will take 40 acres as part payment, balance long time Jt.luw interest. 200 acres 1 Uon county, Nebraska. 512,000 100 acres Johnson county, Nebraska 4 ' s to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent. 10T acres near Brown vilie, Nebraska SO acres *4 -mile from Falls* ity high »*. 040 acres, #8,000 improvements Ah * a ad joining. Will take 100 acres as part payment. Fine running water. A No 1 opport tuty loa n THE COWERS AND COERS .<(1 the n-iiular 1. I'.if . Mrs. F. P. Page o; Dawson was in tlie i itv Saturday. Rill Houston visited relatives . Nebraska Citv Sunday Jolin Sayre was clown from Mella on business Saturday. l’rof. Tobie was in Hiawatha Sunday on a visit to his parents Mr- and Mrs. W. S. Lcvda re turned Monday from a few days stay in Kansas City. Mrs- Robert Johnson of Super t r is visiting her parents, Mr.and Mrs, John Mosiman, sr. George Marsh tame down front Lincoln Monday to attend the uneral of F. W. M iller. Miss Kdna Vaughn returned Monday from a visit to her sister Mrs, Kd Young at Sabetha, Ks Mrs. Harriett Able came down Irum Sterling Saturday and is visiting at the home oi John Holt. Wm- Ramsey, wife and baby *e turned home this week Irotn drownville where they attended a family reunion Mrs. Mary Hlavaty was down from Humboldt on business Mon day. She was a guest at the home of Wm. Iliggtns. There was no school yesterday ar today. The teachers left Wed nesday lor Beatrice to attend the district teachers association. In Gov. Morrill's will which ■vas tiled at Hiawatha Friday he ett the cemetery association at that place the slim of $5,000. Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Humph rev at the Verdun Vedette spent Sun lay in this city at the home of lieorge Abbott. They were pleas 'Jit callers at this office Moudav Mrs. V. 1C. I Cmeisou and daUgli tt‘ ■ Maree of \ erdon were shop ping in the city Monday. They • x ie».t to leave in a few days for ■:\.ts where the former has land r.tercsts. ICruest (lode and his estimable aile arrived from Sterling this weak and will again make their oine in our midst. Their multi ade of friends in this city extend so them a hearty welcome. Mr. .'lode has accepted a position with Ma11Ik ws-Little Co. Ur. W. 1C. Lyons anti wife are in the city, having moved here from Auburn. In last weeks pa per we stated the doctor spent five years in Kirksville studying jsteopathv. We should have stated, after attending college at Kirksville, he lias spent five years practicing in this State Card of Thanks Mrs. K. W, Miller ami family desires to express their thanks to .tie many friends and neighbors rhoso kindly assisted them during their recent bereavement. Card of Thanks W r fake iIns means uf i \jii< i»g oar nipeert llmriks to oar main fri.-tuJs who ao kindly Hr-.~i-.r i ll iib during our recent bereave 'merit. 1M11. «nil Mn>. Uii.iiii:, M(. Ai nbh Mi Kbi:. VV. \\. Abbey is thorough] v in formed regarding lit • unfinished work the present council has in operation. 11 is election will save the citv some money and show appreciation lor the many mid night lights he has burned look ing alter the city’s affairs. Mrs. George Slieelev ol Salem and her brother Kd Stains were in the city Wednesday. The lat ter was called from Salt Lake City to attend the funeral of Im father who was buried at Morrill Tuesday. 1C. V. Kauffman of the Syca more Springs spent a part of the week in the city in the interest of the proposed road from Kails City to Sabetlia. Kan. Miss Mable Whitaker arrived from Defiance, Arizona, to attend the funeral of her sister Mis.Lila DeKoin which was held at White Cloud yesterday. Mrs. 10*1. May will render a solo at the morning service at the Kpiscopul church Sunday. It will be “The Palms" by Kause. J. R. Williamson was down lrom Humboldt on business Wed nesdao. This office enjoyed a pleasant call. Mrs. Fred Wilson and son Glen of Mound Cityi was the guest of Mrs, John llossack Wednesday. Myrtle Yocatn and Inez Wach tel came down from Peru to spend a few days with their parents. '1'. M. Draper was down from Humboldt Wednesday. He was a pleasant caller at this office. Miss Bess Vincent came down from Shenandoah Wednesday to spend a few days in this city. Misses May and Kate Maddox and Mildred Holland are down from Cincoln tor a few (lavs. Henry label and wife returned this week from an extended trip to California. Miss Minnie Baier of Weeping Water is a guest at the home of Hr. Greene. S. M. Chaffin of Humboldt was the guest of his niece, Mrs. Geo. Albright. Mrs. Stephen l’rior and daugh ter Irene are visiting relatives at Shubcrt Mrs. Jerry Kan is sntertain ing relatives trom Sabetha tnis week, Mrs. Milo Shields of Fairbury is visiting relatives in this utv. Mrs. Olive Klime of Humboldt is visiting friends in this citv. Prof. I la mack was up from Hiawatha Wednesday. James Slocum was a St. Joe visitor Wednesday. iUiiifeo Powder ytb jalulcly Pure The Only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar —Made from Grapes— A Guarantee of Pure, Healthful, Delicious Food Kerri Harlow spent a part of the week at Tilrien. N , Neal Thornton was a business visitor to Lincoln this week, M. J. Clancy of Dawson, was in the iitv on business Monday. A1 Spear and wife moved this week to the home of M Giannini, i>. Soutorus was here irotn Humboldt Wciinesdayon business. Mesdantes John Ahern and John Evans oi Shubert were in town Tuesday. ( I). C. Simmons and wife of ! Salem were business visitors here Wednesday Mrs. Cooper of Humboldt was tlie guest of Mrs. M. L. Wilson over Sunday Miss Grace Maddox returned this week Irom a visit to relatives at Kansas City. John W. Lionberger was down from Humboldt Mondai, looking after legal business Miss Clra Kleber left Wednes day for Lincoln to attend the wedding of a cousin. George Whitney of Lincoln spent Sunday in this city at the home of George Albright. Mrs- E- J. Satterwhite and lit tie daughter, were guests of, rela tives in Salem this week. Ed. Faloon returned Monday afternoon from St. Joe where he was transacting business Mrs. Charles Weaver of Mer cian. was the guest of Mrs. Jake Bloom in this city Monday. Henry Sandrock was a pleasant caller at this office Wednesday and renewed his subscription. Mrs. K. A. Dittinar and daugh ter Miss Celia, arrived this week from an extended visit with rela tives in the east. J. H. Fritz, Kd, Irwin, Julius' Hudapp and Frank Smith o! Humboldt, were in the citv Mon day on business. Will Boyd has accepted a posi- j tion in a barber shop at Hiawa tha He will move his family to I that place in the near future. Mrs. James Cornell will leave in a few days for Omaha where! she will spend some time with j her daughter. Mrs. N’elle Tinker, i Miss Maggie Murphy who has! been visiting her sister Mrs. 1>. S. McCarthy, returned to her] home at Rulo the first of the week. John Higgens of the upper meat market, has a very attrac tive new delivery wagon. It is a two wheel cart with a fine chest for meat. Benjamin Slagle a n d Mrs. Wilson Schock returned home this week from Saratoga. Wyo., where they attended the funeral of their sister. Meeting For Men Only There will be a meeting for men only at the court house next Sun day afternoon addressed by Hon. A- G- Wolfenbarger of Lincoln, who is one of the ablest orators of the state and will hold an in teresting meeting. Ladies will not be admitted as I every seat is wanted for the voters. Many From Humboldt Chris Hummel, John Snethen, A1 Brunn.Walt Legg.John Tighe, Chas. Atwood, Koscoe Anderson. | I. E. Smith, Claud Linn, Wm. Power, Chester Power. Henry Funk, John Kalose. Clyde Lynch, ! H. T. Hull, Jas. Trimble. John Holechek. J. L. Gandy, A. D. I Murphy. Henry Kuper, James and ! Frank Sneathen, and Homer Ilowe were among the Humboldt people in town who were interest ed in the drainage case before the district court Wednesday. Escapes Injury Miss Kill Houston who is visit ing relatives at Nebraska City had a narrow esva-pe from being killed Tuesday. She was out riding in an automobile with Mr. Kantz and on the road the ma chine jumped a high bank into a pond of water and Miss Houston was caught under the machine but Mr- Kantz escaped injury and soon raised the macnine and res cued tne young ladv, whose nice spring suit was badly spoiled, but aside from that, and the wreck ing of the machine no one was injured. It's All On the Quiet One of the best attractions that will visit Falls City this season will l>e Ralph Riggs, the eccen tric comedian, in his new farcical comedy, with music, ‘ It’s all on the Oniet.” Mr. Riggs has al most an entirely new company this season, composed of clever farceurs, singers and dancers. All the specialties are new and interesting. The entire scenic environment is carried complete hv the company. At the (lehl ing theatre Wednesday, April 7. Shot in the Foot Herbert Helmiok aged 10 years, shot himself in the foot with a 22 rille Sunday, making a painful but not dangerous wound. He was wearing rubber boots at the time, and it is thought in carrying the riHe lie caught it against the top of the boot causing its accidental dis charge. He was brought to the office of Dr. Andrews to have the wound dressed, and the bullet was removed about .'i inches from where it entered. Stella Press Aldrich, the whiskey candidate tor councilman in the second ward, is telling voters in the east part of the city, that to vote lor him means an extension of the' water system to their part of j town. The fact is, regardless of who is elected, the people on the hill will get the extension as soon as the city can possibly get to it. 'Will Sears and Mrs. Willard Sears returned from Shenandoah Monday night. They were ac companied by little Maxine Vin cent. who will spend some time with her mother, Mrs. Klva Vin cent in this city. Henrv Sandrock has made some substantial improvements on his property he recently purchased, lie now has nice upstair rooms and has papered the inside and is now treating the outside to a coat of j aint. Word was received from L. A. Maust and wife who are visiting in California, that they will re turn home about May 1. They will sell their property here and and make their home in Califor nia. Mrs. George Crocker and two children spent a few days in the city at the home of the former’s parents. N. B. Judd and wife. They returned to their home in l'awnec City the tirstof the week. Mrs. Frank Greenwald and son Alfred will leave Saturday for their home at Deadwood, S. 1). They have been visiting at the home of the former's parents, A. Kesterer and wife for some time. Mr. Lvfordis a man of superior business qualifications, and to cast your vote tor him means that you desire the affairs of the city carried on in a businesslike man ner. Mr. and Mrs. Wilhite a n d daughter, Mr*. Abner McKee, were called to Kansas City Satur dav>to the bedside of Jule Schoen heit. who died Sunday. Conference Makes Changes Tit -tier: ■' Evangelical con ic ren the minister Rev. "h : i - '.a e and ynt .1 to this city. Res. A. Mat: was sent to the Zion churc'. -t of here. Rev. Shuman a;: wily have remov ed to Lawrence. Kan., where they will make their future home Notice of Sale of Real Estate In tit * matter «»• • »tmn of Edmond Me* j Williams, gu.'c ’ .v ■ lieu jam in W. (list, a ■ spendthrift, for tea* ■ to sell real estate Notice - h r-*t»y g > -a that m pursuance of an order of John R a • :udge of the district court of Richards, n i ’ . Nebraska, made on the 21 st day or -r. 100?t, for the sale of tie- real estate _• ■ tie scried. ;here will t». sold at th • w. - • • of the court house in Kails City, on : • 24- < d.ay of April, l**0i\at2 o’clock p. m.. at pub! - u lue to the highest ;11 el 4 *F ! he bu\ er, one-lialf cash and * ue.murtb in one year and one-fourth in t a > j jtrs. deferred payments t«> draw six per cent the following de scribed real estate, *> u The northeast quar ter of the northw--? aru-r. th»* northwest quarter of the northea*.- .arter. ami 12 acres described as lot two, 2 the northwest quar ter of the northwest quarter, also a tract of land lying immediately south of lot 2, and de scribed as follow*.. Beginning at the center of the northwest quarter thence running west to the center of the channel of the north fork of the Nemaha river, thence in a southeasterly direction down said channel to a point directly south ot the point of beginning, thence running north to the center of said nbrthurest quarter: also beginning at a point in the public road at the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of the north west quarter, thence running west to the center of the channel of the north fork of the Nemaha i iver.thence following the channel of said river in a southeasterly direction to the center of said section thirty-one, ,31 thence running north to the point of t>eginning:aiso,be. ginning at the same point in the public road as above mentioned, In on thence running east ti» the center of the northeast quarter of said sec tion 31, thence -*«»uth to the center of the chan- ! nel of the north fork of the Nemaha river, thence up the channel of said river to the iron bridge at Whitney'*.. thence west to the west line of said northeast quarter, thejiee north to place of beginning, all in section thirt v-oue,(31 in towtiihip two, 2’ north, of range fifteen, (15) east of the nth I* M. u Richardson County. Ne braska, and containing in the aggregate 123 acres, more or le>*. Sale will remain open for one hour. Bated this 31st day of March, Epmond McWilliams, guardian of Binia min w. tiist. spendthrift. Jambs K. Lkypa. attorney f.»r applicant. 13-4t Spring Oxfords ! We in vite vou to call and see them. THE H M. JENINE SHOE STORE GEHLING THEATRE ONE NIGHT ONLY Wed nesd av r a I A P R 1 L 1 in the eccentric dancer and comediarr Mr. Ralph Riggs and cast of exceptional merit “It’s All on the Quiet’* Farce Comedy with Music Pretty Girls Dainty Dances Catchy Music Prices = 35c and 50c # Spring Jewelry We have just received a fine line of Spring goods in which there are many new and beau tiful patterns. Come and sec our iine. We are sure you will be interested. A E. JAQUET "The Old Reliable” A Chance foraWise Farmer \T' >W >pnng i.- at hand an i \ u are going 1 ^1 to need some Farming Machinery, w: have tried to supply your wants and it wii: certainly pay you to come ami see our immense stock of good, which we will sell at a very close margin. Our method of doing business is known to everyone. If you have a "kick" a eotn'in, don’t tell your neighbor, but tell us and we will make it right. We carry everything in the implement lint . fr tn a gtaden hoe to a double-row lister. We lead them all. Call and see our ga~ line engiues, from I b. p. to S b, p. The way the 1. II. C. Manure Spreaders are selling you cannot afford to be without one. dust come in and look them over ami get our prices, For Wagons, Buggies and Surries we are headquarters. We are expecting a car of new spring styles in a few days and you can't afford to miss seeing them. We also sell Lightning Rods Protect your house and baru; be wise and buy your machinery and lightning rods from a reliable firm. Yours for a square deal, WERNER MOSIMAN & CO.