The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 02, 1909, Image 6

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A Cood Program Was Rendered and
the Session was both Profit
able and Enjoyable
Tile sixth annual meeting <>!
the first district of the Nebras
ka Federation of Woman,* dub*
was held at Nebraska City,
March ■J.VJti, and proved to be
one of the most enthusiastic
e or belli in tins <1 istrici
There were about fifty «1 >• 1«
gates, not including \ isitors
and the club women of Nebras
ka City, which brought t h e
number up to about ninety in
attendance that were c I u b
Mrs. T. ,1. (list ul Kalis < 'ity.
vice-president <>( the first dis
trict, presided during tlie entire
session, in a manner creditable
to herseli and her home town.
She Is a woman of splendid ex
ecutive ability, ready wit and
keen perception, that makes her
meet any disadvantage ami he
equal to the emergency on every
< hving to an unavoidable de
lay, Mrs. Cede the state presi
dent, was unable to n ach Ne
braska City in time to give her
address the opening n i g h t,
neither could Mrs. laim be pres
ent to give her response With
out any previous knowledge of
this, Mrs. (list was compelled
to step in and give, not only
her own address, hut also take
the place of both of these ladies
on the program. Her talk be
lore the Kedoration that night
was the best ever heard .it a
district meeting. Her delivery
was easy, her manner dignified,
her logic clear, and her words
were those that would inspire
womanhood with higher ainbi
tions and ideals. She dwelt to
some extent upon the progress
ot the American Woman tin
last tin 1 f century; what had
been accomplished for national
good through her; what was be
fore her now; the blessings of
motherhood and also paid a
beautiful tribute to,Julia Ward
Many good thing’s had beciy
provided on the program, a tew
ot which deserves mention The
vocal music l»v Mrsdames Allen,
Homeyer. (lanson and Miss
Harding, was greatly enjoyed
as these ladies all have voices
of unusual beautv.
Frol. \\ . L. Steven* gave iii*
Manual Training lecture and
exhibit Thur*dav night. X <>
one can hear this lecture with
out being convinced that in a mi
al training i* essential in our
public school*.
I'lie number* by pupil* from
tlu‘ school for the blind, awak
ened the sympathy and interest
of all who heard them.
The paper on “Kuben*" the
Flemish painter, written and
read by Mis* Jennie .John*ton,
was above the average in excel
nee Miss Johnsl hi*f
blind all her life, but hereduc;
tion and (accomplishment* are
certainly wonderful.
A choru* of boy* from the In
stitute for the Blind, * a n g
“Come Where the Lillie* Bloom"
with voice* so sweet with melo
dy that it went deep into the
hearts of all who heard them.
L o u i e Ludwick. another
blind student, played a cornet
solo, Shubert'* “Serenade,’'
with unusual tone and execu
tion for one so young and had
labored under such great afflic
The last evening Mr*. K. B.
Conant of Lincoln, gave her re
cital, “Folk Lore Song* of Five
Nations," with ladies in cos
tume to represent each nation.
Mrs. Conant is an excellent
singer and her recital was well
worth hearing.
Mis* Certrude Mutton of Ne
braska City, a pianist of more
than ordinary ability, played a
composition by Iieinecke,
After repeated requests, Mrs.
.1 IJ Caine of Stella, sang se\'
(eral selections Mrs, Cain has
I a voice so deep and full of mel
jodv, and a style >o charming
I that she endears herself to her
hearers wherever she appears
The ladies of Nebraska Citj
were found to be royal enter
tamers The beautiful homes
ot the cit\ and also the hotels,
were thrown open to the dele
gates. On Friday an elaborate
i luncheon was given them at
I Masonic hall. Covers were laid
(lor one hundred and tmi 'Phis
was followed by an informal re
eeption. After that ail art srs
sion at tin* Kui]»ire theatre was
greatly enjoyed and very in
structive. (ireat pictures in
Dutch and Flemish art were il
lustrated W‘fh t he stereopt icon,
[with short lecture,', on each pic
ture and artist, by members ot
the Nebraska City art club
Another enjoyable t e a ture
was an automobile drive over
the city, to Arbor Lodge, and
out to visit the School for the
I Hind.
W’liat was seen at this jnsti
tution was certainly a great
revelation, and surelv reflects
gnat credit on the patience and
ability of the instructors. One
could* not help leaving with
the heartache, to see so man)*
little lives doomed to miss the
beauties of nature and (.Hod’s
handiwork. Vet it is comfort
ing to know that they are ac
complishing so much, that their
lives are not \ oid ol all pleas
The last ol the program on
Kriday night was Mrs. (Hist’s
farewell address, as that was
the last time she would appear
as the presiding officer of the
tirst district. Her words were
sincere and earnest and she
leaves the chair with the good
will ol her club sisters, and tlie
district keeping well abreast ol
the work and in good condition.
The meeting was indeed a
benefit and a pleasure to all
who attended and the people of
southeast Nebraska can well
be proud of the standing of the
first district in the state
This Farm Contains 25.640 Acres
of Land
I'he American h’aimer contains
the following account t the Ran
kin farm above St, .Lie, the largest
farm in the world
“Nearly lo years ago an Illinois
Inrun r discovered that land on one
-i I ■ of a state line w is selling at
#20 an acre,while he might buy an
amount on the othei side of the
imaginary dividing mark for less
titan a third that amount. Real
estate men told the fanner that no
railroad would ever go near the
Missouri lands, but he sold his
farm in Illinois and bought all lie
could of the land at St! an acre
‘ Not long ago David Rankin,
who is the man that bought the
cheap act cage, took an inventory
of his possessions in the neighbor
hood of Tarkio, Mo. The inven.
lot v showed 2o,bit) acres, 12.1HH)
i fattening hogs, cattle, vto
horses, more titan loo cottages in
which the employes "f the big
farm were housed, great quantities
of farm machinery and the like.
' rile total figures up : -
tiling like irl,000,0UU in value.
That ditin t include the l,UOO,OtX>
bushels of corn produced annually,
or the I50 miles of tiling and
ditches, some of which had'been
draining the marsh lands of 1<
years ago.
“They say I'm the biggest fann
er in the world.' say.- Rankin, 'and
1 guess it's true. Lots of men
have more land than I, but they
use it for cattle ranges only. Mine
is a farm.'
“Rankin never raises cattle or
furnishes range. He buys the raw
steers front the plains, and fattens
them until worth twice what he
pays for the feeders, as they are
called. He uever sells corn, be
cause by feeding it to cattle, ac
cording to a minute calculation of
his own, he gets more ample re
turns. It is 40 miles from the
nearest to the most distant part of
his farm.
“Mr. Rankin is Scotch-Irish.
He was born in Indiana in rural
poverty. He made his start trad
ing a colt for calves, and raising
the latter into steers. Today he
owns an implement factory, a
municipal water system, a tele
phone company, a bank and other
enterprises in addition tohis farm."
These Notices are Prepared and
Handed In By the Local
Sunday school 't:45 a. tn.
Preaching H»:45 a. tn.
Junior C. K. and Mission Sab
bath school 2:50 p. tn,
Y. P. A. meeting i>:50 p. m.
1 'reaching 7:50 p* m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday
7:4o p. m.
The program lor the services
next Sabbath will include an an
them in the morning, "Bless the
Lord, <). my soul,’’ by J. H. Ten
ney* Tbe topic for discussion in
the morning is "Whv did Christ
die,' In connection with the
regular vesper service in the eve
ning we will have a strong an
them, “How lovely is Zion,"by
H. F. Werschkel. Always the
glad hand and the warm heart
awaits von at this church*
Ri v. R. Cuopkh B \ii i y. Pastor.
Sundav schoo?9:45 a* m*
Public worship 10:45 a. m.
Junior League 2:40 p. m.
Kpworth League t>:30 p. m.
Fvening service 7:50 p. tn.
1 ’raver meeting 'V c d n e s d a y
7:30 p* m.
Kiev. C. A. Mastin, Pastor.
0:45 a. m., Bible school.
11 a. m., Preaching service
> p. m., Junior Endeavor.
0:30 p. in -, Y. P. S- C. E.
7:30 p. in.. Preaching Service.
F. Eu.swokth I)av, Pastor.
11:15 a. in. Sunday school.
10:45 a. m. Sermon.
7 p. in. \ ouug People Alliances
7:30 p. m. Sermon.
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30
p. in.
Friday choir practice 8 p. m.
Pi:ti:k Simmaw, Pastor.
Sunday school 0:45 a. m.
Morning service 11:00 a. m.
Evening service 7:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wed n esd a y
8.00 p. m.
Pi v. (Iko. II. Kkichki,. Pastor.
7:30 a. tin Holy Communion.
n:45 a- m. Sunday School.
10:45 a. in. Morning Prayer and
7:30 p. in. Evening Prayer and
< Jr.i'Kor, Hi I' l i.K Nil or.. Pastor.
Sunday school 'h45 a. tn.
Sermon 10:45 a. rn.
Christian Endeavor o:e0 p. in.
Sermon 7:.40 p, m
Prayer meeting We d ne s d a v
7 :,to p, in.
'Pile last one of the series of il
lustrated missionary lectures will
he given at the Brethren church
next Sundav evening. These lec
tures have never failed to pack
the church with interested .people.
1 he sulueet next Sunday evening
will be. "In Darkest Africa."
This will be interesting not only
because ot the missionary know
ledge that may be gained, but
also because ot the tact of Ex
President Roosevelt's present ex
pedition to this dark land. An
illustrated duet will also he sung.
Everybody is invited to the ser
vice. A free will offering will be
Rev. R. R. Teetkk, Pastor.
Sent to Falls City
(hi Saturday last Mrs. Athy
swore out a warrant before .Justice
Shurtleff, charging Chas.Munston
with bootlegging whiskey, so-call
ed, contrary to the statutes of the
state, ( >n Monday Sheriff Fenton
came up and arrested him, and
taking him before the Squire, be
plead guilty to the charge, and
was taken to the county jail to
await the next term of district
court. Bootlegging here this win
ter has become notorious, and the
officers of the law have become de
termined to stamp it out if possi
ble. - Sliubert Citizen.
Incorporation Notice
Notice is hereby given that cm March 22, 1R09.
| there was tiled in the office of th#* county clerk of
Richardson County. Nebraska, tlie article** of in
cor|H»rari»»n of tie* Mattl»ews-I*ittl* Company as
’ follow -<
AfUK'I.P i
Th** him* of thi.* cor|M»ration shall Is* “Tlie
MaMle*wsd ittle (’ompany."
ABTiri K tl
T* * principal place of transiting the busi
ness of this corporation shall Is* at falls City.
Kiel .tnlson County. Nebraska
I I general nature of the business to Is* trans
I acted by this corporation shall Is* a retail general
' uierrantile business. The corporation to have
the power and authority to own Hindi real estate
as may !»• m*ecsKury to properly conduct its gen
eral mercantile busim*s*
UU P i.k iv
I authoiizml capital stock of tIn* corpora
t ion shall Is* .’fdtl.tHl in shares of $|(MJ each. of
svhi the sum of $s-jr*.nUU shall »«• paid up Iwfore
-ant corporation shall commence business.
T time of the commencemeat of this cor-'
poraMou shall l«* on the day of the tiling of these j
art! 1* - with the county clerk of Richardson j
( o n?y, Nebraska, and tin* life of the corpora
tion -hull terminate 20 years thereafter.
i ‘ugliest amount of indebtedness or liubil \
ii which thi* corporal ion shall subject itself
to it any one time shall not exceed two-thirds of
it - ad up capital stock.
\KTtrl.K VII
i • • alTairs of the corporation are to la* coti
din’ I by a President. Secretary and 'I'ruiiHiirer.
and Vice President and a board of directors con
si-’oiguf thr»*e stockholders Thus P.Matthews
sh • act as president. S. A. Little shall act us
se« rotary and treasurer ami L L. Matt hews shall
act as vice president until said offices are filled
by lection as provided by the by-laws.
1 11n witness to signature of I.. L.
Mat t hew*
Stno* of Nebraska,
Kirtiiiid*cin County.»
i this 29th day of March. t909. before me. the
undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Licli
•it Con t ounty. Nebraska. personally appeared
T P. Matthews and S. A. Little, whose names
an* hereunto subscribed and who arc personally
kn< wn to me to Ih* the identical persons who
suhsrribed the foregoing instrument and ouch
acknowledged the execution of the same to Ih* his
m u*r voluntary act for the purpose of incor
P« ating The Multliews-Littie Company under
and by virtue of the laws of Nebraska
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and notarial seal the day and year last
above written.
sk\i. (irv P. (1 hklnw\i.d. Notary Public.
State of Nebraska. /
Hull County.
On this 19th day of March, PAi9, before me, the
nndersigned. a Notary Public in and for Hall
(ounty, personally appeared L L. Matthews
whose name is hereunto subscrilied and who is
personally known to me to Ih* tie* identical per
son who subscrilied the foregoing instrument as
I L. Matthews” and she acknowledged the exe
cution of the same to Ih* her voluntary act for
the purpose of incorporating The Matthews-Lit
tle Company under and liy virtue of the laws of
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and
year last above written.
My commission expires .Iannary 1912
seai John Ai.i.\n. Notary Public.
Leaves A Lewis, Attorneys. 12-lt
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an
order of sale, issianl out of the District Court,
in and for Hichardson county and state of
Nebraska, under tin* seal of said Court, dated on
tie* loth day of February, 1909. ami to me di
rected as Sheriff of said county. to be executed,
I will on the 17th day of April, 1909. at 10 o’clock
a. in., of said day. at the west door of the court
house in the city of Falls city, in said county
and state, oiler fur sale at public vendue, and
*ell to the highest and liest bidder, the property
descrilied in said order of sale, towit:
Lots one ! , two r2i. three '• and four II. in
block tivo C> . (Took A Towle'** second addition
to Falls City . Neb., in said county, to satisfy a
decree of said court, with interest and costs re
covered by Peter Frederick. Sr,, against John F.
Lamsey and Jennie Lmnsey.
Terms of sale. cash.
(riven underlay hand at Mills City. Nebraska,
this 9th day of March, lt*»9.
W. T. FL.N TON, Sheriff
Hy Lewis » Lewis, Attorney*. 10 5t
Legal Notice
in thi: mstkidt uoubt fokiudhaud
Thomas Mr Lam* /
()Uie M' Mr Lam* '
Notice i* hereby driven to Ihe d.-fondant that «»n
March 15th, 11*W, pluiutitl tiled hi* petition in
said eonrt against said defendant, the object and
prayer of which a e t<* obtain an absolute divorce
from said defendant upon the vr round* that said
defemdaut lias t»een guilty of >cros,* and extreme
eruelty toward* plaint iff without just cause or
provocat ion.
Defendant i* required to plead to said petition
. a t.r Irt-fi.i. ,\p:i! J’lth. ... .dictation*
thereof wilt be taken as true and decree entenni
u accordance with the prayer of said petition.
LEAN IS A m:\\ IS.
At torneys for Plaint ill
hirst publication March 1* 11.»
.. -•.* #
H. riARION |
j Sales conducted in f
■ scientific and busi- X
nesslike manner X
; i
: C. H. MARION f
• Palls City, Nebraska 2
If you have backache and urinary
trouble# you should take Foley's Kid
ney Remedy to strengthen and build
up the kidnev# #o thev will act proper
ly, a# a #eriou# kidney trouble may de
velop. Kerr'# Pharmacy.
Private Money.
Private money to loan on Real
Estate. Mortgages bought and
sold. Call at First National
Bank. 3-tf A. J. Weaver
/Wore New bands
Judith Basin. Montana. 1».« tlo- < rreat Northern line between
Billings and (1 rent Falls.h fine an a of tellable production, with 6pier
[did chances t profit for early buyers. No irngatiou; average mois
ture 17 inches, which is enough to insure heavy and varied crops.
Semi for Judith Basin folder
Sun River, Montana Government irrigated land, 275,000 acre*
near'Great Fails, Mont. First section now open for hung; only $d0
an acre m 10 annual installment*. Send for Sun Kiver Project folder
Big Horn Basin. A new government irrigated tract of 12,000
acres near Garland, VVyo.. to he soon opened for filing. Watch for
this and make your tiling early on a choice location. Write me.
Round Trif Rate. Only $27.5(1 to above localities. This is a
low rate fo' an extensive trip into those fa*tdeveloping section*. Take
it this spring or summer.
Personally Conducted Excursions I conduct excursions on the
first and third Tuesday* of each month to the ab »ve localities. N >
charge for my services.
Writ, me f. * folders, technical information about taking up
homestead land.*, -to 1 was for many years connected with the Land
Department of t Government. J can help you make a good selection.
D CL KM DKAYKld, Gknekai. A<.ext:
Land Seekers Information Bureau, Omaha, Neb.
Some bankers pride themselves on the fact that they have by
tlie austerity of their manner,secured such a title as the above, They
are ijuite welcome to it. we have no desire to cultivate any such
characteristics. Personally we do not care to do business with
“cold proposition-.and what is true of us is true of others. V e
are not tnind readers, but we know something about men and are
aware that certain things repel and certain other things attract.
This bank and its officers are but the servents to serve, not to play
“freeze out.' We cannot always do all that -ome of our customers
wish us to, but when «e cannot we explain why, and do it in such a
manner as not to give offense. Some of the firmest friends this
bank ha- are men whose views on certain things wt could not fully
meet at the start, but they were men of reason and sound sense, and
when we explained why we could not they saw the point, were won
by our evident desire to be fair with them while we remained true to
every interest of the bank, and this made tiiem feel that this bank
was a good one to tie to. Now they are tied so fast they will proba
bly never get loose. We hope not any rate.
The Farmers’ State 5ani^
in deotal work if you have need of our
service^ and avail yourself of our ski ,
experience and facilities. We don’t do
half way work—it’s all or nothing with
us. as many people know to their own
great grati Note, please, t hat
we make no charge for expert examin
ation .
BERT WlNDl.E. i>. D. Assistant
Falls City, Nebraskj
Magnetic Healing
Miss Lizzie Reitland. a gradu
ate of the Weltmer School of1
Magnetic Healing, of Nevada.
Mo. I am prepared to treat dis
eases of all kinds. Rhone 27*'•
Located at Mrs. Burris' residence
south of the convent. -ft
♦ +M+4-M-+4 + -I-4-4 4 H4-H-1
: l). S. McCarthy •
• ■ «.
:: DRAY and ;;
• • ii
] J i i
X to the re mo a. of house* li
i" hold good*. ! i
:: phone no. 211 ::
!! |
.. 4-H-l 8 < H-l-4-M~4-4 ++■
LJ H, X IT 1 S 'T
Phones: Nos. ITT. 217
Sam'i.. Wahi Bulbing
Office over Kerr's Pharmacy
Office Phone 200 Residence Phone 271 <
John Wiiatsb
Practice in Various Courts.
Collections Attended To.
Notary Public. FALLS CITY .
Phone 248 Over Richardson Count)
Passenger Trains
South Bound
Tr. 104—St. Louis Mail and Ex
press .1:23 p. m.
Tr. 106—Kansas City Exp.. 3:41 a. m.
Tr. 132 x—K. C.local leaves. .7:30 a. m.
Tr. 13* x -Falls City arrive- in00 p. in.
x Daily except Sunday
North Bound
Tr. 103 Nebraska Mail and Ex
_ Pres'.l:.:-2 p. m.
Tr. K—Omaha Express. . .2:2-1 a. r.t.
Tr. 137 x—Omaha local Uav e- 6:15 a.m.
Tr. 131 x —Falls City local ar
rive- ... *:4'j
x -Daily exeeut Sunday
Local Frt. Trains Carrying Passengers
North Bound
Tr, li'2x—To Atchison.11:10 a. m.
South Bound
Tr. l'.'l x—To Auburn.1:2.3 p in.
J 3 VARNER. Agent
Burlington Route
West Bound
No. 13—Denver Exp.1:59 a. ra
No. 15—Denver Exp. iLocal). 1:43 p. rst
No- 43—Portland Exp.10:17 p. ra.
No. 41—Portland Exp.2:2» p. it:
No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne
braska City.5:W a. ra.
East Bound
No, 14- St. J., IC. C. & St. L. .7:41 a. m.
No. 44 -St. J.. K. C. .v St. L..
(Local).11:02 a. ra.
No. l< - St. J., K.C. vV St. L. .4:30 p. ra.
No. 42 St. ,L. K. C. .v St. L 7:00p. m.
No 122 From Lincoln, via
Nebraska City. 8:45 p. ra.
F., G. Whitford, Agent.