Spring Opening and Sale of Men's Clothes! ID e ike V. ' ■« The looms of the world have contributed to this display of fabrics—the leading makers have given their best efforts in Style and Workman ship—and the result is a showing of new modes and colors of which this store is proud. Saturday—and all next week—six “at-home days” to afford examination and selection of the correct styles in all that mankind wears. THERE is usually an idea of more or less formality about an “opening”; and while this is quite an event with us, we want it to partake more of the nature of a house-warming, with customers or strangers dropping in, look 321^4 aronnd to see what the powers that be have decreed as the proper things :n clothes. Buy if you want to. We are here to serve you;, but we will not urge you to buy. Just come and look. That’s what we want you to do. The . , i md other wearables will make their own ;>j • ai to you. You’ll want them. We believe in carrying goods that l| i] t . selves on sight and on reputation for worth. So ou will see at least a score oi new Sincerity Styles for Men and Men ,n;nt' stunning, dashv ones for you a en, and then ranging to the quiet styles and colors for the more iligni , (5 L... ; wo won’t say older men- Then tiler 1 - up* to-d.it ■ line for boys and children; and the 50c to Si.50 shirts, the $1 to $3.50 I gloves, the line of tan and oxblood - is, and new olors in ne kwear; and so on down the list of necessaries or lu\ 0 in a \ be. You should see our line of Far y Hosiery and Hnderwear. Wc Keep Open 'Til 9 o'clock THE COIRS AND GOERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. - Eat Sowles Candy. Dr. Wilson, Wahl’s building. L. t Edwards -.pent Monday in Humboldt. John Wicks of Omaha was a visitor here Sunday. Jlenrv Sandrock was a business visitor to Dawson Monday. Theodore Weaver was down from Stella on business 1' nday. A baby boy was born to Henry Fehr and wife. Tuesday, March 30-' Dr. J. L- Gandy of Humboldt was a business visitor here Mon day. Henry Miller of Elmwood at-1 tended the funeral of his brother here Monday. Mrs. Nepper spent Sunday in 1 this city the guest ol her daugh-1 ter. Mrs- Charles Sheeley. Mrs. Emma Smith arrived from ; Dallas. Texas, to attend the fu neral ofher father, Fred Miller Pure bred six weeks seed po tatoes. Long Dros., Reserve, Ks., or W. P. Long. Falls City. Ne braska. 12-2t Dr. I. L. Callison of Stella spent Sunday in this city the guest of his sister Mrs. I. M. Houston. W. H. Shafer and wife of Hea ver City were called here Sunday bv the death of the latter's broth er, Fred Miller. Mr- and Mrs.Ferd Parchcn and son Roy spent Tuesday in St. Joe. Mrs. Parchen went to consult Dr. Pitts, an eye specialist. LADIES You are, invited to visit R A. Ditt mars store Saturday forenoon to inspect a complete line of Ladies' and M'sses' Suits. Jackets and Lonfi Coats Schmelssel tells il.- ant va n voter “I’m a temperance roan.' while the whiskey paper trying its best to land ts son-in clerk on the whiskey ticket* Young dog Tray - n ran In v ’ an company for at Dr. Wolfe left 7 cvdav Ur the home of Ins parents in ow to be present at the r. a mage i a sister. This event took pi, * '>n Wednesday and the t - pdets to return Sati.rr-ay. C. E. Nims came own (r - Humboldt Wednesday b*:ng .n terested in a cast r tb< do tr t court. He was pleasant aller at this office and has or thanks for financial favor Rev. Teeter left Wedncsiia v ’or Hamlin, Kan., wuere 1 ad charge of the luneral ■ ■ - Elias Berkley- She wa* n* of Brown county’s pi' nee:-. Wilson Kornerand wife ref. m ed Monday from an e. tendei trip from the south, '. bey had erv enjoyable time and re|>r>T't the weather line. Henry Slander J Humboldt at tended the meeting ol the county assessors at the court house Tues day. His wife accompanied him to the city. W. A. Whitaker and Mrs.Spen cer Foster went to White Cloud to attend the f. neral of Mrs. Lila DeKoin at that pin t: yester day. Miss Vergie Mead attended r :<■ wedding of Miss (Trie French to l’rof. French a'. calec Wednes day. Simon llollma* and Louis Stalder of the west end were n the city Tuesday on business J, G. Whitaker of Kansas City is in the city to attend the funer al of Jule Schoenheit Mrs. Sue Windle of Wankomi lias our thanks for cash on sub scription. A. J. Weaver was a business visitor to St. -Joe Tuesday. Fine seed potatoes at C A. Heck’s. Maust Bros, have a nieelv painted ice wagon to start their season's work. John (lilligan.Italian.and Peter Kiser. Turk, both of Falls City were doing Hiawatha Monday. Hiawatha Democrat. Mrs. Sarah Marburger returned to Humboldt Thursday after a visit with her sister Mrs. (leorge Schmel/cel in this city. Miss Pearl Lawrence w li o closed her school in the country, is one of the new clerks at the Matt hews-Lit tie Co. store. Miss Pearl Klitna, one of our teachers, went to Butte. Mont, this week. James Jacquet is teaching during her absence Mrs. W. K. McFarland and two little daughters, came down from Omaha and are visiting the form er's sister, Mrs. R, P. Roberts. Rickabaugh ,v Arnold of Salem are doing a big carpenter busi ness this spring and will be glad to i.gure with you on any work you may have in their line Mrs. Mary Hlavaty has pur chased from the heirs the farm northwest of Humboldt and con templates moving from Lincoln in a few weeks and will reside on the farm. Her son Dan will as sist in the farm work. 1'rof. Harnack's orchestra went to Sabetha last night to plav for a commercial club banquet. The members are Wtn. llarnack, Leo Zimmerman, George Moll, Karl Phipps and Miss Hazel Kelsey. '1'his orchestra is one of the best in the country, and is often em ployed at Falls City, Sabetha and other surrounding towns. Hia watha Democrat. C. K. Yocam of this city lias purchased the photograph studios J of J. 1L Holt Fairview and has : taken charge Mr. Yocam is a j young man of 7 years experience land is very industrious and will doubtless build up an excellent business in Morrill and Fairview. His wife will assist him as soon as her school closes. She is te; hing near DuBois. The Junior class gave an ex ception a _ , 1 program at the high sen i ' Friday morning. Their ag vas placed in one corner of the room where the class was seated and each one wore their ,ass colors The pro gram cons te of a biography of Robert 13 rr and several of bis songs and poems were greatly en joyed. From >ra 1 standpoint we will nearly* all agree that the open saloon is not a good thing for any community. Have you, Mr. Keade*. a boy or girl you are willing t ve to Mr. Whiskey? Misses Hannah and Anna An derson spent a few da vs at their home in Mason City the latter part of the week, being alien there by the serious illness of then father. Mrs- Stt ■ Miles and little son and Mrs. Frank left Tuesday tor Johnston, Pa., where they will spend some time with relatives. Mrs. C. V . Reneker and little daughter ?<• • n spent Sunday at Troy, Kan. at the home of the former's parents, F. S. Page, Mrs. Fphraim Withee and sun Gene came down from Stella and spent a few days with her parents John Hossack and wife. Mrs. * laude Kerges of Hum boldt returned home after spend ing a few days with relatives and friends in this city. E. G. Wbitford of this city spent a short time in St. Joe and Kansas 'itv on business the latter part of the week. Mrs- LeKoy Judd of Dawson, spent a part of this week in the i city visiting her daughter. Miss I Florence i Tom Kean of Dawson and one |of the most genial men of that | village, was. a pleasant caller ! Tuesday. Nellie Weaver of Verdon spent a few days this week with her cousin, Mrs Jacob Bloom. Mrs. Carrie Schaible returned this week from a several weeks stay at Oxford. L. J. Rickabaugh of Salem is a new subscriber this week. Dr. Amy Lyons, Osteapath, office Wahl building, ’phone 440. Willard Voib and wife of Ver don were in the city shopping Saturday. Will Sears and Mrs. Willard Sears left Sunday for Shenandoah to spend a few days. Mrs. Jake Schaible and Mrs. Ike Lyons were St. Joe visitors the latter of the week. Bart Messier came down from Omaha and spent Sunday with his mother in this city. Mrs. George Albright accom panied her daughter Mrs A. Ben tley to Hiawatha, Friday. Mesdames Frank a n d James I’echt spent a short timein St.Joe! the latter part of the week. Mrs. Harry Sears arrived in the city Saturday to helpcare for her sister-in-law, Mrs. Klva Sears Vincent who is ill at the home of her father, W. Sears. Mrs. Charles Davis and Mrs Robert Schindler of this city re turned this week from a few days visit with their sister Mrs. James Stewart at Sabetha, Kan. Master Robert McCoy of Hia watha, a grandson of .!• R. Cain of this city, has been very ill for the past few weeks, but at this writing is slowly improving. Mrs. Jonn Schulenbcrg was in the city Saturday. A few days ago she met with a very painful accident. When removing the cover from a can of lye part of the contents went in her eye. Mr>, Lawrence Snyder and daughter Nellie who have been visiting Mrs- Frank Gossett at Horton, Kansas, returned home | Saturday. The, also visited Hiawatha friends on their way home. Otto Kotouc, upon the com pletion of his work as representa tive will begin the work as assist ant cashier of the State Bank of Humboldt, to which position he has recently been called by the I board of directors. If every man who believes the day of the open saloon should end in Falls City will refuse to be side trai ked by collateral issues but will vote bis principles the 'day is won. This spring affords the best chance we have ever had to defeat the saloons. . Don’t throw the chance away! There isn’t a more tender or helpful woman in sickness or trouble than Mrs. Jos. Kocher. Whenever she leaves town she has gone to look after some sick relatives- She just returned home from Falls City where she > ared for her sister. Hiawatha World. The many friends o f Irvin Curry in this city will be glad to know that his health is much im proved, and he returned to Hia watha last week and is employed in one of the drug stores at that place. Fritz Miller arrived from Mis soula, Mont., Monday, being call ed here bv the death of bis father, butarrived toolate for the funeral Mr. and Mrs. John Ward came down from Tecumseh Saturday being called here by the death of the latter’s father, Fred Miller. Charles Lvfonl who lias been | visiting his brother, V.G. Lvford returned to his home in Chicago j tin* latter part of the week. Rev. Teeter was a business visitor to Bethany, Kan., the latter part of the week. Mrs. John Oswald went to Stella Monday to spend a few days with relatives. Mr. and Mr-. Krncst Bode ame down from Sterling the latter part of the week Dr. \\. K- Lyons, Osteapath, office Wahl building, ’phone 446. J- J. Shrader ,was down from Verdon on business. Dr. Kd'Haysof Dawson was in the city Friday. A representative of one of the largest Ladies' and Misses Suit, Jacket and Coat Houf.ev the country will be at R A D.ttmar s stare Saturday foreroon. April 3d Don’t fail to sec this fine line of ; goods.