Henry C. Smith LANDS & LOANS 240 acres well improved, It miies from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of terms. Will take' 4»» p in. Brayer meeting Wed n c sd a v 7:J0 p. m. That a n earnest, intense!} spiritual service is appret iated by the general public is shown bv the very encouraging audiences which appear in the First Bres terian church every Sabbath day. The music lor next Sabbath will include a beautiful anthem by H. t ). Excell) using the familiar hymn, “Come, Thou Fount of cv eiy Blessing." The pastor wili discuss the sixth, of the great tjiiestions of the hour “Who is Jesus Christ?" In the evening a bright brief, helpful song service and sermon. Fly. R. Cooritn B.vii.i.v, Castor. METHODIST CHURCH Sunclav school ‘>:4S a in - Public worship 10:43 a. m. Junior League 2:30 p. in Kpworth League 0:30 p. in. Kvening service 7:30 p. in. Prayer meeting A e«l n e s <1 a v ' HI p- m. At the First Methodist Kpisco pal church Friday night Rev. I'. 10. Rucli will give a missionan lecture. This will tie illustrated with views ol Northern India. The lecture is free, ami will he ft !’. at 7:30 sharp. The Womans Home and For ' go Societies will hold a social Thursday night at the home of V G. L\ ford. Rsv. C. A. M astin, Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 043 a. m., Bible school. It a. m.. Preaching service 4 p. in., Junior Kndeavor. •»:30 p. in-, V P. S- C. K. 7-30 p. in.. Preaching Service. Two splendid services last Sun Church building lar ton small to occommotlate the great audiences. We have put m five and a half dozen more chairs and Sunday evening every nook and corner of both the main building and the lecture room were packed. Five came forward at the mor ning service and live were bap' tized at the close of tlie evening servii e. We are planning for our great meeting in June with a great Hvangelist and Singer and we are hoping and praying this may be one of the greatest meetings held in the state this year among our people. There will be tlie regular ser vices at the church next Sunday as follows: Morning subject "What do you more than others, or The Creed of the New Testament church. ’ livening subject "Ye must be born Again' or the Spirit of the Cos pel. We extend a cordial invitation to you to come and enjoy the ser vices with us. Come, a hearty welcome awaits you. F. Km.swokth Day, Pastor. (Hi KM AN i;VAN(H!l.R'AL CIU'KCII. Shin b. in. Sunday school. Uh IS h. in. Sermon. 7 p. m. Young People Alliances 7:•{() p. m. Sermon. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:li(> p. m. Friday choir practice s p. in. 1 *i:ri;u Si hi m \n\, Pastor. HA WIST CIU'KCII Sunday school T45 a. m. Morning service 11:00 a. m. Keening service 7:A0 ]>. m. Prayer meeting \V ed n cs <1 a y S.OO p. in. The ordination of our deacons Pro. John Penschoter and Pro. Win, Schilling took place at the Baptist church Wednesday night. The sermon preached by Rev. Masten of Auburn, was a delight to all Rev. Lusk of Steila gave the charge to the deacons in a forceful way This was followed by the charge to the church by Rev. Martin of Pawnee. A solo was beautifully rendered by Miss I’na Snidow. Rev- Reichel and wife favored us with a duct. The is tHe most efficient and perfect oi leavening agents. MADE FROM PURE CREAM OF TARTAR No alum, lime or ammonia. The Falls City Roller Mills Does j general milling business, atul manufactures the following brands of flour SUNFLOWER MAGNOLIA CROWN The above brands are guaranteed to be of the highest pos sible quality. Wc also manufacture all mill products and conduct a general Grain, Live Stock and Coal Business and solicit a share of your patronage P. S. Heacock & Son Falls City, Nebr. service was thoroughly enjoyed by all present < Hir regular i|uarterly corimun 1 s.-rvi. ' will be nliVi rved .titer the sermon next Sunday morning. K’kv. Gho. II. Nr: remit.. Pastor. ST. THOMAS CHPHClt 7:.to a. ni- Holy Communion 0:4J> i ni. Sunday School. He t5 a. m. Morfiing Prayer and Sermon. 7:.to p. in. livening Prayer and Sermon. 'Hie Holy Sacrament of Bap tism will be administered at St. Thomas church next Sunday at the morning service. The choir of St. Thomas church are preparing an elaborate musi* cat program for paster morning and night Gkokok Lrrn.r. Nkidk, Pastor. - - I BRETHREN CHURCH Sunday school '045 a. in. Sermon 10:45 a. m. Christian Endeavor 0:40 p. in. Sermon 7:50 p. in, Prayer meeting We d ne s d a y 7:50 p. m. Morning sermon "The Perfect-! ing of the Saints. ' In the even ing the pastor will speak on “Moral Cowardice.” Rev R. R. Teeter, Pastor. How can any perron risk Hiking some j unknown cough remedy when Foley's | Haney and Tar costs them no more? It j is u safe remedy, contains no harmful! drugs, and cur* s ttie most obstinate , coughs and colds. Why experiment with your health'.-' Insist upon having the genuine Foley’s Honey and Tar. Kerr’s Pharmacy. ..-.. * .__ OLDEST DATED DECORATION. Probably the oldest dated decora-! lion in the world lias recently been brought to light by the discovery of fho funerary temple of King Salm ra, who lived '.’,500 P>. C. It lies between the Pyramids of j Cisi'li and Saggarah, and has been! unearthed by Dr. Borelmrfs, diroe-1 tor of the Herman institute of ar- j i haeology at Cairo. Sculptured has reliefs illustrate Pharaoh conversing j with the gods, conquering the T.v-1 hians, and receiving an embassy. Be- | sid- s this there are limiting and fish- i ing scenes, and most interesting of; all, ft fleet of ships of the period. ANCIENT WAR CLUBS. Clubs were the weapons of primi- j live and savage men. Ancient speci-1 mens from Mexico are heavy sticks grooved along the side for the inser tion of blades of obsidian—that is, volcanic glass. The Sioux club is a flat piece of wood, curving and! widening away from the grip, and terminating in a spherical head, which in modern times carried a long spike, while the blades of sever al butcher knives are commonly in serted along the margin. HAD A WIDE CHOICE. On the occasion of the late jubilee of the town of Wilhelmsburg in Germany (lie burgermeister re ceived a telegram, signed by all the unmarried girls of the place, advis ing him to gift married and Saying that none of the undersigned had any objection to becoming a frau burgermeisterin. The Womans Auxiliary to the Board of Missions of St. Thomas church will serve a missionary supper at the home of Dr. Miner, Wednesday. March 51. from 5 to S p. m. This will be the usual supper for which the women of St. Thomas church are famous. Supper 15c. A marriage license was issued this week to John Rowan of Au. rora. Neb.. 52 to Sadie Buser, Dawson, Neb.. 2m Mrs. Ella Nicholson arrived Monday from Winfield. Kan., and will make an extended visit with relatives ami friends. t i . THE COIRS UNO COERS I'rt. wtirtl *‘ff tlit* n*gul;ir Lttcal I'uy, I’rof. 1C. K. Hurst spent Sunday with his Auburn friends. Harry (.luster made a business tr:j> to Lincoln this week. W- D- Easier of Lincoln was a 1 -.'siness visitor in this city Friday. Los Graham of Dawson was a business visitor at this place last Friday. Judge C. Gillispie attended the funeral of an old friend at Tecum sell this week. The Episcopal ladies held an e> hange at Electric theater Sat urday afternoon. E. 1C. Griustead of Salem spent most of the week in this city in the interest of the drainage busi ness. Mrs. T* J. Spencer who has been visiting lier son Guy at ()ma ha. returned home the lirst of the week. George Wittwer and Ida Stauf fer both of this county were qui etly married in Pawnee City last week. Ewing Herbert of the Hiawa tha World saw “The Lady from the Sea ' at the Gehling Friday night. Frank and George Martin came down from Council Bluffs Satur day to spend a few days with their parents. Miss Mae Gossett of this city returned from a few days in Hia watha where she was the guest of Miss Xelle Lewis. Hugh Prichard and wife who were called to Abilene, Kansas, by the illness of his sister, Mrs. C. Simpson, returned home Mon day. Mrs- W. 11. Moran and son Charles *r. I. M. Houston and family at this place Friday and Saturday. John Buckminster left Wednes day night for Gorden, Nebraska, where he has land interests. He expects to move his family to that place in the near future. Gus Xeitxel has moved into the house recently vacated by Eli Bowers. M. Self ha-, purchased the Bair property where Mr. Nei tzel lived and will move his family there in a few'davs —Reliable, energetic men to sell lubricating oi's, greases and paints in Richardson and adjoin ing comities Salary or commis sion. Fairfax Refining Co., Cleveland. Ohio. James M oods had the misfor tune to badly lacerate a linger at the new power plant while start ing tiie big pump. He received prompt medical attention and is getting along nicely Kev. Teeter was called unanim ously by the Brethren church at a business meeting on Wednes day evening, to continue as pas tor of the church. This will make his fourth year with this church. Mrs. Kd Melton was called to St Joe this week by a message announcing the serious illness of her granddaughter. Mrs. Georgia Cu innings. Mrs Cummings will b* remembered as the lady who c iened up a millinery store last spring where l’echt & Schulen herg's restaurant is “My three year old boy was badly constipated, had a high fever and was in an awful condition. 1 gave him two doses of Foley's Onto Laxative and the next morning the fever was gone and he w-as entirely well. Foley’s Orino Laxative saved his life.’’ A. Wolkusb. Casituer. Wis. Kerr’s Pharmacy. Business Changes Hands This week a deal was made whereby George Holt becomes the owner of the ">tar Livery barn For many t ars Mr. Holt was numbered among our business men and we are glad to know he | is one of us again. A. J. Iloehen. who slipped and Gel! at the Union House, fractur ing his limb a few weeks ago is j able to resume his duties at Mat thews' department store. Mr. Hoehen has >pent some time at his home in St. Joe. while he was not able to get around. Everything about us indicates that spring is here- The farm ers are all beginning their spring work and every day we can see loads of farm implements that have been bought at this place and being hauled to the country. W- A. Vandeveer of Lincoln was here Wednesday to see Dr. Bailey and will furnish plans and specifications to the committee and bid upon the new church building. C. 1’. Lovelace o f the Ford Bros. Glass Co . of Minneapolis, was here on Wednesday showing styles for the art windows of the new Presbyterian church building. We are now showing a com plete line of Spring Millinery in cluding the most up-to date ef fects in tailored and dress ha s The Wittrock Millinery Store. A. J- Weaver made a business; trip to Pawnee Tuesday where he sold the balance of theHlavety land. On Wednesday. Mr.Weav er was a Humboldt visitor. Mrs. J. lb Hinkle, who has spent several days in the city with her daughter, Mrs. Jess Brown, returned to her home in Stella Tuesday. The friends of Mrs. Freda Sen ner Ellsworth received word this week that twin girls have I arrived at their home at Grand Island Mrs. A. W. Leeds of Hiawatha, who has been visiting her son Less Leeds and family at this place returned home this week. Mesdames J. P. Jones and John Tiehen were here from Salem Monday and visted friends in the city and did some shopping. 'I'lie first ot the week Miss Clara Kleber will go to Lincoln where she will act as bridesmaid at her cousins wedding. Arthur Coupe arrived from New York the latter part of the week to visit his Uncle, Richard Coupe and family. Wtu- Seng of Clatonia. Kan., was in the city Wednesday to bid on the contract for the Presby terian church. Iv S. Norton and wife of Hum-, boldt were in the city and spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. A. Iv Wolf. The Verdon Vedette has placed ; a nice new 10x15 Cordon press in j their job department this week. Joseph Ray and W. M. Carpen ter «»1 Humboldt were business visitors at this place Tuesday. J. II- Miles returned Friday! from a lew weeks spent in Cali fornia with his family. Ilert Ktmnert. wife and child of Salem were guests of friends in this city Sunday. James Coupe came down from Lincoln and spent Sunday with his parents. I). C. Simmons and wife of Sa lem were in the city Monday. Cotne to Heck's Feed Store and get the best Seed^Oats, Miss Vera Lordjhas been quite sick the past week. H. E. Boyd of Humboldt was [a visitor here Wednesdav. Ed Ealloon and children visit t I relatives in Hiawatha Sunday. Little Grace Hinton has been I quite sick the pas* week suffering with tonsilitis. Miss Minnie McDonald went to I Nebraska City yesterday to atter 1 the district club meeting. Miss Myrtle Yocam came down , from the Peru Normal and spent | Sunday with her parents. Miss Grace Cronin o f Rulo spent Sunday with her sisters, Mrs. Less Leeds and Mrs. T. J. McKiever. Max Werner came down frr u Nebraska City and spent Sunday with his parents at this place. Max says he is real well pleased with his position. ...... . . ...... . . . ... „ i C. H. iiARION | AUCTIONEER, ; • •* ..■■■■'■ .. i l » y % Sales conducted in X • • » ? scientific and busi- T % nesslike manner * —— ■" -*> * *•> : C. H. MARION \ % Falls City, Nebraska Z •' y LET US TAKE YOUR ORDE ~ Knickerbocker IPR Company CALL TELEPHONE NO. 289 You Read the Other Fellow’s Ad You are reading this one. That should convince you that advertising in these columns is a profitable prop osition; that it will bring business to your store. The fact that the other fellow advertises is prob ably the reason he is get ting more bu ness than is falling to you. Would it not be well to give the other fellow a chance To Road Your Ad In These Columns MEN DON’T SUFFER WHEN YOU CAN BE RESTORED TO HEALTH. STRENGTH AND VIGOR AT A SMALL COST. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED ONE VirniT to our of fice Im usually enough, after that the treat ment can be taken at home. The Great CHICAGO MEDICAL INSTI TUTE of St. Joseph, Mo., famous for its wonderful cures. Nervous Debility, Ca tarrh, Rheumatism. Stomach, Liver. Kid ney, Blood and Skin Diseases. Weakness, Stricture, Drains. Backache. Varicocele, Scrofula, Blood Poison, Headache, Float ing Spots before the eyes. Poor Mem- » ory. Loss of Sleep. Loss of Confidence, Easily Tired. Loss of Vigor. Pimples. Eczema. Backwardness, Nervous Fears, and all Chronic Diseases of Men and Women. Advice free. CHICAGO MEDICAL INSTITUTE of St. Joseph, Mo. '.'Floor Corby Block. Entrance 418 Edmond St