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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1909)
Henry C. Smith LANDS & LOANS *■ 4ii drr,’. well imiih'iiv» (1 1 ^ nii ■ es t ■ *" I ■ <■ ' K'.ii 11oni 1 >priiiir Hi'st of terms W ill take 40 acres as part payment, balance long time a’ low interi' 200 acres 1 '4 miles from depot. KiehariS in county. Nebraska. Good buildings and land V\ ill take 40 or 80 acres as part payment 1 ISO acres upland, 1 mile from depot. Ri ..ari- n county. Nebraska. $12,00o. 160 acres Johnson county, Nebras 10* acres near Brownville, Nebraska 80 acres U-mile from Falls City high school. 640 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 64-> acre-, adjoining. Will take 100acres a* part pay metit. Fine running water. A No 1 opportunity. Monet to loan I CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS THE FOLLOWING SERVICES WILL BE HELD SUNDAY These Notices are Prepared and Handed in By the Local Ministers I’ R LS U YTK HI AN CIICRC II Sunday school ‘»;45 a? tn. Preaching 10:45 a. m. Junior C. 1C and Mij»j»iun Sab bath school 2:50 p, in, Y. P. A. meeting 0:50 p. m. Preaching 7:50 p, in. Prayer meeting W e d n e s d a v 7:50 p. in. It would see in that the attempt to popularize the deep things in theology is meeting the needs of the community. The audiences have been quite gratifying to pastor and people alike- Next Sabbath the question lor the dis cussion in the morning is “What is sin?" Remember the general sotig service that is a feature of the evening service. Special music at all the services. 'The sub committee on inspec tion of buildings went away for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and came back with much valuable information as to the things to he gained and the things to be avoided in church construction. (Jet interested with us. and come along, the welcome awaits you. Krv. K. Coolkk 11aii.i v, Pastor. •ilKTHOmsT ITIUKCM Sunday school 'L45 a- tn. Public worship 10:45 a. in. Junior League 2:50 p. in Epworth League 0:50 p. m. Evening service 7:50 ;>, m. Prayer meeting W c <1 n e s d ,t v 7:50 p. m. Ksv. C. A. Masttn, Pastor Christian Cornell. 1 45 a. m.. 1 tiLie school. t t a. in.. Preaching service. ' p. m.. Junior Endeavor. n:50 p. in-, Y. P. S- C. 1C. 7:50 p.m.. Preaching Service. Two great audiences last Sun day and the church was packed it the evening service and four conversions Regular services next Sunday. Morning subnet “Sou! West or Perfect. Peace." In the evening the theme will be “The Socialogical Conchi-ion of the Gospel Command." At the : close of file evening service sev* | eral candidates will 1« baptised. We extend a cordial invitation to all F. Ki.i.s\v«iktu Pay. Pastor. BAPTIST Cl]l'He II Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning service 11:00 a. in. Evening service 7:40 p. m. Prayer meeting W cdnewl a y ! h (in p. m. K’i v, Cl no. H. Iv’kiciiI'.i,, Pastor. I.KKMAX I \ \.N< il.I.IC \I. Cllt'Kc II. 0:15 a. ni. Sunday school, I'H5 11. m. Sermon. 7 ji. 111. Voting People Alliatiees' 7:•'!() p. m. Sermon. * Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:141* p. m. Friday choir practice s p. m. ptlTKlt Si ill MAW, Pastor. -- ST. THOMAS CIll'KCH 7:50 a. in Holy Communion. 9:45 a m. Sunday School. 10:45 a. m. Morning Prayer and j Sermon. 7:50 p. m. Evening Prayer andj Sermon. Gkohiii: Errn.i; Nkii»k, Pastor. BRKTHNEN CHUKCH Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Sermon 10:45 a. m. Christian Endeavor 9:30 p. tn. Sermon 7:50 p. tn Prayer meeting We d ne s d a v 7:30 p. m. 1 , 1 Morning sermon “The Engraft-j ed Word." In the evening the pastor will speak on “The Tears | of Jesus." K’kv R. R. Ti i:ti k, Pastor. To The Public liming sold my meat market to Neal Thornton,! wish to thank my many customers for their pat ronage and the kindness shown me while in business. Hoping you will give the new manager, who is sp well known in this city that he needs no introduction, the same cordial treatment. All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to me will please calll at the shop ar.d settle at once. Wm. Mosimax. A pure grape cream of tartar powder. Its fame is world-wide. No alum, no phosphatic acid. There is never a ques tion as to the absolute purity and healthful ness of the food it raises. PROF. STEPHENS COMING LECTURE ON MANUAL TRAIN ING IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Will Lecture at the Court House in this City Some Time This Month The members of the Federation of Women's Club of the city are arranging for a lecture to be held at the court house Friday even ing. March 2i>. They have se cured Supt. Stephens of Lincoln, who will address the people of Fal s City on the subject of Man ual Training in the P u b 1 ic Schools. He will bring a tine ex hibit ol the work done by the pu pils of the Lincoln City schools, which will be of interest to every body. Mr.Stephens is a man of strong and pleasing personality, as well as one of the most able speakers in educational circles in this state or in^ any state. L very body, whether or not interested in the subject of manual training, will be delighted with his lecture. Schools in the smaller cities are now rapidly putting in courses of manual training, and every intel ligent citizen should know about this new phase of work which is transforming the whole course of study in the schools of the coun try, and giving new life and in terest to the work done bv the pupils of the public schools A small admission fee of 10c will be charged to defray the ex penses of the lecturer Interpreting The Awe Those who have heard Bishop W. K Quayle in his lecture on, “Hall Caine and His Island,” in winch Bishop Qnayle tells of the liie ot the Manx folic, and the power of the sea over the lives ot those born within its domain, will better understand some thing of the feeling which llor tense Nielson, who appears at the Gelding theater, on Friday. March I'd, puts into the part of Lllida in “The Lady From The Sea. Henrik Ibsen's plav first staged in America by this emo tioual actress who feels her part, who puts her soul a> well as her study into this most dilti cult role. Miss Nielsen seems to feel that terrible awe which comes from contact with the sea, though a landswoman in every sense of the word. Bishop Quayle >;ty> that in the Isle of Man that the sea is everywhere; that it stares over your shoul der at meal time: that it peers into your book; that it looks you in the face as you sleep. Perhaps it is this terrible awe that Miss Nielsen interprets in “The Lady From the Sea" that impels one to think of the sea as close at hand, as being an omni present creature, sullen, unrelenting, yet speaking a lan guage all its own to those whose ears are tuned to its whisper ings. its songs, its wrathful mur mur ings. How can any person risk taking some unknown cough remedy when Foley's Honey and Tar costs them no moreV It is a safe remedy, contains no harmful drugs, and curts the most obstinate coughs and colds. Why experiment 1 with your health s Insist upon having i the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar. Kerr’s Pharmacy.' “My three year old boy was badly constipated, had a high fever and was in au awful condition. 1 gave him two doses of Foley’s Orino Laxative and the next morning the foyer was gone and he was entirely well. Foley's Orino Laxative saved his life.” A. Wolkush. Casimer. Wis. Kerr's Pharmacy. MARKET LETTER From Our Regular Kansas City Stock Yard Correspondent Kansas City Stock Yards, j March 15. 1000. Outside of the I moderate increase of 700b cattle ! last week ovt r recent weeks, j cattle raisers have remained se rene and confident, thanks to j which condition of mind there h- been no big break in prices due to heavy runs drawn-out by two weeks of continued sharply higher prices. Ordinarily, such an upturn in the market would bring out from cover a much larger run than has been the case this time, and the prices would go down quickly, but at this tune, the opinion prevails that receipts will be moderate for at least six weeks ahead, and prices as good or better are the expectation of majority of feeders. The market on steers declined 20 to SOcents last week from the high level of Tuesday last, when a large number of cattle sold at $6.75 to $7.10. Cows and heifers held more nearly steady, and stockers and feeders steady to a shade lower for the week. The run today is 10,000 head, market steady to 10 lower on steers, cows and hei fers about steady, country grade firm. Quality in steers is lack ing today, top steers at $6.40 to to $6.55, bulk of steers $5.75 to $0.25, cows $3.00 to$5.25, heifers $l.0o to $6.20, bulls $3.00 to $4.85, calves $4.00 to $7.50, stockers $4.00 to $5.25, feeders $1.75 lo $5.75, one lot of 1103 lb. feeders today at $5.70. As a rule, packers are operating on a close basis, but demand from Eastern killers is good. Tht* hog run was liberal last week at 76.(XX) head, about of the same volume as correspond ing week a year ago Buyers for Eastern killers lent anima tion to the demand, and forced packers into greater activity, the net result for the week be ing an advance of 2o to 25 cents in prices. Run is 15,000 bead today, market 5 to 10 lower, heavy hogs $4.05 to $0.72.4, me dium weights $0.50 to $0.70, lights $0,25 to $0.55. pigs $4.75 to $5.75. Interviews with pack ers indicate that the East is bare of hogs, which should insure a good trade with killers there at this market, and give strength to the situation for some time ahead. Sheep and lambs run along without much change in price, supply fairly good at 41,00o head last week, and 11,000 head here today. Some heavy lambs from Colorado sold at the top today, $7.50, and yearlings reached $7 today, wethers $0 and ewes $5.30. These prices are as good as any time recently on all class es except ewes, which were lack ing in quality today. Fair to good lambs range from $0.90 to $7.35. and other grades down wards 10 to 50 cents from tops. YOUR DOLLAR Will come back to you if you spend It at home. It is gor- it you send it to t ie Mail-Order Hou-.- A glance through cur advertising columns w l give yea ar\ idea where it will buy the most. ' gr < 111 —."-rr -• !■ 1 -m m —; Magnetic Healing Miss Lizzie Heitland. a gradu ate of the Weltmer School of : Magnetic Healing, of Nevada, I Mo. I am prepared to treat dis ; eases of all kinds. Phone 27b. ; Located at Mrs. Burris’ residence : south of the convent. 4t THE (HERS AND GOERS Crowded off Hi • regular L<>ca! Pag**. R. C. James was a Lincoln visi j tor Tuesday. P. S. Heacock spent Tuesday in Humboldt. Simon Beach> was a Morrill visitor Saturday. Henry C. Smith was a Pawnee City visitor Tuesday. Alex Leo made a business trip to Kansas City and .St. Joe. Sheriff Fenton and C. C- Davis were Dawson visitors Tuesdav. Mrs. S. A. Little is very ill suf fering from an attack of the yrip. Thomas Ryan was amony the Dawson people in town Tuesday. A babv boy was born to Kd. Zorn and wife on Monday of this ! week. Miss Hattie Plumb is in York, Nebraska, this week visiting re latives. Judye Martin, who has been quite sick for several days is im* proviny. Mr. and Mrs. Georye Prater were business visitors to Atchison Thursday. Miss Olive Harris of Stella was the yuest of Mrs. Abner McKee this week. J. F. Walsh ot Humboldt was a business visitor in this citv the first of the week. Will Stanfield of near Sabetha was a business visitor at this place Wednesday. Harry Foehlinyer, wife and baby of McCook are visiting re latives in this city. Roscoe Anderson came down from Humboldt Tuesdav to look after legal business Prof. Stoddard of Auburn was in ttie city during the week the I yuest of Prof. £• K. Hurst. M. Sell is in Kansas City this | week- lie was called there by the illness of his daughter. A large crowd of young people attended a social dance at Wahl's hall last Wednesday evening. Henry Sandrock is building an addition to his house he recently purchased of Martin Kanaly. E. O. Lewis left Wednesday tor a ten days trip through the northwestern part of the state Mrs. Harriett Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Otto of Yerdon were visitors in this city Tuesday. Chris Kamnierer and wife are the proud parents of a baby girl which arrived at their home Mon day. Miss Zetta Isabel returned from an extended stay with her sister, Mrs. Harry Foehhnger at Mr Cook. Mrs. Howard Young came down from Stella and spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. John Os j wald. W. II. Hilgenfeldt and daugh* ! ter returned this w’eek from Cali j fornia, where they had spent the1 | winter. Miss Florence Judd spent a few days in Dawson this week. She attended the celebration of her father’s sixtieth birthday Monday Mrs. Mattie Dockhorn. who un derwent an operation at the home of her sister a short time ago is improving and will return to her j home at Oskaloosa, I\ans. The members of the Woman's Relief Corps gave a farewell party for Mrs Ed. Jones at the G. A R. hall Tuesday evening. A nice Lunch was served. Mrs. Jones will leave the latter part of this week for the west, where they will homestead. VINOL CURES CHRONIC COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONCHITIS After Other Remedies Fail *'I have been troubled with a chronnt cold and bronchitis for a long tinw and have tried many remedies without finding relief. Through the kind sug gestion of a friend 1 tried Vinol, and after taking four bottles, am entirely cured." A. H. Wilde, 733-Sth Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. S. McDonald, 147 W. Congresa St. Paul, Minn., writes: "I con tracted a severe cold last winter and thought I would never get rid of it. I tried Vinol as a last resort, and it has completely cured me.” Vinol combines two world-famed tonics, the healing, medicinal proper ties of cod liver oil and tonic iron, de liciously palatable and agreeable to the weakest stomach. For this reason, Vinol is unexcelled as a strength builder for old people, delicate ck d dren, weak and run-down persons, af ter sickness and for Chronic Cougia, Colds and Bronchitis. A. G. WANNER. Falls City, Nei. » • ♦ • • * * ♦ • ♦ ♦ * • • • >£ • * ■ 4 | C. H. MARION l AUCTIONEER. X T • ~ % Sales conducted in ;j i scientific and busi- £ nesslike manner % .. . $ _______________ ^ | C. H. MARION | ; Falls City, Nebraska f • in LET US TAKE YOUR ORDE» Knickerbocker I0E Company CALL TELEPHONE NO. 283 You Read the Other Fellow's Ad You are reading this one. That should convince you that advertising in these columns is a profitable prop osition; that it will bring business to your store. The fact that the other fellow advertises is prob ably the reason he is get ting more business than is falling to you. Would it not be well to give the other fellow a chance To Road Your Ad In These Columns MEN DON’T SUFFER WHEN YOU CAN BE RESTORED TO HEALTH, STRENGTH AND VIGOR AT A SMALL COST, YOU CAN PAY r WHEN CURED ONE VI0IT to our of fice la usually enough, after that the treat ment can be taken at homo. The Great CHICAGO MEDICAL INSTI TUTE of St. Joseph, Mo., famous for Its wonderful cures. Nervous Debility, Ca tarrh, Rheumatism. Stomach, Liver, Kid ney, Blood and Skin Diseases, Weakness, Stricture. Drains, Backache, Varicocele! Scrofula. Blood Poison, Headache, Float ing Spots before the eyes, Poor Mem ory, Loss of Sleep. Loss of Confidence, Easily Tired. Loss of Vigor. Pimples. Eczema. Backwardness, Nervous Fears and all Chronic Diseases of Men and Women Advice free. CHICAGO MEDICAL INSTITUTE of St. Joseph, Mo. ' 'Floor Corky Block. Entrance 418 Edmond St