Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1909)
The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. FARGO Leo YY'int/ shelled corn Monday , obn Krnsor of y ra .. Mo wa- here H r. urduv Bell Seysory wa- a Verdun ealler Saturday, Jake YVissman wa« a county seat s is- 1 Hoc recently. Uev. 1\iniinel was a cuuntv seat visi tor Saturday. F..-J. Durfee i- visiting relatlvi - at Salem this week. Mrs. Streeker ha- been ijulte sick for the post week. Mrs. Albert llundolph Is visiting her parent- at Napier. Mo Susie Wametoe of Coffeeville. Kan , is visiting relatives here. Ralph Randolph was looking after business in Kulo Saturday, Mrs Scholl i- -laying thi«* week with j her daughter whose little child is \rr\ ] 11!. Bertha Speers Is staying with her! grondma Mrs. Saul while -ip- is going ] to school. Fred YY’int/, Julius Zimmerman. H 1‘upkes and R.‘ li King were in I’res ton Monday. Lewla Speers of Pawnee ok a. is 1’1-iting relatives here. He has no, bi n in Nchra-ka for uhout M yi ars and we are glad to see his pleasant lace with us again. Un Tuesday afternoon a company of fr. ‘nns and neighbors gathered at the homo of Mike Snake living L’-i miles north of Fargo and pave him a com plete surprise, the oeeusion being in honor of his birthday anniversary. During the afternoon a two course lunch was served by his sister Lulu Snake, who had planned and so sue c- -sfullv carried out til's surprise. The afternoon was one of pleasure to all prescot. Mr. Snake was the recipient of many beautiful and useful presents a- tokens of love and esteem in which he is held by his guest. All reluctant ly departed wishing him many happy icturns of the day. BARADA Vine Wilcman is on the sick list. Mrs. Hendricks is on the sick list, 1.. A. I)err\ was in Nbubert Saturday. Joseph Surman is erecting a new d 'use. Mtthlon Spiekler was in Shuhert re •eutly. 1'. J. Shafer of Verdim was in town r 'ently. Mr». (.'ox i- visiting hi r parintsal ■Bancroft. w. S. MoCowun was in the county t it recently. • I toe and wifi* were tip from the > 1 ttv seat recently. Mi's. Stung of Kllbourne, Iowa, is - «ting her son hci >. . foe Johnson moved into the I'aivhcn pioperty on Saturday. Vetta Sailors and wife were in Shu * rt recently buying good-, Mrs Dunn is in St, Joe this week I lrchasing millinery goods. Dr. Van Osdei returned recently 'rom a business trip to Nl. Joe. Klchard and Itosu Slagle -pent Sun ft-iv with relativi > near Shubert ilrnrgp Kogle, T L Hal! and Mar t1 i KeiP i of Verilon were here recent ly. Me*. Ha t’lMic iimvi'il to her father's f it 111 la-1 wc, K s;tlt, Wt | |jV(< wity, )u,r hioiiii.i Roy. C. T. Hoo- and family- left recently lor the northwest part of the state w here they will locate. John Whittle vacated the Pull (arm and moved onto the farm he recently purchased of Omer Sailors. A.J. Rumhuuph will farm the HnIT farm southwest of here the coining »ea-on and lias moved thereto. Galen I’.lder moved onto his place south of town Sa'urday where be has finished the erection of a new house, A. A. Hendricks formerly ol Auburn yisited lust week with relatives here. He will make his future home In South Dakota. Mr.-. Fred F.ene whose life wu- de spaired of foi -eo ral day - is now eon valescing to the j"y ol her many friends. Mrs John Rangoon was called home Sunday by the death of her grand father. John remained because of the illness of his mother. A Religious Authors Statement Kev. Fesperman of Salisbury, N. C., who is the author of several books, writes: “For several years I was alllie ted with kidney trouble and last winter I was suddenly stricken yvith a severe pain in my kidneys and was confined to bed eight days unable to get up with out assistance. My urine contained a thick white sediment and 1 passed same frequently day and night. I commed eed taking Foley’s Kidney Remedy,and the pain gradually abated and l finally ceased and my urine became normal. I cheerfully recotpmend Foley’s Kidney Remedy.” Kerr’s Pharmacy. RULO John Gustafson Ymore wa- here re ceeily, A. T. Harrow of Lincoln wa- here recently. F. K Kulpof H ur.ore wa- hereon Tuesday. Mrs. Graves had an attack of grip la-t week Mrs. Graham was on the siek ii-t last week, John Larando came up from White < loud Friday.. Grace Asbury of St. Joe I* visiting relatives here. Steve Cunningham wa- a St. Joe visitor la-l wei k, l id Mathers and w ile w* re Fuiteseiie visitors last wei k < *1 Haler moved into the Duncan property this week. Cecil Kanaly of Hu Lrn visited pa rent# here la-t week, Mr- Scott's brother of Goffs, Kan , visited her la-t week. Mrs. Kueat of Quitman visited here with friend- last week. Mrs. Dearson of Montana is v isiting relatives in this vicinity. Will Graves came home from White Cloud the last of the week I* fed Ham a former resident of this [dace visited here la-t week. Mrs. F.Hie h it - quit the hot* I liu-in* >— »nd is wot king in Falls City. Little Lila Deabody is quite sick, threatened with pneumonia. Humphrey F.dgeeomb has been on lie sick list for several day-. Frank Graves who has been working it Humboldt arrived here la-t week. Gus Johnson returned .Sunday from u visit with his family at Nebraska City. Mesdames Henderson and t'unuicg Uam were county seat visitors Monday. Will True was cal led to Union last Friday by the serious illness of his father. Loe MuV'ey returned home from St. foe last week where he has bten work log for some time. Mrs. Goolsby and daughter f.lla went to Kortescue last week to attend the funeral of the former's grandmother. Mrs. Guvt r/.agie accompanied by her laughter in law left Tuesday for a visit with relatives at Uoekport, Mo. Grace Duncan represented the llulo high school in the county debate at Kails City. Alta Gilbert won second place. Mrs. Clyde Adams and baby left Sunday for a visit witlt relatives at Nebraska City. Clyde accompanied them as far Kails t tty. Mrs. Hradford returned to her home in \\ yttiorc Friday. She was aceotn p mied by her mother who will -pend the rest of the month with her. C, Stiokerod of Uoekport, Mo., has been vis'ting relatives here the past few days. While here he nought the beautiful bay team of U. G Henderson Charlie Cavet y.agie took the team home for him Herman Kleopfel had a severe fab I the first of last week giving an added injury to bis crippled knee. Although ho lias been getting along nicely be has not been able to get out of the hou-e on account of the sidewalks bc i tg so slippery. OHIO Kverett Higgins is a sufferer of erusyplis. 1 vev. Lehman i.s expected home this week from conference. Mrs. Frank I'bUg is much improved from her recent illness. Herman Becehy and wife returned homo from Kansas Friday. Kdtm and \ era Shatter spent Sunda\ in Fall-. City with relatives. The little child of Henry Fehr's who lias the scarlet fever is Improving The children of Pbeneas Fisher and wife who have teen siekare improving. Chester Stump and wife entertained friends Thursday in honor of Will Strayer and wife. Will McWain and family of Kulo have moved in the house recently va cated by Louis Hurt. Chester Stump and Guy Liebty and their wives spent Wednesday in the county seat with relatives. Will Strayer and wife left for tneir home in Norton county Tuesda\ after 8-iverul weeks with here relatives. Mrs. Frank Sehulenberc returned from St. Joe Saturday where she was operated on much improved in hea'th. Bennie Franklin ant. sister Annie drove to Dawson to visit thetr sister Thursday, the former remained to as sist with the work on the farm the coming season and Annie returned home Saturday. Foley s Honey and lar cures coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs and ex pels colds. Get the genuine in a yellow package. Kerr's Fharmacy. snuotLi* i Kd Shubert of Verdun came up Mon j day to visit relative*. Mr, Speeth at d family are the guest df relative* at Lincoln Roy Martin and wife vi-Ued relative here one day la-f week Wm. Molslnger moved hi- family t( the country on Montaav, * J. H. Beldin was a husine-' visi’or u Barada one day las* «*••• k Mi-s Bessie Shafer i- visiting h> i grandparents at Fulls City. Mrs. Judd Arnold returned to h*-1 home at Baruda on Monday ( ha- Wilson and w.fe of Stella weie business visitor- here Saturday. Mis W. L Fvan* of Auburn was tie guest of relatives here la-t week. Art Cummings and family -p lit Sat urday at the home of Wm. Martin. Glen Gates and wife, of t ear Verdon were calling on friends hero Thursday . Wm. Donaldson and family spent Sunday here with the formers rela tives Mis- Kdith H 1 was a Baruda visitor la-t week soliciting pupils for a music class. Fred Boatman and wife entertained the Judd Arnold family oi Buruda over Sunday. Wm. Marlin ha- purchased the Tha cker property am! ha- taken possession at once. Mrs. John Jack of Laogdon, Mo., spent la-t week here with friends and relatives Mr. Barnes of Salem spent the first of the week here looking after his farm interests. Mrs. Fritz Shurkolk is quite ill, but hopes are entertained for her speedy recovery. Mr and Mrs. Evans were entertained ut the home of J. C. Shulenberg und wife Sunday. Miss Irene Mudd of Council Bluffs is in tin eitv visiting tier relatives Mr. and Mrs. Evans. Mr. Edwards and family now occupy the Colglazier property recently va cated by Mr. Speeth. Verne Taylor and family of Burchard Neb., arrived in the city for a visit with the former's parents. Mrs. dohn Patuoe and children spent Saturday and Sunday with the former's parents a few miles from town. Win. Speece and wife will leave soon for their new home in Idaho, where they will join their son, Willie. Ervin James and wife were repaper ing their home Saturday, vvTTich will soon I e occupied by Wm Sneiling. Thomas Davis had the misfortune to have one of hi- -boulders broken Mon day by a team running away with him. John l’atnoe and family are making preparations t > move to St. Joseph. Mo., -non, where the former has em ployment. Mrs. George Ilo-s of Lament, Illi nois. who has enjoyed a visit here with her -i-ter, Mrs. Townley, returned to her Lome Wednesday. Toe Woman's Literary Club was en tertalned Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. 11, Wheeler, A good time was enjoyed bv all present. Light refreshments were served. Oscar Pond formerly of this place. Dot w ho for the past year has made hi. bome at Ut ttysluirg, South Dakota, ar rived here Friday evening to enjoy a few week’s visit with old friends. Mr-. Fred Meyers and E. A Krug were railed to Table.Hock Saturday by the serious illness of their sister, Mrs Dice McNulty, but she was much bet ter when tLe\ returned home Monday VERDON. O, 1'. Wul was here from St Joe re cently. Wallace Arnold was a Salem visitor Monday Ainrct Hart returned trom St. Joe recently. J. J. Coni IT returned from Lincoln Saturday. Julia Fraunfelder returned to Falls City Sunday. Clarence Ciark was up from Kansas City Tuesday. Claude Veal spent Sunday with rein tives in Lincoln. Mrs. Harris of the county seat visit ed friends here recently. Arthur Johnson of Noreatur, Ivans., is visiting relatives here. Edna Parsons returned to her school duties at Peru Wednesday. Mesdames Walker, Hart and Russell were Stella visitors recently. Nellie Weaver and Ethel Saylors were St. Joe visitors Tuesday. Lou Parsons left Monday for Dun ning to be with his brother who is ill. Mrs. Griffith and daughter left re cently for Oklahoma on a visit to rela tives. Wellington Chase and family and Eva Watson are visiting relatives in Peru. Eva Watson returned from the eoun Saturday where she had been visiting. Foley’s Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Cures backache and irregulari ties that if neglected might result in Bright s disease or diabetes, Kerr ? Pharmacy. SItLLfl ■ Allan May of Auburn wa- here Sat urday. J. K. Cain visited in I ii.e r.:s week. . n K. Clink visited friends it Howe Ft iday. p Mrs. Cha- Shafer's iister is visiting h r this week. I'hil Sims of Nebraska Citv - • .-it ing relatives here. C. M. Harrison was a caikr in ttjis 11 tee the past week. I.. (J. Ciphers was on the sick i.-t t lie tir-t pat t of the week. Charles Shafer sold his two i.uu-i - t past week for $2200. John Jenkins is building an adi.rjun tn his burn in the country. Miss Mourer left Sunday for l.i-r work in Midland college. ,[ J F. Uillespie of Fort Dodge la., was here recently on buainess. ,1. I). Curtis went to Indiana the l: ihile of the week on business, I h ot. Wilson left Friday on business 1 In the northwest cart of the state. Mrs. Veal i- visiting relatives here : before leaving for her new home in 1 Kansas. , L. B Chaney spent the. Ilrsl part of | the week in this place looking after | business, !.. fj. King of Shubeft came to this place Saturday to attend to some busi ness matters. John Wixon who has been ill for some thin- wa- able to be out for the j lirst time Friday. i S. and l1'. C Helmick purchased ja half section i)f land in the Panhandle I for which they paid $8f>00, M. ii. Vandeventer met some rula tives at Dawson this week and brought them overland to this place. 11. S. Belli i n and son George came up from Daw-011 on business Tuseday and spent a few hours witli us. The last number of the lecture course wa- held Thursday night. It was vot ed to have another course next year. Miss Florence Noinbulais taught a class in solid geometry the past week. The class bad just gotten in to spheres in their work. The Christian Sunday school class of boys gave a social at M H. Vandeven ter’s Wednesday evening, in honor of St. Patrick's day. M. fl. Vandeventer accompanied bis sister in law and children to Falls City where they took the train for their borne in Fawnee. A. N. Shubert and Lee Shubert were business visitors in this place Monday. Lee Shubert bought out J B. Over man's -took in the telephone to npar.y. .1. U. Cain .Jr. came down from Lin coln to spend Sunday at home, lie was accompanied back to Lincoln by his wife, wiui will visit partof tlie week. I. W. Harris went to Humboldt Fri day to arttenu tlie stockholders meeting uf tlie National Bank. It. A. ('lark aide down from Lincoln al-o to the meeting A. .1, Wixon went to Omaha Friday to the Herford -lock sale mid while l ! i here lie bought u thoroughored Her ! ford cow and calf and has placed them [ on liis farm west of town. 1. S. Vauer returned from Jewel County, Kan* , the last of the week. | On his return he bought property in Kearney, and will probably move his family in tlie near future. liev. Ogden arrived Saturday after a live week- absence and occupied the Christian pulpit Sunday. H e held meetings in Kansu.- for three weeks, and will -oun enter the evangelistic Held again. Another time one of our boys steps to the front. Tills time it is G. D. Jenkins, who is elected principal of the .-ehools tit Central City, Neb . for the coming year at a good round sum. Mr. Jenkins received a telegram the latter part of the week calling him to that place. We wf-h him the best of luck. LIST OF NEW BOOKS Put in Circulation last Saturday, March 13 The following list of books were put in circulation at the Library last Saturday. Baker. Following the color line Carman, Making of personality Cool id ge, l\ S.a* a world power Foster. Argumentation and debate (llover. Dame Curtsey’s book of novel entertainments Green,How to cook meat and poultry Hirth, Ancient history of China Hunt. Home problems from a new standpoint .Teuks.l ‘holography for young people Marconi, Poetical works Macy, Edgar Allan Poe Mittou. Bachelor girl in Burtlia Palmea, The teacher Priestman, Art and economy in home decoration Howe, Problems of city government Ruskiu, Elements of drawing Strauss, Ideas of a plain country wo man t'pton. Standard concert guide Baldwin. Story of Siegfied Carpenter, How the world is clothed Davis.Chinese fables and folk stories Johnson, When mother lets us cook Jungmaii. Holland, peeps at many land Kidd, South Africa, peeps at main lands Mansfield,Our little Egyptian cousin Marriott, Uncle Sam's business Morgan. How to dress a doll Skae. Stories from English history. Spring Blacksmithing 1 he season is fast approaching when those old farming implements will need repairing, or perhaps the team will need new shoes or the old ones reset. I have recently installed an engine . and new machinery and am now ready ' in do plow work, disc sharpening, re pairing of gasoline engines and auto mobiles, brazing, etc. • Special attention given to horse shoeing; also general blacksmithing and wood work. C.T. LIPPOLD Attractive Low Rates To Pacific Coast-Only $25 daily March and April. Seattle Exposition Summer of 19<.»9. only Son round trip. $15 more through California. Summer Tourist v ery cheap excursion rates commencing dune 1st. to scenic Colorado, Rocky Mountain resorts. Big Hr ru Mountains. Black Hills of South Dakota, Yellvwet"tie Park. HomeSeekerS—Duly $27.50 round trip to the Big Horn Basin irrigated lauds on the first and third Tuesdays. Tour the West and see what is going on out there: you will be amazed ^ rite for folders, rates, iufoimation, and learn about our vari able route tours embracing all attractive features enroute. E. G. Whitporii, Ticket Agent. L. W. \\ akei-ey, G. P. A, (Omaha. YOU WILL SHARE OUR PRIDE in dental work if you have need of our services and avail yourself of our ski ■, experience and facilities. We don't do half way work—it’s all or nothing with us. as many people know to their own great gratification. Note, plvase. that we make no charge for expert examin ation. DR. YUTZY BEtfT NVINDl.E, i). 1). S.. Assistant Falls City, Nebraska Simple Remedy for Lagrippe Lhgrippe coughs are dangerous as ; hi 5 fi .: i y dev iop into pi - u moniu. Foley Honey and Tar not only stops the cough but heals and strengteus the lungs so that no serious results need be feared. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar contains no harmful Jru_s and - :u .1 yellow pack age Refuse substitutes. Kerr’ePhar tnaey. ♦'•‘♦•‘I H 4"4' M'H t 0 + ♦ • I f f 14 : D. S. flcCarthy I «► “ II II :: dray axd :: ;; TRANSFER ;; ' J Prompt attention given \ ' | to the removal of J [ | ‘ hold goods. j I :: PHONE NO. 211 :: II II II .1 EDGAR R. MATHERS DENT.IST Phones: No*. ITT, 217 Sam’l. Wahl Building R R. ROBERTS DKxXTiS'T Office over Kerr's Pharmacy Office Phene 2t>0 Residence Phone 271 xJ OHX WlETSE ATTORNEY Practice in Various Courts. Collections Attended To. Notary Public. FALLS CITY DR. C. N. ALLISON DENTIST Phone 24" Over Richardson Countv Bank. FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA Passenger Trains South Bound Tr. 104—St. Coni'. Mail and Ex press . .. ..1:23 p. nt. Tr. 106—Kansas City Exp., 3:41 a. rr., Tr. 1.32 x—K. C.local leaves. .7:30 a. ffi. Tr. 1.38 x -Falls City arrives 9:00 p. tu. x—Daily except Sunday North Bound Tr. 103 -Nebraska Mail and Ex press.1:52 p. m. Tr. 105—Omaha Express. . .2:23 a. r.:. Tr. 137 x Omaha local leaves n:15 a.m. Tr. 131 x -Falls City local ar rives.8:45 p.tu. x Daily exceot Sunday Local Frt. Trains Carrying Passengers North Bound Tr. 192 x—To Atchison ...11:10 a. tr. South Bound Tr. 19lx—To Auburn.1:23 p m. J. B VARNER, Agent Burlington Route West Bound No. 13 - Denver Exp.l:o!» a. ra No. 15—Denver Exp. i Local). 1:43 p. m. No 43 —Portland Exp._10:17 p. m. No. 41—Portland Exp.2:29 p. ni No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne braska Pity.5:00 a. m. East Bound No. It St. ,1 K.C.A St. L. .7:41 a. ra. No. 44 St. J.. K. p. .v St. L . (Local). .11:02 a.m. No. 10 St. J., K. C. A St. L. .4:30 p. in. No. 42 St. .1., K. C. & St. L. .7:00 p. m. No 122 From Lincoln, via Nebraska City..'... 8:45 p. m. E. G. WHITKOM), Asjent.