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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1909)
'HE COIRS m GOERS .... HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME What Your Friertds and Their Friend® Have Been Doing the Past Week. Eat Sowles Candy. Dr- Wilson, Wahl's building. Ed May left Sunday for Auburn, 1 Indiana. —Seed Oats for sale at Heck’s Feed Store. Miss Geneva Lichty of Morrill was in the citv Wednesday. - * Win, Tjaden and son of Hum boldt were visitors here Tuesday. Ilotnor Voder of Omaha spent Sunday with his parents in this city. Robert Reddick and wife are the parents of a baby girl born Wed nesday. Miss Clara Malick of Pawnee was the guest of Miss Iva Beck over Sunday. Mrs. M. L- Crooks of Morrill was the guest of relatives in this city recently. Jacob Lichty and wife of Mor rill were guests of Falls City re' latives last week. Miss Elizabeth Wolf left this week for BraddyviHe, Iowa, where she will work in a millinery store this season. II. C. Wine and wife of Brook- j field, Mo., were in the city this | week called here by the death of j Hugh Xaylor. Guy Crook spent a part of last week in Auburn. One day lie sold five Buick automobiles to parties at that place. Fairbury has one case of diph theria and three of small-pox. Strict quarantines have been placed on the homes where tlie patients are. O- R- Ross, who is employed on the Seneca Tribune was in ttie city a few hours Saturday, cn* route to his home in Shubert, to spend Sunday with his family. Dr. W. S- Fast came up from St. Joe and spent Friday and Sat urday in this city, lie was at the office of Dr. Wilson all day where he received his many old friends.* Mrs. Homer Vincent, accom panied by little Maxine Vincent, arrived ill the city Saturday to spend a short time with the 1 at ter’s mother. Mrs. Elva Sears Vincent. The Tecumseh high school debating team have challenged our team for a debate. It will try and be arranged so the debate can be held here within the next two weeks. Mrs. E. O. Lewis went to St. Joe Friday. She is receiving treatment from Dr. Pitts at that place for serious ear trouble. She has suffered with her ear for more than a year. Mrs. Ed May returned this week from a visit to West Vir ginia. Washington, D. C., Phila delphia and New Jersey. She will join her husband in Chicago in a few days. Mrs. Henry Wolfe came down from Omaha the first of the week to visit her mother. She has spent several days at that place with her husband who is em. ployed as scenic painter at the Burwood theater. Married Wm.Dalka a well known Hum boldt bo3r and Miss Eva Hastings of Table Kock were married in this cit3’ Wednesday. The cere mony was performed by Judge Gagnon. Good Morning EYES SELDOM GROW BETTER WITHOUT HELP My "Madc-to-Order Glasses" are a positive help and a permanent ; PLEASURE. Geo.W.Reneker,O.D.,M.D. Eye. Ear, JWose and Throat Falls City, Neb. Card of Thanks We desire t thank those who have extended to us t-heir loving kindness and sympathy in our. sad bereavement. Thomas Naylor ami Family, Mr. and Mss T. .'I JIj:\vktt. The writer picked up from the , streets one dav tnis week, a can* I celled bank draft issued almost thirty year^ ay. by its president, F. W. Samuelson. The draft had printed on its face a two cent ; revenue stamp of the government and held its age well, both the printing and writing being easy read.- - Humboldt Leader. On last Friday evening the I. (). (). F. of this city put on work in the lirst degree- A number of visiting members from Wymore, Pawnee City and Humboldt were fresent. Tonight they will put on the same degree and the grand master of this jurisdi tion will be uresent. Miss Maggie Mower who has betn visiting in this city for some time, visited relatives in Pawnee the latter part of the week. She was accompanied by her niece, Miss Deb Mower, this city. They were guests *. t home of Mrs. Nesbit L. J. Hitchcock returned from Sabetha, Kais;> " turdav where he attended the Short H rn Cat tle sale of Mr. McCoy, lie also attended the b r o; S n sale before returning home. 1 he Humboldt Standard says: “F. W. Sa for many years residents o: that city and who moved Iron: here to Falls Citv, are making arrangements to soon locate in Te.tss. B. G. Spencer, firmer principal of the high school f thi- city has embarked in business. He has purchased a lumber yard at Hun-| tley, Neb. ar.d w. ’ take charge j in a short time. Mrs. Ferd Pur., ter. and daugh ter Bthel and Mrs. ca ob Bloom, returned Thursday rom a; short stay in St. Jose; 1:. The :sited friends while there Mrs. Rhoads w f been vis iting her daughter. Mrs. W. W. Abbey, returned to her home at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, the alter part of the week Dr. Ed Hays was .. led from Dawson Friday the lines- of Mr. and Mrs. J. It Puegge - baby. At this writing • • • - much better. Miss Gertrude I. - m ; V rdon, spent a few days the latter part of the week at th•: home of Mr. and Mrs. Andre • ?-xerox. Miss Lois Keeling is helping in Dittmar s department -tore this week, during the alter;e of Miss Ida Ruegge Mrs. J ames Rowe pent it w days in Sabetha being called there by the'ilinesu of her brother in law. Virgil Fallocr who has been suffering from sore eyes for the past two week1 o ate to be out again. Charles Weaver of Verdon. vis ited his sister, Mn . Jai 1 Bloom in this city Saturday. Mrs. T. J- Gist and Miss Maude Davis accompanied the debaiting club to Pawnee Friday. Rev. R. Cooper Bailey spent a few days this week in Humboldt and Pawnee City James Naylor of Holton, Kan., attended the funeral of Hugh Naylor Tuesday George Rhoad: a r. d Samuel Edgars are among our new sub scribers this week. R. P. Thomas left Saturday for Trenton, Nebraska, to look after a bridge contract. Miss Grace Maddox returned Monday from an extended stay at Missoula, Mont. The Dawson News Boy has a piano content n. Who will be the next? Mrs. E. Spencer is in Omaha this week visiting her son Guy l and family. —Highest market price paid for cream at Heck ■ feed store. Walter Hayes of Dawson was in the city Friday Chas. Heck came up from St Joe and spent Sunday with rela tives ami friends. Mrs. K. S. Thompson and Mrs. Robert Reddick of this city, were Shuliert visitors recently. Rev. F. R. Day moved lus fam ily in the house recently vacated by Mrs. Barbara Dilts. Tuesday. About the best pioneer sketches we ever read, appear in the Falls City Tribune. Hiawatha World Mrs John Walker and two chil dren returned Monday from a visit to her mother Mrs. Bellar at Reserve. C. F.Reavis spent a part of tile week in Beaver City to try a law suit which involves the title of POO acres of land. Judge Ishatn Reavis left Tues day for Lincoln where lie will argue the High School district case in the Supreme court. Will Haldeman of the firm of Martin & Martin o f Council Bluffs was in the city Monday, lie was a pleasant caller at this office. The people of Peru are agitat ing the water works question and the present indications are that the proposition will soon be sub mitted. Mrs. (ieorge Prater who lias been quite ill for the past two weeks is much better. She was suffering from an attack of pneu monia. I lie Grand Army veterar s will erect a flag staff at their hall in the near future- They have had the flag for some time but have never had the pole. Miss Mattie Schock went to Verdon on Friday. On Satur day she and her sister Miss Stella, who teaches in Verdon, went to Nebraska City to visit friends Miss Mae Gossct of this city spent a few days in Hiawatha, the guest of Miss Nell Lewis She will visit her brother Frank at Horton, before returning home. Mrs. \V. IL Maddox ami two children. Fernand William, spent a few days in Hiawatha, return ing Sunday. The children at tended a party at the Daeschner home Wednesday. March 10, was a red letter day in the history of the Baptist church of Humboldt, being set apart as“home coming” day. with services throughout the morning, afternoon and even ing. The services were of three fold purpose, making the close of the seiies of special meetings, celebrating the twenty-sixth an niversary of the organization of the church and ordaining the new’ pastor. Rev- Fred Arnold. Our. former citizen, A. D. Gise, writes the Argus that he and his family are now pleasantly located in Salt Lake City, and are now enjoying life among the Mormons. Mr. Gise is with the Western Moline Plow company and holds a responsible position in the re tail department of that company. Mr. Gise and family have many warm friends in Table Rock, wdio wish for them the fullest measure of prosperity and happiness in their new home- — Table Rock Argus. Osteopathy After an absence of several weeks I have returned and will be pleased to meet at my otlice over the State Bank any one wishing to take treatment or investigate the merits of < )ste opathy. i)tt A. E. Wot.KB. Spring Oxfords ! We invite you to call and see them. THE H. !Yl. JENNE SHOE STORE Death of Mrs Harbaugh Martha C. Harbaugh passed to her reward Wednesday morning, March 17, between -4 and 5 o'clock. She was born September Id, 1855, ; near Knoxville, Tenn.. and was I married to Ilenrv W. Harbaugh, j Sept 20, lv7-4. The bereaved aiv two sons and live daughters. The deceased had been ill for the past three years suffering from tuberculosis. Her husband died three vears ago. The funeral services were held I at the home Thursday morning j at 8 o clock, being conducted by Rev. A. 1! Eichelberger and Rev. tl. E. Reichel. Mrs. Harbaugh was a member of the Baptist church and a very sincere and tJodlv woman. The body was taken to Kansas alter the services. We are now showing a com plete line of Spring Millinery in cluding the most up-to date ef fects in tailored and dress hats. The Wittrock Millinery Store. Mrs. S. J. Fisher of Curtis, Neb., was called here this week by the illness of her father Elias Feck, who makes his home with his son. Ephraim Peck. tieorge Albright and wife were in Humboldt Sunday to see the latter s father J. J. Turner who was badly hurt in a runaway at that place last week. i lie Gehling house in the south part of town is completed and the girls expect to move next week. This is one of the nicest homes in the city. .Mrs. A ; Clark returned from Kansas City yesterday. II e r daughter Miss Stella who lias been in a hospital there accom panied r • Mrs. J. O. Schrader returned to her home in Talmage Monday after spending a few days with Mrs. H. Marion and other friends Abner McKee left this week for bis home in Denver. Mrs. McKee will join him at that place in the near future. K- C. C. Rollit of Minneapolis addressed a large crowd at St. Thomas hurch Tuesday night on missionary work. Mrs. George Peck will return from Waterloo. Iowa, and move into her house just vacated by the Ouiet family. Mrs- Mary H'Lavaty and son Pan of Lincoln spent a few days in the tv this week looking after legal business. Fay Willard returned Monday from a vNit to her grandparents Mr- and Mrs. Marion Watson at Reserv*. Kan. John rook and wne returned Tuesday lor Kansas City- The latter spent the past two weeks at that place Ciiarles Lyford of Chicago spent a part, of the week in the city the guest of his brother, V G- Lyford. Mrs. E A. Harden of Verdon spent Wednesday the guest of her niece, Miss Myrtle Bowers. Mesdames Guy and W. A. Greenwald went to Omaha Mon day and spent a few days. Archie Paxton was taken ill at school the first of the week and is still confined to his home. George Grinstead went to visit his daughter Mrs. J.A.Waggoner at Humboldt Saturday. Mrs. Arthur Harris was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. B. F. Veach Monday. Hugh O’Gradv, sr., was the guest of Sheriff Fenton in this city Monday. Mr and Mrs. Julius Ouiet mov ed this week into the Moran property. Raymond Baxter is suffering ! tiffs week from an attack of ton- j siiitis. Rev. W. B. Maze of Dawson •vas a business visitor here Mon day. James McKiever and Sidney Lapp spent Wednesday in Rulo, J. B. Stitzer and wife were down from Salem Wednesday. —Come to Heck’s Feed Store a a get the best Seed Oats. Baking Powder mfl bjvluicly Pure The Only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar —made from Grapes— Royal Baking Powder has not its counterpart at home or abroad. Its qualities, which make the j food nutritious and healthful, are peculiar to itself j and are not constituent in other leavening agents. ! 1 " 11 ■ * , Bring your cream to Heck’s feed store. Pr.Windle was in Verdon visit ing his sister Mrs. Have Griffith Friday. Mrs. C. H. Stukenholtz of Kan sas Cit\ spent the week at the! home of C- Tuttle. Mrs. W. \V. Jenne is ill at her1 her home in this city suffering from sciatic rheumatism. Miss Ltla Powell was in Kan sas City this week visiting her aunt, Mrs. Frank McPcrmand. Mrs. Maud Veal came down from Verdon and visited at the home of John Walker and wife Sat ti rday. Mrs. F- S. Colwell of Enid, I Okla., was the guest of her sister j Mrs. E. G. Whitford,* the latter | part of tfie week. — Miss Sadie Mauck of Oregon, Missouri, was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Samuel Marts in this city a few flays the first of thej week. Stanley Wit ks of Lincoln spent, a short time in the city the past j week with hi ■ mother, Mrs. Mary i Wicks anil his sister. Mrs. Elmer | Kanaly. B. F. Marshall,James Vaughn. Ira Harshberger and Dick Ma lone were among the Humboldt people who transacted business) in this city Saturday. Joseph Nedrow of Stella was a | business visitor here Saturday. j While in town he called at this of fice and placed his name ahead on our subscription list. The little son of George Hun ker was badly bitten about the face by adog Friday of last week. The child was immediately brougt to town where Drs. Fast and Wilson took several stitches to close the wound. Rev. R. C. Bailey, Henry C. Smith and Wm- Boose who are on the building committee for the new Presbyterian church in this city, spent Monday in Pawnee City looking at the new church at that place. High School Case The case of Wilkinson vs. Lord was argued in the Supreme court Tuesday by Judge Isham Reavis and Dick James. This case involves the consti tutionality of the high school law concerning' which there has been so much complaint throughout the state. Played With Irving Cyril Courtney who appear* with \li*s llortense Nielsen at the < milling theater on the eve* ning of Friday, March IM in the “Woman From the Sea," is an Fnglish actor, who spent seven years with Miss Julia Marlowe, and prior to this rare experi ence was with Sir Henry Irving. Mi Courtney, like Miss Niel sen, has made a study of llenrilc Ibsen’s works and as Wangel in “The Fadv From the Sea," has a more difficult part than in “The Doll's House,"in which he has been appearing for some time with Miss Nielsen. In Su* dermau's “Magda" he played the. role of Colonel Swart/,e. In the difficult part he gave Mrs. Niel sen magnificent support. Hi* interpretations of dotage parts, and in the role of the aged he is superb. Dr. Wangel in “The Lady From the Sea” is a man who is loving and kind, yet with a certain sense of chivalry which leads a man to protect the wo man he loves, not alone from her enemies but from their mu tual friend' inquisitiveness Hi* portrayal of the love of Dr. Wangel for hi* wife, lllida, the part taken by Miss Nielsen, is rather distinctive as compared with other roles which may be thought to be similar. Mrs C F. l’eabody returned to her home in St. Joe Wednesday after spending two weeks in the city with her parents, Samuel Prater and wife. Thomas Iluelt arrived in the city from Lexington Sunday- He was called here by the death of his brother-in-law, Hugh Naylor. Will I'hlig was able to resume his duties at the First National hank Monday after a few- day tussle with pneumonia. Mrs. \V. H. Kerr returned Sun day from an extended stay in New Orleans- She also visited relatives in Illinois. Mrs. liert White of Lincoln spent several days in the city, a guest at the home of George Prater and wife , Henry Sanford spent a few day in Lincoln last week, returning 1 home Saturday. John Gilligan returned Satur day from a few dajs spent in I Kansas City. John Powell returned Sunday ; from a few days spent in Missouri Scarf Pins— II hat will reflect the perfect taste and character of those who wear them. A choice selection of all kinds of stones--large, small, plain and fancy--is found at our store. Also other plain and fancy pins in solid gold and gold filled without stones. E. JAQUET “The Old Reliable”