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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1909)
7HE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Entered as second-class matter at Tails City. Nebraska, post office, Janu ary 12. 1904, under the Act of Congress oil March 3, ls7‘i. Published every Friday at Falls City, Nebraska, by The Tribune Publishing Company C F SMARTS Manager One year. .. . tL-jO Fi* mouths - ■ Three mouths JO TELEPHONE 226. How is the coffee with the r.ew water. The state senate defeated Mr Bryan's initiative and referen dum bill by a large vote. President Hoosevelt leaves for Africa the last of the month, lie says that Wall street is hop ing the lious will do their full duty. Despite the energetic fight of the “insurgents’’ in congress Hncle Joe Cannon was re-elected ■ peaker of the lower house of congress by the republican cau cus last week. It is understood that all demo cratic county officers who are t iigible will become candidates lor third terms. It seems to make some difference whose Ox is gored when animosity to third terms is considered. A prominent agricultural ex pert predicts that within live years the average price of coru will exceed that of wheat 11 is reasons are the comparative small section within the corn * e 11 and the constantly increas ng demand fur corn. What has become of the ‘ To tiie victor belongs the spoils’’ idea? Sec. Dickenson, recently appointed secretary of war by President Taft, publicly stated since his appointment that he is democrat and had never voted tor a republican in his life, A few more days and llie con stitutional limit of the legisla ture will expire. Mut few of the platform pledges have been ful tilled, while the appropriations far exceed that ol any other in the history of the state. The present legislature will not be fatuous, though there can be no dispute that it is notorious. Bryan, by the aid of a repub jican member, succeeded in de feating the Carnegie pension law by one vote. This illus trates the waning power of the peerless. Nineteen democrats voted against Bryan, while Ralph Clark, the leader of the bouse made a speech against him and his efforts to defeat the pension that fairly sizzled it was so hot. Within a few days President Taft will send his special tariff message to congress and the ways and means committee will present the tariff bill upon which it has been working for months. It is generally admitted that while the measure will be along protective lines very substantial reductions will be made on such commodities as lumber, sugar, steel, coal and wool. We think the Auburn plan of meeting the saloon question the best of any suggested. Each spring Auburn has a mass meet ,ng which is participated in by all citizens regardless of party. The men receiving the highest vote from one ticket and those receiving the next highest make up the other ticket. Each can didate pledges himself to abide by the majority rule on the sa loon question without regard to his personal preference. The question of saloons or no saloons is printed on the ballots, which makes the contest one ot prin ciple and not of men. No of ficial of Auburn lias ever be trayed the people or violated his pledge. This seems to us the fairest method suggested and the one least calculated to engender riction or strife. AN APPRECIATION The Tribune desires to give its heartiest endorsement to the statements in last week’s News concerning prof. Hurst. (Jur schools are in excellent shape and should be the pride of all Falls City. Under Prof. Tobie, Prof, Hurst and Miss Beck they have reached their highest etticiency, and nothing tending to lower the standard should be countenanced for a minute. All three of these excellent teachers have been re elected, but it some additional induce ment is not ottered Prof. Hurst, we are in danger of losing him. No man is indispensible, but some are more nearly so than others, among these is Prol. Hurst. Many men would like to lead children, but there are few men whom children will follow, among these is Prof. Hurst. (liven the desire to lead sc hoi ars along higher and nobler lines and the ability to accomp lish this desire and you have the essentials of a great educa tor, such a man is Prof. Hurst. Upon the things this young man has done and is doing for the youth of Falls City you can not place a money value. The love the chiIdren have for him is the secret of his control over them. To lose his services now would be a calamity that must not be permitted. livery patron of tin* school will applaud such increase as will continue his services In our schools. Likewise every patron will vigorously resent a niggard ly policy and a false economy that for a lew dollars will deny the children of the high school the benefit of llie services and influence of this young man of high ideals and exceptional ac complishments. FROM UP THE ALLEY For weeks past the paper "up the alley” has been howling for the nomination of a democratic ticket, and while a veil was thrown over the mayoralty the echo came back in full force last Monday evening when the pet family of that great party got all they asked for with a trifle thrown in tor fear the great moulder of public opinion i in Falls City ) had neglected to ask for it. Inasmuch as his son in-law has posed as a temperence work er and the probability was that this party at the proper time would place him in nomination foi the office of city clerk, it was deemed proper at this time and place to make a sure shot on that office and shut out compe tition by placing him on the wet ticket. The aforesaid son-in law was present and participat ed in the making of the slate with great satisfaction to the entire family. Next, the heir to the throne ot his father came in tor his share of the honors that were being passed r-o freely anti apparently came as if they were greased. He was given the nomination forcouncilman for the first ward. It has been suggested, that in order to make it just right. Col. Clay should have been placed at the head of the ticket tor mayor, and the other male heir given the nomination for treasurer. In this event there would have been no doubt that at last a combination would have been found to perform the duties per taining to the city for at least one year, to the perfect satis faction of that Very exacting paper “up the said alley." It might be of interest to the taxpayers and voters in this city to say that all contracts for new machinery installed the past year was purchased by the city council holding power previous to the present occupants. Dur ing this season of theyear some one always gets busy telling just how it happened, and it is but justice to all to tell the plain truth at all times evenelection times. THE EANK GUARANTEE The democratic house has given us a bank guarantee law that is a wonder. The principle of such a law is wrong as a busi m ss proposition, but abating tlie principle of the thing and coining down to the provisions of the bill itself and we rind one of the most absurd pieces of legislation this state has ever produced, and that B going some. This bill will cost the bank ers of this county $18,000 the tirst year, which, added toother taxes and expenses ought to satisfy those bankers who were so earnestly talking for the law last fall and who are so earnest ly talking against it now. One of the provisions of the law requires every stock holder to own visible property (real es tatei in twice the value of the bank stock owned. Suppose a person owning’ bank stock should die leaving his bank stock to Ins children, who own no real estate, what, then, will be done? Will the banlc stock be taken away from them? Suppose one owning bank stock and real estate desires to sell his real estate and does so, can he likewise be compelled to dispose of his bank stock? These questions suggest their own answers. It doesn't require much of a constitutional lawyer to see what is going to happen to tins law when the courts get to it. But, as a member of the legis lature said recently, "We will pass the law and let the repub lican supreme court declare it invalid and that will help us.” Which illustrates the class of statesmen we Slave in the legis lature and indicates the disposi tion of the democratic party to play politics. SIMPLY NEGLECT The present city council has certainly passed through a very strenuous year's work. In lieu of the fact that each one of the members have their share of personal business tribulations, and in order togive the required time and attention to city af fairs necessary to protect the city in the public work just completed, they must at times neglect personal affairs, ii would be just and titting that at a gathering of representative citi zens, met for the purpose of se lecting their successor?, would at least extend thanks to the out - going members for their worthy effort in the public's be half. With half a dozen or more contracts on their hands that required much time and the clos est attention, we cannot help but admit that every member of the present board has more or less neglected his own aff airs to become a faithful public servant. That their labors have been well done, we need to but point to the splendid light and water plant that is now doing service. No city of its size in the state is better lighted than is Falls City. Our new water plant is now fur niching an abundance of good water, while the fire protection is all that could be asked. We feel sure that the public generally feel grateful to these gentlemen for this untiring ef fort for the betterment of public conditions, and that it was mere ly an oversight that this matter was not made a public expres sion at Monday night’s caucus. We are going to have a ball team this year that will be a hummer. One of Falls City’s young men who never fails in anything is behind it. If the local lovers of base ball will all do their part we can push this idea to accomplishment. Now let’s go after the South eastern Held meet. This is one of the most exciting sporting events of the year and Falls City is the logical place to hold it. Alfalfa hay i*. $10 a ton in Ivausas City, while clover is $7. When will Richardson county farmers awaken to the great vir tues of this wonderful plant. To The Public We have bought this year's; ice harvest from the Crystal I lakes and leased them for a pe-1 rind of live years. Wearethor-I oughly equipped to give you the] be t possible service and we so-1 licit your patronage. The Crys tal lakes ice needs no recom mendation, and this year s out. put was secured under the most favorable conditions and the ice is the clearest ever put up and of very superior quality. Let us know your needs: we will call j and arrange for your season’s ice supply. Yours very Truly. Tel. dH MAUST BROS. Kok Sai.k Brown Le glior n eggs lor hatching. See Majur Keeling. Quaker Philosophy! Said the good old Quaker to his boy: “Nathan, it is not what thee reads that makes thee smart: it is not what thee eats that makes thee fat: it is not what thee earns that makes thee rich.BUT WHAT THEE SAVES. Try one of our Vest Pocket Banks and watch results. It will help you save many a dollar. THE I Fails City State Bank Capital and Surplus. $70,000 00 1 f t A Chance for a Wise Farmer ; N't >W as Spring is at hautl and yon are going to need some Farming Machinery, we have tried to supply your wants and it will • ertainly pay you to come and see our immense stock of good, which we will sell at a very close margin. Our method of doing business is known to everyone. If you have a "kick ’a coni'in. don't tell your neighbor, but tell us and we will make it right. We carry everything iu the implement line, from a graden hoe to a double-row lister. We lead them all. Call and see our gaso line engines, from 1 b. p. to s h. p. The way the 1. H. C. Manure Spreaders are selling you cannot afford to be without one. Just come in and look them over and get our prices. For Wagons, Buggies and Surries we are headquarters. We are expecting a ear of new spring stales in a few days and you can’t afford to miss seeing them. We also sell Lightning Rods Protect your house and barn; be wise and buy your machinery ami lightning rods from a reliable firm. Yours for a square deal, i ( The Falls City Roller Mills l \ Does a general milling business, and manufactures the € following brands of flour | SUNFLOWER MAGNOLIA CROWN S The above brands are guaranteed to be of the highest pos- 2 -ible quality. Weals manufacture all mill products and C conduct a general 1 Grain, Live Stock and Coal Business and solicit a share of your patronage 2 F. S. Heacock & Son Falls Citv, Nebr. f it ^ v.-nt*** fA,*-, «r- ~ Private Money. Private money to loan on RealI Estate. Mortgages bought and sold. Call at First Rational Bank. 3-tf A. J. Weaver J. J. Lollman Sells Out J. II.Hunker has purchased the Bank saloon of J. J. Lollman in this city. Mr. Lollman will give possession about the lirst of May. ■■ n>^'i fii "mi —— ■ i — imim Easter Millinery! 1 rr j The Latest Select Styles! Pretty Productions! The Nobbiest There is one certain thing on the mind of every woman this paper reaches—every | woman everywhere, at this time—it is her Easter Bonnet. Our Easter Opening is of importance to you. Kcmember it. The following will give you some good ideas in respect to Your Easter Bonnet First, make up your mind to get a stylish hat, one that becomes yon. You can do it, and without spending a fortune either Notice the rich, individual appearance of the hat to the left. It is a helmet shape, one of the very latest straws; is trimmed with jet ornaments—jet is very popular this spring— and is topped off with an aigrette tip. Comes in any coloi or combination. Price is really a second consideration. Our stock is so complete von can get just what you want for the amount von wish to spend. The hat on this side is a very swell creation. The shape can be either hand-made orstraw; is trimmed with flowers and foliage. This you can get in any color scheme desired. Now these are but two of the numbers you will find in our store. Many hats are here and all are very pretty Here you will find Fashion, Style, Correct Head-Dress. Adaptations and copies ot the latest Parisian Modes are what we offer. \VTe can make up anything you might wish Dear in mind when purchasing that every hat you buy has been designed and trimmed with the idea of giving you High Quality at Fair Prices Drop in and price the hats you see in the window. 'i our Faster llonnet is here. Don't delay getting it Easter Opening, March 26 and 27 | Miss Hannah Anderson Maddox Building Falls City, Nebraska