The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 12, 1909, Image 8

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    Henry C. Smith
240 acres well improved, If m: is i -i To ■> in K.iv Good spring Best, of terms \\ ill take ■
Ml ,n res as part payment, balance long tin e 't interest
200 acres I|j miles from depot, Ri. a: - ,1 unty. Nebraska Good buildings and land Will I
take 111 or Hll acres as pa rf pi1, iim-ic
bin acres upland, J mile from depot, K. . if ' ui count.'. Nebraska. 512,000 fi
bit) acres Johnson county, Nebraska - ■ s to church and school. Best of term*. Might rent. I
107 acres near llrowiivilk . Nebraska 3
HOacres '♦•mile from Kails City high si 1
tilo acres, $8,000 improveii ents At*. ■ "-1 adjoining. Will take 100acres a- ; art payment. |
Kitte rinitiing water. A No 1 uppm-t .. ■ • I
Money to loan fi
'"awswauuiu mmcmmu u i im i ii—iiimiswimii nm imiiii u hi i iimi iiihi nr nr i i v r mi 11 i n i in y *
i ttvv.hil t*lf (In irgiilat i * * .» I' t.
A baby go I was bom to Mr.
aiul Mrs Krrust Urookstln latter
, , i t ol the week.
I K. Nicholson and wile were
g ests ol A. 11 Mnoils and wile
at Hiawatha last week.
ICdgar S. Inn k and lfavard spent
a lew das s with their parents in
this i its Tiles h it last week for
K itinas v its
Hi. \\ . F< I,smis and wife came
down I torn Auburn Thursday'.
The tunnel is an osteopath and is
thinking ol locating here.
H. .1. Sliues writes us that he
is mosihg from Ixtsci s e is> h’ulo
ami that he wants the Tiibuue to
keep him posted on counts allairs,
Mrs 1C. t > Lew is made a trip
to St. Joe Friday ts> see an ear
specialist, For some time she
has been sobering with an abcess
in hei eat
\ creditable W F T. I ad
stress was deliver! at the Metho
Lst church Sunslav morning by a
member of the Kansas t'ltv,Kas..
Frank 11 Wilson, manager of
the Sioux Fils News, with his
wife made ns a pleasant call on
Monday Mrs Wilson is a daugh
s. r ol Hr- \ ut/.s of this v its
Jacob Bloom, who mot cd tv' this
. tv and purchased the Morris
property a short time ago, h ts
purchased the beautiful Hall
•amt one mile north ot \ erdon.
Arthur Wells and wile who
hve east ot Kcserve* spent Sun
,.a\ with his lathes and latuilv in
'■ 'is citv. A111■ itr .1 <1 wile •
enjoying their wedding nip lust
1: aw.
The manv Iriomls ot Thurston
XL Coy will be glad to know titat
arrived at Washington. l>. t ,
t he latter part ot the week. He
is uol been home for more
t an live vears.
Mrs. Elizabeth lluett and two
a ml Miss Matg.uet Nav ■ >r
. Lexington, Nt?b 1
. its S.ituidav lot an extended
visit with their parents. Thomas
\ ay lor and w ile.
A H. Kite is orgaoi ing land
buyers for Canyon City, Texas.
He looks like .1 man who does
business on the square. Texas
'and is in demon! and the invest
tueut seems safe. Hiawatha
Che womens clubs are giving
our people t ie best ot entertain
ments. A week ago thev cn
gaged the noted reaoet I’rol.
Clark o! Chic age*, who proved to
be an able reciter am! now they
have engaged Prof. Stephens of
Lincoln to give an exhibit on
manual training school work
Hun, Ralph 1 lark of Stella was
a I alls t itv visitur betWi en trains
Saturday. In t umpart v w ith 1
W, 11,, i ns he was returning ! rum
11 n ill buhl t when- they attended a
meet in g ol t lie stock holders ol t tie |
National liank ol Humboldt. We
understand that these g. ntlemen
now hold a majoritv ol the stoi k j
ol this prosperous institution, ,
whii h I ait will in no wise lessen
the strength ol the banking eon
corn and will no doubt refuse
more activity and push into its
method ol doing business.
Iv'tith Hrvan Reavitte was
granted a divorce from William
II- Rcavittc by Judge A J. Cor
nish, Tuesday. The divorce is
absolute and the mother is a!- |
lowed the custody ot her two
small children. The ground ot
the decree is non-support
A young man bv the name of i
R N Harrison who was arrested
for burglarising a store at Horton
broke lail at Hiawatha. Sunday
and is still at large lie had con
vealed on his person a saw and
sawed an iron bar and escaped'
Mrs. I R ant Smith returned to
her home in Stella the latter part
ol the week. She spent several
days in this city at the bed side
of her lather, Mark (ioolsbv who
is very til.
While shoeing horses Friday
an animal stepped on Far] Lip
pohls loot. It crushed the loot
badlv but he is getting along
Dr- A. 11. Aisp.iv : yyj> down
from Lincoln the tirst ot the
veek aud snout a few days yvith
his family in this city.
Miss Far lie Slocum spent a
lew days the latter part ot the
week with her cousin.Mrs.F.sburn
Wheeler at Stella
l. W, Harris was down from
Stella Saturday amt took occ ision
to add his name to the Tribune
family roll
Miss Viable Trussier of 1‘ ttts
mouth spent a few dtvs in the
city the guest ot Ur. Greene and
Remember the Hon Ton has
a I tie liens of Millinery and is
still in business at the old stand
Mi's Flora Albright returned
Sunday from a two weeks visit
with relatives in Lincoln.
J.F.Welsh, cashier of the State
Bank ot Humboldt was a visitor
m this city Monday.
Swe I line of t a ma iats
, iust received at the Hon I'on
M- Unery store.
Slier; ! Fenton ami G n were
Humboldt visitors Sunday
Dennis McCarty was a b, .. less
y isitor hi Vgrdon last week.
Automobiles were somewhat
s’i v on Monday
Cream Baking Powder
No alum, no lime phosphates
As every housekeeper can understand,
burnt alum and sulphuric acid—the in
gredients of all alum and alum-phosphate
powders- - must carry to the food acids
injurious to health.
Read the label Avoid the alum powders
Di lid. ii .1 v t-s v. is down from
Dawson Monday
James Naiisii-r was a business
v isitor to St. Joe Tuesdav
1’roJ. Hodapp l ame dow n from
Verdon Saturday afternoon,
lid 1'oteet and Guy Huston
were Sunday visitors at Kulo
John Cox returned Tuesday
I roin a business trip to Lincoln.
K. 11. Simpson spent Sunday
with his parents at Wnhoo, Neb.
Todge McKeiver and family
were guests of relatives in Kulo
Sunda y.
Ki>k Svuc Brown Leghorn!
.•ggs tor hatching. See Major
Kov Heacock attendeil the auto
(how at Kansas Cits the first of
die week.
I. H Wells and wife celebrat
'd the Jtith anniversary of their
uarriage on Tuesday.
Mrs Samuel Wahl returned
he latter part of the week from a
ew days spent in Omaha.
Miss N'ola McCool came down
:rom Salem and spent Sunday
Mth her cousin. Miss Louise
Steve Miles was among the
netnv from here who attended
into show at Kansas Cits this
Fok Kknt Six room house,
two blocks east of the National
Hotel. Inquire of Miss Katie
Mulligan. tf
George Dilts moved this week
into the house lie recently pur
chased from fits mother, Mrs.
Barbara Dilts.
Clair Foster returned to L'lutis
moutb Monday, atter spending a
few days with his patents. Ben
Foster and wile
John Mosiman returned Wed
nesday from a tew days spent m
Kansas City. He attended tie
auto show while there
Miss Ethel Bobrer who 1 is
been quite ill for the past week,
is improving and will be able to
return to school in a few days
Mr, anti Mrs J. M- Jellisoa
>old their household goods and
left Tuesday for Auburn. They
are both employed as deputies >r
the Highlander lodge and will
have headquarters at that place.
Ur. Jones is in the city visiting
relatives- He a so helped Ed.
Jones and John Earlier load the'ir
as ind start :or wes’ n Nebra
ka where they will homestead.
Mrs- Jones and children and Mrs.
Earlier will not go for some tin:
Tnere will be a box social and
program held in the brick hall at
Preston for the benetit of t ie
school on the evening of Ma b
l‘Uh. No admission i> charge,
but ladies are requested to bring
boxes. All come and have a
good time.
The public sale ot Mrs. Nan. v
Elsiiire that was to have been
held Tuesday. March has been
postponed on account of the bad
weather .util Wednesday. March
17. The sale will be held on her
arm miles west and til rec
tor til mile north ot this city.
Re . Dr. Rollitof Minneapolis,
Minn., secretary of the sixth
mission department, will speak
in St. Thomas hurch. Tuesday
night. March 1*>. Dr. Rollit is
thoroughly conversant with Ins
sub ect and it will be spending
a verv interesting hour to go and
hear him. Seats all free.
Private Money.
Private money to loan on Real
Estate. Mortgages bought and
sold. call at First National
Bank- _>-ti A. J. Weaver
To Tho Public
We have bought this year's
ice harvest from the Crystal
| lakes and leased them for a pe*
j i iod of five years. We are thor
oughly equipped to give you the
'host possible service and we so
licit your patronage. The Crys
tal lakes ice needs no recom
mendation, and this year s out.
put was secured under the most
luvorable conditions and the ice
is the clearest ever put up and
of very superior quality. Let
us know your needs; we will call
and arrange for your season's
ice supply
Yours very Truly.
John Lichty was laid up the!
first of the week front the effects1
of a severe fall. He slipped on
the icy walk and fell backward
striking tus head and rendering
him unconscious.
We beg to announce that our
display of French Pattern Hats,
l ailored Hats and Millinery Nov
elties is now on, A cordial invi
tation is extended to you.
1 he reporter tor the Journal
went up street Tuesday morning
with full sheets flying in the
snow and the wind, but she got
there all right, all right.
Kev. Teeter's illustrated lecture
on Sundav night drew a large
crowd at the Brethren church- Iti
tact they were not all able to gain
A farmer drove his automobile!
into town Monday evening and
remained over night. He walked
home the next dav and the car is
still here.
Judge Paper convened an ad
journed session of court Thurs
day morning. The ease of Sprag
gins against Judv is on trial.
Mrs. tleorge Fogle returned to
\ erdoo Sunday alter spending a
few days in this city at the home
of Carl Lippold
1 hotuus Me Lane has afresh
tniiK cow !o" sale. Sue gives JO
i] ;a:rs of mi k a day anti will sell
her for 550.
Jacob M i•■!!’. it has been very ill
the past week rnd on Monday
suffered another stroke of para
T he in1 ant chi <i of Henrv Par
chen atul wste died at their home
north of town Monday.
Mrs. S A itCe returned from
a two weeks v sit with her par
ents ;n Omaha.
Mrs. Rando ii of Kansas L'itv.
■:i' ‘ ’ ' t —-11 n subscrip
tion $at rti rv
— Sabetha, Kas*.
lias our : . inks tor cash on sub
w • c t i- born to
I g - ami wife on Sun
‘■'r A agg ’ " f Humboldt was
a business sitor here Saturday.
0. F. Kea is ;s before the Paw
nee countv court tbie week.
Rubber Goods!
Keep Your Feet
Dry ! !
fl'iiMTWn iih'kihibu nwawfi'wiiiiia "MnrrTTi'iiJiflfrrT
Child Rule for Schools
That the U aching >4' citizenship
in a dr iih i iat \ may -eon supplant
the present internal ami aristo
cratic form of government in ev
ery school in this country is the
object of a geueinl movement tiiat
was set on foot in New York re
cently. Foil, wing tin* principles
of self-rule which have made hun
dreds of the best citizens out of
boys and girls sent as “iucorrigi
bles- to tlie George Junior Repub
lic in that state during the last 14
years, an effort will be made to
have all children fitted to be inde
pendent and self-reliant Americans
before every thing else. With
junior republic- -■ vady establish
ed in California. New York, Con
necticut anil Marti .ad, and others
being set up iu M i--achusetts.New
•lersey, Pennsylvania ami project
ed in many more -tates. the organ
izers of this new school system are
preparing to carry their object
lesson into every public anti pri
.ate school throughout the nation. |
Uue ot the leading preparatory
school* in this part >f the country
is already making plans to revolu
tionize its meth iIs and put its pu
pils on the basis of citizens in a
little republic of their own, it was
announced at the headquarters of
the National Association of Junior
Republics at '22 \\ illiatn street.
The term "master' is to be abolish
ed and well bred scho >1 boys ate to
learn to become bosses of them
selves instead of servants of a pol
itical boss, lu the publi schools
of New York City a* well as in a
score of private and public educa
tional institution.- ;n that state the
junior republic idea is reported to
be at present app i- d substantially
as it is in the successful substitute
fur the reformatory which Mr.
George has worked out.
The teaching under a democracy
must be different from that under
all the other systems of govern
ment, said Thomas < >sborue, pres
ident of the National Association
of .Junior Republics. We have re
formed our methods of teaching
somewhat in the schools, but we
have not carried the reform to the
bottom as yet. We still call the
teacher the master. This is e. relic
of paternalism. Ou r American
system of education has not only
the fallacies ot paternalism in it; it
has the fallac. s of aristrocr icy as
well. Go to some boarding school
and you will Hud as charming a
little company of aristocrat* as
ever was, Iti the public schools
you will Hud paternalism dourish
mg to a dangerous extent. Why/
Because tli- student* are trained
uot to be citizens but the servants
of a political boss. Aud yet, the
very life of the republic depend
■ti them.
■ -
"My three year old boy was badly ,
constipated, had a high (ever and wa
in an awful condition. gav.* him two
doses of Foley's Orino Laxative and 1
the next morning the fever was guim
and he was entirely well. Foley's
Orino Laxative -aved his . \
Wolhusb. Casimer VV-. Kerr’
Good Morning
My "Made-to-Order Classes are
a positive help and a permanent
Eye. Ear. JVose and Throat
Falls City. Neb.
,Rcad the Label
l nder the Pure Food Laws bak*
mg powder labels now show the
ingredients S' which the powder
is made.
Those who appreciate the in -
portance to healtli and good bak
: iug of using a pure cream of tar
j tar powder will read the hack of
i the label carefully and make sure
■ that the ingredients mentioned in
i elude cream of tartar.
The food law does not force con
sumere: it merely helps them to
I protect themselves. All good
housekeepers want cream of tartar
baking powders, and will uot use
alum substitutes in tlie food, if
they know it. As the ingredients
are printed on the back of
label, all may know the facts.
tiood bakiug powder is one of
the most useful things in the ki‘
cheu; it is easilv obtained at any
store: the better it is. the mor
ecouomicai it is in cooking mater
ials, and the more it conserves the
health of ttie family.
Wallpaper j
Bargains j
Cur new line for Spring is
now in and ready for you to [j
make your selection.
Don t fail to see our Last
Year s Remnants, which are
selling at a very lew figure. 1
The PRICE sells our Wall- ij
Our Paint stock is larger !
than ever before.
Wc carry all the best brands j
of Hard Oils. Varnishes. Floor |
and Linoleum Varnish and j
Varnish Stains.
Come in and see our line
before you buy. It costs
nothing to look and its a
pleasure to show goods
Opposite Postoffice Falls City. Neb.
Quaker Philosophy!
Said the good old Quaker to his
"hoy: Nathan. it is not what thee
reads that makes thee smart: it
is not what thee eats that makes
thee fat; it s not what thee earns
that makes thee rich, 3UT WHAT
Try one of our Vest Pocket
Banks and watch results. It will
help you save many a doilar.
Falls City State
Capital and Surplus. S70.000 30
Magnetic Healing
Miss Lillie Reitland. a gradu
ate of the Weltmer School of
Magnetic Healing, of Nevada.
Mo. I am prepared to treat dis
eases or all kinds. Phone J7'*.
Located at Mrs. Burns resilience
south of the convent. 4t