The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Drieiuls and Neighbors. RULO S.II11 Hall 'vii- ,i Salem v i-it»u sutiUay ■ John Malian i aim no from St .on Friday. Supt. Lyman of Wymore was hen ia-t week. Ktl Hoteet was here Sunday from Hot county seat. Clarence Simon o f St. Joe visited here recently. Mrs Qrmsby of Si. Joe is visiting relative# here Jim Alers moved into the Jackson place Monday. 1 ceil Kanaly of Sah in spent Sunday with home folks Mrs. Hen Zeigler visited relatives In Kansas recently. Leslie Inks spent Sunday with her parents near Salem. (.race Harding went to sK|, ni Satur .dav to visit relatives Lemond Hutrick spent Sunday with relatives at Forteseue. Alice and Alta Hilbert went to the comity seat Saturday I".. White Cloud. Mrs. Boerner joined her husband at Sterling Monday where they will live lor a w bile. Mesdames KaHevpiet and Handolph of Kansas City visited Sunday with their mother here. The Atchison train got off the track Saturday and did not get back to Kulo out t. Mi>ntlny night. No one was hurt. Will Morehouse and wife came over from Mi-.iiuri Monday and could not get ba< k on hi count of the ice running in 'he i ivtr. a. j. v'uui hi r«iti* ' »i\ |>riai,iiea in die M. I. church here Sunday in place of the regular pastor. Rev. Maze being away on business. On Thursday r\ nine a .irowd num bering ”1 surprised Mrs. May for lhe purpose of spending the evening and help hot celebrate her birthday. She) positively refused to tell thi company which birthday it was Si r was pre-~ ented with a beautiful lamp, a small token of esteem front her friends. The -evening was pleasantly spent in con versation, games and music. \ two: course luncheon wa« served and at h late hour the company bade each other j good night and went to their many : bonus happier for thtse occasional i pleasant gatherings. A Religious Authors Statement Rev. Fesperman of Salisbury. N,(\, who is the author of -everal books, j writes: ‘‘For several years I was a title* ted with kidney trouble and last winter 1 was suddenly stricken with a severe pain in my kidneys and was confined to bed eight days unable to get up with out assistance. My urine contained a thick white Sediment and I passed same frequently day and night. I conimed oed taking Foley’s Kidney Remedy.and thepain gradually abated and i finally ceased and my urine became normal. 1 cheerfully recommend Foley's kidney Remedy.” Kerr's Pharmacy. GET MARRIED ill invitations. Wo have the latent stylos, lowest j prices. and do best work. Samples at Ibis office. STELLA Mi - llaggar is ill thi- tvt ek, I lint r King of 'shutter! was here Sunday. Worn i t ii in m 11. - of Hi w i was here Ti. it -tint. 1., II iMvlsnn wa- a I. nt <• ii vi-jtnr Thursday. A. S Smith of If till; i i d t was ta re Saturday. N. If. Judd uf the routty capital wa in town Tue-tlay. .1. VV Hawk i- wiii'Mli liar Hum bnldt thi- tvet l< H. M Hay- wa- visiting friend-in f tinalia thi- w i ek. ,1 M. (food lot* wu» a enunty - at vi-i tor the pa.-t week Frank Shaft r of the eo mty -eat was here the past week. .1. M, Lean- of Shubert wa- herein his auto Wednesday. W. H. Brown is the new loreii an on the north station itere. Bankers Holland and Baker of Falls Ulty were here Thursday , llu/el Hogrefe of Midland was visit ing her parents here Sunday. .1. (i. McBride -old hi- residence to .Mr-, Wixon Monday for il’i’iii. Mrs. Shafer w ent to < itnaha 11 e pa-1 wet k to have her eves treated. K K. James who purchased the Hop per land was here the past. week. Mrs. Higgins and family left Thurs day for their new home at Gibbon, I. aum and June Watson of Howe visited friends west of town Sunday. I. W. Harris and Miss Olive -pent a few days in Lincoln the past week. W. F. Higgins sold four horses to the buyer the past week for a good sum. A. F.. Cattiblin i- getting hi- house well under way in plastering this week C. A. Lord rumo over front Shubeit last week and tell- us lie sold K! autos. Mrs. Clyde Harden and daughter left Monday for their new home near Harwell. Win. I’inney of Chicago who has been visiting relatives here returned home Sunday. C. W. Heimiek arid -on have return ed from Texas where they purchased a hull section land. A runaway took Place on the street W i due-day when mail carrit r Knapp star ted on h is trip. Claude Zimmer roan and family will occupy the I II Holland house in the south pail of towo Kalph Weller of Omaha i- vi.-iting his narents here, lit- father i- much Unproven In health. .Joseph Marts and wife who have been visiting here left tin- week for their home in Missouri. O H. Clobes of Malmn arrived here la-t week and »Bl farm with his bro ther near here the coming \ ear. John Noah who is going to farm the Throaoe land tills year, moved to the farm norti; of town from Mi-somi the past week. Thursday night is the la-t number on the lecture eotise. The course has proved successful and no town should lie without a course of some kind. The family of Holsclaw and Warne left Thursday for Auburn where they will r-side. Again the Florence hotel changes hand-. A man from I’eru takes charge. H. W. Lowe will run the hotel until other arrangement- can tie mi de. FARGO Albert Able 'helled corn Saturdav. Julius Zimmerman is building h bog shed. Mose Brinegar delivered i'orn to Proton Thursday, A number of our citizens were Pre ton visitors Tuesday Sam and F.d Oberst of Sunnv Valley attended the box supper at Arago. Laurence amt Ben Bauman attended the box supper at Arago Friday night. Mike Snake ha- improved from h - sickness and i- able to attend to h,- du ties. Wm. Bach went to Canyon City, Texas, tbi' week to look after his and interests. Mr. Foehlinger of near Falls City will move on the place formerly occu pied by Will. There was a pie supper given at the Fort Hazel school house Saturday night under the supervision of Mary Wiltse. A large crowd was it-, attenh ance and a good time reported. There was a box supper given at the Arago Center school house Friday evening under the supervision of Miss Leua Frefzer. A large crowd was present and a good time is reported. Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Cures backache and irregulari ties that if neglected might result in Bright's disease or diabetes. Kerr's Pharmacy. HUMBOLDT Hilbert Early and wife have mov d : out on a farm Will I In I i-i and ! 'in v moved to : Lincoln la-t « • • . Frank Ei-t atjii wife 1 ave located no the flunimel farm. Lena Woofiey of Teeum-eh visited i relatives hen S indav. Mrs. lialv of Omaha vi-lted iier mo'her hen* this wet k, Me-dnmi.- Brunn left Monday for K.ui-a- City to visit relative-. John Morri- went to Tet UBl-eh Fur dsy where he ha* employment. Bov Reid - eon tin * i to his home with a -i vi i _• tn-e of pneumonia Me-dame- (ii.-t and hack- ’• enter tained at a ken-ington Thursday 1*^4111 k Borland and family have c nv ed to Peru vv here he ha- purchased a halt interest in a canning factory. Viola Draper has returned from a visit with a sister at Brand Island. I,ouise Bower of Bethany visited over Sunday with her parents here. K, .1. Hoi/da was here from Table Rm k tin- week visiting his parent-. Mrs Emmons and daughter of Te cum.-eh visited friends here this week. Mr-.Segri-t left Thursday tor Dallas, S. I)., to join her husband in their new home. Mrs tirinstead and children of Alli ance were here this Week visiting friends Art Stabler. Will Hut/.men and Ed Blsl left Wednesday for their claim in Canada. Mi* Litehtieki hit* returned to her home in Kansu- l ity after a visit witn I her -on here. Chas. Strunk anti family are now located in the home which they pur chased of Dr. Litchfield. A crowd of young people ot the city pleasantly surprised Art Wiisoti and wife at their rural home northeast of town Friday evening. John Williams who for many years has been employed in Boyd .v Lvfords general store, left thi- week for Omaha where he lias accepted a position as traveling salesman for Hayden Bros. ,J. N. Moore of Omaha one of the new proprietors of tf e Crystal theater arri ve!. Monday to take charge of the bus iness. 11, K, Stoops the forme.’owner will go to Fremont where he will be In cliurge of a similar concern. SHUBERT I lev.Could of Stella was here Friday. J. A. Martin of Burada was here Sat urday. Jim Stout of Auburn wa- here re* | eently, L. Collins visited relatives at Brown ville Sunday. Wm. Weiek of the county seat was here Sunday. Miss Goldie of Barada is visiting in r cousin here, Mrs. Barnes and son of Salem were here last week. Mrs. Klmer King wa* shopping in Stella recently. John Shook and wife of Auburn are visiting their son here. Mrs.Townley Is enjoying a visit from her -ister of Larmont, 111. J. A. Titus and wife of Nemaha were visiting friends here Sunday. Warren Hutchings of the county seat was here recently on business. i»r. auiKK hiiii win* were me guests of relatives at Auburn ■'Sunday. Miss Jones oh me down from Peru to spend Sutulay with her parents. Wilmer Whitten has returned from a visit with relatives at Pender. Miss Gladys Taylor is entertaining a friend Nellie Harper of Auburn. Fred Boatman and wife entertained friends at slipper Sunday evening. Henry Woodring of near Falls City visited friends here during the week. I.. I,. Joins ha* returned from a visit wim relatives at Kearney during the week. Mrs Fii Rupart is siek at her home here, but her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. Charles Felt who hu- been siek for some time. >s recovering much to the joy of hi' many friends Wm Motsinger arrived hen We nesday from Oklahoma and will farm the Torn William- farm this year. \\ m. Martin and family moved in town Monuay and occupy the GooUbv property and Mr. Martin is now en ■ ployed on the Burlington. Mr- Weddle and children were ao eompanied to Falls City Monday by Simon Weddle, the former took the train for their home at <’urlej. Net. . after spending several weeks here with relatives We Print Sale Bills = 111 PlfliT THEM «ISMT ===== I - „ and we can handle all lines of Job priatia*^ it makes no difference how large or small the job mar be. Call at this office and look over oar -- samples oi letter neaa* envelopes business cards and wed din* stationery Tom’ll be pleased with our worb, and prices will salt i»t Wtfi,.. Most ItMMiWi him BARADA Mr-. Henry Parehen Is ill Mr-. Wilford Orr is quite - e's. Mabel Kuker Is on tne siek list. It.: f.trkrs was in Shubert Saturday. .1 . b Peters was tn Shubert Satur day ( K Kuker ha- been til for several dav-, Mr- Langdon i- verv ill with pneu monia. I; H. Dunn made atrip to Missouri hi-’ week. Hiine Kuker marketed bogs in Shu b i t Tuesday. a- aid Win. Surinan Wi re in Shu !>• s' Saturday. lb, ip Markt t-f Oregon, Mo., was hi re last week. Mrs. Frit/ Piene i« very low with no hope of recovery. Mrs. Thompson was here from the county seat last week Robert Murphy of Sioux county is v siting his sister here. John Belden wa- over from Shubert Wednesday on business. Harry Hendricks visited a few days with bis sister in Fails City. Miss Hill of Shubert was soliciting music pupils here last week Henry Langdon carried mail on route 1 Thursday and Friday. John Ruinbaugh and family spent - inday with friends near Shubert. Rev. Vandergrift of Odessa. Mo., is toiding meetings at the t'hri-tian ■hurch. Audrey Wilt-man has been absent from school several day- on account of -iekness. < >tis Sailors i- laid tip with a severely sprained ankle resulting from a wrest ing match. W. S. McGowen. I). K and Otis -ipiekier went to Kan-as City Monday n their touring car. J- I. Martin who spent the winter ■vith his sons here left Wednesday for lis home at Paouia, Colo. Dr Keneker was called into eonsulta ton on Monday by Dr. stong concern ng the illnes- of Mr-. Diene. The infant daughter of .1. Harr and ■v fe died Saturday and was buried sunday. We extend sympathy. W tn. Kuker la-t week wb’ie burning iome meadow land let the lire get br rond hi- control and burn several tons if hay, I .. I . Hutler left Tuesday for the (inference of the Kvangelical church, fie will go by the wav of Lincoln and visit hi- son Henry who is attending die university. < >n Monday VePa Sailors and Susie Dortner were married in Dalis City. The young couple will goto housekeep ing on Ti.e Dutton Peter'- farm west of town. We extend congratulations. VERDON. Charley Moran spent last Di iuav at Peru. Mr. ConilT was a Lincoln visitor the first of the week. Mr-. Moran returned from Nebra-ku City Thursday. Miss McCray visited her parents at Dalis City Sunday. .Jim Ayers and wife were county seat visitors Saturday. C. G. Humphrey and wife were coun ty seat visitors Sunday. MesdameR Cook and I lu-sell were Stella visitors Monday. (trace Dennett and Mr- Ayers were Auburn visitors Tuesday. A number of our citizens were John son visitors Wednesday. Ethel Saylors returned Thursday from her visit at Nemaha. Ambrose Carsons and Mr. Conitl were Salem visitors Saturday. Uev.Nouan left Monday for Callaway where conference convenes this year. Mr. Hartman of Morrill, Kan., spent the week visiting his daughter here, Joe Lewis and wife and Mrs. Carsons were county seat visitors Wednesday. Mesdatues Clark and Goolsby return ed Monday front their trip to the coun ty scat. Mrs. Armbruster returned home Monday after several days spent in the county seat. Warren Douglas, Lou and Jay Car sons and Clarence Mayfield were coun ty seat visitors Wednesday. FRANKLIN Mrs. Snoke spent Sunday with Mrs. A l wine. Oscar Leach was a Humboldt visitor Saturday Ernest McNeely and wife took dinner at Krasne's Saturday. Archer King spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Gossnian The cold spell has stopped spring work for a while but not spring ambi tion. Archer Kidg and Emma Gossman visited at the home of C M Snoke Monday evening. The Sunday school at Pleasant View is constantly crowing. The Dible teachers traininc class helps the school wonderfully, Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs and ex pels colds. Get the genuine in a ypllow package. Kerr's Pharmacy. I he season is last approaching when those old farming implements will need repairing, or perhaps the team will need new shoes or tjie old ours reset. 1 have recently installed an engine and new machinery and am now ready to do plow work, disc sharpening, re pairing of gasoline engines and auto mobiles, bra/ing, etc. Special attention given to horse shoeing; also general blacksmithin^ and wood work. C. T. LIPPOLD I THE SEATTLE EXPOSITION, during the Summer of 1909, of 'ere the besi chance of years to make the Pacific Coast tour; only $.">•) round trip, with Sl'> more via the Shasta Route through California. This is the must attractive and educational railroad journey in t: i world. Seethe Yellowstone Park, the magnificent forests along the Coast, beautiful Puget Sound. Mount Shasta, the Santa Clara Valley, San Francisco Bay and environs. Monterey. Santa Barbara, < rchards worth SlOtHl per acre. Southern California (America's Italy . seen: • Colorado, the modern cities, Seattle. Spokane, Tacoma, Portland, fakland, San Francisco, Pasadena, Salt Lake, Denver ail a gran I oanoruma of surprises; then too, the palatial h dels with reasonabD Summer rates: the Easterner is very welcome out west ami e rdia / eceived all along ti e way. Send for literature, rates, information, etc. E. (t. WiirnoRii, Ticket Agent, L. YV. YVakeley, (1. P. A. Omaha. YOU WILL SHARE OUR PRIDE in dental work if you have need of our services and avail yourself of our skill, experience and facilities. We don't d> half way work it's all or nothing with us. as many people know to their own great gratification. Note, please, that we make no charge for expert examin ation. BEK I WIMM.E. 1). 0. S.. Assistant Tails City, Nebraska Simple Remedy for Lagrippe Lagrippe cough* are daugerou- a* they frequently develop into pneu monia. Foley'* Honey and Tar ni t inly .-top- the cough hut heals and •trengtens the lungs so that no serious results need he feared. The genuine Foley’s Honey and Tar contains no harmful drugs and i* in a yellow pack ago. Refuse substitute*. Kerr'-I’har macv. »»■* IIIHIIIIII Mh* A : I). S. ricCarthv I » T : DKAY AND I ; TRANSFER t \ Prompt attention given T I to the removal of house- I hold goods. I PHONE NO. 211 ; ♦ t->+4 »444444 44444 4 I1IM . 4-4 EDGAR IE MATHERS id ei n qq i q' Phones: Nos. 177, 217 Sam'i.. VVaiii. R R. ROBERTS DEINq'iSq" Office over Kerr’s Pharmacy Office Phi ne260 Resilience Phone 271 John Wiltsf, ATTORNEY' Practice in Various Courts. Collections Attended To. Notary Public. FARRS CITY DR. C. N. ALLISON DENTIST Phone 24> Over Richardson Countv Bank. FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA Passenger Trains South Bound I Tr. lo4—St. Louis Mail and Ex press .1:23 p. m. Tr. l()t>—Kansas Citv Exp.. 3:41 a. tn. Tr. 132 \ lx. C.local leaves. .7:30 a. tu. |Tr. Ills x Falls City arrives 0:00 p. ra. x Daily except Sunday North Bound ; Tr. 103 Nebraska Mail atul Ex | press.1:32 p. m. I Tr. 10li—Omaha Express. 2.23 a. m. ; Tr. 137 x Omaha local leaves n:15 a i Tr 131 \ Falls City local ar rive-.S:4’» p.i-j. x Daily exeeut Sunday Local Lrt. Trains Carrying Passengers North Bound Tr. 102x To Atchison.11:10 a. ra South Bound Tr. 101 x—To Auburn.1:23 p tti J B VARNER. Agent Burlington Route West Bound No. 13 Denver Exp.1:59 a. *n. No 15 Denver Exp. (Local .1:43 p.m. No U Portland Exp 10:17 p. tu. No. 11 Portland Exp.2:29 p. nt No. 121 Lincoln ,f.oc. via Ne braska City.5:00 a. in. East Bound No, II St .1 . K.C.ASt. I...7:41 a. in. No. 14 St. J.. K. C‘. a St. L 1 Local;.11 M2 a. nt. No. It; st .1., K.C. .v St. L. .4:30 p. tu. No. 42 St. J., K. C. a St. L. .7:00 p. m. No 122 From Lincoln, via Nebraska City.8:45 p. tu E. G. WHiTFObD, Agent.